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Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 8/24/2019 10:35:39 AM

I'm constantly amused and inspired by you folks' antics. Naturally, I have to illustrate some of them. :~)



Fairy and toad:


Day job:


I did draw a thing for the Chopped thread but I didn't like it that much. Regardless:


EndTimes Emporium:


My over-powered battle penguin:


Cute little dogs:


Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
I love these. Except the dragon because that's gay.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

The Chopped Picture is brilliant. Gorbacholi looks exactly the way he did when he first appeared in my nightmares.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
I don't know if that is a compliment or not. . .

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Oh, yeah! It's not like he was the bad part of the nightmares.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

My wife said she wants to print out the one with me and the pups and frame it.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
I hope she does.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
You should make a series of short comic strips about EndMaster's day to day life ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Lol I guess I really do need to do something with the Chopped thread if it even has fanart now.

That last one with the dogs is so good, it's funny even if you don't know any of the context.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 8/27/2019 2:00:12 PM

I always find time for silly drawings.





The Duality of Melon:


(Bonus GIF!) --- Catchphrase:


Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Holy shit, the TL;DR one made me laugh for real. Accurate. The animation is a nice touch but the speech box should be more evil. Besides, pink is gay,

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 8/27/2019 2:00:23 PM

Of course!

more evil

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Much better.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Your art makes me happy. ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Me too! :~)

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Yes, indeed very dapper.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Good thing I wasn't in class, because this is hilarious.
I do wonder just how often you're on without saying anything though now.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Now and then!

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Another set of top-quality drawings.

Good job, MHD

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Niceu niceu, very niceu.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 10/22/2019 10:37:41 PM

Some CYS-inspired pieces from Inktober!

There was something about pie somewhere. . .




Actually just The Grim Reaper but I can't see hooded men the same:


Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Why do you have pics of End's house

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
I have pictures of everyone's houses! They're all in a binder with color-coded tabs. Don't you? :~)

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

The judge took mine away when he put the restraining order in place.


Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
The last one looks sort of like one of the creepy fangirls lunging for End, and then him just casually pushing her away

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago


I thought it looked like mizal trying to butterup EndMaster for some wicked scheme of hers. No doubt involving the mass slaughter of seventh grade egos.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
How much buttering up did you think he needed, Mizal? XD

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago

Somehow I missed this one before.

Hatter's Sketchbook

5 years ago
And now I'm writing a story about these two and I gave the goddess red hair without realizing. ;~(


5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/7/2020 12:59:38 PM

I made some Valentine's Day cards to share with your friends, family, lovers, or all of the above! (+ blank cards so you all can hopefully come up with better jokes than I did.) ;~)

For your platonic friend:

For your not-so-platonic friend:


For your mistress:


For your not-so-beloved: (I tried.)


And don't forget your mom! (Endmaster sure didn't!)


Blank cards:



5 years ago
These are super cute! Almost makes me wish I had friends to give them too....


5 years ago
*crick crick crick*


5 years ago
You are so awesome, MHD! all those are really cute.


5 years ago

Cool stuff as always.


5 years ago

I'm going to give this to my wife with no explanation.


5 years ago
Please do


5 years ago
I'm disappointed no one found the secret card. I should have known better. ;~P


5 years ago
Well now I did. :-[


5 years ago
Where can I order a gross.

CYS Western

4 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 3/9/2020 7:22:12 PM

I was recently struck with inspiration. So I drew Mizal as a cowboy. (Cowlady?) A sheriff, in fact. :~)


But we needed a saloon too!



Enjoy! :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago
Mizal Smirk is so accurate! That is how to imagine her after banning a kiddo

CYS Western

4 years ago

Darn, I should have had smoke coming from the gun. :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

You can pretend the background is smoke if you really squint! (And pretend she had a celebratory gun-waving dance after the slaughter.)

CYS Western

4 years ago
Aw damn this is my favorite one so far.

CYS Western

4 years ago
Mine too!

CYS Western

4 years ago

What kind of backwards podunk community bans sporks!?

And is that a stealing Berka's Toaster reference because holy fuck I haven't remembered that in years.

CYS Western

4 years ago
^Aman and I actually stole it from killa_robot.

Awesome stuff MHD!

CYS Western

4 years ago
Thank you! :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

Haha yeah! I'm not so hip so the only references I know are old and dated. :~P

CYS Western

4 years ago

Also, quick question, what does your fortune cookie tab in the last picture say?

CYS Western

4 years ago

It's a business card. ;~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

Am I perplexed, or is the poster expressing some ambiguity about whether I should be taken dead or alive?  I keep going back and forth

CYS Western

4 years ago

I think you're just the mysterious random stranger that walked into town and decided to stay. :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

Bounty Board:


Not Wanted we just want you to know he's pretty cool."

This makes me happy.

Thanks, MHD. You're cool too.

CYS Western

4 years ago
Had to flip due to my autistic need for my avatars to always be facing the words.

CYS Western

4 years ago

Ah yes

The sheriff of SYC

CYS Western

4 years ago
It suits you

CYS Western

4 years ago

No, no, that won't do. At least use this one instead! :~P


Note to self: embed from now on. :~P

CYS Western

4 years ago
Very well.

This one has the smoke on the gun so it's more accurate anyway. The flipped CYS was bothering me before too even though it was undreadable in tiny pfp form.

CYS Western

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/24/2020 8:26:18 PM

It was calm and quiet one chilled evening in the small town of CYS.

That was, until a Noob appeared and began a-shitposting.

He foolishly began antagonising Sheriff Mizal herself.

---Western showdown music---

"We can do this the easy way," said Sheriff Mizal. "Or the hard way."

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me?" the Noob began.

(He chose the hard way.)

"You hesitated."

--- I think I have all the western out of my system now. Enjoy! :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

... Okay, you are now officially my favourite person and the Queen of the universe. ^_^

CYS Western

4 years ago
Awh shucks! :,~)

CYS Western

4 years ago
Words cannot express how much I love this.

CYS Western

4 years ago


CYS Western

4 years ago

This is too perfect lmao

CYS Western

4 years ago

This is incredibly accurate. I love it.

CYS Western

4 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 3/25/2020 3:31:18 AM

To the town of CYStia rode an admin one fine day.
Hardly spoke to folks around her, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask her business
No one dared to make a slip
For the admin there among them had a Ban Iron on her hip
(Ban Iron on her hiiiiiiiip)

It was early in the morning when she rode into the site
She came riding from the Discord, looking for the smallest slight
"She doesn't really get out much"
came the whisper from each lip
"But she's here to do some business with the Ban Iron on her hip"
(Ban Iron on her hiiiiiiiip)

In this site there was a newbie by the name of Texas_Red
Many members tried to welcome, now they wish that he was dead
He was trolling, and a spammer, member since 03/24
And his total post count numbered 1 and 19 more
(1 and 19 moooooore)

Now the admin started talking, made it plain to folks around
It was mizal the sheriff admin, wouldn't be too long in town
She came on to do her duty
Shoot some new guy in the head
And everybody knew that she was after Texas_Red
(After Texas_Reeeeeeeed)

Wasn't long before the warning was relayed to Texas_Red
But the newbie wasn't worried, for he thought he would be fed
Twenty members tried to reason
Twenty posts gave them the slip
Twenty one would be the admin with the Ban Iron on her hip
(Ban Iron on her hiiiiiiiip)

The morning passed so quickly, it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street
Users watching from the server
Waiting to see how this panned
For they knew this foolish member would soon enough be banned
(Soon enough be baaaaaaanned)

There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the admin is still talked about today
Texas_Red had not pressed "Enter"
'Fore a ban had fairly ripped
And the admin's aim was deadly with the Ban Iron on his hip
(Ban Iron on his hiiiiiiiip)

It was over in a moment, as the Sheriff turned around
She was the one who chose Red, but it was End who gunned him down
Oh, he might have went on trolling
But what lead to his decline
Was trying to pull this bullshit when EndMaster was online
(EndMaster was Onliiiiiine)

Ban IIIIrrroooon, Ban IIIIrrroooon
Oh, he tried to pull this bullshit when EndMaster was online
(EndMaster was Onliiiiiine)

CYS Western

4 years ago

Inb4 "And what a hip it was!"

CYS Western

4 years ago

You have no idea how hard I had to refrain from talking about the hips.

CYS Western

4 years ago
This was great, made me start the morning off with a smile.

And yes, thank you for restraining the hip jokes.

The extra layer that makes this and the drawings so funny is how accurate they are. I basically never ban anybody, noobs just happen to suddenly die when I'm telling them to shut up for their own good, and no one ever thinks to calculate the trajectory of the tiny, scythe shaped bullet.

CYS Western

4 years ago

Thanks for being cool.

CYS Western

4 years ago

This is so good! Beautiful! :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago

That's pretty much what I say everytime you post an art thing. So thanks for doin that.

CYS Western

4 years ago

Lmao fucking great

Was trying to pull this bullshit when EndMaster was online
(EndMaster was Onliiiiiine)

Ban IIIIrrroooon, Ban IIIIrrroooon
Oh, he tried to pull this bullshit when EndMaster was online
(EndMaster was Onliiiiiine)


Best part lmao

CYS Western

4 years ago

Wow nice this one was great I really enjoyed it 

Moral lesson : don't mess with Endmaster 

Funny thing is I've never been online when End was online (not that i troll)

Since i was talking about End i have a complaint, review,idea,comment about your story (although you are my favorite writer in Cys genre After the writer of magium And wizards choice)

I figured Whenever my character goes into deep relationship with someone some thing bad is going to happen to that person I mean its good but it sometimes gets like i now know whats gonna happen if i choose this  - i must say not every time threwas times you changed the algorithm and it was awesome i hope you continue to have more new ideas and consider breaking the old cliches but not to point of overdoing it 

P.s i have a bad feeling about this :-*

CYS Western

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/28/2020 2:51:42 PM

CYS Western

4 years ago
That bow-tie haha!

CYS Western

4 years ago

Oh shit well if thats inevitable i humbly resign to my fate 

MHD im a jedi fox so it would be like Obi wan Kenobi against Darth Vader 

Me in my last momnts 

 "You cannot win, Darth(End). If you strike me. down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

It would basically be jedi vs seth battle in this case the seth not only has cheated death but also is the death himself

MHD it would be cool to sketch the battle

may the force be with you 

CYS Western

4 years ago

I'd reccommend putting a banhammer somewhere just so it's clear that's what Mizal's telling him not to do.

This comic could have mighty unwholesome implications if there wasn't already a western showing a noobkilling.

CYS Western

4 years ago

Damn, I need to double and triple check these before I post! Sigh.

CYS Western

4 years ago
It could be that Sent's brain is just permanently jammed on the unwholesome setting. I didn't interpret it that way. He's just seen too much.

CYS Western

4 years ago

D'awh! Cartoon Endmaster's so adorable! <3

... And evil. Adorably evil. ^_^

CYS Western

4 years ago
I really like the Western CYS.

CYS Western

4 years ago

Endmaster is now my most favorite writer

you are a Genius

Changed my opinion after reading necromancer that is the real deal the best actually 



CYS Western

4 years ago

Lol I only just got around to seeing this. Good stuff as always MHD.

(And Tim's addition was cool as well)

CYS Western

4 years ago
Really enjoyed both the pics and story haha!

CYS Western

4 years ago
whats the two sets of four arrows in the first pic?

CYS Western

4 years ago
I think they are indicating where they are pointing like in a shooter game

CYS Western

4 years ago

Wasn't there a quickdraw game in the later age of Flash with that sort of layout? I remember it being one of the few multiplayer things on Addictinggames.

CYS Western

4 years ago

They’re supposed to denote camera panning is all. I might animate it at some point. :~)

CYS Western

4 years ago
That's what I thought. I've seen the same arrow scheme in animation drafts. Is her pistol modeled after a real one?

CYS Western

4 years ago

Nope! Drawn from my vague memory of what a pistol is supposed to look like.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Mizal's ears must move depending on her mood. I notice most of the time they're downward, while other times they just stick straight out. Don't think I've seen a pic with them pointed up though.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

They are when she's particularly happy/mischievous/evil! (At least, if you assume my drawings are canon.) ;~)

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Mwahahahaha! No more can people get out of their 1000 word essays with the pathetic excuse of, "But I have to work!" ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Oh shi-


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 4/7/2020 11:46:42 PM

My hand slipped.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
He's brushing its shell!


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I don't know what that means lol. But is super cute.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I wonder if I take off End's hood...


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

You would meet a fate worse than death.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 4/8/2020 5:09:01 PM

Well, obviously. . .

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Haha! Oh my goodness, this cracked me up.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I've actually mentioned that before in the past.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
It's like that episode of Batman: TAS where he takes off the mask and just has another mask underneath.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
This made my day! ^v^

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

All of these make me smile so much! Your art makes this place so much cozier~

This brings to light how much of a mom Mizal is on this place, huh. Gower still looks like Atticus Finch in my mind. Long live Turtle End.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 4/9/2020 4:28:23 AM


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Also me. . .

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I wish I had a social media like Discord (Tik Tok is not acceptable) but my parents won't allow me.

Fuck rules. ;-;

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

They'll let you hang out here but not on discord?

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
A 12 year old would be banned for violating the TOS anyway, Discord takes that pretty seriously. And the fact that you say that means you don't know what kind of diseased and depraved rat warren Discord can be. The CYS server is actually extremely wholesome in comparison to a lot of what's out there, but it's still a public thing that anyone theoretically has access to, and on any server there's no way to know who's messaging who or inviting them to where. And I don't know what it is but people seem to just reflexively click every invite that appears in front of them, no questions asked. I'm not really that paranoid about the internet, definitely not anywhere near where an actual parent would be, but there's lots of ways that something like Discord is scarier than a forum.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I know I'll feel safe on CYS because you guys take your rules very seriously, but you guys are still funny at the same time.

Although some of the members here use language, Mom (specifically my Mom since she's Christian) she wouldn't appreciate me being on here. ;-;

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
"The CYS server is actually extremely wholesome in comparison to a lot of what's out there", says Mizal, the person who posted written porn in the chat, asking for everyone's opinion on it.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

This is the only social-related thing my mom and dad haven't found out about.

You'll blow my cover! >.>

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

You are kiddo, go and Read Elvis at The Beauty Contest and give me feedback fr someone in the age range. It could be really useful for me. to learn about how to write better kids books.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Of course, Mara!

I couldn't find it though, can you send a link to the storygame?

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
It's too early for your edgy phase, settle down.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Gotta wait a few more years.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Awww. :(

Darn it.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

That one took me a second.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago


Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
I know he seems sad, but look how much better off he is now that he's not being kicked off a bridge!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Too accurate :(

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I know everyone feels bad for the kitty, but I want to know what's up with the toaster. Is it just part of the background? Or is it the cat's henchmachine?

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Poor kitty. Someone has to hug him for me!!!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I knew it!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Le Gasp!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Personally, I always suspected something more like ---

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

I imagine End as a simple human being with a small beard, glasses, and bushy hair. But, for CYS, I imagine him as all of the adjectives I pointed out, but the only difference is that he's a  black-eyed being.

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Kinda like that but without the ponytail and not as old and shriveled. 

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 4/11/2020 10:06:58 PM

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

"Sounds fun!"

MHD, you make me smile. This is absolutely hilarious! ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

There's literally nothing wrong with that color scheme. Red, Black, and White is pivottal to the aesthetic of any evil empire. The Tim Burton Red Queen, Rome, Sparta, Nazi Germany, Steak'n'Shake. These are the horrifying regimes we wish to invoke. It creates true fear.

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/30/2020 7:43:55 AM

I don't take requests but I do love pirates. ;~)

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago

That looks pretty cool.

I also like the other thing as well.

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago


Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago

I did it I found the thing this time

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago


Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago
How many more are there?

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago


Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago
Oh my!!! LOL!

Totally not an Easter post don't go searching for

4 years ago
I had missed this one. Nice.

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/28/2020 7:19:31 PM

I rediscovered my Rockwell drawing folder and realized that I never got to show off his redesign! I also really wanted to give him some sort of ending so he no longer had to float in a paused void of time where nothing had been resolved.

I had a rough plan of Rockwell Balsamo, Hamster Chef Extraordinaire.

Firstly, I had to make him adorable. That was Step Zero: create an adorable character that was easy to draw and color many, many times.


It would be easy to gain popularity and points, and that was especially important since Rockwell was just a mediocre chef at best.


Step One: Rockwell wins Chopped (probably.)


Due to my obsessive point-counting and trying to play to the judges (and audience) at every turn, Rockwell manages to win the game, bringing him mass fame and fortune.

Step Two: charm the rest of the world with those hamster charms and killer cuteness as a now renowned chef. Rockwell would go on to speak on talk shows and the news and soon everyone would be positively wrapped around his little paw (had they not been already.)


Step Three and finally: Something something something. . . Rockwell enslaves the world!

It was true that Rockwell's wife and children were mercilessly consumed by an evil, evil snake. But had it not been for humans selling hamsters in cages at pet stores, none of this would have happened at all. So ultimately Rockwell absolutely loathed humans, but he hid it behind the guise of snake-hatred and a totally false affection towards humans! It pained Rockwell every time he had to use his sad eyes.


And while world domination was peachy, it could never bring back his wife or children, which genuinely pained him. But it wasn't too bad either. ;~)

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago

... SQUEEEEE! I don't even care that he took over the world and enslaved humanity. I love him!!! ^_^

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago
You fool! This is exactly how the voters played right into his hands.

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago

There's probably some fuckery with these rifts and whatnot, considering we saw Corvin alive and well in some other world a month ago. There may well be an alternate universe where each participant won Chopped! I'd just try and steer clear of any portals, frankly, just to avoid the horrifying world where Omo managed to win. I don't want to consider what his three wishes might have been.

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago

Chef Gorbacholi winning is my head canon

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago

That was season one!

Rockwell Balsamo

4 years ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Is this one a self portrait? It really evokes a cool vibe!

I could see this being the character portrait of a Gothic Vampire or Hexslinging Sorceress!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Thank you! It's actually Death from The Sandman comics!

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

That's the one where all the people have names that start with "D".

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 10/11/2020 9:11:13 PM

I've been procrastinating so much I finally got around to uploading most of my (good) CYS drawings to a Dropbox of which you can view here! I'll definitely totally keep it updated. . .

Here's to another year of silly drawings! :~)

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Commended for saving me loads of time. I kept wanting to do this and every week I didn't you just kept drawing more and more pictures...

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

It's a neverending spiral! I had to wade through three different devices and I don't think I even collected them all! :~P

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
So much adorable! ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

Awesomesauce! Can't wait to see what art you come up with! :]

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago

And I can't wait for them to see all the cool stuff you did for Legacy of Dracula's Castle!

Don't worry, I will finish it, just going to take a while is all ^v^

Hatter's Sketchbook

4 years ago
Really good work!