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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
It's been an incredible sixteen months of writing discussion, procrastination, wholesomeness, degeneracy, heartfelt feelings, intrigue and adventure, but it's a fresh new year so let's have a fresh new invite thread! We've managed to keep an average of 50-60 cool people active and involved in the site in there, but nobody needs that many friends, so this year standards are going to be a little more exacting. 80% of new members failed to follow the complicated rule of 'give us your site name when you join, and demonstrate signs of life once every couple of weeks', so let's add a few more steps to the process to filter out even more of the unworthy! If you wish to join, you must: 1.) be able to provide proof that you deserve to hang out with us, scum. Don't even waste my time unless you've written a detailed comment (~300 words) on a storygame in the past month. 2.) Post here in the thread that you've joined. Go ahead and include a link to your most recent review, and any other credentials. (storygames, WIPS threads, short stories or poems...) 3.) STATE YOUR SITE USERNAME UPON ENTERING THE DISCORD. (And yes you MUST have an account. I'd think that went without saying given rules #1 and #2, but...) You will be kicked if you don't do these things. Better luck next time. If you've been banned, aren't a massive faggot, and didn't go to every possible length to burn your bridges afterwards, you may submit your application for readmission here after two weeks have passed. This should take the form of a link to a recent review and a short persuasive essay. I just want to note here that the Discord isn't for everyone, and that's fine. But no one in there should be making it the reason or replacement for their entire interest in CYS, and if that becomes too much of a problem I'll take steps to fix it. AND I will enjoy them... For real though, I hate seeing people like Ozoni and Wibn who were contributing pretty frequently leave after getting banned from the server, or others who weren't doing shit for the site turn around and use the Discord as a platform for creating weird drama. Nobody has some kind of natural right to be there, and the less you do on the site, the less comfy you should allow yourself to get. Anyway, the first test of your worthiness was reading all that. If everything else is in order, you may click: (Server rules can be found in #byroyaldecree. It's all common sense stuff, but obviously I can't just rely on you people to have common sense...)

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

So I was banned for being retarded and lying about my age to seem older. The primary reason for this was because I assumed that the younger members would be made fun of more and that I wouldn't fit in as well if people knew I was 15. Well I forgot that you have to actually make your lie convincing, and didn't change my dob on CYS so Mizal quickly shut me down. My intent was not to deceive for malicious purposes, just to try to fit in more. However, breaking rules is breaking rules and Cricket banned me, understandably.

In the meantime, I've made myself somewhat useful by continuously working on my story, Halo, or Hell, no!, which has had some hiccups in its development. I've resolved to work on it every day once break is done, so I should make some decent progress on it. I have also gotten two featured comments in that time and written several others. Here is the link to one of the stories with a featured comment:

I've also helped Mara with her contest entry a bit, though I ran out of time to do more. I wouldn't say I did much to help her, but I did a little with the time I had. 

Overall, I think I've learned from the experience and become less retarded from it. Mizal helped by letting me know what I did wrong so that I could fix those things and not do them in the future, so I'm very grateful to her. If this appeal is accepted, I'll do my absolute best not to annoy the people of the discord as much as last time.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Application accepted! You have been pardoned.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Thank you. My discord tag is @megumeme#7883

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

So I was banned from this server around three months ago. After that happened I have done 26 reviews that are all above 300 words, and average 400. My discord is MrAce#0444. The thread with all my reviews can be found here.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Against all better judgement, you have been unbanned.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Note: Those of you I banned in the last 20 minutes, I will graciously allow to ignore the two week waiting period.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago


CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Don't you sad face me.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago


CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

et tu brutus?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

fack fine i did a 300 review on



CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
I am impressed by your display of minimal participation! You're back in.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
it's "et tu brute" you uncultured illiterate piece of shit

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Bitched at Mara for her hack writing job over that environmental bullshit. Also, even though I'm literally talking to you as we speak, on Discord, I'm still Steve#6781.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Oh, is this why I was suddenly "helled"?

I published a game today.

In the last month, I left a comment on the following game that is over 300 words.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
How did I survive I literally haven't written in two months now and never do reviews

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Blatant favoritism

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Did I just get banned?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Probably just kicked. Wasn't me this time, I swear.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Well I can't use the invite link

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

According to the audit log, it was indeed just a kick from our resident chaos witch.

I'll see what I can do to get you back in.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

I'll just chill here for a bit and praise Endmaster so that hopefully she won't kick me again.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Ban revoked.

And not a moment too soon, the discord has been overrun by faggotry with the addition of Serpent and Meg. And you and Corgi being gone wasn't providing a good counter balance.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
I regret my actions.

Or at least I would, if I didn't blame everyone else for making me ban them.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

What's the point of a ban hammer if you can't even go on a rampage here and there?

The only regret should be waiting as long as you did. 

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Left a review on this one


CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
I can already see the next headline of The End Times: Loyal Dog Sidekick Returns Home After Failed Spin-Off Series.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

I chased a squirrel too far and got lost

Never doing that again.....probably :l

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago


The fact that I have to write 300 words for what could be said in 50 kinda makes me retch in my throat, but here you go : Link.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago



CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
You jackass.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
It....doesn't quite work that way. Nice try though.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
I really don't understand why people keep thinking they can just ignore the OP.

I mean I know the answer is just that they're dumb and don't read, but it's still pretty weird.

Equally confusing is why certain people seem to get their feelings hurt over not being allowed to just hang out on a server they never use, for a site they never use.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago's-over

I’ve been lazy when it comes to writing a story, but I’ve got a template for a story for the resurrection contest on IS. I’ve got the whole thing planned out, so I just need to put in some time to write it. I’ve also written a couple of poems in the Creative Corner.

My CYS name is the same as on discord.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Paper's please you say? Uh, sure... (crap, I think this library card might've expired, best not mention that).

Paperwork ~400 words.

Discord User: Zero118#6709

P.S. I hear people like maps. Forgive the lack of mountains and trees.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Welcome back.

What program did you use to make that?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Gimp, the poor man's photoshop.

Traced the photo of a drawing, since the photo didn't look too good (weak lines, poor lighting, and the blue lines covering it all).

As for why the shoreline and lakes don't look horrible, I took great inspiration from a real map (*cough* copying *cough*). I have, however, since found that I didn't zoom in enough for all the details, and am thus missing a river delta! I'm fine with this though, as it would only have given me more room for errors, aha.

I was also considering flipping the map, but that idea came too late in the creation process, so doing it would've made the map look weird to me. I do think I'd still flip the north to point down though (in regards to the compass rose, which is missing atm).

Used a mosaic filter on the water, since I felt the map was lacking something (the mountains and trees might've helped with this).

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

Here are my identification papers.

My discord username is "jster" without the "02" at the end. 

You can find my most recent review here:

I've also got a completed storygame here:

And if all that's not enough, here's a short story to cap it off:


CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
Very good, I think you are the first to actually follow directions since the new thread went up.

Just in time to replace Bucky, too.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago
I wonder what it is about the OP that makes noobs completely ignore the instructions in it.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

5 years ago

They are testing your commitment. Stand your ground! Give them not a single inch! 

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
I would like to apply for an unban.

I know I kind of left in a fit, and I knew I would regret the next day. And I did. Though I used that as motivation to write. I promised myself I wouldn't try to come back until I had written a storygame that I am proud of. As of now I have finished a storygame that I am proud of, and regardless of it's rating I'm still proud of myself for it.

This discord has become an amazing thing, and I wish to be apart of it again, all I ask for is the chance to do that.


Storygame :


CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Lol guess I gave up 5 points. Forgot I was in the corna thread.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
10, now. And yes, if you were wondering, I am just leaving you hanging here as long as possible.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
I figured, but didn’t want to say anything to hurt my chances.

Also 15

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
>didn't want to say anything to hurt my chances

boy howdy

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Dedicated to the teenagers on the internet, and adults with the emotional development of teenagers on the internet. And let there be a toast to ASTONISHINGLY bad timing.

Good night. I am all out of fucks to give.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

On the flip side, I had fun. So I present this version instead.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Well I guess I find it a little bit funny now in hindsight, much of the drama was unnecessary but it did lead to adding a second lying, manipulative tranny to our Rogue's Gallery. And that is the true meaning of Christmas. Turns out your instinct there was right all along, but I still find value in handing people a rope and letting them hang themselves, which Shouj has done twice now. Let it always be remembered that one of Shoujo's last acts was asking a 14 year old boy for pics of his bare feet, and then getting defensive and angry enough at the wtf reaction to blow up about it and suicide a day later.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
The timing on these sort of amused me.

Auntie Yesterday at 7:46 PM
I'll probably let her back in after awhile and just stick in corona channel since she's dying.

But not right now. 

I don't understand why people can't figure out when they should just shut up, even when I directly tell them I'm not in the mood for this. ShoujaYesterday at 7:47 PM
You know what, just screw this, I'm done myself. I'm leaving.
Endmaster Yesterday at 7:47 PM
Great! I'll expedite your goodbye on CYS as well!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

What song is that?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
The Jewish Version of Rick Rolling?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Havah Nagilah sounds like.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago


Impiri Tonggali #8839

Recent Review: Discretion of a Sleuth (334 Words)
This also happens to be my only review so far, although I have a to-read list of storygames tomorrow that I am scheduled to post.

Supporting Documents:

Another Freshblood + Obligatory Admin Hate Speech (Self-Introduction Post)

A Tale of Theft and Guns: New Directions (Perhaps my only other semisolid proof of not being a leech; a review of the short story)

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Glory to Arstotzka.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

I think joining the discord is a great way to help me prevent any procrastination and be able to spit ball ideas more actively. 

I have 300+ word reviews most recently on
Hunters and the Hunted

The Book of Vanishing Tales

I currently have a WIP on my sneak peak. 

My discord name is Dire.  Dire1337#7533

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
You think wrong.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

With the first paragraph literally saying how much procrastination there is, I was just trying to stay optimistic about the whole thing. 

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Sincerely, Sometimes I think Procrastination surrounding me everywhere. But YOU CAN BE PRODUCTIVE. Follow my Write 1k every day system.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

For only seven small payments of 499.99 this program can be yours!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
As shown, they don't even have to form coherent sentences or anything! Just write literally any thousand words you want in any order. Super easy! Barely an inconvinience!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Thank you for your review on The Book of Vanishing Tales, by the way. I think it's as good as the featured ones.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Hello, I’m Orange. I think I was part of the Discord at some point last year but got helled. I can’t remember why. I joined CYS in 2016 after lurking for a number of years. I have written 7 story games, the most recent of which was for Mizal’s Tiny Topias Jam. Link:

I have also read and rated over 95% of the story games on the site.

Recent comment:

My Discord username is Orange because I’m consistent.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for future Discord users:

Please be aware, System32 is actually a very important part of your computer. The fact that Windows makes it difficult to randomly delete should indicate something.

It also has nothing to do with your screen resolution.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
I have no idea what prompted this but I assume it's a reason for me to start checking townsquare more often, lol.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

If you feed on trolling energies it's just to make your soul tastier for End to devour.

Gonna have to get back in the standard way now, looking forward to that review!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Honestly, I have no idea what happened, and why I was banned off of the discord for joking. This is giving me PTSP and flashbacks of CoG behavior.



CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
No more bulli! It's giving him PTSP. D:

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Penis the small penis?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Cog bans people who they deam who don't agree with them to purge the forum of people they don't like

We ban retards and faggots, especially the ones who come into a discord all high and mighty, to keep our forum alive and not infected with your kind. Especially our exclusive discord where we will ban you if we don't like you because it is OUR DISCORD.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Such viciousness.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Well then, a really nice way to go insulting someone you don't even know. High and mighty what you call, is me being sarcastic because that's how I am.

But hey, not going to argue or start pointless debates. Have it your way, thanks for the response and have a nice day. 

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Oh, there's no debate here, hun. It seems agreed that you should go back to your nursery and practice talking in front of a mirror while listening to recorded voice say, "You are not a noob. You are a great writer. Your persona isn't faggy at all. You sound like a human being," until you forget all about this affair.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

This did not age well

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Like milk.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Well technically everyone is supposed to follow the instructions in the OP. We do sometimes make exceptions, but Endmaster takes Theme Enforcement very seriously and obviously one of your natural betters isn't going to sit there and have a slap fight with you over your nickname. All in keeping with the rules:
6.) Anything that would get you banned on CYS will also get you banned here. 7.) Some things that would not get you banned in CYS can also get you banned here.
Although I do have to say, crying about it and comparing us to CoG does make you a faggot. But generally the way to repair things around here is just to do something useful or cool, so it's usually more efficient just to get on with that. I actually still would like to see the thread detailing whatever drama you had over there, Discord access is just going to require the standard entry fee and managing to not make bullying you so fun and desireable to certain individuals.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Fair enough. As for the thread about drama there...I'll see what I can do about that. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Regarding your ''standard entry fee'' ...I have zero ideas what you mean by that. *Shrug*

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
read the op

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

I've been a lurker in this forum for a bit and am adding reviews for the games I've played. Just left this review per the rules

I know my account is sus I finally decided today I should get off my lazy ass and participate...

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Hi, I am poison_mara and I was part of the last contest with the game Messiah for hire. So I share the requirements

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Requesting entrance to the discord.

Good thing I wrote a comment on Vincha just last week!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago

Attempting to enter the discord!




CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
I should’ve joined the discord by the time I’ve sent this message.
I’ve left reviews on a lot of the story games in the ‘most recent’ category of the site.
I’m pretty sure you’ve read some of my stuff before, but it’s in the ‘creative corner’ and I’m 90% sure it’s the most recent post while I’m messaging this.
I don’t feel comfortable giving my discord to just anybody on the internet, safety first and that, but by the time I’ve posted this I should’ve joined and said my site name on the chat.
Hope I’m worthy!

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
It's been about 24 hours. How much has your productivity gone down?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
Ive reviewed a story game, written 4 chapters, painted a model and made a town in that time (on top of school). But maybe it’ll be more of a long term effect?

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

4 years ago
You will do great! I write a lot and I am on Discord; so, don't worry

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

3 years ago

Requesting Discord entry, though I may not be super active in it. Might help gather the muse and energy for actually writing stuff.

300+ word count review: The Riddles of the Guardian

My other more substantial reviews can be found in my commendations. (Here and here if you're too lazy to check.)

My Discord user is REDACTED.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

3 years ago

Make sure you gather Green's productive energy and not Ford's horny energy.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

3 years ago
I make no promises but I will do my best.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

3 years ago

I know I should have expected this for what I said, but I won't apologize. What happened just wasn't right. However, I still wrote the requisite review, and would really appreciate being let back in.

CYS Discord: Now with flying cars!

3 years ago
The pantheon is talking your case over now, please stand b--holy crap that is a lot of words. You really get more of an impact now when the waterfall just suddenly springs from the view more button.