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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
... My panties are so wet right now. O.O

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I take full credit for making Briar's panties wet.

Anyway, I figured this would be the perfect Briar comment to start the new Interesting Comments thread.


Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Cherry picking Briar's posts for these threads has become one of my favorite traditions.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I should really choose what I say more carefully :p

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I thought you were.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

hello motherFucker.. my raw Ass got finessed by ur quiz nigga watch the fuck out i lose one more time and its back to slavery for u




This was on 1912 by kawaiiprincess. 

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Wow stargirl, do your parents know you use such language? Better wash your mouth out with soap.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I'm just gonna carry over the special feature at the end of the last thread to this one.

Ford reviews Skybreak!

Now as End said, everyone was pretty shocked he even put in this amount of effort. How this has came about is that he had gotten himself thrown in the time out channel (as he will do), and I was like whatever, go review CYBERMONKEY to be freed.

It was then I discovered that unlike @Avery_Moore (who is yet to even rate it) Ford has already reviewed Cybermonkey! Another shocker!

So I told him to go review Skybreak instead, giving him a link to the LP thread and assuming he would just look at a couple of screenshots there and fake it. But he surprised me once again by actually downloading and installing Adrift and playing it for real, an experience I'm sure he's completely forgotten by now as well as the fact he wrote a review. Still, I'm...proud of him? And disturbed of course, but that's normal.

He was just feeling in a creative mood all around that day I guess:

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Corbin Zaugg on 5/18/2021 for Love SICK
Pretty good... nice and sexy

A man of taste.

Diane Barrie on 5/18/2021 for Survive the Zombies
the guy took his baseball bat with him at happened t that?

Indeed, what with him happened that is a question we all have that I'm not sure will ever be answered.

Name on 5/17/2021 for The Time Machine Episode 1: Time Travel
squirt gun pew pew now dog is wet haha

Ameliaaaa on 5/15/2021 for How much do I like them?
Im just testing dis out lolll tysm for adding in my ideas ??????

...the kids are not all right.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Now that I've read the last sentence, The Offspring's songs will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I decided to break new ground in my life this evening by reviewing a game genre I've never reviewed before. Unless I did, in which case that wasn't canonical, this is the first time I've TRULY reviewed a fanfiction to the fullest extent of my power. I thought that I could offer a unique perspective on this situation as someone who has never watched a singular full episode of Dr. Who in their lives.

I can only glean what's happening in this story using knowledge that I've absorbed through cultural osmosis. Through memes and references, I know only about the ribbed salt shaker men, the evil C-3POs, the SCP ripoff, the smiling tofu people, and that ugly hydrocephaly child whose only apparent character trait is that he hates the moon.

Luckily, right off the bat in this story, I know that I'm in my element, however, because as soon as I get to page 3, there are statues that move when I blink. Naturally, my response is to immediately do the one thing those retards SHOULD'VE done in the show (unless they did, I didn't watch that shit) and kick its ass so it knows who's boss. Unfortunately I'm playing as a slackwristed soyboy who can't punch stone, so I immediately die. But then I went back and checked the other choices, and it turns out that I never actually had a choice from the very start. It's all instant death. Even choices that don't kill you are an instant loss. When I choose to go home instead of going on an adventure (Pro tip: If you don't have a plot in mind for a choice... Why did you make it a choice?) I wind up surviving, but it still isn't a valid ending and makes me go back to the previous page.

Did I mention that the death in this game is objectively the worst kind of death? If you're that insecure in your own writing (which, honestly, you should be, there aren't any paragraph breaks, I wouldn't even read any of this if I wasn't answering to higher powers right now) that you need to guide your players to a "real" ending before you can rate it, then maybe don't give me the option to die a 3-sentence death ON EVERY PAGE.

Also who the fuck are Rory and Amy? I know who the Doctor is, he's the funny french fries and custard man. But I don't know who Rory and Amy are. What is my motivation for interacting with them? Or the Doctor, for that matter. I guess we could be staying with these people out of morbid curiousity, but there isn't a lot of motivation for either choice (not that we really have a choice) on whether to go with these time travellers or not.

From my perspective as someone who isn't a Doctorhead (I assume this is the term for people who like Dr. Who) this all seems like bullshit. All the characters sound the same, there isn't really dialogue to speak of. The only option we're ever given is whether to participate in the plot. And if we choose not to, we die.

Some standout moments are Page 11, where even if we decide against all logic to refuse to tell the only guy in this plot who seems to know what he's doing some pertinent information, it even gives the temporary illusion of freedom by not killing us immediately. But then our choices are either "Cave in and tell him anyway" or "Remain silent and fucking die". This doesn't even change the conversation in any way, because the page that caving in and telling him takes you to is the exact same as the one that you go to when you tell him the first time.

There was even a branch immediately after that which also created the brief illusion of choice, but it all winds up with the same result. I checked each of the 1-2 page "branches", and it changes nothing notable. You are predestined to crash the ship and die in the dream. Is this the thing people keep talking about when they say it's difficult to write about time travel without invalidating free will?

I could keep going with examples, but I would just be a broken record. There is no deviation anywhere. No branching of plotlines. There is only one plot, with only two endings. I've checked every page, and it's all only "follow the plot" or "die/live immediately and go back". Your reward for following the railroad to the end is to pick one of two immediate 4-second endings. Maybe there would be something to this if I were a Doctorhead who understood all the references, but judging from the other comments, this is not, in fact, the case.

Frankly, I'm amazed that a story this awful has been up this long. Other than the fact that hardly anyone relevant enough to curate things actually bothers reading the fanfiction category for quality, I have no idea how this piece of shit game survived. And I mean that literally, it's a piece of shit. It's not worthy of being called an abomination, it's not funny enough to be a shitpost. The only reason this thing probably still exists is because it's old as shit and very few people read fanfic here anymore. It's time to stop this, we must bring this story to an end. It has escaped the clutches of damnation for too long. 1/8, I would give it negative 8 if I could.

— ISentinelPenguinI on 5/23/2021 11:27:02 PM

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I'm always impressed when readers put more work into their comment than the authors put into the game. ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I wanted to save it because Sentinel has a habit of only putting this kind of effort into reviewing games that are already on the chopping block.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
0k_rxs on 5/25/2021 for A Handsome Man
what the fuck.. they just met and now they are married? so rushed. i think we missed a few chapters sweetpeaaa....

Nice to see someone so sensible about relationships, I'm sure she'll...

omg om go ogmo omgo gm gom gomg i loved this with a passion please marry me omg tyson is my bae i even drew him and im going to post it on insta omg i loved this too much for my heart to handle like have my babies pleaseee!!! insta- 0k_rxs you'll be able to see my drawing there soon :)

— 0k_rxs on 5/25/2021 12:58:16 AM

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

... Maybe she means "Please marry me and have my babies after we have spent several years getting to know each other and developing a stable long term relationship?" ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
JadeGreen17 on 5/30/2021 for Island Attack: Raid
I just got recommended this community by a friend. I just got my account. I'm a vetted writer but green to this site and this is pretty much sums up what this site is about for me. I see this is 9 years old but good work.

And that friend's name was betaband.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
This storygame is glorious! The grammar is amazingly correct! This is so good you don't even need quotation marks! It's so good that I don't even care that it's short! It's terrible. As a big fan of the maze runner series I know for a fact there is no "Mile-long straight that runners like to race on." Also, I'm pretty sure that Mihno does not give up keeper of the runners except to Thomas. Plus, WHO ARE YOU IN THE GAME EVEN? 1/10 — venyanwarrior on 11/28/2017 4:32:10 PM with a score of 0 Also, I forgot to mention, NO ONE IN THE GLADE CAN RUN ON TOP OF THE FRIKIN' MAZE!!!!!!!!!! If you had bothered to read The Fever Code, you would know that everyone in the maze has implants in their brain that stop them from climbing to the top because the walls are not really as high as they appear and you can't run on top of them because the implant in your brain tells you not to!!!! DO SOME RESEARCH!!! 0/10 view more... — venyanwarrior on 11/30/2017 1:26:09 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
We've all been so fuckin schooled on this subject now.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
He’s a Phantom Some of these old stories have haunting comment sections. Let’s take a quick look at the featured comments on Danny Phantom’s Adventure “Very well written, beautiful pictures, great story, plenty of choices and arcs. One of the better stories in the Fan Fiction category. It's a bit short, but I think it works well that way. If you'd expand on the background, with more descriptions on each character, I'd enjoy it even more.” - some admin actually, lol And “That was really enjoyable. The pictures were more that great, they were fantastic! The story was really well written, I liked the pacing of it. The choices were logical and easy to overcome, with some thought. Defiently worth every cent. “ - some guy I guess (Very promising. I’m glad only the very best comments get featured and that someone no doubt got points for suggesting these two gems. Let’s see what else we have.) I love your picture of Danny turning back to normal! you made him even more of a hottie than he already was! — Kris on 3/8/2006 3:17:22 PM with a score of 0 I've never heard of that show but I loved this game. Extremely well written and terrific illustrations! I spotted no spelling mistakes at all. That was awesome. — October on 11/2/2006 12:21:58 AM with a score of 0 October, Seriously? How could you say that. Never heard of Danny Phantom? So sad. it's not bad. Great pictures, but way too short. One of the best in the category though. march — One of the founders actually. Nay, didn't like it. Spelling errors. Quite linnia. Very short and weird. 1/8 — Tgetruegamer on 2/14/2013 2:30:21 AM with a score of 0 (I'm conflicted on who to believe here.) It was a little too small of a story but maybe I can help you if you want to write more if these. — rougue142020 on 4/1/2016 10:30:40 PM with a score of 0 (A very kind offer Rougue142020, but by now the author is probably more likely to be into erotic roleplay than writing more Danny Phantom fan-fiction. However, there is a market for the overlap.) Bruh, this was fucking dark souls epic but like can I fuck Sam plz? — Daquan on 6/6/2019 7:03:58 PM with a score of 0 it was too lewd 10/10 i loved it — beechunk on 9/11/2018 8:18:51 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Seth went around featuring any "review" that was two coherent sentences strung together when that ability first went in. I've been removing unworthy comments as I find them, and what's left is usually on trash tier stories in categories that regular users never bother with.

They at least didn't get commendations for those since comms didn't exist back then.

Feel free to recommend any of them be taken down in the Risk My Attention thread, but we don't reward points for that kind of thing anymore.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I see, so Seth's heinous legacy lives on. What dark times those were.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

This game sucks!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO IT GIVE ME $200 AND thEN sAY 0 DA FUQQ NIQQA

— SexyRatHole


Found this on My Vacation by AppDude27. 

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I was unaware that Niqqa was a word. Now I know. ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
THAT WAS NOT FAIR! YOU EXPLICITLY SAID TO NOT GET DISTRACTED AND THE TRUE GOOD ENDING REQUIRES YOU TO BE DISTRACTED! THIS SUCKED! — Nigger on 6/6/2019 7:37:03 PM with a score of 0 That's on this joy right here: Spongeboy Me Bob

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Unfeatured Fazz's comment while I was looking at that one, although he might've said the maximum it's possible to say about such a game.

It's probably in line for unpublishing based on ratings soon, although there's nothing actually terrible about it. It's just remarkably underwhelming.

I'm probably being swayed by the presence of pictures though.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
And he couldn't even spell his name right. Where are the Qs?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Quick question, do we want to clear out all these dumb comments from, "Nigger" that I've been finding, or shall we let them stand?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I mean, I don't want to be known as a site that silences Black voices, even when we find them disagreeable.

It kind of depends on whose story it is too, End and a few others like to hang onto their troll comments.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I cant... I just cant. So many HOLY **** and so will your gay monkey. I was laughing sooo...... hard. — kvill600 on 9/21/2017 10:41:58 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

What game was that left on?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
This...Relic There are a number of telling comments on it, due to its age.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
userdied on 6/28/2021 for Woban Island 
shit. Everyway you die


Is this TRUE???

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

You better believe it. Shit is the cause of every death in that story.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago


This is the first Chooseyourstory novel I had ever read, and honestly, it certainly wouldn't be the last. I came to love how the characters interact with each other in a way that is almost natural, as if that's how they would act were they to actually exist. I didn't really like how the 'player?'couldn't interact with the events happening in front of them. It gives
off a feeling of helplessness, I find that I am sure some wouldn't like. That said this may be different from the COG that I usually play.

My overall experience with the game/story was positive, though I wish I had the chance to be on better terms with big ole Mistress, not because of the spicy shreks scenes that EndMaster had laboriously written, no, I had reread the path where *spoiler alert* Mistress disguised herself as Alison to have some 'night games' with the MC. While I do think that some people would think it's pretty fucked up, 'which it obviously is because that's the point, I think that it shows us an insight to how Mistress really feels, you know? Her love for lil Eternal boi couldn't be summarized better just by that scene alone. Err, enough ranting about my suppressed sexual desire and events that is almost unlikely to occur, let's head on to the actual rating shall we?

I definitely see why people praise it for it's elegant beauty. Though brutal might've been the better term, I really loved it and there were never any major flaws in the story, (lies, you get horny just by thinking about what the Mistress Romance Route would look like). Anyways, I hope that EndMaster is getting paid enough for this, because Jesus christ is his novel a work of art that I would display in the museum.

10/10 - Lore
HornyforMistress/10 - Characters
Intenseplotandsomeothershit/10 - Plot
Wouldplayagainjusttoseeotherepilogues/10 - Overall

Basically, a must read for anybody who doesn't live under a rock. (Patrick, you stay out of this one).

— Vodka on 7/4/2021 5:07:22 PM with a score of 0

I just want to say thank you to End for creating this amazing art piece of a story game. Immersive story telling, realistic characters that you don't want to die, especially by your own hands. I also wanted to mention how long it must have taken to complete this game. Love your works man, another victory for the EndMaster.

Too bad there wasn't enough smexy stuff with Semra. There can never be enough.

Is there an ending with Semra? The epilogues I get seem to hint on it.

view more...

Vodka on 7/15/2021 11:09:37 AM with a score of 0


You really liked Semra huh?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
There was a spicy Shrek scene? I think I missed that part. >.<

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

In any case I'll have to remember to PM Vodka when my new story with Semra comes out.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Wow, he even had to come back for more. Even native born CYStians aren't this dedicated. (To being horny.)

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago


It's honestly insane how good this is, added by the fact that it's completely free. A must read for readers out there who loves emotional and touching story telling.

Vodka on 7/16/2021 3:14:24 AM with a score of 0


I dunno who this guy is, but he's on the right path around here.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Author of this CYOA is known to talk about defending Child predators with vigour, trolling and laughing and ridiculing child abduction on various servers. Honestly, wouldn't say if getting a drug test passed with flying colors is a higher bar than being a Aidungeon writer, i wouldn't say im surprised the person turned out such a huge and concerning disappointment and cp protector.
— Author is a person of concern on 8/6/2021 1:07:02 AM with a score of 0

There's quite a story behind this. But first, let's hear your own theories!

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Wow Mizal, this seems so funny and crazy, but I can't come up with any ideas on my own, what is the explanation here?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

He is right that neither of the authors of that game could pass a drug test 

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
BearBreeze on 8/19/2021 for Harry Potter: The Last Riddle
Pretty good but too much writing.Great for Harry Potter fans.

These kinds of comments will never not be funny.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago


This game sucks!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO IT GIVE ME $200 AND thEN sAY 0 DA FUQQ NIQQA

— SexyRatHole on 3/30/2020 11:07:02 PM with a score of 3

Interesting Interesting Comments 7 Posts

3 years ago

Me not seeing that someone else had posted this earlier in the thread.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Im gonna leave


Constructive criticism helps. 

The reason why they're "mean" is because they're giving their honest opinion about the game. Parents usually are not the best people for constructive criticism. 

And now you're going to leave because some people just said your storygame sucked? I mean, if it did suck, then they were just giving their honest opinion. But if it didn't suck, then just keep in mind that people are going to hate your storygame, no matter what. 

And plus, how are you going to improve if people just say nice comments all the time like "this is great!" or "nothing needs to be changed!"? The problem is that it's challenging to improve your storygames in the future if nobody gives you constructive criticism. 

Also, what was the point of this storygame? CYS is a writing community. Instead of writing this storygame, you could've just not come on anymore. It was that simple. 


— AestheticLlama on 2/4/2021 8:06:07 AM with a score of 0


The storygame has been unpublished and the author banned since October 2019.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

AL has been missing for a while, hope they come back.

Also, appreciate the context, lol

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I miss AL, and Briar hasn't been around lately either.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Yeah, where is everybody?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

J#%T on 10/1/2021 for 90 Minute Storygame: Prepare To Die

IT suck like hell It had only 3 chouses it sucked dog water nuts


Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
This guy from Spain by any chance?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

A Very Special Choose Your Story

it's super insightful to see into the mind of someone who thinks so negatively, yet they still continue to bring others down with them. I went through just about every story option and it's quite upsetting to see they all have endings where every action results in misfortune. Definitely feel bad for the way the author way the author may or may not be living as of now.

computernoah on 10/23/2021 2:03:17 PM with a score of 0

Lol, fag.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Maybe one of the endings hit too close to home.

In any case, a blistering faggot indeed.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

they all have endings where every action results in misfortune

Yup, Endmaster seems to have summed up that noob's life pretty well, which is probably why it's mad.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

He's happily married with three daughters, a job he kills it at and he also runs a writing site where he calls you a fag. Just fyi.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

ACe on 11/2/2021 for Tower of Riddles

i spent a whole hour doing this just to egt a lousy namecard thing, hate it here tbh

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Haha, this loser spent an hour doing an activity for fun and didn't even egt monetary compensation.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Well now I feel bad. Wish I'd made a better prize for him to egt. >.<

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I suppose that's the main problem with my storygames too. They take a long time to play but readers don't egt any prizes.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

>Needing to expend so much effort for so long to beat Tower of Riddles
ML_memer_group brainlet wojak constructor Memes &amp; GIFs - Imgflip

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Gahh! The image is stretching out of the message box!

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

>caring about the message box

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago


I am so lost in why my character died because i didn't choose to kill someone. Why would I want to start my character as murderer?

— Reb on 11/5/2021 1:59:21 PM with a score of 0

Story title: NECROMANCER

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
One of the better endmaster stories to start on, I guess. Can’t imagine this guy’s reaction to AVSCYS or something lmao

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
I'd love to see their thoughts after playing it all the way through.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

yugvy on 11/11/2021 for Azula and Zuko
fucking loser

Unregistered scum usually don't get it right with their drive by insults, but in this case, he got it right on the mark.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Reminds of me of FutaDomWorld, my favorite game. Rye is my favorite character in that game, a rich Futa rebel with a dominant edge to her. 8/8 — DMVsoldierTheGOOCHGetterMoneyM on The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly I can't move. That ending made me feel depressed... It's amazing. But her death... It really got to me... I-I have nothing to — Pumpkin head on Farewell, My Childhood Self They have nothing to...

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Jesus on 11/17/2021 for Survive the Zombies 
I may of saved the world but your amazing writing and story has inspired me to try this IRL

Killa has either saved Christmas or doomed us all, I can't tell which.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Deleted and the Author banned now, but can't lose these comments!

TharaApples on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped
Are you sure you didn't receive a brain injury as well?

This is not a story-game. Nobody cares about crappy stories like this.

Basically, this was a waste of time.

Okay, do not ever ask me for advice or help again. Stick to making alts until enough time progresses that you hopefully mature and gain more IQ points.

Your mother and father must be pretty fucking dumb if you were the result of their union.

Here's a 1 rating. I'm not the nicest person here as you may have previously thought. Lol. I try to be patient, but you're clearly not worth that.

I would start preparing to make a new account. I'm no longer protecting you. In fact, I think I'll start joining in on banning you as well.

Take care now. :)

WizzyCat on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped
Niggas took my choices, can't have shit in Detroit

PerforatedPenguin on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped
The only good thing about this was the free point I got from rating it a one. You might want to consider choices on a choice story website, just sayin.

Sherbet on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped

enterpride on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped
So you got fucked up when you were backed up by your mates what the fuck does this have to do with getting jumped you weak piece of shit you even pushed before getting smacked then sued like a little bitch

poison_mara on 11/18/2021 for The day I got Jumped

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I thought someone getting jumped involved multiple people doing the jumping. Maybe the kid that beat their stupid ass did not also give them brain damage, but they were also able to use shadow clones.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Quick Dating Game Fan on 11/27/2021 for The Quick Dating Game

Penny Jaylyn on 11/27/2021 for Your Birthday
Cool but I wat more detail on the sex on 11/26/2021 for Choose your Life
This game is in current development. Please have patience while we work to solve the following issues: Lagging Hacking

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I think it is hard to play because you aren’t aware at the beginning that you can fight monsters. It took me awhile and I was kind of bored while playing it. Overall, it was pretty good.

— Fitzphie4life on 11/17/2021 12:21:52 AM with a score of 53020 on Dungeon Stompage!


did you read the fucking description? I am so confused by this comment. How could you not know you can fight monsters, in a dungeon game, where you're given weapons, and options to fight are clearly written?

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

EndMaster on 12/7/2021 for epic sword fight

You want to hear about a real epic sword fight, you should ask your mom about the one she had in her mouth.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

adam on 1/14/2022 for ...In Love And War
not into love games sister forced me it was terrible

Well, obviously adam's sister isn't working it like Dark's sister does.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
gcat on 1/27/2022 for Farewell, My Childhood Self
love it so mech thet it time for bed for the 8.

Cool, didn't realize this game had mechs. I may finally check it out now. I'm not really sure what to make of the rest of this though...

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Ferran Cabestrero Alvaro on 1/31/2022 for American Outlaws: Bonnie and Clyde
is the best tingh in the worls

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Needs more jucicy sex scenes

— Bobbljngton 

This was on …In Love And War


worse dan poop, I am 11 grade and I have dyslexic, and even I hate it so go lick a panda bare.

— Yu-stin Ki-pu

That was on Insane Asylum

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Craziest thing is how these random kids find these <4 rated stories from 10+ years ago.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
Probably using the random story button.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I could write better than this 11th grade person when I was in grade 2.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

"go lick a panda bare."

There are multiple reasons why this statement as written is hilarious.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

This may be my favorite comment ever.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Dusty Fist 2 was the rip-roarin' zany follow-up to Dusty Fist that I was praying for. It's like a coffee enema . . . quick and pleasurable. Maybe a little messy.

— Jimmy Coffin on 9/1/2021 9:41:45 AM with a score of 0

Got me laughing a lot hahaha
I liked the wheener ending, but there are still secondaries.

— I lost my account on 2/6/2021 10:49:36 AM with a score of 0

On top of these mildly amusing reviews, Dusty Fist 2 also led me to finding a very curious individual:

Bad game. No plot. Way too short. So bad I can't use words to describe it. Sorry to the author, Chris113022.

Akary on 5/13/2020 3:02:15 PM with a score of 0

This person either has no sense of humor, or is so autistic that they take every single thing seriously. Upon further inspection I've deduced that it's probably both of these. This Akary individual is what may be considered a "storygame tryhard", being so good at storygames that they feel the need to flex their skills on their profile (and somehow completing the W*lmart G*me on their first try but needing three for Dead Man Walking). Is this the first tryhard on CYS? Maybe. Is it the last? Maybe. I'll continue my search for similar storygame-crushing extraordinaires at some later point, as my throat is rather parched. I wonder why.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago


"Short, but good. Could use some copy editing. The use of the word 'bro' in dialogue early on took me out of the story a bit."


I am no longer writing dialogue in English. Only in the original language.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago
That comment was not as interesting as you think it is.

But if we were talking about fantasy this could be a good topic to debate about in the writing workshop. With actual historical stuff though I think it's a given to try and avoid more obvious kinds of modern slang as part of the whole immersion process.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

Nowadays it's the cool hip woke thing to do of making historical stuff "modern" like making all the British nobles black and having 17th century orchestras playing Nirvana and Jay Z songs on violins.

Interesting Comments 7

3 years ago

I thought to cool thing to do was to make it in the future but everyone is pretending it is the past and then an orchestra starts playing nirvana.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
Gwid on 4/6/2022 for 331 Oakmount Drive [delete]
this shit ass on gromp realistic skull emoji

This analysis is too deep for me.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Well Fagon did claim on the Intersexed Database that Oakmount was one of the "good" games on CYS.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Just saw Survive as a Leader on the Passages of Madness Thread and thought I'd include this comment before the game gets unpublished:

keep pushing the metaphorical bicycle petal to the medal abd keep on dreaming kid your foing laces. i hope olivia makes it out alive nut not anne, — fakeybro on 2/3/2019 11:48:56 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Uh on 4/12/2022 for Fairview Highschool Game [delete]
This was slightly amusing, mostly cringey, kinda racist, with lots of spelling errors. Don?t play if you want serious literature.

Pretty sure this was a founder story, either Alex or March or Choco wrote this and it got called racist. This implies that CYS was founded by racists.

Just like America!

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
I am certain that kind of humorless no account drive by could gave only come from the IFDB listing. They should go play that Sexual Service Act twine game that Mathbrush is so fond of.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Unpublished a year and a half ago to keep cringe furry children away, yet still they find it...

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Knew we should have super purged all the "wolf warrior" games as well.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

How the fuck does someone spell "wolf" as "wolve"? O.O

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

alkfsjf;l on 5/9/2022 for The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly
Your game was fucking trassh do bette


Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Now I'm picturing a trash can with a snake in it. ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

ESL Billy's Adventure

We are fans of Tom. Tom does a very good job in the story. We want more stories with Tom and we want TV programs with Tom. Microwave.

— Tom's Legal Guardians on 4/27/2021 11:49:53 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Microwave. ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
Looking at the mod feed for reviews, it was really nice to see DNBD just chattering away in the midst of leaving several multi paragraph comments. Only to stop suddenly in stunned, absolute horror with:

DBNB on 6/1/2022 for Holloween Adventure 2 : Return to the Halloween Dimension!
Well. This was pretty bad.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Yeah most of DNDB's recent comments I've featured, the only time I don't is if it already has 3 really good ones or the story score is so low that it's probably going to get axed soon anyway.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

I was rating a story from the random generator called Petra's Choices and came across this:


Overall, I give this story a 3/8, and my old review of it a 1/8. In fact I rate 11 year old me overall a 1/8, he was fucking stupid.— Chris113022 on 8/26/2019 12:57:43 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

I would also rate my 11 year old self a 1/8, and I'd rate Chris a 7/8

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
"I'm going out. "

Endmaster has identified some very odd happenings going on with the comments on this game.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

... What the actual fuck?

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

"I'm going out."


— w on 6/10/2022 8:51:25 AM with a score of 0

its was quite cool

— annabelle on 6/10/2022 7:23:43 AM with a score of 0

very good

— Ava on 6/10/2022 7:22:27 AM with a score of 0


— jimmy on 6/10/2022 6:24:36 AM with a score of 0


— hdhddhhdh on 6/10/2022 5:10:43 AM with a score of 0

no ta

— ethan on 6/10/2022 4:06:15 AM with a score of 0

im preggos alexander

— Lexie Rybak on 6/9/2022 8:50:33 AM with a score of 0

It is not the best because kitten are so common pet and animal they for it is not the best and not the best.

— mason on 6/9/2022 4:16:33 AM with a score of 0


— broski on 6/9/2022 4:15:52 AM with a score of 0


— LOGAN on 6/9/2022 4:15:43 AM with a score of 0


— quandingle on 6/9/2022 4:15:39 AM with a score of 0


— alex on 6/9/2022 4:09:33 AM with a score of 0


— ujgfv on 6/9/2022 4:09:12 AM with a score of 0


— tatar on 6/9/2022 4:08:53 AM with a score of 0

i got a girl

— tom on 6/9/2022 4:08:45 AM with a score of 0

its good

— john on 6/9/2022 4:08:07 AM with a score of 0


— fred on 6/9/2022 4:06:15 AM with a score of 0

cracking my mate

— big d on 6/8/2022 8:50:02 AM with a score of 0

no u cheecky boi

— me on 6/8/2022 8:50:00 AM with a score of 0

I think that its a fun way to lean what to do and make good decagons

— eli on 6/7/2022 8:58:51 AM with a score of 0

i found it quite fun and interesting with how the story goes and the different options

— zoe fellows on 6/7/2022 8:53:01 AM with a score of 0

Great loved the idfferent opportinities!

— Noazza G on 6/7/2022 8:52:08 AM with a score of 0

this game was very fun

— faith cowie on 6/7/2022 8:50:25 AM with a score of 0

too short
— zac on 6/7/2022 7:24:11 AM with a score of 0


This seems like a new Phoenician Traders game magnet, though this one probably won't even last very long due to the low rating that's going to be on its way out soon anyway.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
If only they had accounts so I could ban everyone but Zoe.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

I'm learning so many new words today! Cheecky, decagons, idfferent, opportinities and drgdhdhd. ^_^

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

drgdhdhd Is my favorite. I can't wait to figure out how to use it in a sentence.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
Making good decagons is how you pass 8th grade geometry.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
Pfft, no one makes good decagons while leaning in a fun way...

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Attack on Titan: Dating Simulator by kromney7

I really enjoyed this game. I specifically enjoyed the adherence to the plot in AoT/SnK and the creative structure you used to tie all those plot lines into this work really shows. Your writing is masterful as always, [INSERT AUTHOR NAME]. The storygame itself is dense with content and choices, and it kept me entertained until the very end. I couldn't help but be curious in all of the possible outcomes and decisions that are so neatly and wonderfully placed in this story.

This game was the most absolutely phenomenal spongebob squarepants fanfiction CYS has ever witnessed. I came at least 3 times onto my Uncle's face. I truly believe the roaches from all over the world come from that country alone, specifically Karachi. One day, I come home from a long abusive school day of being called a "chutiya" by those bullies. And I noticed no ones home think they went to my cousins wedding (two of them married each other. It's normal there) so I was like "aiiiight" imma sleep naked upstairs. I threw my school uniform off turned the fan on and pointed that shit at my underdeveloped dick.

I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this story. I'm tempted to say that you have outdone yourself, but your writing is always consistent in just how good it is. Thanks for yet another wonderful read, I eagerly anticipate the next storygame that you may create. Be it some inspired sequel to this storygame, or something completely different altogether.

Oh boy, that was a nice feeling. Imagine your balls being trapped all day in 100F heat all day. It was so hot it cooked some of my sperm I had. So skipping, that cool breeze to my balls knocked me out. I'm having some bomb ass dreams. Like me coming to America and playing with white girl titties and owning a PlayStation. Later I had this crazy ass dream. This is when I had my first wet dream. I remember that shit like it was yesterday. It felt so real. I was getting my dick touched by this goddess and she had some soft hands. Like this bitch applied shea butter thoroughly.

At this point I think that it is safe to say that it is only right for me to look toward to your next piece. The level of care and attention to detail that you place into each of your stories is always a treat to read and enjoy.

It felt like my dick was inside a nice warm potato with extra butter. I was young at the time but I remember I felt this tingling feeling like nutting, it felt like McDonald's sprite was coming out my penis hole. So that shit woke me up. I look at my dick and I saw a roach rubbing his wings on my dick bruh. Lowkey I let that mf do his thing and then I heard a door bell I moved so fast that mf flew away. I had a flying roach give me top bruh. I can not make this up. I've been sleeping without pants since then in hopes of getting top by a roach again. Lowkey hope it was a female roach tho.

Thank you once again, for writing this wonderful and enthralling story.

Ford on 7/4/2022 3:33:13 AM with a score of 0


Played to another ending. What an amazing game. You've really outdone yourself yet again. I, however, couldn't help but notice.... are you a "girl"?? A "female?" A "member of the finer sex?"

Not that it matters too much, but it's just so rare to see a girl around here! I don't mind, no--quite to the contrary! It's so refreshing to see a girl online, to the point where I'm always telling all my friends "I really wish girls were better represented on the internet."

And here you are!

I don't mean to push or anything, but if you wanted to DM me about anything at all, I'd love to pick your brain and learn all there is to know about you. I'm sure you're an incredibly interesting girl--though I see you as just a person, really--and I think we could have lots to teach each other.

I've always wanted the chance to talk to a gorgeous lady--and I'm pretty sure you've got to be gorgeous based on the position of your text in the screenshot--so feel free to shoot me a message, any time at all! You don't have to be shy about it, because you're beautiful anyways (that's juyst a preview of all the compliments I have in store for our chat).

Looking forwards to speaking with you soon, princess!

EDIT: I couldn't help but notice you haven't sent your message yet. There's no need to be nervous! I promise I don't bite, haha

EDIT 2: In case you couldn't find it, you can click the little chat button from my profile and we can get talking ASAP. Not that I don't think you could find it, but just in case hahah

EDIT 3: look I don't understand why you're not even talking to me, is it something I said?

EDIT 4: I knew you were always a bitch, but I thought I was wrong. I thought you weren't like all the other girls out there but maybe I was too quick to judge

EDIT 5: don't ever contact me again whore

EDIT 6: hey are you there?

Ford on 7/4/2022 3:38:40 AM with a score of 69420


The replay value is kinda dropping off for me. I used to really enjoy this game, so I still give it an 8 even after all this time - but honestly, I want to bang the chalice from Cuphead so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I play the Delicious Last Course I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Ms. Chalice. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Ms. Chalice's tight cup pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/cup babies.

Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors' greek cup. I'd dressed it in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC. I might not ever get to see Ms. Chalice again.

So thank you for making it, but I can't play anymore. I'm simply empty.

Ford on 7/4/2022 3:43:26 AM with a score of 80085

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

A true masterpiece! And wasted on an unpublished game too. Tragic.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

It's republished mainly because I didn't really find anything that graphic in it. (I might have missed it though and I'm not wasting any more time on skimming through fanfic)

As it stands, it can live and die based on ratings like any other story.

EDIT: Well now it's dead and so is the author.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Must have taken quite a bit of trial and error to get those exact scores.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
kromney7, Notrobotpromise, kromney8, kromney9, holycrapwhy, yourehilarious, letsdothisagain, thisisbullying, kaskabela, marniegold, angelkitten95, camrylikethecar

This guy went full fucktard.

(Have split the Bible fic discussion to a new thread for anyone looking for it BTW)

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Stupid question: how do you tell they're all the same guy?

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
They were all rating his game an 8, and then later spamming the forum while possessing the same IP.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Damn, I missed it! What was he spamming?

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
you can tell by the way it is

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
Just to explain a bit more, an IP is a number assigned by your internet provider associated with whatever you do online, and all forum software anywhere comes with a way to check and compare it. It's how bans work on Discord and other services too.

But also, what Ford said.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

Also, half of them are just his original name with a different number on the end. :p

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago
I want to know more about kromney6. I think that character has been very overlooked.

Interesting Comments 7

2 years ago

The Demon of Hurtgen

>Be you, incapable of following directions
>Can't figure out how to implement Choosing
>Give up
>Be me
>Collect Point

ugilick on 7/4/2022 6:35:35 PM with a score of 0