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End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

                         END MASTER'S CRISIS CONTEST


Deadline: 11:59 PM August 1st, 2024

Reward: You live.

Basically make a story where there’s a great crisis that the protagonist has to deal with. This can be anything. Asteroid impact, super volcano, Godzilla like monster, inter dimensional alien invasion, demonic avatar of the end times, etc. It can also be any setting (Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, etc) 

But it's not quite that simple.

I actually did have another contest in mind which was going to be called an “Amnesty Contest” where it was going to be a low pressure contest with no chance of getting SHAMED and mostly for the larva in the pit where they could get a chance to get out. However, one of gods around here, specifically Malk in this case has really got a bloodlust going on and the only way that can be resolved is through slaughter. (As one does) So this has altered things a bit.

So the lot of you who dare to face the werecappy (Who is the real life crisis in this scenario) in this contest still have the potential to be thrown in the SHAME pit (Or kicked another level down it.) 

In fact, it isn’t really enough to just turn in a story, you need to at least try to match him in quality or if you’re really ambitious, beat the chicken soup out of him.

Remember, Malk’s been soaking up the hate and grim darkness around here since he was a snotnosed kid like some of you currently are. Because of this fact, he’s managed to rise to the top of the food chain and become one of the most formidable writers around here.

However, he’s also still prone to degeneracy so you lot may get lucky and he’ll get distracted from the contest by an androgynous AZN in a public bathroom or something.

This will admittedly be a little different than the average contest, but we’ll see how this experiment goes.

So as usual post here if you're entering and when you've completed your story also post the link to it here.

Anyway that’s about it unless I think of something else. 

Good luck!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I will enter and face the Dredded Capybara.  And if I die in the attempt hopefully it will be bloody.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I honor the call, EndMaster, whatever the outcome.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I don't see this turning out well at all

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Just mentioning that Will is planning to run a review contest that should extend past this deadline. So when you all publish on the 1st there may be a few people actually reading these!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I was not expecting this, but it COULD be legendary.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago



Challengers so far














CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond)





End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Haven't been seeing TCat around much lately, I wonder if she's entering.

Malk and Dark both getting the chicken soup kicked out of them by a preteen girl would be pretty funny I admit.

And if we can entice STEVE to join, even better. I am really looking forward to this one.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

obv entering this one lol 

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Sure, I'll give this a try. Does the crisis have to be world-altering or can it be personal?

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Well if you think you can make a good story out of some personal crisis go for it I guess.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I have triple checked and I should be free to do this contest. I will enter.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

You ain't getting saved this time...

Good luck! :D

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Bro I just wanted to make a funny reply... (Was a meta joke to when Bezro mentioned me in the shame thread)

I didn't intend to join.

Please take me out of this! I'm going to be out of town later this summer among other personal stuff. I only entered last contest due to FOMO and now I realize that was a bad idea.

In any case I found the story I was trying to write to be pretty cringey upon further reflection which only decreases the chances that I would have joined this that much more...which I need to reiterate was pretty low. I know End doesn't like when people are indecisive so I didn't plan on saying anything unless I was 100% sure I both wanted to enter AND that I could submit something of quality.

If you wanna force me to commit one way or the other...just ban me from entering this contest specifically...I don't care. If I was given the choice I'd rather have it that way than the other way around.

(This doesn't even take into account that I'm triple shamed and that part of me would actually like to enter a contest when I'm sure that I can manage it! I got really REALLY stressed last time and I don't want to repeat that!) (Seriously body was really not handling the aftermath of last contest...even I didn't expect it. I normally would keep that stuff to myself but you kinda forced my hand here...)

(EDIT: My body is still I don't like this feeling at all...)

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Rules are rules.  If you post in the contest thread, you risk being entered in the contest.  EndMaster listed you as an entrant in his post, you are IN.  

My recommendation to you is to produce something worthy of an entry and demonstrate improvement to redeem yourself somewhat.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Best laugh I've had in a minute

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Yeah, banning you from this wouldbe awfully convenient for you smh

Just crank out 10k words of cringe and be done with it, nothing to get the shakes about lol

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Well if that's what you want, of course you can join! 

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Always nice to see some enthusiasm.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
quite the declaration of entry

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Hey, I've been having second thoughts cause I'm doing summer college classes. But there's no backing out now! So if I see you in the SHAME pit, we can be buddies cause we'd both be there due to real life. Lol XD (HELP.....!) 

End Master's Crisis Contest

21 days ago

I somehow missed this comment when you made it...

Glad to see you were this supportive this early on! That's pretty cool! :D

(Also your claim of us both being buddies seemed to have aged really well! lol :P)

End Master's Crisis Contest

15 days ago

HA! You were right about that! XD *Noogy* :P

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I'm back just to enter this contest 

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Nice! Good luck!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

You've been sitting in the Triple SHAMED pit for awhile, this will either get you out or cast you forever into the Abyss.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

As it happens, I've had the perfect storygame brewing for this contest. I'm in.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Get the fuck outta here, I lock  my own damn posts 

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

but you were too slow.  locked again

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Go lock yourself!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Now you are both locked. TOGETHER. FOREVER.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

No! :[

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Double locked

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Alright, alright, I can sense the animosity towards me growing. I know I have become a bit of a 'flake,' so I would like to take this opportunity and try to remedy that. And, to entice me to write I want there to be some more conditions, if EndMaster allows it.


If I manage to publish something of quality I want:

-300 points

-An invitation to the Discord

-A murder story from @Petros


If I manage to fail spectacularly you are welcome to:
-Ban me


Yep, being serious here. If the threat of being permanently banned doesn't entice me I don't know what will. Let's hope this isn't a poor decision spurred on by late-night psychosis and will actually amount to something instead.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
In the morning you will be concerned by how eager End was to accept this.

Personally, I would have waited for the Amnesty comp. But good luck on actually finishing a thing, hope it's better than whatever Malk finishes.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
hmm, alright. If I manage to publish something of quality I want to run a contest and if I fail to publish I'll ban myself and give Miz $1000 to do whatever with.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
aw man. I'll need an alternative that still one-ups suranna.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Whoa whoa hold on there, I kind of like these terms.

We need to run a contest where all entrants do this, imo.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Ford doesn't get to host a contest because he's retarded and he doesn't get to be banned because he's needed to upgrade shit on the site.

As for giving you 1000 dollars, well those are terms you can work out with him.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
End says no, but you could say yes anyway :^)

what would cys be without bribery and war?

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

As I said, you're free to give her 1000 dollars for whatever terms, but you're still not getting banned or hosting a contest.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Well, this is a bit surprising so many have joined since the summer months tend to be slow. Some stumbling into contests by accident are always amusing. Quite a few challengers are already on the teetering edge of the Abyss if they fuck up on this contest and at least one person going big or going to bansville. (And cleverly finding a loophole from perma-lock out from contests)

Lots of high stakes this contest, but that's good. Makes the crisis theme all the more fitting.

I suppose the ultimate turn out will be the indicator if these sorts of challenge contests will have place for the future.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Seeing people wagering their entire accounts really takes me back. Been awhile since the Chaos contest. Although Ford just uploaded his consciousness into a robot body when he flaked that time so it didn't quite have the full effect.

Ford may have sort of adopted Suranna, but this really seems like one of those "don't do as I do OR as I say" situations.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Does signing up for the contest as a newbie who is overly ambiguous and willing to risk the SHAME pit before I even have a chance to make any kind of name for myself on here count as surprising or extremely risky? Lol

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I'm in. I have a better idea of what I should plan for now, so I should finish this one instead of turning in a patched together, incomplete mess at the end.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
lets see here hmm
no school, check!
no work, check !
crippling need for redemption and approval, Double check!
whelp looks like its time for my redemption and I'm not a month late too!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Looks up from the shame pit
I miss the sun...

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Inspiration has finally struck. Count me in for 500, if anyone's keeping track.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I'm not

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I’m new here, but I’ll take the challenge!

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Good luck.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Same. Lol

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I'll submit something or start off my time here by getting shamed

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I'm in the same boat. Lol

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Will could've just waited and entered his zombie story in this one lol, maybe some of you would've actually read it.

I wonder if it's the initial fake out death that's throwing some people off.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Damn, i tried reading It and thought the author didn't finish It, didn't figure out the fake death as i usually don't click on the end game button

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
The Fates have brought me to today and have brought this challenge to my attention. I see it as a test of worthiness to be apart of this community. If I fail, then there is nothing to lose, since I am a nobody as of now. But if I succeed, then I will rise to the rank of Legend faster than most while simultaneously gaining respect among other writers in this community.

So, I will accept this challenge, test my metal, and obliterate all who stand in my way. And if I fall on that fateful day of August 1th 2024 in the heat of the battlefield, then I will die bringing down as many to the SHAME pit with me as possible.

I wish my competitors luck, and may the ideas flow from your heart to the screen. And, of course, have fun. :)

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Locked.  Even though it is a totally gay acceptance speech.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

:/ I'm strait. I was just trying to be dramatic. 

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

You can be whatever you want.  But your post is still gay.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

*Sigh* If you wanna argue about this (which I do not. In fact, Imma leave it alone) then message me privately or something. This thread is for the Crisis Contest. I wanna leave it for that.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

You are the only one who is arguing.  I just stated a fact.

Dude, youve been here for not even a day.  And if you paid any attention, you would know that if you say something stupid you will get called out on it.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Ah. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's any website that involves chatting online. But you are right, I should have just said 'Sign me up.'

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Wasn’t dumb, you just don’t have very thick skin. Too sensitive to be online.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I mean, you're probably right. I just take things literally when it's online because I can't hear the sarcasm and tone of a person when I read a message. :l But I like people! :D

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I’m more of a channel guy, you know?

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

I mean, I do get that. More people can join a discussion, which is always nice, but some people don't like when others spam. :/ So I want to be considerate.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

Oh! Is that how it is spelled? :o

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Unless you're not only gay, but also some kind of robot

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago

*Beep boop* :P

Lol jk. I'm neither gay nor a robot. But I do like R2-D2. Lol.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I haven't one of these in a long time. Sign me up.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago



Challengers so far














CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond)







End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
My first page is complete. If you are reading this and have not started you are a goner and you should drop out now.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
Congrats on writing 17 syllables.

End Master's Crisis Contest

one month ago
I love haikus.

End Master's Crisis Contest

21 days ago
Is it too late to withdraw from the contest? If it is just throw me in the pit, because my parents just told me we would be going on a trip that will overlap the deadline, and I won’t have access to any sort of computer. While I have written a good bit, it won’t be enough to actually enter as it is now even with cutting a lot, and I have about a day to submit anything if I do. And if I do it’ll just be a repeat of Cleansed, and it definitely won’t be enough to beat Malk. Thanks for any sort of consideration on my retarded self.
TL;DR I’m pathetically begging for leeway that I probably don’t deserve, because I wasn’t as efficient with my writing as I should have been.

End Master's Crisis Contest

21 days ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

21 days ago
Didn’t expect any better. Can’t say I didn’t try though lol.

End Master's Crisis Contest

21 days ago

Have fun on your vacation! :D

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago
Can I join?

I know I haven't been very consistent, but there were a lot of circumstances around the previous one that sabotaged my efforts, and so I'm begging for just one more chance to finally prove myself!

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago
Well it's End's call since it looks like you're TRIPLE SHAMED, but so is Alienrun and he's in this contest.

Just don't fuck it up, the last thing you want to do is get cast down to the Ninth Circle with the Mormons.

And I hope you read the fine print, you're all up against more of a challenge this time.

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago

She's in.

Pretty late, but then I imagine most haven't started yet anyway.

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago

I have started, but it was a rough week last week and I kinda lost some of my motivation. :,)

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago
If you need motivation to write, you're doomed

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago

I kinda figured. But I'll get this thing down eventually.

End Master's Crisis Contest

17 days ago
I have four pages total and anticipate shame.

End Master's Crisis Contest

16 days ago

As is tradition.

End Master's Crisis Contest

14 days ago
I am starting with barely over two weeks to write, and in five years have never done anything notable on this site. Anyone who ends up rated below me really should be embarrassed.

What I'm aiming for is a mostly a gauntlet style story with two major branches so I think progress will be quick. I'll finish one branch first just in case I run out of time on the other.

End Master's Crisis Contest

14 days ago

Smart smart.

Also, I love your pfp! :o

End Master's Crisis Contest

4 days ago
Ten days left. Probably a good time for most of you to start.

End Master's Crisis Contest

4 days ago

I don't know how some people can write a decently fleshed out story in like a month. It typically takes me 2 days of constant scraping and rewriting before I have wrote a page I'm satisfied with lol. *clap* *clap* to those who can do that. 

End Master's Crisis Contest

4 days ago


End Master's Crisis Contest

4 days ago

I'd be surprised if this worked considering there's only a little over a week left.

Also didn't expect you to succumb to this level smh my head head...

End Master's Crisis Contest

4 days ago

It would work if it was done by a member that was important. If anything Suranna's secured Crimson's safety which was assured anyway THIS time since he did a lot praising in a PM before he started posting regularly.

End Master's Crisis Contest

16 hours ago
Exactly seven days remain. If you haven't started yet you're cutting it very close given this one has actual quality requirements.

And at least one of you wagered your account on this.

End Master's Crisis Contest

16 hours ago

Counting today, there's a week left folks and as far as I know Malk is the only one that's actually worked on anything.

I know some are forgetful around here, so here's a reminder of which one of your worlds are in the crosshairs of this cosmic abomination that's coming to murder-rape your planet, your people and YOU all the while laughing manically about it.



Challengers so far




Ford (500 pts)







Suranna (300 pts)



CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond)

PerforatedPenguin (500 pts)




