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Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Commended by EndMaster on 5/22/2023 1:43:43 PM


I did it! Well, I did it a week ago!

I remember being so homesick when I moved into the dorms four years ago, so I went to CYS and nothing really had changed at all. I was writing Soul Thief while adjusting to college life.

It was super tough at times. I'm just now recovering from bad mental health and still working through anxiety. But I knew I could always come back to my hat-shaped house here.

Not to tug on heart strings, but you can continue to support me by commissioning me. (Cough, cough, pricing here!) Or just enjoy my art. :~)

I'm still looking for an alternative to RedBubble. I'd really love to eventually print and ship out work myself and sell originals!

I wish everyone luck on their finals too! Cheers!

~~~ And the Link to the Dropbox with all my CYS drawings! ~~~

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congrats on graduating and glad this place could provide some amusement and some art inspiration.

And your art is definitely enjoyed here.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
I frickin love that. And congrats!

Never realized you were going through other issues besides the more mundane "overwhelmed by classes and internships" stuff, glad you're doing at least somewhat better. You know CYS will always be here for you.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congratulations and Great job!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congrats on graduating! Your cap looks way better than what mines gonna look like if I ever start it lol

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Wow. I didn’t even know you were in college.

Congrats on graduating, and also not making being a college student your entire personality as you were in college. Kinda like me. 

Very cool.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congratulations! Glad to hear you're recovering- and hopefully you can find that RedBubble alternative soon. Glory to MHD!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congratulations, MHD! Graduating is no easy feat. I really love your cap!

Writing Spell of Slumber has helped me adjust to college life too, which probably reflects in some of the earlier scenes. But I'm glad you'll be able to focus more on your mental health now you're out of college.

I'm going to recommend MHD's commissions to anyone who's thinking of it. Definitely worth it. You could get a personalised profile picture, commemorate a special CYS moment, or even ask for a professional cover page for your new storygames! I know it has always been an additional incentive to win contests for me.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

OMG, is that your hat? Bloody hell, the other students must have been jealous when they threw their plain, boring black caps in the air. Is the rest of the hat pink and sparkly, or just the top? I wanna see the rest!!!

Really, really sorry to hear that you've been having problems with your mental health. You're always such a rainbow of wholesome cheerfulness that I never would've guessed. Feel free to send me a message if you ever want to chat about anything at all. Anything whatsoever, I'm always here, and always happy to talk to you. Trust me, I have a lot of experience with complex mental health issues... A LOT.

Now... Concerning those extremely generous commission prices... I have been looking to expand my ever growing collection of chibi Hitlers! ^_^

(P.S. Is the picture of me being a bad stand up comedian in there somewhere? I want to set it as my profile pic, but I can't find it.)

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 5/26/2023 8:44:43 PM

I'd say I had one of the best caps! And just the top is decorated.

And it looks like I never finished that drawing of you, given my unlucky, hip-proportion history. ;~)



Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Thank you! ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Congratulations, MadHattersDaughter! Your cap looks awesome; I love your art style!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Thank you everyone! :,~)

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

MHD wins the class of 2023! Congrats!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

I am glad that you've accomplished this.

I look forward to seeing more of your cool art stuff and hope you continue to succeed.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Out of curiosity... Any plans on what you're going to do with yourself now that you've tossed your super sparkly hat into the air? ^_^

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Oh fuck! I'm very late to this but, congratulations! Here's to this all taking you to fabulous places.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Commended by ISentinelPenguinI on 8/25/2023 9:25:18 PM


Today marks my ten years at CYS! A lot has happened between now and then! Thought I'd post a bunch of art and very old art and unfinished art in celebration! Here's to another 10!









Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Wow! Happy decade day. A true pillar of the community

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Thank you for the 10 years of helping me keep this place safe from the evil eclaires

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Thank you for all of the art you share and the irreplaceable role you serve.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

Happy 10 year anniversary MHD! 

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

The place has certainly been better with you around.

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
10 years of MHD is certainly a cause for celebration!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

One full decade!!

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 8/28/2023 11:35:02 AM

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago
Awh! They're fit for a Hatter! I think the blue one is my favorite

Hatter's Sketchbook

one year ago

So glad you like them! The blue one is my favourite too :)

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
Commended by Darius_Conwright on 12/19/2023 12:29:15 PM

I intended to post this on Christmas Eve but I heard the forum needed a bit of a resuscitation. I'm also a new puppy mom so moments I can post are few and far between. (I'm handling a fidgety pup as I post this!) But I pulled this one off my shelves just for the holidays! Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
This is wonderful. I had been wondering what the big project was.

Doing nothing is indeed the proper spirit to celebrate any and all holidays in, but I'm glad you always make exceptions for us.

Also, Darius, I'd put coal in your stocking if I didn't know what the Dutch liked to use it for around this time of year.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
Merry Christmas! This is incredible.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

This is amazing MHD. Thank you! 

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

What a nice Christmiz tale! And perhaps the greatest forum post of all time, really.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

This is hilarious. Have a good christmas, MHD.

(Also what is your dog's name)

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
He is Dewie! And he's a terrier dachshund. I'll have to post some pics in the Discord :~)

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

I liked it a lot.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

What a delightful book! It almost makes me feel bad that this damnable program navigates by bending and dog-earing all the pages!

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
Neat reveal about the meaning of Christmas (and every other day of the year). Many fun modifications to the text as well (not that I have the original to compare).

The art is very expressive as well. I liked the use of red too, captured the right vibe.

Very cool! Thank you for saving the forums.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

That is awesome! Loved that

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

This is amazing, you are the best! I'd totally help ruin Christsmas too!

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

Very nice.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

This is so incredibly impressive! I love the illustrations, the story retelling and the CYS references. You keep setting the bar impossibly high every year, and yet you always manage to outdo yourself. Also, congrats on getting a puppy! 

Edit: Wait, there's music! My mind was already blown before I found out. I think we need a double/ triple commendation system specifically for MHD.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
Wonderful as always, MHD! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

MHD's works are always the best! It's such a lovely art style.


and hey! This works on mobile! Christmas Miracle ^^

Merry Christmas!

one year ago

This is the coolest thing I've seen on the forum since, well, probably MHD's animation.

Merry Christmas!

one year ago
I'm so glad you all enjoyed this! Again I hope you have a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

New Year Stream!

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 1/1/2024 1:07:53 PM


Last night the community of CYS joined me on Discord where I streamed some art and my voice was revealed. When I was then informed I pronounce some things supposedly incorrectly.


I started off with some warm up sketches as Ford and Tim kept me company.


At the beginning I was a little nervous having all these eyes on me and EXPOSING my art process. But soon we all settled in and I think I spent more time laughing at everyone's messages.


End had some trouble but eventually he joined us too.


There were some breaks between my working on the illustration and some requests too.


Some, a little more disturbing than others.


But minutes before the clock struck midnight, I had finished the illustration! And I hope you all have a lovely New Year!

I genuinely had so much fun and I'm so glad to have spent the countdown with you all. And I definitely hope to do this again soon!

New Year Stream!

one year ago
The stream was excellent and so much fun, getting to see your art live was a great way to start 2024! Happy New Year!

New Year Stream!

one year ago

This new year's post is amazing! I love the shading effects and the glowing fireworks. All the doodles are great, now I wish I had stayed up to 3 so I could have joined the stream and watched the whole process. 

Next time you run one of these, I'll set an alarm.

New Year Stream!

one year ago

Stream was a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting it! 

New Year Stream!

one year ago
The sketch of End right as he joined was hilarious.

I never do this vc stuff, but you sounded like the nicest person to ever exist, exactly as expected, while Ford was shockingly normal. I appreciated you guys and Tim keeping some commentary going for the rest of us awkward introverts with our mics muted.

Anyway, this turned a New Year's Eve I basically intended to ignore into a genuinely fun and wholesome time, thank you again. (And I still love the lion's mane, that whole pic was awesome to watch take shape even as distracted as everyone got.)

New Year Stream!

one year ago

Ahh these look great!! This gives me some motivation to finish a storygame so I can get back in the discord, ha ha. I can't miss out on one of these again! 

New Year Stream!

one year ago

Thanks for hosting the stream, MHD. It was one of the best New Year's Eves I ever had. The art was also very comical and the main piece turned out great.

If you do another one, I'd be more than glad to hang out again.

Happy New Year.

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 7/26/2024 1:06:07 PM





Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago

Love them. I feel like your ability to add expressiveness to your art, especially in facial expressions is your best quality! 

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago
You're scarily quick. These are all great!

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago

The paw in the bottom left scares me. Please, nobody revive any warrior cats threads! >.<

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago

No more necroing for now and I put all the dead back to rest. (In some cases permanently)

EDIT: Okay maybe a little necroing.

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago

Never thought I'd live to see the day I became the last surviving Bruce Campbell reference on these forums

Hatter's Sketchbook

7 months ago
The second panel is my favorite.