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Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 8:47:27 AM

Click for full size.

Today, we honor our resident artist, MadHattersDaughter, for artwork beyond the call of duty. She has made our site all nice and shiny, immortalized our beloved mods, shared the love on Valentine’s Day and given us all a bloody, gory Christmas to remember.

Studies have shown that the happiness of the average user increases by around 30% upon viewing one of MHD’s masterpieces, invoking such responses as, “Lol!”, “It’s beautiful!”, “Love it!”, “Don’t call me out like that!”, “Why aren’t I in the drawing?” and, “I’m not that thicc, am I?”

And so, to show our appreciation, we offer you our tributes of cringey weeaboo chibis, crudely drawn stick figures and pixelated Microsoft Paint squiggles. (Please accept them. We tried our best, we swear.)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Oh no, is that today? I'm SO unprepared! Hooray!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I can't believe you forgot about MHD Appreciation Day! It's on all the calendars.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's art.

None of you should be looking forward to seeing mine.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

if it's not stick figures its better than mine lol

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/11/2021 11:30:45 AM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
10/10 Definitely sounds like something I'd say.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

They look like those Funko Pop figures.

Surprised AL isn't in llama form.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:16:26 AM


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I made a very bad done gif for MHD but I don't know how to post it here... I will try to figure out. MHD is The Hat and Tea party Goddess.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That's what Imgur's for. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 3:06:34 PM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I love it! Thank you, Mara!!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I would scour the shelves of Barnes and Noble to get ahold of a limitted edition Transparent Tim.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/11/2021 11:31:23 AM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

She's just jealous. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

What... How? O.O

Edit: Fixed... But how Mara managed to put Ninja's post inside her own post is a mystery that utterly fascinates me. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This made me ugly laugh. You can't keep sending me unsolicited portraits at three in the morning!! ;~P

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 3:06:13 PM

An effort was made

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:16:01 AM

Here's why:

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This is very nice and wholesome. 

I can’t draw, though. Sooooo, @MadHattersDaughter

Enjoy some useless points on this day of honoring, well, you, of course.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:02:47 AM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh my goodness!!

Thank you so much! What a thing to wake up to! This is overwhelming! :,~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You deserve it for all joy and merriment you share with all of us.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You're an awesome artist! You deserve an appreciation day!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You're welcome! And I swearsies, we plotted all of this before the beautiful, shiny, MHD trophy became a thing, and we totally, definitely, 100% did not make all these magnificent artworks in the hopes of earning said shiny trophy. :p

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/11/2021 11:57:45 AM

Happy MHD Appreciation Day! I'm not the best artist, but I hope I did well. :]

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This could be a good badge for the biggest MHD fans. 


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Woop! Woop! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That's the proper spirit! Awe-inspiring enthusiasm right here. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Absolutely lovely!! And not just because it's me. :~)

Thank you, AL.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Edit: It's actually pretty dang awesome. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Sure why not?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 3:29:12 PM
I am a bad drawerer. I mean really bad. I don't draw because it's bad. I tried to draw an outline of the United States on a board in front of a class once and no one believed it was supposed to be the US. Even my stick figures look retarded.

All that said, because it's MHD's day, I have made... something...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

A work of art. How did you know I love to take bubble baths in a giant teacup with my pointy, glowy shower cap on? :~P

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Bath of... ? Shower?

Uh, I mean, yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I was drawing there! Yay, art!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That's you? I thought it was a mashmellow. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 3:05:59 PM

Forgive me for my horribly shaky hand. I was never good at anything that had to do with art. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It looks amazing. much better than even the worst person (Me)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Edit: Uhh... I mean...Friggin' AWHHH! <3

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
That's really good! Wish I could just whip some markers out and draw actually recognizeable things.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Eek! Thank you!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I officially declare this MHD Appreciation Week.

We're in News and Updates now, everyone be on your best behavior.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Whoops! Must edit posts. >.<

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:15:16 AM

Awesomesauce! Here's everyone's MHD Fan badges! 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well, I do prefer the old one, but I guess this'll stop people from actually confusing us with MHD... I shall let the community decide and switch my avatar accordingly. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh, the badge was supposed to be put in profiles, but this works too. :]

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Yours is too small. Take mine. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You fools!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Edit: Oh shoot, now we got Enterpride and Mara in team badge... What do we do? O.O

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
We Europeans do like wearing our golden stars

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well, I am European. Star it is....

Is this going to turn into the new sporks vs strawberry pudding?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I can't tell if this is good or bad chaos anymore. Maybe a bit of both.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Are you REALLY showing full appreciation of MHD if you don't give her the sincerest form of flattery?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Now this is getting confusing... which pfp do we use??

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

We have a tie with two MHD's and two badges... We need a deciding vote. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Put the MHD as your profile pic, and put the badge on your profile like me and Mizal. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Fair enough!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Done. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I just choose this due if I try to put a banner in my profile, I could end up destroying the universe.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well, it mildly unnerves me but I appreciate it nonetheless. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

MHD has spoken! The original badge it shall be! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thank goodness, this was getting super confusing. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Having 12 MHD's wondering around the forums will probably still be confusing, but apparently some people are flipping theirs to make them more discernible... Maybe mine should stand on it's head. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Yay, confusion!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Absolute insanity does fit her Wonderland theme if you think about it.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I like this thread. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It is a silly place

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Most everyone is mad here. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Very well.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:03:43 AM
Yay MHD, whoooo! ^v^

I was going to bake you a cake, but I'm fresh out of mercury, so I made you this celery instead!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Congrats on finding the right URL!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I wonder what the original picture was about.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Was wondering why he posted a map and called it celery. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I simply assumed it was a map of places where they use celery as a topping on ice cream.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Before that it was a hyena.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Yeah, I was 13 pics too far ahead with my first guess. Doing this from a phone is a pain, but it is all worth if for MHD! XD

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Now fill the celery with strawberry pudding so we can pass some healthy party snacks around to all these dang kids.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Challenge Accepted!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 1:21:24 PM
Spent too much time on this. Some of the middle panels are probably impossible to read even when viewing image unless you zoom in hella far so I will transcribe if necessary.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... I declare you the winner! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Gigantic and perfectly readable on my laptop! Chris is drawing comics again, this thread is making me nostalgic as hecc.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Why am I not smiling in the last frame?! This is wonderful!

Thank you, Chris!!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I've gone and made a smiling version! 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Sent requested a version of the image where every face was replaced by my smile in the second to last panel. I obliged.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

The tiny drawing of mhd doesnt have the face tho

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That would mean that in this universe, the drawing's face is photorealistic.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That would make Chris great artist in that world

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Like I'm not one in this world.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This has been a really fun (and crazy) event. Thanks for hosting this, Avery!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Very welcome! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 1:59:27 PM

I've seen the art on the website now, it looks rad MHD! Here is a small tribute to show my appreciation! Keep up the good work!


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I dunno who this poster is, but we're keeping him.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh wow, this is really impressive. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Very nice, thank you! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 2:29:28 PM

And now, a few words from Tim (and not just because I don't have art ready):

First of all, before I get into the unconditional praise towards this thread's subject, I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with the turnout. Art, badges, profile pictures, the whole enchilada. Good job, everyone. And great job to Briar for organizing the whole thing. Sorry that I couldn't help all that much.

And now, onto the main event: MHD. The legend herself. Where to begin? Obviously, the quality of her artist skills goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: she rocks. Not only are her little CYS doodles funny and quality (as well as incredibly quick to the scene), her actual commissioned work, with the increased motivation of money, is amazing. Entirely worth every cent people give, maybe more. Can't think of a better deal of art and money that can be taken. And if someone, somehow doesn't believe me, they should check for themselves (hint hint). Maybe use the links in MHD's profile and give her work a peek (hint hint).

However, if there's anything that can match the skills for artistry she possesses, it's how much she cares for the site and it's community. The new site art, obviously, is a testament to this, as well as the aforementioned doodles she does every now and then. The seasonal art, notably the valentines day cards (which I myself was thankful for last year, and regretted not being able to repeat this year), all show the strong connections she has with us here at CYS. We're glad to have a member like her. Heck, she even makes great stories, and if you haven't read them yet, you definitely should check them out under her profile (HINT).

But what I really appreciate on this MHD appreciation day/week thing, is how kind she is. The doodles, now matter how quickly they arrive or how intricate they are, are things that she takes her own time and effort to make for us to enjoy. She's always polite and enthusiastic about stuff, always upbeat, always friendly to talk to, and always, at least, makes me smile with her art. And that's a powerful thing.

I don't think I can accurately describe just how much of a cool person MHD is. But I can honestly say that I could not have chosen a better campaign manager/vice president. Throwback. Smile if you get the reference.

Here's to you, MHD. And here's to great Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Week!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Hear, hear!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Hear, Hear!


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Clinking Beer Mugs Emoji (U+1F37B)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
"I don't think I can accurately describe just how much of a cool person MHD is. But I can honestly say that I could not have chosen a better campaign manager/vice president. Throwback. Smile if you get the reference." :)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Words are a form of art. And Avery should hire you as a speech writer.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Dunno if it was my best, but hey, I wouldn't turn down work...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

God save the Queen! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Dunno if she needs saving. If anything the guy should watch his back.

But in the same sentiment, long live CYS!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Glory to CYStia, cause no troubles! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

If I had a nickel for every time something or someone on CYS made me (happy) cry I'd have a handful of nickels.

Awh, Tim. This means the world to me.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I'm glad you liked what my brain could think of to say, MHD. It's your week, and you deserve it.

Sorry that I didn't bring a drawing, though. I'll try to get something a bit more tangible done before it's over, if I can.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Hear, hear!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/11/2021 6:49:00 PM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I just realized... what if a new member stumbled upon this thread, wondering why the heck everyone's wearing stars with 'MHD (adjective) Fan' on them.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Noob: What the heck does MHD stand for... Oh well... MHD Noobest Fan!


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It took me forever to discover who she was actually. Should I be the noobest fan lol?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Yes ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This is an amazing drawing too, Briar! Everything is adorable (well, except Ogre, because an adorable ogre is hardly an ogre)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

At least the dead rat is adorable. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I agree! Well, about the adorable bit. And the ogre bit too. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
This is amazing work.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thank you! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Honestly there's so much talent here, it's almost not surprising. Almost... But this is quite the drawing.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Oh yeah, I guess I got caught up in the moment and never said it, but besides us being all insanely adorable now, the sheer level of detail is nuts. This is really really good, you should draw more often.

Also, Nightwatch just found Cricket. Who else has spotted her?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I have!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Everyone play spot the Cricket! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
My favorite part of the drawing is the fact that everyone is super chibi and cute and then I'm just a perfectly accurate drawing of Vault Boy.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

May or may not have traced you ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Smh, I was just a traced over afterthought. For shame.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

(Also may have traced Will)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
She definitely traced my mallet!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That is also my favorite part and objectively the best character drawing there purely for the comedic effect.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I like how it's just slightly out of character and out of proportion to everyone else. It makes you unique and different, Chris, just like everyone else...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

There's also Ogre, whose head looks comically small in comparison's to everyone else's.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 4:06:53 PM
Since I suck so bad at drawing, I wrote a little something, too:

MHD looked up at the ceiling. The tiny little sparkles encased in the paint there attracted her eyes as she leaned back and relaxed in the warm bubble bath. The pink bubbles were soothing, but she shifted her weight as she tried to get comfortable in the tea cup. She said out loud to no one in particular, “These tea cup bathtubs just aren’t made for people like me.” She paused a moment and then continued, “Or perhaps people at all. In fact, I wonder how this giant tea cup actually found it’s way into my bathroom.”

She glanced around the rather large bathroom and was startled when she hear a haughty voice say, “Madam, this is not actually your bathroom, but indeed the luxurious four-star CYS hotel and resort. You are, in fact, in the most revered and special celebration suite, as I am sure you recall.”

MHD looked over and saw a very tall and quite thin man standing near the entrance to the bathroom. He was dressed impeccably in black and white in a fine linen suit. He had a perfectly tied and positioned bowtie and looked a little like a stretched penguin. He was clearly averting his eyes from her while she took her bath, but stood with a towel over one arm and a silver platter held by the other. He continued, “Would Madam prefer her afternoon tea here in the bath, or shall I place them on the veranda?”

MHD sank down into the tea cup just a little, not completely trusting this fellow as she called out, “Why don’t you just leave it out there for now, I’ll be out in a bit.”

“Of course, Madam,” was the reply. The tall man bowed and stepped backwards, out of the room.

MHD closed her eyes and relaxed once again into the warm tub of tea. She wasn’t really sure how she got there, or what was going on, but she was going to enjoy it. She sank down in the tub a bit again, but her eyes were startled open when she realized she could hear the low murmur of voices outside her room. If she was in the most luxurious room, who could possibly be outside. Perhaps the tall servant brought his friends?

The water sloshed around as she scampered to her feet in the large tub. She started to climb out, but had to stop when she realized that she was trying to climb over the oversized handle to the tea cup. She slid around to the other side, wondering why there weren’t steps inside the giant tea cup tub. She squirmed over the edge and narrowly avoided falling onto the floor in a heap. As she grabbed the pure white robe, she basked in the warm sunlight coming through the high window on the wall. The robe was quite incredible: it felt cool and warm at the same time. It felt like it was soft as silk, but it was also like absorbent cotton. She hugged it around herself as she closed it. She closed her eyes and smiled again. It was already a good day.

The white tile floor was warm to her wet feet, which she found pleasing. As she headed for the door, she noticed a tall hat rack with a selection of quality hats. She spent a moment perusing the hats. There were short hats and tall hats. There were colorful hats and plain hats. There were hats with stripes and with stars. There were even hats with checkerboards. In fact, there was a hat with a black-and-white checkerboard and another with a bright, colorful checkerboard. There were fancy hats that looked fit for royalty. And there were simple hats that were still clearly made to the highest quality standards. She stared, almost mesmerized, at the large variety of hats. This was not the first time she wished that she had more than one head because she simply could not decide on just one hat to wear.

There was a sudden thump and she remembered where she was going. She needed to investigate the murmuring sounds that seemed to keep getting louder. She opened the bathroom door and boldly stepped out and into a very large room.

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked around. The room was absolutely massive. The ceilings were at least twelve feet high and decorated in arches, coffers, and ornamentation beyond belief. There were layers of white and silver creating a three dimensional effect that was quite lavish. She cringed slightly as her still wet feet sank into the plush deep carpet in the room. The fibers were so soft they almost felt like silk brushing lightly against her ankles.

She could only see a hint of the opulent furniture in the room, but that was because the room was filled with all her friends, and even a few people that she hardly knew! It was like everyone she knew had showed up and a number of them brought their friends.


The smile on MHD’s face only got larger as she was welcomed into the large group of her friends and fans. She almost didn’t see the quite large platters and plates with all kinds of goodies on them. There were large and small sandwiches with bread and croissants. There were cheese trays piled high with so many types of cheese she could not count them all. There were sausage platters and crackers scattered all along the long tables. There were dips that were white, yellow, orange, and brown. And towards the end there was an entire table filled with cakes, candies, and cookies. There was enough food there to feed an army, and there was an entire army filling the large room, all gathered to greet and honor MHD.

“We Love you!”

Everyone there was so warm and welcoming. MHD was among friends and was in for quite a celebration. It was certainly a good day for CYS.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Words can't explain how wholesome this is.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I kept expecting a joke or a twist or something, but wow it really is just the purest most wholesome and comfy story ever.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awh!! I love it and I love you guys too!!

This is so much more fantastical than, "MHD woke up and groggily checked CYS on her cellphone, saw this thread and muttered, 'Oh my god.'"

I can get used to Sent calling me Madam too. ;~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Good to confirm I'm not the only one who checks the site literally the instant I wake up.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:05:23 AM

I saw no mention of MHD getting dressed... Will update the pic accordingly.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Lol I love what you did there with MHD in this one.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
This is wonderfully happy. Nice work.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/11/2021 6:53:23 PM

Not only am I late, but Chris's comic has the exact same plot. Hope it's still worthwhile, though!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Whatever coolness points were lost by it having a similar plot to mine were instantly recovered when it featured you suplexing a lich king.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Do you need one of these?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You racist! That's BERKA!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Dammit, grabbed the wrong one!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Did I mention I suck at drawing?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Or maybe this one?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Damn you Ogre! I had to crane my whole neck to read your star and I still feel it in my right shoulder

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You're welcome

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

AWH, SENT!! Thank you! I love you too.

I will carve your face into this pumpkin and cherish it and you forever!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It's beautiful ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
>the exact same plot

*wrestles skeleton for a pumpkin*

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Practically zerox'd the whole thing!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 5:56:48 PM

Joining in the festivities. Edited this little graphic I found with google.


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I think someone should make a piñata.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

An IFDB themed piñata. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I'd also love to see a MHD themed piñata too. That's what we'd be doing if this were México.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:02:23 AM

The MHD Piñata ~~ not the greatest, but hey, I feel like I've contributed now!

MHD day contribution

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Beautiful picture... But you know, you can post images without them overlapping onto the next post. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

How? And thank you

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Right-click. If you see a pop-up, click the option "Copy Image Address". Go to a post and click the little icon with the mountains and sun. And then copy and paste the image address in there. Dunno how to do it without Rich Text Editor. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Okay thanks!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It's that float;right bug in the RTE. That thing is the bane of my existence and I'm honestly surprised I only encountered it once in this thread so far.

Anyway fixed.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Hey! That's my hat! That's my OG hat!! I love it! :~)

(I'm thankful you went with the hat and not a mini version of me!)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Thanks. Hair might be a touch too green. I was using pxler. Not the best but not the worst.

But it's the thought that counts! MHD is such a sweet person, and such a great artist. This is a good holiday.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

The best holiday ever! Usually holidays are about receiving (ex: candy, cards, full-blown presents) but this is all about giving to someone who's given a lot to us! 

thus ends my more mature-like thoughts for the day

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I'm going back to my vow of silence before I get points taken but I just wanted to say this thread was incredible and MHD was indeed awesome, I get excited every time she posts because it's always something cool.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Great, agreed, now shut up and go finish your story please quietly exit this, the most wholesome of threads, go forth to your writing chamber and have a nice day.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/11/2021 7:19:58 PM

Happy birthday-- wait, no, wrong event.

A bit late to the party, but I come bearing gifts: Link

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awesome! Love it! :]

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thank you! I really like your art too! :)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh, this is so lovely, Mystic!! Thank you so much! And awh shucks!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

No problem! You deserve all the art here and more :)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I'd actually missed this one of Mystic's until I saw the thumbnail in MHD's profile and had to go hunt it down. This is insanely good. (Please stop putting so much effort into everything you do on this site, it makes the rest of us look bad.)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 7:43:52 PM

Took awhile, but I think I've updated it to the present. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I love how there's three fallout characters 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You are too damn fast with these haha!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This party just keeps getting better! . . . Well, if I had clothes.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Thank you for including Hat Lady = Good.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I loled at that one

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/11/2021 7:52:32 PM
Snax for all! Grab a spork and dig in!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Holy crap, he actually made it.

Okay, I'll try it. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Update: It's not that bad.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Edit: Dang it BZ, I am NOT editing the pic again just to put strawberry pudding in the celery

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Please don't lol! The original celery is the tops!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:08:09 AM

I put some in teacups for those who are underage and can't drink the beer!

More MHD stuff.png


(Please help me fix this if it breaks the thread - I'm a noob when it comes to these sort of things)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Perfect! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

For the sake of present company, I will only retch quietly at this abomination.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/12/2021 5:15:39 AM

Maybe some cake would be better?














It wouldn't be a party without dessert!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/12/2021 5:16:20 AM
Amateur drawing of MHD drinking tea, only head and a hand are visible (also a black and white stacked hat!).

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I love the style of this one! Thank you, Zape! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Glad to hear, but...Zape!?

Anyway, as I mention below, the colours were mostly stolen from you, so I'm sure that helped me, hehe. Next year I'll probably just guess at the colours, rather than straight up eye dropping them, but baby steps!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oops, I'm sorry! Zake! I'm on the opposite of a roll tonight.

And I'll let you in on a little secret, all the good artists color drop. ;~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I guess that's why the tool exists, to be used...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You may have stolen the colours from MHD, but I literally stole her whole picture from one of her artworks and used photoshop (Sorry MHD!)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Uh, fair use! Yes, it's transformative, so you're all good.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... For ages I was wondering why MHD had her mouth open really wide. :p

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Goes to show why colour selection is important.

I mostly stole the colours from MHD's art (and the OP), but the cup got its colour from commendations. In the future, planning the hair out so it can be coloured neatly would also be worth doing (among other things, lol).

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/15/2021 2:23:52 AM

Round 2!

Main Inspiration & References (but not all)

Picture of blood moon in purple sky from Bloodborne. Collection of six item pictures from Bloodborne. 1. Chikage (katana) 2. Evelyn (pistol). 3. Ash hat (witch like) 4. Cainhurst Gauntlets (knight style) 5. Choir Garb (mostly white robes) 6. Ash leggings, metal armour covered by tatters of cloth

I don't want to ramble about the process, but I am obligated to say there was direct tracing in regards to the weapons and blood.

I lined up a reference up to get the shapes, since I only had a rough idea of where the sword would be in the actual drawing, and didn't draw the blood at all (but I did want some). It wasn't one-to-one tracing at least.

Generally, I take a picture and then go over it in gimp to get sharper lines, and colour, but I also might use filters, as I did here for the reflections (perspective distortion & shifting filter).

Other inspiration was MHD's art for the Sci-Fi Adventure section.

Anyway, if I knew what I was doing, the black tendrils would've been cloth tatters drifting in water, but that's beyond me, so perhaps I should've removed them...oh well, I've started rambling.

So, here it is:

Less amateur drawing of MHD facing the blood moon clad in Bloodborne attire. Has shading and a simplistic background, unlike the previous drawing. Still pretty amateurish tho.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

this owns so hard. Is that the Moonside Lake? 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

For the drawing, I'd say yes, but if you ignore some missing details and the wrong moon, it could also be the Oprhan arena or the 'cut-content' Moon Presence Chalice dungeon, since both have the water.

For the picture, I think it is just the moon above the Unseen Village (once it goes red of course).

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awesome! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Woah, I don't think I've ever been this cool! You've got skills!!

I really like this!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This fucking slaps 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/12/2021 5:16:57 AM

MHD appreciation art

Original size

Thanks for the awesome art you always draw and the on-point humor! I hope that picture brightens your day the way your drawings do mine.
Here's a humble hat for your collection that I drew along the way.

a humble hat

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Damn, nice. I was looking forward to yours.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thanks, glad you liked it.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh my goodness, this one is stunning! Thank you so much!!

I love the Cheshire looking hat too! I will happily take it for my collection.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Prettiful ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/12/2021 5:19:21 AM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

is this a manga

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
yeah you have to read it weeb-like

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

For a moment I just thought you were retarded and had put all the frames in the wrong order. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Okay this one made me laugh.

Funny, a tiny bit unsettling, and accurate. I liked the zooming out effect and reveal in the first panels.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awh, you guys always have a way of making me feel unnerved. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/12/2021 1:25:23 PM

Soon i'll upload an drawing a made of a hat because i can't draw people to save my life. Just working on a few details now.

Edit: Here it is, this was the best i could do 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It's beautiful!!! <3

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It is cool, I am far worse than that! But the important is the intention and show to MHD that we appreciate all the fun and care she invest on the forum and all of us.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

if you try i'm certain you'll do good. And yes WE LOVE YOU MHD!!!! 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Very nice! I'm a sucker for feathers in hats. Thank you! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I just noticed your uploading all the fan art to your profile and couldn't help but smile! :D

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You've really made it as an artist when they start making you fan art!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:09:19 AM

Hat update! You get a hat, you get a hat and you get a hat! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This picture just keeps getting better and better.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I like Ogre's hat the best. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It fits so perfectly!

Thank you for the hat!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
So cool, It is so wholesome.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

And EndMaster is now a Funko Pop ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... Also just realized that End is now gouging Thara's eye out.

Sorry Thara :(

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

These updates as the day/week progresses are amazing! I like how the cake implies that we've ate everything and only saved a slice for MHD... or maybe that we're considerate people and helped cut out a slice for her. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Yes they are.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I got hungry :(

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/12/2021 7:23:59 PM

Even in the short couple months that I've been back from hiatus, MHD has cranked out some great pieces of art. Without her, the site would just be a little drearier. Every time she posts, it's something wholesome and positive, or at least funny. So, thank you! Keep doing what you're doing!

And no, I did not spend 3 hours on this tribute, I swear! I apologize in advance for my terrible handwriting.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... *Scrunches up hat update. Starts work on a new one.*

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I can imagine everyone leaving this party with a goodie bag and there's just a random hat in each one, and nothing else.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well it certainly looks like a lot of work! So creative!! Thank you so much!

How did you know hat-flavored cake is my favorite? :~P

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It's a hat flavoured cake? I thought it was a cake flavoured hat.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

no no no it's flavoured cake hat

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Yes, I originally made a hat flavored cake, but it tasted bad, so discarded it and made a cake flavored hat(cake). Quite a confusing chain of events.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You can have your cake and wear it too. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Lol, that's great. Time to start the trend of edible clothes! What could go wrong?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Let them eat hats! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Let them wear cake!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That too ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
BDSM would get so much more expensive

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thanks for living up to your pfp Ford!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

If that becomes a trend, I'll eat my hat.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/12/2021 6:03:17 PM


Here you go.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
ÁWWWW It is super cute I love it.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Edit: ... It's friggin' beautiful!!!!! O.O

(Sorry Miz... I should get a swear jar for this thread.)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh my god! I didn't know you were such a seasoned artist! ;~P

I love it! What a rad costume!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Pretty impressive there EndMaster~

You could illustrate children's books. That would certainly be something no one would expect from the OG Master of Darkness lol!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
That is so freaking good, I love it.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Happy MHDAD/W! 


As a normie on the site, one of the things that always sticks out to me about this place as unique is "MHD and her art" - also she's always super nice to everyone and that's really appreciated and she's always super easy to approach. Very wholesome, very nice, very MHD. Hope we get many many more years of her! 



Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Awh shucks. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter is an Internet Treasure. Very talented artist.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Awh, thanks!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:02:03 AM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I'm just glad it's not a dick with wings.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

And of course, this cool dragon in her honour! NSFW...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I didn't think anything could beat Ogre's work of art but this one is going directly on the fridge. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I was so close!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Dude, what software do you use? This is crazy res!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well this is definitely the most wholesome thread we've had in awhile.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/13/2021 4:05:49 AM

MHD, always quick on the draw and now having breathed new life into the site's art. Happy Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day Week!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I knew Brad would show up with something great.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awesome ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Really got some talented folks here! Exceptional Brad!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Eek! This is REALLY good!! I love it!! Thank you!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:01:45 AM

I really should stop procrastinating my assignments.


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Nonsense. Procrastination is love, procrastination is life.

Wonderful picture.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
The internet has ruined me

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I am loving these costumes! I'm going to have to draw some of them myself! Very nice! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Oh wow. Love that one.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/13/2021 11:10:52 AM

Starting to get kind of crowded in here.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
As a person who also had to edit a bunch of other people's artwork into my contribution, I tip my hat to you. It is no small feat to clip, crop, select, cut, resize, and position a piece of everybody's art into ones own and make it all fit. You've done a hell of a good job to get this far with your original image.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Which hat? :p

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I'm laughing over this. It keeps getting better.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Wanted to put Ford's creepy CYS monster directly over you, but that would've covered up too much stuff. :p

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You know it's a party when people are starting to get stacked on top of each other!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Have you tried expanding the canvas upward? There might be more people in grav boots on the ceiling.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

They're hiding from the creepy CYS monster.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
And the Party still going two days later haha! ^v^

Also worth noting that this has been the most Commended Thread ever! (37 as of this post)

Truly a Historic Event!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I've gotten 9 commendations for this thread alone. Should do appreciation days more often. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 12:47:57 PM

Which hat to wear,

what shall I do?


Pardon, madame,

my gift to you.


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

And you even included the dead rat. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 12:03:52 PM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Hah, I was looking forward to seeing the whole thing. This is great. MHD looks so dismayed in all of these pictures lol.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Really tried to capture the feeling of "why is this man paying me in garbage".

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh my god, I've been laughing over my expression in this and then I realized it's the cat meme and I started laughing again.

I love it so much.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Yeah, the cat meme with the "I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK" vibe was the best thing I could think of. So I pretty much referenced it about 1:1. Man, drawing people is hard.

Glad you liked it, though. Took me a while.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 12:08:44 PM

I'm late to the party, but I hope it's still going strong!

MHD Appreciation I offer you my tribute of awful shading attempts and overlooked white spots!

(And, of course, lots of hats)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awh, thank you! (How did you know about the wizard hat I have to keep in a cage??) :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/15/2021 2:25:26 AM
Well I wouldn't be me if I didn't show up late and with something rushed that was far less than what I planned, but I hope MHD likes it anyway: Click for BIG

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Because they keep your hands nice and snug. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I myself think it was very moving.

I wanna say that it's hard to pick a favorite drawing of you... but...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I love it!! Thank you, Mizal. :,~)

I wish I could say I deeply regret that drawing, but I don't really. . .

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Come to think of it, nobody's commented on how thicc Mizal is in my drawing. Did I not make her thicc enough? :(

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I thought that was just the new normal.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Is it possible to make a mizal drawing too thicc?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/15/2021 2:26:14 AM

Fixed it ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You ain't getting a comm for this one missy.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... Ha. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Great, now it looks like Malk is sniffing her butt.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

He always was. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
That's not a dump truck, that's a whole Goddamn dump yard.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Excuse me sir, but you seem to have dropped your hat.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Thank you. It is a nice hat.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I wish I had those absolute ass buns

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I know this update probably took hours of staring at the screen for the image to be able to upload. I understand, there's a lot that had to be fit in, certainly. Here's a commendation for that no doubt arduous ordeal that you selflessly put yourself through. 


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thank you Thara! Glad to see someone appreciates my hard work. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 7:34:58 PM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Another great work of art from MHD! 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Those penguin slippers look cozy. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

The gifts just keep on giving.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
These are frickin gorgeous, how do you even do this so fast?! My picture literally took me hours and I mean, look at it, lol. Also I love the second one. Please let no one ever speak of my hips again, because we have just no idea what's hiding under that infini-wide purple dress. Damn I'm way too excited having had my crude cave drawing turned into Disney princess art, I'm going to need awhile to calm down.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Well, assuming that these are all the same MHD, just in different outfits, we can indeed have some idea what's under the arguably fanciest dress there.

And, I mean, MHD's not not thicc, because she draws the female figure mostly the same, it's just that a certain someone happened to be drawn considerably thiccer.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oh yeah, forgot to mention they're pretty friggn' beautiful ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 3/15/2021 2:32:31 AM

Disney Princess?! Okay fine but don't tell anyone or I'll be here forever. . .

Would've been quicker but some people distracted me. ;~P

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

From that dress, Mizal's clearly more of a Dreamworks princess

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Seriously, how the heck do you make these so quickly? ... Mods, I think she's a witch, may we burn her? ^_^

Either way, this is friggin' adorable! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Love the slippers haha!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Wowwww! I can't believe you managed to make the dress I drew look so stunning! All of these artworks are so brilliant I can't even start to image the sheer talent you have, MHD. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/14/2021 8:56:53 PM

Rockwell and I decided to bake you a cake!  We ended up eating most of it but I hope you enjoy what's left at least lol

For real though, happy MHD appreciation week.  You deserve it for how much amazing artwork and writing you put out on the regular.  I can't tell you how many times you've made me laugh with the latest comic starring our mods lol

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

How did you draw this? It's real good.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Thanks Tim, I just used some charcoal pencils.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This is really good! You all are surprisingly good!! Oh my goodness! Thank you!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

This is one of my favourites. It's adorable! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 9:07:32 PM

I can't draw but I wanted to participate, so I made the vigilante known as The Hatter with Hero Machine. I believe she got her start as a magician, and then she perhaps dabbled with cat burglary before finding her calling as a hero. She targets white collar criminals and leaves tea cups as her calling card after stealing corporate secrets. 


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Hero Machine still exists???

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

It's not playable online anymore because of the loss of Flash, but you can still download an offline Flash player and point it at the URL. The site has instructions. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Eek! This is super rad! I'd kill for those shoes.

Thank you!!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Oh yeah? Well I can use art generators too. Feast your eyes on THIS.

You like it? It's you, if you were one of Brad's people.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Fabulous! Absolutely eye-bleeding, just how I love it. :~)

I love the cat and the little bunny too!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... Is that a tea cozy for a wing? ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Wow, MHD is a badass! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/14/2021 10:13:40 PM

A little belated, but I really enjoy all the little pictures and comics you do, and I greatly approve of your taste in hats, MHD.
Flower Fairy.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Yes, Cricket did need to make the largest pictures ever. Thank you, Cricket!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You're welcome.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
And Ogre did indeed lock them so she couldn't edit.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
As planned...

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I managed to screenshot how large the pictures originally were compared to the other posts if anyone wants to see: 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

And I, you.

Very cute! Thank you, Cricket! :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awhhhh! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/15/2021 9:40:53 AM
Trying to post another gif, I hope that I don't destroy anything.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Double awhhhhh! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

But how'd the fedora get in there? Did a neckbeard sneak it in?

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I wanted to include a type of hat and the one that fit better was the fedora.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... M'lady. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

That's me, Genius Fedora Artist Daughter. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Don't forget Dork ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It's been over 24 hours since the last post. Are we all refueling our Appreciation Tanks?

While there's a lull, one thing I did want to ask MHD was just how dug into her version of the Wonderland setting she was. I see a map in her portfolio and some other references, is there lore and stories to go with it all?

The original books never did much for me, and there's no modern takes on it I'm aware of that I actually liked. Anything MHD came up with is bound to be interesting though.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I should really play Alice: Madness Returns. Looks like the sort of game I'd enjoy. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
It is a great game and I think you will love it.

I would love to make A MHD TRIBUTE tiny-topia with games from 500 words to 2000 featuring MHD in crazy adventures. But I think people don't want a small jam like this.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
A true MHD jam would be drawing unrecognizable things in paint.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I am incapable of drawing. So or is writing or is a no for me. Also, MHD is one of the best writers here too she is the whole package

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Long story short, yes, a lot! It's mostly scattered short stories and art saved in numerous places. And it's super dorky because I started to create my little Wonderland universe when I was young but I still love it all.

Essentially the Queen of Hearts was power mad and conquered both the Kingdom of Diamonds and the Kingdom of Clovers but did not manage to destroy the vigilant Spade Republic.

The Cheshire Cat is a terrifying shapeshifting villain that looms over the entire island and the Hatter is the main character, obviously, who goes on her own adventures.

I could go on and on and probably compile an entire book about all the events and politics and characters but I run the risk of being the lady concerningly obsessed with a children's book, if I'm not already.


Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
No that's actually awesome, everybody has that setting that's a spin off of a real thing they get obsessed with in middle and high school and then keep mentally adding to. I have....uh, a few. I gave up most thought of ever writing about them though because they've evolved too much into their own thing by this point to be fanfic, but are still too tied to the original source to be their own thing.

I suspected it was something like that with you, but actually it would own if you wrote a storygame. Alice in Wonderland is old enough that it almost invites people to do their own takes on it, sort of like Peter Pan. And it wouldn't be....questionable for other reasons, like for instance if I happened to unleash 80k of Redwall inspired fic on everyone one day.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Haha, thanks! I definitely think my next storygame is going to be something Wonderland. I guess I never thought to write about this universe I've spent so long on.

And I've been obsessing over creating a point and click adventure for the past year, if only I could figure out the mystical workings of coding. . .

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

No! I don't want the Cheshire Cat to be a villain! He's my favourite! >.<

But I'm intrigued by this universe. Where do the white rabbit, march hare and caterpillar fit in? ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

The white rabbit is the queen's second in command, the March Hare is the Hatter's rowdy best friend and the caterpillar is. . . A butterfly. :~)

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Yey! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

But the clovers are clubs! CLUBS!

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Why do you ruin everything I love.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

What a nice community.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
This comes off as sarcastic because of the post it's attached to, and also it makes me suspect ugilick is reading in non-threaded view. Truly he has fallen far.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Oldie but a usefullie

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Every time Sent posts an old comic I get a Ratatouille style flashback to 2014 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Looks like you're using the axe as a back scratcher. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/20/2021 1:26:16 PM

Final edit, and I've got to say I'm so proud of how this thread turned out. I was expecting maybe a handful of people to contribute art. Instead, I was completely blown away by the amount of awesome artworks. I count 29 people who contributed artwork and a lot of those people contributed more than one piece. I think this thread is a very lovely testament to how many people love and appreciate MHD and all the amazing art she does for us.

Thank you MHD! You're the best. ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
I think I am talking for everyone when says both of you Avery and MHD deserve recognition for your contribution to the forum. It was also a great experience and really fun. Who brings love, madness and talent will always be in our beating hearts.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awhh! Mara, you're such a sweetheart! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 3/18/2021 7:20:12 PM

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
You have brightened my day so many times with your drawings, making me smile. So, you deserve it.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 3/20/2021 1:07:03 PM

Once again, thank you for all your artworks, MHD! I may not have been around CYS for as long as most of the other members have, but I remember that one of the first times I contributed to the site was during the noob contest, and I was so honoured when you drew the comic that included my avatar. As I continue to use the site, your artworks always seem to entertain and amuse me.

Another MHD v2.png













Also, thank you for creating this thread, Avery! It was a brilliant idea and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts.



Avery Moore.png













I tried experimenting with a new art style since this thread has inspired me to use illustrator a lot more often, and the results are above. Although you may notice that I might have copied the same template for both drawings.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

... OMG, it's ME!!!! I love it! ^_^

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

You are the cutest person ever! <3

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago
Really amazed this thread went as well as it did, and it got me all emotional several times lol. This pic was one of them, out really any time I'd look at your profile and see the growing collection there.

Also nice that it turns out we CAN all play together without going off the rails and ending up on fire. I don't think we would've pulled that off even just a couple of years ago with a thread THIS size; we've definitely moved to a more wholesome trajectory, but the respect the entire community has for you is obvious too.

Just so long as Briar keeps bringing enough crayons and construction paper for the whole class.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Checking in here near always brings a smile to my face. This thread is the most "warm and fuzzy" that I  can remember.

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

I never did contribute anything but I just wanted to tell MHD that she's an awesome fun person whose posts I always look forward to, and also thanks to Avery for making this thread.

I can't draw but I'll give both of you a cameo in my superhero story. 

Mad Hatter's Daughter Appreciation Day!

4 years ago

Awesome! ^_^