...I'm not getting any tags at all, despite there being an @Tacocat on the list. (If they were to be working, I'd prefer it if I weren't tagged all the time though.)
I'd be Galafrayan. ^_^ [If you haven't seen Doctor Who, you must do so right away.]
Lets see here, an entire race of people who look like humans;
~Time Lord [Mainly just a cool title]
~Regeneration [12 lives. Get your hand cut off early? Regenerate it, but miss a hand in a later life.]
~Can travel anywhere in time/space as long as a Tardis is accessible.
~Extremely advanced technology, able to fit mile[s] of cubic area within a tiny Police Box or something similar.
~Can understand/read/speak any language as long as a Tardis in working condition is connected to the person. [fits with advanced tech, but still]
Despite all that, if you've seen Doctor Who, you'd know that isn't really op.