Recommending a category change for a storygame: - Both Recommendations are from this link.
?*Fan Fiction
It is based off of "The Hunger Games"
*Also, do you know why that question mark keeps appearing?.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
I'm afraid this story suffers from the same problems as your first.
Problem number one: my character just killed five or six other kids, but I, the reader, feel nothing. Why? Because I don't even know what they look like. You give at least some of them names, but nothing more than that. Why should I care if all I see of someone is their name? Make me care. Tell me that the boy I just speared is afraid of dying, blood seeping into his coat and his short brown hair, gurgling as his eyes go dark. Make me feel, not just scratch off names.
Almost none of the scenery is described either. What if, instead of going to the Hunger Games movie, you were given a radio show. "District Five boy just killed District One boy." And that was all you got. Would you care? Could you even visualize the scene? We're meant to be in the story. Tell us what we see, hear, and smell in the forest. When we climb the tree, tell us what the bark feels like. Give us scrapes and bruises, stickiness of the sap. Make us feel like we're there.
Finally, there aren't really any choices in this game. Everything is either "you live" or "you die." There is only one right path leading to one ending, so there's no point in playing the story more than once. Give us multiple branches of story to choose from and more control over the character than "right" or "wrong". Make us want to see what happens next when we click a choice instead of "one of these is game over. Probably that one. Ok, let's move on."
Try reading some of the highly rated stories on the site. Endmaster, BerkaZerka, JJJthebanisher, these people are successful for a reason. When you write something, ask yourself, "if this was a novel, would people buy it? If this wasn't my story, would I play it twice?" When the total text in all branches of the story adds up to a page at most and there is no emotion or description at all, the answer to both will be "no".
-- Sszinid on 1/3/2014 5:28:27 PM
This has to be on of the best comments I have seen. Other than your name wrong, I don't think he made one grammar mistake. It gives excellent advice whilst critiquing the game.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Fan Fiction
This is based off of "Pokemon".
Recommending a storygame for deletion:
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8
It brakes the minimum site standards.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- fghtfjyhfjh on 7/21/2014 8:50:20 PM with a score of 0
'Tis random and pointless.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- bvchgchv on 7/21/2014 8:51:24 PM with a score of 0
'Tis random and pointless.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
I like the general theme of your story. However, to be honest, I don't really like the way you wrote your story.
Apart from the general shortness of the story, the amount of text on the separate pages is also very limited. I felt like the consequences of the choices that I made were very random and (somewhat) illogical. This is, I think, mainly due to the fact that I can't make an educated guess about what choice I should make. Try putting in some more background about for example the state that your nation is in and the general opinion of the people, so that the story makes a bit more sense.
On the other hand, the amount of background story on the first page was a little too much to handle :P I always appreciate a little prologue to the real story, but your prologue gave me more questions than answers about the general setting of your story. I also didn't really like the fact that you list a whole bunch of other sites where the reader can find more information about your story. To me, this seems like you didn't think you could write a good synopsis yourself.
And for my last tip: try to use your story's title and description to make clear to the reader what game/story your fanfiction is about. This way you'll probably appeal to other fans of the same game and it'll be clearer to the readers in general in which kind of universe your story takes place.
Like I said before, I really like the idea of the reader being able to 'rule' his own nation, but I don't really like the way you wrote your story. I'm sure that you're able to write a great one if you put a little more time into writing, but at the moment I've given your story a 2/8
-- Romulus on 7/21/2014 12:05:10 PM
Very good comment.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- Hi on 7/3/2014 9:42:15 AM
I don't think the comment section is for greeting people.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
I don't think this is humorous, nor is it trying to be humorous.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
I am actually very critical of romance stories, to be honest. It's only a rare occasion where I don't find them a little too cheesy, unrealistic, clumsy, boring, so on. (Or, hey, they can also be just poorly disguised smut / porn in some cases.) I didn't hate or even particularly dislike this, but I can't say I really ... liked it.
I have actually enjoyed homework more than I did this story, but I'm a nerd, so maybe that doesn't really count. For a first story, it's really not... -bad-, you've got some errors here and there, but nothing hideous or glaring, so you're doing better than a lot of new writers.
However, the story is short. None of the paths give a reader adequate time to develop a bond with any of the characters, so I can't say I care about them. I think the crush in this story is kind of an ass and the best friend is, too, but eh. That's as far as my opinion of the characters goes. I know nothing about Oliver and the extent I know of April is that she's sad and she has had an exceptionally long crush on a guy, expecting him to know without being told. That's it.
There's nothing wrong with a short story, mind you, but it has to 1: be the kind of story that -can- be told in few page, and 2: still convey an interesting, full story in the short space it's given. Love stories don't tend to fit both requirements very well.
Also, as far as romances go, this isn't a particularly interesting story. Oh, sure, it's one that most of us can relate to and that's a good idea for a premise--but that also means you have a lot of pressure on you to capture that emotion, those circumstances, and that heart-ache realistically.
At first, I thought you might manage. I mean, I can see a girl spending a few hours in bed, tissues everywhere, depressed, stiff all over from curling up and crying over the loss of her crush to her bestie. It's not hard to imagine in real life. Unfortunately, later on, the story feels pretty awkward and unrealistic in some places.
All of that said, I will commend you on the fact that it's not very linear for a short story. You can have more than three endings and for a first story, that's pretty good. They're also varied in tone, since a couple are happy, some are bitter sweet, and a couple are just downers. Keep at it, okay? I think you'll get better. I'd advise putting more time into the next one.
-- Kiel_Farren on 7/24/2014 2:36:52 AM
Although there are a few grammar mistakes, overall, this is a very good comment.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
I don't think this is an RPG.
Recommending a comment for deletion:'s-butt~21 - Both recommendations are from this link.
That was great!! I've always wanted to do that but I was afraid I'd hurt the T.V.
-- PrinceOProvidence on 12/1/2006 10:50:51 PM with a score of 0
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- Haqeirah on 8/23/2011 3:11:31 PM with a score of 0
There is no comment, it is just his name.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
I don't think this is an RPG.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Fan Fiction
I think he moved it back. Deduct points for that? Again, this is based off of "Caravaneer"
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Fan Fiction
Again, this is based off of "Caravaneer"
Recommending a comment for featuring:'s-life-(part-1-of-4)
It is has better grammar and spelling than some warrior cat story games.
The whole releasing it in part's is never a really good idea. It has been pointed out in various threads and comments. Putting a storygame into parts and then having the parts have barely anything to them is just asking for low ratings. How would you like it if Erin Hunter released a book like this? There is no hook in the story. There is no reason to want to read more. You did not create this amazing cliff hanger that makes me want to read part two. You did not sell me on the idea that your part two would be worth reading with your part one.
There is not much orginality here. If you are going to write a fan fiction type work, you can't just copy a lot of stuff and then add it a few small bits of your own work. Why can't you or others so interested in warrior cats make up your own creative things using the world? There is so much you can do within a world another person has already created besides pretty much copying exactly what happens typically in the book.
You get two choices in the game. That doesn't seem like the reader is really choosing their story at all. The second choice doesn't matter at all either. Two choices does not really make up something that deserves a decent rating.
I'm guessing gender will be used for choosing what mate you'll get later on in later parts of the storygame because that is typical in these games. On that topic, not every character in the book had a mate. Some of the warriors were just not interested in having mates and kits. You shouldn't need to make the reader's character have to have a mate and kits. This goes back to the whole "be creative" thing. You don't have to follow every single typical thing. The reader's character doesn't have to be the average of traits and experiences that the typical character in the book experiences.
-- NightBirdBlue on 7/24/2014 11:21:30 AM
'Tis a very good comment with advice and critisim.
Recommending a storygame for deletion:
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8?
Breaks the minimum site standards.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Based Off A True Story
This is certainly not socially important.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Everything Else
All quizzes seem to go in Everything Else.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Based Off A True Story, Humor.
It is certainly not geared for extremist. It is clearly not part of a series. It is certainly not an RPG. It is not serious or socially important. It has nothing to do with war or zombies.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Humor and Serious.
This doesn't look like a CYOA Movie and it isn't Part Of A Series. It also isn't an RPG.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Based Off Of A True Story
This is not an RPG.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Part Of A Series
This is neither Historical or an RPG.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Part of Series.
This is not an RPG. This is not Historical and nor is the original source material. This is not a CYOA Movie.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Part of Series, Serious.
It doesn't seem to be a puzzle or an RPG.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
k vhjdeq2o
-- Mtactical on 11/18/2013 1:38:34 PM
Random and pointless.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
I don't think this is geared for extremist.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:'s-purpose
Everything Else
Most Animal* POV seems to go into Everything Else. *Non-Humanoid.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
I don't think this is a puzzle.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame: - Both suggestions are from this link.
Historical and Serious.
This had naught to do with war.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Everything Else
Slave stories tend to go into Everything Else, besides, this story wasn't educational.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Based Off A True Story.
This is neither humorous or an RPG.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- BerkaZerka on 12/24/2011 9:08:42 PM with a score of 0
Not sure what "Yep" is supposed to mean :P
Recommending a comment for deletion: - Both suggestions are from this link.
Well written, but as everyone else said, too short... you should revamp it, maybe make it a bit more difficult to get a date, and make some option where you may actually be able to get the popular girl as well.
-- Mercedes on 1/10/2013 11:46:18 AM
Duplicate comment.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
Surely this isn't a puzzle.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
This isn't an RPG.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
This is not Socially Important.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame:
This is not socially important.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
-- -_- on 6/28/2014 3:52:37 PM
I don't think Merp applies to this situation. It doesn't really make sense to write it as a comment to this story.
Recommending a tag change for a storygame: - Both suggestions are from the same link.
Based Off A True Story
Part of Series
I don't think this is a puzzle.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
Everything Else
Most non-humanoid POV games seem to go into Everything Else.
Recommending a forum comment for deletion:
A Post For The Hell of It - 6 hours ago by 11302
This is a spam comment, it is way too big.
Recommending a forum comment for deletion:
How to deal with a bratty child - 8 hours ago by 11302
Coins, this is between me and your mother.
EDIT: I know this is unnecessary, but I wanted to:
This is a spam comment, it is way too big.
Recommending a storygame for deleation:
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 2/8 and its length is 1/8
Breaks the minimum site standards.
Recommending a storygame for deleation:'s-life-(part-1-of-4)
- After receiving at least 7 ratings and being published for at least 1 week, the storygame is rated 1/8
Breaks the minimum site standards.
Recommending a comment for deletion:
I loved it. I liked how there were endings you couldn't go through. I am going to try to get straight A's, because I am a straight A student in school. I really liked this, and I hope you make others in the not-so-distant future.
-- Little_Schooler on 4/22/2014 12:36:11 AM with a score of 38
Duplicate comment.
Recommending a category change for a storygame:
I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be educational material, it seems to be trying to teach upcoming teachers how to behave in the classroom.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
Long comment ahead, beware! This was my first time playing one of these stories, and I am immensely impressed.
The best kinds of stories leave you with a sort of melancholy in their wake. I came across this story with the intention of spending a few minutes on "choose-your-own" nostalgia, but ended up witnessing the rise and fall of a rich world, the cultivation of a cast of full human characters, and the development of believable anti-hero protagonist who (despite my best attempts to curb his tyranny) became just as bad as the Emperor he intended to depose--albeit with all the best intentions in mind--and ended up an Eternal Messiah.
Though the story is occasionally linear, the choices it poses are involved and always difficult. I found myself often following one choice for a few pages, deciding I didn't like the outcome, reverting to the other option, and discovering it to be just as bad--but in a different way. Everything, from the very first choice to die, struggle, or beg, lasts to the end.
The characters are overall excellent, my favorite being Dendrin (I must have a soft spot for snarky pseudogods), though my own character was interesting as well. Talia (my male character's romantic interest) came off as a little flat, though (but maybe this is just me, as a female cis/ace person, trying to understand a straight relationship from a male perspective and failing). Other favorites were Cyrus and Theo.(Speaking of Cyrus, loved the inclusion of a gay relationship! Loved the fact that Cyrus was a believable character whose entire existence was not written based on the fact that he was gay! +10 points for diversity!)
The quality of the writing is pretty darn good throughout for something of this ambitious length. There are occasional slip-ups in grammar/syntax and tone, but the language is always vivid enough to get the point across, and there is nothing glaring enough to rip me out of the story.
Worldbuilding is excellent. I don't know whether it borrows from existing fantasy worlds, whether it ties in to the author's other works, or whether it's entirely original to this story, but it felt both fantastic and darkly realistic. I'd say it's kind of a cross between Lord of the Rings (Tolkien in general), Princes of Amber series (Zelazny), Elder Scrolls, and a webcomic by one Ashley Cope called Unsounded that you ALL SHOULD READ because it's EXCELLENT.
My favorite part of this is the realism--political, moral, interpersonal--of it. There's no way, at least that I can tell from the one extended playthrough I've done, to play the shining moral beacon of goodness. For example, from the first moment I read about the Empire I wanted to take it down. Okay, you can take down the Empire--but at what cost? I ended up making things worse as the land falls to squabbling warlords. Everything was painted in Blue and Orange Morality as I tried (and possibly failed) to not become the villain. And yet even as my character became murderous, I could still empathize with him. The only other work I can think of right now that has this similar sort of moral realism is web-serial writer Wildbow's work (Worm and Pact--things you all should ALSO READ because they are EXCELLENT).
Anyway, here I am posting a comment of ridiculous length on something that probably hasn't gotten a comment in quite some time. Excellent work, and I will be playing more to see if I can get endings other than (and perhaps less villainous than?) Eternal Messiah.
-- allison on 5/18/2014 2:39:36 AM with a score of 0
That was a very good character and described the story and her emotions very well. Although it is a massive block of text and has some pleads to read other stuff, overall, it is an amazing comment.
Wow. This was a fantastic story it was well written, engaging, and you really feel invested in the story. I know many people will complain about the lack of choices in it for a choose your own adventure story. But for what it was, it was incredible.
-- D'Ante on 7/23/2012 10:53:00 PM with a score of 0
Honestly, this isn't a comment worth featuring in my eyes anyway. It certainly doesn't comment of all aspects of the story and it doesn't really go into detail.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
After reading through every single page, I have to say that this storygame is nothing short of fucking incredible. The sheer epicness of the scale and length of the story, the volume of content and the number of different story paths is amazing. The amount of time and effort taken to write all this must be unbelievably big.
But the quality isn't hampered by the quantity. All of the paths for the 13 different 'proper endings' are entertaining, even if some are inevitably not as good as others. One of the most fun things about Eternal is to play through all of these and see how things end up differently regarding the plot and the deeply interesting and lifelike characters. Even the 'dead end' endings are really good, and personally I think some of the best fight scenes come from these endings.
Something I didn't like was the numerous spelling and grammatical errors scattered throughout the game. You can get over that easily enough though, as it's not too frequent. I also didn't like some of the storylines as much as the others. Having played through what I would say were the best paths first, I felt that the worse paths I played afterwards were a bit of a letdown, even though they were still a good read.
Eternal is well worth your time. I think it's by far the best storygame on this site, even out of all of EndMaster's masterpieces.
-- 31TeV on 12/11/2013 3:58:38 AM with a score of 0
Not as good as the comment above but it is a good comment nonetheless. It goes over some aspects of the story in a manor that was detailed enough to give me a good amount of infomation.
A very dark read, but it was amazing nonetheless. It was entertaining, the characters were engaging (especially Gruz) and the story was immersing. There were a few minor grammatical/spelling errors, and at times it felt a little linear, but it was nothing that detracted from my enjoyment of the story. Well done. (I got the Eternal Couple epilogue.)
-- October on 9/28/2011 11:10:41 PM with a score of 0
This comment isn't feature worthy in my eyes either. It doesn't go over aspects of Eternal in a detailed manor, it just sort of skims over them.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
Finally! I have been waiting for the 3rd branch of "Eternal" since I first found this site, and now I finished it. Almost everything about it is outstanding, from the way The EndMaster incorporates (or at least implies) "Necromancer" into the story as well as tying everything about the world/story/events together; a rare but yet extremely fulfilling experience that cannot be found in the traditional style of storytelling.
I swear, if this was published (although that would be another story/challenges entirely), I would buy this in an instant, not only because it'd be easier to convince others this style is a legitimate way of storytelling, but also as a way to pay The EndMaster for his time and effort into making something memorable. This is the first for me to feel like donating money for something that's free entertainment.
The only criticism I'd give is the somewhat minor errors in grammar and "exrta" words left in sentences that clearly aren't suppose to be there. Another look into the parts of the story branch that leads to the 13th ending will show what I am talking about. As for the other parts of the whole story, I'm unsure if this is as noticeable as it's been almost a year since I've read the first 2 branches of "Eternal".
I have much more to say but that would take up the comments page so I'll end it with this; "Eternal" is one the best. It deserves its 8/8 from me in my book; it truly "enlightened me" to this way of storytelling and makes me wish these kind of "books" were mainstream or had a much larger following. Despite being one of the first "choose your story" I've ever read, I haven't found anything close to The EndMaster's stories, especially "Eternal" and probably will be for a long time.
-- ArchyMej on 11/26/2013 2:11:14 AM with a score of 0
Another very good comment.
Perhaps my favorite part of playing through this storygame was how the early ending had a real sense of being an ending. They weren't just "you died, the end". The writing was very well done, but there are a few grammatical errors here and there (almost unavoidable really, with the length of the work). The characters were both believeable and very much alive! Thank you for allowing us to take a walk through your eternal vision. Overall, a wonderful read and a masterful demonstration of what a storygame can be, remember this!
-- oldmankatan on 10/22/2011 11:20:22 AM with a score of
Recommending a comment for featuring: - All suggestions are from this link.
This game is definitely better than your last one (and waaay less random). I liked the general setting, though in my opinion it didn't need to be a 6/8 maturity setting, as the gore, with CYS standards, isn't all that bad.
I would have liked to see some 'setting' in your story. Maybe some more background, or descriptions. Your story at this moment is (heavily simplified): "You are sitting at home. Oh no, you're being attacked, what do you do?". I, as the reader, can't really identify with 'my' character if I don't even know who he/she is or what is going on.
There is also a weirdish kind of loop in the kitchen when you hear noises coming from the basement and go to investigate, but you suddenly end back up in the kitchen and et cetera, et cetera.
Like I said before, I liked your story and it is a definite improvement if you consider your last one. This shows that you are improving as a writer and I'm sure that you'll write even better stories in the future. Though if I may make one last suggestion: the plot is kinda cliche and I'm sure that you could come up with a better one.
I've decided to give it a 4/8, mainly because of the overall shortness of the story and the little amount of (descriptive) text on each page.
-- Romulus on 8/2/2014 9:55:28 PM with a score of 0
Very good comment that contains a bug and some criticism. It was a good length and formatted well.
Recommending a comment for featuring:
This story shows some good improvements in your writing when compared to your first story. There is an actual plot, and it doesn't give me a headache to read.
This is probably as simple as a horror story can get. You're home alone and hear noises and you use typical movie logic. While I'm glad that you seem capable of grabbing a basic horror plot, I wish you could expand on it more. Try to find inspiration from other horror stories, and maybe even make your own villain.
I don't know if this is intentional, but this needs to be addressed. In this story, which I went through three times, there is a part where you are investigating what is happening around your house. For some reason, I am unable to continue the story when I am actually trying to go and see what is happening. Instead, I have to go back to my living room (movie logic) and just watch television.
Giving more details of the scene will be greatly appreciated. If you were to paint this scene out to me in a way that can suck me into the story, it will help setting the mood for a horror storygame. In the end, this storygame is best described as generic.
My final verdict is a 3/8. It's okay, but it leaves more to be desired.
-- Danaos on 8/2/2014 10:51:34 PM with a score of 0
Very good comment that contains a bug and some criticism. It was a good length and formatted well.
Recommending a change in maturity for a storygame:
Again, i'm not really sure what it should be but a six is way too high. It doesn't really have gore and the descriptions are not very great.