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The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 5:19:42 PM
Yesterday was Saturday, today is Hatterday! Madhattersdaughter RedBubble store Mission: Sunshine
(MHD fan badge courtesy of sweet, precious AestheticLlama, who doesn't really come around anymore. Put it in your profile, or use it as an avatar during this event.) It's time again for our most treasured national holiday! Celebrating everyone's favorite Hatter with gifts of new hats, tea pots, new outfits, portraits, or any sort of artistic offering you like! The last celebration was a grand event with no less than 29 participants. (Linky!) But it...kind of made a mess. More people showed up than we expected, and everyone partied just a little too hard. So I heard that MHD was not too thrilled at the state we left her house in: (Dramatic reenactment courtesy of Briar, who was also the host. Yep, that was all her fault. Tsk.) Now that I'm the one in charge of throwing the new surprise party, we will not repeat this mistake. In addition to the usual offerings, I would like to request drawings of locales besides MHD's living room that we might host future Appreciation Parties at. The multi-dimensional hopper (MDH, not to be confused with another abbreviation) is in good repair and free to all Cystians, so don't feel you have to limit yourselves to only our own reality. And I...intended to have a glorious image of my own to launch this thread, but I wasn't able to due to [INSERT REASON FOR PROCRASTINATION]. It's fine though, still got a week and I'll wait before inflicting that on anyone. This is from MHD's gallery and is I believe, the current official look for those wanting to draw her: Linky! MHD Appreciation Week runs through till the end of next Sunday. Do not be shy: this is a writing site. Most of us are doing good to produce stick figures. But if you really really can't show up with a drawing for whatever reason, you may alternately show appreciation by reading and commenting on one of her storygames. Mission: Sunshine is the most recent. Have fun! And MHD, we love you!!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
ALSO While MHD updated all the art on the site, Nightwatch is the cool guy who implemented all that, who also draws good. So if you are inspired and don't feel like it's diluting the spirit of Hatterday too much, feel free to show him some appreciation as well. Or at least some praise and an irritating amount of tagging if nothing else. He looks like this: A stalwart guardian of Cystia, one of the few who has audience with Alex the Invisible King, and he Hmm, perhaps we can use this week to develop some additional lore for him.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Nightwatch had been around for like 2 weeks when it was added the site. I thought you were one of the ones with a good memory here.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Shut the fuck up.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I would delete this to keep you out of trouble, but I've been told it's not okay to censor the gays.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
"I embrace the Sun with arms outstretched so that my oblivion will be one of my own choosing." - Strange Scaffold, developer of Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
....or was it "bury them"?

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Fuck the shut up. ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Up the fuck shut.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Oh very well:

It seems I have been in error, and so this week we are also accepting pictures of a cat that is in a bad mood. And be sure to tag Killa to irritation too, can't have him be left out.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 5:20:01 PM
I am not much of an artist. Rather than just try to rely on making bad art that is funny, I decided that this time I'd rather give MHD a gift in an artform I am much more proficient in: music. Here is a beat I produced specifically for this occasion. I threw it together pretty quickly but I am pleased with how it came out and feel it fits our resident hat-loving artist's vibes very well. Hope she enjoys her Unbirthday (this is a funny reference to the Disney film Alice In Wonderland and not a reference to other, unwholesome things). Also funny stick figure drawing too just in case the music wasn't good enough:

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Your bit of music seems like it would be a good fit for the walk-around music you get in video games :)

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I love the music. I’m going to make it my new ringtone!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Had no idea you mess around with music! Sounds pretty chill, too. It's something I've been thinking about trying out sometime.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Been playing around with music production since last August, it's become my main outlet for creativity since then. If you want to give it a shot, Ableton Live has a free trial that gives you access to all the features for 90 days. It is damn expensive to actually buy it though and there's some solid, much cheaper alternatives if you don't feel like shilling out 800 bucks for the full package. I just made the mistake of getting so used to Ableton's workflow that I can't really use anything else now lol.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Only just listened to this and it's super awesome! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
In case anyone forgot, I'm a really, really bad drawerer...

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Happy Hatterday, MHD!  Thanks for your cool stories and everything you do for the site!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Hip hip horray for Hatter Day!

... Unfortunately, no way I can top last year's drawing but I have an idea in mind. ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Happy Hatterday (hatterweek?) Thanks to the power of timezones, it's still the same day! I've read a couple of your storygames so far and they're pretty enjoyable, so I'll have to read Mission Sunshine soon.

I'll be drawing your character at some point this week and will reply back here!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Hatterday is always the first day of Hatterweek, wherever in the year that week may fall.

It is written.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/16/2022 8:58:52 PM

How this year's location to celebrate was decided:

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Happy HatterDay!!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

End should be dressed way cooler, and he shouldn’t be apologizing for stabbing me.

Improve his likeness somebody, and I will give you 50 points! That's a worthy task. 

But it's good to see everyone in such high spirits. 

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/11/2022 8:21:12 PM

Thought I'd be done updating the party a year after the event, but with the temptation of shiny points...

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Nice. This is what the young generation at the time of circa: 2022, would call 'based'. 

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

I figured by exposing a horrible plagiarist to her and my general commending of her art she knows how I feel.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Ooh! Who was the horrible plagiarist?

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Some fucktard on Red Bubble selling EndMaster shirts along with other shirts he probably ripped off other people.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Oh yeah, I remember that! Wonder if anybody bought the shirt thinking that EndMaster was some kind of 80s black metal band.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

I mean someone else did it again like a couple days ago.

Gotta copy from the best I guess.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
my girlfriend

MHD and I <3

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 1:37:13 AM

Happy Hatterday!

I ran into issues with my art app, so I edited some pictures and traced recreated an MHD sketch. Here's the result (link)!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Prettiful! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 5:20:25 PM

Last time I went with a Bloodborne theme, so this time I'll go with Elden Ring. Beware mild spoilers ahead.

Since, as before, I like to list the references first:

And, of course, the link in the op to MHDs character sheet:

I went with a purely digital approach this go around, so the Healing Tool was easily the MVP (tho layers are still pretty vital).

And here is all of it with an oil filter.

P.S. Oh, also used the colour of commendations for the finger ring gem, but you might need to zoom in to spot it.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Badass! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I played Elden Ring once and immediately fell off a cliff and quit so I don’t know if I’m this bad ass but this is rad as hell. Maybe I’d have more luck with a hatter character like this. :~)

I love it!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I offer Couch Potato Cat with a poorly photoshopped top hat.

I think he's watching tigers kill a sun bear here. If not that, it was either birds or gorillas. His proper name is Khajiit (I didn't name him, but whatever he acts like a Khajiit anyway). He's the only cat I've seen that likes watching TV.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/12/2022 8:24:37 PM

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Cats rule

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Everyone should click this cat.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

All done! My completely original and in no way traced tribute to Ogre's great masterpiece of last year. ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 5:19:27 PM
Awh guys :,~)

You all are so talented! Must have been practicing!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

My condolences to your poor fridge.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/12/2022 5:58:48 PM

I'll be a little busy these following weeks, so i'll definitely will finish up the sketch at a later date. Here it is! Congrats MHD! Due to someone doing the elden ring theme, I'll bring back the bloodborne attire.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Awesomeness! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/16/2022 8:59:27 PM
I was really hoping to have had a chance to make something by now. But luckily I remembered that drawing was obsolete, thanks to technology.

No hard feelings, MHD. The future is now.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Oh no you found the failed clones before they perfected me!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 7/16/2022 9:00:09 PM

MHD long(cat)hat edition, featuring a totally unique and original design no need at all to look back to last year to verify its uniqueness.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Hmmm... o.O

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/14/2022 1:23:16 PM

There was an attempt made:

Happy Hatterday/week MHD! This was the least I could do for all your hard work on the site and amazing personality. 

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

CUTE!!! <3

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Oh! I certainly hope all those boxes are filled with various hats. I always need a few more!

I love it! Especially those shoes!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by ISentinelPenguinI on 7/14/2022 10:10:14 PM

A conflict as old as conflict itself.

The most recent iteration of the Spork-Pudding wars was not the first time history has repeated itself, and it will not be the last. Decades, centuries, millennia has the battle between eating utensils and fruity desserts raged. While the origins of this feud are unknown, historians and archeologists across the globe find more and more evidence of protracted campaigns between these two parties. Though the names and location change, the fundamentals remain.

One of the most notable instances, and the one we currently know the most about, happened in Japan somewhere around the 15th-16th century. An adeptly skilled ronin, StrawHatter'sDaughter, had introduced some kind of traditional wagashi based on foreign fruits, while at the same time a powerful samurai, IBushidoPenguinI, invented a new kind of chopstick pairing, with one being spiked and the other having a bowl-like depression. The proceeding war had cost the lives of thousands, and caused untold amounts of damage to the land.

Below is an artist's rendition of the final battle between the two, which occurred on the outskirts of Osaka. The victor is unknown.

(People did Dark Souls/Elden Ring and Bloodborne, so I did Sekiro so that we could have a complete set.)

Happy MHD Appreciation Week.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

A masterpiece!

... Though I feel that the hat should be upsidedown and filled with strawberry pudding. ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Perhaps with a spork in the pudding

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Oh my god. It's a crime I can't commend this myself.

I'm sure StrawHattersDaughter no doubt won.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago


She had a very menacing walk.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

I vote for this to be canon

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
This is why I love history, I had no idea they had traced the origin of the Combat Spork so far back!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/16/2022 11:40:03 AM
Got MHD a hat, but unfortunately, it seems that someone went and filled it with some kind of frozen dessert. Currently looking for the culprit.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I wonder who it could be.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/16/2022 11:39:05 AM
The image is incomplete, but it's something. Thanks again for all your work here at CYS MHD!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Coolness! She looks like the world's most epic lion tamer. ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by Nightwatch on 7/15/2022 3:23:11 AM

This took way longer than I thought it would and I'm pooped. I apologize to Cricket and MHD both. And I apologize to Malk, who doubtless will have to purchase new eunuchs. Good night.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Dude, she'd already got like 50 of those.

... Do eunuchs make such good warriors because you can't kick them in the balls?

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

It really seemed like a good idea at the time!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

I'm so pleased that you used the word "etiolated."

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Bet you have a full on orgasm whenever someone says "discombobulate"

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I get what you meant by 'ambitious' now.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Awh, I'll put it right beside all my other illicit teapots obtained via a classic eunuch fight! Right after I brush the hair out of my face

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by Nightwatch on 7/16/2022 2:16:00 PM

He who watches the night (link)!

I started this a few days ago, but ended up procrastinating and nearly forgot to finish it.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I love the way you show these step by step.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I wasn't expecting a drawing, so that's pretty awesome! Now I wonder what I'd look like with a bowler hat.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/16/2022 11:32:01 AM


This seems to be my new favorite way to procrastinate (and I really don't know how MHD does it, these take up way too much time).

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I can't believe they did this to me after I booked such a perfectly grimdark venue.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/17/2022 10:24:40 AM

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Oh, so my giant tea cup bubble shower cap outfit wasn't good enough for you? >.<

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I "loled" as they say at the second one.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
I'm extending this another 48 hours.

You can have 9 day weeks in Wonderland, who's going to tell you that you can't?

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

A very merry 9 day week to you! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/18/2022 5:22:13 AM

Good enough camera quality, I broke my phone ( Its an Iphone 5, It broke itself) So here is my best computer quality. Better than yo mammas ass. 


Happy mhd appreciation! 

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

So cute! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
That is really well done.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Ooh, so cute! Hatter in hot pink? I love it

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Eventually I will edit some kind of picture into this, a post that is timestamped for July 19th.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/21/2022 8:43:05 AM
You'll probably need a vacation after the clean-up after this party.

MHD sipping BEANZ on Normandy Beach

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/21/2022 8:43:13 AM

I transported all the MHDs in the multiverse to the venue Mizal booked (along with a few gifts and characters). Here's the chaotic result:

Party of MHDs

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Excellent work.

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago

Best party ever! ^_^

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Best party ever!!

The 2nd Annual MHD Appreciation Week!

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/21/2022 8:43:22 AM

Thank you all for your lovely drawings and wishes and reviews. I love each and every one of them. It fills my heart!

This last semester of school and life in general has been rough on me and lately I've been the sort of mad that isn't fun at all. But I'm so glad to always have a hat-shaped home in this corner of the internet. :~)