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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Okay, fair point, though I wasn't aware that this was a rule beforehand. I have to publish that one anyway, though I wasn't planning on tricking you, I didn't mean to break the rules, so sorry for that. (also, I use they/them pronouns) 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

This is a writing site and both they and them are plural. You can't just repurpose words to fit your feelings.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Bold of you to assume they aren't three children in a trench coat.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

You're right; I should work on being more woke and inclusive.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

that would be wise, but technically it is grammatically correct. But yes, I am three kids in a trench coat. But if it's messing you up then I'll accept he/him also.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

That's was sarcasm, hon.

I'll call you whatever you want, just had to point out my annoyance first.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I don't understand why people are annoyed by it; it makes no sense to me.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I don't understand why people can't just claim the gender they were born as, it makes no sense to me.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Gender and Sex are two different things

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

So what's gender based off of then? However you feel in the moment?

No. Pronouns aren't talking about if you've got a masculine or feminine personality, it's a about if you are a girl or a boy. That's what the genders are, all these other things are just personalities people can have. Boys don't have to be masculine to be a boy still. Their sex is their gender. And their pronouns follow accordingly.

I'll never understand how we went from "boys not have to follow gender norms!! neither do girls!!" to "if you feel like a girl and feel more comfy doing 'girly' things then you are one".

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Nobody told me fresh was based.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

She tends to praise my stories in posts sometimes so her increased basedness over time hasn't gone unnoticed.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

3 months ago
Well anyway now that the beautiful and perfect 275 post stopping point was ruined by Malk and DB, just some spoilers for anybody reading this in the future: after getting momentarily banned for intent to enter AI gibberish into a contest, Ab was invited to resolve differences with Fresh in a Thunderdome duel, with a surprise twist ending! The saga continues HERE.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Gender is based on how you feel on the inside; it's not a choice to be transgender. We are simply born that way, and nothing can change it. It's all about living life as your most authentic self, and for many people, it feels better to align with the gender you are on the inside. Your "Sex" cannot change, but the way you refer to and present yourself can. 

It's really hard for cis people to understand that

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

What an absolute fucking faggot.

The chuds were right. They're really indoctrinating kids to believe this horse shit early. Lmao.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

bro what? I was never taught about what being trans was; I figured it out on my own. God, you are all a bunch of bigots

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Now that this derail has been quarantined I'll take the bait: why not just explain to Fresh and Thara how you came to the realization you were born a genderless alien?

One who types exactly like a whiny teenage girl, okay, but still.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Yes please, tell me what it means to feel like you're a boy or a girl or neither inside without reviving gender roles

Because if it's just "well the thought of 'I really am a boy/girl/whatever else' came into my head and I felt better following that" then... well, that's just allowing yourself to live in delusions. Getting called a pronoun you don't like because it's directly linked to how you were born isn't going to negatively impact your health. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Gender dysphoria is a medically recognized condition (that usually goes hand in hand with a lot of more harmful ones), but it does go far enough back as an Actual Thing before the days of internet bandwagoning. So I'm not questioning that some people really do feel that way, and that their way of dealing with it is embracing stereotypes that come off like the cringe gender-based equivalent of blackface to others.

They/them is not a gender though and I've never heard a convincing argument otherwise. There is no way to dress or act like a they/them, no one is getting depression and anxiety because of compulsive discomfort over not being something that doesn't exist. You might as well call yourself otherkin at that point to really ramp up the specialness factor.

But I realize this is a pretty dead horse topic for both sides, and hey, kids these days will pretend to have DID and insist they have the souls of Pokemon, so what do I know. People can mentally assign themselves as whatever they want, but "ACKSHUALLY, my name is Squirtle today," is still going to be annoying regardless.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I have been diagnosed by a professional with Gender Dysphoria, and this is something Iv'e felt since I was very little. I am not "Making it up" as many people have bullied me about over the years Iv'e identified as Non-Binary. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

First the developmental disabilities and then the mental illness, that's rough ngl.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

When you don't fit into any gender category, you decide not to be confined to a binary box. I feel like Iv'e broken free from any gender roles or stereotypes, and I'm free to be who I am, not dragged down. Like I said, It's really difficult to understand; It's not something I chose or wanted. Who would choose to be discriminated against and bullied? Please do your research, because Trans and Nonbinary people exist and are valid, we deserve to be loved/ cared for and have equal rights - human rights, because we are all human no matter how we align ourselves in the mere existence. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I can love and care for someone without agreeing with their warped idea of what gender is

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

You don't have to understand, but the least you can do is accept people for who they are. I have a friend who got kicked out of his house for being Trans at 15 years old. We are all just human, so please treat everyone with respect.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

You seem to think that not accepting your worldview is not respecting you.

My parents just kicked me out of my house a few days ago (obviously not for that reason), so I can kind of relate to how much that sucks. Though I am old enough to survive on my own, so my situation is less awful.

I may not agree with you or your friend, but that doesn't mean I condone a parent behaving like that.

However, people get kicked out of their houses for, say, disagreeing with their parents' political beliefs. That doesn't make their beliefs correct, it just means their parents are shitty people.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Don't have to agree with them to respect them; I hope you realize that everyone is different and you be kind to those born differently than you. I am done trying to convince you, but if you take anything out of this, please just treat everyone with respect.


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

At what point did I disrespect you? The part where I disagreed?
Here, some disrespect to satisfy your victim complex: lol, fag

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I'm saying, in general. And also "fag" is one of the highest forms of disrespect. You know what I'm so done with this shit.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

lol, fag.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Okay fag. And cool, please send Stargirl back when you tap out.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Pretty sure there are kinds of disrespect that are higher. Like things that actually hurt, not words

Words only hurt you as much as you let them. Same goes for all your friends.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

True. They're not getting thrown off bridges anymore.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

lol, fag

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 11/7/2024 6:53:46 PM

I'm bisexual, and I've been sucking cock since I was 14, in between relationships mostly. Everyone here gets an everlasting fag pass. And yes, I use the terms 'fag' and 'retard' since I also have autism and bipolar and ADHD, for the same reason why black people get to use the term 'nigga.' Although my baby's mom is black, so I've basically got a get out of jail free on the whole racism thing. 

Not like anyone cares lol. Fag.

In all seriousness though, complaining on here is just gonna make people mess with you more for the hell of it. There's entire threads where I've been fucked with. Just walk away, and somebody next week will fuck up royally and people will forget about you.

It also helps when you've actually contributed to the site and aren't being a cocksucker about it. A lot of people started being more cool with me after I actually started making decent stories and stopped being arrogant about everything.


Good news! You all get the everlasting pass on using the word retard. Granted, none of you care, but hey, at least the CoGites can't whine now.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Put that first line on your business cards.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

The perfect resume in 2024 to get hired. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Fuck your parents for that. I'd understand if you were a complete leach and a bum, but otherwise it really just fucks up your future earning potential if you're serious. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Eh. Not like I brag about that shit at work. I'm only bringing it up here cause this abge person is complaining about my use of the word "fag" as if I actually care if they're actually a fag.

Oh. You were responding to Fresh? Yeah fuck that. Idc if my daughter is 30 if she needs help and I can provide it, I got her.

Fresh I hope you get back on your feet asap. And hopefully you and your parents can reconcile one day if possible.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Thanks, both of y'all (and all the people who PMed me lol)

We had a bit of a fight and they ultimately decided that since I'm old enough for them to legally not be responsible for me, it'd be better for them if they didn't have to deal with me.

I'm doing ok. Strong independent woman and all that

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Hopefully you're rooming with a girl or something, and not one of your beta orbiter simps.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You might be in for a rough time in the short term, but they're ultimately going to regret this a lot more.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I'm sorry to hear that. No parent should treat their child that way, grown or otherwise.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You haven't broken free from any gender roles or stereotypes. If you had, you wouldn't give a damn about what pronouns another person uses in reference to yourself. Others will put you in a box, you have a choice in how you let that affect you. If you let it affect you. While I'm here: You aren't the center of the universe. It's not anyone's job to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's not our job to protect you from the big, bad world. Get over it, and grow up.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I personally don't give a shit to what you call me or whatever, but I know others who are struggling. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Obviously you do care since you made a point in telling all of us your preferred pronouns and consider it disrespectful to refer to you as anything but they/them. No, when you have a mental breakdown because Trump got a second term, you don't know what struggling means. Seriously, if Trump and your pronouns being disrespected are the worst things you've experienced or have seen others experience in life, you don't fucking know what it's like to struggle.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Obviously it hasn't been through any struggle, most of the time young people who care about politics haven't really struggled, so they have to occupy themselves with the state of the world and depress themselves over that instead of worrying about being bullied, or stabbed, or robbed, or any of that.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
No one is taking away your human rights to whine on a forum from the comfort of a home that somebody else is paying for, you dumb child.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

​I actually used to ponder on the gender topics a lot and have written and debated both sides. When I get home I'll send you a few syogisms if you want and see if you can be the one to crack them. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Syllogism? Is that by chance the word you were going for?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Yeah,  I'll leave it now though. It's all thankfully died down. 

Its a very sensitive topic and it's super emotionally charged since its questioning people's core concepts of self. It's not something easy for many people, so I try to be kind with it but the general consensus in philosophy is that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to seperate gender from sex. 



This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

It's really hard to be retarded, yes.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Is it?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Upon further consideration, you are correct. It is not.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Because people who worry about how other people refer to them when they're not in the room perhaps have way too much time on their hands and are too self-centered for other people to care about

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
People who whine about pronouns are far more annoying than people who request others use them. Devoid from the context though this is a funny joke lol.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Erm actually... they and them can be used as a singular noun even before all the genders of 2024, for sentences when you don't know their gender. For example, "I don't know what they're gonna look like." Also, 'it' is perfectly usable for these types of situations.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Thanks, Bezro! 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
No problem, I will continue to use the correct pronouns it/it's.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

3 months ago

This is wrong btw. The word "they" has taken a singular antecedent for actual centuries. A sentence where the subject is of undetermined gender is a classic example: "Someone forgot their bomb on the tarmac!" 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

3 months ago

That's a bad place to forget your bomb.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Thanks for informing Endmaster of this, I'm sure he cares.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Pronoun faggotry, meltdowns over Trump, Cel saying this place was making him less racist...

Might as well be CoG at this point.

Anyone want to buy some NFTs?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


My newly christened pronouns are:Who/What/When/Where/Why/How

I identify myself as a whole situation and event.

I figured I'd let you be the first to know publicly in this thread.

Also, do these NFTs have whacky images associated with them? 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I wouldn't go that far. You're not handing out thousand year bans to everyone in this comment section. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Oh gods. I wasn't expecting this to become a whole new thread :0

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Me neither, but who knew this would become this heated? I'm just trying to exist, but people are making that hard.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

There's always the easy option.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Not really, I stand up for Trans people. And I also didn't start this I'm just standing my ground.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

CYS is a stand your ground site. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Are you done with this shit or are you not done with this shit, you're sending some mixed signals here.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

"We're done when I say we're done"


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Which designation do I seem to fit the most? If we have wholesome people and some edge lords, where do I seem to fit? I'm too retarded to tell. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Mostly wholesome. Bonus points for managing this without being irritating.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Natural selection has failed you.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
It's really wholesome seeing you and Fresh living up the Mean Girl designations again.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Girls gotta stick together

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Mean Girls for life! ... wait

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Oh no, not you too

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Petros is the meanest mean girl I know.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Petros, you've been sending out a lot of mixed signals about your gender for years. Care to comment?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
My pronouns are grand/wizard

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
That's hot.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
What's up with you and eugenics?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I'm not sure what you expected in terms of a response from your statement on pronouns. Of course, we accept the statement that you do use "they/them" pronouns, but that doesn't mean others will, especially on this site that you've been on for over three years now. I can only assume that you posted that in order to get that response, or otherwise got inexplicably blindsided.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I thought people would be like "Oh okay" And move on

Didn't realize this would spiral into terf wars

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
tbf, people probably would have. You'd have seen a few "lol, fag" posts, and that's it. What keeps it going is your 16+ responses in this thread, so...

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Here is my serious personal perspective, while giving respect to you:

I, and most people, have never used pronouns to describe what you mean to communicate with the term "gender." I cannot, nor will I claim to, fully understand your inner self that remains hidden within your heart and mind. It is the normal function to use pronouns to describe a person's "sex." If "gender" really is interchangeable with the word "sex," then the word "gender" is being misused in this context. If "gender" truly in this era means something else, as in something that goes beyond codified, binary sex, then I need a specific explanation on what you mean by its use.

I don't communicate what can't be visibly perceived with the use of pronouns. If you appear to be a female, I'm going to use she/her. If you appear to be a male, I'm going to use he/him pronouns. That's the deal. If I'm wrong, it's because my physical perception of you does not reflect your actual biological sex, which would either occur because of a mistake on my end or because your theoretical appearance obfuscates that sex.

If you are trying to declare your sexual activities (and some that I have meant have explicitly used certain pronouns to do this), the use of pronouns to describe that is not an appropriate use of those terms. I'm sure that you would not assume that people would know who you have sex with, unless you or your sexual partners told them. Even if you tell someone your preferred pronouns to indicate your preferred sexual practice, the original intent of their use of she/her (in this case) was to communicate how they perceive you physically or the fact that they are aware of your confirmed biological sex (which functions strictly on a binary). To correct the other party is to misunderstand what they are saying. The use of pronouns to communicate your sexual activities runs contrary to the normative functions of those words.

If this use of "they/them" is not meant to communicate sexual practice, but something else intended to communicate some different form of identity, then I need your help on this point. What does "gender" specifically mean for you? Is it something biological, and does your "they/them" status reflect a physical distinction from those that use normative pronouns? Or, is it something spiritual by which you communicate that your use of plural pronouns equips you with a different inner self that goes beyond the material world? If so, how does that function in the spiritual world you perceive? If neither scenarios apply, then what is the meaning of "gender" to you?

Beyond the teasing, I am not actually against you. Please give me the benefit of the doubt on that. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
This is longer than your storygame :o

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

And yours lol

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You guys should co author something.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Lol, it might achieve novella length

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Jokes aside, I'd like that.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I'd be willing. Our writing styles aren't too different

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
lol, fag

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I like Ogre.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Gender can mean different things for everyone; you can present in a "Feminine way" and still Identify as a female. , But Gender stereotypes are a way to segregate the human population into two groups. Like if you're a Man, you must wear blah blah, and if you are a woman, you must wear blah blah, etc. But even though that may be true for many people, some people like to express themselves differently than mainstream society. And you don't have to be Trans to do that. 

A lot of people think that Gender is defined by your reproductive system. But even when trans phobes make this point, it can be easily disproved. I was born biologically "Female," But biologically, I was born without part of my reproductive organ and had to have surgery to fix it because it was causing me a LOT of pain. and If you say that all biological females have ovaries - then you are wrong. This is on a biological level. Your gender has nothing to do with your biological sex; gender is the way you and society perceive yourself.

Using the pronouns They/ Them helps me be myself without having to identify with one group, and I know you can still be female/ male and wear and express yourself however you want, but in my case, I felt more like myself breaking free from any expectations. It not about what you wear or how you act, its how you feel on the inside. I have a friend who always wears dresses and crop tops and he still identifies as "Male."

This is topic that is very hard to explain, hopefully, you understand a bit more!


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Fine. Fine. My turn to make an actual text wall.

I think it's the patronizing "I understand the world better than you" attitude you've got going on that's catching the most flack.

You've gotta understand that the way you've described gender here is completely redefining the word from it's original purpose. Not that it hasn't happened before, but saying that the idea of gender and sex being synonyms is wrong isn't exactly true. When the word was formed, it meant the same thing as sex. To some people it still does, because it's a word and as such means slightly different things to different people. 

A vast majority of people on this site, and everyone on this thread (except maybe crimson? Idk how old either of you really are) is older than you. A lot of them have seen a lot happen in the world, actually serious stuff, not someone "misgendering" a kid on an Internet forum.

The problem with your friend's situation isn't that their parents disagreed, it's that they decided since they didn't agree they were going to be dickheads. Irl bullies (we're talking physical violence here) also are a problem.

I just simply do not agree with your usage of pronouns. I don't understand why they have to be linked to the type of clothes you wear or the way you feel inside at all. I don't understand why there's so much drama people preferring one over the other, or coming up with whole new ones like "xe". They were made to distinguish biological males from biological females. Imagine if you spoke a language other than English that has three forms of the word "the". Like in German you've got a feminine "die", masculine "der" and neuter "das", and objects get assigned femininity, masculinity, or neutrality pretty arbitrarily. They're just words, and not even negative ones.

I understand that some people have an actual disorder where hearing themselves referred to as a certain gender causes them a lot of distress, but I also know that in the same way suddenly everyone's got depression and anxiety, most of the people even clinically diagnosed at this point don't really have it. People are just diagnosis-happy, and everyone knows all the symptoms and such and have the ability to convince themselves they have it when they don't (not even on purpose all of the time). 

However, in the same way that I don't have to refer to someone with disassociated identity disorder as whatever person they feel they are in the moment, I absolutely do not have to refer to any person by a set of pronouns they hand-picked. We've established that this is a mental disorder, right? Since when do we just accept that a mental disorder is how someone is and go along with it?
Now, quickly I'll add that I don't look down on anyone going through that and I know it's tough. But I don't see how referring to anyone with certain pronouns is going to help.

Wear whatever clothes you want. Call yourself whatever you want. But don't act like what you're saying is hard, concrete fact with no room for disagreement and everyone who doesn't agree is misinformed. If you wanna talk about things we believe to be fact that other people don't agree with, lemme tell you about Christians who have been tortured and killed for their ideas, or the fact that I believe God is real and that anyone who disagrees is wrong. Not a bad person, not stupid, but wrong. And I would never claim that disagreeing with that or verbally calling me incorrect is disrespectful to me.

In other words, shuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuup.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
If you guys MUST have these serious text walls, can you all at least start them with "I've been sucking cocks since I was 14" for credentials?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I have no such credentials; I have failed. My life is not nearly as wild as Ben's.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

People in the GSA at my school have been raped and sexually harassed for being gay/trans; it is a real problem. It's not just caring about being misgendered or whatever, we fear for our safety at school just because we are different. I knew someone who was killed because he was gay. Lgbtq youth are at WAY higher risk for suicide. I don't care if you believe in god, I respect all religions, but no one has ever proven that he exists, and Lgbtq people are real struggling to survive in a world that hates them.

 mic drop

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

The lamest part of this post was the mic drop at the end.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Lmao true

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

PEOPLE are being treated badly. That's the problem. It doesn't matter what other stuff is tagged onto that.

Being attacked or mistreated for a belief does not make the belief any more valid.

Muslims are also struggling to live in a world that hates them. At one point, Gypsies were struggling to survive in a world that hated them. Does that mean that everyone should accept what those groups think is true to be fact? No.

People should stop raping, killing, and causing physical harm to other people, regardless of if what that person believes is right or wrong or stupid or downright dirty. 

You seem to be using examples of LGBTQ-identifying people being mistreated as reasons as to why everyone should acknowledge that your viewpoint is correct, which is weird. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Even from your perspective of being hardcore about not recognizing pronouns, either women are being raped by men, or men are being raped by gay men--so sounds like the actual problem is just men.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Men are pretty scary. You only need to look at war to see most lose their morals as soon as a opportunity to do heinous shit and get away with it arises. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Yep. As a man, all it takes is for people's backs to be turned for ten seconds, and I'm gorging myself on engine grilled human flesh

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Kind of does. Not because mistreating trans/gay people is worse than mistreating anybody else, but because its a targeted thing... Kind of like the whole Black Lives Matter thing. It's not worse for the police to shoot an innocent black person than it is for them to shoot an innocent white person, it just seems to happen disproportionately more often because of racial bias.

Now, I doubt that gay/trans people are disproportionally raped. I think cis gendered women/children still hold the biggest piece of the pie in that regard (except in prison of course where, if you're not gay, tough titties sweet cheeks, you are now!) But gay/trans people being disproportionately beaten up... Yeah, I can definitely believe that. So teaching kids, "Hey, stop beating up the fags and the trannies"... That would be nice. ^_^

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I'm not saying they don't get mistreated more. I'm saying anyone who's open about any belief has a certain group of people who hate them. That doesn't mean every belief is valid. That just means hating people sucks.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

True. You can still respect other peoples beliefs without believing them though. Like, I don't believe in any religions but I still respect the fact that other people do.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Nah, that's gay.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

... That is true. Forget everything I just said. Burn the trannies! Torches and pitchforks for everybody! ^_^

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I originally split the thread not because I wanted to see a debate on trans stuff, but because I saw Fresh going aggro on another teen that had recently been annoying, and wanted to give this thing room to grow like a beautiful and unique neuroatypical eight-gendered flower.

I'm happy to say I succeeded completely, helped along massively by Ab herself who decided to call everyone else a bigot and to also choose the moment of Thara's arrival to complain about us calling each other fags, after three years of membership.

And also, just btw, declared she was "done with this shit" many MANY posts before the mic drop, then just decided to keep it going instead right when I was afraid it was gong to fizzle out early, lol.

Anyway, Ab still argues like an annoying teen girl no matter what this vague text-based individual is calling her/his/it/they/xirself in meatspace, and after pointlessly correcting Endmaster at the beginning of the thread, is now ignoring his explanation of what the actual issue is at the end of it.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I guess I'm not clear on what your definition of respecting a belief is.

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4 months ago

Like, you can accept the fact that they believe something you don't and not be bothered by it or try to convince them that they're wrong because, whether they're right or wrong, they're happy with their beliefs and they're not hurting anybody, so who cares?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Fair enough.

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4 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 11/8/2024 1:47:39 PM
I never thought I'd see a day where I could say Cel is more likeable than someone else, but here we are... You know what your problem is? You think you're the only one going through shit. You think your group is the only group that experiences injustices and struggles. You can't acknowledge that Fresh understands what it's like to for your parents to kick you out. This is the second time, as far as I'm aware, that she's brought up how others suffer. Instead of trying to reach a common ground or understand where she's coming from, you double down and dismiss like it's a competition of who is more oppressed. A damn good example is how Fresh pointed out the religious persecution that goes on between Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Your only acknowledgement? "I don't care if you believe in god, I respect all religions, but no one has ever proven that he exists, and Lgbtq people are real struggling to survive in a world that hates them." Bullshit on the respect. For anything, really. Is it respectful to cheat to get a trophy and whine when your points get taken? No, respect would've been not cheating to begin with, or owning your mistake and finding a way to repent. Is it respectful to ignore a contest host's rules? No, respect would be following the rules, or taking the shame with grace. Why should anyone show you respect when you can't respect others? By all means, though, stay in that little bubble where you're the center of the universe. I have no fucking doubt in my mind that if you weren't non-binary or whatever, you wouldn't give a damn about the LGBTQ community. That's the kind of person I see when I look at your interactions with Fresh. Oh yeah, you're nowhere near as "enlightened" as you like to think you are; just another dumb teenager that'll probably turn into another dumb adult. Bee-tee-dubs, it's not about being the most oppressed. It's about acknowledging others suffer too, whether or not you understand or agree with them. Maybe one day you'll realize that perspective and compassion for others outside of your echo chamber doesn't invalidate anyone's experience within that chamber. If anything, it's a chance to learn, grow, and actually form an independent thought. And, you're banned. Might as well post this anyway since it's all typed out, lol.

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4 months ago
I'm prolly younger than her.

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4 months ago


I thought you were in like, your late twenties???

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Homie I'm a freshman. I've always hung out with the big kids though, and I've seen some stuff too.

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4 months ago

...smol. I guess I haven't paid that much attention. Also L, freshie. Imagine being a part of the grade that always walks SO SLOW in the hallways and is generally young and annoying. :)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I'm a super-freshman though, I got held back in pre-k. Also, you were the first person to send me a PM, when I was beefing with stargirl.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I PM a lot of newbies with general encouragement and stuff. Ima have to look for that

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
No you told me to shut the fuck up lol

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4 months ago

Yep, found it. I was not kind

I immediately forgot I ever sent that and have no recollection of what you and stargirl were fighting about, but I stand by my point. If I of all people thought you were posting annoyingly enough to message you about it then I was probably right

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Yeah I never forgot that, I made sure I took your advice.

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4 months ago


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4 months ago

Im in 11th grade, but I look like im 8 years old, I never really hit puberty.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You meant act like, right?

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4 months ago

wow that was a good one. But seriously I get mistaken for a 8th grade boy at my highschool more than I care to admit.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I could probably walk into a liquor store and not get carded if I grew my mustache out.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I would get away with not being carded if i just walked out with the bottle, im too small to spot. It's a rather effective way of disguise. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
So you're a fag and a pick-me? And anyone can just take a bottle, just have a good distraction. Me and my friends would hit gas stations with some wild as distractions.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

That's offensive to the real pick-me girls out there who work hard for that title! Hmph.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Hey Bezro, you're like 13 and have never published anything passable, and really don't review much. I'm afraid that at this time we can't make you an honorary Mean Girl like Petros no matter how many IRL shenanigans you claim, but feel free to apply again later.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

In the famous (famous to Bezro at least) words of my slightly younger self,

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhut up.

Look man, I don't like when people get banned, but you are SPAMMING the forums. Going after stargirl, who's been here for YEARS, is a terrible idea. 

Also, as a general rule of thumb, try to always have more points than posts. It balances your worth with your annoyingness, and makes you more likely to be productive instead of antagonizing people on the internet. This site doesn't take well to strangers and lemme tell you, this is not the way to fit in.

Or just disregard this whole thing. Go off on the forums, piss off a mod, and get yourself banned. Then make another account and immediately hit the forums again. Don't say I didn't try, though.

Also, if you really wanna keep dissing stargirl, like you just can't help yourself, at least make it funny... and one long post instead of three short ones. And posts that are literally just * are annoying and useless. If you're going to say something, make sure it actually adds to the conversation."


I meant to reply to a different post with this but oh well. For context, I evidently sent this to him after he and stargirl got into it on a forum. For some reason he seemed to tick me off more than the average person.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Weird because my usual messages to newbs I locate go more like:

"Welcome to the site! As you can see, there are plenty of different things to do around here: write, read, rate, and more! I truly hope you enjoy your stay.

You'll earn a lot more respect around here if you spend time writing reviews and leaving ratings on the various stories of the site, BEFORE you enter the forums.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have - if I don't know the answer, I can find someone who does.

Glory to CYStia and praise EndMaster!"

That's just one copy pasted message, but I sometimes get bored and click a name I don't recognize on the bottom of my screen and then create a message with those general vibes. "Hiya, I'm fresh. welcome, enjoy your stay, blah blah blah, read and review, feel free to message me with questions"

I also used to do this with newbs in contests, though I did not for the most recent one. Just general encouragement and stuff.

But no, I decided to just crush all of Bezro's self respect in one slightly hypocritical PM

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Bold of you to assume I had any to begin with.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Did you make a post that was literally just an asterisk?? Where is this thread?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I typed something, had PNC about it, and tried to delete it, figuring the asterisk was better than the joaning I would catch from what I said. This was the thread btw

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

The fact that my instant response to finding out your age back then was also "lol freshman"

I evidently hated you. I see. Well, then my brain completely forgot ever seeing a post made by you so that's cool

"I think it's time for your nap" lmao. Savage.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Definetly deserved it, I was annoying as hell in middle school. And also, it was time for my nap, I prolly fell asleep with my school Chromebook open, and got yelled at.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
What about the fresh fanclub?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Responding so you can never edit this and I have proof I have a fan club (of at least one freshman boy. Lol)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


I've never been carded!

I've also never tried to buy alcohol or anything I would get carded for but that's beside the point

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I've never been carded either. Never attempted to get some at the register though.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Based on what mizal said that then basically means you're lowkey looking older than 40 at 17 lmfao


But I guess we won't know unless you attempted, would be funny if they didn't though, I'd bully my friend if I saw that happen. But for yuhat to happen you'd either have you be really obese or literally be balding really early. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Nah you just have to have a beard, if I needed any I would usually ask someone kinda pudgy with a beard. The beard is everything, it makes you look much older.
Also, why do you think I'm 17?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Because i can tell youre a Jit by the way you type. Im british aswell so i have no clue how old someone is when they tell me what "grade" theyre in.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

This kid is 15 at most. Said he was born in 2009

Quick question though, how old are you? In my brain you're like 16 or 17

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
15, just turned in August. But you can keep thinking I'm 20, you aren't the only one.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Nope, looking at that old thread has broken the illusion.

Also I was asking Crimson how old he was, I figured out yours

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

What on earth gave you the impression i was a teen? I'm like the most mature guy ever

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
She’s obviously not good with ages, she thought I was like 24.

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4 months ago

You will never convince me you're not.

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4 months ago

You have too much sass to be an adult woman (I can tell your eyes rolled reading this, that's how much sass you have). 

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4 months ago
Somehow I find this hard to believe.

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4 months ago
I'm like 6'2 with a really deep voice that makes me sound late 20s, and I have some of the deadest eyes you've seen. Facial hair would obscure my baby face, so probably.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
An actual adult would know that carding is mandatory for alcohol or tobacco in most businesses. I'm 41 and they still ask to see it, it's not a judgement call the person behind the register is being required to make.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

41 and you call yourself old??

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
If I can manage to look over 40 the policy for most businesses is they don't card you. That means you look young though, good for you.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Your friend is a dress wearing, crop top wearing effeminate faggot.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I know a truck stop where he would be popular

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Why do these crossdressing men always dress like whores instead of putting on pants and a shirt like most women?

Or I would also support the wearing of a burqa, but you just never see that.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Because they're degenerate pervert faggots.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

But is a crossdressing man dressed up like a whore more degenerate and perverted than a woman dressed like a whore? Debate. ^_^

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4 months ago

Are they being paid?

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4 months ago

No. Then they'd be an actual whore.

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4 months ago

One should only dress as a whore if there's monetary gain behind it.

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4 months ago

True. It confuses the poor men who are looking for an actual whore.

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4 months ago

In all fairness, if they were wearing pants and a shirt, how would anybody know they were crossdressing? 

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4 months ago

Because the point of crossdressing for a lot of people (read: not all) is making everyone aware that they are crossdressing and drawing attention to themselves instead of "being their most authentic self" like so many claim

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I'm thinking a greater number of MEN crossdressing probably do it for autogynephilic purposes in private (or at least not too public)

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4 months ago

I'm scared to google that word.

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4 months ago
Lol. It's a term for men who get off on the idea of being a woman

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Pretty sure that's a whole genre of porn writing. One that Darius and Cel could tell us more about.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Is the standard for dressing like a whore crop tops and dresses?

Oh no.

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4 months ago

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

What medieval linguist possesses you every three posts XD
You've got the most creative and spot-on insults I've ever seen

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4 months ago

well he doesn't do it all the time, just sometimes.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Context for those who missed the thread split: she was correcting Endmaster of all people, and the topic was her plans to cram a large prewritten storygame into a contest against the other entrants working under a time limit. That was the thing that was funny until it became a whole debate; now a lot of things are funny.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

(They), but I guess there is no fighting it now.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I prefer S/h/it just to cover all the bases.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
lol, fag

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

And that's why I have trouble believing that Abgeoffriends isn't trying to bait people right now. Or, Abgeoffriends really didn't see this coming.

Both scenarios are funny.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Honestly, I had no idea this would happen. Why does it feel like every one is against me?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

They're mostly just teasing. Best thing you can do is just to laugh with them, people will move on then. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
says the pinata who crashed a birthday party, in wondering confusion. (good thing Dark is dead or he would be mad at me for my keyboard not having a squiggle for the N)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Because you cleverly compounded your crimes right before this moment for impact

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Really oughta grow some balls and learn to ignore shit if you don’t want it to escalate

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4 months ago
I see what you did there (but yeah. A more admirable attitude would be: This is me whether you accept me or not)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Damn missed all the fun. Looks like this will be one for the HATE archive though.

Where's Stargirl, she always was the better one of the two anyway.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

@stargirl, I don't know. And I agree that she is the better one.

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4 months ago
Fresh needed to recover from the Comma Incident.

Damn, I am really enjoying the idea of this turning into a years long blood feud within the teenage girl population.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Commended by Darius_Conwright on 11/8/2024 1:32:57 AM

Okay, well, I'm not reading all that, but I skimmed part of this thread and as the site's resident token transgender, I figured I should chime in.

Why do some people have medical gender dysphoria? Research is still underway on this, but my understanding is that it's currently believed some children in the womb have abnormalities that make them unable to absorb certain hormones (eg testosterone, estrogen) in the intended way. As a result, their early brain development ends up happening more like a person of the opposite sex than the one on their chromosomes. As they grow up, their brain keeps telling them they're "supposed" to have a different body than the one they do, and usually they also instinctively gravitate towards a preferred social presentation style that's more in line with their brain's gender than their chromosomal sex. (I can elaborate on what this "feels like" if people are confused.)

This is weird; but it's not the weirdest thing the human body can do. Some people have different colored eyes. Some people have six fingers. One kid in 1977 grew a tooth in his foot. And some people have brains that feel strongly they're of a different gender than their body is.

This isn't clear cut for everyone. Some people have milder exposures that make gender dysphoria present more mildly; possibly leading to the person identifying as nonbinary, or continuing to be cis, but just not conforming to the usual gender stereotypes.

Do all trans people have medical gender dysphoria? Again, this is an open debate, but I'm pretty sure not everyone does. My take on the subject is that since a person's gender identity literally has zero impact on anyone but themselves, if someone without gender dysphoria wants to be trans, there's no real harm in letting them dress how they want and use the pronouns they want.

Obviously they're going to want to be careful not to make any irreversible medical decisions without REALLY thinking it through. But we let people get tattoos, piercings, and various irreversible cosmetic plastic surgeries without it being legislated at all, so I don't get why the barriers for gender treatment are so much stricter than for those.

As someone with medical gender dysphoria, I don't really get why someone who doesn't have it would bother to go to the trouble. But I also don't get why some people enjoy eating shrimp and watching soap operas, so I'm not about to say that just because I don't understand it, doesn't mean there's not a good reason.

Why do people use they/them pronouns? Some of them have a form of medical gender dysphoria where their brain rejects both sexes. Some people are intersex and genuinely don't belong to either sex. Some people (I assume) just feel like it. They/them has been in use as singular pronoun for centuries, albeit usually in cases where a person's gender is unknown, but it's not really that radical, and we have plenty of linguistic systems that cover its uses.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
It's okay Gryphon, you're one of the good ones.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Ah I'll take the compliment for how it's meant, but I'm not really a fan of that phrase. Most "bad" transgender people are just acting out because they have to constantly deal with a lot of crap from their families & environment and are really defensive as a result.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Yeah its definitely hard for them. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

A few years back i went through all known arguments for transgen-derism being valid from a logical standpoint, and you've now motivated me to send it here. 


I'm unsure where to really begin! simply because there is so much that is needed to unpack, to argue for the veracity of a third gender, i must point out why the current categorisations fail  Most of my arguments will be inspired by Dr Bogardus, who is a philosophy professor of epistemology, gender, and mind. Evidently, during this debate, we will probably both agree that all trans women are women, Following this axiom that all trans women are women, i will demonstrate that no matter how we categorise trans women, some trans women (or biological women) will always be left out of being considered a woman. 



Biological view

One of the stronger arguments for trans women being considered women is the biological view. The view states that; sex characteristics are simply averages, there is no one "male" gene or "female" gene which necessitates you being categorised as one or the other, to use an example; not all men are going to have broad shoulders or narrow hips and vice versa. not all women will have big breasts or wide hips. Not all men will be able to build muscle better than women, or be able to grow a beard, the list goes on.


many biological concepts allow for borderline cases. Like the central biological concept life, for example. Think of viruses, or prions. And also fish (think lungfish), eye (think eye-spots), etc. When it comes to our concept woman, female is vague, but so are adult and human. So, if a woman is an adult female human, it should be no surprise that woman allows for borderline cases. That concept plausibly inherits its vagueness from its constituent concepts, all of which are vague. But why think this vagueness is a problem? Biology is shot through with vagueness, after all. There’s no way around it.

- Bogardus


If people are to hold this position to be consistent they must necessarily agree to two concepts if they're to be logically consistent:

  • Some people are going to be "more" man than other men and some women are going to be more woman or womanly than other women
  • No one can be said to be wholly a man nor woman, but a mix of the two, everyone must then be some sort of hermaphrodite

Evidently, many people are going to find it very offensive if you consider someone "less of a man" because he cannot grow a full beard. Not only is this philosophy deeply offensive, it is also deeply inconsistent; some men will lean more to the female side who may not identify as women, within this world view, they ought to be considered women. Some people who identify as women, may still choose to present as men and have more male phenotypes, this categorisation then fails to include all trans women as being women. Review again those revisionary proposals we canvassed a moment ago: Butler’s performativity view; Burkett’s right-kind-of-experience view; Haslanger’s subordination-on-basis-of-sex view; Bettcher’s sincere self-identification view; and Jenkins’ accepting-enough-of-the-right-kind-of-gender-norms view. Each one of these will allow for borderline cases. If that vagueness doesn’t discredit these revisionary views, why should it discredit the traditional definitions? If vagueness is a problem, gender revisionism doesn’t solve it. In fact, by believing in both sex and gender categories as distinct, and by adding more gender categories that are less well-defined, gender revisionism piles vagueness upon vagueness. It compounds the problem. So, if vagueness is a cost, gender revisionism has a higher price than do the traditional definitions of man and woman. We have here, then, no reason to reject the traditional

definitions. - DR BOGARDUS

This then demonstrates, even if the biological view is vague a gender based view (as espoused by bogardus) does not solve this problem, but is necessarily contradicting itself by considering it a problem for the biological view but not for itself.



Evidently, from a biological standpoint (if we're to dictate who is a man or a woman based on biology) the only consistent line to draw who is a man or woman, is based on ones gametes. Not all men have XY chromosomes hence; XX male syndrome, these are men who are born with XX chromosomes, they we still consider them men due to the fact they (if in optimal condition) still produce male, smaller gametes than female counterparts.  If an XX male has both working ovaries and testes, they would simply be considered intersex. Nice, clean, and clear-cut. 



Argument through brain anatomy

This argument simply works as an extension of biological view, but it goes as follow: trans women have brains which have more in common with the sex they identify with then the one they're born into. This view is fallacious on a number of points, just as physiological differences between men and women physically are only averages, the same remains true for the brain. Yet if it remains the case one can have a brain very much like a woman but feels like a man, despite a trans individual having a brain just as close to the "female" brain, it would then not follow that the trans women feel like women due to having a brain like a woman. The burden of proof then is on con to show trans women having brains brain structures more similar to women, actually then makes them women without forcing any men into being considered women too. It is comes to pass that con is incapable of this feat, it would then follow that con has to move away from any biological argument and into an argument too gender itself being the decider of who is a man or woman.


Yet, if its true and it does follow. This view would once more, necessitate some men being women who may not identify as such and exclude some trans women who feel as such. If we feel forced to move from this point and simply say the experience of being a woman is not hormonal or within the structure of the brain but is simply an emotion, this then would fall into more of a gendered view.


P1. emotions are not always based on facts of reality

P2. There is no biological grounding for trans women being considered women without excluding some trans women, or putting men into the category

P3. Emotions (at least in the biological view) do not serve as a good prerogative to proving trans women are women


Hence within the biological view, the answer is clear no matter which way we cut it - not all trans women are women


Social role view

Within the social role view a woman is considered as someone who - Functions, behaves, or is treated a certain way socially.


To figure this out, we would have to know exactly about what social role we are talking about. What is the social role which is taken to be definitive of womanhood? considering all the variation across time and culture, it becomes pretty hard to say. What social role do all women have in common which they all have fulfilled? yet the problem becomes even deeper, once we do find that social role (if it exists) there is no guarantee all trans women will play that social role.


It is evident for all to see, that there is trans people who exist, who may not present as a woman therefore, a woman cannot be known based on if they fulfill a social role or not.


  • some trans individuals who don't present as women
  • some trans individuals do present as women but are not treated as women

Within each scenario, some trans women cannot be said to be women based on the social role criterion. Therefore, within the social role view, it turns out false, that all trans women are women



Self ID-view 

Within the self ID view, to be a woman, is said to simply be someone who identifies as being a woman. This appears to be the current predominant view (both among pro transgender philosophers and layman's alike), yet this form of categorisation runs the threat of circular reasoning.


If to be a woman is to simply identify as a woman, we must first know what it means to be a woman, otherwise how do you know what it is you're identifying with? Evidently, what it means to be a woman must fall back onto either the social role view or the biological view, within each case not all trans women are women. If it is not the case that Self identifying as a woman is actually identifying as either the social role or the biological view, what exactly is it you're identifying with? in the end, you either don't know what you're identifying with or you're actually identifying with nothing at all. 


As Hitches would say: "If you cant define what you believe, you don't believe anything at all" and if one defines themselves as a woman, but cannot tell me what a woman is except say "someone who identifies as a woman" we never actually come to know what a woman is. We fall into circular reasoning and an infinite regress. Where to be a woman, is always to simply identify as a woman. 


P1 What does it mean to be a woman?

P2 To identify as a woman, means to be a woman

P3  What does it mean to identify as a woman?

P4 It simply means to identify as a woman


When one tells you they identify as a woman, there is a subsequent question involved, to identify as something necessitates there is something to identify with, this then means if the concept never goes outside of itself, it becomes circular and illogical (as there is something meant or intended to be identified with) but they never tell you what it is they identify with except that they identify with it.


If you kept asking these types of questions, you would never get a difference answer, ad infinitum. Hence, the self ID perspective never goes outside of the concept it proposes, it never actually tells us what a woman is, and when you ask what a woman is it appeals to the previous answer "a woman is someone who identifies as one". You will never get another answer, otherwise it wouldn't be a self ID perspective anymore but would fall either into the social roles category or the biological category.


If you hold the self ID view you either:


  • Self Identify as nothing
  • self identify as something you do not know

Within both cases, we do not know what a woman is. To then identify with it would make zero sense.


Therefore within this view, no one can be said to be a woman, as no one who holds this view knows (or define) what it is they even identify as!


(i cut out the argument for the third gender view because it was incomplete and wrong).

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Commended by Ogre11 on 11/7/2024 5:07:59 PM

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

My bad mizal, ill just retreat to my computer and play games instead. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You are already at your computer, step away and count to ten.

What I did read of that seemed to be relying on some semantics though, and it's tough to make a real argument for anything that way outside of a formal debate, which I don't think anyone is this thread is doing.

Also, missed opportunity up to dump that on Milton's text wall.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I don't read.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

An excellent reply, I enjoyed reading it mainly because I always like these kind of nitpicky definition-based arguments. Your basic point seems to be that there's no way to define "woman" without excluding some trans women. As others have pointed out, there's no easy way to define "woman" without excluding some cis women too. I take it a step further and argue that there's no way to define anything without excluding some examples of that thing that everyone would recognize. (This comes up all the time in the philosophy fields which is how you get people like the sophists arguing they can logically prove that nothing actually exists.)

With that said, I do think there's a loophole to the self ID argument if you're willing to introduce conceptual prototypes. You calculate a prototypical "woman" concept based on some aggregate of every human's perception of what a woman is. Then you say that anyone who chooses to identify with that prototype is a woman; regardless of how closely they actually match or intend to match it. The aggregated prototype gives us an external measure to define "woman" with and avoid circularity; but the focus on self-identification still makes it an individual decision.

(This definition does exclude those who haven't yet realized they're trans, since they're not yet self ID-ing as that gender. I think that exclusion is good actually; if someone with dysphoria decides transitioning is too much hassle and they'd rather stay cis, that's fine.)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

In philosophy there's two ways to know if things are true. There's analytic statements and synthetic statements. An analytic statement is an example of something which is true based on virtue of meaning alone. A good example would be "all bachelors are unmarried". We don't need to go and collect data to know all bachelors are unmarried it's true on definition. 


In contrast, since the traditional ID view isn't analytic (clearly) otherwise it would be true based in terms (which it isn't) it's therefore synthetic, meaning it needs something outside it's terms to make it true, such as "the sky is blue" We wouldn't know if the sky is blue unless we saw it.  So I'm unsure what you mean by the fact that we can deny all things? That's true of synthetic statements but not of analytic ones such as our own existence since theyre contradictory by nature. You're using reason to say your reason makes no sense, which makes no sense, hence why sophists get no respect. 

The aggregate prototype is a really cool idea though and I'll think about it for a bit and see what I make of it, seems promising though. 


I'm unsure to the degree that biological women get excluded in the gamates argument, feels like almost none? And any that are in any strange middle could cleanly be considered intersex. But this site isn't for debating so I'll just sit with your argument and think about. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Holy fuck kid

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


I don't know who you are.

Did you chop off your dick or stick one in your pants? Identify yourself.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Crimson's a dude. Pretty sure he was born like that and just went off the deep end googling this stuff for... fun?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


And sorry about your situation. God damn that must suck. Hope you end up well.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

It's party for fun, I don't do things if I truly hate them. It's also partly because I just don't like being ignorant. When you look at people who lived hundreds of years ago it's easy to go "damn these fuckers were dumb as fuck" I don't want to be one of the people that people 200 years from now will be able to look back at and say I got it wrong. It's also just curiosity, I want to know the route of things it's just my nature. In the end though you only really learn more questions to things, and it will take decades to get a definitive answer on what is going on with trans people, our current understanding of the brain needs a lot of work, weve literally only just managed now to map a botflys brain, we're a long way from a humans. Imagine dying and God asked you why you were an ignorant piece of shit and wasted his best gift, your reason. The one thing I do seem to know is that my duty as the being I am is to multiply all that has been given too me.  At least that feels the most rewarding. 


I'm 21, btw. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

In 200 years, we're all going to be laughed at for our mistakes. Just own it and make a positive impact that outweighs what a colossal, smeared shitstain you are.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

"I don't know who you are.

Did you chop off your dick or stick one in your pants? Identify yourself."

This is actually how Cel greets people in real life.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You say that like it's a bad thing

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

The one of the brain development definitely makes the most sense. I just hope theres more information that comes out in the future to show the "sex" part of the brain which encapsulates all women and all men, but i really hope thats the case, for trans people. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Commended by Celicni on 11/8/2024 9:52:18 AM

Every trans person should have a heart-to-heart conversation with Cel, alone in a room, so he can really strike at the heart of the matter and get us these prudent results.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

You're good people, Gryphon.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Gonna poke in my two cents here and say that I fully respect people who want to be called They/Them... Those are actual pronouns.

Do you guys not get what exists out there?

How are there still people having issues with someone wanting to be called They/Them when there are fucking Xe and Vers out there? They and Them are words. I can remember that.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Can i use "it". Since "they/them" is plural or is this like the royal "we"?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

"One" works too. ^_^

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I refuse to remember anything, you should try it sometime. But it's actually pretty easy to identify gender by the way people write, which means a forum is actually the perfect environment for anyone to present themselves as who they are on on inside without it being questioned, unless they make a point of drawing attention to it. (I can't say I've ever noticed a xe/xem, but fuck/tard is pretty common.)

For instance I don't care at all what Abge is biologically, but she 100% types/presents herself like a teen girl here and has drawn the special ire of the Mean Girl Coalition because of it. It's just pretty weird that she does that and then says that's she's not.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Ultimately idgaf. If someone wants to be called a pronoun and asks me politely, I'll do it. 

If someone demands that I use your pronouns, and tries to shame me for not doing it, the only thing they're getting called is fag while I fantasize about throwing them off the roof like the good ol' days before we had to see conversations like this.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I'm old and hundreds of people have passed through this site, I literally refuse to remember once they start swapping that shit around. Easier than getting scolded for slipping up while trying to play along.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

"I'm old" Is quickly becoming one of your most common phrases. Thankfully thara is a witch , so I'm sure she will cook something up for you one day to ensure you may never die, forced to moderate the cystian forum till the end of eternity.  This after all must be why she's end masters daughter, so he can truly become eternal. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
as a newbie I got to ask: is all this really site lore, or did you pull some of it out of your ass?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
She mentions being a witch in her profile, but that's been there a long time.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
interesting, thanks for letting me know

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I've already forgotten which people here have proclaimed they are special and different, just like everyone else in this very thread

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I am certainly "special". Everybody tells me so. ^_^

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
yeah I guess so

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
damn you edit locked me. hi ben!

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Same lol. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

For the record, I know my belief may be viewed by some as extreme, but I fully believe that the right to freedom of speech includes the right to be mean. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
yep. surprising that in most corners of the internet, this would get you banned and flagged with hate speech. There's real hate speech, designed and intended to hurt, and then there's your opinion.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Avery Moore is the best

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Yes, I only discriminate against people who want me to learn made up words... And terminally ill children of course. Bloody Make a Wish kids always skipping the queues at theme parks, make me wait half an hour for a fucking carousel. >.<

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Once again I've missed all the fun due to work.

Next time I want you lot to schedule the fun when I'm here.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Alright, I've barely read anything in this thread other than Ab whining about being rounded up in a death camp, Fresh and TCat rounding Ab up in said death camp, everyone else throwing tomatoes at Ab in the death camp and Ben apparently sucking dick in this death camp while calling them retarded faggots the entire time. (You're a wild man Ben)

In any case, let's go over exactly where Ab went wrong.

A lot of fuckery concerning the story for the contest. Namely it looks like ChatGPT was involved in writing the thing, along with just blatantly ignoring Sherb's post about prewriting contest stories.

Seriously, THIS is the main thing Ab did.

The pronoun shit was just the testosterone shot that sparked the toxic masculinity.

Like Ab picked the WORST time to go on about "My pronouns are..." and picking me of all people to tell that to, was basically asking for trouble, though hilariously it wasn't even from me, but it came anyway.

Add in the fact that Ab's whining about being suddenly rounded up in a camp (Seriously, why is that your peoples' go to anytime shit doesn't go your way? You don't get to do that anyway, the Jews already got the monopoly on getting rounded up into a death camp) calling all of us "bigots" AND telling us not to say "faggot" and the fucktardery is multiplied tenfold.

Seriously Ab, you've been on these forum long enough to know the culture and how things work and whatever you think you were trying to do, you were doing it completely wrong. If you don't like it here and genuinely think we're all bigots, well the CoG forums are that way. You can go tell them how horrible we all are and how you're finally glad to be among your people at last.

But if you're planning on sticking around then in your generation's favorite phrase: "Do better."

Or if you can't do better, then expect more of the same from this thread in the future.

The choice is yours and remember your decisions have consequences!

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Ooh, ooh, I've got one! Let's not forget that this time last year she was cheating herself into one of the most coveted trophies on the site and then whining about losing points and trying to lie about it!

Didn't see her for awhile after that, perhaps as a result she was going through a whole training montage where she lifted weights and shed her gender, but gained a new determination to succeed.

I haven't looked at much of the story, ultimately I guess if something is edited enough it's hard to be certain. But the parts that were pointed out to me I'd definitely be squinting at harder if it ended up in a contest, given the previous writing I've seen.

But anyway I don't mind Abge, she just made herself too fun and easy to pick on in combination with having done annoying things. (Like baiting the whole thread deciding NOW was the time to complain about 'lol, fag'.)

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

 Yeesh. I at least skim through the stories I rate, rather than hit the rate and comment button. If the story actually looks well written (by which I mean written by someone with basic literacy skills), I'll actually read it. Granted, skimming is still bad too, but when it's a story with every other word misspelled and no sensical plot line, I CANNOT keep interest.


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Abofgeofriends: Distinctly not responding to this post.

Much in the way Sherbet's on prewriting for contests got ignored before, how odd.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Yep, I can see she's decided not to do better. Can't say I'm surprised though.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

No comment

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

So you can bitch and moan on a writing site about trannies getting rounded up in these mythical death camps all over the world, but when it comes to actually addressing the main purpose here now you're going to choose to shut the fuck up?

Yeah we're done here.

And yep, I'm sure this will continue to make me out to be the Amon Goeth of this place, but fuck it Trump's in charge now right? Might as well get a glimpse of things to come!

Consider this, I'm giving you a rare gift in this day and age: A martyrs death.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Whoops, I was focused on other parts of the thread and didn't even see this. Not the smartest time for a non-response, just for future reference even something like "it was not GPT" would have been a better start. You know, the natural reaction of someone who actually, honestly wrote something to having it suggested that they were lying.

Surprised she ignored you, but of course she also ignored Sherbet before this because for some reason people keep thinking it's okay to do that. That's how Ravenic got banned too, so just not sure what it takes to make these noobs understand we may joke about everything else, but we're not fucking around when it comes to the writing.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

We take writing very seriously. Boobs!!! stands as a testament to that. ^_^

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Such a banning would never have happened under the reign of the pedophile tranny, and the anime profile picture con-man. Since it would have been one less confused kid to groom and *tackle glomps n nuzzles :3* in pm's that would eventually lead to the grooming chambers.

If multiverse theory is real, then truly this is the good timeline. 

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

My pronouns are shrimp/prawn

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
What is your opinion on PRAWN suits? Mine was destroyed.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I don't like this person.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Mordecai & Rigby saying Oooooh to ...

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I am reaching out to respectfully request the reinstatement of my account on I understand that decisions like this are not made lightly, and while I’m unsure of the exact reasons for my account’s ban, I want to emphasize that my intentions are genuinely to contribute positively to the community.

Writing stories on has become a meaningful part of my life, and this community has helped me grow as a writer in ways I hadn’t imagined. I truly appreciate the feedback, guidance, and support that I’ve found here, and it would mean a great deal to have the opportunity to continue working on my projects. If my behavior or comments came across as inappropriate or disruptive, I sincerely apologize. I am committed to following all guidelines and will avoid any behaviors that might detract from the experience of other users.

If I am given another chance, I promise to focus on improving my writing and contributing constructively. I won’t engage in any contests or discussions unless permitted, and I am willing to comply with any conditions for rejoining. My only goal is to keep developing my stories and remain part of this community.

Sincerely Abgeofriends

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Well that would be up to End. But I'm pretty convinced by now that you did generate most of the content of that storygame, because you made 30 posts in this thread and were vocal about other things you disagreed with, but the only thing you had to say to mods raising concerns about that and stating it as the core issue here was "No comment."

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
What? I'm so lost. Are there allegations against me? I thought we were still talking about Trans people, and I said "No comment" thinking that's what I was replying to. I am utterly confused right now.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
We've actually had blindies use the site, and we've had plenty of retards, you're going to have to go with a different gimmick to make this work.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

You're supposed to be dead. Well, no matter the dead never stay dead for long around here.

In any case, you're continuing to "play dumb" which doesn't help you in this amusing attempt at groveling (Mind you I do appreciate the effort)

Rather than address the main issue of using AI shit to make your story along with ignoring Sherb's comment about pre-writing for a contest, you not only continued to ignore it all, you did the passive aggressive thing of replying with a non-answer while also continuing to argue about shit that really doesn't matter here in the scheme of things.

Hell, you could have just done the bare minimum of denying using the ChatGPT or hell less than the bare minimum and took the advice of the title of thread and shut the fuck up completely and just laid low for awhile. But you didn't do that and here we are.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
Alright, fair, but I would really appreciate it if I could please get un-banned. This will be the last comment I ever post, and I may never post another story on the website. I'm not going to try and sway you over with lies or the truth. I just wish to have my account back so I can save my work. I am truly sorry, and If this is my last post on this website I would just like to say it's been a good 4 years. Feeling like I had a second family here when it got rocky at home. I love all of you. Goodbye


This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Alright fine. EndMaster "The Good" pardons you.

Don't fucking use ChatGPT or any AI shit for your stories and yeah you better just keep shut for a long time.

And hopefully if you do make a return to writing, you produce a good story.

Off you go.

EDIT: Well you fucked up again with AI so you're dead again.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I mean, I wasn't that interested in seeing you banned as the thread was plenty entertaining, but I'm actually just laughing at this now. You managed to reply to every other post but the ones on the issue that weren't buried in the thread or anything and that you had to scroll right past to say "no comment" to begin with.

And now it's, "huh? Wha~? I have no idea that you're talking about, I'm so confused!"

If you had written that story, it'd be a piece of your identity and you would've defended it even harder than your pronouns.

But whatever, you caught him in a merciful mood, so that's nice.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
@Abofgeofriends Actually, you're going to have to post again after all. I'm afraid there's one thing I'm going to have to have you and Fresh do.

@fresh_out_the_oven If your current living situation allows you to write a 2000 word story over the weekend?

Because after all this we have to, we just have to.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
@Abgeofriends misremembered your gibberish name

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

Sure, any shot at building my reputation back, I will take it. Are there any requirements other than it being 2000k words? is it a competition?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
You've done a Thunderdome entry before.

I'll give you guys a prompt if I get confirmation from Fresh too. And you'll both send them to me so that I can post them anonymously for voting.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

2000k is a lot, are you sure you can manage it?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

My current living situation means I can write whenever the fuck I want. Who's gonna tell me to get off my laptop, my parents?

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
@PerforatedPenguin I expect more from you going forward in light of this perspective.

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4 months ago
Maybe I will consider this tomorrow.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago

I'd like to add that I was supposed to duel Abgeo in the first mean girls match and she never showed.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
I'm sure the Mean Girls and Enby's match of 2024!will be different

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
@fresh_out_the_oven @Abgeofriends Your prompt is: Colonization It needs to be a max of 2000 words, and since it's already pretty late in the morning and I don't know when you'll be seeing this, I'm giving you a generous timeframe, you have until Tuesday 5:00pm CST. PM me the stories when you're done and I'll post them as soon as the voting on Darius and Ace's stories are done with.

This threads pronouns are shut/up

4 months ago
All right, 275, this is a nice number. If anyone else posts after this we can't stop until 300 though.