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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

The last epic path in the epic story of Eternal!

Three Times the EPIC EPICNESS!

495 pages and 719 links!
Endure the extended torturous training of Mistress!
Interact with the Emperor and commit countless atrocities!
Find new gruesome ways to end your story prematurely!
Meet new and interesting enemies and monsters!
Kill said enemies and monsters!
Learn the real names of Mistress and the Emperor!
Learn your true origins!
Take control of the Empire and prevent its downfall!
"Time travel" to the future! (No, really!)
More sex scenes!
More baby throwing scenes!
More fucking swearing than a Quentin Tarantino and Rob Zombie movie combined! (Okay, maybe not that fucking much)

And a very special appearance by…THE DEATH GOD! (Yeah like you all didn't know that was coming!)


Anyway Eternal is finally finished and it was hard work to be sure, but at the end of the day I really feel like I've accomplished something. This is unofficially my last story. Won't say it's definitely my last, since I still have plenty of ideas, but I won't be doing much writing in the near future.

Off to enjoy semi-retirement!

(Don't worry I'll still be around to answer questions and make creepy comments)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago




Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Damn! Someone should make a Movie Trilogy out of this, based solely on the above bullet points LOL!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Fuck yeah! 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Hell yes, I'll try to get through at least one path today!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Damn, now I feel really bad for noticing a grammar error XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Congrats! I'm always in awe of people dedicated enough to actually finish stories, and this was a huge undertaking. You ought to be writing CYOAs to sell on a phone or Kindle or something. I know I'd buy them. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Amen to that! I'd dish out, shut up and take my money comes to mind. 

It's damn typical that I finally make my sorry presence known, and people retire as a result. Could it be a sign? We're getting deep...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Sex and baby throwing, my favorite passtime. And I doubt you have more profanity than Django Unchained lol, never have I've heard the N***** word used so much before!

But seriously - CONGRATS!!! Although I'm sad to hear I will not to be seeing a new game come from you in a long while, you definitely deserve a long vacation!  

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Well seeing as how you can just make me join if I die anyways I might as well join you now. ^.^           I haven't had the time to actually start the game yet but thank you again for all that work you put into the game. You must be very proud of it. lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

from one writer to another, and as one who deeply admires your work.

I hope you never stop writing bud, you are phenomenal and are such a huge inspiration.

That being said, I am ready to jump in and fuck shit up :)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
I probably won't stop writing, but I certainly will for at least the rest of this year. I just finished posting the rest of Eternal over at Infinite Story as well.

Feel like I need to replace my arms with cybernetic ones. (Cyber eyes too, what with looking at the computer screen constantly)

But it's all done so now I can really take that break.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Enjoy it then!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
I just remembered, I guess this mean Urname0 can finally read the story now. He's been waiting since October 2011.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Why would he do that? Waited for the game to be completely released before trying it out?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Haven't you ever started a series and got really mad when you find out it has been delayed or that it was never finished? (or that they canceled it for no good reason - why Firefly, why?!?)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah, but eternal looked to be completely complete as is, since there were 8 complete story paths. The addition of 3 later on won't really change whether you have a full story experience. Just that you can get some more of the story later.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

True enough, although some people really just won't touch something if it isn't completely complete, it's all their prerogative after all. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
I've sometimes waited with buying video games if I know there is bound to be a GOTY edition so I can get all the content at once.

IS calculated the final word count of the story at 648,052.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That is a lot of words . . . well time to read all 650 thousand of them =P

I should have waited for the Borderlands GOTY edition =(, I ended up dropping too much cash on DLC when I could have got it like 50% cheaper . . . 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

it would be awesome if you did an expansion to your ground zero as well

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

He had this strange notion that Eternal would be worth waiting basically +/- two years. lol 

Does he even get on anymore?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure he greeted me on my 'Hi!' forum, but either way I've definitely seen him on sometime since I joined (which wasn't too long ago) 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I was about to say. Thanks for finishing it and letting me finally start reading the story.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Congrats! XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Brb, in a couple of hours when im finished.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Woohoo...but I guess this stops my plan of having a writing day today...i think I'll hand over that eight to you now

Ok, I read that list again, my mouth is still agape

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So, how many endings are in this expansion? 

I think you may have mentioned four? 

5 in soldier, 4 in shadow, and 4 in True Eternal? (gotta say, the three endings (in true eternal, ive gotten 3 in soldier, and two in shadow)I've gotten so far were awesome. ^_^]

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I just got eternal hero. It took me me 2:30 half hours, and now I'm to drained to try to get another epilogue

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Hmm, let's see if I can find emperor and paragon..

Thanks Endmaster!. ^_^

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

And I've finished True Eternal path. Now I need to find the few endings I missed in soldier and shadow.... 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

I've gotten every single ending except patriot, would it be possible to give a hint?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

 You take the same path as you would with the Eternal Couple path, but at the part where you're supposed to meet Edgar, you let your soldiers escort him instead of meeting him at the fort.

From there you're on the path to Eternal Patriot.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Right now I'm doing that path where he gets baffled at the republic system and STEAMPUNK!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Sorta major mistake here, I think: From the "Go to her" page:

“It’s about us. Once and for all I see what was meant to be. We weren’t meant to be together.” You answer.

dont you mean we were..... since it doesn't make sense in the context and what she responds


“It’s about us. Once and for all I see what was meant to be. We weren’t meant to be together.” You answer.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

If Endmaster's goes to fix this, I found a couple of grammar errors...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Who is it in reference to? Decena? Jennifer? Alison? (Those being the 3 major women I can think of)

I can go back and fix stuff, I'll just wait a while before doing so since I know there are probably more than few people going through the new paths right now.

Just send a PM with the page/error or post it here, but it would be best if I could get a list that consolidates most of the stuff that needs fixing (Assuming there is a lot).

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah, decena.

Only major error I noticed (as in, one that made me read it 5 times and then realize it was a typo) 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Does that include petty grammar errors?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

If you want to be bothered I guess.

I was primarily thinking of stuff like Aman brought up where it could make the story confusing. I mean if someone brings up the minor stuff I'll probably fix those when I fix the major stuff.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

In the shadow path, I've noticed this: (Page called Decline the Comtract)

“Shadow Master plea…” is all he utters before you give him a chop to his throat and then twist his arm behind his back before slamming his face into"

Into what? I assume table, but you never state what. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Pretty sure it would be easier to just PM him...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Finished! I finnaly got all of the eternal endings! 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Mazel Tov

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Probably was a table. Although it almost sounds like you slammed his face into something even worse by it not being mentioned. Lol.

I'll fix that too. I'll have to make some notes. Where exactly was the Decena one again?

EDIT: I'm guessing that the shadow one is the Shadow Master chapter "assassin sub-path" since it's talking about contracts. And you're either beating up Cyrus or his boyfriend up at the time.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Or both. XD

Deceana's was in the "go to her" page, after Brenda says you should get married with her. (I think)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Okay marked on the list.

I sort of figured that's where it probably was, just wanted to make sure without clicking through my own story again. (I've looked at it enough for the past few days)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Glad to help. ^_^

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So lemme get this straight...

I've got Bane, that other one related to Rask, Warrior, Couple, Harbringer, Destroyer, Paragon, Hero, Emperor, Bliss with Alison, Survivor, didn't get the one where I become one with the god of the Shadows...

I'm pretty sure I missed a couple more...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Total of 13 endings:

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger

Just a few more to go... (When I get started reading it again, of course)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Got Savior, Bane, Warrior, Couple...I MAY have gotten patriot, but if I can't remember what it is, might as well go back to reading...


Survivor, may have gotten messiah...have no idea how to get terror


I got ALL the official epilogues for True Eternal?!  Holy...


Does afterlife with Alison count as the secret ending, or was it another dead end...?


Alright, I know the afterlife in hell was probably an Eternal Torment...and the Alison one might be Bliss...


Haven't shedded any manly or womanly tears so far, just plenty of liquids in some other not-so-pleasant areas...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Did you reeeaaally have to share that particular detail?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

apparently o.0

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well now, that was interesting. Still got those last two to find. My first ending was Eternal Paragon. I have not found either unoffical endings. 

Total of 13 endings:

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon *So far Favorite*
Eternal Emperor ?=lol at space empire=
Eternal Harbinger

Overall Favorite: Unknown yet...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Okay here's the break down:

If you become a merc in the soldier path you can get:

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane

If you join the Felkan Kingdom in the soldier path you can get:

Eternal Warrior

If you try to salvage what's left of the Empire in the soldier path you can get:

Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

If you manage to keep the Shadow order alive in the shadow path you can get:

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror

If you're the only Shadow left in the shadow path you can get:

Eternal Survivor

If you try to overthrow the Emperor in the True Eternal path you can get:

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero

If you stay loyal to the Emperor in the True Eternal path you can get:

Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger

Spending the rest of your after life with Alison is sort of an unofficial 14th epilogue. (Eternal Bliss)

It's a nice happy ending for you personally, but you leave no important legacy mainly because your world is long dead by that point. (And you don't achieve "immortality" either)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah, Eternal Paragon is my Favriote ending. ^_^

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Either Paragon or Alison.  Yippee, completed all the endings I wanted to (not that I cared for the Shadow Path as much...)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Shadow path was fun. Liked Eternal Terror especially. 

Eternal Emperor has this in its merit though:

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well, been working my way through the death paths (And the main story, of course), very  well written (WAY better than the other two factions, and that's saying something).

Particularly nice death ending with Eldolith, wasn't expecting the emperor to be so amiable, and the undead assassin, definitely didn't see that one coming.

Always wondered what happened to mistress, and what would have happened to Kane. Feel pretty bad for the big ol' bastard (Especially after you get the wendigo death ending and realize how much he wants to die).

Heh, favorite line so far:

"While the Emperor’s attempts to cheer you up with small acts of genocide are kind, you begin to feel the need to be by yourself. Your silence and your eyes looking downward are all the signs that the Emperor needs to take his leave."

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Really enjoying this so far!

On the page "Use the svelk as scouts", you call Alison Brenda by mistake.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Definitely will have to fix that one. Not sure, but I think I made that mistake in the Shadow path as well where I accidentally used Brenda's name instead of Talia.

Seems like Eternal Paragon is the favorite ending of most people so far.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

In the year 50 page:

The nation isn’t quite as large as the Empire, but its still bigger than the old Felkan Kingdom and certainly big enough to defend itself to make aggression very costly, so far however the limited contact you’ve had with said nation hasn’t been hostile. Oddly enough he’s wanted to meet you as he has heard so much about the “Great Emperor of the East” and very much wants to visit the Empire.

There has been no indication as to who "he" is, somewhat confusing

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I thought we were already acquainted with Mortimer...

...unless Endy's spoiler had already educated us in this matter...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Nah, the sorcerer king was only mentionned in the next paragraph. Not a major flaw, and I spotted much larger slip-ups while reading through, but this one was still rather early on (Can't be motivated to nitpick at this point)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Spent a good six hours yesterday to get two endings from the True Eternal path. Had some fucked up dreams of Mistress. .-.

Total of 13 endings:

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror

Eternal Survivor (can't remember if I got this one or not)

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor

Eternal Harbinger

Time to get cracking again.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger


Oh... Harbringer was good. Far outdoes your previous works here.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror<-one of these three
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon
Eternal Emperor
Eternal Harbinger

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Ok, also finished off Paragon and Emperor. Have to say though, Harbringer got to me the most.

Not really sure if it would count as a real "winning" ending - He lost everything that ever gave him meaning, at the end it was just sad what he'd been lowered to (So much worse than the ultimate ending with necromancer, especially at the end, when he killed Semra, I could just feel him die when he drained her), but it has been one of the most touching stories i've yet to read.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Probably won't stop people from asking about a sequel to Necromancer, but it does give an option for people who wondered what he might be up to after that story.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Bah, there couldn't be a sequel to necromancer anyways, not when he's already a god. 
If there was to be anything like a sequel, the only way to make a decent story out of the matter would be to have him killed, or have a different necromancer rise and take his place.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

What? Isn't he traversing other worlds in the end? 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah, as the god of death (literally).

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Or as close as any (undead) mortal could hope to get. lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well I would think a sequel would be cool, like dealing with complains of other gods and collecting souls. Could be a nice and short dark comedy story. Too much epic stories around anyway.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

But the problem with a sequel like that is it would/could ruin the image of the Necromancer that we had when he first left or when he later showed up in Eternal.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Somehow I don't think that's going to happen...and Endmaster is semi-retired now anyway. But I guess you can always write fanfiction.

Please don't post it on the site or anything though, just go to End's house in your underwear to read it to him, I'm sure he'll appreciate the attention.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Thanks just thanks, I been waiting for a while

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

This is such a fantastic story. I had no idea this site existed until a few days ago and I've spent all that time since exploring this novel. I can't believe you've created something so long and involved and aren't being paid for it. My favorite is definitely the True Eternal paths, the darkness and black humor that's engrained in them simply make them so interesting. Especially in the characterization, with people as twisted as the Emperor, Mistress, and the MC and as fanatical as Decena and Jennifer. In fact, I found the character of Mistress to be the most complex of the story. Is there any ending where she ends of up with the MC (aside from the city barrier against the Xi bad ending)? I can imagine an epilogue where the MC gives in to her and they continue on together would be very intriguing.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Eh, I know that was brought up by a few people that wanted to possibly see the Eternal and Semra end up together, and I did think about creating such a thing, but epilogue wise it just wouldn't fit.

The Eternal and Semra's "relationship" is pretty fucked up right from the start. In general, the Eternal just isn't submissive or weak willed enough to fall for her charms under normal circumstances There's only one time where it does happen and its under a combination of extenuating circumstances, duress and bad judgment.

Basically there is just no way those two could end up together and it not result in one of them killing the other. She's always got an agenda and no matter how much Semra "loves" (or has convinced herself that she loves him) she's ultimately going to discard him if it suits her purpose. Just in her nature.

So yeah, no 50 Shades of Gray happy end between those two. Ha ha.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Unfortunate, they both really cared about each other, you know, all the horrible things notwithstanding.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I've just realized that, due to the way the links are arranged in the 'Storygames' section, newbies like Grandreaver are statistically extremely likely to encounter Endmaster's work first...and then go on to be crushingly disappointed by the rest of the site's content, now that the bar's been raised that high.


And really, at this point they should just give Endmaster his own box on that page, maybe other fantasy authors could have a chance of getting read then...  

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Agree, even a solid 7 rated story game It won't get featured.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I could see endmaster becoming a "featured writer" (Should some such thing be implemented)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That actually happend with me when i first discovered CYS^^

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I can already tell most of the rest of the site doesn't measure up to Endmaster's stories. Even so, I'm more than glad I found this place for his storygames alone.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well keep in mind there are A LOT of stories on here that do the actual game portion a lot better than I ever could (Because I'm a lazy lazy man when it comes to coding), so it's not like there aren't other things on here that aren't good.

I mean OMS has been up since 2009 and its still has an 8 rating. Some of the Homo Perfectus series have consistent 8s as well.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Eh, the story is what really counts

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Lol, I've been enjoying a few of the comments on CoG still wishing for some sort of ending with Semra. 

"I couldn't end up with Semra... It was breaking my heart. Why won't it let me return her love?"- FallingCups

"I've got to admit I'd totally return Semra's twisted affections if it was me in real life. I've got an unhealthy thing for emotionally, physiologically, physically, verbally abusive women for some sick sick reason in my twisted excuse of a mind. I'd probably end up marrying her."- HomicidalFrog

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Are you sure they were reading the right Eternal? XD I mean, every time you helped her, she'd backstab you!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Maybe they have death-wishes? lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago



Forget the comments, those usernames are much better assessments of their mental instability...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Time traveling!? Sex!? BABY THROWING!?!?! MORE DEATHS!?... It's about damn time I read this!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I'll just chalk it up to people having a dark elf fetish.

 photo Mistress1_zps2510ee64.jpg  photo Mistress2_zpse08b9cf9.jpg


Not sure which one Semra would most look like in picture form. I'm sure if I ever added pics, I'd use both at some point.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I've pictured her more similar to the top one for some reason. The bottom one seems to... joyful I guess? Beside's I think the background on the top fits the Empire better.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah the disdainful look in the face of the top one is a better fit. That would definitely be the one to use when you first meet her.

Ears are a bit too long though. I prefer it when fantasy artists just give elves slightly pointed ears. When they make them that long they always look a bit silly to me. (Though Semra pulls it off the look well. Lol)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So...a lot like the Drow, minus the purple skin and Lolth worshipping?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

More or less. lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
Not to necro, but neither of those pictures reflect the impression I get of Semra. Maybe if the bottom one had a smirk.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

If you want a more anime look, this would do, right?

Dark elf 2.jpg

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Gah, no! Anime bad!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

XD Why do you not like anime?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Just not a big fan on the whole anime art style. It actually prevents me from enjoying the stories or games as much as I might otherwise.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I hated "Farewell, My Childhood Self" because it began to resemble  soft, animated porn. 

If only it wasn't soft and animated, I might have enjoyed it... :O 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
Eh, still looks too young.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Finished the last two you'll have my thoughts in the comment :)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well thanks for the positive comments, I'm sure they will certainly balance out the inevitable negative comments that I'll get in the future!

Real quick, here's just a few things that got changed around a bit and some of the connections with Necromancer that didn't quite make it.

A Necromancer character that was originally going to pop up was Big Red. I was thinking about using him as the one who possessed Mortimer, but ultimately I figured Big Red would be smart enough not to get trapped inside a gem/crystal, so I decided to go with Zelvix, who was of course Velzix's brother.

I was possibly thinking about Big Red popping up in the Eternal Torment ending as well. The Death God would've thrown the Eternal into the inferno realm where Big Red would've gotten a hold of him, but I decided that the fucked up Cthulhuesque madness time realm that briefly appeared in Necromancer would be even worse, especially since the Death God was familiar with it a little himself and even he didn't like what he saw of the place. (Or at least the things coming out of the place)

The book that ends up opening the gates up to the realm of death was originally going to be the Death God's journal that somehow got on this world. There was a whole long dialog that Nicodemus gave for it and for a long while I had that written out after the scene where Casimir got killed, but ultimately I decided it would be best if the Death God didn't make any sort of appearance until the VERY end.

I toyed with the idea to have Dendrin be Trelik who somehow managed to eventually reform himself through time magic and set himself up as a god on this world. Of course I would've had to make Dendrin a little more insane since I believe that even if Trelik had managed to accomplish such a feat, he'd still be very unstable. As it stands Dendrin is merely whimsical and obnoxious. (And Trelik was a loser who I ultimately felt didn't need to appear again in any form. Lol)

Technically Dendrin does pop up in the True Eternal path. You actually fight him, he's the gigantic sea creature. The idea was after 500 years, he took another "godly" form and his new worshippers were the fish people. It's never stated that it's him (And the Eternal wouldn't know anyway), though his old shadow stomping grounds Delerg sank beneath the ocean after the Cataclysm, along with part of his temple, and that's how he managed to attract the fish people where upon he just took an appropriate form.

Lots of other things I had in mind, but didn't quite get to elaborate on like how the Derro didn't have many women left hence why they were taking the female shadow captives to use them as breeding stock (A case where the kids always come out as Derro).

The Derro were originally going to pop up a little more in the story. Like instead of instant teleportation to Mortos, the Emperor would've had you and him travel through a Derro city in order to get to the place. I probably would've had some sort of struggle going on, perhaps they would've been fighting the Xi (Though I hadn't even gotten the idea for them until much later when I was actually working on the 500 years into the future path).

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I kinda would've liked a path that elaborated on the Derro and their creations... for the breeding process, I suppose a torture scene involving a certain Shadow Eternal would be some fun.  Just think of the X-Rated possibilities you could go with!  After all, Eternals are much more hardy than that svelk Edolith...right?  Right?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Pretty sure Talia would've went down fighting in the initial Derro assault on the Shadow headquarters. That's what I've always kind of envisioned her fate as, barring the Eternal's involvement.

Talia would've been sterile anyway, though I suppose the Derro wouldn't have known that until repeated months of failed breeding attempts.

I was also going to suggest that the gnomes and derro were directly related (a split obviously occurred long ago though) but I was focused on other more important plot lines rather than background trivia so I think that idea just got lost in the shuffle. There are sort of a few suggestions that it still might be the case in a couple of throw away lines. (I believe the Eternal mentions he always wondered if the races were related somehow)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Didn't Cassimir specificallly state that they weren't related in any way?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I don't know, I'd have to check. I know I had it written down somewhere in the notes. Maybe it made it in after all and I just forgot about it.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago



The death god.

Death god

Is that the necromance. If so. oH GOD ALL OF MY WANT.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yep, that's him.

I always had planned for him to show up at some point in the story.

It was sort of funny when more people started posting that "Hey it would be cool if the Eternal met the Necromancer." or "Is Mortos the same place where the Necromancer was located?" and other similar comments I started doing some minor misdirection.

If anyone is persistent to go comment diving I actually never do say that he wouldn't show up, I just keep saying that the world wasn't the same as the one in Necromancer (Which it wasn't) and if the Eternal ever did meet the Necromancer he wouldn't be any match for him so it wouldn't be much of a fight. (Which again, it wasn't)

I did end up telling a few people in PMs for various reasons. Fireplay was one, Nuclearwarfare was another, MarmotLord actually was the first though I don't think  I actually told him the Necromancer was going to be in the Eternal story, just that I had something planned for the character (Which is another thing I mentioned on the forums later on anyway)

The only other person who got some "secret" info was Bo, but he got the info about the 500 years into the future storyline which was known about, but everyone else thought it involved actually living that long rather than being put into magical stasis.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Oh, that was the secret that Nuclear kept on saying he had.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah, it was probably torture for him not to tell anyone. Lol.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Hey EndMaster, love all your stories man. Good job!

I have several questions:

1. Why couldn't the Eternal ever just kill Semra/Mistress with her knife AND live happily ever after with his lover? That would have been the ultimate revenge that would have just been satisfying. Killing Elodith just wasn't enough. 

2. Regarding Ground Zero, I really was wondering why you didn't have a Raider epilogue where the guy just built a Raider kingdom. 

3. What is the connection exactly between Mortos, Casimir & Nicodemus, and the Necromancer, and finally Dendrin?

3.5 How did the Necromancer's book ever come to the Eternal's world? 

3.6 In the Eternal Emperor ending, I'm guessing technology never advanced to the point where the Eternal could have had has brain placed in a human looking Android that never ages? And why didn't the Eternal's wife do the same thing with the brain in the vat?

4. In the Eternal Terror ending, why couldn't the Eternal ever become powerful enough to ascend to Dendrin's place while maintaining his consciousness? 

5. Great job on all your stories. Hope you don't stay in retirement too long! 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Plot holes obviously. Lol.

This is one of those times where the writer just says "Whenever there is something that can't be explained, a wizard did it."


1. Well you can't have everything can you?

First Semra is typically more powerful than the Eternal other than towards the end on Mortos where he's getting a little more of the edge. Anytime he does attempt it, it always either results in his death (Whether he's successful or not) or she escapes. She's not going to stick around to fight a losing battle unless there is no other option and that only becomes true in one instance.

You don't get proper revenge on her unless you sacrifice everything. That's the price!

The unofficial Eternal Bliss ending is still a technical ultimate revenge if you view it a certain way.

Basically you live out the rest of your afterlife with Alison and have NO knowledge of your former life meaning you don't remember anything bad that Semra might've done to you. She's basically out of your mind forever.

Meanwhile Semra was still fighting a losing battle against the Death God's armies and where she's going to be sent for her afterlife isn't going to be anywhere good. Remember she was directly involved in obliterating gnome souls which really pissed off a lot of deities and she did that a hell of lot more than the Eternal did. So she was going to the infernal realm at best.

2. Well keep in mind, the GZ protagonist isn't the most charismatic most of the time. (The best he ever gets is the mutant path funny enough) He manages to hang on to a town as a raider, but just barely. He tends to be more of a manipulator and opportunist rather than a gatherer of a raider horde.

Still, probably if I wrote Ground Zero now, I might have a proper "outlaw epilogue." I probably would've just made it so your name became so feared throughout the wasteland from your deeds that they still talk about your legend.

3. Some of these are answered in the story, but here's the Cliff Notes version I guess.

Mortos was just a regular island until the wizards on it started messing about with necromancy and attempting to achieve godhood. I actually had dialog for Nicodemus that mentioned the original name, but I guess it must've got deleted by accident since I don't think it made it in. Now I forgot what the original name was, which is probably exactly what happened anyway. It's been Mortos so long that the original name was forgotten by its original citizens (Those that can still think at least.

Nicodemus and Casimir were just the necromancer citizens that lived on Mortos. Nicodemus was old enough to have seen the first hand effects of the first failed attempt at immortality. He's probably the oldest necromancer still around on the island.

Casimir on the other hand is a little younger. Presumably born sometime during the necromancer wars which caused the already warped island further destruction.

The Death God (Or "The Necromancer") doesn't have any connection with any of them. The portal to the realm of death was opened up, not to mention the other deities don't like the idea of a bunch of new immortals just barging in on their racket so he got sent in to take care of the problem. (The world was "marked" when they tried it the first time, they just managed to close it up before the Death God arrived)

Dendrin doesn't have any connection with any of them either. He's just a really powerful being that gets bored and plays at being a god at times even though he really isn't one.

3.5 The Death God's journal didn't end up on the world. That was just something I had an idea for originally, but later scrapped it and it just became a book holding all the forbidden knowledge and research that the necromancers of Mortos had collected.

4. The Eternal wasn't as powerful as Dendrin, not to mention Dendrin wouldn't want to elevate someone so antagonistic towards him if he knew he could become as powerful as he was. He wants amusement, not a potential threat.

5. Well who knows. Still have ideas just need the time to plan everything out.

EDIT: Forgot one. (Was that one there originally?)

3.6 Yep, no android bodies.

As for Decena, even if she had wanted to live out the rest of her life as a brain in a jar, the technique hadn't really been perfected to suit anyone but the Eternal, who as you remember was still able to converse with people due to the fact he had magic abilities which he could channel into a form of psychic communication.

Decena would've just been…well a brain in a jar and most likely would've went mad like that. At least with a body she'd still be able to converse with the Eternal (Not to mention Elam died soon after, so someone with his skill to take his place wouldn't have been immediate)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

If this is the place to pick Endmaster's brain...

It's kind of hinted at in the story, but what is The Necromancer/Death God's opinion of Dendrin? I know he mentions Dendrin leaving, but is Dendrin on the hit list due to being a native of that world? Is he even a native of that world? How many Dendrins would it take to match The Necromancer? (just for a sense of relative power balance)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

The world was on the hit list rather than any specific being. The Death God just knows about Dendrin since he's been keeping a bit of an eye on the place so is somewhat familiar with the history of what's been going on there.

Dendrin isn't a native, he's just a being of great power that roams the planes. Typically he gets bored and leaves after the shadows are gone. He only stick around longer if you're a shadow. 

He does however come back in a new and more physical form in the 500 years into the future path, you just never know it's him.

Its suggested by him in one of shadow endings that there are a "race" of beings like him, though it's hard to tell if there are that many or if they're all like him. Or he could've just been making it up.

In any case Dendrin and his kind are powerful, but they aren't proper deities so they wouldn't want to tangle with the likes of a real deity let alone one with the power over death.

As I said even the Eternal was able to combat Dendrin when he took the form of giant sea monster. The Eternal didn't kill him, but he did enough damage that it prevented the fish people worshipping him at the time to cease their invasion attempt.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

May I ask why he returns as the giant fishy thing?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Basically got bored again and roamed back to that world. Saw the fish people were already using his partially sunken old shadow temple for rituals so he took advantage as usual.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Man, Dedrin seems so random. XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That's the best part about him. ^.^

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Heh, was listening to the radio this morning and heard this song, reminded me of what mistress was trying to present herself as to the eternal:

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

*Watches video, it's just started.*

Yep, That's Mistress. xD Also I question why I was compelled to finish that video. lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I will need to somehow find time to read this...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It's very good...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Really good job Endmaster I really enjoyed the first two main branches, and my expectations were really high for this last one. I can honestly say it was even better than my expectations and I really appreciate all the work you put into it. Excellent job on the whole thing. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I know last thread there was some confusion about  how the continent is laid out and you sometimes  confusing west/east, but no one provided any example.  Just wanted to let you know that down the Shadow path there are a few, mainly around Year 46 (Warzone Report) and Following Brother Theo's Plan.  It is odd that they keep mentioning fighting to the east when Delerg is to the east.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Ah yes, thank you for this. Now I have more specific place to look and I can clean those up during the fixing process.

I think someone once told me in passing a long time ago that I accidentally referred to Talia as Brenda at one point in the Shadow path, not sure though. So if anyone finds that one too, let me know.

I'll continue to wait until probably just before the end of this year for any other potential error reports before I take the story down to fix it.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I noticed this as well, let me see if I can find it real fast.  I believe it was down the Eternal Survivor path...


Yeah, when you choose to 'run deeper into the swamp', she is referred to as Brenda.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Time to be a pleb.

So I got all the Eternal endings for the emperor one, when you become immortal or harbinger.

But what is the paragon/how do you get it?
Aka what happens.

-begs for spoilers because I haven't found it

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Paragon is when you give up robotic inmortality

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Have children and live through them instead of becoming "immortal"

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Oh, I got that ending then.


Someone should totally write a fan made sequel where you go into space as the Eternal (Immortal ending) and control space.



Someone has to do it.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I think End's Paradise Violated does just about that.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Fun fact, I did entertain the idea of connecting Paradise Violated and Eternal in the "Eternal Emperor" ending.

In its current form, I suppose you could still make the stretch argument  that PV is the continuation of the "Eternal Emperor" path.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I will read it later, assume it is Eternal, and never ever leave the story.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Well if you go in with the idea that PV is a continuation of Eternal, you'd still have to keep this in mind:

The "Eternal" isn't actually the protagonist, more like he's another soldier in the service of the Emperor (The Eternal in this case) and the Empire.

The protagonist in PV is "The Captain"

(Gotta love these nameless protagonists that are always referred to by a title rather than any given name!)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Reminds me of Fall out and how you never get a name.


"The lone wonderer, the courier, chosen one' Ect ect ect.

Skyrims "Prisoner'
Games need to start getting names...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Also I had a question regarding magic in the world.

So the only path that you really use /magic/ is in the true eternal path, because I'm pretty sure Mistress teaches you.


So how does magic really work? It drains you when you use too much,

but how do you know you can use it? Can you simply be born knowing most? Do you have to be trained like Eternal was? Could all of the Eternals use magic if properly taught?
Towards the end of the story magic started dying off, so either people weren't being trained or was it because of genetics?


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Some have a natural affinity for it and if they're trained properly then they can actually become full fledged wizards (of varying power). The Eternal happened to be one of those people, plus he had two of the best teachers, Semra and Casimir. (Well best as far as being fairly powerful is concerned at least)

Theoretically some of the other Eternal might have been able to use magic had they actually been trained, but considering Semra never saw the potential in any of the rest them, they probably wouldn't have been as good at it as the Eternal and Semra probably would've ended up killing them during training.

It has been mentioned in a few places that there are people that do practice magic without any real training (A remark about "hedge mages"). Probably if they had gotten trained properly they would've had more skill at it rather than just messing about through trial and error and never really achieving anything of major worth. Though its assumed that the Empire (Whenever its still in power) tends to scoop up any of these types and force them into servitude when it finds out about them. (Or just kills them)

Obviously using magic tends to drain your energy. The more adept you are at it, the better you can use it, just like anything really.

As for the "winds of magic" disappearing, yeah that was happening long before the story even began. People in general weren't having the affinity towards it like they did in the past (And as a result not as many people being formally trained either) the only place where magic was still really strong was Mortos. (And eventually even that disappears in the far future)

The Shadows are a special case since they got all their abilities from the Shadow plane via Dendrin. The stronger the faith the more powerful you were at it since Dendrin likes suck ups. In general the Eternal doesn't like Dendrin too much even when he actually is promoting the Shadows so he's never a major master at it. Though Dendrin's amused by him enough that he's willing to give him enough power to least be on par or a little better with everyone else while the Eternal makes up the rest through natural combat ability.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

But ca everyone learn magic? If enough training/wanted to could they.

Such as a Royal being trained young for magic, but never having a natural ability on his own, would it be possible?

If so I don't see why Eternal didn't just have mages trained during his reign, and if not then it makes sense.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I just said only if the person had an affinity for it. Most people didn't have it. You couldn't just train someone to do it if they didn't "have it."

So yes, some of it is a genetic thing, but like with genetics, just because your dad has blue eyes, doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have blue eyes. It also doesn't mean you're going to inherit any of your dad's other traits either even if you do have blue eyes.

Wizards tend to be elitist and aren't known for wasting their time on someone who MIGHT be able to cast cantrip after a year of intense training. They got better things to do in their mind, and it would be more cost effective to just give that guy a sword and send him to the Felkan frontlines where he can pad out more valuable troops. Which again explains why if any of the other Eternals DID have any magic talent, Semra didn't think the potential was good enough for her to waste her time on.

There are two times where genetics plays a major role in "keeping the magic alive."

One is when the remaining wizards and the Eyes (And probably some "normal survivors") united and probably interbred over the course of 500 years to survive the wendigos after the Cataclysm. It can be assumed out of the severe need for survival everyone and anyone that had even the slightest amount of ability to learn magic was given the chance. And even then it was limited to a very narrow degree specifically to combat the wendigos.

By the time you find them there aren't many left and they don't really survive much longer in their "magic form" soon after your death since the Eyes are most likely either just recruiting norms or they ultimately disband when the second Empire falls.

The second is when you "sire" children and they manage to inherit your magic ability which in turn allows them to breed with each other (And later on other norms) which most likely kept people with magic abilities around a lot longer.

The advancement of technology is the other thing though, the more "tech" the world gets, the more the winds of magic start disappearing, regardless of people who might have the talent for it.

The Eternal had a whole wizard college when he took control of the Empire (Galen was officially the head of it) where he had new people who had the ability to learn trained. As I said the problem was the growing lack of people who didn't have the ability at all as well as the increase in technology.

And really the Eternal doesn't give that much of a shit of the dwindling wiz population by a certain point since he's conquered most of the known world and still has his own abilities. Not to mention he shows more of a preference for technology since its easier to field a bunch of people with guns, explosives and the like than field wizards who take longer to train and aren't even that numerous anymore.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Next up: Jihelu asks me more questions and I just say "A Wizard did it."

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Where are babies from?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Hm, time for another stupid question!

Does the Empire have a symbol/what is it/ Did it explain this in the story and I'm stupid and didn't bother to read it?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Nope, never mentioned a symbol or insignia. Something like the Empire would certainly have one, but I just never bothered to think up one. Probably would've had a very patriotic national anthem as well.

Anyway I'm out for awhile. Taking a trip to parts unknown and all that, might drop in during the trip, might not.

Drak and Fireplay are in charge until I get back, unless they don't want to share power, then I guess whoever kills the other will be in charge. Unless nobody wants either of them, then whoever kills both is in charge, until someone kills that person and so forth. You get the idea.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

*Offers suspiciously green drink to fireplay.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


But can anyone else confirm this without me having to do shit,

I thought during the eternal hero/destoryer path, when talking to the orcs/working on destroying them someone mentions how they see a monster (Whatever) from the past, wearing the symbol of the empire/armor.

Or maybe they just had different armor...

I don't know.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah that did pop up, so I guess I did mention it, but I just never described what it looked like.

I imagine it would be something appropriately fascist and warlike. 

Anyway back to vacation.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I was right, 

Does this mean I am better than you? <3

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Hey, how big (page-wise) is Necromancer? Sorry, random, I know...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It's something around 200 pages, I believe. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It's actually a lot less than that.

Its 107 pages over at IS, but March wanted me to submit the story for the CYS contest so it had to be under 100 pages.

So I combined some of the background text pages into each other to get it under 100. No major content was cut though.

Just seems longer due to the amount of text and the long range scope of the story itself.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Wow, it always seemed like one of the longer stories on the site. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So in the Eternal Paragon ending, who taught the fifth gen Eternals magic? There were practically no mages alive to teach them at that point, were there? Even the player character lost his magic through the process of creating new Eternals. Did they just have to work it out for themselves?

And I think it's mentioned that the fifth gen Eternals all carried your DNA and were therefore able to use magic. So isn't any breeding between them going to be incestuous?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It would be more or less cloning at that point I think.....

I'm thinking this through, possibly the dna you gave them gave them more than enough ability for natural magic/ the ability to teach each other.

Think about it, you are a magic bad ass. Now take all your power and give it to a bunch of kids, maybe they can figure something out?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Jihelu basically answered the magic question.

As for the other thing, well wouldn't really be an End Master story without some sort of incest reference. However, it does say that later on they were breeding with "normals" so it wasn't all family fun.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I'm already knowing more and more about the story than Endmaster.

Soon we will be one, 

We shall become gogeta.

Side note: The ending with all the children is for pansies, immortality is better.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I'm impressed that I got so many amusing and informative responses so quickly. I'm pretty satisfied with these answers.

As for the Eternal Emperor ending, I disagree. I thought the best True Eternal ending was Eternal Paragon. That or Eternal Hero.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Eternal hero to me was complete shit.

You just took over an entire country basically, through the power of an empire.

Fast forward years, and everyone loves you.

I just wasn't feeling it, my strive towards immortality was more important than making an impression.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Striving towards immortality is great and all, but that ending just didn't quite feel as right to me. Not sure why given how successful the Empire is through that ending. The Empire probably does last longest plus it expands to other planets.

I just somehow felt that dying and leaving a lasting legacy felt more satisfying that living and ruling for over a thousand years (even though you still leave a lasting legacy after your death).

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I got the eternal emporer and eternal paragon for sure, then the one where you form a new empire in the future, and I beleive one more from the expansion. Still hunting for more.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Try the mercenary path, its heart warming at parts.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

"Eternal Hero to me was complete shit."


Really the most twisted ending out of all of them to me is Eternal Paragon.

Endings like becoming dictator for life via Eternal Emperor or destroying the world via Eternal Harbinger are pretty standard fare, but having your unnatural somewhat incestious spawn essentially become the "top lifeform" on the planet…well there is something a little more insidious about that.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Man, you have to make me question why I thought Eternal Paragon was the best one, huh? XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Did I mention how much Eternal hero was shit

Eh, living forever >your children spreading like rabbits

Eternal hero is pretty fucking bad

But I dont like hero because of what Eternal did, not because you are a bad person Endmaster.

Its still a sexy ending.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Wouldn't having incestuous spawn make it all the more sweeter?  LOOK HOW CLOSE THE FAMILY IS.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So many of the endings in the story end at year 101. I'm guessing it's just how long the player character's lifespan was "meant to be" if he died of old age (with the exception of all True Eternal endings). But it's interesting that even in Eternal Harbringer, Semra's death (and therefore the end of the story, pretty much) also occurs at year 101. Is there something special about the year 101?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Nothing in particular other than it being his "natural death" date if he lives to old age. It was just fun to put 101 at Semra's death date since it's usually when he dies. That whole coincidences alternate reality thing.

Interestingly if whenever he becomes the Emperor's right hand man, he typically doesn't make it to his 101 year lifespan.

If he betrays the the Emperor he gets put into a magical stasis for 500 years which technically makes him older than what he is, but taking his proper age into consideration he dies around mid 60s.

If he has children he dies in Year 80.

If he summons the GREAT DEATH GOD he dies at 90. Even if he becomes the Harbinger he's still technically "dead."

If he becomes the IMMORTAL MACHINE EMPEROR, he beats the system somewhat though his body is gone at 72.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Releasing the story, I think the best scene was Where you killed Kane

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

In which storyline? Happens in most of them if I remember correctly. I think I know which one you mean, though.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That was rather touching, yes.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Heya! I'm making my way through all the endings but damned if I can't find Eternal Bliss. What's the path you need to take to get it?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It's an unofficial ending, but you get it in the same path as Eternal Harbinger. Just choose "Die" instead of joining the Death God.

Me being nerdy...

11 years ago

Hm, I don't know if this was already addressed long ago, but...

How are Eternals physically different from humans besides being sterile and living for about 90~ years?  Are they just naturally selected humans, or were they altered so that they would be a different level of life forms altogether?  Is it their intensive training that makes them so potent in battle, or did their augmentations give them the power they possess?

Me being nerdy...

11 years ago

Probably was a addressed in a previous  thread, and it's addressed in the story but…

A little from column A and a little from column B.

In all cases the Eternals are taken as infants (Yes, all humans) and through a mixture of magic and tech they're enhanced to a point where their abilities will become better than the average person even without training. However the training makes them even more lethal.

Storywise, there are "5 generations" that can come about.

Gen 1: This is the original 9 that actually survived training. You, Roldan, Brenda, Kane, Warrick, Edgar, Gerald AND Cyrus and Talia (They just got transferred to the Shadows)

Of course there were more, but hey you don't get to learn as much about them since they all die before their training is complete.

Technically there were other Eternals BEFORE Gen 1, but again these didn't even survive Mistress' training or they died even before that, so "Gen 0" (or whatever you want to call them) doesn't get the number 1 spot.

The goal of the original Eternal project of course wasn't just to create super loyal Empire soldiers, but to create that "perfect vessel" for the Emperor to transfer himself into.

Gen 1s are more or less "stable" mentally though a lot of them have a few quirks, but this can be somewhat chalked up to the fact that Mistress' training wasn't exactly the most healthy environment.

Gen 2: This is basically Marik's project. He proceeds with it one of two ways. If you weren't the "chosen one" the Emperor gives him permission to go ahead with the plan (Out of desperation for a candidate at this point) If you were the chosen one, he goes ahead with it anyway even though the Emperor doesn't really see the point for it anymore, but later says "Sure, why not." due to the fact that Marik's already done it.

The Gen 2s are the first to go through the tank process where they just started taking babies and shoving them into a magic-tech tank for 16 years and released them fully "trained" and ready to go.

Marik also cut a lot of corners and didn't really weed out the instability that plagues A LOT of them. Add the fact that Marik wasn't exactly a beacon of sanity either and probably didn't give a shit just so as long as the project successfully produced super soldiers, the Gen 2s have the most problems.

In general the Gen 2s revel in sadism and fear. Most of them tend to be extremely arrogant to the point where its actually a detriment when facing someone not afraid of them (Like You for example). Due to this arrogance they're also the first to blatently claim that they are a superior lifeform and should be lording it over everyone else.

Edgar manages to wrangle them to do what he wants, but that's mostly due to feeding into their superiority complex and letting them basically run rampant throughout the Dominion.

Most of the Gen 2s are still problematic even when you release them from the tanks early and turn them into Shadows. It's only when you let Dendrin indoctrinate the lot of them that they get "cured."

The only notable Gen 2 that slightly stands out from this is "Ten" or Decena as you end up calling her. It helps that she was female (who typically have less mental instability from the process) and the fact that you had a close relationship with her. Though she still holds the idea that Eternals should be running things.

Gen 3, 4 & 5: These Gens only come about if Edgar is still around to continue Marik's work in the Soldier path or you're still around to directly take Casimir's place. Otherwise the Eternals die with Gen 2.

In Edgar's case it can be assumed that after the fall of the Empire, Marik left his notes behind as usual which at least gave Edgar an idea to keep the project going with some improvements. Of course Edgar isn't You, so the best he ever does is reproduce is slightly less "crazy" Eternals who usually have better enhancements (like night vision, better regeneration, etc.) and it stops at Gen 5 since after he dies, nobody continues the process since ALL of the Eternals are more or less fighting each other for control and there is no point in creating more rivals for themselves.

In your case, your Eternals are a lot more mentally stable due to the fact you don't keep them in a tank for 16 years and limit it to 5 and then have Brenda train them as normal. You could say the fact that they have to potentially face death a lot sooner makes them a little less arrogant and less likely to underestimate their opponents. Brenda's training while tough is also no where near like Mistress' training. (More like Gruz if a comparison is to be made) All in all, superior to Edgar's Eternals.

Gens 3 & 4 aren't excessively different from one another whether its you or Edgar in charge. Gen 4s just have a few minor advantages, but nothing major. Gen 5s under Edgar are the same. A few extra advantages, nothing more.

Gen 5s of course under You are the best of all due to the fact that you manage to to cure the sterility problem as well as pass on your magic talent. All of which leads to the ending where the Eternals DO become the new superior life form on the planet and essentially take over as a race.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


Someone just said they liked to soldier path better because the Eternal was less of a douchebag. (Though they still liked the other endings)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

He was less of a douche.

You even get a chance to raise an elf!


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

The one with Rask, or the one with serving as an average grunt?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I'd say you end up being a douchebag the least in the Eternal Survivor storyline. The only people you kill are oppressors and you don't commit any ruthless acts like torture, genocide or killing your own people to keep them in line.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well, some people only  like being so much of a douchebag. Honestly, I just started the soldier path and am enjoying it more than some of the other options I took.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Yeah the Shadow path leading to Eternal Survivor is where he's the closest to being a "good guy." Followed by Eternal Bane from the Soldier path.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

And I'm sitting here like "Ha, what are morales"

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Really I don't even think "douchebag" is an appropriate word for what the Eternal is usually doing.

To me douchebag is something on the level of say stealing your best friend's girl, rubbing his face in dogshit, posting pictures of it on the internet and laughing about it the entire time.

Routine slaughtering of entire populations, torture and genocide are going FAR beyond "douchebaggery."

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Call him an eternalbag.



That was realy bad.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Sorry to keep asking you so many questions, EndMaster, but what happens to Casimir in the soldier and shadow paths? Does he die? Does he escape? Or maybe he's around and trying to maintain a hold of the Empire but being very unsuccessful at it? Does his fate depend on which particular path you take? Does the Empire survive after the ending of Chapter 2B1: The Emperor’s Shadow? Because you do such a good job of killing all the shadows. I think the Eternal does wonder about that in at least some of the paths.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

In the soldier and shadow paths it can be assumed Casimir's health just got worse as usual and around Year 35 he made a last ditch effort to extend his life by going back to Mortos and abandoning Empire since it was a secondary concern of his at that point. From there he got the chicken soup beaten out of him when he directly confronted Nicodemus for power and control over Mortos again. (Remember, the magic on Mortos would've kept him alive but he'd still be unwilling to give up his dreams of true immortality and world domination)

As for the Emperor's Shadow path, all the Eternal did in that path was stabilize the Empire a little by eliminating the Shadows earlier and probably extend its life a little longer. It's possible that the war with the Felkans might've went a little better, but probably still not as great as in the path where the Empire outright beats them. 

Ultimately, Casimir would've still disappeared around year 35 and gotten his ass kicked by Nicodemus. The empire itself though as I said might've lasted a little longer. Maybe Roldan and Brenda would've stepped up and taken direct control when things started to get worse.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Couldn't Casimir what the Eternal did and start killing everyone in the other endings?
Hes been alive alot longer than the Eternal I thought, did the thought of "Lets steal EVERYONES life force" ever occur to him?


Side question:

Could the Eternal be capable of doing curse like spells like Casimir. Because after you kill him hes just like "YOU ARE ALL FUCKED" And bad stuff happens, could Eternal have done that, but like, ten times better.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

He probably did exactly that in the first few centuries after he left Mortos. Being a natural Necromancer though he didn't need to sacrifice as many people, (and could be a lot more subtle about it) but it still was a ban-aid solution and it was diminishing returns and he knew it so he wanted something long term.

By the time the Eternal is around there isn't anything that's going to keep him alive much longer short of going back to Mortos.

The Eternal didn't have any major curse power, just wasn't something he bothered to learn.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


How did the necromancers and the svelks get an alliance.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That was just self interest on both parts. The svelk certainly didn't want the dead overrunning everything and the Necromancers realized they'd sort of messed with powers beyond their control and needed a bit of help.

Also, the svelk empire at that point was already starting to decline a bit with too much hedonism, corruption and a slave pop that vastly outnumbered their own pop and they really didn't want to risk losing any sort of control that they had. Of course the svelk fucked things up worse for themselves by attempting to make a deal with Zelvix for extra demonic support during this time. (Which as we all know never works)

After everything had settled down, both the svelk and the necros were a shadow of their former glory and probably just kept the "alliance" official since it wasn't like either were going to be in a position to attack the other and the event was so destructive that both sides would vow that it couldn't happen again.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So basically.

The svelk would still be insulting them.

And they wouldn't be killing each other.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Did you plan to have any personal adventures in the other continent for the Eternal that you wanted to add?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Nyttrus or Dokkrus?

For Dokkrus, I had a few ideas of being stuck in Dokkrus, or infiltrating Semra's headquarters and similar ideas, but by the time the place comes into play, the Eternal is getting a lot older and he's starting focus on his goal for immortality so some ideas got scrapped.

For Nyttrus, I was considering doing a "Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness" type adventure.

In one of the original drafts, Decena was going to betray you at some point. In fact there was only one path where she wasn't going to do so. One idea was Semra sewing the seeds of dissent into her head and encouraging her to try to overthrow you. (Pointing out stuff like how you don't care about her anymore, how you're focusing on the new third gens and sending her to oversee unimportant things, etc)

Another idea was Decena just going nuts on her own and doing it herself. (2nd gen sanity breakdown flaw again)

The last was her "going native" when assigned to Nyttrus and part of that is still in there in a very minor form. There is exactly one premature ending where that still happens since her mind gets messed up by the Iznac magic if you don't bring her home early.

That bit was going to originally be a lot longer where your war with Nakol isn't going well without Decena as head of the armies there and now your war with the Iznac isn't going well because Decena's disappeared there too. You'd get the choice to go on a mission to go find her and have to do away with her since she's obviously helping the enemy now, but I sort of already did my little Heart of Darkness nod in Paradise Violated.

Plus I started to change Decena's personality a bit so I started to scrap the whole "Decena becomes a traitor" idea.

Zana ended up serving as the type of traitor I wanted to include anyway. For the longest time, all the way back to when I was I still writing soldier path I wanted to have an enemy pop up that you didn't know who the hell they were, but were driven by revenge since they were a child. There were a couple of places where there are loose ends of this being potentially set up, but I never followed up on because the story just wasn't going in that direction.

A person driven by revenge because the villain burned down their village has sort of been done to death too, so I tried to come up with something a little different in the form of Zana. Basically her need for vengeance while somewhat understandable is slightly misguided and pointless. If it hadn't been for Klemto telling her she was originally part of the Felkan royal family, she really wouldn't have known any different. She still would've had a life that she was mildly dissatisfied with, but ultimately she would've gotten over that.

The idea that she could've potentially had this potential life of luxury just made it very convenient to blame you for all her problems to a point where she had been plotting and planning for the right moment to bring you down.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Does this mean Jihelu can ask more questions.


I think it does.

When Eternal dies or whatever at the end of the Immortal ending where you become space god.

Where does he go?
Do all dead things meet the death god?
Would he go to some paradise with his love.
Does he go to an eternal hell for defying death.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

He may or may not end up in the infernal realm, but he wouldn't end up in the place where he ends up in eternal torment. That was more of a punishment due to directly attacking the death god.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago



1:How advanced did the empire get, I know they could travel space, but weapons wise. Did they have nukes, laser guns, ect ect.

2:If there was an alternative ending where he did go into space and became empire of space, would things have gone to shit, or would he have basically become the Emperor from Warhammer and be a god.

3: I don't remember if the story mentions this, but what is the average Svelk life span, thousand years or so?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well consider this your Christmas gift that I'm awake and tend to wander around at night...

1. When the Eternal is reminiscing at the end he remembers fondly about wiping out the Svelk continent with annihilation bombs. So yeah, that would be what they called nukes on that planet.

As for lasers and such, it can probably be logically assumed that a lot of advancement in weapon tech was top priority rather than things like elegant humanlike android bodies. Which is something someone else asked why didn't the Emperor put himself in something like that rather than a large dreadnaught war machine instead. (Though given that this is the Eternal we're talking about, chances are he'd still prefer the latter anyway)

So I suppose tech level overall might've been low level scifi. They only just colonized a single habitable planet (and probably explored some of the other non-suitable planets and nearby space) and didn't have anything like light speed, holodecks, transporters, replicators or any Star Trek stuff like that.

But they sure had the advanced weaponry to take over that planet if anything there possibly opposed them.

2. Like I said, I did entertain the idea that the Eternal would be the Emperor that's mentioned in Paradise Violated, but the problem with that is two things.

First Earth clearly mentioned in PV, and unless the Eternal's planet was some drastically alternate version of it, the place clearly isn't Earth. You could make the argument that maybe the first planet that was colonized turns out to be Earth or maybe even one of the later colonies is Earth and maybe something happened and there was a disconnect and regression for a long time before it got reunited with the Empire again, but that still brings up some unanswered questions, but then again Battlestar Galactica got away with it so…I'll leave it up to the reader to pretend that PV is the unofficial continuation of the Eternal's Empire if they want.

As for the Eternal himself though, I always planned to have him die in that ending. The fact that he's still revered as the Emperor long after his death just didn't change.

3. I never mentioned a Svelk lifespan, but it's REALLY long. They aren't necessarily immortal, but it's still more than a thousand. However, given their penchant for treachery and being hated by most other races, most don't get that far. (Especially after their own Empire fell)

Semra herself grew up during her Empire's last century (Give or take some decades) then she most likely was a wanderer/mercenary for awhile, then at some point she met up with the Emperor decades later.

The Empire was around 500 years old when you show up (Again give or take a decade) so she's probably in her "middle ages" by that point.

And she's STILL alive in the 500 years into the future path which would make her well over 1000, and she's only close to dying at that point due to her current crippled condition rather than age. It's assumed that she has also died at some point during the Eternal Emperor path, probably by the hands of some other ambitious svelk long before you nuked their continent.

By comparison, elves (Or the Sveld) don't have such extensive lifespans, though they would still be much longer lived than the average human, but since they tend to suffer enslavement or attacks by other races they don't tend to reach the ends up their lifespans either.

As another comparison, Gnomes and Derro also have fairly long lifespans as well, but not nearly as long as the Svelk. Again though both of these races don't tend to die of old age either. Derro also have the unfortunate curse of going more insane when they get older. (Marik was definitely up there in years)

As for gnomes, well they possibly get to die peacefully of old age if the Felkan Kingdom stays intact without you either influencing it or destroying it, but other than that, it ultimately isn't a good end for any them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
If I could get in a leg, in this circle of crows.
I got 2 questions:

1) Why no X-stuff with the orcs?

2) Any chance for a Female Eternal?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well here's another Christmas gift.

X-stuff with orcs? What do you mean? I'm assuming you don't mean porn activity with orcs.

As for a female Eternal, I'm guessing you mean a female protagonist Eternal since I had more than couple prominent ones in the story. (Brenda, Talia, and Decena)

Not sure how I'd have female Eternal protagonist with the way the story is written now, unless I just threw out some of the key facts. I mean I suppose the easiest thing to do would be to rewrite Eternal just from a female prospective. Some things wouldn't change as far as combat stuff (Gender doesn't mean much when magically enhanced and trained to kill as a child)

Might develop a closer relationship with one of the other male Eternals in the soldier path which might change things up (Especially if it turned out to be Roldan)

Shadow path would still have ol' Dendrin buzzing in your ear. You might grow closer with one of the human shadow characters rather than Talia of course.

The struggle path would be the most different. Semra would probably be more likely to kill you immediately given that she wouldn't have quite the same twisted attachment to you anymore, though maybe Casimir might fall for

But...well I already wrote Eternal, and as much as I liked writing it, I'd rather not write it all over again!

Which means I'd have to somehow shoehorn in another female Eternal to the existing story and do something like I did with Death Song, the problem with that is that really isn't possible without it throwing out some key elements as I mentioned. There were only two first gen female Eternals that made it through training so making her a first gen is out unless I specifically made the story from Talia or Brenda's perspective and I'd rather not do that with an established character.

That means she'd have to be from one of the later gens. The question is which one and which path? For example, second gens only really work in the Shadow and Soldier paths since Decena's the only second gen left in the struggle one.

No matter which one I pick or decide, it sort of "locks" the Eternal story into a "canon" path and I was trying to avoid that with Eternal hence why I originally said none of the endings are the "true one" (As opposed to Necromancer and Death Song, where I definitely picked a canon path)

Anyway, like I said before I'd definitely like to write a longer story with a female protagonist at some point, but she won't be an Eternal. That story has been told.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Can the female story mention the Necromancer

I have a problem.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

If I'm not mistaken I remember you saying something along the lines of perhaps showing the drafts of what didn't make it into the final edition of eternal. Like pages you cut away or story branches that were dropped, are you planning to do that?


It would be really cool to see :)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well I was going to do a whole thread like that, however given that Jiehu and few others have been asking a lot of questions, I've pretty much been giving away most of the stuff I originally cut out in a lot of my answers in this thread.

Off the top of my head one other major thing I ended up cutting and changing was the Eternal's parents. At one point way back in the soldier path when he hooks up with Brenda, I was going to have him meet his real mother. She would be a simple commoner in Nalin that gave the Eternal to the Empire since she couldn't afford to take care of  him. (Father still unknown)

In fact he wouldn't exactly know if it was her or not, but it would just be a seemingly random conversation that he has with an older peasant woman in one of the smaller villages he's stopped at and from how she speaks to him, he gets the impression that this woman is his real mother. (A lot of knowing looks between the pair of them) He doesn't pursue any sort of deeper relationship with her though, save for making sure her village gets some of their taxes lowered. (Which was was causing some grumbling).

Couldn't make it really work though, so scrapped.

The second idea was the Emperor really being the father to all of the Eternals, at least the first gens anyway. But that one had a few problems and just wasn't going to work, so scrapped.

Ultimately I just decided that his real parents would just never be known. Probably were commoners though. The whole cosmic joke is the fact that the Eternal's life was a mistake. He never truly was supposed to become an Eternal in the first place.

Quite frankly Roldan should've been the "chosen one" but it doesn't turn out that way.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

One thing I been wondering about in the "True Eternal path" I seem to be unable to find much information about one of the eternals. Namely Edgard. 

Warrik (Leader of the eyes) Brenda (training the new eternals) Kane (Wendigo possessed) Roland (General) I can however not seem to find Edgard anywhere.


I remember in the solider path he was leading what was left of the empire, but what happened in the "True eternal path" Then again I replayed the game last night, so perhaps I'm just missing something?



Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Edgar gets mentioned very briefly in passing by Roldan in a background link and mentions how Edgar idiotically got himself killed charging into a kobold lair by triggering one of their traps.

Gerald also is mentioned as killing his superior and gets executed. (Which would've been Captain Pollo)

Basically Edgar doesn't do too well without you looking after him in those first months after training. Gerald does slightly better while you're around, but still has a pretty ignoble end in the soldier path.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

So, just replayed the game again recently. One question that I thought about when I read the Future path is what happened to Mortimer and the demon in that timeline?


Does he continue to fool the demon? Did he even make a deal with it? Did Samera deal with it somehow when we were stuck in limbo? (did she even know about it in that time line) 


There is not mentioned any invasion by demon so perhaps he spoke truthfully about just wanting to return hom? 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That would be hilarious if you thought Roldan's mom was yours XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
Quick apologies to anyone here that had a saved game, but I had to briefly take down Eternal to correct those errors that were listed. Fairly certain I got them all (or at least the ones I know about).

Anyway, said I'd do it sometime in December, so it's done.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Well, it is December 31st haha!  ;)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I feel like Endmaster is lying and put something Christmas like in it.

But he probably didn't.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That makes me want to re-read it just to make sure. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Guessing he didn't.

Plot twist,

Jihelu is secretly in the story.

-He is obviously the prince guy who has the demon in him, who enjoys the pooty tang, whos name I don't remember because hes a shit lord-

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
It's actually implied Mortimer preferred young guys a lot more than females.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


My general idea for my Jihelu is he is a homocentric demon that is a complete dumb ass.


Hes basically Mortimer.

In my eyes, it is heavily implied, not really though.

Didn't he have coitus with Semra though?

I'd sooner believe he would have a male svelk sexy time buddy then semra.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
Yeah Semra mentions it, though like with most things it's hard to tell if she wasn't just saying it in the hopes of getting under the Eternal's skin.

Mortimer did have his female concubines though, and most likely extended his hedonism to animals as well, but he did have a preference for dick even if he wasn't 100% gay. (Just 75% I guess, lol.)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago


What's REALLY FAR SOUTH of all the other provinces?  I know there's trolls, giants, sparse clusters of wendigos, dragons, and so forth up North, but...?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
This was sort of discussed in the last Eternal Update thread. Had a whole discussion about the proximity of where most of the locations were.

Prior to expansion, the southern most province of the Empire is Nalin, then south of that is the Usksha desert.

South of the desert is just ocean. Nothing else.

As for what is in that desert, the Usksha nomads, their lizard steeds, sand worms, basilisks and probably a few other creatures of minor importance.

AFTER Empire expansion in the Struggle path there are a few more bits of the continent of Evigrus that have a further "southern reach." The furthest point south of any major importance would most likely be New Dessle, the mountain home of the gnomes. Further south than that is again just ocean. The nation of Nakol leans more towards having more land mass on the southern end rather than the northern end as well. (Certainly doesn't have anything approaching Rask latitude)

Now Nyttrus is east of Evigrus, but given its more tropical climate, it can probably be thought of being slightly south-east of Evigrus.

That's about it for the southern side of things.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Are there any set countries/large land masses in the world other than the mainland, the one with all the tribal panzies, and the svelk one?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
Nope, I would've mentioned them. I make some brief references to some minor islands on the way to Nyttrus, but no important major land masses.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Any sea monsters?
When the evil/dark/stupid god takes the form of a sea monster, I assume he was getting it from some sort of creature he mirrored.


So does that mean there can be krakans in the ocean.

-Please say yes-

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
Well of course there are sea monsters. Wouldn't be a proper fantasy setting without them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

New idea for a side story.

The story of Eternal being a pirate and punching krakens in the face.

Hunting whales.

Full Edward Kenway bullshit.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago
Funny you should suggest that because I did consider a "pirate" path at one point.

It was going to be in the 500 years into the future storyline and there would've been a choice where you didn't follow the Mols back to the Nalin Republic and instead would've been wandering a bit trying to figure out what to do with yourself.

One of those choices would've led to joining up with the pirates of the Delerg Islands. Ultimately it would've been a "dead end" path, but it would've been a little longer than average.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Would you have punched seamonsters to death at one point?


That would have been like...the best thing ever.

Just using some sort of magic to increase his strength, and then dive head first into a kraken.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Good news.

I have another actual question.

So how does schools of magic work?

I know you have to have the capacity to know magic, but what types of magic can people know/do.

Like Eternal, he knows things from like, ice storms to lightning. To fireballs and controlling air.

Is there an infinite possibility for magic, IE: Time magic, gravity, throwing the moon at someone?

Side question, couldn't the Eternal have stayed in the necromancer are and lived forever like the other guy, who you just awkwardly murder.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

As far as the Empire was concerned most of the magic taught was more direct in nature. Fireballs, ice bolts, creating living statues to crush people, etc. Anything that destroyed the enemy on a massive scale was given priority over something subtle like say a charm spell.

Not that there wasn't "mind control" forms of magic, but it just wasn't given a priority and only the more powerful wizards were using it. Directly messing with someone's mind took more concentration and energy than simply blowing them up with a fireball. This is true even for the Shadows who focused more on their personal invisibility and haste spells.

In fact the only major mention of an Empire wizard doing anything with "mind magic" is Galen, and he was mainly using it to charm young female apprentices.

So no "mass charm" or "mass haste" spells, etc. Conquest would've been a hell of a lot easier if such spells were possible though. No "time magic" either though Shaman Trog somehow managed to gain the minor ability of clairvoyance. One might chalk that up to a freak occurrence.

Of course there were a few other beings that were using mind magic to a better degree like the dryads. The Iznac Shamen were better at it too. The wendingo and the infernal lord Zelvix were using it, though in their case you might say it was more of their own demonic "force of will"  to possess a body rather than a spell to control someone. The Usksha Shamen apparently had the ability to possess a sand worm, it was more of a one way trip for them though.

Then there was also mind magic that was specifically used to dispel such demonic forces like the banishment spells and rituals. In Semra's case she was able to banish actual souls from existence with enough preparation.

The svelk and the necromancers of Mortos would've had the best spell casters. Though of course the necromancers started focusing on one particular branch of magic exclusively and the svelk lost most of their wizard types when their civilization collapsed. Semra was obviously ones that survived and it shows that she has a wider range of spells than most people. She's about the only person that uses illusion spells. She's also able to turn herself invisible which only the Shadows are seemingly able to do.

She probably does have the ability to use mind control type magic like charms, but doesn't really use it since its so much more fun for her to mess with someone's head on pure psychological torture alone.

As for staying in Mortos to remain immortal, this wouldn't have worked for the Eternal, it only worked for the "native necromancers." It was their blessing/curse that caused the event that effected their home so only they got the benefits/drawbacks. Everyone else just felt the life drain save for really long lived beings like the svelk (And it still wasn't a good idea from them to stick around) and creatures that were already cursed anyway like the ghouls who were also Mortos natives. (Who were just the inbred "living" descendants of the once normal population of the island anyway)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

How does the Eternal learn necromancy.

If what I remember it went like this.

"Eternal is in the necromancer world"

"Starts kicking ass"

"Five months later or something he magically knows necromancy"
Did he observe enough necromancers to know?

Couldn't he had farmed the near infinite ghouls for eternal youth?

Why was there no sex scene between him and the necromancer?

So many unanswered questions...heh

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Pretty sure I mention he was studying and generally fucking around with necromancy during the time when he was at Mortos. Capturing necromancers and taking the occasional magical tomes, etc. When in Rome…

I never mention he's particularly all that good at it though. He's good enough to for it to be somewhat useful, but he's never raising entire armies of the dead. Really if Nicodemus hadn't just said "fuck it" he would've destroyed the Eternal.

Ghouls are half dead abominations already, the Eternal wouldn't be getting too much life energy out them, and it was getting to the point where it was taking hundreds of normal humans just to stem back the aging process a few months. Trying to round up ghouls wouldn't have been very efficient or effective.

Because neither one of them is gay, and one could assume the Death God doesn't even think about sex anymore. Not to mention the draining death magic wouldn't exactly be ideal for sexual performance on the Eternal's part.

And besides all that, this isn't a fucking slashfic.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

So necromancy was just another /spell/ that you could probably teach another it.



And I'm not allowed to have nice things and sex scenes between worlds isn't allowed. Damnit.

Nicodemus was a huge bummer.

Hes like, semi passive aggressive depressed.

(Side note)
When Nicodemus died, did he go to happy land or hell?

-Asking questions 2013

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

He probably got soul oblivion which in his case would've been a happy ending for him.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

It's 2014, bub XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Endmaster should just open up a thread called ask me questions. Jihelu would love that.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Please open that.


Secretly if I ask enough questions, endmaster will love me


I like to imagine that one day, I will write a fan fiction about Eternal.



It will be glorious, it will be a what if situation of the Eternal going into space, developing intergalactic space travel, and getting a humanoid body in which the remains of his magic inhabit it, kind of like full metal alchemist but not at all.

He will punch space Krakens, fight to find the ends of the universe and beyond, and invent ice cream

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Wow I knew you like Eternal, but I didn't know you liked it that much.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

If I had the creativity/End masters blessing, I would totally make a fan fiction of it.

And heres why.

A: Has a huge country, plenty of areas for things to happen.

B: Doesn't even have to be about the Eternal, could be about the guy who had the demon in him, and about his life/many orgies. Hell. Could be about a Svelk.

C: Seriously, so much potential is there. The ending where you become an adventurer trainer, you go on a few quests. There are THOUSANDS of people who have probably done that, all nameless and not apparent. But a few have to bed.

D: How else will I make a generic character named Jihelu that lives in this world?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Here's a question that I haven't seen asked. Roughly how large are the nations/continents/world as a whole? I'm rather unclear on the mileage.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I've always though of it as it being unclear, considering they don't really get time to measure it.

Think of it as the side of the eastern continents.

Russia europe asia, imagine it a really big jagged circle instead of a particular shape.

Empire being in the middleish/east.

Everything else.

That what I think, makes it easier.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

I never make it clear mainly because along with being terrible with directions, I'm even worse at judging distances, but here's an estimated answer anyway.

Evigrus is easily the largest of the three contents considering the varied climates, how many locations are in and the fact that it supports more than a couple nations.

Using real world comparison, I suppose all the land mass that doesn't include the "Americas" and Australia. (Obviously not the same shape though)

Original Empire territory from largest to smallest:

Quala, Arat, Rask, Nalin, Delerg

Technically Delerg, Nalin and Rask are all much bigger, but the Empire doesn't have complete control over them (At least not unless you get involved) Taking that into consideration...

Rask is probably about the size of Quala if you count all the inhabitable mountains and icy wasteland.

Nalin's "untamed" eastern area probably increases Nalin to the size of Quala after the Empire expands.

Delerg is still the smallest even counting the inhabitable jungles and swamps. Probably a little smaller than Arat if you do count them

The Usksha desert is about as big as Quala, maybe even a little bigger.

Felkan Kingdom territory from largest to smallest:

Tral, Gan, Ibim

Tral and Gan are about the same size, together they're probably just a little smaller than Quala. Ibim would be smaller than both provinces since it's pushing into gnoll territory.

Gnoll territory might be a little smaller than Ibim. They're sort of crushed in between the Felkans and the Children of Tor

Fun bonus: Gnolls were "outcasts" from the Children of Tor.

The Plains of Tor is probably about the size of Quala and Arat put together. Technically the Torites also inhabit the western Nakol mountain range as well so they were about "Felkan Kingdom" size or even a little larger.

The Broki Kingdom was probably a little bigger than Arat.

The territory of the city states south of the Broki was a little smaller than Arat. Extend it further to the mountain where the displaced gnomes end up and you've got an entire area about as big as Arat.

The Nation of Nakol is about the size of the "original Empire" though it doesn't have the varied landscape (No major snowy areas, swampy areas, etc)

The two other continents, Nyttrus and Dokkrus are about the same size as each other and half the size of Evigrus.

If we're going for distance of the continents. Nyttrus was closer to Evirgus than Dokkrus was. Dokkrus was actually pretty far away.

Basically Evigrus to Nyttrus is a little longer than the "Atlantic" while Evigrus to Dokkrus was a little longer than the "Pacific" and of course in both cases a lot more treacherous due to the addition of the occasional large sea creature.

Finally, Mortos was probably about the size of the Felkan Kingdom.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

That's one big island for a bunch of undead dudes...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Okay so i have finished the Shadow Path and the Soldier Path. I want to know what choices i need to take in the beginning to start the new Eternal Path.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Just struggle when Mistress is beating the hell out of you.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

11 years ago

Theres only three choices man...why you no experiment?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Eh, got any fitting music for Eternal?  Specifically the epilogues?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I guess something appropriately "fantasyesque?"

I'd probably have just instrumental though, no lyrics or anything.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
how about this...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Yeah something like that would work. It's a good example.

Not sure which epilogue, scene, etc it would go to though, could work for a lot of them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Children of Tor war scene.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

You'll have to listen through, but Marika Takeuchi's "Night Dreams" seems to fit the epilogue with spending afterlife with whatsherface.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Scratch that, it's good for Eternal Couple.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Brian Cain's "Wind" fits for the ending when you let go of life while inside the machine body.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Well I guess Swift has appointed himself head of the Eternal Soundtrack.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Can I be in charge of the fan club?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Like there was any other choice?

Even if there wasn't a fan club, you'd probably just create one anyway.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

It's implied I'm the only member in it, and president.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

You are not alone.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

It's only two endings >.>

But then again, "Earth" by the same artist DOES sound a hell of a lot more fitting for Mr. Tin-Can-Man's suicide...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

No, nope, Alison Moyet's "Only You".

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Okay I guess Drak and Swift can duel to the death for the title instead.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

But Drak is still scheduled to die from me for our duel! If you kill him now I won't be able to make him bleed slowly once you raise him.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

You guys sort it out then and just let me know when you've all killed each other.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Drak can have it, but I WILL be part of the pseudo-soundtrack team one way or another.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

EndMaster is it possible to write some sort of complete list to what happens to all the characters if the protagonist takes a different path? For example in the Empire Path you saved Decena. But what happened to her in the Shadow Path? Was she used as a suicide bomber against Roland or was she brought with the Shadows? And since tube babies are very rapey, was she raped? I hope not lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Also, write me an ending where the Eternal fights a kraken.

If your in the ball park of course.


Brb fantasizing over that.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Such a question would imply I accounted for every characters in every scenario whether they became important or not. Granted I did take some of them into consideration, I didn't do it for every character or even in every instance.

So unless you have a question about a specific character, I can't be sure which one you wanted to know about.

However I'll try to answer the one about Decena and a few others…

For Decena in the non Struggle paths her fate was less "spectacular."

In any of the 3rd chapters of the warrior branches she would've joined Edgar's Dominion. From there she was probably just a normal "rank and file" 2nd gen eternal. She still might've been a little bit above average, perhaps even an officer, but nobody of any real note.

She probably died in some battle somewhere. (Perhaps even fighting against your own forces in certain branches)

For the shadow path she may have very well been one of the tank babies that didn't survive training when they were first released by the shadows. I sort of like the idea that she was one of the suicide bombers that killed Roldan though.

In all cases where you don't intervene...

Casimir returned to Mortos by himself in the last chance run for immortality and promptly got the shit kicked out of him by Nicodemus.

Jacob always gets killed in the ensuing chaos of the Empire's fall.

Semra ends up leaving for the nation of Nakol after the Empire falls. From there she probably has less luck in bringing down Zelvix/Mortimer effectively and probably ends up heading back to Dokkrus.

Marik always leaves after the Empire falls as well. Presumably back to his own people though given his highly unstable nature he probably doesn't live very long before someone kills him. (or he kills himself purposely or on accident.)

Dendrin never sticks around after the demise of the Shadows and heads off to a different plane/world/wherever.

Eldolith always remains a mercenary.

Klemto lives out a peaceful life in the Felkan Kingdom. Zana just grows up to be a regular Felkan royal princess.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply. You must really hang out here a lot huh ? lol

What i really want to see is a wikipedia-like article that lists ALL the characters. From the lowest mook to the strongest characters and what happened to them in ALL the paths. Like a detailed description of what happens to Edgar in the Empire Path,  in the Shadow Path and the last Path. Repeat that for all the characters ever mentioned in the story. Even the wendigos. Give all of them names and other facts.

I know it's going to be a major pain but you can consider this as an icing to the story.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

What about the dark elf you adopt as Bane?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Lol, I'm not doing all that! Even I didn't bother listing ALL of the characters, and I'm in no mood to hunt through the entire story and do it.

Some of them are mentioned anyway within the story. Like Gerald always kills Captain Pollo and get executed and Edgar always gets killed by a kobold trap if you aren't around. Just like Talia always dies during the derro invasion of shadow headquarters if you aren't around.

You want a few more? Here, I'll give a few more quick alternate timeline histories of some of the other characters off the top of my head…

Anyone in the "futuristic" branch. I'm going to say they "don't exist" in the others right now for obvious reasons. The Cataclysm only happened in that "timeline."

Ulivik and Tulla never "exist" either due to events unfolding differently in other timelines as well.

Though in Ulivik's case you MIGHT say he still got born and abandoned in Rask and picked up by the same family in other timelines. But his fate would've been a lot worse without you around since he probably tries to become a merc and gets himself killed without you to train him. And that's the best case scenario. (In most cases he either wouldn't have been born at all or he's abandoned and dies in the wilderness)

Tulla is right out. She was only born through Lena and Henry and Lena would've NEVER met Henry had you not saved her from the second gen eternals attacking her. Assuming that still occurs in other timelines, Lena just gets killed and Tulla isn't born. Assuming that she doesn't get attacked (more likely in the "Successor Timeline") Lena would've remained with her original boyfriend and again Tulla wouldn't have been born.

Any and all Shadow hierarchy are dead in all timelines save for any that you're directly affecting positively.

Flog is pretty much mentioned in most timelines as well. In fact he might be one of the few characters that is referenced in almost all of them. He's either a simple merc, a war chief or he's directly working for you.

Gruz dies in battle in the Empire path (i think I reference it briefly during the Felkan War), though he's found out and executed as a traitor in the Shadow path.

Any and all Empire characters like generals (Ackerson) or mages (Galen) can safely be assumed to be killed or brought under heel by Edgar's Dominion in that timeline. I believe I outright mention some of them in the Shadow one and the Struggle timeline they're directly working for you.

By the same token any and all Felkan Kingdom military characters probably went on with their usual routines. Though Captain Eckers, might've gotten killed during the initial Gnoll invasion that later happens to the Felkan Kingdom.

Some people like Tarna (Brenda's second in certain timelines) just never achieve any sort of importance and one can only guess their lives were fairly mundane if certain events don't occur.

It's very briefly mentioned during the warrior path when you join the Felkan Kingdom, but in a discussion with Warrick, he mentions that Alison got killed during the Felkan-Empire war. So it can safely be assumed that this is also her fate in the Shadow path as well (The war was still going on in that timeline too)

Specifics on races? Let's see…

The Wendigos get referenced in several timelines. They only get completely wiped out in the one where you take the throne as Emperor though. Other than that they're usually still confined to their magic barrier or running free throughout Rask.

There isn't much major change in the races in most timelines, and really the only time a major change in the races would occur and it might not have been mentioned is during the Cataclsym timeline.

In that one the Children of Tor are probably fighting a losing battle with the Xi and the Derro have probably already been exterminated by the Xi. (And I believe I mentioned that gnolls were already extinct as well) Though the Iznac are probably still living more or less the same in this timeline.

That's all I can think of right now. Any other specifics for "What If", you're free to hunt down yourself and post them here and I'll try to create some sort of little answer.

And I thought Jiehlu had some insane requests...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Thanks. I had my fingers crossed but oh well. I know it's a major pain in the ass. I really like the "What if" scenarios though because it's kindda melancholic. The protagonist declares his love for one girl and because of that his other "true loves" in other paths end up dead, mutilated, torn to shreds or never born at all. Was Jennifer even born in other paths if Cataclysm never happened?

My favorite path is the Shadow Path. I'm just a little disappointed they were too "squishy". Dendrin should have given them more powers like Bend Time, Summon Rats, Possession and other cool powers and not just haste, increased agility, spider walk. They would have been unstoppable.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I actually wasn't mad about the request, it was more like "What?! Do these people just think up new stuff for me to add to the story?!" followed by me chuckling a bit.

To be honest at least you didn't ask for slash fic. Lol.

(No Jihelu, don't ask.)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Personally, I don't think the game has nearly enough kitty porn. Add some! cheeky

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

-Raises finger- HOW ABOUT A-...damnit.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

The only possible slash-fic in Eternal I could see happening would be between Edgar and the Eternal in the normal soldier path.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Sadly that would probably be one of least disturbing combos.

If the internet has taught us anything, people will take ANY character from ANY setting and write porn about them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

lol Or maybe the Eternal and the one eternal who gets semi-possesed by the wendigo?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Honestly I'm surprised Jiehlu didn't suggest the Casimir/Eternal combo, though he already leap frogged that cringe worthy idea for the even worse Eternal/Death God one.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Casmir can eat a dick.

Death god is sexy.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Look up Argonians on Rule #34 if anyone thinks he's exaggerating...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago





Jihelu is going to kill me....

I haven't read Eternal yet...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Get the fuck out

I won't kill you, I just wont respect you. <3

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

For some odd reason...

I've always imagined Brenda to be a dark-skinned, black-haired woman, with an appearance akin to that of a person with Spaniard descent.  Failing that, an African woman with short red hair that curls more than carpet.  

And that Caine would be a bombshell of a dude, but since he's got that killer tendency...

And that the protagonist would ALWAYS develop neck-length or lower hair with corresponding styles to an epilogue.  (I.E. a greying ponytail in Bane of Rask, no combing or grooming in Warrior, a fucking flowing mane of majestic beauty in Couple, etc.)

Please tell me I'm wrong.

Unless you really want me to make a chart for hairstyles and notable features on the Eternal for each and every epilogue.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Well this is a surprise, but here's some answers just short of making Eternal paper dollies.

There is a very brief description of all of the loyal Eternals in one of the background links in the Soldier path. I never wanted to go into too much physical detail with any of them since the reader could imagine what they all looked like.

However there are a few details somewhat "set in stone"

Brenda is hinted at to being attractive enough for her physical appearance to give the other Eternals something to talk about, but then it could be due to her being the only female on the team and their isolation from normal people in the beginning. It is mentioned that she has green eyes and is the shortest of the Eternals, but that's about it. Personally I saw her with white skin and brown hair, but the swarthy Spaniard look could work. Never saw her as black though.

Warrick on the other hand is the "black guy." I clearly describe him with having brown skin and very curly hair. He usually goes bald and tends to lose an eye at some point in a lot of timelines.

Kane was NOT the "bombshell" dude. Lol. He's probably the most nondescript looking of the bunch until he's stationed in Rask then he loses his damn mind and probably has a much wilder appearance if the Wendigo has taken him over. Even if he just joins up with Cyrus, he's still probably got unkept hair (and facial hair). Probably had black or brown hair.

Gerald is the "bombshell" dude. He's described as being the tallest, blonde and has fair skin. Captain Pollo found him to be attractive enough looking that he wanted to have sex with him so he's got a little bit of a "pretty boy" appearance.

Roldan isn't given much physical description either, but I sort of imagine him having more of a traditional clean cut square jaw "traditional leader" looking appearance. Probably black hair and eventually neatly trimmed facial hair.

Edgar is described as having red hair and being the second shortest on the team. He's probably homelier than the rest thus completing his "napoleon complex ugly red headed stepchild" appearance. Lol.

The Shadow Eternals are never given too much physical description. Always saw Talia as having black hair (can't remember if I mention that she does at one point) and a pale complexion though. Might have sharp facial features too.

Cyrus probably ranked up there with Gerald with having a "pretty boy" appearance though he'd be shorter, have darker hair and have "grimmer" look.

As for the Eternal himself, his appearance would definitely change depending on how events play out. If he's a merc or living as the last shadow then he's definitely got a rougher and less groomed appearance. If he's Emperor, then he's a little better at taking care of such things.

He probably would have hair on the longer side in most timelines though. In most cases he's sporting a lot more battle scars in general as he gets older. Even more so in the soldier timelines since he's only relying on pure battle skill in those and still insists on getting into the thick of battles.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I always imagine Kane as a hulking, bear man (not just the hair, muscles as well, haha)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

That suits him to.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

There are 5 in Soldier

Eternal Savior
Eternal Bane (The best one in this route. No ruling, just living the life that suits the protagonist. He is actually more than likeable here)
Eternal Warrior (Worst one. I just found the idea of joining the Felkland silly, still a good read nonetheless, especially when serving at that ford against hyenas)
Eternal Patriot
Eternal Couple

There are 3 in Shadow

Eternal Messiah
Eternal Terror
Eternal Survivor

There are 5 in True Eternal

Eternal Destroyer
Eternal Hero
Eternal Paragon (?)
Eternal Emperor (My first ending, best one so far)
Eternal Harbinger (?)

Now, I either got Eternal Paragon or Eternal Harbigner whatever you get for not going the Eternal Emperor route.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Another unexpected post...

Anyway, if you spawned an unholy race of genetically magical super beings, you got Paragon.

If you encountered the Death God and... "survived" then you got Harbinger.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Yeah, I just figured out it was Paragon but got the "can only edit if no one has replied error"

I like how survived is in brackets, it must be interesting. Oh well it sucks they'd have to fight since they have so much in common (being loner deuche bags who think killing people is the best thing ever and only have a thing for warrior chicks) 

As for "losing" scenes, the best one so far was the battle between you and the other mercs cause you were taking their work away. What a way to go for Mr.Bane (lol)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Trust me, It's not fight.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

The Necromancer is a Death-God who roams the multiverse(i think) and I got the impression he never directly enjoyed killing people unless he went down the demon path. In which case he would be the Death-God in the first place. He ends up with either a succubus, nobody, or another Necromancer who's not exactly a 'warrior chick'.

The Eternal is a super-soldier bred for battle and is psychologically screwed up to bias torwards war, battle, and 'warrior chicks' anyway.                                                     *Severity of psychological damage varies on paths chosen*

I don't see the similarities

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

They both killed a lot of people, directly and indirectly and I guess you could say they both followed their "nature" but that's the only major similarities.

Oddly the Necromancer was probably a "nicer" person than the Eternal since he had at least one good parent growing up and it's briefly mentioned before his first steps towards darkness that he isn't completely isolated and makes the attempt to socialize at times. (In fact it probably could be said he didn't start becoming excessively detached from society until after his first girlfriend died)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Makes sense.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Your opinions are your own Drakoblare. lol 

I found Eternal Warrior as a great ending for my Eternal. Though if I had known I would have recommended playing all all the Soldier and Shadow paths before touching True Eternal. :) Lot's of small things click into place for some paths that you learn about in others.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Well I just finished my first playthrough (except the fucking site timed out when I clicked on the Epilogue link so I have to start all the way over from the fucking beginning fuuuuuuu-) and all I've got to say is bravo. There seemed to be a lot more grammar mistakes and names getting mixed up in this branch and I couldn't help but notice it and that detracted from the story a little bit, but things like that are to be expected with a story of this magnitude. Just exploring what I have so far I can easily say this is my favorite branch and I loved how it was able to answer most of my questions from the soldier and shadow paths.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

-ppst- Hey Playa, did you know about this amazing and awesome feature called the 'save' button? It, like, saves your spot in a storygame and all that jazz. You can get it for free with every storygame too.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Maybe he was playing it Ironman Mode.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Obviously haha. I don't save every game I play though, usually I just read it all in one sitting and the save feature slips my mind completely.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

If you were to rank all your stories from best to worst, which ones would be your favorite, and which one would be your least favorite? And I know you said you were going to retire from making stories, but would you ever think of writing a new one in the future?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Well Eternal is the kind of story that was always my ultimate goal to write, so I guess it's my favorite, but I like aspects of most of my stories really.

I suppose my least favorite would be Legend though.

Already working on another story on and off.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

What type of food do the main regions in the game usually eat?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Lol. I never really gave it much thought since it wasn't excessively important to the story.

What the hell, I've got time to make up an answer…

One could probably surmise that in the Empire it was a standard "medieval diet" for the average human peasant. The richer you were the better you ate obviously. Given that the Empire was a fairly militaristic society, the soldiers probably ate better than most and they probably supplemented whatever food they did receive with hunting or pillaging enemy food supplies when possible.

Race plays a factor too. So if you were an elven slave you probably didn't eat well (Delicate digestive systems and lowly status is a bad combo). If you were an orc soldier you probably ate pretty good since 1. You were most likely a soldier. 2. You were an orc and could probably digest most things most wouldn't want to think about eating in the first place. (Rotten potatoes! Yum!)

The Dark Elves, unlike their lesser cousins, were a bit hardier to as what they could eat, but they probably hated most of what that was just for the fact that it wasn't "dark elven food." The native cuisine of their home continent Dokkrus was definitely preferred and it probably consisted of food of a more bitter flavor. Why? Because I'm making all this up on the fly and that's what I'm imagining that's what they'd enjoy. (Though Semra being a deviant even among her own people probably had acquired a taste for "monkey" food even if she'd never admit it)

As for the Derro, well they weren't called rock eaters for nothing, though that wasn't all they ate obviously. They most likely preferred most subterranean wildlife and even insects. Probably a lot of their food tasted like dirt. Lol.

Most of the best farmland in the Empire would've been located in Quala, and parts of Nalan and parts of Arat. Someone living in Rask or Delerg would've relied more on hunting than farming (or just buying their food)

The Felkan Kingdom probably wasn't much different in terms of "average food" and had plenty of farmland but since they weren't as repressive as the Empire, all citizens probably ate a little more equally. Of course the gnomes and royalty probably still had access to the best or "luxury" food.

The Nation of Nakol would've been much the same with a lot of the better food going to those of higher status and more money.

For less civilized areas like the Jungle continent of Nyttrus or even the vast wilderness of Tor, it was strictly a hunter/gatherer type thing. The inhabitants probably preyed not only on the various wildlife, but occasional on each other for sustenance.

And of course they didn't eat a lot on the Island of Mortos. The ghouls mostly ate their dead, but most of the time they weren't that picky. Whenever a fresh warm body like you showed up, well it was big event for them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

What would the necromancers eat? Or did they just not need food?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Yeah I don't see them needing food by that point. Magical energy sustaining them and all.

Really the ghouls probably didn't need to eat to survive either, they just ate because well that's what they did. Sort of like the wendigos in that regard.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Did the Eternals get a balanced diet while in training?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

What sort of dishes would the Dark Elves prepare?

Do they catch certain bitter fish? Is there a certain type of eel that dark elves eat? For some reason, I've always imagined Dark Elves were the eel-eating type...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I always thought that they'd be eating Elf babies

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

That's racist.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

No it's not.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Lol. I'm waiting for the next line of questioning to be about the indoor plumbing and architecture.

Okay the first Eternals probably would've received a standard balanced diet, though given Semra's harsh training this probably was subject to change due to punishment factors. However thanks to them being a fantasy equivalent of genetic super soldiers they could survive longer without needing to eat and drink as much.

After Semra's training though, Gruz, Master Ebon, or the Emperor for the remainder of your training would've seen to it that you always received adequate food.

The tank baby Eternals (2nd gen and on) initially got all their nutrients during their stay in the tanks. Of course after they were released they ate like any other soldier. And again they could survive on less food and water.

Yeah the dark elves ate a species of eel back in Dokkrus. Sure, let's go with that.

Anyway as for what other dishes they would've prepared, if they were mercs on Evigrus, they most likely did a lot of hunting or fishing and cooked with a mixture of herbs and plants that made the meat taste more like something from home. Certain strong alcohol beverages probably helped as well.

Since sometimes bitter stuff is associated with being toxic or poisonous, they most likely ate stuff back home that if a human tried to eat it, they'd get sick in the process. (Like those eels that sentinel mentioned)

Probably primarily drank something like coffee back home. Straight black of course, none of this sweet whip cream stuff.

And they didn't eat elf babies, they just chucked them against a target on a wall for sport. They were a civilized society, they weren't savages.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

About how long after the eternal's life began did it take for the empire to get indoor plumbing?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

If you played the game right, the Eternal should probably live to see that day...

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I got the Eternal Harbinger ending, and I don't think I saw anything about the empire building indoor plumbing systems. Though I suppose I should have played the other endings before I commented.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Who was the Babe Ruth of the baby-throwing sport?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Would the Dark Elves have preferred Wormwood to all those alcoholic beverages the commoners had then? Y'know, because they have those sissy elf livers? They could have had bitter grogs, but that's more of an Orc thing, isn't it?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

wrong reply

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

If you were in the Eternal universe, which ending would you get?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Death, probably.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago


Indoor plumbing was already a "thing" by the time the Eternal was born, but it just wasn't accessible to most.

For instance, the Emperor's palace definitely had indoor plumbing, but the average peasant was probably using an outhouse at best or just squatting out in the fields at worst.

Now the Felkan Kingdom probably had more widespread indoor plumbing thanks to the gnomes. (And even then it probably wasn't everywhere in the kingdom)

So when did the Empire have widespread indoor plumbing? Well depends on the timeline. If we go with the Empire never falling, I'd probably say after the conquest of the last gnome hold out of New Dessle would very slowly start to result in more indoor plumbing for all.

If you're wondering about other societies, the dark elves definitely had it, as well as the derro.


T'cobb D'vessa great-great grandfather of Semra D'vessa. Once scored 42 baby eyes in a row. Had a habit of sharpening his shoe spikes and then brutally kicking his opponents in the shins for fun.

Died under "mysterious" circumstances.


Sure, what you said Sentinel. Orcs though despite them being able to ingest a lot of things actually had a sweet tooth because it's funny to me to think that they did.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Can we have a rule and playbook on baby-throwing?

What is baby-throwing called in the Dark Elf Language?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago


Official Rules to Sma'tting Ka'sta.

1. Place an appropriate sized target on a recognized baby throwing wall.

2. Grab mewling elf baby. (Other types of babies may be used for non official games)

3. Throw elf baby.

4. Calculate score. Throw again if a baby's eye is scored. If not, pass babies to the next player.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until no babies are left.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

How old were the babies?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Less than a year old.

However in the early years, some leagues threw elven children up to 2 years old, but by the time they got to that age sometimes one throw against a wall didn't quite kill them immediately which caused protests that a hit didn't count if the child wasn't killed in the process.

A new sport called toddler tossing was briefly popular for awhile, but it just never caught on like baby throwing.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

They should put nails on the wall so they stick. It'll help the refs calculate the score mor accurately.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

.... this whole conversation is......i don't even know......

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

This is how Eternals annex the world around them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Yeah.....kinda twisted

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Less than a year old isn't that specific. I guess that Svelk kids, being weaker, would throw younger babies till they reached adscolence but that is just a guess.

Speaking of which, Endmaster, was there a junior tournament where kids/teenagers threw Elf babies?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Did the manner of the throw matter? Could you sling it by the legs or was it a full over arm toss?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I like to think that it was a hammer throw (google image dat shit)

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Drako: They probably threw non-elven babies, I mean there are only so many elven babies to go around so those would've been kept for the important games.

Fear: It was more "Shot Put" rather than "Hammer throw" so full over hand was used more, although some players were know to use more of a "Discus" technique.

Really, that's all I know about baby throwing.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Thanks for the info lol.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Ive replayed the storyline Where you and brendget married and I got a question. How come in every other path nalin is destroyed 300 years later unless you get frozen for 500 years

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I'd assume because without an extra Eternal to use, the Empire would have to slow down its efforts.  Shit could've stacked up before 200 years passed, when the Eternal comes back to finish the job.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

That's just the way the timeline worked out.

One could say, due to the Cataclysm occurring in the "500 years later" storyline the population in Nalin was under a little more incentive to hold together for survival because it was so bad everywhere else. Also in time as things stabilized a bit, it became a less oppressive government system and people were generally prosperous and happy. And while this might seem like it would've caused complacency, they were still relatively well defended since there were always groups of people romanticizing the days of the "old Empire" when things were "safer" and wanted it to come back in some form.

In the other timeline, the Nalin/Naleen territory was already split in half. Half of it got partially wiped out by a plague, was poorer and was generally unhappy. When it was abandoned, the kobolds practically took it over soon after the Eternal and Brenda abandoned it.

Naleen survived of course for quite awhile longer, but as I think was mentioned the kobolds and the Usksha nomads had grown in power and left unchecked in the following centuries and trashed the place most likely due to a series of incompetent or weak rulers.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

The following is/was a Comment on Eternal, which I decided to Delete - as I feel it is more appropriate here than as an uber-long comment.


Eternal Walkthrough
(plus means divergent storyline path)(minus mean choosing any other option lead to a dead end of bad ends)


resist the urge
go for his legs
go with gruz plan
let it pass
help jacob-
catch him in the act of one of his attacks
take the long way around
Pull your dagger and stab it in the arm
report to the emperor
accept svelk transfer-
use the svelk as scouts-
return immediately
proceed as normal
go directly to the emperor
Continue your relationship-
secure the palace
chase the asssasin
continue your duty
the reveal..
Cast a flame blast
Trust in your current defenses
Enter the portal
Let Warrick command the airship
Attack with the Storm
Use the Storm
Deal with Ackerson
Crawl away from the immediate area
Just focus on the city-states
Continue to negotiate
Slowly talk your way out
Call Decena back
Join with Semra-
Help Semra +
Take Warrick with you
Focus a full attack on the dragon
Board the Storm III
Drain the living
Press forward
Run over to the ritual book
Beg(Epilogue 13: Eternal Harbinger)


resist the urge
go for his legs
go with gruz plan
let it pass
help jacob-
catch him in the act of one of his attacks
take the long way around
Pull your dagger and stab it in the arm
report to the emperor
accept svelk transfer-
use the svelk as scouts-
return immediately
proceed as normal
go directly to the emperor
Continue your relationship-
secure the palace
chase the asssasin
continue your duty
the reveal..
Cast a flame blast
Trust in your current defenses
Enter the portal
Let Warrick command the airship
Attack with the Storm
Use the Storm
Deal with Ackerson
Crawl away from the immediate area
Just focus on the city-states
Continue to negotiate
Slowly talk your way out
Call Decena back
Join with Semra-
Help Decena+
Go to her now
Keep the barrier up
Have a second inspection done(Epilogue 12: Eternal Emperor)


resist the urge
go for his legs
go with gruz plan
let it pass
help jacob-
catch him in the act of one of his attacks
take the long way around
Pull your dagger and stab it in the arm
report to the emperor
accept svelk transfer-
use the svelk as scouts-
return immediately
proceed as normal
go directly to the emperor
Continue your relationship-
secure the palace
chase the asssasin
continue your duty
the reveal..
Cast a flame blast
Trust in your current defenses
Enter the portal
Let Warrick command the airship
Attack with the Storm
Use the Storm
Deal with Ackerson
Crawl away from the immediate area
Just focus on the city-states
Continue to negotiate
Slowly talk your way out
Call Decena back
Join with Semra-
Help Decena+
Go to her now
Keep the barrier up
Believe Decena(Epilogue 11: Eternal Paragon)


resist the urge
go for his legs
go with gruz plan
let it pass
help jacob-
catch him in the act of one of his attacks
take the long way around
Pull your dagger and stab it in the arm
report to the emperor
accept svelk transfer-
use the svelk as scouts-
return immediately
proceed as normal
go directly to the emperor
Continue your relationship-
secure the palace
chase the asssasin
continue your duty
the reveal..
keep focused
help semra
go to the nalin republic
get on one of the horses
Focus on the land military
go to jennifer
make the deal
follow the maps
return to the republic
Make Regnik a vassal and retake Rask-
Lead from the front
create a lightning storm
Put up your own shield
Divert your forces towards Telis-
Capture the city
Refocus the shield to repel the bullets back
let jennifer stay(Epilogue 10: Eternal Hero)
turn her away(Epilogue 9: Eternal Destroyer)


Run into the portal
Swear to serve the god to survive
Remain silent
Keep quit-
Stop the assassination
Go back to Gloom yourself-
Search for Talia
Tell the truth about Dendrin+
Lure him out
Send Gannon back
Travel to Delerg
Run to the sanctuary
Continue to live here-
Launch your attack now
Take care of the eternals first
Persuade against her idea-
Confront Lena
Allow Tulla to be a shadow-
Tell the truth(Epilogue 8: Eternal Survivor)

Run into the portal
Swear to serve the god to survive
Remain silent
Keep quit-
Stop the assassination
Go back to Gloom yourself-
Search for Talia
Don't address it+
Have Talia go with you
Unlock the boxes
Attempt to convert them
Allow Cyrus to live
Make the journey to Delerg-
Travel off road
Pray to Dendrin
Go with Theo’s plan+
Question him further
Go back to the temple and focus on rebuilding
Perform the initiation ritual
Train a successor(Epilogue 7: Eternal Messiah)

Run into the portal
Swear to serve the god to survive
Remain silent
Keep quit-
Stop the assassination
Go back to Gloom yourself-
Search for Talia
Don't address it+
Have Talia go with you
Unlock the boxes
Attempt to convert them
Allow Cyrus to live
Make the journey to Delerg-
Travel off road
Pray to Dendrin
Stick with your own plan+
Decline the contract
Cast the spell
Propose to help Flog against the siege
Decline her request
Perform the ritual and keep up the lie(Epilogue 6: Eternal Terror)
Leave him behind-
Face the raiders
Leave it alone
Attack the Wendigo tribe-
Decline his offer
Fine Kane and Cyrus-
Trust the Shadow Guard
Help carry the captain
Hide behind a tree
Rule your own territory+
Send them to the northern borders-
Have them killed
Meet Edgar at the fort+
Don't join Edgar
Stay neutral-
Kill everyone in the quarantine
Tell the whole story (Epilogue 5: Eternal Couple)


Leave him behind-
Face the raiders
Leave it alone
Attack the Wendigo tribe-
Decline his offer
Fine Kane and Cyrus-
Trust the Shadow Guard
Help carry the captain
Hide behind a tree
Rule your own territory+
Send them to the northern borders-
Have them killed
Let the soldiers escort Edgar to the capital+
Retire your sword
Continue to live (Epilogue 4: Eternal Patriot)


Leave him behind-
Face the raiders
Leave it alone
Attack the Wendigo tribe-
Decline his offer
Fine Kane and Cyrus-
Trust the Shadow Guard
Help carry the captain
Hide behind a tree
Serve another government+
Report to the captain
Stay behind and secure the fort
Continue to stay-
Disobey orders
Continue as general(Epilogue 3: Eternal Warrior)

Leave him behind-
Face the raiders
Leave it alone
Attack the Wendigo tribe-
Decline his offer
Fine Kane and Cyrus-
Trust the Shadow Guard
Help carry the captain
Hide behind a tree
Become a mercenary+
Take Ulivik with you-
Take on the easy job
Say No+
Help Ulivik
Fight your way back home
Take a trip to the Eternal Dominion
Tell the truth and decline(Epilogue 2: Eternal Bane)

Leave him behind-
Face the raiders
Leave it alone
Attack the Wendigo tribe-
Decline his offer
Fine Kane and Cyrus-
Trust the Shadow Guard
Help carry the captain
Hide behind a tree
Become a mercenary+
Take Ulivik with you-
Take on the easy job
Lie and say yes+
Exile(Epilogue 1: Eternal Savior)

-- Nuecza on 8/19/2014 12:17:42 AM with a score of 0

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Wow, they were actually patient enough to do a walkthrough of every epilogue.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Wow, that's pretty awesome.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

This person needs a medal. lol

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

End master should give him his medal.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Well if this person actually makes a few decent stories I'd consider such a thing, but I doubt if the person is a writer type and is just a reader.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I don't see the ending with Afterlife, do I?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

You get there the same way you get the 13th epilogue. You just take "Die" instead of "Beg."

Or "Struggle" if you enjoy really bad endings.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

EndMaster - do you have a favorite path/epilogue?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Oddly I sort of prefer the non-marked "Eternal Bliss" ending over the rest of them.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Didn't think you were so much into the "I'm hopeful for a happy, non-canon-but-everyone-preferred-it-to-be" ending.  If anything, I thought you were into the ending where you're a brain in a jar.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

As I might've mentioned before, I originally was going to have the "Eternal Bliss" and "Eternal Torment" as marked epilogs, but I sort of thought that was a cheap way to go about it for such an epic path (The last choice leads to 3 different endings) plus in those two you're dead and leave no legacy which went against what I going for.

So I came up with a branching path leading to the "Eternal Paragon" ending where you actually manage to produce children which I was sort of playing around with that concept anyway.

Needed another ending though and the "Brain in a jar" ending (Eternal Emperor) was sort of made up on the fly. I mean I still like it, but if anything it's the silliest ending to me.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Honestly I never liked Harbringer. Bliss and torment were very good though. Felt cheap that the ending was you giving up on your founding principle and becoming a mindless death-demigod.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
Could be argued that his principles were just love of battle, which is exactly what that ending was about.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

The eternal Harbringer choice was the same as the first choice that defined who you were. Die, struggle, submit (or something like that). Submitting was not something your character ever did. That's how he managed to draw the Gods' attention 


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
The first time, with Semra, by choosing to struggle he chose to fight. At the end of his life, with the Death God, by choosing to beg he chose to fight. Eternal Harbringer is an epilogue that shows that, above all else, the Eternal loved fighting. He was prideful and didn't want to submit to anyone unless he had to, but ultimately he bowed to the Death God so he could continue in the ways of war which he so loved. For him, the sacrifice of his freedom and pride were worth it.

I think one of the best parts out of Eternal (and there are so many good parts) is when you realise that the Death God is giving you the same choice that Semra gave you at the beginning. It just gave me such an indescribably amazing sense of awe as I was reading it.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
I liked that ending too but it was tinged with a little sadness because they both forgot everything they'd ever known.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
...Except each other...and how to decapitate kobolds.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
Haha, I guess. But they even forgot everything they'd known about each other. Whether they lost their fighting skills I'm not sure.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

They occasionally decapitated gnolls, not kobolds.

So no they didn't lose their fighting skills or rather their fighting skills were more than adequate for their afterlife.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago
Sorry, I could've sworn it was kobolds she said kept coming by to harass her. But, hey, they still love each other, I guess.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

So, just replayed the game again recently. One question that I thought about when I read the Future path is what happened to Mortimer and the demon in that timeline?


Does he continue to fool the demon? Did he even make a deal with it? Did Samera deal with it somehow when we were stuck in limbo? (did she even know about it in that time line) 


There is not mentioned any invasion by demon so perhaps he spoke truthfully about just wanting to return hom? 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Semra leaves the Empire a little sooner when you're not around to follow her own agenda which presumably is dealing with Mortimer. Just takes her a little longer without you around to help.

As for the future timeline, this could assumed to have happened in the future timeline at some point as well, although the land in general got pretty fucked up due to the cataclysm. It's possible Semra wasn't able to get over there, and Morty was able to continue his life as usual, (He only started rapidly deteriorating when he had to expend energy conducting a war with you) though the Xi Hive might still be a problem, but the beast people of the plains probably buffered most of that potential threat.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Can't wait to check it out. Need to finish reading the Innkeeper story first though. (I'm about 1/3 through with it yet and enjoying it very much, hope there's a way to turn the barmaids into prostitutes, especially the youngest one)

A few years away from this place and when I come back, nice stuff awaits me. Thank you EndMaster!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

"hope there's a way to turn the barmaids into prostitutes, especially the youngest one"

Damn. It's optimistic comments like these that sometimes make me feel like I'm not living up to some sort of reputation when I don't add in stuff like that. (Actually I think I planned something like that in an earlier outline, but I ended up shortening Innkeeper for contest constraints)

Don't worry, I'm doubling down on the offensive content in the new story, I swear.


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

I'm glad you cut that out. XD

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

I'm also glad you cut that out.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

I'm not glad.  I like  the storygames I read to be like the freezers I own; full of whores.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

10 years ago

Loved your story, I've reach all the endings, just beautiful. Thank you.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

You could probably get money off this seriously...or at least make some actual books I bet you you could get them published!

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Necro much?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Went on a nostalgia trip, and I figured this might fit a little bit with the Eternal Emperor ending.  Well, at least for the first few concubines you go through, I'd think.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

I still think any "soundtrack" would probably be better served with just instrumentals and no singing at all. 

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

On second thought, would the song I mentioned go for Death Song / Necromancer?

Figures, since lyrics are railroad people a lot.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Yeah, Death Song and Necromancer would just have instrumentals as well. I imagine all three stories would have those "fantasy setting" soundtracks.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

The Conan the Barbarian Soundtrack had some nifty music for that.

Also liked Carmina Burana Oh Fortuna (though words, obviously).

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Did a quick scan and didn't see this posted, so....

Is there any way for the Eternal and Semra to get a good ending? Like, they actually love/care about each other and the relationship isn't abusive? Throughout the hours I've spent reading this I've always liked to see this concept. The closest I've seen is the "Rule" path where the Eternal admits his true love for Semra. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not into Fifty Shades of Gray abuse and dominance stuff. I guess I would've liked the idea that they got better and I'm just curious if it's possible.

Furthermore, please don't take this as me complaining, or that you could've done a better job, because I'm not and I don't know where to begin on how amazing of an experience Eternal truly is. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't an option because Semra was never an Alison... and I mean they hated and didn't trust each other. Some things aren't meant to be.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

He doesn't really admit it so much as he just says it to comfort her since it looked like they were both going to die during and after the Emperor battle Though I guess you could argue that's still some sort of affection since he did something "nice" for her.

But yeah, that particular path is still the closest since you do get the option later to sort of wind up with her in the end in a way, but ultimately she still back stabs you to prolong her life a little longer. It's not exactly a fun thing for her to do, but if it's between her and you, self preservation is going to win out every time.

I thought I mentioned it before, but I did toy with the idea of having some sort of ending where you wind up with Semra (With no backstabbing) but ultimately I just decided that it didn't fit and there is no way either one of them could have a relationship without one killing the other. Some relationships are just toxic.

Though apparently there were more than a few people that really wanted to be able to end up with her in a "happily ever after" scenario.

Next up: Writing my own Eternal Fanfiction where they get married and have a whole mess o' babies. Lol.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

I already wrote it:

Iwalked down the street, fresh blood still on my clothes from work. People who recognized me (which was like everyone because of my epic rep) turned away. I killed them becauze I'm a goddamned Eternal and can do whatever the hell I want.  #ThugLyfeLOL #FuckTheEmperor

A thought seized me then, gripping me like a heart attack --  Oh noez, I just went against countless years of indoctrination with that dirty thought of rebellion! Noooo! How could I harbor such filthy thoughts against my father?!?! I slammed my head into the wall until they went away. Ah much better now.

Eventually I found my way back home. The scent of chopped dicks pervaded the air. A common svelk dish; I found Semra in the kitchen cooking and greeted her.

"Hi honey, how was work?" She said as she flipped a batch of diced penis into the air.

"Oh you know how it is... Waging genocide against the gnomes, banging Alison, sucking the Emperor's dick, slapping Jacob for being a goddamed pussy. The usual." I said, taking a seat and basking in the sight of my wife's elven ass as I stretched from my long day.

"Mh-hm. Sounds interesting." Using a wooden spoon, Semra took a bite of the dish. "Huh," Frowning slightly, she turned to me. "Honey come over here, do you think this needs more spice? Or is it okay?"

"It's alright" I said after having a few bites. "Dunno why you even asked me to try."

"Well excuse me for trying to better our dining experience."

"I know a way to better our dining experience." I said smiling smugly.

"Oh really h-" She's interrupted mid-sentence as I gripped her hair and bended her over the counter. She laughs realizing what I meant. "Oooh, are you excited for mommy?"

"Hell fucking yes! I've learnt a few tricks from those BDSM fetish magazines Elodith lent me! I've been wanted to try them out on for so long..."

*1 banging session later*

"Holy shit..." I muttered, as I tried to clumsily get up from the kitchen floor, where we were both haphazardly sprawled out, completely naked. I glanced at her; she was breathing hard and blushing but smiling. "Fuck baby that was even better than when I was 16! We should totally do that again!" I laughed

And then I hear some feet coming into the kitchen. An unholy mixture of elf and human entered, looking down at us. It was a child no older than six. "Daddy you're back from work!" It squealed gleefully. "Were you doing what mommy did to me last ni-"

"OH FUCK ASSASSINZ!" I cried, grabbing a nearby kitchen knife from the counter and throwing it at the kid, hitting his neck dead-on. He flopped to the ground, gurgling as he choked on his blood.

"What the fuck!" Semra cried. "That was our kid, you ass!"

"Oh yeah." And then I realized something. "Waitaminute, I can't have kids!" I turned to my wife, gripping her shoulders. "WHO THE HELL DID YOU BANG?"

"Uh fuck fine! Lemme go first," I let go and she continues. "See, Jacob and me... we... well..."

"What the fuck?! You and Jacob? Why--"

She bitchslapped me. "Let me finish! It was my lunch break, at the Emperor's palace. Jacob was there. He was telling me about his theory that this stiry has some connection to 'Necromancer', so we should try to kill the Emperor. I agreed but it turned out he and the Emperor were in on it the whole time, and Jacob was trying to get me alone so they could gangbang me."

"Oh shit... Well fuck this path!" I said throwing up my hands in exasperation.

"What... do you mean?" Semra said quizzically.

"This is shit. Endmaster is shit. I liked the Shadow path better anyway. Fuck this. Bye, bitch!" I said, as I hovered my cursor over 'Restart'. But then I realized that I would lose Semra If I clicked! But then... Exploitation Theater was more sexy anyway. And Semra was kiiiiind of a bitch. But did I really want to lose her svelk ass?

Nah. I let go of 'Restart'.

"What the hell did you just call me?!" She said brandishing a knife against me when I returned.

"Uh nothing I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"

She squinted at me like I didn't make sense. "No, it turned me on. Bang me again!"

"Okay!" I said, grabbing her.


... And so we lived happily every after with our 2000000000 billionmillion inexplicable elf-human kids. I later killed the Emperor, but some crazy shit happened and fast forward +10294729183 years. My kids went on to found this shithole called a Republic as a sort of successor to the Empire which was shit, so I killed them and took it over! But then I found Semra was this old hag... but we banged anyway. Apparantly I'm into a lot of fucked up shit, GILFs included!


Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Seems legit. yes

Anyway since we're on the topic of Eternal and it connecting to other stories, there was an idea during the writing of the Suzy story where she was dimension hopping that she would have ended up being Alison.

Somehow she would've adopted the identity of the real Alison who she found dead when she got transported to that world. I had several ideas of how to go about this, but none of them really seemed to work and were ultimately sort of convoluted, so I scrapped that idea and went in a different direction which worked out a whole lot better.

Still, the stolen identity idea wasn't a complete loss since I used something similar in a different path.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago


So, was Suzy's son Eternal or THE Eternal?

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Yeah it was him in that particular epilogue of that story.

First idea was he was going to be the offspring of Suzy and just some random hunter that lived in Rask that ended up saving her from some creature soon after she first arrived on the world, but then I figured it would be a whole lot easier to just pair her up with the "EBay Escapist" guy (Jack) since she already had an established relationship with him.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Concerned Father on 9/3/2015 for Eternal
This story is not at all suitable for any God fearing folk. Endless violence, incestuous relationships, and boundless cursing are just a few of the many vices portrayed in this story. This is truly and utterly despicable. Sir, I'd recommend you go to your local church and pray that God shows you the light, because even though this is a work of fiction, you have clearly strayed from the path of salvation.


Who writes this stuff? It seems almost too "concerned" to be real. It's like some sort of 'comment version' of a 'Jesus Saves' bumper sticker.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago
I'm pretty sure I've seen some "Concerned Mother" reviews, so chances are it's a joke.

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

Hey, gotta take the negative with the positive!


My sister's son was laughing and talking about how cool it was so I had to see for myself. He was right. It was very entertaining even though I died stark raving mad. I will have to try another one of your stories. My sister's son is autistic so anything that has him amused is definitely worth looking into.

-- Lamia Anderson on 9/1/2015 9:37:08 PM

Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released!

9 years ago

You should get an award for curing autism.