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Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

For the ongoing EndMaster's Prompt Contest 4
Use this thread to talk about the writing you are or are not doing, your planning, your regrets, your life, whatever you want.

Also, share your writing music, please. I'm in the habit of locking in a single mood-fitting song throughout the entire storywriting process, and with a three month deadline, that might drive me mad.

(Here's the song I've been using for my first few pages)

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I’m not a part of this contest, but I figured I would say anyways in light of the recent contest’s theme, this is my writing music. Here

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

This is the playlist I've been listening to for writing. I absolutely can't do lyrics when I'm trying to make/process words

As for writing, well, I've started. That's more than I could say the second day of most other contests, anyway.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Writing my first page and trying to write an idyllic chorus to start the player off right. Haven't done poetry in a while. Trying to do it in Tennyson's style.

I'm reminded why I don't do this so much lol

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I try to be faithful to as much of the legends as possible. Unfortunately, I have realized that Arthurian legends contradict each other so much that it's way too difficult to tell the story I want to share without creating friction with another pre-existing tale. Deciding that the best way to honor the tradition is to put in my own contradictory tale that gives nods to the tales that I like and tries to explain the differences from certain other ones.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I do like those retellings that take the time to point out, "You may have heard this.  That guy was a drunk liar.  Here's what really happened."

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Making up your own version that fits your sensibilities is based and exactly how the legend evolved. It was actually kind of unfortunate IMO that Malory's version became so popular that the French version became a "canon" and blocked out other stories that were closer to the real life battle that was the origin.

It's sort of a meme that I can't stand Arthurian legend, which isn't true necessarily, just for something that's supposed to be the origin of most modern fantasy, a lot of the takes on it I used to see felt a little sterilized and dull and like they were afraid to do anything beyond paint by numbers with the characters.

I actually researched this stuff once too for a different contest, the details about how the legends evolved and the fact that they still don't know for certain who Thomas Malory even was were in some ways more interesting to me than the content itself. - I'm sure you've seen these but for anyone else, here's a good overview of existing texts. And now I'm going to go on about this a little autistically just because I feel like it. The originals aren't even really focusing on Arthur, and the first mention of him is just a reference when talking about an unrelated character, but it's the earliest indicator of when Arthur could been established as having been a folk hero already existing in oral tales. (Hilariously one of the earlier written stories starts with "Arthur tries to rape a woman" before another character convinces him this is bad. He's definitely not considered the hero in some of these. ) There's also an attempt to connect Arthur to Greek legend by linking up his bloodline with a survivor of the Battle of Troy.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Merlin's evolution is also super interesting and goes all over the place. He was added in the 12th century based on a Celtic character:

Merlin first appears in literature in the History of the Kings of Britain by the Welsh cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth (c. 1100 - c. 1155 CE) ... Geoffrey Latinized Myrddin as Merlinus because the strict Latinization of Merdinus would have associated the name with the Latin merdus (feces, dung).

The character originated in Welsh folklore featuring the wildman-in-the-woods motif, a half-savage who lived on the fringe of civilization possessing great power and wisdom.

The most famous Welsh wildman was Myrddin Wyllt (“Myrddin the Wild”), a 6th-century CE bard who was said to have gone insane after a particularly bloody battle and retreated to the woods. Geoffrey wrote a short work, The Prophecies of Merlin (c. 1130 CE), prior to his famous history but this Merlin has nothing to do with the wizard of the Arthurian Legends. After the success of his History, Geoffrey wrote another work, The Life of Merlin (c. 1150 CE), in which the main character exhibits magical and prophetic skills but this work is unconnected to the Arthurian Legends. (

When Geoffrey did later insert him into the Arthurian story, there's a king being advised by his wizards to use Merlin's blood (who at the time was a child of supernatural birth with no father) to sprinkle on the foundation of a tower to ensure the foundation would be sound. And then Merlin flexes by outwitting the wizards and proves them to be lying, tells the king how to fix his tower, makes some prophecies and goes on to build Stonehenge. (This might actually be a pretty neat storygame of its own.)

The original Welsh wildman Myrddin I also should mention is believed to be a possible evolution of the Welsh god Gwydion (name means "Born of Trees) some of whose adventures with his nephew Lleu might be parallels to Merlin and Arthur's relation. Gwydion is a magician, trickster, and bard. (Of interest to some, might be that when I was collecting this stuff back up again, I found a pretty lengthy article connecting him to the god Pan. Haven't read it all yet so I won't go into it here.)

Gwydion's backstory is also kind of hilarious. The first paragraph of the wiki entry:

Gilfaethwy, nephew to the Venedotian king, Math fab Mathonwy, becomes obsessed with his uncle's virgin foot-holder, Goewin. His brother Gwydion conspires to start a war between the north and the south. To this end, Gwydion employs his magic powers to steal a number of otherworldly pigs from the Demetian king, Pryderi, who retaliates by marching on Gwynedd. During the war, while Math is distracted, the brothers return home and Gilfaethwy rapes Goewin.

And more detail here:

Upon discovering Gilfaethwy’s rape of Goewin, Math punished Gilfaethwy and Gwydion by turning them into mating animals. In turn, the two brothers were transformed into elk, cows, and wolves. During the course of each transformation, Gilfaethwy was forced to bear a child.

So you see, the moral is that Arthurian legend CAN be interesting, you just need to add bestality and gay incest! ^_^

Oh, and there's also this 6th century bard Taliesin who has had his various legends tied to Merlin or other parts of Arthurian legend, that's kind of interesting too but I've rambled enough, you guys can use Google on your own.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I've read at least four versions of the Arthurian legends (Malory, Pyle, Tennyson and one other that I can't remember). I guess Mark Twain's rendition also counts in some way lol

Hope this doesn't disappoint too much, but I will be using Le Morte d'Arthur as a main reference point. Most of my frustration in tying things together has to be tracking the main twelve knights at a certain event because Malory doesn't always keep good track of things. Also, who's actually ruling Cornwall can be weird, or even if it's referred to as Cornwall or Dumnonia. There's a particular Knight of the Round Table who I'm very confused by regarding a timeline (try to guess who I'm talking about) who's related to Dumnonia and becomes a king, appears in Mallory's story but isn't consistently in it despite the fact that Mallory insists at certain points that "all the knights were there" despite the fact that he might have died at some point, or it was a different guy who shared the same name. Really it's because he was trying to tie in a lot of different stories that don't make a whole lot of sense being put together, but I give him credit for trying.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I never really liked the Mark Twain one, it was too cynical and smug. Damn Yankees

Maybe that was the point of it though.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

It was, but I understand not liking it.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Honestly, this little hang up isn't that critical to the story. I just have this particular autistic fixation on "getting everything right" in the setting before I proceed to the actual story.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Whatever you do, don't do the really gay thing of gender swapping the characters.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I think you already know whether or not I'd do that based on our interactions lol

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I can't write and listen to anything at the same time, it's too distracting for me. Whatever it is that lets people blare TVs in the background when they sleep has always eluded me too so maybr that's related. Overnight stays with cousins as a kid were always distracted-to-exhaustion sleepless misery. :(

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Working on planning. I am writing a historical storygame, so I'm trying to learn some more about the time period. I picked up a 170 page history book on the topic(it's pretty short for history books!) and I'm going to read it, hopefully finishing it before classes start. If I do 10-15 pages a day, that'll be fine. From there, I'll do a lot of my writing on the weekends, but if I can get a good chunk of the historical background and planning done before classes start, things become easier. I am starting now since I finished reading/rating all the stories for the gaybellion contest(they were pretty good across the board). I'm planning on writing reviews for the final 2 stories on the weekend.

Weirdly enough, when you're in a contest that has yet to be judged but you joined another one, it feels like you're sort of in limbo. It's difficult to fully detach myself from the gaybellion, because mentally I'm still in that headspace, waiting for the results and placements to be announced. I know cat said something similar to that effect, but I'm still really excited for my story for end master's contest, because of how much energy there is(seeing so many people join is really exciting, it feels like the starting line to a marathon where music is playing and 500 people line up at the starting line, waiting for the gun to be fired, ready to go!). I also like my idea a lot so far, hope that doesn't change as I keep writing and the months go by. I've been wanting to write this story for a while now, but was occupied with different projects and IRL stuff, so it's only remained an idea in my head(and a short description blurb in my notes so I don't forget it!), but Endmaster's contest seems like the perfect place to full realize this dream project idea. I read last year's prompt contest writing thread, and saw some interesting(and slightly foreboding!) posts on "writing tastelessness" by Mystic and Peng. I hope that doesn't happen to me.

I can't write and listen to music. I just enjoy the music too much and then forget to write. I tend to write best when it's a little quieter.

I'm also outlining this time. My past 3 stories, I wrote them as I went along, being more of a gardener than an architect. But I feel like for this one, that won't really work. I'm not much of a planner, I tend to discover the story as I go along and get to know the characters as I'm writing them, but for this one, I want to shift my strategy. I strongly suspect I'll remain a pantser(writing by the seat of my pants), but who knows, maybe this little experiment in outlining and planning will really work out for me.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I've come up with most of my species, the stats, the general layout, flavor and flow of the space station and the general framework of contest.  Need to work out exactly how many species I'm letting  the player pick from to play and how I want the judging to work.

I typically don't listen to music, but do a fair amount of writing to Dimension 20 actual plays.  Currently listening through Starstruck Odyssey again as it was very thematically appropriate to my prompt.  My biggest challenge is making my work similar but not a direct fanfic.  I have had to do a fair amount of digging already on things like "Is RecStation a unique term to that setting in this usage" and such


Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

So I've been playing around with the number of alien species in my story. I have basically 13 major species.  I have already decided to limit the species the reader can choose from to six of those, so that the randomly selected judges will likely be species that none of the contestants are a direct match to.  My question is - Would it be a worthwhile feature to randomize the six species that the reader has to choose from at the start?  Should you write a storygame with the expectation that it will be read more than once from the very beginning?



Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
My advice is not to, because I feel like story comes before all else. Randomizing the species so you get a new one each time might be a cool feature, but I feel like that's more bells and whistles. I honestly don't think people will really remember this as much as they would all the cool story and plot aspects. But I could be biased, since all my story games have been story and choices alone, the most basic type.

I think being able to choose from 6 alien species on its own is pretty cool, you don't have to randomize it, that's my thought at least.

Someone more experienced might have a different take, but I think that being able to choose from 6 alien species is awesome on its own. If you could do it easily then I guess you should do it, but if it's a feature that is challenging or time consuming to implement, then I would stick to just everyone having to choose from the same 6.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I second that advice. 

Your first priority should be to get the main story lines on paper. Customization such as choosing from Alien races is rather an afterthought. Remember that you only have three months, so keeping your imagined end product small is the way to go.

If you have time left, then you can add extra features.

Edit: I see that you participated in some contests already. The Little Princess of the Forest is kind of the scope that is very doable in three months. Aim for that, finish your story, and expand on it later :).

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
Because of the way every location that you go to may be treated slightly differently depending on which species you are playing as, including them is part of the Minimum Viable Product of the story. I am trying to keep the scope as small as possible, but to make feel like scifi to me it has to have a certain amount of bloat.

I am not going to randomize the starting species options though. Having those be a fixed range does help limit the number of other things I have to work on.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
So half a month in, and I've gotten the starting description for all the species done, the backend support and first major decision point written up. Just over 3500 words shown as length, but I have at least another 250-500 words in PAGETEXT added script, so just a little less than 4k words so far.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

You're doing really well! Keep it up

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
This is really good progress anthraxus, good way to stay focused!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
Good lord dude. I have a prologue and one page I don't like haha. Nice work.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

17 days ago
Officially 3800 words, but really closer to 5k with all the pagetext. I've got the slot machine working like I want it too, although it may still payout a little too much. I also have just put in the first end game condition where you can lose track of time in the casino and fail to check-in for the main competition.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

9 days ago
So one full month in and sitting at 5k words + another 1-2k in PAGETEXT. I've mapped out all the levels of the space station (at least in broad strokes) and some key locations on most of the significant levels so far. Should have the primary path of first third of the core story done by tonight.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone of fantasy and magic settings. That's why I used a random number generator to decide what prompt I was getting.

I've got some John Wick inspired story ideas rattling around but nothing concrete yet. I really want to finish the story game I've been working on before starting something new though.

P.S. If anyone knows any good assassin protagonist stories, please feel free to recommend them. I'd love to have some sources for inspiration.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

If you're willing to sit down for a longer read, Celaena Sardothien from the Throne of Glass series is an assassin, and also the protagonist. It starts off with a kind of contest for assassins iirc. The plot kinda derails off that path once you get past the first book, though.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Interesting! I'll give it a look. Thanks!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

If you want an example of assassin choose-your-own-adventure books, the Way of the Tiger series is pretty decent. It involves ninjas and a lot of fantasy, too, so if you feel too much out of your comfort zone with modern-era assassins you could try writing in that setting instead.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Yeah, fantasy is really quite broad. It doesn't even need a reliance on magic. I actually prefer settings where magic is rare to encounter and something special when it happens.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Ooh, ninjas! That could also be a cool direction to take this.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
This is a bit on the nose, but how about "Assassin's Apprentice" by Robin Hobb? The farseer trilogy is really good, and if you like it, you can check out the "realm of the elderlings" books too.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I'll give it a looksie. Thanks. :]

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

If my planning is correct, this story will be about 100k with much more a chapter like structure. I finally have some free time to just tinker away at it. The outline was already planned out in advance, but I never came down to writing it properly. 

1/1 1000 
1/2 1000
1/3 1005
1/4 1050


Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Writing to a song on repeat? That's some real serial killer stuff. I run 1-2 albums on repeat, start to finish, for each story. It's a good way to track time time too since each is roughly an hour.

Heavenspire used two Staind albums:

1. Break the Cycle
2. Staind

Alter Bridge is the other band I'll primarily listen to for fantasy writing, rotating between 1-2 albums, start to finish. Blackbird may or may not have been the inspiration for the cleverly-titled Blackbirds storygame.

Sterling and the other degenerate storygames (Rockstar, Degenerate, True Life, etc.) used redneck rock. Music that's basically propaganda for Budweiser and Marlboros and no-ass blondes. Perfect to set the mood.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

To be honest, I once studied for eight hours straight while listening the entire time to Bolero.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
You're a psycho.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Ninja are you entering this year's contest?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
We'll see.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
That sounds really ominous.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I spent the entire month+ writing Fey Light listening to this song exclusively every minute I wrote: Fey Light song. It got me 2nd in that contest, and currently a 6.26 rating, which isn't bad, and I think this creepy song was 100% of that.

Also in that story you (spoilers) kind of kill your entire family, so I guess I'm a psycho.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago

You guess? I remind you of your opening scene with the fairy.

I enjoyed it, though.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

You mentioned somewhere that you use a flowcharting method for planning.  What tools/programs do you use for that?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Just whatever is free and at the top of Google when I search 'flowchart tool' at the time of writing.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

29 days ago

Would you be willing to share what one of your flowcharts looks like?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I've been using whimsical. It's a website that allows you to make flowcharts.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I like themed playlists when I run out of inspiration. However, I write in silence most of the time. Music sometimes distracts me or makes me feel that a scene is more emotional than it actually is, which becomes a problem when the words alone don't create the same effect.

(And here I am pretending that I've actually written words since last year, lol). 

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

Yesterday I scrapped everything I had and I am writing a new intro tonight.
Is normal in contest.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

I have a vague outline. I want to make my protagonist deep dive into some major trauma. But at this point I've bitten off more than I can chew and feel as hopeless as I intend for my protagonist to be.

Since my story is probably going to be desert theme, I've been listening to these types of songs (and these old Middle Eastern instruments are incredible, as an aside):

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Progress is being made.

Not great progress but any progress at all before March 30th is impressive okay.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
Hear, hear. I usually need about two months of doing nothing before I can write anything. Then I invariably take a big nap the day the story is due and then scramble and ruin it in the last forty-five minutes.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

What would be great would be to have a way of getting my thoughts directly onto my laptop. Not speech to text; though to text. Because in my head, everything sounds so much better than it does when I write it down.

Anyway, this project is a bit more ambitious than my other two...and I'm hoping that it will be better. But we'll see.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago

The experience you're describing is actually the norm. There was a study on the brain activity of a group of humans eating ice cream showing that they realeased more dopamine in the anticipation of the ice cream than the actual tasting of it itself. It's not that our thoughts are actually better, we just become less emotionally heightened to the experience of them once they've been written down. 

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

one month ago
I would imagine clarifying thoughts more narrowly also takes away some of the magic, as the idea becomes less of a vague emotion filled with potential and more of a concrete disappointment.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

29 days ago

True. I often imagine things in pictures, almost movie style, so writing it out really doesn't work.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

29 days ago

Huh. That makes a lot of sense, to be honest. I feel very similarly about all of my assignments for my apprenticeship, too.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

I regret every setting choice I made. I'm no expert on any fantasy story aspects and in general am in over my head. 

It's too late to turn back, though. I'll work through it.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

It is never too late to turn back.  There is still 2.5 months, If it is not working, it would be better to rework it now than 2 weeks before the deadline.  

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

I would have to scrap everything I currently have, though. Better to just keep going

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
I'm with DB on this, better to scrap now than later.

Or maybe just put it aside for a bit and start a new one, see how it feels. That's a very broad prompt you have for any time period or time period or tone or genre. If what you're writing isn't clicking with you though, that will probably be something visible to the readers too.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

I say this having tried to press through with stuff that I didn't really like or get into. And then a couple weeks before the deadline hitting a wall, hating everything and trying to start over only to end up in shame. 

Whatever works best for you though.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago

I appreciate the help, y'all. But I think scrapping now would just make me feel defeated, as I've already put a lot of work into it. I just had a moment of weakness there. It'll all come together

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
Your prompt doesn't require fantasy. Or maybe make the fantasy they have seen so far fake, a holodeck or massive hallucination as they wake up to a grim noir world or scifi or biblical fiction, whatever makes the story lurch forward.

You can do it Fresh. Keep with it.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago

I know it doesn't, but for some reason I thought that it would be cool. I appreciate the suggestions though! Definitely something to think about

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
Oh, you could do a double fake out on one or more branches. They start in a fantasy world that they wake up from, only to later wake up from that world into yet another!

Then if you want to undercut everything, have an ending where they wake up in the first world at the beginning of the story, and it was all just a weird dream.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago

Actually, I really like this idea. I think there may be a way to work it in there without it being obvious that it was added on after I'd already started writing. No guarantee it'll make it, but it's worth a shot— especially if it gets me back to writing. Thank you

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
Hope it helps productivity.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

25 days ago
I like what Mizal said about trying on a new idea for size just in case you’re worried but I would say keep going with this idea, because it sounds epic. I think as long as you’re still excited and passionate about the idea, you should still write it. If worst gets to worst you can prune one or 2 extra emergency branches before the deadline and then add them afterward once the deadline is over. Also, these things usually have a way of working themselves out, and you may find inspiration in unexpected sources.

With the fantasy word building, keep it simple in the start and then as the story goes on, you may add on some more elements. You don’t have to have everything set in stone before you write it, and sometimes you can create stuff to serve the situation the character is in, like if you wanted to throw the character in water, you can make a up a water race for them to interact with.

All this to say, you got this! I know you’ll work through it, but if you’re really worried keep a shorter back up idea in reserve.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
Also with your prompt, the relationship dynamics and power imbalances are so key. The love-hate relationship in the eternal struggle path between the eternal and Semra was one of the most memorable aspects of the story. The dysfunction and the really unhealthy dynamic made them really interesting as characters. My point is don’t worry about nailing every aspect of the setting, and don’t feel discouraged about the idea because if the relationship dynamic is good, then we’re taken into the story and immersed into it. Worldbuilding and setting is important, but they serve as the backdrop to the overall story, which is the love hate relationship in a fantasy setting.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago

For some stupid reason, I decided to have the player character have a journal with them that has entries from their loved one who has passed away...and that most of the pages would have the option to use the journal (i.e., read a page); mostly to learn about the history, but also to unlock choices every so often.

I really wish I hadn't decided to do that now. It was one of those ideas that felt like a good one at the time.

My laptop has now reached a point where it doesn't want to play music, which really sucks. I need a new laptop, but I need to be earning more to get a new laptop (apprenticeship wage has had me pretty much living from paycheck to paycheck and having to move twice has been Not Helpful), but I normally have a few songs that fit the feel for whatever project I'm working on, then sometimes create a playlist and other times just listen to the same song (or couple of songs) on repeat.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago

I joined half a month late, but that still gives me almost too much time. Wrote up the first page already and have a partial map of the story but not planning on slowing down just yet. Most likely going to finish mapping the initial concept I had first then see where I can add more branches for further variability. I only have 1k words so far and a single page, but I feel if I know where things are going I can keep everything way more cohesive. I almost feel that I have too much time to write this and I'll bite off more than I can chew but I'll be sure to get this done.

As things are right now, I just have a bunch of journals where I'm keeping track of all the 'paths' that are going to be possible but I can't help but wonder whether there's a better way to be doing that. Any suggestions before I get too far into the planning process that I don't feel like converting it into a new format?

I'm not entirely sure how long this is going to end up being, either; I don't really have a plan. Is a lack of scope detrimental or something I can adjust later (pacing-wise, at least)?

The other thing I've made sure of is having a bunch of people I know irl to encourage me to write more consistently (which is something I'm truly awful with). Hoping that this contest helps me maintain writing for its entirety, so at the very least I'll have a finished project!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago

So my progress so far is that I have been thinking about the fact that at some point I really need to think about a plot for my contest entry.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
This is the most time-tested method to writing a contest entry.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
So I've spent the last two weeks brainstorming, meant to have more outlined and stuff by now but I think I just have to start. My plan is to spend the next month and a half writting and get maybe 60k or so, then spend the last month editing it. I think my story needs more than that length though, so we'll see. I'm just so scared that I'll write a long story and put a ton of effort into it, but it'll suck because I'm bad at writing and won't be able to edit it in time. But we'll see.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
I've been editing as a I go. When I make a new page, I reread the story up to that page with a route I haven't done before, or if there are none, rereading an existing path again to look for errors or places that more needs to be added. It may become unweildy as the story goes, but it has been working ok for me so far.

And people bag on your writing, but really only to try to drive you to improve. Improvement comes with practice. Each story you have done has gotten better. If you go back and look at your own output you can see that.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

24 days ago
Well my assessment of my writing isn't from other people, it's from the clear gap between my taste and ability. I feel like everyone feels like that. I don't know if anyone other than @Celicni would get the reference, but writing feels like that scene in FMAB where the kids try to bring their mother back to life but instead bring back this horific monster. Writing is taking this awesome thing in your head and giving it a grotesque, real form. But as far as editing as I go, maybe I should try, but I'm afraid I wouldn't get much of anything done.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Funny, I've had that exact idea for a storygame before.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

Isn't that the plot of [spoiler redacted], but with a friends rather than a family?

(Now that I removed the spoiler this post doesn't make sense anymore, oh well)

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

It's okay, I still know what you mean. I'm sure others will as well

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

Was it this one?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

Finally got the first 2k (some planning, some writing) done, and hopefully I can keep this momentum going daily now.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
What a whiz! Keep it going!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

He could be called WhizzyCat.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

I always thought the wiz meant something else...

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Wizard. It means wizard. Anyways, I got just over a measly 500 words done today. Well, it's 3 am but I'll count it as today.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

In my head it will always be a cat taking a wiz

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
I made a new google docs today.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Not tomorrow?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
I know, it’s unlike me, but I also wrote today.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Nice! Your prompt also sounds pretty interesting(rebuilding after war).

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago

I thought about wanting to write today.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Keeping punching small holes in that needed word count. You'll tear it off in no time.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Brief Survey for all contest participants

Out of the 13 categories available(Fantasy, Grimdark Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Love and Dating, Mystery/Thriller, Family Friendly, Historical, Puzzles/Games, Edutainment, and Fan fiction), which category are you guys writing in?

I'm curious to see which category is the most popular this contest. I'm guessing it's going to be fantasy or grim dark fantasy. I also think fan fiction and puzzles/games will be the least popular, but with the others, I have no idea.

So please reply to this post with the category you're planning on submitting under. I'll update it as I get responses.

Hopefully all 34 of the contestants respond to this survey, as that will give me the best data. Here's what we got so far:

13 responses so far, with Fantasy currently in the lead and Sci-Fi is in 2nd place.

Grimdark Fantasy:1
Love and Dating:1
Family Friendly:0
Fan Fiction:0

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago


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23 days ago

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23 days ago

It's like the default around here. My protagonist is a kobold to atone for past mistakes.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
That's going to be interesting, a kobold in a cooking contest.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Kobold cooking hot dogs.

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22 days ago

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23 days ago
Sci-Fi, although I am having to actively fight turning it into a Fan Fic as well. I am pretty sure it will qualify as Family Friendly as well.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
It sounds like it's mainly a sci-fi story that happens to be family friendly as well, but I think I'll put you for Sci Fi

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

23 days ago
Thanks for responding y'all! I'm not surprised that Fantasy is in the lead so far. Interested to see what other people say, hope we get everyone!

I should have put mine first: Historical

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago


Could also be put into horror but I want to lean more into the mystery/investigatory elements 

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Just like Encaged, then? That story could have gone either way too. Thanks for responding!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Less depraved, I hope, but yes! This one is more.. eldritch horror or supernatural thriller. Depends on the route taken of course lol

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Fantasy. Third in my series, because the prompt fits.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Oh nice, I'm really enjoying the series! I hope Arthur kills Thorne once and for all, defeating him for good.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Things are now slightly over-complicated due to running an rpg also set in this world, so.... (In this third story, Elrond is the player character).

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Grimdark fantasy.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Grimdark fantasy in combination with the 2 suns, that's going to be good!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Only if you like pain. So far it's more Game of Thrones grimdark than Dark Souls grimdark, in terms of the type and quantity of magic. But since it does have two suns, and a hot desert setting, I figured I might as well have a corrupt Pharaoh who thinks he's a god, mummies as royal servants, and an oppressed people forced into giving away a one of their own to be a slave or human sacrifice every now and again. So yeah, there will be an Egyptian flavor. I don't think I've seen a storygame here go that route, so it should be fun to write. Also a female protagonist. Fight the patriarchy!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Ok, this sounds awesome! There's so many elements to this, and it sounds really cool! I can't wait to check it out. Don't hold back on the grim dark, it's an endmaster contest after all.

Funnily enough, I heard the 2 suns and automatically thought it would be sci-fi with the weird weather conditions, but this idea seems like a really good twist on it.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Mine is a weird mix of Fanfiction (because of the Arthurian Legend bent), Fantasy and Historical

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
That sounds really cool! It sounds like Fantasy, so I'll put you down for Fantasy unless you decide it's more suitable for a different category.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

You can put it in whichever category you like. I did put in all three because the storygame really is going to be a pretty equal mix of all three genres.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago

Huh, thought I responded the other day but must have forgotten to actually hit post.  

My story will obviously be mainly under sci-fi since it is a post apocalyptic setting. Although I have been toying with the idea of adding some fantasy elements also. Those 2 genres have some overlap anyway.


Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
Oh yeah, that certainly is sci-fi. Your prompt sounds pretty cool and I'm excited to see what you do with it!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

22 days ago
I like things that as so post apocalyptic they loop back around to fantasy again, like Thundarr the Barbarian.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

21 days ago

Probably Sci-fi

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

21 days ago
Nice! Sounds like sci-fi is doing pretty well this time!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

Love and Dating

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14 days ago
Thanks! Adding it right now

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

21 days ago
I'm going tofocus on finishing my in progress story first. But Endmaster will probably hate what I have in mind for my actual contest game.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago

The one-month mark is approaching. How goes the writing, people?

I had my story's branching set up in a really dumb way until just recently that would've been basically impossible to write, but I've pivoted and mostly ironed the issue out. Aside from that, I've been writing every day and the words are adding up... the more I think about the scale though, the less certain I am that my current pace will be enough. I guess we'll see.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
Hi Sherb! Which category are you planning your story to be in? I'm doing this short survey where I'm trying to see which category will get the most stories.

Currently, I got about 2k words done. Not going at a fast pace, and I've missed a lot of days. Hopefully I'll be more productive soon.

Also good job on writing everyday! Is this story going to be the same scope as Reborn? I think you're going to hit the 100k.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
It's looking like Fantasy at the moment!
Not currently planning for it to be Reborn-sized, but we'll see how it goes lol

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
Thanks! Adding it right now!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
When you say you set up the branching in a dumb way, is it because you couldn't think of a path or the storyline that you were going for was a side branch? Hope I'm not asking too many specifics, just asking because this has happened to me on other stories(although on a much smaller scale probably lol), and I'm curious to see what the issue was without revealing specifics of your story of course.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
Basically I had the story set up with three main branches, with the idea being that you could complete all three in one playthrough in any order you wanted. The wall I ran into with that system was that each branch would have to be written like four separate times, once for each order the player could play through the game in, so that there wouldn't be continuity errors and dialogue that doesn't make sense. This probably would've been doable for a smaller story, but I know there's no way I would be able to finish this one with that system.

It was very silly, so I've moved to 'one path per playthrough,' y'know, the way it was intended.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
That actually sounds really cool from a reader's perspective, so much freedom, but I can totally understand the logistic challenges of pulling that off. I'm really intrigued to see your story, thanks for telling me about it.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

By the way, Sherb, what WAS Reborn's word count?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
Just a hair over 102k!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
Writing?? On CYS?!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
The writing's going pretty well, if I do say so myself. I've gotten to the vague middle of all (?) the branches, and am doing decently at keeping to a schedule most of the time (though school does make it hard)

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

15 days ago
You're cooking.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago
Well... looks like I'm fd. I got two pages that are under 4000 words total.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
I just spent three hours thinking about and researching maximum realistic annelid and snake size, then researching desert dune travel to try to make my protagonist's mode of transport plausible. I got about two sentences out of that for my trouble. :/

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago

Ummmm. We are supposed to write stuff?  When did that happen?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

16 days ago

I've got about 6k written right now and have a good portion of branching done but not fully planned out. Only about 5 pages written though.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

15 days ago
pretty impressive. What kind of story are you doing?

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

15 days ago

A supernatural mystery with Lovecraftian/Mythos themes and a slowly unraveling narrative spanning the history of an entire family. 

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
This sounds very cool.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

6 days ago

I'm not getting a bunch of pages done, but I do have a more solid outline than I've had before at a third of the way through a contest. At this point I'm spending more time trying to spot and fix my bad prose habits—although I'm sure I'll still have some leaking in. However, knowing where the story will go might help tremendously. Usually I'm sitting at my desk pulling out my hair two hours before the deadline, desperately trying to figure out how I go from "cool-event-A" to "logical ending-B." At least this time I'll have a precise idea of where the story is supposed to go.

And for once I should end up with more than one branch. Usually I just slap a couple of different endings in there, and maybe a couple of mutually-exclusive side quests. This time, if I get it done, I'll have at least two entirely different third acts, along with a couple of "losing" off-ramp endings. For me, that's a huge improvement.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

6 days ago
Sounds like you are making great progress. I am in a similar mapping phase.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

5 days ago
Unfortunately I've wasted a lot of time researching minutia that won't end up in my story or won't matter much, like how camels work (usually you use one rein for direction and another for gas/breaks), or specific orbital mechanics of the solar system that would result in the things I want to happen in my skies: such as various orbital plane tilts, or axial tilts, or significant differences in year length for the planet and the secondary star, and so on. All when I could just hand-wave it and not worry about the physics. So much time spent, mostly for no reason other than to immerse myself in the world to help me write.

So my efforts to immerse myself in the world in order to help me write end up interfering with my writing, lol.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

5 days ago

There are worse ways to spend your valuable writing time. At least your brand of procrastination has to do with your story; I tend to dawdle about doing things that are, by most accounts, entirely pointless.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
I was doing rather well. . . And I knew I shouldn't have bought Balatro. :~(

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
Perhaps a grave mistake.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

I've got roughly 250 words with a teenage lesbian as the protagonist. Once I'm done with this story I'm finishing the story that was supposed to be for the Gaybellion.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
What category is your story going to be in? I'm doing a short survey where I'm trying to predict which category wins, and so far, Fantasy is in the lead.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago


Basically the protagonist is starting out the story as a whining wokie, but undergoes character development when she has to deal with some ACTUAL scary shit.

There's also a reason for the wokeness (it being a way to distract from the personal loss that she suffered through before the start of the story).

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
Nice! I know you tend to write really edgy, and you do so well, but this time you'll have some stiff competition on that front with TP. TrueParanormal also does super brutal writing, especially Encaged. I'm excited to see what you'd do with the horror genre, and the protagonist sounds similar to Suzy in Suzy's Strange Saga. You'll probably take it in a different direction, but the similarity was surprising.

Your story idea also sounds interesting, I'd really like to see how this character changes her stance and views of the world. Make sure to do it gradually and make it feel earned, can't wait to see it!

Also, I read a little of the draft of "Dawn of Peace", and really liked it. I was really rooting for you since you started pretty early and made decent progress. You had the confederate path starting out strong, and you captured the brutality of being a slave. I thought you'd do really well in the Gaybellion, because you started out really strong. Regardless, I'm really excited to see "Dawn of Peace" in its full form. I encourage people to check it out on Ben's profile, good stuff. You don't hold back on the brutality, and judging from our little spat a month ago, you researched it really well!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

Yeah, I've read Encaged. It is literally the only CYS game on here that made me vomit. That's not a knock on TP either, the ability to elicit a strong response from the reader is literally what I look for in stories.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

Btw, how exactly did you read the draft? I thought I had that off lol

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
You've got sneak peek on

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
I can still see it, it's visible on your profile. I think maybe the sneak peek is still on.

I didn't mean to read it without your knowing, I was just curious. I really enjoyed it, or at least what is there so far. Last time I saw, you were choosing to join the CSA or simply escape. It was really promising, especially how you don't hold back with some of the brutality inherent in slavery.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

Oh no, you're fine. I was just curious since I didn't realize.

And yeah, slaves and freedmen were treated like shit in the 1800s. Even the North treated them like second-class citizens, and plenty of hate crimes occurred in Union states. My goal is to portray that brutality and discrimination as an obstacle for the protagonist to overcome as they participate in the American Civil War, without letting it dominate the story (or glorify it).

EDIT: I have turned sneak preview off in order to prevent spoilers. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I appreciate your feedback.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago
Yeah of course! Don't worry, I think up till this point, it's still setting the story up, as the paths have yet to be written so there were no spoilers, but it looks incredibly promising.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

14 days ago

850 words now. My goal is 5,000 a week.

Assuming I meet my goals, I should have a story that's at max 45,000. Since novels are considered to be a bare minimum of 40,000 words, this is... well. An ambitious undertaking.

Especially since I didn't start writing until over three weeks after I joined.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

6 days ago

6,500 words! This is after a week of writing, which means so far I'm meeting my goal of 5,000 a week.


Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

6 days ago
Wow, that's really impressive. Keep it up.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago
Finished my first ending tonight. Hope everyone had a productive January!

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago

Um. Define "productive."

In all seriousness, though, I'm excited to see your entry. Reborn was incredible, and I can definitely see you becoming a two-time prompt contest winner.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago
I'd probably define productive as 'writing every day' but I guess that's more of a personal goal than something I think everyone is or should be doing (though it's a good strategy, any amount of daily effort will really add up in three months!)

And thank you! I'm hoping it turns out well. I can't say yet if it'll top Reborn in any metric, but at the very least I'll write until the bitter end.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago

I do that too, but how much I write per day varies. I'll write 1,000 words one day, and the next I'll be lucky to write 30. Between work, personal stuff to take care of (it's pretty much guaranteed shit hits the fan for me every contest lol) and other obligations (ThunderDome) I don't always get to put down as much as I'd like. I've also noticed I'll tell myself to write just 100 more words and I'll end up writing 500 without noticing.

Still, after procrastinating for the first three weeks, im glad I've been able to make myself do something every day, even if it is the length of this post or less.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago
I've pretty much given up at this point, started working on my other writing project that I took a break from a few months ago. I'm up to 45k on that, which is exciting. If I do write something for this contest, it'll be an easy 10k idea, and if I don't I'll at least review some of the games. Excited to see what everyone comes up with! Espically Sherb if it does turn into a Reborn level project lol.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago
Cool to hear you're racking up words on that other project. Don't give up though, you've still got two months! And 10k is a perfectly respectable contest entry if it ends up that way, especially if we get the usual batch of 5k-ish ones that get started the week of the deadline.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago
You do have two months, that's long enough to start and scrap several more ideas.

Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread

7 days ago

My entry for last year's contest was about 16k words (I think) and it still placed 6th out of 16 valid entries. As Sherb said, you can write a story with a smaller word count and still have a good contender.