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Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago
Commended by mizal on 8/10/2021 7:48:21 PM

So you were banned. Upset, I'm sure. Confused? I'm even surer. This is always an extremely confusing and emotional experience for everyone involved. It's okay. Take a breath, I'm sure you probably matter. Most importantly, you are not alone. Tens of people on obscure forums around the world suffer from Admin Abuse every day. The good news is, you can fight it. There are ways of getting around this, and there is a proper route to take if you think you've been banned unjustly.

The Admin Abuse Help Line is here for you.

However, before you call the Admin Abuse Help Line, please acknowledge the following things:

1. The admin who laughed at you the most in public probably isn't the one who banned you. Retards are a special treasure to be kept around and chuckled at for all time. Most admins have this philosophy.

2. The admin who banned you was probably whichever one was just passing through and saw someone being an annoyance without context.

3. You were (in 90% of cases) being an annoyance.

4. This means the admin you have a personal rancour with and the admin who banned you are very likely two different people. You will need to make your case against both of them.

With that in mind, should you have an issue with any of the admins:
Please message the Admin Abuse Help Line (linked here) with a thorough description of your situation. You will be messaged back by a representative in under 5 business days.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago
Thank you for your sacrifice.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago
As a public service message, I also need to inform those who are victim of admin abuse:

You are indeed a victim. You are not alone. Operators are standing by now, representing Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, attorneys at law (pending). Our law firm is currently working on filing a class action lawsuit against the entire class of abusive admins. There is no cost to you and you may earn thousands (of CYS points)!

"Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe helped me earn 12 points, and it didn't cost me a penny!" -- coins' mom.

"I signed on to the class action lawsuit and they actually made me an admin and now I'm the one being sued!" -- a confused Ford.

So don't wait, time is limited to join into this class action forum activity. Operators are waiting for your call: say no to being a victim of admin abuse and get what you deserve!

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

Dear Mr. ISentinelPenguinI,

I hope you are doing well, both in physical, financial, and social health. I have decided to send a message because of the serious grievances I have with the admin system (I would also like to inform you that the words "Admin Abuse Help Line" are both blue and underlined, and I can only assume that such a grating color change is a typo, so you better fix it before a fellow abusee is dissuaded from messaging you due to the jarring aesthetics of those four words).

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge that being the first person to step up and message the helpline is a great feat, and one that took a lot of courage. I have opened a GoFundMe to help pay for the treatment (oxycontin) for the anxiety this has caused me. Please donate so that I can continue my noble fight against Admin Abuse.

Secondly, ban mizal. He was extremely, and by that, I mean extremely in italics, rude to me. He said things along the lines of, and I quote, "Please read the help articles instead of whining and begging other members to assist you". This is, without a doubt, cyberbullying, perhaps even turbocyberbullying (a felony). After reading that, I was on the verge of pants shitting, pissing, and crying. It was seriously that bad. I told mizal this, and at that point, before he even responded, I was banned. mizal was probably the cause of this, as you have outlined in your post.

In a very reasonable way of holding a discourse, I created 71 threads, spread evenly across all of the forum's pages (to reach the widest audience with my plight). Apparently, this is considering "spamming", but despite me claiming that it was simply an attempt to open a constructive dialogue, I was banned again. I creating 24 alt accounts to attempt to appeal this unjust and insensitive decision, but I kept getting banned.

Okay, I might have been in the wrong in this part, but because I am the nicest and best person on the Internet, I have to say this part as well. I might have said something mean. I made a topic titled "mizal is bully" and within it, I called mizal a bully. For this, a ban might have been justified, I admit it.

However, that doesn't excuse the frankly villanous behavior that mizal exhibited at all other times. His constant jeering is what prevented me from actually reading and writing on this site. I fervently want to do so, which is why I spent an entire day working on this entirely sincere message. But I cannot contribute my grandiose ideas to the site if mizal doesn't stop banning me.

So please, hear my pleas Mr. ISentinelPenguinI, I beg you. This website means the world to me after just two days on it, and I desperately want to become a normal member, but I am currently being suppressed and trodden upon by meanies and bad people. I really want to do things, but am forced to spend all my time fighting back to retain my pride and decency!

Yours truly, WizzyCat.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

>However, that doesn't excuse the frankly villanous behavior

It's spelled vinala, retard.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

Liar! You're not really a victim of mod abuse. Victims are never in the wrong and will make sure everyone knows it. You aren't angry enough either; maybe I would've believed you if you had used caps lock and more exclamation marks and ones.


This is why no one believes REAL abuse victims!

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago
NAH REALLLY!?1/?!!?!1?!?!!?!!?!!?! (im not, just pulling a funni)

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

Making sure that people are readily aware of this line, should the time come.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

How has business been lately? Are some abused noobs on a points compensation program for their emotional torment if proven it was unjustifiable from the admin in question? 


Granted, I'm not in charge or have any insight on the CYS treasury, but I am interested.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

Unfortunately for our newbie population (and fortunately for taxpayer dollars) almost no noobs have come forward with allegations of abuse, and even fewer have pursued any cases.


If any noobs happen to be reading this, I have to say, now is the time. Silence only propagates the issue. If you think you are a victim of admin abuse, please click our toll-free link with your complaint and we'll get right back to you.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

Further proof that CYS is a happy welcoming place for noobs run by fair admins since nobody ever complains.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

The CYS approval ratings have never been higher! 

At least from what I hear from some rather reputable sources, that are not at all fictional. 

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago
This Thara is a menace, a loose cannon, I'll have her gun and her badge if I ever see one legitimate complaint from a contributing member of society!

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

I'd like to complain that Thara is too... amazing! She wrote a really nice review for me on my recent storygame and is generally a helpful admin. All CYStians are great, really (except the spamming noobs but those are still great for entertainment value, so everything's perfect on CYS).

Overall, I'd rate this site 10/10.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 years ago

I wrote the only review currently on your story-game, because CYStians are dicks that do not read.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago
I'll take this Thara's gun and her badge if I ever see one genuine complaint from a productive member of society—a she's danger and a loose cannon.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago
This is the most impressive third worlder spam post I have ever witnessed. I'm intensely curious as to the operation behind these now.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

... I have read this comment three times now, and still can't quite understand what it means.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago
you missed it. the post had a link in the period to test if links worked, and not ten minutes later another third worlder posted two spam links with similar topics but fucked it up using bbcode because this guy didn't communicate what method he used to insert the link lol

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

How very strange.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago
Yeah! What?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

I see.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

I hear.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago
I taste.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

I know.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

2 years ago

I don't.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago
I inquire.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

The admins are all amazing people and I don't even know why this hotline exists.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

If I remember right, the hotline has only ever been called once in our entire history, and the caller wound up apologizing.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Does it count if everyone hate you?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

If everyone hates you, the problem's usually you. ^_^

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Do you hate me?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

No, I like you. Watching you torture everybody with your pre-teen edgelord cringe is fun! ^_^

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Haha! Yay, I'm happy to bring someone, I can't believe I said and meant that.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Your tax record looks fine, we're generously leaving everyone with 1 point per birthday.

I see you have since recanted, entirely of your own free will, but just wanted to address the original complaint you made by accident.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Oh, the birthday tax was real! I thought it was just Ford trolling. I shall relinquish my birthday points. ^_^

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
The 15 birthday points were stopped, blame all the users who sat around reaping a solid column of them for years. There was talk about a code change to retroactively adjust the 1.2 million points and growing given out by the system every year, but that didn't happen because Nightwatch is very busy and Ford is a fat slovenly goblinoid who cringes and hisses and burns from the touch of the sun but can only use the screen he's in front of 30 hours a day for playing catgirl games and Noita.

Then Sherbet adjusted the welfare of the like, literally 100 users whose name began with 'Aa-' because I asked him to "get started doing it manually" as a joke. And now Ford has taken it upon himself to manually tax the active members, with occasional help from others when we get bored enough.

Sent wants to use the reclaimed points as a prize pool for something later, but that would require actual record keeping by the CYS IRS so who knows.

And now I am late for work, farewell.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
With all this focus on points I'm surprised Ford hasn't made it so you can get negative points again. If I recall he was one of the main reasons JJJ made it no longer possible.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
>doing things

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
>doing things

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Hey, I'm supposed to be the lazy one that does nothing. You just need to channel that autism properly to do things slightly more productive than spending hours manually adjusting a forgone currency.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
wow what impressive and amazing stats those are. that guy must be really cool and an amazing gamer.

this guy on the other hand is an obsessive autistic maniac when it comes to games. way more perfect games and completion rate.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
20+ perfect games?

You guys are either autists to the extreme or you do a lot of one hand gaming.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
I'm the autist, sherb is the one handed gamer.

My perfect games: terraria, skyrim, dx human revolution, cookie clicker, hl2 ep 2, va-11 hall-a, hellblade, hl2, hl2 ep 1, gris, stanley parable, and others.

Sherb's perfect games: wwe 2k23, cassette beasts, subnautica, wuppo, people playground, slime rancher, streets of rogue, your turn to die, game dev tycoon, kopap 2, limbo, kill it with fire, crooked man, hue, inside, etc

Outside of some top titles, sherb basically just plays tiny decorative games to completion and I am a true gamer.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

True gamer? Nah I got that title locked up


Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
wow. ever thought about killing yourself?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

To be fair I think it's safe to say my best friend demolishes all of us when it comes down to numbers alone




Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Fallout one is valid fr.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Thats fallout 4 though.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

You see what you want to.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Ain't no way this console noob just tried to call themselves a gamer

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Wow! Your Turn To Die! That sounds like a really fun game that is way better than danganronpa with neat minigames and an interesting storyline. I wonder how he got that? :3

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Commended by Mystic_Warrior on 9/21/2023 2:46:39 PM


And no, I haven’t made this joke before.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
it's some serious business

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Nice try but you're one of us now.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Commended by Mystic_Warrior on 9/21/2023 4:59:57 PM


Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

You win! Hurray for birthdays! Lets all play games and eat cake ^_^

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I like Sent's mini wrestling set up.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I also like my mini wrestling setup

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I too like your mini wrestling setup

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Anyone who thinks the CYS IRS has acted in error, report here. Your claim will be processed, probably. Eventually.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Recently they took 14 points away from me for birthday welfare, but I checked and I received no birthday points this year, so I just lost 14 points :(

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Sounds about right for the IRS.   They are kinda like that irl also. If you click the link above you can probably file a return.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
1. didn't happen
2. deserved it

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I'm really confused about why I've had so many points taken away. Is it because I was inactive? I wasn't aware that was a thing.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
For every birthday, you receive 15 points. It was decided recently that 15 was too much, and a bot was sent out to deduct 14 points per birthday since account creation.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

So there won't be more random points docked?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
If you reply to this post, you will have a further 72 points docked

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
I am not at this time prepared to make promises about what random acts of tyranny will or won't happen, or to whom.

But one might argue that if being docked 70 can put you in the negatives, you had insufficient love of pointless points to begin with.

(However I think being someone End hung out with on IS may grant you a certain degree of protection.)

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
thank you for bringing attention to this. after review it seems you were docked incorrectly, as you actually have had 6 birthdays since joining instead of 5, another 14 points will be deducted to correct this minor but important clerical error.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago


Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
To whom it may concern,

I have had two birthdays since joining, totaling 30 birthday welfare points. The IRS reclaimed these points on the 23rd of September, but yesterday, while enjoying a beautiful day, I received a notification informing me that the IRS took another 28 points. If there is any way I could get those 28 points back, it would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
I was mugged a few days ago. The IRS pried 70 points from my cold, half-dead hands.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

If the Dutch are able to get refunds, may I have my 28 points back? I kind of worked very hard for them (did some drawing stuff).

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

It's a good thing all 3 of the recent members demanding points are well known to me, I kept instinctively reaching for the ban button every time.That being my usual go to for admin tools and all.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
While I was double taxed for my one and only birthday, I have complete faith in our autocracy that those points are better used in the hands of someone else. I would criticize all complainers for their lack of patriotism

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I've been docked a total of 70 points by the IRS. If I'd been on the site that long, don't you think I'd be smarter by now?

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 11/8/2023 3:49:37 PM

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Oh no, this is all Ford, don't look at me. The rest of us tried to stop him you see...

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

Dear Admin Abuse Help Line,

I returned from the dead to discover that while I slept, my grave was robbed of 140 points. I've had 8 birthdays since my account creation (112 points), so I'm missing 28 points.

Life keeps me away. But upon each return, I expend my energy on extensive critiques to prove my dedication. I've also provided free, thorough feedback upon request.

If you could consider a refund, I'd be grateful. Thank you for your time.


Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago

I had 10 birthdays here, which is about 150 points.

It seems that I was charged 126 points, and then another 126 points. 252 points total.

I would like the 102 points I am missing, please.

Edit: I appear to have been refunded 120 points instead of 102, and therefore have a surplus of 18 points. I do not know if this was intentional, but I would like to report it regardless.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Hello, I would like to donate what little points I have to the IRS.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Unfortunately the conversion process would cost more than your mexican points are worth.

We appreciate your consideration,

Admin Abuse? Call now!

one year ago
Fuck the IRS!

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago
Welp, I finally got banned.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago

No you didn't but it probably won't be long.

Admin Abuse? Call now!

3 months ago



but i made this alt cuz i got banned