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Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 1/7/2023 3:11:28 PM

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! For a new contest is at hand! That's right, the Lords of the Land II is here.

Are you a new comer looking to test their writing ability? Or perhaps you have been here a while and are looking to tack another contest victory to your accolades? Or maybe you've been stagnant and need something to get you writing again? 

Well, then you're in luck! For all are welcome to enter, even the lowliest peasant!

Theme: The protagonist must be a King, Queen, Emperor, Empress, lord, knight, baron, etcetera. It doesn't matter but they must be some sort of nobility. The last contest was of the medieval/fantasy genre. This time we unclasp those shackles. The genre can be of your choosing. Be it fantasy, science fiction, dark fantasy, historical fantasy, medieval science fiction, historical dark fantasy science fiction. It is all up to you, as long as the above mentioned stipulations are met.
The protagonist must also be a good and lawful character.
Deadline to Join: You have two weeks to announce your intent to enter. February 17th is the last day we will be accepting participants.
Note: Noobs, make your storygame title in advance, if you do it the day of you'll fail because you have to wait two days for it to be publishable. Failing that, just switch an already existing storygame to the name of your contest entry then just make a new one for whichever one it body snatched. 
Contest Deadline: March 30th, at 11:59pm Est. 
Prize: The glorious and wonderful Mizal has offered to buy an MHD commissioned art for the winner. (provided there are at least three qualifying entries) 

Requirements: The submissions must meet minimum site requirements or they will be disqualified during the judging period. If you publish a story without posting intent to enter within the timeframe, you will also be disqualified. 

If none of the stories meet minimum site requirements there will be no winner, and MHD will be sad because she doesn't get to draw any art. 

Have fun and good luck!

Corgi's Contest: The Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Sir Corgi, I pledge thee my sword

Corgi's Contest: The Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Go and write well, good sir.

Corgi's Contest: The Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
I approve of this theme.

And I hereby also enter this contest. If I don't show up with an entry, I will de-admin myself until such time as I finish a game I'm happy with. So, probably forever.

Corgi's Contest: The Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Glad to have you joining. Damn those stakes are high!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Contest entry is relative.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Welcome aboard :D

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I'm here for it. I'll probably even make an entry this time.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

I'm not proud of this contribution. It's keeping me out of the shame pits, but it's not good by a long shot.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Congrats on not being in the pit o shame

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Will there be any knighting involved because I'd like a title for entering? Otherwise, I'll just make up my own title and make sure to give the other contestants a run for their money.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Locked. Not sure how this went unlocked for 4 days lol.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Long time lurker here, I'll give this contest a try (lets hope I can finish a coherent story at the very least)

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

(And welcome!)

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Sign me in!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Darius' temporary writer's log

Please do not reply to this message. 

The full log: LINK

2/3 - 2/5: Outline and overall concept and map done. 9677 words :).  

2/6: 12933 words Three of the 19 locations complete. 

2/7: 16845 4/19 locations complete. 2 penning. 

2/8: 18525 4/19 locations complete 2 penning. 

2/9: 22560 4/19 locations complete 2 penning.

2/11: 27480 words 6/19 locations complete. 

2/21: 36150 words 8/19 locations complete 

2/26: 40180 words 9/19 locations complete 2 drafting

2/28: 48000 words 10/19 locations complete 2 drafting. 

3/3: 56461 words 11/19 locations complete 2 drafting

3/5: 60.163 words. 11/19 locations complete 2 drafting 

3/6: 63.104 words. 12/19 locations complete 2 drafting

3/7: 13/19 locations finished, screw the beached kosmos!

I hope that I get the character arcs done in time. I think I have to place my main priorities on getting the final lore details straightened out:

- The naming ceremony rules and foreshadowing

- More hints about the flower and how it relates to this all

- Cassandra's behind the scene actions that really ripple through the setting 

- The fact that the monsters look unique to the same person

- The true nature about the mining incidence

- Why the main character has so many daddy issues and more emphasis on his fear of birth and infants.

- The fact that this cthulu shit is actually part of the established folklore and religious stories that are so common that every child knows of this stuff

-Even more egg and birth imagery sprinkled through the environment. 

-The blue mist that is only seen in certain parts of the game map. 

It will be getting pretty busy, so I gotta write fast! I think that with how things are now, I just have to hope for the best. I won't touch on the art anymore as I find it satisfactory. I thought of having Noel really kill someone during the gameplay, but I think that it will be out of character for him, since he is supposed to be a jerk with a heart of gold character, not an actual jerk. 

I also added another mystery surrounding his little brother's death! >:). Wahahah

Why can't Corgi gimme extra time. However, I seem to like this writing pace more compared to the cave of time thingy I've been working on. Perhaps it is because I grew an intense dislike for Rufi's whininess and grew more attached to Noel haha. They're both little shitheads anyways. 

Favorite characters? Difficult, but it is either Fyodor or Cassandra, closely followed by Merrill. 

However, Innsworth is really a delight to write. Each scene with him is really fun and engaging. Out of the big three, he is I guess the most lawful evil of them, quite a scheming bastard, but I do think that he really cares about Noel in his own weird way.


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

This writing log I'm expecting won't be as good, more wholesome mater probably won't repeatedly drive you insane.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
I'm probably going to regret this, but sign me up!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Locked. Good luck!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
I am in.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


oops, it hadnt updated, double locked

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Don't worry, Mara's into that

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I'm in, I guess?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Are you going to work some technowizardry?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

You know, when I first entered, I was thinking against it, since I sort of wanted a break from this mumbo jumbo that is code, but I don't see why I can't import a few modules from my other project.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Looks real interesting, unfortunately I doubt I have the time to write a full story, but it should be interesting to watch from the sidelines as per the usual. Good luck contestants!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Aha now I got it.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


(I've always wanted to do that) :D

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

... Axxius, did you lock Corgi's original contest post instead of Shadowboi's?

I don't think it edit-locks a message unless you reply to that specific message. Quick, there's still time to lock it!

On a side note, your post about joining the contest isn't locked. Fixed.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Whoops! Still don't know how locking works. I'm figuring it out haha.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

While a post has no replies, it can be edited by the author. Once someone replies, it can't be edited anymore, therefore it is edit-locked. It's more or less a tradition at this point and doesn't serve much of a purpose since those who reply to the parent post are usually voluntold anyway.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
*can't be edited by peons

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Count me in.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

It's not entirely your fault that you're a stupid malformed taint-licking cock-hopper, but you should still try and keep the seven extra chromosomes under control.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Corgi 213,

I would like to enter.

Thank you for your time,

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Good luck!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Thank you!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Looks interesting, please count me in!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Your keyboard has been pledged to the cause of righteousness.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I hereby pledge myself to participate in yonder contest. Been in the shame list for a few years now so probably time to try and redeem myself.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Nice, good luck!


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
It is time to break the cycle.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Welcome back!

Don't fuck this up.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Well that one aged well...

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Luckily my disappointment is only equal to my expectations.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Understandable. But I'll admit: you were so encouraging!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
I think I've been in the Pit of SHAME for about a year, so I guess I'll try to crawl my way to the light over the comatose bodies of the damned.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Is this a contest where you can get unshamed? Because I know I was forbidden from entering any contests hosted by end or mizal so I would have to wallow in shame for eternity. Curious if this counts, and if so if I'm still able to compete.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Oh, I suppose I'm feeling generous. Sure, you can escape the bottomless third layer of the pit.

If you win.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Lol, thanks for the opportunity. I'll try my best

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
How much longer do we have? I was working on something good, but realized I'd never write the remaining 40 or so pages in time, so at about 7:30 PM EST I started working on a heaping pile of shit. I've finished it, but this time I want to proof read it before I go editing five hundred times and get myself DQ'd.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
An hour and a half. Good luck!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Thanks. Just finished.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I'm joining! I'll write my entry in French.That might be off contest, but I'm only doing that to escape the shame pit too, so np.
Plus there'll be a new story in French which wont be a puzzle at hogwarts.


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
vous êtes condamné

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I can speak french and I'm helping judge so you're good with me, not sure which languages the other judges know

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Ah, screw it. I've written a whopping 750 words to start this, but I'm never going to write more unless I have this external motivation. Well, at least I hope I'll write more. 750 words is long enough for a contest entry, right?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

For glory or shame. There is no in between. 

Sign me up.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Nice to see you -- good luck on the contest it will be nice to read something from you again!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Thanks Ogre! I'm looking forward to reading yours as well. Best of luck!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Hovering on the edge of triple SHAME always makes these more exciting.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Yeah, this go around the stakes are a bit higher.

Really looking forward to your story!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Forum always goes so quiet when everyone is hard at work on their contest entry. are all hard at work on your contest entries, right?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

I have to say, how is your progress so far? 

My own schedule does run a little tight with the scripting thing and playtesting. 

How does unshaming actually work when you are double shamed? Will you be entirely free from the pit or will you only crawl to the lower SHAME layers?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago

Uh... yeah! Yeah! No writer's block here. Uh. How are you doing?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Putting Derps Story here so it can be fancy and linked here like the others.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
Alrighty so I guess I'll be ultra responsible here and start my story today, or maybe tomorrow. Feels good to get ahead of the pack this way, if a little untraditional to give myself multiple days.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
You can talk about starting early...

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

3 years ago
I'm just starting now as well. Had an idea earlier in the month, but an outline and 2k in it wasn't working. Plus I got covid around the same time so I scrapped it. Wrote 2k today, hopefully I can submit something. Good luck to everyone else yet to start! You can do it if you start now!

Edit: I'm going to use this as a sort of last minute progress board.

3/27: 2k words as well as coming up with the concept of the story.
3/28: Only 1.5k today. I'll have to speed it up to have time to revise. Wish I had a more complete picture of the plot
3/29: 2.4k today. Finished drafting. I'll spend tommorow revising it, because it really needs it. Wish I had had more time to make it something I'm proud of, but I'll settle for having something.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
I had a good start in February, and let's just say that I have a good chance of getting into the pit of shame. Good luck, I hope you won't join me.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Well you have 7k words written already, so I'll give you a tip that will help you ascend to being a real CYStian.

If you have a story, turn it in. It doesn't matter how bad it is, just submit that shit. Then, don't feel ashamed, because you avoided shame. Feel proud of your story, even if it does smell like the top thread in the Lounge.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Alrighty so I made the mistake of starting to like this story that I don't have time to finish properly. Time to set it aside and churn out 2000 words of trash on a fresh project instead.

I'm so glad we have the family friendly category now, I can't think of a better place for a rushed idea aimed at people who have no standards.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

I keenly anticipate scrutinizing it in accordance with my detailed rubric.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
There's a rubric? I didn't see any rubric on the assignment page...

Will there be extra credit offered?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Here is my storygame.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Congrats, welcome to not the pit of shame.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Now that the story game is over, I just need to fix my life

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
If your life is in the pit of shame, well, sorry about that. I'm not sure me, some rando on the Intertube, can help you with that one...

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Dang it ! I thought I had another day of procrastination before the deadline! Hang on let me type up what I've got and link it. I just got out of the pit don't feel like getting thrown back in.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Well here's something.

I may have spent a bit too long having fun worldbuilding and planning this to the point where I left no time to write it. I hope it meets the site's minimum standards? I can't say it meets mine.

Once the judging is done it'll be unpublished again for a while; I've got a lot more to add to it. I do genuinely like what I'm doing with it, it just needs to actually get done.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Congrats on completing something!

And good to hear it's been fun for you, hopefully after you take it down you'll actually finish it one day, and not just continue adding to it forever... like I always do... am doing now... :)

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
My game is done but I dont know how put the link here. Name is The withered rose

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Then you lose!


Ok, not really. Here it is

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Finished link Wish I had more time to work on it, mostly the prose. Not a fan of a lot of the lines tbh, Still, I hope you somewhat enjoy.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Wow. Let me be the first to say, "Wow."

Welcome out of the shame pit. Please take a shower.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Dang replyed before I could add p tags around my paragraphs.

And sadly I was told I could only escape the shame pit if I won. Still glad I could be a part of it though.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Your link is broken and I already replied. You're welcome.

Also, here is a link to your story

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Alright, here's my pathetic, steaming pile of shit masquerading as a contest entry. As per usual, I wasn't able to satisfactorily finish the storygame I intended to, and had to expel this from the dark regions of my bowels when I got home from work. I did actually attempt one read through this time, so there shouldn't be as many errors as the last time I did this. I think only one grammatical error. On the bright side, this is short and stupid, written mainly for depraved virgins.

Slay the Dragon

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

You had to choose dragons :(((

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Holy shit that was close Ebon hit the link button that is next to the abc letters that looks like a chain.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
What, pray tell, is wrong with dragons? Be they dragons sent to destroy the world, or merely dragons on a journey of self-doscovery?

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

I don't even have the energy to type out my explanation. There is an afterword in the storygame that will explain everything. My fingers hurt and now I'm finally darn done.


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago's-pursuit

Someone help me with a proper link. In my delirium I have forgotten how. 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Only five minutes to spare. Pretty much perfect timing. 

Diclaimer: I, like many others, stopped the larger story I was working on because I couldn't finish it properly. (among other reasons) This is the product of two days' work with very little proofreading. I know there may be a lot of issues. 

For those who do take the time to read it, please give me as much feedback as you can about the dialogue. That was my major goal with this story. Good dialogue. 

One more level of the shame pit to climb out of...

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
That’s only if the story meets minimum site requirements. I trust it will. Anyway, did you learn how to link your storygame? Replace brackets with less than and greater than signs: [a href=”INSERT URL”]INSERT STORYGAME TITLE[/a]

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Oof, yeah that would be tragic if it didn't. 

I'll save this so I have it for future reference.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Glad to see you made it.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago


Story was submitted at 11:59 so be quiet. I will do a reflection post for this one, because, well, we'll get there.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

yeah we're going by actual submission time, not linked in the thread time lol

You and Mizal like to live dangerously lol

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Those exact submission times are one of the most useful services Lar provides.

I totally could've written an entirely new game in the two minutes I had left tho.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Probably lol


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Starting to get the feeling that I'm a "first one in, last one out" type of guy, at least in relation to CYS contests and your dear mother.

"Self reflection is a vice best practiced in private---or not at all" -some dude's son, who we are disregarding for today.

I started a story called "Hopebringer" and wrote about 2 thousand words in the first week of the contest. I was having no joy in writing it, but just around that time, I bought Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus, and it lightly inspired this story (okay, maybe more than lightly, but I would not classify it as fanfic at all). I spent an extra hour at school about half the days of the month, sitting and grinding away in the library during my free period, all to the sound of the Mechanicus soundtrack. Then, as usual, came the "middle of the story, middle of the contest" point where I began procrastinating. I always struggle so badly with the middle of a story, but I think I'm getting better, although I still couldn't quite get it right for this contest. Then, the end of the contest was nearing, and I thought that I would be able to get a lot of work done over spring break. I was wrong: spring break was filled with a lot of shit, and absolutely no writing.

However, I was able to manage a couple thousand words on Monday. That's not all though (as you could probably tell), because the real achievements are the past two days, because at the end of Monday I got a divine bolt of inspiration. Yesterday, I promised that I would write 5k words when I got home from discord. At 11 o'clock, I finish up the final 200 or so on my phone, while lying in bed, exhausted. Today, I woke up early, got to work while eating breakfast. Got some done in school during a class with free work time. When I came home, I went to work again. All in all, I got 6.5k words written today, a new record for single-day writing (which shattered the previous record, set---let me check---yesterday -_-). I also read all of 1984 and the beginning of Dune during this time, which has definitely rubbed off somewhere.

Despite this being my longest work thus far, I'm not sure if it's the best. For this contest I decided to opt for a very autistic writing style from the beginning (perhaps the one thing left over in this story from Hopebringer). I'm not sure if it worked, but I wanted to contrast some Tolkien-esque, flowy prose, with a sudden tone shift to some anxiety-fueled, frantic shit. Consider this paragraph my first desperate beg for reviews.

Overall, the experience was the smoothest I've had thus far in a CYS contest. My organization and planning was absolutely on point (part of the reason I think I cranked out words so well today and yesterday, peaking at 1600 words in just an hour. I also retard-proofed all of the copy-pasting, prepping it for transfer to the editor from the get-go. Funnily enough, I still nearly fucked up the copy-paste while quite under the influence, however I did manage to get every active page to have the words on it.

Now, the key word is "active", which leads us to the issues with this story. First, I still didn't finish it. Sure, it's good to get out of the Shame Pit, but Propheteering (which you should read if you haven't) got fully completed. However, I will not let this game go the way of FAILsafe, and my current plans are to revise FAILsafe before the judges are done with their thing, and then revise God-Clock, because I wasn't able to finish up one epilogue that I thought was really cool. Thankfully, my other cool epilogue did make it in, so you should really check it out, shouldn't you?

Final thoughts, since I'm beginning to ramble. This was a cool contest, I appreciate Corgi for hosting it, and thank the other judges for volunteering their valuable time (that's Gryphon and Gower, right? I've got some bribes to hand out). Also, thanks to everyone who reviews my story in advance. I might go for the Ogre move and even create a thread for some feedback. I'll hold off on that until someone has something to say though (and there's a couple little things that I hope someone will notice and think about :))

And one final thanks: this one is to all my fellow competitors for getting something submitted. Couldn't have a competition without opposition.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

How could I forget! SHAME TO THE SHAMEFUL!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
I find this quite funny as my story was mostly written in my free period (and sometimes in normal class) as well. Quite a good time to do things.

Nice job on finishing. Doubt I could've done it in two days, and no way as long as your is. Four was just enough time for me thankfully, I top out at about 2k a day.

E: Yes I know it wasn't done in two days, I mean the amount you did.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

And that's it for submissions.

Congratulations to @MrAce321 @poison_mara @BenCrucifix @carpenterhuman123 @DerPrussen @Ogre11 @Fluxion @Darius_Conwright @EbonVasilis @Axxius @Mizal @WizzyCat

Hope I didn't miss anyone. I am really happy with the turn out and I'm wicked hyped to read all of these. 

EndMaster has been sent the list of the SHAMED. So expect he and his daughters to be beating you senseless and dragging you off to the pit in burlap bags or however people are thrown in there, for those of you who could not muster the courage to write up a story. 


Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

12 stories

Approximately 159,610 words going by the sites estimate of all the word counts combined. Of course having multiple branches you can assume a judge doing one or two read throughs (more realistically one read through per story not accounting for smaller dead end branches). 

Nice turn out.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
12 submissions and only 6 failures, that is not bad.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congrats everyone!  Here's a list of the qualifying entries for everyone who, like me is too lazy to scroll around looking for links.

The Marchwarden by DerPrussen, 3698 words.

The Murdered Official by Ogre11, 40404 words (huh).

Cold Lies by carpenterhuman123, 8514 words.

The Most Amazing Life and Adventures of Sir Arthur Quillwyrm by BenCricifix, 14660 words.

The Withered Rose by poison_mara, 16870 words.

Bound by Light by MrAce321, 5504 words

Slay the Dragon by FLuxion, 5792 words.

Knights of the Phoenix by Axxius, 5189 words.

A Knight's Pursuit by EbonVasilis, 7701 words.

One Story Please by Darius_Conwright, 20496 words.

The King's Music Box by Mizal, 6226 words.

God-Clock by WizzyCat, 24556 words.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Thanks because I absolutely wasn't going to bother to do this.

New Storygames would be your next convenient stopping place, it's just a solid wall of a dozen entries with nothing else in the mix due to how they were all released in a panic on the last day.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Seriously, congrats everyone who did submit something. While many of you might not be proud of what you've submitted, based on the comments here, you at least completed something. I think just about everyone on this list has submitted something before, but it still takes something to put your words out there knowing that someone will absolutely hate what you've written. Don't take it personally and move along! Keep writing!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Wow.  Nice work all.  Although I am new, I thought it might be good to see just what types of stories get submitted for contests.

I have just finished reading and rating the last of these, and I left reviews on a few of them.  (Although I enjoyed The King's Music Box, I am WAY too intimidated by Mizal to consider leaving a review)

I found them all entertaining, and really enjoyed reading through the different stories and writing styles.  Perhaps in the future I will have something of my own to submit.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

That's quite insulting to mizal. 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Not really. Perhaps though in a way insulting for those whom I left a review.  Not sure my confidence is up to leaving a decent review of her writing that goes much beyond that I enjoyed reading her story.  I rated everyone including mizal.  But I did not leave a review for all.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Still working on them myself. I applaud your diligence.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

*slams fist on palm* Good job, most stories are sitting there over two weeks and at least half of them are so severely underread that they haven't gotten their rating yet. 

Cold lies and the dragon story just need one more!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Hats off to you for reading and rating them all. 

That's a really lame excuse for not leaving a review for mizal's story though. She doesn't bite that much.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Ok. I recognize that my reasoning is lame and cowardly, and that I should just man up, grow a pair, climb out of my hole, and put in a decent review for mizal.  The story was truly deserving. So I will reread the story and have a decent review in by tomorrow.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
And if you don't, mizal will kill you.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

I just posted a review and offer an honest apology to mizal. 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
You're well on your way to being depicted in fan art as Mizal's sub ;) .

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

In the earth realm, this description felt a little bare bones

That page and the main ending I crapped out in the last seven minutes before the deadline, so yeeeaaaah maybe a little.

I'm intending to actually leave this one up after judging, in a departure from tradition. But I'll be rewriting that page and adding four more endings.

Anyway, thanks for the review, and I see you've been busy visiting a lot of these already. Corgi really should've roped you into judging, but then you wouldn't have been able to write a month's worth of diary entries I suppose.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Welp, my hunch was correct haha. Glad to see that this story will still stay up in the site!

Well, I feel a bit ashamed that my log might have a higher wordcount than the story I have submitted. Well, considering that everything combined is more than 100.000 words, I will gladly let Gryphon and Gower take the honor.

Well, I've finished reading the last two works, I have to say that I found Ogre's story and to my greatest dismay Fluxion's dick joke dragon story the most complete entries on the list......

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Yay! :~)

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 4/6/2022 7:25:29 AM

It's not big enough to make it an entire thread, but I made some fanart for The king's Music Box, one of the contest entries. After reading Gower's review, I had come up with a little storybook esque illustration. 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
That’s awesome. Great work.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Holy shit, that's amazing, I love it!

Having some fancy cover art now will inspire me to actually finish the additions I was working on, thank you.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Very nice!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Darius, I am on the verge of exiting my realm of post-contest sloth, and you might just push me out.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Labour ain't cheap Wizzy, but you might convince me if you write a poem roasting yourself or another site member. The poem has to have at the length of 3 stanzas.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

That's very cool, I like the style.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

And so, after what seemed like months and months of study and poring over dusty codices, like Gandalf in the archives at Minas Tirith, the wise judges have deemed their doom and found a victor.

Congratulations to Ogre, whose story, "The Murdered Official," received an eyebrow-lifting 36 points out of 36 possible points, with all three judges choosing his story for their top selection.  In this tale, we learn about devious dealings in high places, showing that Ogre deeply understands the rotten underbelly of a corrupt society, which has nothing at all to do with how he managed to get all three judges to vote for him and does not suggest that any money has changed hands.

Second place goes to Darius_Conwright's "One Story Please," recognized for its innovative structure and fine writing.  Because the story was much appreciated, we shall refrain from using the term "first loser" and instead refer only to "second place."  You get the pleasure of standing just under Ogre on the platform, alas.

The pride of third place is confoundingly shared by WizzyCat for "God-Clock" and Mizal for "The King's Music Box" because of a tie, and so, in accordance with ancient tradition, the actual third place must be determined by a cage death match with chainsaws and leopards.

On behalf of my fellow judges Corgi and Gryphon, thank you to all who entered.  It was a pleasure to read and evaluate your stories. 


The Murdered Official by Ogre11 -- 36 points

One Story Please by Darius_Conwright -- 31 points

God-Clock by WizzyCat -- 28 points

The King's Music Box by Mizal -- 28 points

The Most Amazing Life and Adventures of Sir Arthur Quillwyrm by BenCrucifix -- 26 points

A Knight's Pursuit by EbonVasilis -- 20 points

Knights of the Phoenix by Axxius -- 16 points

The Withered Rose by poison_mara -- 15 points

The Marchwarden by DerPrussen -- 11 points

Bound by Light by MrAce321 -- 9 points

Cold Lies by carpenterhuman123 -- 7 points

Slay the Dragon by Fluxion -- 7 points






Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congrats Ogre!! Also, kudos to the judges who have plowed through more than 100.000 words!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congratulations to Ogre and all the other people who published. The stories were a lot of fun to read.
Make sure you all remember to get your tickets to the cage death match early.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congrats to all of you who submitted a story but especially to Ogre. I haven't read many of the entries yet, but I will be working my way through them when I'm not busy procrastinating. Looking forward to Ogre's! 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congrats to Ogre and everyone else who entered!  I posted a detailed review on each of the games, but for anyone curious here's a quick summary of how I ranked the results:


12) Cold Lies:  2/8

Ehh.  There’s no explanation for the situation the player finds themselves in, and the gameplay itself is fairly dull.

11) The Marchwarden:  3/8

After reading all the other entries, I have a greater appreciation for the efforts made towards branching in this game, when many of the others were so linear.  That said, it still does not explore its concepts in much depth.

10) Bound by Light:  4/8

A solid concept that knows what it’s doing and then follows through.  It’s too short and far too linear to do much more than this.

9) Knights of the Phoenix:  4/8

This has some really intriguing worldbuildling, but it’s far too linear to really qualify as a storygame.  Better branching could easily make this 5/8.

8) Slay the Dragon:  4/8

Though the writing and concept is quite clever, this game is also incredibly linear and more of a short story than a game.

7) The Withered Rose:  4/8

A game with worldbuilding concepts that are fascinating, but introduced in a confusing way that prevents the reader from immersing themselves in the game.  This game has a solid plot and premise, but the writing itself makes reading and understanding it feel like a chore.

6) The God-Clock:  5/8

The first half of this game was my favorite segment of the contest entries, with some really interesting and well-presented worldbuilding, but after that it devolves into a much more disjointed and rushed second half, with the other branches not even being completed.  Interested to see the completed version.

Despite not ranking this one high myself, I'm pleased it tied for third.  I really liked the first half and it shows a lot of promise.

5) A Knight’s Pursuit:  5/8

A solid, tight, game with a neat premise that is well executed with decent branching.  Slightly on the linear side.

4) The King’s Music Box:  5/8

I really like what I see, I’m just not seeing a lot.  The beginning is very engaging and fun, capturing a strong tone with strong characters, but it’s impossible to say whether or not there will be a satisfying payoff for the elements built up in the first half.  I’ll watch for this story’s completion with interest.

3) The Most Amazing Life and Adventures of Sir Arthur Quillwyrm:  5/8

Would definitely have placed higher if it were finished.  What writing actually exists is very well done, but the unfinished and highly linear nature of what was actually submitted prevents it from placing any better.

Deciding whether to place this game or The King’s Music Box higher was a really tough call.  I ultimately went with this one because it has a full branch outlined start to finished, and I can be reasonably sure there will be a solid plot and writing.  With the King’s Music Box it’s genuinely impossible to say what’s going to happen in the second half, so I don’t feel as comfortable judging it on its first half alone.

2) One Story Please:  6/8

Premise?  Check.  Execution?  Check.  Branching?  Check.  This game knows what it’s doing, and delivers on its promises, with a wide enough variety of endings and options to give the simple decision the story is based around a lot of replay value.  It’s also completed, which boosted its score compared to the last two entries.

1) The Murdered Official:  6/8

A fine example of how to write a murder mystery cyoa.  In addition to being a fun and engaging puzzle, this game stands well as a story of its own, with a well-developed setting and characters.  A very well-rounded game (and protagonist, in more ways than one).

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Congratulations Ogre! All the entries were amazing, and shame to those who didn't submit a story. Even I, a lowly noob could finish something, even if it got last place.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Huge congrats to Ogre for the win and the quality story game! I'm glad so many people managed to turn at least something in here, so congrats there as well. 

Thanks to Corgi for hosting this contest, and the judges as well for their reading and commentaries!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Flux might as well have stayed in the SHAME pit given that he lost to fucking Ace. Lol

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
I respectfully dispute the judges' opinions on this matter, as I arguably put more dick jokes in that game than the entirety of the history of this forum. That alone should count for at least three extra points.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Well that might have normally worked, unfortunately this contest had highbrow judges like Gower and Gryphon so your dick jokes were for naught.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
In my defense, I had like three non-dick jokes. Melindsey Maculate (melons immaculate; clearly a boob joke), Sir Loin = sirloin, a food joke, and of course, Sir Gourney Weaver, slayer of the double mawed monster = Sigourney Weaver from Alien. I even put the "mostly they come out at night... mostly" bit in there.

But alas, deep down I deserve my place, since I once again started what was published after I got home from work on the day it was due. Sloth, the one deadly sin I am always guilty of.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

I thought that Sir loin was also a dick joke. You know, since I thought you wanted to allude to a loincloth.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
It could be I was fibbing to make my story seem less lowbrow. But actually the origin of the name is from the username of a voice actor in the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and as far as I can tell, his username was chosen in reference to steak. Kind of an homage to him. I'll probably use that guy in future games as well (perhaps not as linear some day).

The game: Chivalry: Criken's Cowardly Crusade

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Oh I liked the dick jokes, I thought they were artfully done.  I rated it lower for the extreme linearity, not the subject matter, I thought it was funny.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Wait, there was a dick joke?

I must have missed it.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Hooray and congratulations to all, especially Ace, who actually submitted something!

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Thanks! It's actually funny because I wasn't planning on it. I threw away my first idea because it was missing something, but 4 days before the deadline I watched some writing videos by my favorite author (Brandon Sanderson) and got inspired to finish something.

Congrats to everyone who finished something! Hopefully I'll do better in future contests (assuming I can enter them) and maybe even win some day lol.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congrats Ogre and everyone else who succesfully submitted something! And of course thank you to the judges for reading through them all. I look forward to the chainsaws vs leapords deathmatch.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago
Somehow I just had a hunch the story twice the size of any competition that was turned in days early would win. Congrats to all who turned something in though and SHAME upon the rest.

The most surprising thing to come out of this for me was that Ace actually managed a comeback of sorts (or I guess more of an arrival after many years of slowly struggling towards the starting line.) The story is a pretty huge improvement on your previous work and you should definitely polish it up, either turn it into a short story as Gower suggested or expand it with some choices to have a little more staying power.

I'm going to get the new version to my own storygame up soon including the fancy new art from Darius. And then I suppose start on reviews since it sadly doesn't look like 70% of the games will be taken down by the authors to make it easier on me this time.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congratulations to Ogre and everyone else who submitted a storygame! The turn-out was huge in this contest, and the storygames seem pretty well-written too. I look forward to reading everything and might schedule a day dedicated to mostly reading on my calendar soon.

Also, well done to the judges for reading and ranking all the storygames, which probably wasn't an easy task.

I felt rather tempted to join this contest at the start and plotted out an entire 4-parts story for it. Unfortunately, my writing skills seemed to be regressing after a brief hiatus, so I didn't think I could complete something I'll be satisfied with. Nevertheless it was very interesting to watch from the sidelines.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

A third place finish, on par with mizal? That's as welcome as it is unexpected!

Anyway, I'd like to thank Gower and Gryphon for their timely and gracious judging, as well as the dog himself, Corgi, for hosting this whole thing! Congrats to Ogre on the win, and congrats to everyone else who did better than Ace! Now to get around to polishing up this chainsaw.

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

Congratulations, everyone! You all did a fine job on your stories. Kudos to all of you who entered and completed a story, successfully avoiding the (dramatic music) SHAME PIT. 

Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II

2 years ago

After receiving constructive feedback from my fellow CYStians, I've decided to finish the story I originally intended to publish for the contest.

Congrats to all those who made it up on the podium and the winner Ogre11! Great job to everyone who submitted something and I look forward to the next contest.