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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Though I appreciate you let me keep cunt. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

> Though I appreciate you let me keep cunt. ^_^


I nominate Avery's above post to be the initial post for Interesting Comments 6.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
It's easy to see you're the professor around here, because that's friggin brilliant.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I need to stop making these comments. >.<

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
And this will be for thread 7.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Nah, I'm sure I'll say something considerably more retarded by then. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

This is the new IC thread.

Oh and here's the other threads for more IC fun.






Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
i try to save neville and die? that's not good writing, it's just mean. no offense, your probably nice and just not a great writer. my advice would be to try to keep the reader from dying. most readers dont like to die and making it happen can really ruin a story and cause you to lose a fan. its a fine balance. my personal style is to only kill the reader when they choose the deliberately obvious stupid choice, amd then i try to make their death a amusing in some way to soften the blow. i figure if you spit in the angry talking bear's face, you must really want to die, right? lol. good luck. -- joe on 11/25/2020 1:06:08 AM with a score of 0 Mostly just amused by this illiterate no account going on about 'his personal style'. Compared to this commenter, the story itself may as well have been written by Shakespeare. Sorry, was that too mean?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
The famous Dunning-Kruger effect: People of low ability overestimate their ability. Or, in other words, if they don't have a clue, they don't have a blue about having no clue, either.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Why the hell is this simulation shit only for boys? Anyways, it's peeps don't even try.
-- Ann Kayne on 4/17/2020 3:56:34 AM with a score of 0

A little too inappropriate for my taste. Dude, if you are going to put innuendos in, make the rating higher, please. The writing was pretty good, but every other option was depressing. Don't take it so seriously. Try to have fun!
-- SquattingPigeon on 2/26/2019 11:03:46 AM with a score of 0

I wish that u gave options for ravenclaw and hufflepuff because my house is ravenclaw and i know there are hufflepuffs
-- mary on 1/5/2019 8:04:55 PM with a score of 0

This is Jesika, i like the game but there is a lot of reading to do, major turn off. This seems boring but other than that good idea and concept.
-- jbranch1998 on 8/24/2015 1:15:35 PM

All on the same story. It's just some mediocre Harry Potter thing but that sure does seem to be all it takes to get these kids all worked up.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I'm Going Out

This game fucking sucked dicks. You fucking suck at making games and you should just give up. Kill yourself bitch, no one needs you around. :)

-- Lia Worton on 11/27/2020 12:23:50 PM with a score of 0

Desperate Heart

Fuck this game. It is very stupid and dumb. Go kill yourself since you have nothing better to do than make games you know people will hate. Why are you even alive. Like, no one cares about and your parents don't either.:) They just pretend that they do so you don't commit suicide. I made my little sister kill herself and I don't regret it. She was a little bitch and she deserved to die. She was also stealing the attention from me and now, I have ALL the attention. My family never gave a fuck about her anyway. You should kill yourself too!:) #god die cause no one cares about you!:)

-- Lia Worton on 11/27/2020 1:27:59 PM with a score of 0

Well now, that's the kind of enthusiastic reviews we like to see around here. Too bad Lia was too much of a faggot to actually sign into the site though.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Telling kids to kill themselves, ahhhh, really takes me back to the Warrior Cats days.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

... I'm confused by this one. So, she made her sister kill herself because she was stealing all the attention... But the family never gave a fuck about her... So, why were they giving her all the attention? ... I am over thinking this retarded comment. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

That horrible new one-page storygame

Damn bro. I feel you. This story speaks to me, and I think you let it tell your feelings true. That being said, I think there's room for improvement. Don't let the haters around here get you down. I know it's cliche to say, but you're really worth your weight in wood. I don't say that often to folks, but you really would've made a perfect fuel source back when anyone gave a shit about you. It's a shame that you were allowed to grow up like this, alive, and all. I wonder how nature allows shit-stains like you to be literate long enough for you to put out this pepperoni dog vomit content. 

The years I've aged from cringing cannot be replenished, and I hope for each wrinkle on my head that you lose 10 years off your godforsaken life. God wasted his time giving you an average sized dick. I won't bring your mother into this, as I'm sure she already knows this of you, but at least apologize to yourself for being this way. Consider consolidation of what pity those around you have left for you, and take advantage of the dumbasses that showed you any kindness to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and jump down, down, down into the ditch you belong. 

I hope this has inspired you to reconsider yourself and recognize the pain you have caused everyone around you. Pissant.

-- Ford on 11/30/2020 6:30:30 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
And context:
Ford was helled in the discord(along with me), and his punishment was to write an personal insult for the girl who wrote this story. Apparently he didn't even bother reading it, and typed this thing out. Needless to say, Mizal immediately helled him again. Poor Ford.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
The comment would've been perfectly fine if he hadn't misgendered the author, thus proving he was too lazy to read literally even a single page. And Malk had given him such an easy task.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Misgender someone at CoG: Get banned for 1000 years.

Misgender someone at CYS: Get thrown in HELL.

It's official, we're the most progressive IF site on the internet.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Ahhh, that explains the new review on the Book of Vanishing Tales! I was surprised to see one from Ford, but it's actually pretty detailed. (I really gotta go back and fix those typos.)


Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I told him to make Leora do it, she would've probably liked it more.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I really enjoyed the book of vanishing tales. The little puzzle when you have to procure the gift was very well done, and all the little stories really gave a cool vibe to the world.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Yeah, I like it a lot, I should probably do a review sometime...

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I feel like this story was very sudden. Didn't have much context. How were we supposed to know that the hill would be too steep? There also were only three endings, two of which you both died, and one where you lived, with no way to tell which one you would die at. You'd think that you wouldn't die moving to the village to get a new home for the winter... after all, you were trying NOT to die in the freezing winter cold, correct? Oh well.
Also, there were not enough choices. I didn't know either of the characters that well and I didn't know which choice would have whatever reaction. How were we supposed to know that when she prayed for forgiveness she would hang herself the next morning? Very sudden, not a lot of choices, and didn't know the characters. Those were the problems for me.
-- Art3mis on 12/7/2020 10:28:08 AM with a score of 0

I just laughed because it's such a long list of complaints, and yet the one thing missing here is anything about the corpse fucking. I guess that part she was fine with.

Of course she got the main character's gender wrong too, so maybe she just wasn't paying that much attention.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
which one is this for?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Inseperable. Her gay romance story.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Billie eilish on 12/7/2020 for Broken Wings


Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
There were a few of these all by the same spammy retard using celebrity names, but someone cleaned them up before I got to more than a couple.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Yeah, I removed them as I went.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Soul Thief by MHD

weird and religious to ugly and boring, terrible plot and no good story its trash fucking trash shit 
-- shart_face on 12/7/2020 11:05:20 PM with a score of 0

Oh what the hell, this fucktard attacked MHD, she’s never done anything to anyone. She just brings joy to the forums through her drawings.

Only the lowliest of cowardly shitheads would do such a thing which is obvious since they just did a driveby comment rather than actually signing up and saying it more directly.

Probably has a shit fetish too given the name they did use. Sad!

The Horror Inside by Ogre

trash garbadge some moron made it very short and bad garbadge trash trash trash made me loose hair. add some story you piece of trash garbadge morno mdmasakmas 
-- bobo hobo on 12/7/2020 11:02:33 PM with a score of 0

Lol he’s sure got your number Ogre.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Lol, I was just coming here to post those. I went ahead and deleted them since I figured it was the same spammer from before.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
"Made me loose hair?" That was never the intended goal, but it certainly is now...

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Dark one on 12/9/2020 for Rogues
Imma be completely honest that was one of the best stories I have read. If not the best ending I have read. Have you written any others?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

ching chang chong, the fortune cookie is always wrong

-- misa kim on 9/1/2020 1:05:55 PM with a score of 0

On Rogues lol

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

fucking crap? it didnt mention fuckn sex or get erotic not fuckin ONCE my fucking boner hates yalls guts!

-- Brianna Tupman on 2/5/2020 3:36:36 PM with a score of 0

Also Rogues

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

seeing as I just finished reading through all the paths, I'm excited to say this story is one of the most diverse that I've had the pleasure of reading. Endmaster seems to have a way with words and worlds that always seems to suck me in. anyone that has an appreciation of fantasy worlds, will enjoy this immensely, so If ya haven't read this yet, I'd ask ya to stop reading this, and read the frikin story.

onto the spoilers!

one thing I am actually disappointed in was the fact that the DK was an option to go after killing klint. ya get there, and get sort of recruited by the ECS, but then you just get caught and killed no matter what. it felt like Endmaster wanted explore the DK and the ECS, but after building all the other paths decided that was enough and just left that path hanging. that was going to be that last place I went, but it didn't go anywhere unfortunately.

A similar thing happened with seemingly minuscule choices. an example would be when Isabella kicks Rouge out of his Holgard tomb. he leaves, but we never explore what happens next, which I'm sure him being an immortal vampire and all, he could have done some sort of exciting stuff. Just look at Isabella, she lived through tons of countries rise and fall, she saw the beginnings of the ECS! what would Rogue have seen or been apart of? and thats just one example.

Okay, done with the criticisms, so for those who managed to read through my rant, I got lots more complements, because I gave this an 8/8 on the rating thing despite those two issues. this story is extremely immersive, so immersive I'd say that it's easy to become invested in all of the characters and romances. even some characters that got basically no screen time still seemed to seem interesting. the baroness is an honorable mention for me, because even though I personally wouldn't want to go to one of her parties, it was still a spectacle to read. warts was my favorite non-romantic interest character, because of how he always seemed to be there for Rogue, no matter what crap Rogue would give him. also I liked his gift when he started working for the baroness, it made me laugh to think that Warts thought that Rogue would like it, even though he did.

on to the romances. my personal favorite just had to be Tanya, I mean, how could you not find it adorable that even though she is a friggin succubus, she's still a virgin. I know that she's only half succubus, and that she avoided sex just to not become one, but it still makes me laugh. also, I really like how she interacts with Rogue, and how their interactions slowly become more warm and open. it's slow (not story-wise, but in-world-wise), but works well. Tanya is an angel despite the fact that she's a demon, and you can't convince me otherwise.

speaking of angels, my third favorite romance (i'm sorry for skipping NO. 2, but this just flowed too perfectly on accident) would be Yvette, even though she is 1/4 angel, she's close enough that it counts. I don't have too much to say about her due to her not having too much screen time, but she's still an angel. The fact that there are also celestials in this universe make me so amazed, even though in a way it kinda makes sense. god's would have to have immortal servants, cuz the mortal ones are too fickle. Yvette is really sweet. I'm kinda sad that I had to lie to end up with her, but in the end, Trinity was totally worth it, the little children in this book are perfect (except for Mara when she was a kid) it's easy to get attached to them too.

number 2 favorite romance would have to be Zal. she's the only real competition in my eyes against Tanya, because even though she does come off as "a bit guiding," she always tries to stick by you. when I was introduced to her after Annah comes with Rogue, I instantly liked her, and I liked that she changed, and slowly stopped wanting to be a criminal. after the first taste of what I liked about her as a character, I actively searched for a way to end up with her, which makes me happy that that comes true in epilogue one, which by default due to this ended up being my favorite ending, even though Tanya isn't in it.

now that I'm done with that, y'all's can learn about my favorite endings.

as I said epilogue 1, Son of Innkeeper, is my favorite because Rogue ends up with Zal. What I did not say however was WHY else I liked it. one of those reasons was that it was so interesting to know that this story comes full circle with Innkeeper. he becomes a pretty decent person, gets married, has a loyal group of friends, doesn't have any targets on his back, and his family can be proud of him. most other endings can't say the same about many of these things. also, I find it funny that he ends up having to vote for Mr. Reynolds.

second place would then have to go to epilogue 10, Hero. this one makes Rogue out to be frikin amazing. he takes out 2 criminal organisations, leads his own, gets a succubus to fall in love with him, defends Holgard from an entire invasion, gets so in love with Tanya that he ends up killing other girls that he had sex with just because they were inferior to her in a literal and sexual way. warts somehow sticks by him, and he's one of the only main side characters that survive as long as Rogue.

also, honorable mention to epilogue 5, stability. this ending is great because ya know, Trinity.

anyone still reading this is crazy, but if ya did, congratulations! this story was amazing and rivals that of eternal on amazingness. 20 gold stars. Endmaster keep being an amazing creator on this website!

-- jcopman on 8/2/2019 8:37:00 PM with a score of 0

Some anonymous put in a lot of effort to comment on Rogues

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Has there ever been a featured comment by a noob?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Don't think its possible

But the dude could have capitalized and used punctuations and whatnot. 

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
True, there also was some spelling errors and stuff.
I applaud his effort, though

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Lots of times in the past since there weren't many featured comments. Nowadays we tend to only feature comments if they're by a registered member.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Yet not enough effort to use his Shift key.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
And I thought Brianna was a female name.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Ryan Kirkpatrick on 12/11/2020 for The Secret of the Mysterious Door
Thanks for a clean story that I can share with my classroom

Poor guy, I can just read the weariness between the lines here. You know he searched for so long.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I'm still wondering how the hell all these teachers stumbling on this site and even given a cursory glance they think "This is a great place for my class to look at!"

I mean true it's a great place and there is none greater where a young mind can learn the essentials of reading and writing, but I know not everyone feels that this place is wholesome for some strange reason.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Perhaps it's the premise of "chooseyourstory" and the fact that people can play, create and share that really attracts people of such.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Pretty sure Gower could have a field day with his classes here:

Look at this story. Find all the English errors in it. Hint: there are over 50 in the first 2 pages.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
GeniusFangirl on 12/12/2020 for Inseparable
Really good! I enjoyed the twist where he actually died. It confused me for a second, I thought I'd be like one of those stories where the main character realizes they've been in love with a long-dead person, but confusion is good! When it was sorted out it made it even better! Highly recommended.

So close to enlightenment, yet so far...

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
p on 12/16/2020 for Private Game for Natalie
It was so nice I like seeing people look back and remind each other of the good times

I know you published that by mistake, but I'm glad you left it up because you sure warmed this noob's heart.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A Mutt's Purpose

-- Ravendash on 10/18/2017 10:47:05 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Paula Brandenburg on 12/17/2020 for Private Game for Natalie
I think the game is great but you can make were you can see yourself and know who you are with

Well Gower, you can make were you, or not?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Does Bruno Mars is gay?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

u don't need to know this on 12/21/2020 for Phoenician Trade Game
it is good but I like something that is more interesting to actually look at instead of just clicking on a bunch of links, I also have Questions about the finishing of this, why is the "you win" part of this gam me drowning? that doesent make any sense, like what the heck people!? is it that hard to make an ending where I DON'T die cause I've made plenty of redirected slideshows that are more entertaining than this piece of **** and i think you know what I mean by that and if u just figured out why i'm like this, weeeell good job and also, no shit Sherlock

Many stupid children have left comments on this one over the years, but this may be the most entertaining of all.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
nomansland1 on 12/22/2020 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
Was my first time reading a choose your own adventure novel online, was a pretty good read, the only thing was that it felt it ended aburtly with you getting the sheriff and kids to all come with you into the wilderness and sorta felt like it ended all too soon, but other than that was a fun Read.

This noob is quite wholesome and good, but I still never get tired of the 'this million word game is too short' comments.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
james on 12/23/2020 for Ground Zero
I clicked on an rss feed on the IFDB website, and, found this. now, I really enjoyed it, however, what happens to you and, beccy? is there a part2? overall, the story was great.

Listing games on the IFDB is cool and good, although I can't say I've ever had a good experience with anyone named James.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A Super Tale

1 point, that's right. I reject your attempts to make me do the plot. 

-- BaronDarklordMcFukko on 1/2/2021 9:19:53 AM with a score of 1

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
That seems like a dangerous enemy.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

8 goals, 28 rolls


-- CeruleanFlare on 12/25/2016 1:06:10 AM with a score of 123

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
William on 1/8/2021 for The Donner Party
grammer issues

You don't say.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Lol, I saw that one.

From an early age it has always delighted me whenever I see someone telling someone else that there grammer is bad and their are mispelled words.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Eye Sea Know Mist Takes @ Awl. ^v^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

The Foreigner

The author is so obviously a 13 year old writing out their fantasies of being the most abused kid ever so they can justify violent revenge. It's all a bit silly.

-- HHH on 1/9/2021 5:13:52 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A Very Special Choose Your Story

It was alright I guess, not the best one I've played by far. The only part I got pissed off at was the homophobia there at the beginning. Not cool bro. 

-- bondogggle on 1/13/2021 11:37:20 AM with a score of 0

Lol fag.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A very special review for a very special choose your story!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
A fag? Where?!

It may sound silly, but I have an irrational fear of those.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Thanks but I like frogs.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Whether you like frogs or girls doesn't really matter, you're still acting like a faggot, lol.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago


Is this person a retard of some kind? 

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
It appears so.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I Went to the Graveyard

the store is horrible fuck off

-- eliana on 1/14/2021 12:52:49 AM with a score of 1

Well I guess she told Bilbo.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Speaking of A Very Special Story, here's the Infinite Story version!

Didn't really need to add the fag bit, as that was already implied. It's best to be subtle in these matters.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I don't know what the full context is, but I'm sensing that another person misunderstood a joke.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 1/15/2021 12:28:37 PM


You see AL, there are a large amount of people who get butthurt over the most minor of things, these people are generally known as faggots.

Contrary to popular belief, being a faggot isn't about your gender or sexual preference, it's about being a whining bitch. Generally around here, we try to curb that sort of behavior. We're not always successful as it still pops up from time to time (Like recently with hilarious results) but we try.

Now in the case of AVSS, this one definitely roots out a lot of faggots allowing us to see them and mock them for who they are (Like recently with hilarious results)

AVSS also roots out the fucktards as a side effect since there is a CLEAR WARNING on the story about how it MIGHT be offensive to delicate poppets yet many of them go and read it anyway, and then whine like faggots about it. I have no sympathy. Such degenerates should be mocked.

Anyway, I hope this was a valuable lesson to you AL to avoid such dangers yourself, I know you're young and still learning about the world, but so far you've managed to maintain the wholesome path. Take this wisdom and continue your wholesome non-faggy journey!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

 Take this wisdom and continue your wholesome non-faggy journey!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I am so glad we have you. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

What does he mean by "us"?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Presumably the LGBT community. Some of their members tend to think I don't like them for some strange reason.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago


The book was witty, but I feel like there were too many curse words.
-- AestheticLlama on 10/28/2019 8:11:25 PM with a score of 0

But the curse words made it better! Shush 2019 AL. >:(

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
No Thanks on 1/14/2021 for Detective 1: Blacksea Island There was no purpose in many of the questions other than to waste time. Why ask about the other volunteers? That question never mattered. Finding the gun didn't matter. There was no way to confront Iris or ask more questions when we found more evidence. The mystery was obvious because you relied on some of the most common tropes of women with changed last names as a primary tool of literary obfuscation and also women being the victim and the murderer. Also. Why only 2 women and both were in the plot? Not only would another 50 yeae old or 45 year old woman have given you a reasonable second suspect but it also would be good to have other female charactees who aren't part of the main plot. Women can be normal background support characters too, and in fact it is weird if your only female characters are the only characters that matter. Volunteers are normally mostly women and you decided to somehow avoid that unless they fit your plot specifically even when men were used generically. It is ok to have a woman who isn't there for any big reason, just like men, just like in real life. And also you literally wrote a gross weird flirty scene with a 15 year old girl - a CHILD - and a 20 year old adult man? Ok. No. Please. Just make him younger. Why would you make it weird? Her friend just died and now she is all hot and bothered by some older guy? Nah. Sorry. That might be how a 15 year old boy would act, but come on. Other than that why did you also have to again comment about the female protagonist's future romantic life in the end anyway anyway? You would not have done that with a boy character. Also please next time have literally any other branches of the narrative, have any of the red herrings seem actually like they lead anywhere, and also allow me to finish without running down the clock. Also why could i only pick up 1 item and it was useless? Lots of text sure, but no substantive dialogue. All of the red herrings were obviously pointless, ages made it all immediately obvious. It was quite linear. Some of this was fine overall but it could have been so much more. And i know you are reading this and feeling hurt or insulted or defensive but as an interactive author to another author, take the criticism as genuine feedback because i definitely am not alone here. It makes you better as an author to reflect from other perspectives and improve. I didn't try especially hard to read this textwall, but a large portion of it seems to be ranting about gender, and then there's the lolworthy line 'as an interactive author to another author'. Like, no, you no account bitch, you don't get to make that claim with nothing to back it up. Likewise the insistence that "they are not alone" and that others definitely have the same opinion. Who? Where? Of course it's unusual seeing anyone who hasn't even bothered to make an account post a comment this size at all. Out of all the authors on the site, somehow it was Will that went and really riled them up. kek

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

"And also you literally wrote a gross weird flirty scene with a 15 year old girl - a CHILD - and a 20 year old adult man? Ok. No. Please. Just make him younger. Why would you make it weird? Her friend just died and now she is all hot and bothered by some older guy? Nah. Sorry. That might be how a 15 year old boy would act, but come on. Other than that why did you also have to again comment about the female protagonist's future romantic life in the end anyway anyway? You would not have done that with a boy character."

Lot of assumptions here. Why would a 15 year boy act like that and not a 15 year girl? There's no real indication that Will wouldn't have commented about a male protagonist's future romantic life at the end either.

Still I'm always sort of amused when I see complaints like this on Will or Berka's stories mainly due to their stories never going out their way to be offensive and people still bitching about something being offensive.

Also "driveby guest" comments are from sub-humans that were too cowardly to make an account in the first place.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I can't even remember a flirting scene, out of place or otherwise. I'm guessing whatever it was was half imagined or just the girl thinking the guy was cute or something. There were two obvious issues with that story, one was the run on sentences and passive style, and the other was that someone got hurt in the arm by a shotgun at point blank range instead of having a hole the size of a baseball blown through their torso. Anyone mad enough to go on an unhinged rant about who doesn't even bring those up just has a weird bug up their ass about gender and sexuality. A woke prude, what an odd combination.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Gay and Depressed

hahaha i now see a burguler in the mirrior
-- kaden on 10/11/2019 8:00:56 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Someone smoked a little too much of the devil's lettuce that day.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Unless... They were the burguler all along! ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

The Raven

This story turned me gay. I'm so glad I found it. Good work and I am 50 years old

-- I am 50 years old on 3/12/2020 1:10:09 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

The story turned you gay? Lol. We also don't care how old you are, "I am 50 years old"!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I guess it's to establish just how efficient the game is at turning people gay, since the older generation can be pretty homophobic. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Any reasone?

This was a great fap 10/10
-- Nick Gurr on 4/23/2019 3:12:00 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Redditor detected.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
katence vedder on 2/6/2021 for Live the Life of a Cat [delete]
i think that erin hunters books are amazing i just want to read them all the time because they are so good i love you erin hunter!!!!

How is this STILL happening? Shouldn't all the WC kids be adults by now?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

And it's not even a Warrior Cats game! >.<

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

THis sTory is big poopy heD. i DIDN'T EVEN GET TO play. I just pressed Glowy words till i win, if i dOnt win thenn the gam is trAsh.

-- xXPussy_DestroyerXx on 11/7/2019 11:51:34 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
What game was that?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Celestial Lies: Chapter One

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago


He need to build a wall
-- Trump on 4/1/2019 1:22:30 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

War: The Fort

Cool sex awesome fuck

-- Max on 2/13/2021 12:06:56 AM with a score of 100

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Blow Your House Down

"... I would also like to know if there was any truth to this ..." - Future1


Based on a true story: Bill seducing the strumpet seducing him and then burning her and her harpie boyfriend up; afterwards, preceeding calmly outside into the hurricane to take a nap in his truck, lol.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Did you accidentally post with your alt again?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I know this was for Natalie, but I see you have not forgotten me. I miss you. Play the game for yourself and this time make the right choice, for yourself.
-- Quinn on 2/17/2021 11:39:12 PM with a score of 2

Thank you so much for rekindling that spark. I thought I'd left you behind and yes you were literally behind me the entire time.
-- Natalie on 2/17/2021 11:20:08 PM with a score of 1

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Awhh <3

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
NA on 2/23/2021 for Cuban Missile Crisis
Its okay some animations could do

This person needs an actual missile in their life.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Yeah guys, you really need to up your games. Your interactive novels don't have nearly enough animation.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Fine. How's this?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Yes. Now add those dancing hamsters to every page of Dead Man Walking. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Not sure if this has already been posted in another Interesting Comments thread, or not. 

Hockey Quiz: What NHL player are you! 

Bitches made this please shit on it

-- Bitch on 11/23/2019 7:50:15 AM with a score of 0


I hope you die. :D

-- Andrew on 5/31/2017 11:43:53 PM with a score of 0

Not as interesting, but... 

It was retarded with wrong spelling

-- Gay on 7/19/2017 1:59:43 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
pretty good I enjoyed it keep up the good work ill read more stories but it a good first read
-- oh no on 2/8/2021

Life in the Fast Lane

Amazed people like the even can read at all.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
...people like the what?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
You know, The.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

You mean... The The?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Anyway, Peng met that commenter, that was a rando League of Legends player that stumbled onto the server somehow, and typing that was their greatest effort. A lowly and despicable species.

Still getting League people joining, there was another yesterday. Somebody's weird ineffectual attempt at a joke I guess.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Are we going to have a League of Legends purge like we did with Warrior Cats? :p

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
LoL players only arrive by mistake, and then are in a hurry to go play more LoL. They have very simple and uncomplicated lives.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I truly feel sorry for them. I'm pretty sure that cocaine is better for your health than League of Legends.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I'm pretty busy at work and wasn't even thinking about this topic, but all of a sudden with just a bolt from the blue I realized we could've been referring to the LoL players as 'lol fags' all along.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Tye13 on 3/2/2021 for A Very Special Choose Your Story
My friend went through this but I stopped her before it got that bad

And how exactly would you know when it was going to get that bad eh???

Tsk Tsk Tsk. Kids are such filthy degenerates these days~ Harumph!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Funnily enough, this person was messaging me a while ago and I recommended this one to it to get em off my tail. Felt like I did the right thing

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

It's not that bad till you get AIDs and go to hell. :p

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A comment on A Jornada

Eu realmente gostei dessa história! Eu não falava uma palavra de Português, então eu tive que traduzir isso e eu achei que foi ótimo. Estou extremamente irritado que tantas pessoas estavam ofensiva para este jogo porque não era em Inglês. Pessoas de outros países têm tanto direito de desfrutar o site como qualquer outra pessoa. (I really liked this story! I do not speak a word of Portuguese, so I had to translate it and I thought it was great. I am extremely annoyed that so many people were offensive to this game because it was not in English. People from other countries have as much right to enjoy the site as anyone else.)

-- Briar_Rose on 11/19/2012 8:27:02 AM with a score of 0

Woah, who is this guy? 

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Yeah, I know right? What a virtue signalling pussy.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

On the contrary, she seemed like a nice, passionate lady. Standing up for the downtrodden against those untoward to those that speak other languages besides their own. 

I wonder whatever happened to them. 

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Probably wrote a couple of half decent games before selling out and disappearing to CoG for about a year, only to reappear as a pretentious woke bitch. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Oh, I remember that Briar. I docked her like 2000 points awhile back after she PMed me some annoying bullshit.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Should probably dock her that 100 points she got when Tower of Riddles got featured too :p

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago


31 Admin Bonus - Incest? More like WINCEST am I right?

... I can not for the life of me remember what this was in reference to, but I'll take it. ^_^


Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Another Comment on A Jornada


To all of you imbeciles implying that they're breaking site rules by posting a story that's not in English; you're wrong. Go back to your caves. Written_Agreement, the fact that you don't even know which language this is written in (Portuguese, not Spanish) makes you look like the idiot. Alienalpha, your facts are wrong, your methods are ridiculous and you sound so elitist it's not even funny.

-- JJJ-thebanisher on 3/28/2012 4:55:25 PM with a score of 0

Edges out Briar's by quite a bit. 

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Are non-English stories against site rules?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
What does the thing you're replying to say? (For additional clues, see the Foreign Language tag.)

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Well, the French Harry Potter fanfiction exists so I guess that answers my question. I know that the original comment said that it's not against site rules but maybe that had changed recently.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Emma on 3/8/2021 for Inseparable [delete]
It is really good, I thought that the person we were playing as was a girl until later in the story. I feel like the person you are should be described before you start the story.

I had to go back and re-read my own first line. Ummm, do they not teach kids biology anymore? I'm scared to ask what they thought was going on in that scene.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Biology is optional nowadays.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

The Prince of Freedom: Innocence Lost

I liked it even better than the time Avery, mizal and poison mara took turns banging me with a horse dildo strap on while my wife watched.-- jasonstevanhill on 2/18/2021 8:03:21 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Too late... :[

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
“Innocence lost”

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

This is an achievement, but I still don't feel good about it. :[

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I'm sorry AL. I hope the site hasn't traumatised you for life. :(

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Luckily, I'm kind of used to this, so I don't mind. I knew this would happen one day or another. :[

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

A Crazy Dimension Called Life

I just played again cuz I forgot to rate. Anyways....... 3/5
-- Cookie fan on 8/25/2019 4:00:11 PM with a score of 0


Um I don't think that's how you rate on this site

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Whoa, you're here again, how are the frogs doing?

Other than that person being retarded, the only explanation I could think up is that this may be a time stamp.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

The frogs are doing well, thanks for asking.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

They're definitely retarded. Why would you put a timestamp on a comment?

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

They're especially retarded because you don't rate games out of 5. :p

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Some people mention the rating in the reviews since it's the only way for the author to know unless they go just absolutely autistic obsessively tracking them. I never do because the number doesn't matter, they should be grateful enough for my comment.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

There's no real reason to leave the number that you rated it if you leave a thorough comment. I'll say what I liked, what was wrong, and give my thoughts overall. Most other people do the same. If they talk more negatively, it's probably <4, if they talk more positively, it's probably >4. If they really like it, it's a 7 or 8.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

My problem isn't so much with them saying how much they rated, it's the fact they used a scale of 5, when quite literally everything here is rated on a scale of 8.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I give this post an 8 on my personal rating system which is based on the Fibonacci Spiral and its appearance in pinecones.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
I give this post a 9/4

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

In my reviews, I actually put my rating at the end. I think the author should know exactly how good I thought their story was.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

I assume that only applies to us plebs, do admins have an insight into who exactly ranked what when?

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago


Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Ricky Burwick on 3/16/2021 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete]
I LOVE ME RECCES AND THIS IS BETTER (NO OFFENCE RECCES) *LICKS COMPUTER* No seriously im a huge fan. Your work is amazing

....I think he liked it a little too much.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

I'm just wondering why he would lick his computer.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

To clean it, duh!

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Basic History/Geography Quiz

perfect, 5/7

-- 7layers on 4/1/2020 9:28:11 PM with a score of 0

actually I mean to say 5/8 how do I edit comment

-- 7layers on 4/1/2020 9:53:37 PM with a score of 100

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Also, 5/7 isn't perfect. :p

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago

Fairview Highschool Game by fairviewcult

GREAT GAME! iM GET SO BORED ALL THE TIME and playing this game really help pass the time when i wanted to do something that i shouldnt. This game might save my relationship with my mom :> Thank you!!

-- MtythicalOrange on 3/15/2021 6:36:11 PM with a score of 100

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
To bad it wasn't Repression...

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
Joanna on 3/25/2021 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete]
Very intriguing but if you plan to stay alive you may need 15+ minutes to complete!

15 minutes?! Ugh, this game is too long.

Interesting Comments 6

4 years ago
It's a quick 15 if you just read every other word though.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
Excellent game. This is my favorite game I have Ever Played. Do you know what this means! This means I am going to give a high rating. Yes a high rating from me. And I'm not even mad, its a miracle. 10/10, wait thats not right. 10.5/10. Better!
-- JJJ on 6/11/2005 10:00:43 PM with a score of 3590

phenomenal. I'm speechless. this game is a masterpiece. congrats on being category featured.
-- march5th00 on 5/11/2005 9:59:59 PM with a score of 3020

Heheh, I played again! Can't figure out how I'm not getting a higher score. Very fun.
-- madglee on 8/9/2006 2:55:12 AM with a score of 3215

Great story! I liked the plot and all the characters. One minor problem I found was after using the [secret] in the right door the page says "A New Link." The link leads to the right place but you might want to rename it. I won with the best ending! Lots of fun. Excellent job!
-- madglee on 8/9/2006

This truly will bring you enlightenment. Perfect grammar, perfect storyline. This is going on my good list.
-- October on 10/13/2006 6:38:02 AM with a score of 3095

This was really fun! Great use of lots of items (the only thing that would be even cooler would be if there were different pictures)
-- Sethaniel on 10/10/2006

Uhhh.... We're all talking about the same game here, right guys?

My how the times have changed.... And it's even better when you realize the author got three personal trophies for this.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

god I wish I could go back in time and publish like a ten thousand word fantasy story and become a god of writing on early CYS 

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
That was interesting but took me a few tries to actually get to vertical reality
-- K on 6/12/2017 8:45:52 PM with a score of 0

On, 'The Virtual Reality Game'

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
They make pills that can help with your vertical reality you know.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Albus Potter: The next Generation Year 1

I hate it you bitch

-- ella grace balck on 10/18/2019 11:05:39 PM with a score of 0


Plz you are embarrassing her,you are embarrassing JK ROWLING FOR GOD'S SHAKE

-- NO! on 2/4/2018 11:56:52 AM with a score of 


Ok first off don't listen to anyone who says its 'not what happened' because this isn't supposed to be according to the cursed child (which who's plot isn't even that good anyway i don't know why people consider it canon) almost every one of these are supposed to be a new storyline that you've never seen before which makes it fun!

And I do have to admit the grammar and spelling is pretty bad but COME ON it's not like they misspelled every word! And can you people not understand what they were trying to say? Obviously the author probably knows about the errors and will fix them in later stories. The spelling errors and grammar aren't that big of a problem unless you're literally two and can't understand what the author meant

The plot line of Draco trying to become the dark lord could ACTUALLY have happened if you think about it so idk why some people are upset with that. I'll admit the plot does have some holes and moves kinda fast but was I expecting an entire book? No so I'm not that upset with the plot seeing how it is much more lengthy than other stories I've read.

Overall this was super fun to play its just missing a few elements but if you're going into these stories expecting for it to be like a published book you're crazy. Everyone who leaves bad reviews are just whining over grammar and because they liked the cursed child and were upset that this wasn't it to a tee. This was very fun and I loved playing it. I can't wait to see what the author does next now that they have everyone's not so nice and not so constructive criticism. From now on I hope that everyone can actually leave criticism with the intention to HELP the author with their next adventure. ??

-- Not disappointed on 8/16/2019 10:30:10 AM with a score of 


Well, that was interesting. To think I haven't even begun to read it yet at the moment. Now I'm a bit excited to do so. 

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Private Game for Natalie 

Not only did we play through this multiple times (and J.O both times[thanks for that by the way]), but we thoroughly enjoyed your beautiful love story. We also have an ILF fetish and would love to meet Natalie ( first) This can be discussed later, in depth preferably and with graphs. How much fruit punch can you chug? I can chug a quart before I yack, but that's because of the volume, not the flavor. <3

-- Public Access on 4/3/2021 12:37:34 AM with a score of 2

Not sure if they're just repeating some line that might be in the story, from a route I haven't yet experienced maybe. 

But if not, 


There might be some interest in your direction. They don't have an account, so I'm not sure how one can potentially press for any details regarding this matter. 

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

I've been scouring the internet trying to figure out what an ILF fetish is, and so far all I've come up with is, "Do you mean MILF?"

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago


a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.

So now the only question is what ILF means...

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

... OMG, what is wrong with you? Explaining on a public forum what a fetish is? There are children here, you know? Think of the children! O.O

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Is there a way to delete it??

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Nope. It'll be there for little children to see until the dawn of time. Shame on you! :p

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Why isn't there a way to delete comments?!

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago


Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Just thinking of poor little AestheticLlama's innocent eyes melting our of their sockets when they witness this sheer depravity! 100 Our Father's and 1000 Hail Mary's for you!

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

*retreats in shame*

I know, I'm stupid like that. This website isn't really kid-friendly anyway, though. If you say you couldn't find out what something is, they're going to look to see if they can... kids are curious.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Yeah the forums aren't exactly user-friendly. I learned that the hard way. You get used to it though.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

*not faggot friendly

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
I mean in Art3mis' case it would help a lot if she could ever just stop a moment and comprehend something she was reading before smashing the keyboard to reply.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

At least now we all know what a fetish is. ^_^

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

What do you guys not want me to see? 

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
Cover your eyes AL! We don't want you to know what a fetish is! >.<

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Okay, I'll close my eyes.


Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
I have dedicated my entire life to the Reese's name, and have loved it more than anything. I married into the Reese's family, and it is where all my pride stems from. In addition, my favorite part of the Reese's brand is the Reese's Cup. I never thought anything could ever top it-that is until now. Me and my son Reese Reese's absolutely loved this adventure, this and empty Reese's cup wrappers are the only things we bond over anymore (hes a fucking douchebag"
-- Reese's Cups on 6/10/2016 6:41:39 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
What game is that on?

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
I was expecting something a little worthier of such glowing praise.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
This poorly written game was barely started and has never been published.

But just look at all those comments. Those Potterheads are desperate.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
@fluttershypegasus could probably gain some obsessive minions if he just gritted his teeth and did what he had to do.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Now that you mention it there is quite a bit of potential for a game there, and I know a bit about the lore...


Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

I read your comment on it and now I'm not sure how you found it.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
Mods have a page with all the new reviews that get posted.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
hello motherFucker.. my raw Ass got finessed by ur quiz nigga watch the fuck out i lose one more time and its back to slavery for u



-- barack obobmarley on 11/7/2019 11:56:22 PM with a score of 0

The game in question is of course, 1912

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Phoenician Trade Game

My son Joe Biden played this game, he is now the president.
Thank you for providing for his success

-- Ninja on 4/6/2021 8:13:19 AM with a score of 0

The earth is flat!!!!!!
The boat should have fallen off the map!

-- PS5 on 4/6/2021 8:09:44 AM with a score of 0

Fun for homework

-- BILLYBOB JR on 4/6/2021 8:06:49 AM with a score of 0

YAY its ok

-- BILLYBOB JR on 4/6/2021 8:05:39 AM with a score of 0


-- Billy Jong Un on 4/6/2021 8:05:09 AM with a score of 0

easy homework so ty

-- BILLYBOB JR on 4/6/2021 8:03:20 AM with a score of 1000

this game is horrible

-- blueeyes60 on 4/6/2021 8:00:15 AM with a score of 1000


-- Billy on 4/6/2021 7:55:00 AM with a score of 0

I'm still baffled to how this fairly insignificant game draws in so many retarded comments.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

And so many Billys.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
I think one of this teacher's former students made it, although I can't remember how I arrived at this conclusion. Maybe something buried deep in the comments. Pretty sure there is just one teacher doing this though and not supervising the comments at all considering the amount of trolling I've had to delete. Such as mile high ASCII penises and the entire Bee Movie script, more than once

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
If I told you this was left on an unpublished game of Seto's, would you be able to guess who it is?

So......... okay, wow. 030

The author of these stories is aaaaamaaaazing. I need to read all of them, I haven't yet, but let me offer my opinions on some of them.

The star wars story - I really enjoyed this. I've never cared about star wars fanfiction. Ever. But you managed to make me care. It's like. "No, no, I know you _say_ you don't like this food, but that's just because _I_ never made it for you..." In the hands of a skill writer, like the hands of a skilled chef, can make anything to your taste if you're willing to give it a try. It touching, sad... I wanted to see how her story ends.

Waiting in Elysium - I just... can I say how much I love just the concept of this? The underworld is the best part of Greek mythology settings if you ask me. Percy Jackson, like Star Wars, is not a fandom I read for. But for someone with your ability to draw me in, well, damn. I'd read Barney the Dinosaur fanfiction if you wrote it, I think... wonderful work.

Living Hell - Yeeeess... solo character muses about who they are. You can get some great emotion out of this sort of thing. “I’m doing it because I’m the only one who can.” <-- I like this conclusion. The sense of duty, of taking responsibility because you're in the position to do so. That need to 'do the right thing'... it's relatable.

Shadow Games - :D Nico is really cool. Clarisse was a good contrast to him, it was a fun read, and I love characters with shadow / darkness related powers and... just... yeah. I really liked it.

The Battle of Mount Tamalpais-Part One - Exciting... the moments before the big battle, the anticipation, the fear, the humanity that comes out in even the most hardened soldiers right before their story could come to a close... well done.

Mad World Parody - You wrote a song? ^^ Multi-talented, that's awesome. Also, I wanna hear this. I don't suppose I could get you to sing and record it, could I? XD Reading it, I really like it, so... yeah. I wanna know what it sounds like! 6-6

Comatose - ... This was chilling. When I first read it, I remember flinching, cringing at how I felt for the main character of it. Like a needle stabbing into some part of my soul. I had to go back and re-read. It deserved a re-reading to unpack all of the feelings inside. It's like a mono-chrome rainbow. Somehow both bleak and beautiful. It's a tragedy, the death of freedom, a character reaching for that last spark of hope, that spirit to fight, only to watch it shot down and destroyed... that beast, I can't help relating to it. Struggling in the dark, fighting and unwilling to just give in, even at the mercy of its captors, its wild nature cannot be denied. It _had_ to be killed to stop it from fighting back. Such a beautiful metaphor. If you'll forgive me, it feels like that story is about someone you know... it feels symbolic. They're such pitiable characters. I'm sure--if I'm right, forgive me if I'm mistaken, I presume too much at times--if that wolf is meant to be someone you know, I'm quite sure that they would feel very, very honored. Your depiction of them as someone so strong, so relentlessly determined, dangerous, but... so beautiful... I'm sure anyone would be touched. This was painful, but beautiful. Like a rose, one of the most glorious, most meaningful, and most dangerous flowers in any garden--and like a rose, it is also my favorite. <3

Sailing On Starlight - A pretty poem. I am unclear of its meaning, but the imagery is lovely.

... I'm going to read more, but yeah, that's........ a lot for one comment, yea? So. Like. ^^; Hope you enjoyed hearing what I thought and junk.
-- Murasaki on 9/27/2016 5:17:50 PM with a score of 0[delete][feature]

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

What a queer.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
"I'm am a skilled chef, here, try my salami, made just for you."'


Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
"Made of silicone and pig anus, just how you like it."

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
FUCK YOU on 5/3/2021 for College Romance

I get the sense they didn't like it.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
Huh... Must have got the incel ending and it struck a chord.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago

Skybreak on the Adrift forums

Honestly I'm more surprised Ford put so much effort into the review.

Interesting Comments 6

3 years ago
Yeah that sure was....inspired. By what, I don't want to know.

I'm honestly surprised he remembered how to access his old account, or that he even played. I was expecting him to look at a screenshot or two from the thread and half ass some vague comment.