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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Hey this is so cool! anyways my fave book was the Fablehaven. We should go on like this like we all say our favorite books/ series so we can recommend different types of books! Fablehaven is when two kids Seth and Kendra go to their grandparents place to stay for 2 weeks. But then they discover this secret land called Fablehaven and have to save before a demon gets hold of it!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I have a lot of books that I like but I guess one of my favorites would have to be The Beyonders:  A World Without Heroes. It's a newer series and it's about a guy that falls through a portal in a hippo tank and gets transported to another land in which he must hunt a word that will destroy the tyrant king of that land.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Hmm. This will sound really teen girl like, but I LOVE the Pretty Little Liars series.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
This thread depresses me, haha. Nothing wrong with liking/loving these books, but have any of you guys read anything more interpretive?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago


Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Oh, you mean like World War Z by Max Brooks.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I've always liked the "Mistborn" Trilogy.  Has anyone here ever read those books?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

i finished the Mistborn trilogy (and follow up book that was recently released) last week. absolutely loved them!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
My favorite deep book wold probably be the Empire series by Orsan Scott Card. I also like the Orphans of Chaos serious. I also read the green rider book serios. Dragons Eye by Stephan King. The Magick serious and rangers apprentice are some more. Rick Rioden Percy Jackson serious. Brandon Mull (Beyonders, Fablehaven, Candy Shop Wars,) and finally the Grey Griffins trilogy and the Sequel serious The Clockwork Chronicles.Inheritance cycle.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
I'm a total fan of Brandon Mull and Rick Rioden!

Love them!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

East of Eden by John Stienbeck.


Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
I forgot to mention ender's game and Ruby.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
i really want to read the percy jackson series but i have no idea where to get it!
i also love Nancy Drew famous five and 39 clues! and this sounds so 6 year old like but i kinda like this series called the magic fairies! i can't help it! it was the only book i could find in my school library! oh yeah and i love Goosebumps!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

lol Go goosebumps!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Enders game is awesome

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I have a lot of books that I consider favorites, but The Necessary Grace to Fall by Gina Ochsner is definitely one of the best. It's just so beautiful.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Favorite book: Empire by Orson Scott Card.
It's the first book of political fiction that I've read. I found it very refreshing, compelling, and just basically addicting. Unfortunately when I was reading the book I couldn't really focus on my schoolwork because I was thinking of all the possible endings to the book.
Favorite Series: The Inheritance Cycle
I honestly don't know why this series has hooked me, but ever since Eldest came out I have loved this series. I'm currently re-reading Brisingr in anticipation for the release of Inheritance later this month.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
haha, funny.

Ender's game, Orson Scott Card

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
He is a fantastic writer. In my Top 3 favorite writers of all time.

1. Edgar Allen Poe

2.Orson Scott Card

3. Stephan King.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Really guys, freaking Empire? Card's written so much amazing stuff and everybody's favorite is the videogame tie-in? Ender's Game not even worth a mention? Buncha philistines here, jeez. :P

Also Watership Down is and always will be the best book.


Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago


(okay so I guess I should have done more than skim the thread before posting...why oh why can't we get an edit button...)


Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Watership Down is absolutely fucking incredible. Just divine.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
because all the creators are dealing with real life.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
also empire doesn't have a video game. It is actually about today's political climate.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Yaaay, someone else loves Hazel and Fiver too! :D

Seriously though, Watership Down is the most incredible book AND the most impossible to get other people to actually read. Just try describing the plot to someone who's never heard of it before..."Well you see the main character's little brother is a prophet who foresees an unknown threat to their town, it's serious enough that the two of them and several friends decide to flee, but the world they're in is a such a dangerous place. There is so much deep stuff about myth and society and religion going on but it's all in the background of this absolutely amazing adventure, you literally can't help but fall in love with these characters  and oh yes they're all talking rabbits wait wait where are you going come baaack... :(


Oh, and Cool, actually in the foreword (or afterword, somewhere in there anyway...) Card talks about being contacted to come up backstory for a game by its creators. I just checked the wiki though and it looks like it never got made:

"Empire is not an original Orson Scott Card project, but rather stems from the development of the Empire video game. The game was being developed by the brothers Donald and Geremy Mustard, founders of the Chair Entertainment Group development studio until it was canceled. Card was contacted by Donald Mustard and offered the chance to develop the game's storyline as well as a novel to set the series into action.[11] The Xbox Live Arcade Game Shadow Complex was announced by Donald Mustard to be a tie-in to the second installment of Orson Scott Card's Empire Trilogy and is a prequel to the Empire novel that is developed by ChAIR"

The plot itself is good though...right up to a certain point. I just wish he'd come up with the idea and written it on his own so he didn't have to shoe in a goofy high-tech supervillain, kind of weakened the whole thing for me. :/

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

Yeah, I loved Empire but I never played the game. Whether the game was ever released or not I don't even know. I don't know about Ender's Game because I've never gotten around to reading it. I think I had a plan to read it at one point but never followed through...

And Cool... that isn't today's political climate. It's a satirization of what could be our political climate in the future.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! I just read your whole post (I skimmed it before), but there is an Empire TRILOGY?!!!????!!? Why wasn't I informed?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Inheritance cycle all the way. Anything Orson Scott Card is awesome too.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Watership down was intense. We were picking out classic books to read in class and one girl asks me what its about. So I tell her this:

"oh, well some bunnies live in this warren. And there is this bunny that has a vision that they're all gonna die, and he leaves with a few believers, and the whole warren dies. Then stuff happens, and they meet this psycho warren, and stuff happens...and well....over all.....It's an incredibly intense story......with.....bunnies...yeah..."

No one checked that out for their classic response in my class for the rest f the year.

If you like Watership down, then you might like redwall.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

My favourite books include the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix, the Saga of Seven Suns series by Kevin J. Anderson and The Messenger by Marcus Zusak (I read it a few years ago and really can't remember much about it but the storyline to it and the complete normalness of the character I really enjoyed). I also enjoyed Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom.

I don't really read much though. I'd like to read more, but I don't have the money to buy books (or, rather, I would prefer to buy music and music equipment), and the last time I checked the library there wasn't anything that looked remotely interesting in it. I really should get around to making a list of good books to try and seek out, though. From what I've heard The Hunger Games is good, but off the top of my head I can't remember anything else I wanted to get.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I also don't get to read as much as I'd like. But lately I have been reading the classics and other stuff that I do find at the library.  I've read some of H.G. Wells, Jules Verne of Robert Louis Stevenson. And most of Michael Crichton for a more modern author. Pirate Latitudes was fun to read. I'm currently on a Sea-faring kick because recently I started "Master and Commander" the first of 20 novels by Patrick O' Brian. I'm almost done with the first and I absolutely love it!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I Have a list of favorite books, the count has surpasses 100 I believe, but here are a few that I have not yet seen mentioned. Ender's game and, Watership down are 2 that have already been mentioned. I am an omnivorous reader, and make no claims that all of these are great literature. After the first two, the list is in no particular order

Lord of the Rings

The Sherlock Holmes short stories

The Wizard of Earthsea series

A Separate Peace

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Mark of the Horse Lord

The Westing Game

The Chosen (Chaim Potok)

The Screwtape Letters

Heart of Darkness

Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars books

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

You like The Westing Game? I now distrust you.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

trust is hardly something I would expect to find readily extended. (In my case, its not at all deserved anyway)

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I really like Christopher Marlowe's "The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus."  Commonly referred to simply as "Doctor Faustus."  It's just an amazing play, through and through.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I'd recommend the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins or Under the Dome and Neeful Things by Stephen King

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

*Needful Things

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

I like Hunger Games too!

I recently finished reading The House of the Scorpion. It was amazing.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Now I need to read House of the Scorpion, I have heard to much about it in one day not to.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

It's an amazing book that I think you'd really like. It's available on Kindle and maybe Nook. I haven't checked for Nook.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

My favorite books are the Circle series by Ted Dekker its about this guy named Hunter and when ever he goes to sleep he is transported to another fantasy world and when he goes to sleep in that world he goes back to the modern day America, and he doesn't know which is real and both worlds are connected in some way.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
I just read this series, I can't recall the name of whole thing, but the first book is the Light of Eidon. It was one pf the best series I've read in a while.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
I just read this series, I can't recall the name of whole thing, but the first book is the Light of Eidon. It was one of the best series I've read in a while.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago
Why did it post twice?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

13 years ago

You guys should read some Clark Ashton Smith stuff, he writes a lot of short stories but isn't that well known. He does mostly dark fantasy and that sort of thing with crazy ass monsters. He, H.P. Lovecraft, and Robert E. Howard were best friends and all wrote for weird tails which was a magazine that published most of there stories. Anyway ya'll should read him even if you don't like dark fantasy because he is a real good writer.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles books. (Start with The Warrior's Apprentice.)

Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Trilogy (Not actually complete yet, but seriously, a must read so far.)

Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago
Doomsday Conspiracy by Sideny Sheldon.
Here's the little description:

Commander Robert Bellamy of US Naval Intelligence is dispatched on a top secret mission. A weather balloon carrying sensitive military information has crashed in Switzerland. Bellamy must locate the ten witnesses to incident so that they can be sworn to secrecy.
But as he conducts his search Bellamy begins to suspect that he, too, is being hunted, and by an unknown lethal force--that wiat he was told about the balloon is only one part of an almost unbelievable happening....
Why the women he loves the most cannot return his love, why his friends become his deadly enemies, and why the word must never learn the incredible secreat hidden on the Swiss Alps.....

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

I think The Invisible Detective series is just amazing. I also like Agatha Christie's books like the Hercule Poirot series, Miss Marple series and the Tommy & Tuppence series. I also like The Hardy Boys too, basically I love all mystery books. smiley

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

So I just finished the third book in the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod.


Amazingly amazing. One of my favorites, honestly. :)


Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Anyone read the"Earths Children" series, the first book in it is "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean Auel

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

JUST YES! You should finish that series, it is AWESOME!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Maximum Ride just finished. You should read it.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

The Dune series. The Horus Heresy series. 1984.The Decent.Relic.Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep.Demons Dont Dream.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

My favorite fantasy series so far are Game of Thrones and Robin Hobb's Farseer and Tawney Man trilogies but I think my absolute favorite book I've ever read of all time is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I've never read a book that was written quite so cleverly before. It's about a German girl living in Nazi Germany during World War 2, but it's written from the point of view of Death. The story line is great but it was the way it was written that kept me hooked.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

I LOVE FARSEER SERIES! If my Kindle hadn't broken, I'd be reading it again right now, since I forgot like everyone's names... funnily enough, I still vaguely remember the third, though.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Yey! Someone else who's read them! The Fool's my favorite ^_^

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

I never got to the second part of the series :( I only read the first three, where ... MC does all that stuff. Like when he gets 



Tortured by the rich guy, fakes his own death then recovers in the third one.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Nah, I mean The Fool's my favorite character.


Out of curiosity, you think The Fool was a guy or a girl? 'Cos everyone else seems to think he's a guy, but I really, really think he's a girl :)

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Oh yeah, the toymaker guy!


He was awesome!


I think 'he' was female, as he made what seemed a lot like advances on Main Character, haha.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Yey! A person who agrees with me! You should give the Tawney Man trilogy a read some time. Same characters but is set about 15 years later.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Yeah, that's what it was called! I got the little sample on my Kindle, and it broke. -_-

There's three in that one too, right? Doesn't he try to rescue the heir or something? 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Anyone read the"Earths Children" series, the first book in it is "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean Auel

The main character is a girl!!!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

OMG that like never ever happens, huh? /sarcasm

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

lol I was just springing off all the complaints that there are so few female lead charatcers.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

That's the one. I think the three books are called Fool's Errand, Golden Fool and Fool's Fate

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Yep, I need to re-read the first three though...


Amazon time.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

I really loved Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins.  The way that man can turn a phrase is nothing short of pure magic.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

the lock artist

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

Shutter Island

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny

The series begins with Corwin, an amnesiac who finds himself hospitalized against his will. After discovering he was seriously injured in a car wreck, he goes about the business of recovering his memory, eventually learning that he is a scion of Amber.

There is a power struggle for the Throne of Amber, which serves as the center of all Order. In opposition are the forces of Chaos. Between the two poles of power, all the worlds that can be imagined exist, and can be reached by those who have power over Shadow. This is a ability attainable only by those bearing the royal blood of Amber.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

12 years ago

(Got to agree with Morgan R) Lois McMaster Bujold's 'Miles Vorkosigan' series of books. I've got them all, and I think only about two of the books in the series were a bit 'meh', but loved all the rest! Most of them are stand-alone novels, but with ongoing character development that spans across the series.

Some more fav's:

I read the Hunger Games trilogy recently, and actually thought it was pretty good. Still haven't seen the movie.

Across the Nightingale Floor and series by  Lean Hearn. Got to love samurai / ninja / drama stories!

Any books by David Gemmell with Skilgannon or Waylander in them. (the books get better the further into the series' you get) Waylander is basically an assassin who goes and murders the King, causing the whole land to fall apart and get invaded. He then becomes the only person skilled enough to right his wrong, and save the land from destruction. Most of David Gemmell's books are set in the same world, but in different eras with different characters.

"Waylander", "Waylander II", "A Hero in the Shadows"

Skilgannon's books I think are: "White Wolf" and "The Swords of Night and Day" 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Favorite Series: Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini. (First book is Eragon). An intelligently written series; it truly engaged me in every sense: great action, romance, vocabulary (I'm a bit of a language nerd), and it wasn't afraid to ask big, philosophical questions. (For those who have finished the series: the question about what to do with the magicians? It's a little scary when you think how similar that is to modern technology anymore.)

Also great reads:

Comedy: The importance of being Earnest. My face hurt from laughing so hard.

Dystopia: Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. In my opinion, a far better (and disturbingly more accurate) dystopia than 1984.

Bonus points: A Clockwork Orange. Read the version with the 21st chapter still in it. (Why it was originally published in the USA without the last chapter is unknowable. Why the movie chose to base itself off of that incomplete version is even more confusing.) Love this book for the question that it asks by the end.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

My all-time favorite book is The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The book is short, but is full of meaning and moral. Sometimes I wonder who are the five people that I'll meet in heaven.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Then I won't be sure if I'm indeed in heaven or somewhere else. 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Many of the fantasy books mentioned here ( fablehaven beyonders Rick) I like but I have been trying to get into more mystery anyone read the young Sherlock Holmes?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

I've read Sherlock Holmes, but "young" S.H.?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Yeah can't remember who wrote it but its about him solving crimes and living on the streets and just becoming the person he is as Sir Aurther Conan Doyle portrayed him as.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Harry Potter will always be my favorite book series, but I also like the Hunger Games trilogy. And The Chronicles of Narnia, my first ever fantasy book! And for the classics, anything by Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Special mention to the Divergent trilogy.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Try malazan book of the fallen by steven erikson (it's a series, you'll either love it or hate it) or the night angel trilogy, Brent Weeks, it would also be worth it to read ender's game and ender's shadow.


EDIT: I just tried to write down some series i love that haven't been mentioned, many great options on the list already.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

I kind of like the Warriors series. Not really for the characters (which can get on my nerves) but for the concept. 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Liesl and Po!!!

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago


I suddenly got an elated feeling when I heard that.

My sister brought it home one day and I realized i had read one of her other books and I was like "Yeah, whatev"

Till I read it.

I kept drawing pictures of it and I still am. You can see little Wills in the margins of my english book. I'll post picture of it sometime on deviantart.

I love it very much! Ever read little fur or Freddy?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

I love:

the Divergent series

the Beautiful Creatures series

ALL Tamora Pierce's books

Harry Potter (of course)

the Artemis Fowl series

ALL Shel Silverstein's books

the Seventh Tower series

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago
Bout to blow your minds

Artemis fowl
Percy Jackson
Kane chronicles
Heroes of Olympus
Harry potter
Alex rider
Fallen angels, sunrise over fallajuah
Phantoms in the snow
Enders game
Call of the wild
Hunger games
The secrets of the immortal Nicholas flamel
Flags of our fathers
Thats it off the top of my head

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Ive read most so no mind blowing. In fact I have read over a thousand books.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

My fave book as of now has go to be: The sword of truth series: The Wizards first rule.

The writing style of EndMaster reminds me of it quite a bit.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

But is it as morbid? I suppose not.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

I should correct myself by stating that it is the story itself that reminds me of Endmaster rather then the way it was written. Certain scenes in this book where simply out right disturbing but it wasn't centralized on that. The story was very nicly driven by an interesting plot and the characters where generally appealing and some of them where appalling.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Eragon, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson. 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago



those are all pretty good books, but I didn't like eragon as much.

dunno why.

When I think of eragon I think "In general"

dunno why.

I guess I'm not into his style....

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

The Beautiful Creatures books are really great, as are the Maze Runner series, Ender's Game, Hugo Cabret/Wonderstruck, Wonder, Molly Moon series, Nicholas Flamel, Artemis Fowl, Encyclopedia Brown, Divergent/Insurgent, Gone, Eragon, Fablehaven, Inheritance, and the Uglies series. Also anything by Tamora Pierce, Natalie Babbit, and Roald Dahl,

And of course Harry Potter and the Hunger Games.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

I loooooove Redwall and I recently read this new book called (get ready)...

Straw house wood house brick house BLOW!


You have to say blow reeeeeally loud because its fun. But I adore Death with a view (the blow part) And wish police was wicked (brick house).

Has any one read the Freddy books? I love them. I don't care If I'm in the 8th grade. I've still got a place for german hamsters in my heart.

Also, I dig Little Fur a lot. Sometimes her books are a bit of downers, but some characters stick with you. Like the fox called sorrow. I love him very much. And there are these books called somth'n like "3x7= Trouble!" and stuff. I can really relate with that kid. I don't like math either. I guess I like little kids books, but I still read "BIG KID STUFF" like the scarlet letter and such.

I liked the Lord of the Flies a lot, though. I couldn't stop drawing none other than the psycho-pork-obsessed-BRITISH! kid Jack. I drew him like i drew claus from mother 3. Dunno why.

 PS: The screwtape letters are interesting. You'll read it and be all like: "WOW! Like, I know what he's talking about!" and such. It kinda makes the obvious clear. But it's not annoying.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago
My favourite is Numbers by Rachel Ward.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

11 years ago

Darkbound, Michael Brent Collings

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

I found Tommy Greenwald's Charlie Joe Jackson books to be incredibly funny and insightful. It reminded me of how I made excuses not to read as much as I'd liked to back when I was in junior high/high school.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Maybe not my fav but "Lone Wolf Saga" Was Amazing.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago
I was about to scold you for necroing a 2 year old thread, but the last activity was 1 month. You got lucky this time - barely. Even though you slightly necroed a necroed thread o-o

And since I'm here my favorite series of books was The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - but I like Sherlock Holmes too.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago



I never got round to reading them unfortunately but i was thinking of remedying that soon.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Now this is going to be fun although i have a list (although im sure ill leave some off it by mistake and this is not necessarily in order of favorites):



  • Roger Zelazny - The Chronicles of Amber
  • Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials 
  • R A Salvatore - Homeland trilogy
  • Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Trilogy
  • Garth Nix - Abhorsen Trilogy
  • G R R Martin - ASOIAF
  • Orson Scott Card - Enders Game Trilogy

and now i'm sure i have left some off my list.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Battle Royale, 1984, Undisputed Truth (by Mike Tyson), Running with Scissors, and Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

I think he meant game books....

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

No, this is the reading corner...

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Daughter of Smoke and Bone's so good...holy poop. if you like fantasy and stuff, then it's defs for you. lol :P I guess it's a teeny bit girly, but the way Laini Taylor writes it, is just so poetic...and ITS JUST AMAZING OKAY 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

mine is warrior cats  it is a book about cats who fend for themselves

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10 years ago

No, it's about sex addicted cats who force their children to fight each other and hunt for the elders' food. And the only way to become rich and powerful is to kill a certain number of cats.


Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Catcher in the Rye, hands down.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein is probably my favorite book of all time. 

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10 years ago

What an odd thread to necro

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

To be fair it's one of those threads that gets constantly necroed.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

My favorite is Battle Royale by Koshun Takumi.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago


I liked battle royal too. One of those gems from japan.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

What was your favorite death?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Really, hehe I might have to Google this considering I haven't read it for awhile. Probably the lighthouse death(s).

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10 years ago

Mine was when Niida died... for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing at his death. 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

You are one sick little fucker :D

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10 years ago

Which was the saddest death for you?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Saddest, I mean the lighthouse was pretty fucked up. I don't really get sad though :D Plus, I can't remember it now as I would have when I first read it.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

NOTHING makes you sad?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

I was referring to the book :D

Jeez, I'm not EndMaster....

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

What do you think was the most creative death?

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Are you interviewing me :D

Mitsuko Souma death is creative I guess >.>

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

Wonder and Small as an Elephant are children's books, but I enjoyed them. I'm not sure I have a favorite though, I read a lot. I do love the manga, Death Note, which I am currently reading. 

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago
The Call of Cthulhu.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

I highly recommend The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. He creates a very likable yet still flawed protagonist and the best magic system I've ever read.

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

I recommend learning new shapes and sounds

Recommend Your Fave Books!

10 years ago

The Century trilogy by Ken Follett