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2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 5/17/2023 12:25:31 AM
Now that peeps are done with finals and we are cooling down from the fevered battles in the THUNDERDOME I figured I'd go ahead and launch this. It's sunny and beautiful out there, the birds are singing, flowers blooming, but I know you aren't going outside to Do An Activity, you're sitting in a dark room, unblinkingly browsing thousands of memes, growing ever pastier and wondering why you're depressed. Okay but enough about Ford. As for the rest of you, it's simple, just write a storygame somehow related to fishing! Given the popularity of indy Lovecraftian fishing games out there right now, I don't think this should limit anyone too hard on genre or setting. Deadline will be July 3rd, 11:59PM. THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS. And just a moment here to give my thanks to the glorious and talented MHD for the thread art. Now we know what Berka's been up to all this time! (click here for a bigger version)

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I fear nothing. I'm in. 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


I believe in you.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

This is going to be a fantastic contest.
I'll join.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


I'm sure you'll do well.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Always with the optimism.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Joining on the condition that an entire navy assembled to battle a sea beast is a form of fishing 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


Looking forward to it.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
And just wanting to mention that since I'm the one judging, if anyone gets an urge to do any puzzles or scripty stuff, feel free because I have a MUCH higher tolerance for such things than End does.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

It's time to rid myself of the title 'double-shamed'.

I am in.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Locked, good luck escaping the pit.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I have it on good authority that Mystic already has 60k words and is working on a TV show adaptation.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
How bad could it possibly be? I’m in

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


Good luck.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'm going to regret this. Ehhh why not. Throw me back in here, I promise I won't make a joke title anymore

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'll beat you up.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Here's some motivation: If you win this one, I'll make sure all future themes enforce heterosexuality so Darius can never write in this town again.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
That’s all I needed. Time to write like I’m Asian

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

And if I win, Petros' next contest entry has to feature a gay character.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Nice try. Still not writing your biography

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Chicken chicken, scared that I might win? Do you have so little faith in your writing skills?

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I am outrageously confident. If you manage to drag your wooden shoes to victory, I will write a contest entry so gay it’ll make “It’s a Boy” look straight

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

it's a deal

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I have no idea why I'd even consider doing this during exam season, but I need to do something other than not revising.

I'm in.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Locked in.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I may not have much of an idea yet, but I did say I would join every contest until I reach top 5. I'm in.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Sherbet, typecat, malk, Petros and Goodnight_A might want to have a word with you. But good luck!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Locked in. Good luck.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Deepthroat Circus: Twat So Wet You Could Take A Cruise On It

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Locked, I guess?

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

"Locked" as in he replied to your post so you can't edit it and back out of the contest.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I don't wanna back out

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

That's good since between actually making me laugh and joining a contest you potentially have the chance to raise your status around here. 

Do a really good job and you might even find yourself back in the positive points.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

*sob* thank you!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Fuck, I laughed.


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'm funny 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I have a new kink now

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

What does this even mean??

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

hahaha noob

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Eh why not I'll try to scribble something passable. Count me in.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Locked! Good luck :)

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


Should be interesting.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Too slow, End.

Is your age finally catching up?

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


Well you got my attention. I'll be judging your story.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'll make it worth your while! 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
8756, moving to initial editing and testing for the full draft.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I was hoping to publish my current storygame as my first 'big' work on the site, but it may be this instead.  I'm in.

Having not done a contest before and only skimmed previous contest threads, is there much discussion about the kind of storygames people have in development for these contests?  Particularly for something with a prompt like this that seems to lend it self to a more mechanically complex storygame.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I am assuming everyone will start their entry a week before the deadline, and then Mystic will spawn in suddenly with 100k words, just like always.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
You mean half will start around a week before the deadline while the other will realize there's only a week left and give up to be shamed again...

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I want to try :DD maybe a deadline would finally push me to make a storygame

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Oh hello, I remember you. I remember thinking a few times "this alarmingly tiny person should not be using the forum". But I guess it really has been four years, dang. THEY GROW UP SO FAST. :*)

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

This is purely so that I can keep track of other people. But here's the list of the contestants so far.

Predictions: I'm genuinely scared of Malk, he'll definitely produce something good. Sherbet will write another tense horror story. Typecat, Anthraxus and Petros are loose cannons, can go either way. Yummy will certainly be the best planner among the whole pool.
















2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

how dare you not have any predictions for me, tsk

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I don't usually bother with people who'll probably end up in the shame pit.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

How dare you, I'm going to blow you away bitch

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well I did have a plan to do nothing and then panic write in the last 12 hours, but then I started writing. So now I need a new plan.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Write better than Petros. I believe in you. (It's really not because so that I have to do less to avoid shame) 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
how dare you not have any predictions for me, tsk

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I may be new here, but I am so in

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Locked! Good luck on the contest! 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Count me in!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Locked. Good luck!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

can i have good luck

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Sure, since I'll be judging yours personally as well.

In fact, you and Suranna are going to be having a surprise duel with each other.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
you get banned if you lose

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

H-HUH? How is that fair

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

It's not. Say goodbye to the site, Antoinette. :)

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

No, I'm gonna knock you on your ass. And even if I get banned, idc since my poosay will still be wetter than yours

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

For a moment I thought the deadline for this was June 3rd and thought everyone completely flaked on this.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Yesterday I had a moment of panic because I forgot which one was first, June or July. It did at least result in me more or less drafting the direction for the story.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Well good thing that's not the case, I've barely looked at the site in a week and am definitely not in that we might call a "reading" type of mood.

And you guys think you have it so hard just writing the things smh.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I hope Mystic will come and slam you with a 300k plus masterpiece alongside a movie adaptation. (Or Petros, I have faith in you!)

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I mean you already don't have to read Ant's or Suranna's since I'll be doing that.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'll join now that I've realized it's june second not july second

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
How we doing here folks?

Two weeks plus three days for proofreading and testing is a perfect amount of time to create a respectable entry if you haven't started yet.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Currently at 2400 words. I need to pick up the pace, but hopefully should make it. Be a shame to end up shamed at the first opportunity.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

kind of sitting at 2700 words and hit a bit of a motivational dead end. I know what I want to write, but at the same time I am on the edge of scrapping the idea entirely for something else I haven't even come up with yet.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I'm afraid that three days for testing won't be enough, but I'm kinda getting scared of Petros and TCat, but mainly Petros. Karmic destiny tells me that he will win and ban me from writing gay characters in future contests. And i don't know whether grammarly can handle large documents.

I still need to complete one big fight and all the endings and epilogues. Madness is creeping in.

Then i also have game art I need to finish and the best way to have the map available. 

And I don't know whether I will reach my word count goal this time, perhaps I'll add an expansion later. After working at it for so long, I don't even know whether the story is any good or not anymore.


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Not great.  I've been trying to wrap up the one I was working on before the contest and that has drug on far longer than I expected.  I'll still have something up in time, but it is going to be smaller than my original scope.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Just finished my finals, writing at top speed. Confident that I can at least finish it, even if not in good quality :))

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
starting over 48 hours out from the deadline is for losers

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I'm plugging along. I think I'm about halfway done but I have a long weekend coming up which I plan to use for writing/editing.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I wrote an intro that I quite liked, and then haven't touched it for weeks.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Same lol. I wrote an intro then just scrapped it for a new idea. I don't know if I'm even going to touch it after today

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Alright fuck it. Am I happy with what my alkohol and heatwave fried brain produced? No. Could I spend 2 more weeks redoing it basically page by page till I'm happy with it? Probably, but I got other things to write and do so something's got to give.

Anyway me and my downright suicidal at this point liver would like to present you all with Nautilus. A short story about family and dealing with your past decisions that also happens to be set in a world of my creation some couple hundred years before a different story I'm currently writing in it. Now excuse me I need to go and make myself another drink.
Also the thing is a bit over 9000 words instead of 7500 the site claims, but some of those are hidden in scripts because I wanted to be efficient in building it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
One week remains. Good time for everyone but Cavus to think about starting. Or perhaps the even more traditional scrapping of the current stories to start a new less ambitious one at the last minute.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Starting is for losers. Real winners just finish.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago



The Penguin Without Feet


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


TypewriterCat - DONE
Sherbet - DONE
hetero_malk - DETROIT
Suranna - DONE
Petros - DONE
Darius_Conwright - DONE SHAMED LOL
goodnight_a - DONE
Yummyfood - SHAMED
Capitalisme - SHAMED
Antoinette390 - SHAMED AND BANNED
CavusRex (KAE Interloper) - DONE
Anthraxus - SHAMED
StoryTurtle - DONE
ellabcee - DONE
CuriosityKills - SHAMED
crystalpenguin - SHAMED

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
And there's only 2ish days left. Looks like for some sleep will be in short supply this weekend.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I hope I can finish it before the deadline. Slowly panicking right now. Sanity has left me days ago. Again, I'd underestimated the endings and epilogues.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Yeah, I'm in a bad position for finishing on time as well.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Ford said he dropped out, so might as well SHAME him now.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
In his own words starting is for losers. This is why he started to prove he is indeed a loser and then decided he likes being one so much he'd rather not finish. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I have a desperate task ahead of me.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Malk said he was dropping out. Thrown in the pit.

So Ford managed to get double SHAMED and now Malk's gotten himself triple SHAMED preventing further contest participation for himself until a special amnesty contest is held.

Good job so far.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

So this was the other reason why he refused to go with my bet. Well, at least one part of my anxiety is gone.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Just remembered as an admin, he gets thrown in TARTARUS

EDIT: Nah, I got a better name for it.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I have crashed and burned on this one.  There will be no way I can finish tonight.  SHAME on myself for not getting my shit together for my first official contest.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Real men only admit defeat when the fight is over. I've got all night still and I'm gonna use it!


Also, I'm 99% sure Ant isn't making it either. She messaged me earlier today saying she hadn't even started it. Unless she's planning to enter Deepthroat Circus: 60 Sec Edition.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Both of you reread the OP.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I've got a lot of stuff going on tomorrow, so I figured I'd turn it in early morning. As for Anthraxus, I figured he just had stuff to do as well.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Yeah, I have to work tomorrow, so I doubt I will have enough time to salvage it, although I can probably knock out another couple pages.  Is it better to submit an unfinished or terribly truncated story, or to simply take my ashen sackcloth of shame?  I do not know.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I've seen truncated stories before. If the majority of the piece is already written, I would just advice you to publish what you have and edit it after the contest is over. 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well final hours folks and since this isn't my contest I don't really care what happens. Looking forward to throwing a lot into the SHAME pit and in one case banning someone who was annoying anyway.

However, I do hope TCat manages to finish something, I would hate to have TWO daughters in the pit.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well I guess it's time to start on my rewrite. I got a bit in before work this morning but not past the first page. Hopefully I don't get distracted.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Nevermind. I give up.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago


2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I am happy that this contest produced such a beautiful work of art from @MadHatterDaughter

I think Old Man Berka on his fishing vacation is a really good reason for it to exist.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

This story blows. It's not even finalized. But I've got the basic outline of what I had planned to do written out so I'm gonna use this as my last-ditch effort to not get triple-shamed. Have fun.


Lakeview of the Leviathan

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well looks like I have some reading to do.

And like I said to Suranna's mom, let's get this over with.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Coins really has passed the torch, huh.

Or it's been taken from his unresponsive hands and given to another, anyway.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Wow I'm featured!

Edit: -_- life is a mistake.

Update on me; I have all my writing done. Endings are slightly rushed, but what can you do. It's now all a race to copy-paste everything, my least favorite thing to do...

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I like people that include me in things, or in their things.

Yes, I will now remember to be nicer to you if there are any future interactions on this forum. 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well Suranna's story was basically one big CYStian shitpost. Might not win this contest, but if her main intention was to amuse me, then she succeeded.

Honestly if she took it down after the contest and fleshed out the bits that she obviously just rushed to complete, I'd probably raise the rating a bit.

Her mom still blows more (And better) than this story though.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Here's my entry.

Oh my god, horror AGAIN Sherbet?

I unfortunately did what I always seem to do and abandoned my more ambitious attempt about ten days or so before the deadline. Still, I'm pretty happy with what I ended up with, and it's still my longest story yet.

Good luck to those who have yet to publish!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I am grateful that this contest provided the motivation to learn how to do scripting in a more in depth way. There are possibilities here that go far above "turn to page 62" and I am excited at what I may be able to do in future games.

However, I procrastinated too long and there's no way I'll be able to finish this today, let alone have time to bug test. Respectfully withdrawing from the contest and good luck to the rest of you.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
*pained whimpers*

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I thought that I had enough time to do the variable and copypasta work, but fuck, I didn't expect for such a shitty headache to suddenly come up. Bad timing, bad planning yada yada. Fuck, I might be losing my bet haha. But yeah, should have taken two days to script that bastard.

So here. 

A shitty thing I've written at the very last minute. I'm gonna sleep and peace out.

Arghhh, just thinking about it makes me angry. You know, having written so friggin many stuff only to get stuck in the copypasting process. Fuck. Well, good learning moment for later. Copypaste it in chunks so a sudden burst of headache won't keel you over. Fuck. I'm gonna take a nap.

Gotta post that other thing I was planning at a later date. 



2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Have to say I'm a bit surprised by this spectacular failure since despite everything else, you've usually been able to produce in these contests.

Between this and your king apologizing for slavery, it's a dark day for the land of windmills and dikes

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

hey remember when you said you were going to produce a better game than me? your writing and my nothing amount to the same thing :) 

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I still want to see the real story.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Those Ever-Grinding Teeth

It is finished.

Thanks for the contest. I may reflect on my mistakes after the results are posted.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
An hour and a half left. Is it too early to personally thank everyone for making this "reading" thing really easy on me?

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Finished! Is it a long story? No. Is it good? Nope. Am I still proud of it? I hope so. I hope you guys like reading my first published story on here. I enjoyed making it even with the constant looming deadline, that my adhd brain can't comprehend. I present to you The Cabin in the Forest. I don't know how to make it a link and I don't care enough to figure it out so here's the actual link too.

The Cabin in the Forest

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I won't have my name tarnished by SHAME. If I'm going down, I'll be going down writing about an excessive amount of murder.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

I certainly approve.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Alright, well I guess that's it then.

The rest of you are SHAMED.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
I'm an hour behind you, there's technically still 45 minutes. Buuuut I doubt anybody else is gonna be clawing their way out of the SHAME pit in that time regardless.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Well in any case Suranna won her suprise mini-duel to the death with Ant, though given that it was Ant, the results were hardly surprising.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

She ran off after seeing that my 'poosay' was clearly the wetter specimen. 


Also, thanks for the achievement. It feels nice seeing my points doubled in one go.

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago

Looks like I have a bunch of free points to collect; thanks procrastinators!

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin'

one year ago
Man, whose idea was it to end this contest right in the middle of the Steam sale?

Guess I'll read these today though. Ugh.