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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

It's a writing site for ******* sake, surely stories with plots, named characters and properly presented dialogue is not asking for much, it should be the minimum standard rather than something fan-fic writers, WC fans and the guy who likes Spiderman hope to be able to do one day :D - Will11

Having a comment featured (2 points)

Recommending a comment for featuring (1 point)
Recommending a user's excellent aid in the last six months for points (1 point)
Recommending a tag change for a storygame (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for movement to a different category (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for a change in maturity level or difficulty level (1 point for each)
Recommending a storygame for featuring (1 point)
Recommending a storygame for unpublishing (1 point)
Recommending a comment for deletion (1 poin

So, in other words, if you go, right now, and find 5 storygames which are not properly tagged (there are literally dozens of these out there), then you'll get 5 points.

Catch #1:  To get points for recommending something, I have to agree with you. If you recommend a story for featuring and I don't feature it, then you don't get the points. This is to prevent people from gaming the system. Don't worry, for most of the above recommendations, you won't get rejected often if you follow proper procedure. (Except maybe on the "recommending for featuring.")

Catch #2:  Newly Created Storygames are not eligible point earners.  The original intent of this post was to find things we mods/admins had missed in older games. There is no point in spending our time removing comments, featuring comments, adding/removing tags, changing categories and maturity levels on a storygame that's going to be unpublished a week from now. Not to mention, we will almost always notice issues with newly created games without needing to be notified. 

Recommending a comment for featuring:

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The comment that you think deserves featuring (copy and paste it)
- The username of the person who wrote the comment (doesn't have to be the exact username, just enough so I understand who it is)
- If there are already 3 featured comments on the storygame, you also have to let me know whose comment you think should be replaced.
- If I agree, you will get 1 point and the person whose comment is featured will get 2 points. If you are reccomending your own comment, then you only get 2 points.

Note: No points are awarded for recommending/featuring comments on games that are soon to be unpublished.  It's a waste of time on a story that's going to be removed anyway.

Recommending a comment for deletion:

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The comment that you think deserves deletion (copy and paste it)
- The username of the person who wrote the comment (doesn't have to be the exact username, just enough so I understand who it is)

It has to either have spammy punctuation, flame the author, be completely incomprehensible, be a duplicate comment, or not actually be a comment (such as "..." or "poop" or something).  

Note: Do not recommend comments on Endmaster, madglee, or Tanstaafl's games for deletion unless they are spammy or deformed. Basically, they like to read their flamers so don't rob them of that.  
No points are awarded for recommending comments for deletion on games that are soon to be unpublished.  It's a waste of time on a story that's being cleared out anyway.

Recommending a user's aid in the advanced editor (post must be made in the last 6 months)

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- The user who provided the aid
- A hyperlink to the post where he provided the aid

Recommending a tag change for a storygame

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- All of the tags you believe the story should have

Recommending a category change for a storygame

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The category you believe it should be in
- A short explanation of why

Recommending a change in maturity or difficulty level for a storygame

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- The change you think should be made
- A short explanation of why

Recommending a storygame for featuring


Recommending a forum thread for deletion

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the thread
- A short rationale for why

Recommending a storygame for unpublishing

Reply to THIS thread to THIS post with:
- A hyperlink to the storygame
- A short explanation of why [specifically, you must describe how it fails to meet minimum site standards]

    • After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 1/8
    • After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8
    • The storygame has all of the following characteristics:
      • Grammar and style poor enough that it cannot be ignored
      • A plot which is poor or nonexistent
      • Poor pacing (usually characterized by frequent and unpredictable end game links)
      • A lack of important decisions
      • Unbelievable or overly cliched dialogue (if dialogue is present in the story)
    • The storygame has "dead" pages- pages with no links or way to proceed.
    • The storygame's central concept is pornographic in nature
    • The storygame is not a storygame and is instead intended to fulfill a goal such as communicating with another member (including all inside jokes) or advertising a product.
    • The storygame is explicitly described by the author as a "troll" game, or intentionally poor quality.
    • Any unfinished story rated 4 or less which has been published for over six months.
      • What qualifies a story as "unfinished?"

        1. Specifically stating in the description/text of the game that it is a "demo."

        2. Ending abruptly with a notice that it will be continued later.

        Games that say they are the first in a series are not automatically considered "unfinished." As long as the game itself is complete, even if the author never returned to write a sequel, it is not up for unpublishing.


If you don't follow protocol, either there will be no negative repercussions, you will be ignored, or I'll take your advice and not reward you with points. Following protocol expedites the process for me so I don't have to spend a lot of time making changes.

To summarize: post here (for the most part) with recommendations for who I should reward / what I should change and I'll reward you with points. Take a second to check the posts above you and see if someone else has already made the recommendation. Remember, newly created Storygames are not eligible for tag/category/comment points.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Open for business!  ^v^

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago                                      Add the 'Advanced Editor' tag to all of them.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
I already recommended pretty much all of those and a bunch more, see below.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Never mind then.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Recommending a Category Change:

A Dog's Life

Current Category: fan-fiction
Recommended category:Everything Else

Reason: This story appears not to be based on an existing work, so it does not belong in Fan Fiction. It could pass for modern adventure, but it isn't so much an exploration of modern life as a story that just happens to be set in modern times.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

I moved it to ff because it's almost exactly the same as "a dogs purpose" by w Bruce Cameron.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Does it use characters or settings from A Dog's Purpose? Does it play on a concept that is unique to A Dog's Purpose? Has the author ever said that the story was inspired by Cameron's?

If so, then, yeah, it's fanfiction. If not, then wouldn't it be an original story (or plagiarism)?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

It's probably closer to plagiarism than ff. but we apparently let that daydream game stay.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Comments recommended for featuring:


Amazing game.

I never expected an off-shoot to aGoLaD's Antagonist Protagonist ending, and to call it that would be an insult to the immersive universe TOW truly is. Experience with the former story is recommended, but not necessary since the latter does a splendid job on its own.

[TIPS + CRYPTIC SPOILERS] - Every action has a consequence. Good Karma is a Thing, and it's the thought that counts. Get the Dragon Sickle. Read the journal entries. Backspace if you want to reroll an outcome. Have 16 Skill or more by the time you reach Darren/Selene. Get the Blank Book instead of the Star Charm.

Skill and Charisma caps are 75 so don't bother farming more than that, if at all. Lead the way if you're carrying the torch. Solve the wood puzzle via google image search. Read the Prophecies. The right thing isn't necessarily the easiest. Demon puzzle? Ctrl + A. The dials? Click around to browse your options. Try not to cry.

-- Devol on 11/7/2015 8:09:04 PM with a score of 1000

Why I'm recommending it: Because it offers very good advice for gameplay (and I'm tired of people telling me the dial puzzle has no hints! I put three in the game, and the prequel counts as an enormous fourth hint,) it sums up what the story is for people who are reading the featured comments to get an idea, reminds people that reading the prequel would be good for context, but correctly adds that it isn't technically needed, and the last sentence made me laugh in only four words. 



This is by far my favorite game on the site. It is the perfect balance of both novel and game. I've read and reread every page and can't begin to express how rewarding the experience has been. The characters were both believable and memorable, and the story captivated me to the very end. This is the goal to which all works should aspire.

Now, I'm not saying that it's perfect (if there even is such a thing). There were a few typos, mistakes in grammar, and missing words that were, more than likely, just an oversight. In a project this large, though, it would take years to catch them all without having a fresh set of eyes dedicated to the task.

There are quite a few story-games on this site that I feel deserve an eight, but this one deserves so much more than that. Your planning and attention to detail really showed through. If I had a trophy to give, you would definitely receive it.

Thank you for all your hard work!

-- TheNewIAP on 10/6/2015 10:36:26 PM with a score of 1000

Why I'm recommending it: TheNewIAP knows The Other World better than literally anyone else who has played it except me and possibly TacocaT (though I'm pretty sure Taco has not actually seen the whole thing...) His review was also well-written and explained what he felt were its strong and weak points.



Members of this site often talk about the separate story and game elements of a storygame. If you compare The Other World to A Game of Life and Death, it’s more story and less game. This is a good thing: it allows the player to explore this universe and the many questions that you get left with after being confined to one house in GOLAD. While GOLAD had a plethora of addictive puzzles to keep you hooked for hours, The Other World feels more like reading an interactive novel which will keep you hooked for hours.

One of the reasons it feels like an interactive novel, as opposed to a very gamey storygame, is the relative linearity of the main storyline. While there are a lot of different paths and you hardly ever feel like you don’t have choices, the core plot and progression won’t be too different every playthrough so long as you stick to the main story path. This is something that a lot of authors get criticised for in less ambitious works (which this one definitely isn’t), but I personally don’t have an issue with it as long as it’s an entertaining read and it makes good use of the storygame medium. With this kind of story I’m fairly certain that if it was less linear, it wouldn’t have had such a strong sense of character and plot.

My only issue with the linearity is that the part with the progression from mirror to mirror, without a choice in which one to go through first, felt unnatural. I understand that it would have been difficult or even impossible to give the players a choice here, what with the new abilities gained from each mirror, but I felt like a brief plot-based in-game explanation would have sufficed to convince me. I also get that you were saving the fight scene against M.... I mean the Shadowed Figure until last, because that shit was badass, to put it bluntly.

All that said about linearity and this being more of a linear story-driven experience, there’s plenty here game-wise too. While the basic plot doesn’t branch out too much, the gameplay side is anything but linear. There’s a return of GOLAD-style puzzles here and there. Also borrowed from GOLAD is the style of combat scenes (but now with a levelling system), playing fluidly from one scene to the next like a choice-oriented, branching action-packed novel. Gotta love those fight scenes. Even the ones that ultimately lead to death are worth a read because they’re so damn entertaining, which is something I can’t say for a lot of storygames on CYS. If you’re going to kill off the player character, at least make it worth reading instead of just one or two lines of frustrating “you’re dead, the end” type of deal.

Speaking of protagonist death, this is something I’ve not personally had an issue with, but just something I’ve heard some other CYStians say. Some of your earlier game choices will haunt you and bite you in the ass, preventing you from progressing further, forcing you to go back and play again. From a plot perspective it makes sense, but it just seems kind of a dick move from a gameplay point of view.

Another often undiscussed element of a storygame apart from the writing and game mechanics is the aesthetics. Most of the time it’s irrelevant because the same basic visual template is used, but not in this case. The Other World has got to be the best-looking published storygame to date, with backgrounds appropriate to each setting. It always felt like it enhanced the experience rather than distracted me, and the fire background was particularly visually striking. The picture links were also a nice touch, although the prevelance of those early-game and the lack of them later made me wonder if Kiel had forgotten about them or lost the motivation to do them. For example, I think the mirrors would have worked very well with a picture instead of the standard word link.

All in all a storygame which far exceeds the standards for featuring, which is a truly great achievement when you consider that the fantasy category is already lined with the strongest lot of featured games from the best authors.

Does it beat my other favourite storygames, Eternal and GOLAD? No, but it comes about as close as the pr.... never mind, that would be too big of a spoiler. Use your imagination.

gr8/8 (of course)

The Devil's Chess now pls

-- 31TeV on 10/11/2015 6:20:07 AM with a score of 1000

Why I'm recommending it: xD TeV caught me on a couple things which, really, are rather deserving of being pointed out. He went into thorough detail about the strengths and weaknesses, highlighting a lot of the defining features of this game and I greatly appreciate that. TOW IS very linear compared to its predecessor and it's supposed to be, really. It wouldn't work otherwise and I'm glad he acknowledged that.

You may have realized by now that I'm recommending three comments when there is already a featured one. I am requesting that you replace Bucky's because it was written when the story was incomplete. Much as I appreciate it, Bucky referenced that fact in the first lines of his review and I am now receiving PMs asking me when the story will be finished, so this is confusing some readers. I'd recommend replacing it with any of the above, but if I must pick, than TeV's should be fine.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Thank you.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Recommended comment for featuring:


This game was amazing. I honestly don't know where to begin. Setting: I loved the witchcraft theme. Although unusual, it's actually the exact thing that makes it stand out and allures the player. (At least to me) Each room had significance. (Even the downstairs which I guess will remain mysterious) I liked the little stories and mini riddles. I really liked your writing too and those many puns. Your side commentary was also clever, making my many deaths not frustrating, but funny. Characters: I liked them too. I liked that the game wasn't solely about relationships which made Melissa and Layne even more interesting in the endings. It made that letter come as a small pleasant shock than something mundane. I went with Layne though romantically at first. His ending did make me blush a little.. The objects were interesting too. The backpack was a thoughtful weapon and when I killed So and So with it in the testing room, it was pure satisfaction. (After of course calling her a heartless slut. 8). So yeah, this game was cool and challenging with uncommon themes. I'm a bit sad I've finished it. This was a great play, I'd recommend it for the open-minded witty ones.

-- Hueno on 8/22/2015 3:36:41 AM with a score of 2000

Why I'm recommending it: Well, GOLAD is still missing a third featured comment. xD I don't believe I'll ever find anyone else as long winded about my works as TeV and Quiller have been (except me :P) but I think Hueno has the entirety of it pretty well summed up. GOLAD is odd, which (I hope) is part of its charm and it helps to go in with an open mind. He also mentioned that the deaths are intended to invoke humor rather than frustration, which was a biiiig part of the plan for the game.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Recommended comment for featuring:

Comment by Sethaniel:

I got the tragic and optimal endings, as well as a number of "game overs."

It's a very technically well-done story- as far as mechanics, it's pretty much impeccable.

Now, for the story aspect. I'm only being so critical because I think it has potential.

The "game over" endings were that random kind where it's difficult to know which will continue the story and which will incomprehensibly lead to an unrealistic cruel ending: my girlfriend left me because I made scrambled eggs instead of an omelet; the rest of my life is lonely and loveless because I held the door for a girl. (Side note: I don't think I'd extrapolate the endings out so far. No need to say your entire life is ruined, maybe just end the story.)

The plot is meandering. At first, it seems like it's going to be a story about dealing with insomnia. Then, the story takes a 90 degree turn and becomes all about my relationship; the insomnia angle is completely dropped.

The beginning is strong, there's a sense of moving from one action to another, but as the story continues, the plot starts to feel glossed over, like you knew where you wanted to go next but didn't really know/care how we could plausibly end up there.
I mean like, I apparently live with Kim, but I broke up with her *over text message* after one date with Sophia?! I guess she took that amazingly well, since we never mention her again.

As far as characters go, I liked David and Alice. They had personality, even though their screen time was limited. Kim is . . . insane? She has no discernible personality, and breaks up with me for stupid reasons like scrambled eggs. I have no idea how the protagonist feels about her, or what their relationship is like. I guess because she's the romantic false lead?
Sophia is kinda bland. I'm not entirely sure why she's our soulmate.

The story's biggest opportunity for improvement- from the game overs to the storyline, there's an overall lack of plausibility that doesn't fit the story's otherwise realistic tone.

Anyway, it was a great effort for a first story. I know maybe it didn't sound like I thought so, but I wouldn't bother dissecting it if I didn't enjoy it.

I hope to see you write more: new stories, or a continuation/update of this one.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Could be, but need to give the game more time to garner more feedback first.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Add Advanced Editor tag to Dungeon

Add Advanced Editor and Geared for Extremists tags to Mommy

Add Advanced Editor tag to Wal*Mart

Delete this forum thread, reason

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

May look at these sometime. But, Only willing to give points for an Advanced Game that really highlights the Advanced Scripting.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
How do "Mommy" and "The Wal-Mart Game" highlight advanced scripting in ways that the others don't? I actually don't see anything in either of those games that couldn't be done with variable restrictions.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Great question!

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Yeah there's lots of games that got the adv editor tag just by being made in adv editor rather than basic.  There's a bunch out there that the mere presence of items or variables got them the tag.


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Disregard this post. I had a list, but I think I should build onto it a little, so you're not having to waste as much of your time.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
Reccomendation for adding of tag "advanced editor" to the following stories: Finals Week! 8 goals, 28 rolls Haunted Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) Answer The Call Homo Perfectus Homo Perfectus 2 Homo Perfectus 3 Homo Perfectus 4 Homo Perfectus 5 Homo Perfectus 6 Homo Perfectus 8 The Tower Kill Aman's Mustache Crab Arena! Cryptode Before Midnight Die Zombie! Die! Die Zombie! Die! Pt II Die Zombie! Die! Pt III: The Final Chapter Who wants to be a Supervillain? Who STILL wants to be a Supervillian? The Secret of Daphne The Shortcut Home Kill that Spider! 4 Little Mice

Recommending a comment for deletion:
Story: The Secret of Daphne
comment:"There's some bugs in the game but it's all fine. -- Sefiro on 8/20/2015 3:11:26 AM with a score of 25"
reason: There are two of this comment.

Recommending a story for deletion / unpublishing:
story: Shoot The Guards
Quote from Minimum Site Standards for Storygames
After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8

And that's all for now.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

As noted above, Only Script heavy/shining example of Advanced Scripting will be bothered with tagging as Advanced Editor. Also, totally don't feel like going through any of them right now...

Yes to unpublish & yes to double coment.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
Yeah, I understand that now. I was confused on what that tag signified, advanced editor usage in general with items and stuff or scripting that truly makes usage of the advanced capabilities a lot.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
Code Z should be unpublished, it has a dead end. The author said in the story that chapter two wasn't complete and that he/she would work on it, so maybe just unpublish with a worning?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Likely, one of two things will happen - the author will take it down to continue working on it, or that's all we'll get (in which case, the story still meets minimum site standards).

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago
Recommending storygame for deletion.
Vault 111 (Sorry for no hyperlink - text editor is off and I forget my html)
This 'story' is literally the introduction mission to Fallout 4. Even to the fine details. I'm actually impressed because I think achieving 100% plagiarism is a tedious and difficult task.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

OK, thanks~

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

How about changing  Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost to Edutainment?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Are we still doing this? It's been a month.

Recommending for unpublishing: hunger games survival pt 1

Looks like it's been around since August, is rated one star, and meets pretty much all criteria for removal.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Yeah, he added some content and while it isn't looking too good, we're giving it a week to see if the ratings can pick up to a 2.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Recommeding a storygame for unpublishing

The story of Shadow the hedgehog as a wolf

This storygame meets requirements for the fourth bullet point: it has dead end pages.


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Recommended for removal: Book 33 Originally (Fan Fic Chapter 1)

It's brand new but as far as I understand it's eligible for deletion based on point three:

  • The storygame has all of the following characteristics:
    • Grammar and style poor enough that it cannot be ignored
    • A plot which is poor or nonexistent
    • Poor pacing (usually characterized by frequent and unpredictable end game links)
    • A lack of important decisions
    • Unbelievable or overly cliched dialogue (if dialogue is present in the story)

There are no choices whatsoever, and since it's literally just one page, full of errors, and then nine more you click through that all just say things like "[whatever] is title for chapter 3", there's nothing to be said about plot or pacing.


edit: bah, gone already. Too slow for my point. :(

edit2: and it's back??? GASP.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Someone else got it, or he removed it himself.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Yeah I went to look a while ago & it was gone.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Needs a tag and category change:

Fanfic in both cases. It's currently listed and tagged as fantasy.


Tag and category:

It's listed as fantasy when it should be modern adventure.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

9 years ago

Agreed on both & done.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending comment for featuring:

This game is very impressive. It would have been impressive even if it had been written over the course of a couple months, but the fact that something of this quality could be produced in less than two weeks is frankly mind-boggling. That being said, the time-frame makes any kind of mistakes or oversights much more forgivable, even if most of the problems I have with hastily written storygames are nowhere to be found in this game.

For one, it's not linear at all. In fact, it branches out like a Christmas tree, with so many different paths and outcomes that I probably haven't even found half of them after two hours of playing this. There are a few places that could use a little more polish, but overall, the amount of plotting and writing behind this monster of a plot is staggering.

The 8/8 difficulty rating is absolutely justified, but the game is interesting enough that I kept trying different paths to try and find the solution. A large part of the motivation is just how well-written and compelling the main character is. He has a very realistic condition and a very nuanced personality, with thoughts and emotions that propels the plot forward without ever feeling overdramatic or forced.

The danger that lurks around every corner and the mystery surrounding the plot also ratchet up the dramatic tension and kept me hooked. As I hit dead end after dead end, I really got the feeling that there was something terrifying and dangerous slowly closing in, which was great for a suspense game.

I did have a few gripes with the forest survival section, because it seems rather buggy with pages that were missing links and no concrete way of telling when you would run out of time, although I suppose that might have been intentional to reflect that actual difficulty of surviving in wilderness. For what it's worth, it's a commendable first try at advanced scripting, but I feel like it didn't fully mesh with the style of the rest of the game and would have been better presented in storyline format instead.

Other than that nitpick though, I found the rest of the game thoroughly enjoyable, excellently written, and impressive as hell.

I'm also half-convinced that the writer is some kind of inhuman writing machine with twelve arms and six heads typing on half a dozen different computers simultaneously, because nothing else can explain the ridiculous pace and quality with which this was produced. That's entirely besides the point though.

-- the_quiller on 2/29/2016 2:43:49 PM with a score of 0

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Agreed and done~

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Comment recommended for deletion: 

... ... ... ... ...

Magic: What guild are you?
Chras (Score of -23)
3/4/2016 4:17:43 PM

Why: Not even a single word in it.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

*looks at points* ... Berka, you smartass. xD

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Hehehe... (It's the only Morris Code I know)  ^v^

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
I recommend THIS for immediate deletion! The story is only like 3 pages long and one has no links. It only has like two sentences of text. It was clearly made by a troll as a scam or a trick. (I don't want points, and I know I don't have to notify y'all, but this ticked me off!!!) Nevermind its gone...

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

You are correct, but we're already on it, thanks~

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Definitely deserved to be trashed. Almost a shame that it was taken down so quickly, though. xD I was starting to remember how much I enjoyed reviewing bad games...

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

In hindsight, I really wish I had saved your review haha! It had 200 times the word count of the story itself! XD

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Lol, thanks for the thought. Well, c'est la vie, either CYS will never produce another story worth that kind of ridicule or I'll have plenty of games to poke fun at in the future. Considering I haven't heard about any blizzards in hell or plane-crashes caused by airborne pigs, I'm thinkin' the latter.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago



-- Aconc on 3/2/2016 9:02:15 AM

Reason: One "word".

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

It's slightly more expressive then 'meh', so I'm not convinced that it has to go.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Did you delete that one by SUPFOLKS? The one with like, 4 pages.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

If it was "It's ok" that would be something else.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Yeah, it's the ellipses that sort of make it snide-ish. You have convinced me.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommended for Deletion: Warrior Cats: Icestar's Story


Ahem. I assume the ban on Warrior Cats is still up?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Ban is still in effect~

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Just to ask, is the ban in the rules?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

It's part of the new site guidelines, which have been up for seven months. :P

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

tbf, that thread really could be made more visible.

A link to it when you go to create a new story might go a long way. They could put it right next to the Storygame 101 one.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

That's a lot better idea.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Suggest it directly to a mod, then? :P

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

CYS rules have yet to be codified.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

True enough. Waiting on 3J.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I hope this okay. I am recommending a comment on my game for featuring. Never done this before, so sorry Berka if I am doing something wrong.

Storygame: Site 59: No Escape

Comment I am recommending for featuring:

Site59 is a terrifying and entertaining romp through a well-constructed scary story. It is full of drama, classic horror tropes, and graphic violence. The story is expansive and unforgiving, and horrific death awaits the reader at every turn. The story’s strongest feature is its character development. Each and every character in the large cast is unique, interesting, consistent, fully imagined, and relatable. This is the most effective tool in the author’s scary story toolbox because it gives the reader an emotional connection with the characters. This connection adds to the tension when the characters are in danger, and the emotional reaction when things happen to them. No one would accuse this story of being highly original, but in my opinion that did not diminish its entertainment value. Its weakness, I would say, was from the less-than-colorful descriptions; interludes in the action often felt like reading a grocery-list of things which happened and were of little interest to the reader except as filler. There was also a point in the story where “wtf” was used un-ironically in a description, and that struck me as just lazy writing. All told, I enjoyed the story a lot. It was entertaining, well-constructed, and exciting. The scenes of violence were troubling, and a lot of effort was clearly put into its presentation. The ending scene was killer as well, and it might be the best bit of writing in the piece. Sidenote: this story boldly violates the premier rule of horror stories by saying the characters in it have, in fact, watched scary movies, and don’t want to repeat those mistakes. I chuckled. Cheers -- dueconsideration on 3/22/2016 9:02:38 AM with a score of 0

Why I am recommending it:

Firstly, because this person clearly played the game several times and realized how much effort was put into before commenting on it. Secondly, because this person is, I believe, the first to find the best ending. Third, because he/she was honest and truthful in sharing his opinion. And finally, because he also recommending something I need to improve on in the story. Thanks! Hope I did this right! (And sorry, if I didn't.)

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending a comment for deletion:

Didn't call me a nerd at the end. 1/10

The Big Little History Quiz
IGN 3/22/2016 11:00:39 AM

Reason: as far as I remember correctly, this comment hasn't got anything to do with the contents of the game, nor does it appear to be anything else than a random ass remark.


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Requesting comment for deletion from Eternal by this guy:

I won't bother posting the comment from Eternal because it's huge and it's all in Spanish. Looks like the same message spammed over and over again, going by the words in the sentences. The name "Hitler" keeps popping up as well.

He's also doing it to several other stories as well just going by the point history and will probably continue spamming.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

What the heck!

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Got them all.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending comment for deletion:

The Virtual Reality Game

Comment: Wow, some really tall dogs just... eat me up? -- CurseOfTime on 3/23/2016 8:54:07 PM

Reason: It's a double comment. He said the same thing twice. Probably just glitched when he submitted. It's happened to me before.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending storygame for a maturity level change.

Game: An Unusual Day at Littlewood High

Reason: The maturity level is currently at 3/8 but there are cuss words that appear every so often that are not age appropriate.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending a storygame for movement to a different category

Game: Appeasement of Hitler: WWII Trail

Reason: The actual storygame has nothing to do with school, being based around the events of WWII. It should probably be moved to Edutainment.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I don't know what the parameters are for reporting comments, but I feel like this is just noteworthy. Long after this storygame succumbs to its rating of 2/8 and joins the others in a mass grave it should still be known... It should be known that this was what was said about a 5-page-long storygame about the beginning of WWII...

"Oh yes, getting my cock blown feel so good. Anyways I just had sex with a strip girl and she and I did it every way possible. I got to do 1 and 2. Also getting a blowjob is nice.

-- SEX IS GOOD on 3/28/2016 9:33:41 PM"

His name was SEX IS GOOD. Gods rest his soul.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

God rest his soul.


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Mason, your right to exercise your religion ends where mine begins, thank you very much.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I don't know what you just said, my brain isn't working right now. Thanks, I guess. XD

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

He did the same thing on this story.

Oh yes, getting my cock blown feel so good. Anyways I just had sex with a strip girl and she and I did it every way possible. I got to do 1 and 2. Also getting a blowjob is nice.
-- SUCKING COCKS on 3/28/2016 9:37:20 PM

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Whoops, I missed the rule about newly created storygames as well, so ignore this. Sorry Berka!

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Got this one, too! And someone else is doing it, too.

My Totally Different Day

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

This is one of the best trolls I've seen in a while! XD ROFL

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Darn it! Was trying to copy and paste the comments! Now I can't edit the post. Oh well, BZ or Seth will see the comments when they click the link, I guess.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Oops, sorry.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Oops, sorry! Can someone delete my comment on the following game? I didn't know it would show code, sorry.

Just For Fun 101

Sorry, guys!

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Reccomending story to be unpublished.

Delete this, The game is not fully completed. After you get all the items, you cannot finish the game.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

The reason I say unpublished instead of deletion is because I feel as it was a honest mistake. 

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending change in Maturity level.

6/8 for this Storygame. It is Very good, but I think 7/8 is more appropriate.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


It is a demo. He even says it in his description.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Someone really has it out for the Appeasement of Hitler story because it just got comment spammed again (And they apparently hate Evan Murphy, whoever that is)

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I have to disagree. These comments aren't spam, they're trying to get a very important message across, about how Even Murphy sucks. He's an atrocious human being that everyone needs to know, as the commentator put it, "sucks more".

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Still there is a lot of spam. XD

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Sorry Ford, using a school computer, what is the picture of?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Description of Evan Murphey who was apparently an American race cyclist who did something or another in 2015 in a race and is 28 years old.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Oh, then lol. (Thank You!)

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

That is...a weird person to hate.

If the story was written for a school project I'm betting it's another student trolling him.

All those 1s he gave don't matter anyway since they're from an unregistered user, right?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
He seems pretty hate-able to me.

Those 1's have negligible effect.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending comment for deletion



on Appeasement of Hitler: WWII Trail,

because the comment appears numerous times and is completely unrelated to the game.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

End beat you to it, unless this is a fresh batch.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
It is a fresh batch

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Comment subject for deletion:

Storygame: Solar System Quiz

Profile Posted Comment: Nightsky

Comment: "You do know that people can just hit the back button until they get the right answer, right?"

Reason Why Comment should be deleted: Un-useful to readers; ridiculing the reason to read it.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Unpublish This Story. (Sorry, no hyperlink)

Reason: Meets the first bullet point: After receiving more than seven ratings and being published for one week, the storygame is still rated 1/8.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

^ If you have the time to apologize for not hyperlinking, you have time to hyperlink.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I would like this thread to get deleted, the reasoning of it is that they're just talking to one another something whch they could easily do via PM's.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Seconded. It's not really the most fun first thread to return to after a hiatus.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

There's been several like it removed already.

The only really entertaining bullshit thread we've had in the last few days that Seth had to put down for the good of all humanity has a wayback machine link in my profile. :3

e: Seth not Berka. Sorry, all mods look alike to me.

....I'm really surprised that cat story and all that spam on the WWII game are still around. Might be a busy weekend for both of them IRL.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending comments for deletion:



-- RAPE on 4/3/2016 10:05:45 PM

This game was cool, but I don't like animals, I tend to rape them.
-- Hmm on 4/2/2016 5:05:46 PM


Arguably the second one does say 'the game was cool' so maybe it's just a case of someone sharing a little too much about their personal life as part of a legitimate review.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

And now, two more. Same game.

MAKE LOVE WITH ANIMALS, RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- D on 4/3/2016 11:17:46 PM

Oh yes, getting a blowjob

-- RAPE on 4/3/2016 11:01:09 PM


....why do you guys even allow unregistered users to comment, again?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Let's make this not a thing. Who agrees?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Oh fuck... you don't think it's- Oh, god, I think it is... It's her!

Edit: Video contains vulgar themes, but no actual vulgarity is shown.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Warrior Cat Story Game Part 1

Ack! Seth, Berka, kill it! Kill it with fire!

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

So, my computer kind of frizzed out on me, and I left the same comment three times on that new game about the shitty party. So, oops. If you could delete two of those, that'd be cool. Sorry.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
Can someone feature @insanebutvain 's comment on Cliche Adventures?

I now regret not reading this earlier. Good humour, no grammatical mistakes, succinct and logical. A perfect package of knighthood and princess bosom.7/8

-- insanebutvain on 3/9/2016 7:33:14 PM with a score of 0

If that doesn't sum up the importance of a knight's journey for blue eyed, blond haired, big bosom'd princesses - then nothing ever could.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

I can feature things, but I can't give points, so I'll let one of the others answer this one. ^^' 

@Sethaniel @BerkaZerka


Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago


Its is unfinished. Broken link that prevents further progression.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Hm. It's not broken to the point of being unable to play it, but you're right about it being unfinished and preventing progression, and the fact that the author said they may or may not fix it nearly a year ago and otherwise left it messy is kind of a problem.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
I turned on rich text editor, but for some reason it keeps switching back off. And I made sure to save my profile settings.

Edit: Could you check the links above that I posted too?

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommending a comment for featuring:

Homo Perfectus 8

Absolutely incredible. However, I wish it hadn't ended so abruptly. The ending to the entire series just kind of ended immediately after the climax. While I enjoyed all 8 (or 10, if you include 9 and 10 as a part of 8 like the creator), I think the very end was kind of a letdown. There wasn't really any explanation as to what ends up happening. Unless he is setting up yet another HP, in which case I would be thrilled, then I am a little disappointed. However, I LOVED this series. The writer is extremely talented and I encourage anyone interested in this website to embark on this incredible journey. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. -Mike

-- Archangel48 on 10/1/2014 12:35:55 PM with a score of 1001

Perhaps the only sustainable criticism of a game with HP8's length and depth.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago

Recommended Storygame for deletion:

Reason: It has no choices, so it doesn't belong here. Also, it's fucking terrible.

Draw My Attention (The Modding)

8 years ago
(Sorry my rich editor does not seem to want to stay on. I saved my settings afterwords.)


It is a terrible warrior cats storygame.