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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

So, I am an Orthodox Christian. I know there are some Jews here but I'd like to see how many of you are atheists and what sect of Christianity you Christians belong to. Pretty sure Jews have their dogmas to but I don't know that much about them... 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Orthodox Christian.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Oh hey, I'm a former Orthodox Christian. Still have fond memories of hymns and candle-lit midnight processions around the church at Pascha, and cracking red eggs together, and all that stuff that was probably stolen from pagans anyway. XD

But yeah, I'm an atheist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Dunno if that was incorporated from a previous ceremony. According to tradition someone putted eggs under Jesus when he was in the cross and blood was split on them, thus why we crack them. Makes sense right? Also, where are you and Clawk from?

Also, stolen is kinda of a harsh word. Lots of Greek costumes were incorporated into the new religion but it doesn't mean it was stolen, they "survived".

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

So, nothing to do with eggs as a fertility symbol from some previous spring-time ritual?

I actually don't know much about the history of religion, so that's just a hunch. Wikipedia does back me up, but without a citation (!), so who knows.

Edit: Whoops, missed your question. I'm from Massachusetts.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Wasn't aware of an Orthodox community... the US really needs a religious map. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well, it's small enough that most people in the U.S. aren't aware of it either. XD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

A uncle of mine is in the Orthodox comunity in the US...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well is he from that area? It's a big country and there are bigger communities. Pretty sure Alaska has a big one. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Religious syncretism is a thing that happens. The way that Islam syncretised with Hindu beliefs in Java for example. If it happens in any religion but Christianity--for example, the later Norse wore thor's hammers that look like crosses--then that's intriguing and fascinating. If Christianity absorbs the other local beliefs in an area, it's called emotionally-charged words like stealing.

This is why atheists come off as butthurt. I'm an atheist, btw, but I don't truck with anger directed at natural blending of beliefs. Syncretism is not stealing, it is not a planned operation, and it is not confined to Christianity by any means.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I am from Romania.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well that makes sense. Are you religious ? 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yes I am...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

General lack of. Never really cared. Lutheranism I guess only type of church my family has ever taken me to.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago


And if anyone here knows about Gnosticism, then please explain the logic of saying the creator god is evil, only to say that there's another creator god who does the same thing, except possibly with either looser world fabrics which are easier to bend with will (allowing magic) or something else that makes it supposedly 'better'. The loose world fabric thing wouldn't necessarily be good, for example, because it could break more easily and anyway there is some truth to that phrase saying that suffering defines us; it gives us something to do, since we try to avoid it. Otherwise, we'd probably be bored to death if we had the same type of minds that we do now (never mind how the strong-minded weren't bored to death before we even evolved into humans, leaving only unambitious/weak/etc. creatures to inhabit the earth) (And I only took these examples as examples, different Gnostic philosophies obviously have different views on what makes the true God better than the demiurge and some probably don't address it at all (much like Christianity, which is why I would never allow a close friend of mine to be in any way Christian. "Make your own beliefs, kids! They'll be truer!"))

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

He said "Lutheranism", not "Luciferianism".

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Oh. But it's still valid!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Okay, but aside from mistaking Lutheranism for Luciferianism, I really don't know where the comment about devil worship came from.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

it's related, since most people think Lucifer is like the devil. And anyway, isn't this supposed to be the place where you say whatever nonsense you want?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

He never said anything about Lucifer. He said "Lutheranism", as in a denomination founded on the teachings of Martin Luther.

Derailment is fine and natural; intentionally and immediate deviation from the topic at hand is a little less defensible.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I thought he meant Lucifer, remember?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Not once did you admit your mistake, so obviously I can't remember you doing so. XD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I believe in references, that being said I think I can be counted as atheist if I believe in the ultimate question to life, the universe, and everything:

What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

and the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything:


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

That's not nearly as cool as it sounds.

Also... "references" ? 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Never heard of refrincent? It's an actual religion, but I always read it as "reference-ian" so I included reference to the guide.

My humor is dry as a sand cracker in the desert :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Never heard of it till now.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Too bad the machine needed to answer that question gets destroyed to make way for an interstellar highway. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


There is definitely something that set the rules in place for reality to happen, I'm not too keen on the idea that it just happened, but whether or not that something knew what it was doing, or could be described as a god, is something I'm not sure about.

I do like reading the bible though, really interesting stories, if you know where to look. (Bible  videogames tend to suck though, I'd rather play as Samson than any one of the four horsemen.... I mean, sure, they have cool powers, but Samson tore down temples and killed thousands of people more or less with his bare hands, and a jaw-bone, but that's still impressive.)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

So you acknowledge that a higher being probably exists. Why not the Christian God? Do you disagree with certain teachings or is it something else?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

The Christian god makes no sense though, along with the plausibility of several of the Bible stories. I do have to admit though, some of them are quite interesting, but just not realistic. I could go into a lot of detail on this but I don't like starting huge arguments, so I'll just leave it at that. I will say that the bible said slavery is ok though...

Thus I too, am agnostic. Or atheist... I'll stick with agnostic for now though.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

@Sent: But what about Halo? XD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

*I'd like to note that the 'original' bible allowed slavery, on the condition that the slave gets better living conditions than the owner :P (And slaves were people who couldn't pay what they stole and once they made the money back they were free to go I believe)

*In regards to a Jewish slave. And even Gentile slaves weren't to be mistreated.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I could believe in the Christian God, but that also begs the question, "Why not Allah?" "Why not Buddha?" "Why not the 10,000-something Hindu gods?" or even "Why don't I make my clothes out of hemp and worship the sun?" Most gods, when brought to science, are as likely as they are unlikely. Sure, a religion may be right in which is the actual god, but I'll let that god alone decide who he/she/ku wants to be and come to humanity in that form. Muhammed, Jesus, and the saints all have my thanks for whatever they may or may not have done, but in the end, can we really know?

As far as Halo, goes, Naru, it just wasn't Bible-ey enough to be a true bible game, and the screaming kids and sickening enfranchisement kinda detracts from the "holiness" of it...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well, know 100%? Probably not, that's why it is called faith :)

Well it is your opinion and I can't see why people in western countries are into the "Convert or you burn in hell wandagon". As we say here "You may not believe in God, but he believes in you" :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Which is why I desperately hope I don't go through this whole lovely state of philosophy only to discover that the Jehova's Witnesses were right all along.... But I'll tell you one thing, if I ever see a man in the Middle East wearing a loincloth tearing apart SWAT teams with an animal's jawbone, I'll be converted right then and there... Or maybe it could be a more subtle experience, although that wouldn't work as quickly. :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well there are plenty of miracles... but I'd rather not go there.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I know there are, but then that brings up the scientific part about how everything is a thus-far-unbreakable series of math problems, which brings up the fact that miracles are simple happenings placed in the weave of probability, which brings up the extreme view that any an all miracles are illusions, but can we really be sure? Theoretically, through probability, it's possible to simply walk through a wall, but it's so small that you'd have to attempt it for billions of lifetimes before you actually got halfway through it. But then there's still the tiniest possibility some newcomer could just up and walk through a wall. So, I believe that something could be pulling the strings on the numbers, but the math of the world is far too complex for anyone to actually know. I guess that's how we can tell whoever it is is doing their job right.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

What if I told you math isn't something existent but a way for humans to explain things?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'd say you're full of baloney, but to say that the world is and was always run entirely on math is equally silly.

Because, y'know, quantum mechanics,(Maybe our god(s) really likes screwing with our heads? Or our god(s) created this universe through an impossibly complex series of ripples in some impossibly complex space?) string theory,(Perhaps our god(s) is an interdimensional musician?) the idea that all life is simulated, (What if and a ton of other things that are more likely than the thought that math has no place in our physics and existence. That's just the way the world runs, and there's no real way to disprove that. There also isn't is a way to disprove the idea that any higher power is involved here.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Why are we even arguing? Everyone knows that Cthulhu is 'god'.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

In that case the phrase "God is dead, and we killed him!" can be taken very literally...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Math is based on axioms. Good solid axioms, yet axioms nonetheless. Math is purely our way of describing and quantifying our surroundings. Drakoblare is correct in that regard.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

One my favorite quotes from him. 'With this ass i shall make ass out of you.'

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I'm sort of agnostic. I believe that powerful, non-corporeal beings (a.k.a. spirits) do exist, whether in this universe or another. But what I don't believe is that they are higher beings and different from us, instead of beings that practiced for millennia to obtain the abilities that separate them from humans. Practice attaining godly powers for a few thousand years and I'm sure you'll get it too! As for rebirth of humans, spirits in non-humans, a spirit that created this whole universe, etc. ... I can't really say.

A year old thread? Really, bro?

9 years ago

A year old thread? Really, bro?

9 years ago

yup! XD The subject matter is interesting, I've been (privately) philosophizing about religion recently.

A year old thread? Really, bro?

9 years ago

Then why not make a new thread?

A year old thread? Really, bro?

9 years ago

too lazy. plus I haven't gotten around to looking at the forums yet, I just saw this because the OP made a game I was reading.

A year old thread? Really, bro?

9 years ago

... For the record, multiple members of this site will hate you if you keep doing this sort of thing. :P And it's been suggested (though not implemented) that people be penalized for necroing especially old threads.


9 years ago

It's not old anymore!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'm "Lutheran" according to my family, but really I am atheist . 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Secular humanist 


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Sounds like fun.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Didn't we have a giant thread on this a little while ago? It shouldn't be to deep in the archives yet.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I checked the wikipedia article so it is all ok :P

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'm a...

I think everyone knows :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

You follow that cult from the Planet of the Apes movie? 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Hmm...maybe I should change my profile pic.

I don't see anything religious about Planet of the Apes. I'm a creationist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Creationist is not a religion...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I think he means that's why his pic is a monkey?

...I don't really get it either. XD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

yeah not too long ago lol

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'm an atheist and that's it, I've never had a reason to believe in God or any other "higher being".

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Roman Catholic.

And before someone begins labelling the Pope as an Antichrist or some other horrible monstrosity only described in Revelations, can we keep anything of that nature to ourselves?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Is your family muslim, catholic or orthodox? Only asking cause you originate from Albania.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Umm yeah, Eastern Europe is Orthodox, and unless I suck at geography, Albania is in the east.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Albania is a mixed pot of religion due to its location and historical relations with the Ottomans. The people there were Orthodox, the Albos often worked with the Ottomans who were muslims and Catholics cause... well cause!

There is no official census either (though I think most are Muslims followed by Orthodox and Catholic). Most Albanians I know were Catholic though.

Also, Poland and your "friendly neighbour" Hungary are Catholics. So is Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic etc. All in the "East"

Bosnians are muslims

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Agnostic Atheist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Agnostic Atheist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Lot of Atheists on this site.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Welcome to teh interwubz

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I guess so...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Hmm, not really. I count 7 on this thread:

Theist: Drakoblare, Claw, Swift
Atheist: Cynical, Morgan, Killa, Drak, Ford, Oinkman, Punk
Apatheism: Firewing
True Agnostic: SentinelPenguin
3:7 ratio, which comes to be about for every one theist, there's 2 atheists. That would be a lot, if this were a large community, but it's not.
Also, secular humanism isn't a religion, lol, it's a philosophy.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

That is easily apparent from any discussion on this site relating to religion. It tends to be very one-sided.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I suppose technically I'm an agnostic atheist too, come to think of it. Some entity could've kicked off the Big Bang on purpose, as far as I'm concerned.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

That's not what an Agnostic atheist is. Agnosticism and Gnosticism are knowledge claims. Both have a position (atheist or theist); agnostics are those that hold a belief (or disbelieve) on either side of the spectrum, but do not claim to KNOW whether God actually exists; Gnosticism is the opposite; they think they KNOW they're right.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Point taken. But the fact remains, my disbelief is on a sliding scale from 'so agnostic I may as well drop the 'atheist'' to 'I may not KNOW, but I'm REALLY PRETTY DAMN SURE,' depending on just which concept of God we're talking about. ;P

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

The only religion I could possibly qualify for is Satanic or something along those lines... Something about disgracing Churches and Priests and those types of things...

I am not religious for these very reasons (and I'm Australian, explains a lot). I don't really care much for it either. One thing is for certain though, if it exists, I'm going straight to hell/hades....

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I think you would only be considered Satanic if you were actually harming the religion and members while part of a cult that did a lot of horrible things or something like that.

You sound more atheist than anything.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Oh, well I have no idea about any fucking religion so I'll just go with that :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Soo.... Your an ignorant Atheist?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

No, I just have no idea what the fuck I would be, nor do I really care

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Sounds more like Atheistic or LeVeyan Satanism; it's centered around Satan being symbolism for rebellion, and thus you don't actually believe it/he exists (if you did, you'd be a theistic satanist). 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Shhhhhhh, stop being you....

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Lol, what do you mean?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Btw, I discovered what an Atheist is because I decided to not be lazy. Yes, I'm an Atheist, but I prefer to keep my opinion on religion neutral...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Definitely not Satanic, that's to do with worshipping the devil, which people rarely do when they don't believe in him cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Atheistic Satanism is a valid position.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Makes no sense to me. Why would Satan be used as a symbol for people who don't believe in him?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Because he's the well-known/popular symbol for all evil and/or freedom from control in the world?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

It's symbolism for rebellion. It the bible, it's pretty clearly defined the Satan is the ultimate rebellious figure. Atheistic Satanism encourages diverging from the abirtary status quo, and maintaining individualism and personal freedom and thought.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Still don't get it. For me, a group of atheists who don't believe in any religion using a religious villain as their symbol of rebellion would be like if an animal rights group made their organization's logo the Hamburgler... Doesn't quite get the right message across. cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

No... that's just satanism. You can't be an atheist (which is literally someone who does not believe in any part of any religion) and yet still believe in Satan. 

There's atheism that mocks religion using Satan, that's probably a thing, but not an atheist who's also a satanist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Too apathetic to respond, so read:

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Ah yes, founded by a collection of idiots who clearly did not understand the meaning of the word "Atheist"...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Levayian Satanism is basically for atheists who like to dress all in black. Lol. Really Anton chose Satan as a symbol to get more attention. He himself said he was a showman and con artist and it worked it got people to join.

Levayian satanism is more of a mixture of different philosophies that Anton liked than an actual religion. 

I get why he did it and the premise of it, but I've always sort of believed if you're going to be a satanist you might as well go the whole route and actually worship the big red dude and all that entails.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'm officially part of The Learned Elders Of Zion. We'll own all you Gentiles and rule the world with our accounting skills!  


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Baptist Christian. So i guess protestant.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Agonist, I like to hope that is there is a god or gods, that they would be understanding enough as to why I wouldn't commit to a religion. I plan to live with strong morals and ethics, so I'd think that I'd stay out of hell and the other nasty afterlives if there is one.  

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Used to be Christian, now agnostic, 'cos after years of trying to figure out all the answers, I decided to admit that I don't bloody know anything. ^_^

thank you jesus

10 years ago

I'm Christian, but I dont know what sect...I'm not baptist or protestant or catholic or anything. Just Christian.

I like how (the not fake) christians are very passionate. They seem to be so whole....

It funny cuz people say they're not good enough to go to church because they do drugs or something, and i just tell them the priests there used to DEAL the drugs.

I've noticed that aithiests seem to be a lot more passionate than lots of christians.

thank you jesus

10 years ago

Imma a Christian too but I dunno what sect either =P sry

thank you jesus

10 years ago


We aren't divided by sects, for one.

I'm not sure what to say about the drug things...I don't get it.  Priests deal drugs?  What?

Well, some Christians just aren't passionate about God.  Others are tolerant.  Others just can't argue for shit, and quote every verse in the Bible in the false hope that  a 2000 year old text can save them somehow....

Some atheists or agnostics can tolerate religious people.  Some have lines that cannot be crossed.

Some atheists are just unrealistic assholes who use the excuse of no religion to do whatever the fuck they want just to spite the Church.

thank you jesus

10 years ago

oh nononononono

One of our pastors, he sold pot (before it was legal) when he was like 14 or something

thank you jesus

10 years ago

Dunno why but the image of a pastor selling pot cracked me up.

thank you jesus

10 years ago

I love you.

And I do things in spite of free will.

Or something like that.

-insert luciferianism quote here-

-Shit there isn't really a book for it-


thank you jesus

10 years ago

Puddlebunni has an epic pastor.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Tardy to the party I guess, 


Google it.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

So that discounts Satanism?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Discounts Satanism from your beliefs.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I never really liked the idea of Satanism.

Praises Satan a bit too much for me.

That and I prefer the more Atheist version...

The "free will" type deal.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Why would anyone worship satin in the first place? sounds a little strange to me.

Just the very idea of it....

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

It's what people do when they want to annoy religious people cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Thats also, as said under, a load of crap.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

It isn't Satan. (Yeah, Satan. I'm not worshiping cloth here, nor am I worshipping Satan.)

The general Idea is that Lucifer was the ArchAngel of light, which I believe is just a load of crap but luckily Luciferianism isn't over gods and truths, but over ideas.

The idea is.

"We have free will. Lets focus on the now"
Or its a very shitty paraphrase of it.

It is also used sometimes to have the general idea of praising the idea of Lucifer and his break away, and what not.

The idea of "Lets all do evil with the devil" is a complete load of crap.

The idea of "Everyone that does this is evil" is also a load of crap.



(Heres what the wiki says it is, for a more definition)

They support the moral and intellectual development of children in particular, and the protection of the natural world. Both the arts and sciences are crucial to human development, and thus both are cherished. Luciferians feel that humans should be focused on this life and how to make the most of it every single day. The ability to recognize both good and evil, to accept that all actions have consequences, both positive and negative, and to actively influence one's environment, is a key factor.

I know, I'm just a monster.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

1. Satanism blurs the line between true bonafied religion an a crappy 6th-grade attention-craving stunt to a point of nondescript monotony and questionable existence.

2. Some people find it rather fun.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

They aren't the same -.-

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Satanism is a bunch of goth fags doing drugs, having orgies and sacrificing cats after raping them. This "philosophical" aspect of satanism etc is something aspies use to look cool and edgy.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Isn't Satanism the literal praise of Satan.


No angel of light Lucifer

But full on "FUCK HUMANITY"

I looked up Satanism and only got a bunch of lists of books.
Fuck reading.

Nvm I found a quote on the wikis.

Theistic Satanism (also known as traditional Satanism, spiritual Satanism or Devil Worship) is a form of Satanism with the primary belief that Satan is an actual deity or force to revere or worship

So basically.

They are edgy.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Satanists are goth fags who rape cats in name of Satan. Check my post above.

All this books are from wanna-be smart idiots for wanna-be edgy aspies.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Can I have cat orgies without the Satan part?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I like pussy as much as the next guy.... but really?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Come on man, don't knock it till you try it.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'd much rather not "knock" it at all :P

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I see what you did there.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yeah, I still think Luciferianism has the same problem as "Atheistis Satanism" or whatever they call it. It's taking a biblical character and using them as a religious symbol, despite not actually believing that they exist. Why the hell just not say "I'm an athiest"?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Because that would be the boring way to do it.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Endmaster who let you out of the death gods realm.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Why follow Confucianism.

Why not just say "I'm an Athiest"

Not everything has to have a set god.

It can be a teachings.

I'm sorry my own personal beliefs just rustle  your jimmies ever so much.
I thought this was "What was your religion thread" Not "Lol y u do dis"


Then again Confucianism isn't really a religion but more of a philosophy, but eh.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

... I'm too lazy to look up what Confucianism is cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

What grade are you in?
Not asking like "LOL UR STUPID" 
But they teach this in history...

I heard about it in atleast 7th grade.

And learning more about it in depth in about 10th.



Confucianism was a set up ideas set up by, you guessed it, confucis (I cant spell).

Basically it had to do with Yin Yang type shit and practiced women being in their place and men not treating them in shit, which on paper sounds a bit harsh but eh, it worked for China.

China then went back and forth between Confucianism and Bhudism for a while before deciding Confucianism was the sexiest thing around, because I think the khans didn't flip out over it.

And theres the history lesson for today.


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Former Christian, now Deist, although it's not a religion, but more of personal, philosophical view on the world and god-stuffs. And I kinda modified it a bit on the way (since my teenage years :P).

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Why oh why did we have to bring religion to this site...?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

There's been religious discussions on this site before, I think Drakilian even hosted some. (Or one, that I know of.)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I was christened by my parents but i do not follow, i actually believe that religion is one of the major problems in the world. 

Don't mean to upset anyone and i am happy for other to believe what they wish as long as it makes them happy and causes no harm to others.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

How is it a problem?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Its the cause of too many arguments and conflicts.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Heil Kittler!




Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well I don't know if religion itself is the problem, the problem is that sometimes people do some really messed up shit and use religion as an excuse.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

^ This. Religion isn't the problem, humanity is. As long as the arguments are enlightening discussions though, I have no problem. All the religions and philosophies of the world should gather together to explain their beliefs and share their thoughts nonviolently, I think we could all benefit from it.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I understand that is the case a lot of the time but  sometimes its the head of the faith. Look at the crusades. Its not just that though i dislike the way in near all religions man is potrayed as sinner and not worthy. Any king that places himself above his subjects is not fit to rule, this also should apply to creators (do they exist).

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Lol, weird, I see things exactly the opposite. If a God isn't perfect or "divine" then he's in no way superior to man, and if God isn't superior to man, then what makes him a God? cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yes they may be superior and thats fine but why does that make us not worthy and sinners?

it still also makes them no more important. I have greater lifestyle, skills, wealth and health than others but i am no more important.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well that never really bothered me 'cos "sinner" is basically a word to describe somebody who has done something wrong at some point in their life, which means everyone. Being what religion calls a "sinner" doesn't make somebody bad or evil, it just means they're human.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I think an exception should be made, as these creators seem to be described as utterly perfect incomprehensibly complex beings who really don't work with power the same way a person would. Then there's always the thought that the creator loves humanity and is always with them all the time as opposed to sitting up in the clouds.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Thats why the creator of us cannot be perfect, to be completely perfect he would not be able to create a race  with so many problems. TO be a perfect craftsman the object you make must have no flaws, He also cannot have perfect morals as he leaves us to our own suffering. He gave us this world full of temptation and just left us to destroy ourselves with it. 

Would you give an irresponsible teen millions and let him go free into the worl? no because children needs guidance with the gifts that have been given. The teen would be killed in a drug filled sex orgy within days.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Wouldn't it be horrendously boring without problems, though? It's safe to assume that our god may come from a similar state of mind where without bad, there could be no good, so it gave us flaws so we wouldn't be robots. Perfection is flawed in the note that, if it were life, it would be utterly boring.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

But if they were perfect then they would be like robots and not interested in whether it was borings or not. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Like I said, since the god is apparently capable of love, according to stories, maybe it too comes from a world of ethics and emotions, and would like its creations to feel joy when they can. Hence the idea of heaven.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I am a proud pope of Chuckology.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yey! Now there's a religion I can back. ^_^

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Chuck welcomes all who are worthy! -takes out scanner- Okay, you're good. Anyways, PRAISE THE ROUNDHOUSE KICK!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I'm pretty much an atheist, myself. I've never been big on taking things by faith alone, and I don't agree with some of the moral standings on most of the religions. I'd rather not get into which ones, because I'm weary about starting a fight over it, but there it is.

In short, I believe that I don't need a book to tell me what's right or wrong.

On the other hand, some of the prettiest songs I've sung in chorus were religious, so there are kudos for that l.o

I...should probably shut up, now...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Not really...

P.S: I see you are a fan of the northern lights to huh? Seeing them from up close is on my to do list next to getting married (if not sterile), then get kids and conquer the Antartic. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Oh geez, I can only imagine how gorgeous the aurora borealis is, in person. It's definitely a worthy thing to do.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yeah I'd love to see it and have someone to share the experience with.

Can you think of anything more romantic than that? Only thing that could ruin it is the low temperature but still....

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Wait, why wouldn't you get married if you were sterile?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Personal reasons. I think that my biological duty here is to find a mate and reproduce, if I am sterile then I'd hate myself for tying a woman in such a relationship and I'd also NEVER find it in me to adopt a kid. Then again I haven't really though about all this much, the thought itself only recently crossed my mind after... something.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

After almost dying I presume?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Nah nothing like that, just a random thought I got, dunno what or why.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Did the doctor say something about your fertility last checkup?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Nope, but I'll soon go to check it out. I don't know anything yet but I'll probably find out in less than a week.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Oh, well, I, uh, hope it isn't crushed or anything... :-/

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Doc results out, everything works fine :).

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Why would you NOT adopt a kid? The world is grossly overpopulated, you'd do everyone a favor by ending one kid's suffering through adoption. Of course, there's the really old Abramic belief that the afterlife is brought on by one's offspring, but that's really ancient pre-Jewiness, and really not an Orthodox kinda thing.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I know, and I think adoption is great but it's not something I'd find myself doing.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Buddist. Sorry.. Lame joke.

Agnostic Atheist

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I don't get it :/

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

He could be joking about how Buddhists don't really... Hm... Y'know, I don't get it either...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

You know being European and all, and Buddhists are all very rare and...

Never mind, I'll shut up now..

No one gets my jokes :(

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Wait they basically gave up on that, mostly, maybe.


India? They have a few.



Actually its really good!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Yeah.. I figured that out too *sigh*


Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I dunno, there's actually a lot more Buddists than there are Jews, Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses, so they gotta be somewhere cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

I would say there are more Mormons.

There was a mormon in my school, was a huge dick.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

... I read that as "There was a Mormon in my school WITH a huge dick." Was thinking, "... Dat's nice?"

But nope, there's about 350 million Buddists and only about 14 million Mormons. Buddists win! cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Not on this site though :[

I always wanted to meet a real Buddhist, because I hope they are as wise and philosophical as in the movies.. But that's probably my inner ignorance speaking -.-

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

No, a lot of them are a mix.  Some label themselves Buddhist even if they haven't visited a temple for a LONG time, others just don't act like Buddhists (respect of self and others, enlightment shits, etc.)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Just like in all religions. 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

First couple years in my high school they thought I was a Satanist except for one person who thought I was into Voodoo for some strange reason.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Aren't you into Cthulhitology or Necronism anyhow?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Might've had something to do with the pincushion doll you kept in your desk and it's remarkable resemblance to your gym teacher cheeky

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Lol, well it was probably due to the black clothing and skull shirts but really I didn't bother trying to deter that line of thinking since it was pretty apparent most peoples minds were made up. In time though that image faded by the end of 10th grade.

There was a guy I sort of knew that went to another school who really was into the whole Satanism stuff, he already had some mental issues though since he cut into his damn hand in the middle of science class. They transferred him to another school where I guess he wasn't into Satanism anymore or at least didn't feel the need to break out into "Hail Satan!" and start mutilating himself.

A few years later he ended up killing his grandparents, stealing their car and money and tried to escape with his girlfriend, but he got caught and of course thrown in prison.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

... Well that's depressing sad

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

How did they die?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

As I remember he stabbed and bludgeoned them to death.

Him and girlfriend I guess thought they were going to be Mickey and Mallory, but they didn't get very far.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Oh danny boy

The pipes, the pipes are calling.

-Or something like that.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Idiots these days... There are so many better, more discreet ways that it could've been done!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Humans sure can do fucked up things.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

That's normal in detroit, I suppose. :P

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago




He wasn't shot silly,

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

They still stab and bludgeon people to death in Detroit too.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago

Well... Hrm...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

10 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Well, I don’t know when I’m ever going to work this into a conversation, so this is as good as place as any…

“Your lives are meaningless, your deity or deities are a joke, your world views are lies, your hopes are false, you'll never see your dead loved ones again, you're all future worm food and you're all presently a bunch of retards.”

P.S. Fuck atheists too.

(Special thanks to Kiel for this statement. Added the atheist bit, since I didn't want them to feel left out)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Have you ever thought about doing Motivational Speeches or working on the Samaritan Helplines :) Life has as much meaning or substance as we choose to give it, mankind is the measure of all things and all the religions, dreams and world views we have good or bad are products of our own minds (some might say humans have been conduits for the Gods like wires for electricity which is possible I guess). Fighting and dying over ideas of religion makes as much sense as fighting and dying of ideas of countries and borders though I guess.



Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
I will now always imagine you with a huge-ass mustache, a German accent, and syphilis.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

... why?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

You just remind me of somebody, that's all.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Haha ah, makes sense :) For some reason I thought you meant Hitler and was thinking "did he have syphilis"? Of course you have to have sex to get that so probably no... Nietzsche was an interesting philosopher but I think catching an std, going insane and dying were all bad career moves :)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

But you have to wonder how much his personal worldview was affected by the disease. Of course, a lot of creative geniuses have had syphilis as well, so I'm not really dissing his teachings.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Kiel said that? Shit, I thought he was at least a closet Christian. Not that it matters.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

He's a "staunch theist" of ambiguous religious background, that statement was a summarization of every atheist in the youtube comment section ever.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Ambiguous religious background, huh? That explains his fascination with infant mortality.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Damn...How does everybody know about each other's religion on this site? lol

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
To become a true member of CYS you must confess all of your sins to Alexp and engage in a blood ritual with the senior membership.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I see. Not sure if I'm that devoted yet.


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Most people never are, and they suffer greatly for their hesitance and impiety.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

What I hate about some atheists is that they turn Atheism into a religion! With fucking rules and everything! Saying that you must train your children to never say "Oh God." Because there is no God. 

I myself am an Atheist. I only do things if I want to do them, not because some Flying Spaghetti Monster or some shit says I have to!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I'm an agnostic, and I plan to raise my children in the most spiritual-free way possible. I want them to decide for themselves of they believe in God, or not.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Is there a religion in which we don't care about god or anything? I don't know. Technically though, I am agnostic.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

there are a few spiritual philosophies that don't have Gods in them, and some 'religions' originally were life philosophies and only later turned into religions (I don't know any off the top of my head, though). But in most cases the best thing to do is make one yourself based on your experiences and beliefs.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Im a taoist, but from Mexico xD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
I thought identifying yourself as a Taoist went against the spirit of Taoism.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Ah man, I should have kept my 6 hour prayer sessions hidden.

Idk I just like there teachings. xD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Of course, it may be against the spirit of Taoism to say that something is not in the spirit of Taoism. However, Taoist texts stress the futility of discussing the Tao.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Wait, isn't Daoism an ideology and not a religion?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Taoism comes in two flavors. In the west, it is treated as an ideology, while in the east, there are some pretty strong ritual aspects.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Ah ok. Although I'm guessing that the religion has been formed by the followers as I'm pretty sure that Lao-Tzu didn't want it to become a belief, but a philosophy or something like that.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Hard to say.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

wow i didn´t know that about the diffrences, wonder if they didn´t acknowledge it because of the desclose it Chinese Oppostion, Don´t know how much influence it had in China though, just Japan

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Zen or Ch'an Buddhism did originate in China, though, as you said, it is more often associated with Japan, where it and Shinto have molded each other significantly (without overpowering one another, strangely).

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

So, you're a Taoist from Mexico. Doesn't that make you a Tacoist?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Russian Orthodox! But I am not very religious because I can't go to any churches of my kind. ;( Stupid 'Murica.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Atheist since 3 years ago.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Formerly Mormon, currently an Atheist. Definitely prefer it over being Mormon/Christian/Jew/whatever the fuck because I don't have to waste three hours every Sunday that I could spend playing Fallout.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

'because I don't have to waste three hours every Sunday that I could spend playing Fallout.'


Good sir, you're going places.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Places that only have Morrowind, Madden, and the original RE.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Well, I'm an Indian who is pure agnostic and who also happens to be an anti-theist. Used to be really Catholic a long time ago.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

How can you be an agnostic and an anti-theist, if you don't mind my asking?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Anti-Theist in the sense, I am against religion and religious movements, due to irrelevant side-rules they tend to take, which has no connection to the major teachings itself. You can't deny that the major teachings of almost every major religion, are well, mostly about how we should do good unto others and stuff, but, people tend to take the side bullshit more seriously, eg, in parts of my country, beef is banned due to religious sentiments, and you can get a jail sentence for having some, and have fights over it. Which is why I'm anti-theist. I think Anti-religion(ist?) would've been more proper since I'm agnostic and all, but yeah.

I'm agnostic cause I' don't think we have found enough proof to affirm the absence of a creator. I lean towards atheism, however.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

That was my main hang-up. "Anti-theist" implies that you are opposed to any belief in one or more gods. Where as "agnostic" implies that you do not take a stance on the existence or inexistence of a deity or deities. I think "anti-religious" explains fairly well your beliefs.

I have rather strong feelings on beef, but not because I think cows have some strange maternal relationship with humanity.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I agree. The cow issue has been something on for years. It's like, our country is filled with fundamentalists, who have finally gotten power. And the things they do are frightening. I mean, people who speak out against religion in public are shot, Muslims, and Christians are being attacked, and there's nothing we can do about it. The other day, this dude who allegedly had beef in his house was beaten to death. There were even educated Hindus who were supporting what happened. I'm not against Hinduism, the core beliefs are amazing infact, but would you kill someone over your faith and then blame the person you killed?  The things news channels report too are strange, from superstitious bullshit to bitching about celebs, in a very inclusive way.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Holy shit, man! You should move! 

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I've lived in Saudi Arabia, seen worse.


The beef lynching episode which I was talking about happened at a village. In the city, I live in ATM, vegetarians actually kick non vegetarians outta their houses sometimes cause they can't stand them.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Yeah, some vegetarians just need to chill the fuck out. Of course, you can't even ask a non-vegetarian to consider lowering their meat consumption without it being taken as a complete affront on everything in which they believe. You can't see compromise on either side; same with religion. Which is why I actually don't believe that religion is the cause of all the world's conflicts. Any time you allow people to have differing opinions, there is going to be a fight. Any time you try to suppress those opinions, there is going to be a fight. Every law is ultimately founded on an opinion. Every regime is ultimately founded on an opinion. Yeah, religion is a vehicle for hatred, but so is every decision we make, every path we follow. We try to quantify opinions, to say that one is better than the other, because it preserves life, human dignity, but we're really just a bunch of fucking animals threatened by the thoughts in everyone else's heads.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

"Of course, you can't even ask a non-vegetarian to consider lowering their meat consumption without it being taken as a complete affront on everything in which they believe. "

You're making an ass of u and me here. '>_> I've been asked that...and I was more than willing to comply after finding out some things about sausages and all that stuff. 

Everything else I agree with though. ^_^'

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I don't see considering lowering my meat consumption as an affront to everything I believe in, I see it as an affront to convenient food-getting. And then there's also that whole thing about biting into a steak or something in front of some of the more annoying vegetarians I know, which, since I'm me, I couldn't ever give up...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Or you could eat fake chicken in front of them and not tell 'em its fake, so you can get the joy of watching them squirm and the added irony that you are doing exactly what they want you to.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

The only thing that tastes shittier than fake meat (Unless it's carrot bacon, but that isn't bacon, nor do I pretend it is) is doing what someone you hate wants you to do, ironically or not. It would be like beating cleverly disguised Black people in front of Hitler in order to piss him off.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

You should really learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. You know who else had problems laughing at himself? Ted Kaczynski.

I shouldn't have said fake chicken, because a) I don't actually trust that shit, b)it's expensive as Hell, and c) your right, it tastes horrible. However, there is a ground beef substitute made out of garbanzo beans (dry mix, so you know it's legit) that you mix with an egg and some oil and then brown. I've only tried the Mexican and Italian flavors, and I was only impressed with the Mexican. When it's about finished cooking, throw in about half a cup of salsa, and it makes the best damn taco filling ever.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Pff, if I didn't laugh at myself, I wouldn't have gone to such ridiculous lengths to invoke Godwin's law. I was really trying hard for that one, y'know!... Regardless, being a vindictive prick is a hobby that I take very seriously, and I won't let it be compromised by the consumption of meat substitutes, because from everything I've tasted, there really aren't any good substitutes that take the same (or less) amounts of money/effort. I'm not going to attempt to replace it, since that doesn't work and really just feels to me like denial of some sort. The thing of the matter is finding dishes without meat that taste good, and there are an infinite number of those things. I don't eat that much meat to begin with, (I think last time I had it was a week ago) but I'm not going to go out of my way to avoid it.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I actually don't eat many meat substitutes, and I don't want you to think I do. I was just trying to provide you with a more compassionate approach to tormenting the psyches of your enemies.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

"Enemies" and "Compassion" don't belong in the same sentence, unless it has something to do with showing compassion to the enemies of my enemies, or causing the friends of my enemies to inexplicably withhold their compassion from them and drive them into irreversible depression, or just draining any form of joy from my enemies, (including basic human sympathy) from their lives in general.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

If you are going to take the "dick to animals because you like them and I don't like you" route, I suggest that you at least approach the situation with a greater bit of personal honesty and flare for the avante-garde.

Take a young foal, drag her in front of a bunch of vegetarians, then run her through with sword while invoking the name of Epona, the horse / execution-by-sword-impalement goddess, before butchering the horse with a chainsaw, making her into deli meat, and having a giant sandwich orgy on top of whatever's left (which will likely be nothing more than entrails, but you know the old saying, "as fun as fucking a pile of horse guts" (Don't ask me how old that saying is; that's not important)).

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Can't, living animals are too expensive. And then I have to clean it up, and then I'll have even more annoying PETA douches ramming me 24/7.

Really, though, it's not like I dislike animals, I just value humans (Or rather, the humans that I care about.) way more than them, and since they serve a practical and delicious use in meat form, I'm not going to avoid eating meat if it's the most healthy/enjoyable meal option on virtue of the fact that a creature of sub-sapient intelligence and cognizance died to make it, because it's already been killed anyway.

But hey, I guess I'll take your advice and only be a dick to animals that I don't like. I would be perfectly happy to follow all those vegetarians home and sample their cat collections once a week.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Damn, Peckerface (penguin joke, ftw), I thought we were just fucking around, then you come in here swinging around words like "cognizance" and "sub-sapience", which are quite impressive coming from someone who isn't even cognizant of supply & demand. Has Drakoblare's absence made you the designated representative of unfounded anthropocentrism or is this sudden aggression simply a rebound from years of impeded sexual development?

To steer this topic back onto the intended path, my mom dragged me into her new church today. Baptist. Preacher is a family friend (he seems more like a rogue history professor than a preacher, though; digressed into a discussion of ostracism and Athenian culture, for whatever reason. All in all, fairly awesome guy). Still was far from an enjoyable experience for someone who considers himself irreligious and doesn't like feeling like he's lying to people.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Nope, not really, I just wanted to sound like an annoying meat advocate to highlight how hypocritical it is to just hate on annoying vegetarians.I don't truly hate on anyone, but I do like annoying people who annoy me, and I like eating meat. I'd be glad to eat only cats, (Because fuck those assholes) squirrels, (Because they're a bird-feeder-theiving nuisance) roosters & toms, (Which are among some of the biggest assholes in the fucking Kingdom Animalia) crickets, (They're annoying) and fish (Which can't feel pain, traumatization, or meaningful anguish, outside of half-seconds of fear reflexes.) all my life if it meant not having double standards, but, y'know, there's that supply and demand thing that makes fish expensive, said poultry into over-processed chicken-jerkey because people have problems with testosterone-ed meat, and keeps squirrels and crickets off the market. Until the day that everyone realizes I'm always right, I'm not going to purposefully avoid food that's convenient, out of apathy, enjoyment, and convenience.

And yeah, most preachers/pastors/whathaveye are rogue history professors, since most of the college and scriptural courses they have for them are basically just history in the general mediterranean/middle eastern area with bible excerpts.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Fuck you, I'm part goldfish on my mom's side, and I'll have you know that it isn't half-seconds. We have a whole nine se- Wait. What are we on about?

I...are you even attacking me at this point or are you having a verbal seizure? Where are we going with this whole mess?

That's quite obvious, but I've never actually met a preacher who liked talking about that shit.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Nah, the point of the post was that I didn't mean to attack/imply shit to begin with. But I cannot emphasize enough how much Roosters (well, most intact male poultry/lizards) just completely suck. Everyone is morally obligated to eat them.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

You know, we're both going to end up getting shot sometime in the near future. XD

Agree that roosters suck. Geese suck worse, though, male or female.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

How about you two make a separate discussion and talk all you want? you're clogging the forum! (and btw, I'm a meat eater since animals are sub-sapient, but they still have enough intelligence to deserve respect. Even plants have intelligence, though that's only been coming out recently. humans deserve more, but we don't deserve everything, and we're being more destructive to the environment(s) than we have a right to be(shameless environmentalist plug))

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Clogging the forum?... You mean, like, with derailments?... Huh, there was the distinct, powerful aroma of "You must be New Here, lolol" wafting in, but I couldn't find the source until now... It smells of pineapples and window cleaner...

Still though, I am of the firm belief that food is murder, and so is digestion. They should be banned.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

what about energy then? When you learn to get it from the 'universal potential' (aka nothingness), please teach me. Until then, DON'T BAN FOOD, AS BAD AS IT CAN BE SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

We redesign our skin cells to allow for autotrophy.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Edit: I had a very large and involved post here, but I know that I'm likely going to have to look at the answers to this post in the morning and I don't want it to screw up my day, so let's talk about something happy, like sex or waffles.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
It's not exactly easy to just get up and leave.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

If your family's Hindu, nobody suspects you. And most agnostics aren't very open about their religion, for fear that people will discriminate against us/say we eat beef and kill us. So I think he'll be fine in India. Incidentally, I just noticed how easy it is to tell people things while making them think they were clever for figuring them out, like if I used Bhaarat Maa instead of India, you would all know that I'm... actually, you figure it out, waste a few seconds of your lives.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

luckily most hindus aren't like that, Hindu philosophy is supposed to be one of the very few religions that let other have their own religion without repercussions from the Hindus.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

The liberalised secular Hindus are great. Most Hindus, who are fundamentalists don't know that the concept of their religion is Dharma, or Do good unto others, and let good be done unto you. They are pretty narrow minded, and believe that the people who follow Abrahamic faiths are 'lost sheep' and try to bring them back into the fold.


the concepts of Hinduism are beautiful, but most of the people who follow it aren't.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

But I don't like tacos! :j (response to reply above)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Would agnostic-atheist be a more accurate term for you then?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

There are times when I've not really bothered to think about whether God is truly present or absent. But seeing the bad results religion has given, and seeing the government of a country bend the knee almost always towards one community makes me anti-theist.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
Seeing any government bend a knee to anyone makes me anti-everything.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Honestly, yes. And being bisexual is also hard here, since an anti-LGBT law in any country always, has religious reasoning behind it. Remember the lines, 'Homosexuals are abominations to our lord?'



Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

That's not exactly what the verse says, but yes. In the Old Testament, God also condemned marriage between the Israelites and people of other nationalities (to prevent idolatry from becoming commonplace or the nation from dissolving or something like that), and many Christians in the Southern US use that to condemn interracial marriages between whites and blacks.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Protestant Christian but I guess that allows for me to be cynical about the human institution of Christianity. The past year or so I actually lost a lot of my faith and told myself I was agnostic but now, I guess I've been believing in Christ in my own adapted way? I dunno, Catholic Church is being a boo boo and I was never a Catholic so I think I just found my own way of interpreting the Bible.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
My family is Christian Protestant. But I'm not that religious. I find myself to dislike God himself sometimes. But I do still believe that God exists. I just don't follow his way much often.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Obviously, but should we use red miso or white miso?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
What flavor of atheist?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

The kind that thinks that when you die you die, lights out , no ones home, just nothingness no soul no anything just worm food  the end... You should get the picture now.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
So, you don't draw have some major philosopher or teacher you follow, even if in a non-religious sense?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

people are starting to disprove that (or more precisely, they're proving magic, and if magic is real and we have an energetic body etc., then why can't the energetic body stay after death?), there aren't many and they're all called crazy, but there are still enough that anyone looking at the big picture would take them part-serious-ly. And with my usual '...' flair: Gods, on the other hand..........

P.S.: Not God, since there are so many early cultures that believe in multiple gods and there has been a steady decline of spiritualism over time, meaning that these cultures were more likely correct about spiritual matters than people from 20 A.D. or something (assuming that there are gods, of course)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Just because there is a lot of them doesn't necessarily mean that they are "starting to disprove" anything. Still, if you have any sources, I would be interested to see them?

How does that prove that polytheism, monotheism, and atheism aren't just phases that go hand in hand with societal development?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I was talking about the soul part, a part of you that was left behind and was not physical (and most likely could hold your actual consciousness instead of only a partial imitation of it) would be called a soul, wouldn't it? May I draw your attention to the first parentheses in my post above? (Olde-speak! smiley)

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

If our mind is separable from our body, why do we lose consciousness when sustaining head injuries or suffering poor flow of oxygen to our brains? Or rather, what would these people you are talking about say about the issue?

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Our mind may be separable from our body, but that doesn't mean we're good at it. Some groups say that you separate but don't remember the experience, and others say that you don't separate unless your body really can't handle the presence of your consciousness anymore or you purposely go out of your body (poor oxygen flow isn't no oxygen flow, so there would still be a weak tie to the brain). I spent a whole month researching this when all my games seemed boring, so that won't trip me up. A follow-up question might do it, though, I was more focused on trying to figure out general concepts than on exiting the body.

Now where did I put that websites about 'real magic' list... *searches mental attic* ...I've got nothing, sorry

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I was baptized Christian, but really I don't worship any god or higher being. Not that I have a problem with religious people or religion in general, I just don't believe. Sure, the stories are interesting if you read the right ones (personally I like the greek myths and the plagues from the Christian bible), but really they aren't believable. The prospect of some higher being watching our every move and thought is not only disturbing, but about as believable as there being some teenage grey-skinned horned alien that is immortal and killed a bunch of his non-immortal teenage grey-skinned horned alien friends. 



Homestuck reference? What do you mean? What's Homestuck? I've never heard of Homestuck.


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Greek/Roman myths are some of my favorites, but I always thought the bible was only so-so as a form of entertainment. I only read part of the new testament though, after which I lost the book and forgot everything about it except its appearance and how good of a story I had felt it was.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

If this site stored addresses, then I'd be in serious trouble. but it doesn't, so all's good. I don't know how someone can take offense at statements like this, but I know that they do from personal experience...

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Yeah, Old Testament is where all the "cool" stuff happens: cities getting destroyed instantaneously, angry old guys summoning bears to maul children, the sea getting parted about three or four different times, talking donkeys, invincible sea monsters, etc.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

No clue how this got fucking necro-ed, buttfuck it. Anyway, I'm not really sure what my religion is. I believe in a God and a Jesus to an extent, but I don't really buy into a lot of the religious shit. I believe I make my own destiny/decisions, and most of the time, I end up questioning my religion. I've told many people I'm Atheist, then I'll switch to Agnostic, then I'll switch to Christianity, so I don't really know what the fuck I am.

Necro-ed Thread! YEAH!

9 years ago

My religion is that of an atheist. I don't buy into any of the theories or religions. I also don't like to think about the end to much, when I get there, I'll find out.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
I am actually a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which is most commonly known as the Mormon Church, even though the church was not created by Mormon.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Mormon ninja.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I am confused on the beliefs of Mormonism, could you explain them (If time alows) via IM to me?


Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

Sounds like a trap! XD

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago
The basic belief of the Mormon church is one in which we believe that god, Jesus Christ, and the Holy ghost exist separately, and not in a trinity like in other religions. We also believe that the Prophet who is here on earth obtains inspiration from the lord through the Holy Ghost and tells us what we must do to resurrect on the day of Judgement. We do not believe in a "Hell." exactly, it is more of an eternal feeling of suffering and strife to which no human has felt before in their mortal lives, we also believe that the unjust (which is judged by the lord and his son Jesus Christ) have no bodies and do not get resurrected. Those who help others, accept gifts greatfully, and follow the 10 commandments as well as the Word of Wisdom and other such books have the ability to be resurrected. That is our basic belief, let me know if you would like to read more, if so, nice, if not, I will not judge you and that is totally fine with me, just let me know.

Your religion (or lack of) ?

9 years ago

I know some Christians believe that there is no consciousness after death, until some sort of great resurrection event. I presume that mormons believe similarly (but, you know, without a single, large resurrection event).