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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I've actually wanted to ask this for a while, If you could have one (Non OP) superpower, what would it be?

I would want to be a polymorph.

@Malkalack @jamescoker1226 @Digit @ARTHURIUSS  @Cerydwynn
@pinkbatgirl  @celebritydreams  @Beardon87  @Delta711  @Ashley1302 @Cynical @Aducan @Sup_Im_Jake 
@BradinDvorak @Zake  @TacocaT @Virtualide @garddo  @KitCorrigan @ShadowHills @ISentinelPenguinI 
@Chris113022 @Wigglewigglewiggle. @RoyalGhost_007 @Claw2k11 @SonicTurboTurtle

One Superpower

9 years ago

Wow. That sure is a lot of tags.

Anyway, I'd want to be able to control molecules and particles in the air to create shit like tornadoes and hurricanes. It'd be non-op because it'd most likely take a shit load of time to even make a tornado, and a hurricane would take like, a month or two to make.

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago

Hmmm, I would want some grappling hooks implanted in me *webs are gross* like that dude in just cause and be able to swing in the air and not take fall damage. useful or not I want a fun power lolz.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Wait no I take it back, it would sound like it would hurt as hell, I would rather be able to teleport like in jumper+without fall damage ^_^

One Superpower

9 years ago

I'm not sure what Non OP is but I'd go with Time Travel :) I imagine it's a bit like watching TV but more interesting.

One Superpower

9 years ago

OP means Over Powering or Over powered. something along those lines. i think. ._. i'm pretty sure.

One Superpower

9 years ago

You are correct! But, I do believe that time travel is considered OP.

Oh, well :)

One Superpower

9 years ago
Would it still be OP if you had no control as to when you'd end up?  If Will11 likens it to channel surfing, then that would be more realistic.  :)

One Superpower

9 years ago

I wouldn't think so. If you only use it to watch the events of history unfold, then I don't think it would be OP.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Fast healing.

Not as flashy as most others, but it would be liberating in so many ways and IMO the most helpful in day to day life, especially if it included immunity to sickness and stopped things like cancer or diabetes.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Actually I really like that idea :D I guess I'm just more selfish :P

One Superpower

9 years ago

Me too. I was going to say "teleportation", but I'm going to jump on this bandwagon. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

I was going to pick either invisibility or regeneration (fast healing) as well. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

What would it benefit someone like you to be invisible? Now, the ability to make certain people's clothing become invisible would be cool.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Oh I could think of a lot of ways it would come in handy, but again regeneration is more useful in general so I'd go with that.

I might have said something like reality warp, altering time or even "save game feature" but I imagine those would be too over powered.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Subtlety just doesn't seem like your style.

I don't think a "save game feature" would be overpowered, assuming you only had one save slot that you would have to use over and over. Then again, that would take all the fun out of it.

One Superpower

9 years ago

If you're only going to be using it to spy or eavesdropping, that's still pretty useful since you can acquire potential sensitive info that you can later use. 

This isn't even counting the direct use such as say robbing someplace or assaulting someone with ease.

Didn't say I was necessarily going to use my super powers for good.

EDIT: Oh well, you edited. Well anyway that was my explanation.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I edited about four or five times, lol.

All good points, I guess.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Teleportation. For someone who has to travel 1.5 hours to get to school everyday, this would be super useful. Or if you want a snack halfway through the day, just teleport home and get something ^-^

One Superpower

9 years ago

Lol, I can quite literally be anywhere and I'm going to choose to be at school.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Might as well. Super powers are only super for a little while, then they become habitual to you, so you may as well have a good, steady job.

One Superpower

9 years ago

... or just use your super power for a job. If you think about how many practical applications it has, even if you don't decide to teleport to the middle of a bank.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Yes, but when you don't have any other options, you can't really expect people to pay you well, even though you are the only teleporter in the world. Knowledge that you need money and have no other vocational skills would give them the upper hand in price negotiations. The ability to rob banks and get away may offer you a little leverage. However, if you did have to turn to robbery, you'd have to spend the money somewhere, and, as the world's only teleporter, everyone would know your face.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Or you could be a teleporting shapeshifter like that one girl from Marvel, and literally have no face. For all the world knows, there could be thousands of teleporters, but no one could catch them. Then again, this is only one superpower*, but that doesn't mean you can't have a secret identity. I mean, since the ability to be anywhere anytime puts you on the list of suspects for literally any crime ever committed since you discovered your powers, and people would try to guilt you into doing shit for them, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that your life would suck if you didn't hide your power from other people.

*Doesn't mean you can't say, "My power is the power to be a shapeshifting teleporter, despite the fact that the wish-granter clearly said I could only have one. I have the power of multiple powers. To the power of two."

One Superpower

9 years ago

But you know any reasonably intelligent power genie is going to find a way to fuck you over if you do that. Personally, if you asked for me to make you a shapeshifting teleporter, I would make it so that you can only change shape when you teleport and, when you do, the shape you assume is beyond your control. I mean, you could be more specific, but eventually, the genie is just going to say 'fuck you' and return to genie land with a full wishload.

One Superpower

9 years ago

But what if you have someone wish for the power to give people other people's powers indefinitely, another person wish for power A, and yet another person ask for power B, and you yourself wish for the power to avoid having their plans fucked with by genies in any way, then take both of those guys' powers and kill the intermediary before they can get too dangerous.

One Superpower

9 years ago

The ability to hack into different parts of the brain and control them perfectly. Such as my perception of time, so i could move faster, or my sense of pain, so i can't feel any.

downside: it only works on me, so i couldn't make someone super sensitive to pain, so that i could blow on them and they end up in agony.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I'd want telepathy. It would make persuasion and lie detection much easier.

To be clear, I'm not talking about mind control; I'm talking about being able to detect and work around what people are thinking.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Non OP? I'd have to go with the ability to identify when someone is lying.

One Superpower

9 years ago

*cries* I didn't get tagged... 

My normal choice would be time control but, since this is non-op, I'm gonna go with flight.

One Superpower

9 years ago

He tagged everyone who was on at the time. Don't take it personally.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Yeah, I was just kidding.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Actually, I tagged everyone at the time, and people I thought would be interested.

One Superpower

9 years ago

The ability to get people really baked with the wave of a hand. And to provide munchies for everyone.

One Superpower

9 years ago

To be able to travel back in time but for only 20 seconds at a time, and I have to wait 20 seconds to use it again.

One Superpower

9 years ago

So you can only turn back time to the last time you turned back time? That doesn't sound very useful. By the tmie you turn back time to do something, the twenty seconds is probably already up.

One Superpower

9 years ago

But, if you made a mistake and realized it within 20 seconds, you could go back and prevent it. Suppose you were about to get hit by a bus or you just inadvertently insulted someone.

One Superpower

9 years ago

You have no idea how many times i've messed up/ missed an opertunity to say something in a conversation or my improv class. Twenty seconds is much longer than you think.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Is this based off of futurama or Galaxy quest?

One Superpower

9 years ago

All of Master Chief's enhancements. So long as I'm the only person on earth with super-powers (And wouldn't have to contend with people who have more practical powers)  I would do just fine in life with the ability to lift cars, flip tanks, and travel by jumping 10 feet in the air over and over again.

One Superpower

9 years ago

The ability to use the Internet in my brain at any given time.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Why you no tag me? :(

One Superpower

9 years ago

He tagged everyone who was online when he made the post. It's alright; you're special too.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I wasn't familiar with you nor did I know you would be interested. I'll be sure to do so next time.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I would want the ability to travel to different gaming universes and be there and affect the universe. If I would die in those worlds, I would just respawn!

One Superpower

9 years ago

So, like a sort of video-game Valhalla?

One Superpower

9 years ago

Yeah, I guess.

One Superpower

9 years ago
Hmm...  It would be nice to be able to perceive and react in "real time", rather than waiting for my brain to interpret my surroundings and then reacting to its interpretations.  It might not be some earth shaking superpower, but everyone else would see me as someone like "Neo" from The Matrix.

Edit:  ...or thirty inch biceps.  It would be like having mind control, because no one would dare disagree with me.  XD

One Superpower

9 years ago

Wow. This turned out better than I thought it was going to.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Of course it might be fun to just pick a power with limited use, but wonderfully chaotic results such as the ability to change people's religion with a clap of your hands or summon up to 100 midgets to do your bidding.

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago

We're about to see an increase of violent Pastafarians, I fucking know it. 

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago


Because I have acrophobia, and have no interest in fancy powers of destruction etc. Though I'd probably shit myself in midair.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Undo. I'd be willing to accept limitations to make it non-OP, but yeah. Super useful in day-to-day life AND life-or-death situations. XD

One Superpower

9 years ago

I agree. If a super power is OP, then add some limitations. Like Chris did above...

Good job Chris.

One Superpower

9 years ago

But, what do you consider OP?

One Superpower

9 years ago

Uhhhh, probably god-like powers like time control, omnipresence, reality warping. Probably anything that could kill mass amounts of people easily. I don't know man! I just assumed that everyone knew what it meant... Probably not a smart assumption. I mean, half of my friends don't even know what it means. That's what happens when you're a comic nerd. *sighs* 

One Superpower

9 years ago

It's not that I don't know what the word means; it's just a very ambiguous term. One man's definition of overpowered could very well be normal for another.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Very true.

One Superpower

9 years ago

A cosmic "back button". 

One Superpower

9 years ago

What do you mean Malky?

One Superpower

9 years ago

He was providing another term for what Morgan suggested.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Oh, an undo power! I didn't understand that at first.

One Superpower

9 years ago


One day, I shall become a pigeon and proceed to shit rain death upon my enemies....

Of course, for my limitation, I can't transform into certain species.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Being able to travel at the speed of light would be my choice for a superpower.

One Superpower

9 years ago
Blood Manipulation - The supernatural power to control the flow of blood, whether inside or outside someone/something. Often used to harden blood into weapons, but can also be used to kill large amounts of life in a small amount of time. By controlling someone's blood, the controller can effectively have efficient control over body movements, heart beats, brain efficiency, and speed. The controller could also instantly kill anyone s/he manipulates by simply draining all blood from their body. This power also has some good - one who can control blood-flow can also use it to easily transplant blood into others. In cases of serious bleeding, as long as the controller knows his/her own blood type - they can somewhat live forever. The controller of blood can change blood-type, control white blood cells to fight infections, can get rid of tumors caused by cancer by separating the blood cells or killing them off, and he can have a really cool way to fight anything by sacrificing others.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Super cool Ford. Super cool.

One Superpower

9 years ago





One Superpower

9 years ago

...Same as he did to Humpty Dumpty.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Hey! Humpty had it comin' to him!

One Superpower

9 years ago

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

And Jesus saw, and he was like

"ha f*ck you"


One Superpower

9 years ago

What's up with the Jesus stuff man? *Pats shoulder* Release the feels to me...

One Superpower

9 years ago

No, he pushed him. I saw it all.

I had a lot more tails back then. Had to trim 'em back for interviews.

One Superpower

9 years ago

That's not Jesus. That's 70's-era Ringo. Jesus is the one who pushed Mohammed off the wall, and then Mohammed got angry and it ended in a very offensive fight scene where Jewish God had to come in and pull them apart.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Pssh, those gods have nothing on the greek ones.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Those gods have nothing on the Outer ones.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Mind reading. Not just the surface thought, but their memories too. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

I'd want--*sees tag list* oh... well, never mind, then. :p

One Superpower

9 years ago

Poor Kiel.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Sorry bro. I forgot about you. But don't worry, you're special too.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Lol. I was only kidding, I'm not bothered by it. I usually respond to things regardless of if I'm invited or not. xD

One Superpower

9 years ago

...I'm not getting any tags at all, despite there being an @Tacocat on the list. (If they were to be working, I'd prefer it if I weren't tagged all the time though.)

I'd be Galafrayan. ^_^ [If you haven't seen Doctor Who, you must do so right away.]

Lets see here, an entire race of people who look like humans;

~Time Lord [Mainly just a cool title]
~Regeneration [12 lives. Get your hand cut off early? Regenerate it, but miss a hand in a later life.]
~Can travel anywhere in time/space as long as a Tardis is accessible.
~Extremely advanced technology, able to fit mile[s] of cubic area within a tiny Police Box or something similar. 
~Can understand/read/speak any language as long as a Tardis in working condition is connected to the person. [fits with advanced tech, but still]

Despite all that, if you've seen Doctor Who, you'd know that isn't really op.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Yep. I'm not very interested in doctor who. I know it's about aliens who travel through time and space, but It just doesn't click with me.

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago

Doctor Who's writing has taken a nose dive recently. I also really, really dislike Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

From what Ive seen, I love Capaldi as a doctor.  Dont like the plot and the sidecharacters tho

One Superpower

9 years ago

Can I get a Death Note but in my head? Oh, and it also needs to come with a special eraser so I can bring people back to life if I later regret it. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

You mean the like Death Eraser from the pilot?

One Superpower

9 years ago

Wait, that's a thing? *Hasn't actually seen Death Note yet...*

One Superpower

9 years ago

It is, but it's exclusive to the pilot of the manga, which also featured a different protagonist.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Admittedly, it's a little odd that that never came back up.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Well, the way I understand it, the pilot was not a part of the series, but a discarded concept that the creators decided to have drawn anyway.

One Superpower

9 years ago

That's how I understand it, too. That said, I don't really know why they threw out the idea.

One Superpower

9 years ago

My guess is that they felt the eraser was too much of a "deus ex machina" and, at the same time, they felt that removing the finality of death would undermine the dark tone they were attempting.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Ehh, you can get pretty dark with the whole 'resurrecting the dead' thing. You're probably right, though.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Really, the only "dark" application I can think of for the eraser would be to kill someone in an extremely agonizing way, only to bring them back and repeat the whole process.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Well I'll be damned. Guess Death Note's author predicts the future should I ever receive this power in a year or two :P

One Superpower

9 years ago

Yes, but it only works on people killed through your use of the death note (obviously) and if they have not been cremated. Of course, cremation is just the predominant method of human carcass disposal in Japan, so it goes to reason that extremely decomposed bodies can't be revived with the eraser either.

One Superpower

9 years ago
I would probably like to move items with my mind. It has been done by humans before, there have been reports of this women who has moved a pencil with her mind, I am developing a meditation for such a thing so that I can bring items to me, so if I were too lazy to get the TV Remote, I would just move it to me. Note: I am blind so I can't see the object, so I would have to move the item with out seeing it.

One Superpower

9 years ago
I can't believe no one has requested the ability to fart mustard gas on command or projectile vomit hydrochloric acid.

But depending on where you draw the line of being OP, I'd want Poison Ivy's power over plants.

One Superpower

9 years ago

If I had a superpower....I would want...Flight.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Welcome to the Flight Club.

One Superpower

9 years ago

So I can't join the fun?

;-; You make me sad.

If I had a superpower, I would want to be able to control minds. Then I can control everyone in charge of my school and district and make them decide to have no school! Although everyone would be dumb if I did actually do that. :(

One Superpower

9 years ago

AYT, you're starting to sound like an ignorant lobotomized two year old again. 

One Superpower

9 years ago

Well, sometimes I sound two and sometimes I sound fourty. It's a thing that I like to do to confuse people about my age. I assure you, I am not two years of age, but sometimes I certainly feel so.

One Superpower

9 years ago

It was either that or you were on something.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Are you implying that I was on drugs? Let's not derail, please.

One Superpower

9 years ago

You didn't let me finish. I was saying: Either that or you were on something like a bike or a scooter.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Alright, ending this here. But an OP power I would have would be the power to take someone else's power and use it for myself.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I guess that would be sort of an OP power. But you would start off as a normal person, then you would have to steal someone's power. I guess the term "over powered" is relative. 


One Superpower

9 years ago

But if everyone else has a "non-OP power" how be OP?coud this 

One Superpower

9 years ago

If two non-op powers correct each other's trade-offs?

One Superpower

9 years ago

What if it's a one-at-a-time kinda deal?

One Superpower

9 years ago

Whatever, guys. No one is stopping you from choosing an OP power. I just wanted to see what people would choose.

Let the OP powering begin!

One Superpower

9 years ago

I would want the ability to make people's farts explode while still inside them. Or, X-ray vision, so I can give everyone I look at cancer.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Hillarious. XD

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago

I'm sorry. Causing you to feel sorrowful was not my intention.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I would want teleportation as my super power. I think being able to instantaneously go from one point to another would be the best thing for someone as lazy as myself. Plus major time saving not having to drive through traffic.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I could choose powers that will benefit the human race, or superpowers that can foresee tragedies and warn people of them, or have powers that could dominate everyone by turning them into some kind of lawn gnome.


Or I can have the power to make a pizza appear from my hands whenever I want.

Yeah, the choice is obvious.

One Superpower

9 years ago
Get ready for some OP shit.

First, I'd want the power to be able to light anything on fire, including an entire state or country. Then, I'd want the power to travel through time. I would travel back to caveman times and keep lighting cavemen on fire just for fun. I would then go to mottern times, grab some nuclear bombs, and bomb the shit out of America in like the year 1800 or something because I'm heartless.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Congratulations! Because you did not also choose the power of foresight, you have probably destroyed something very important changed the path of time so drastically that the entire world would end up as a post-bombing wasteland ruled by Nazis, threatened by raiders, ruled in a fuedal fashion in gated communities (because of fucking course it would) and, of course, you wouldn't be in it, because you've probably burned one of your direct ancestors and/or an ancestor of someone without whom your parents would not have met, and/or an ancestor of someone without whom your parents would have even continue living after 20.

One Superpower

9 years ago
The entire point of that was I don't give a shit. :P

But I wouldn't actually do that, I'd just burn anyone who pissed me off to death and take over the world because technically, I could burn the whole damn thing down if I felt like it.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Built in paradox machine. Problem solved.

One Superpower

9 years ago

I wish I could...

*refers to Kiel's post.*


One Superpower

9 years ago

Oh hey this is a thing

I think I did this in a writing exerciiiiiiisssseee... *flips through threads*

... Ah, here we are:

 [...] power of absorbing "Hate Energy", which, as you can probably tell, is energy produced by all the hate in the world. [The Hero] can do many things with this power, such as energy beams, blasts, armor, and even wings, and a small regenerative healing factor. [...] 

I don't really care if it seems OP or not, seemed like a cool concept to me.

One Superpower

9 years ago
Well, unless everyone suddenly decides to actually fucking live in harmony, you'll be good on the energy.

One Superpower

9 years ago

So far, Donald Trump has been my big supplier.

One Superpower

9 years ago

Aren't there super villains with that power?

One Superpower

9 years ago


One Superpower

9 years ago

Ghostbusters 2 comes to mind...

One Superpower

9 years ago

*One trip to wikipedia later*

... Oh. Well, I guess Vigo can absorb hate, but he absorbs all other negative emotions as well, like sadness or fear or anger or disgust, etc., and only from the mood slime and surrounding area.