It's a writing site for ******* sake, surely stories with plots, named characters and properly presented dialogue is not asking for much, it should be the minimum standard rather than something fan-fic writers, WC fans and the guy who likes Spiderman hope to be able to do one day :D - Will11
Having a comment featured (2 points)
Recommending a comment for featuring (1 point)
Recommending a user's excellent aid in the last six months for points (1 point)
Recommending a tag change for a storygame (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for movement to a different category (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for a change in maturity level or difficulty level (1 point for each)
Recommending a storygame for featuring (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for unpublishing (1 point)
Recommending a comment for deletion (1 point)
So, in other words, if you go, right now, and find 5 storygames which are not properly tagged (there are literally dozens of these out there), then you'll get 5 points.
Catch #1: To get points for recommending something, I have to agree with you. If you recommend a story for featuring and I don't feature it, then you don't get the points. This is to prevent people from gaming the system. Don't worry, for most of the above recommendations, you won't get rejected often if you follow proper procedure. (Except maybe on the "recommending for featuring.")
Catch #2: Newly Created Storygames are not eligible point earners. The original intent of this post was to find things we mods/admins had missed in older games. There is no point in spending our time removing comments, featuring comments, adding/removing tags, changing categories and maturity levels on a storygame that's going to be unpublished a week from now. Not to mention, we will almost always notice issues with newly created games without needing to be notified.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The comment that you think deserves featuring (copy and paste it)
- The username of the person who wrote the comment (doesn't have to be the exact username, just enough so I understand who it is)
- If there are already 3 featured comments on the storygame, you also have to let me know whose comment you think should be replaced.
- If I agree, you will get 1 point and the person whose comment is featured will get 2 points. If you are reccomending your own comment, then you only get 2 points.
Note: No points are awarded for recommending/featuring comments on games that are soon to be unpublished. It's a waste of time on a story that's going to be removed anyway.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The comment that you think deserves deletion (copy and paste it)
- The username of the person who wrote the comment (doesn't have to be the exact username, just enough so I understand who it is)
It has to either have spammy punctuation, flame the author, be completely incomprehensible, be a duplicate comment, or not actually be a comment (such as "..." or "poop" or something).
Note: Do not recommend comments on Endmaster, madglee, or Tanstaafl's games for deletion unless they are spammy or deformed. Basically, they like to read their flamers so don't rob them of that.
No points are awarded for recommending comments for deletion on games that are soon to be unpublished. It's a waste of time on a story that's being cleared out anyway.
Recommending a user's aid in the advanced editor (post must be made in the last 6 months)
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- The user who provided the aid
- A hyperlink to the post where he provided the aid
Recommending a tag change for a storygame
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- All of the tags you believe the story should have
Recommending a category change for a storygame
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The category you believe it should be in
- A short explanation of why
Recommending a change in maturity or difficulty level for a storygame
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The change you think should be made
- A short explanation of why
Recommending a storygame for featuring
Recommending a forum thread for deletion
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the thread
- A short rationale for why
Recommending a storygame for unpublishing
Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- A short explanation of why [specifically, you must describe how it fails to meet minimum site standards]
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 1/8
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8
- The storygame has all of the following characteristics:
- Grammar and style poor enough that it cannot be ignored
- A plot which is poor or nonexistent
- Poor pacing (usually characterized by frequent and unpredictable end game links)
- A lack of important decisions
- Unbelievable or overly cliched dialogue (if dialogue is present in the story)
- The storygame has "dead" pages- pages with no links or way to proceed.
- The storygame's central concept is pornographic in nature
- The storygame is not a storygame and is instead intended to fulfill a goal such as communicating with another member (including all inside jokes) or advertising a product.
- The storygame is explicitly described by the author as a "troll" game, or intentionally poor quality.
- Any unfinished story rated 4 or less which has been published for over six months.
What qualifies a story as "unfinished?"
1. Specifically stating in the description/text of the game that it is a "demo."
2. Ending abruptly with a notice that it will be continued later.
Games that say they are the first in a series are not automatically considered "unfinished." As long as the game itself is complete, even if the author never returned to write a sequel, it is not up for unpublishing.
If you don't follow protocol, either there will be no negative repercussions, you will be ignored, or I'll take your advice and not reward you with points. Following protocol expedites the process for me so I don't have to spend a lot of time making changes.
To summarize: post here (for the most part) with recommendations for who I should reward / what I should change and I'll reward you with points. Take a second to check the posts above you and see if someone else has already made the recommendation. Remember, newly created Storygames are not eligible for tag/category/comment points.