Player Comments on Suzy's Strange Saga
A masterpiece of CYOA writing. No more words to say. Respected Endmaster you have went above and beyond what I was expecting when I was reading CYOA around 15yrs, now I'm in my early 20s and am working in filmmaking and screen writing. I played every single game you made from Trash, Eternal, Ground Zero, Geek, Basement Dwellers(forgot the name),Necromancer, Rogue,Song of the Necromancer(forgot the proper name, it's my favorite btw.).
But I have till today never played Suzy's Strange Saga but this is seriously a very good story and character arc. I got chills whenever you connected each of your story.
Especially when you connected Eternal's protagonist (my fav protagonist btw) was Suzy's baby. That was phenomenal and I just sat there thinking wow, how has this story not become famous. My favorite character arc ending would be the one where Suzy replaces her alternate self and her mother knows it, I actually got pretty emotional because I was in a similar position to Suzy a few years ago and reading Suzy get a fitting ending after all she went through and me reading it now hit it for me just right.
This should be made into a game like the "Life is Strange" series by Square Enix.
Thanks for the experience and inspiration.
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— Samuel on 2/2/2023 10:47:50 AM with a score of 0
General Recommendation: I highly recommend this game, particularly for those looking to see the branching cave of time format used in its full power.
Preview: Honestly, I think the less you know what to expect when starting this game, the better. Just jump right in. However: I strongly recommend that you read the other EndMaster games listed in the game’s description before reading this one, as there are a lot of callbacks.
General notes:
The thing that really jumps out to me about this game is just how truly original all the concepts are. I say this primarily about this game, but as I’ve been reading and re-reading EndMaster’s games, it’s been true of all of them. Many games, books, and TV shows often can be fit into a specific story type; like fantasy quest, space adventures, apocalyptic, etc. EndMaster’s games, however, create their own niche. I can’t name a single other work of fiction that is comprable in plot and tone to his games Geek, Repression, A Very Special Choose Your Story, Trash, Tales from the Basement, and so on. A good author can take any oft-done concept and make an original work (as EndMaster does with games like Paradise Violated and Ground Zero), but I’m particularly struck by the originality of the ideas behind his shorter works.
Suzy’s Strange Saga takes this originality and drives it up to the max. It’s a game that absolutely refuses to be classified. Many staples of common genres are there (‘zombies’, dimensional travel, cult politics, etc.), but these elements all have a twist on them making them defy categorization, and the existence of these elements in the same game creates a total narrative that’s nearly impossible to define. It would be very easy for this variety to become a random kind of gimick and prevent a coherent narrative from forming, but EndMaster masterfully ties all the elements together so that each branch is both coherent, and genuinely adds on to total narrative.
One way I noticed this was done is through all the connections between the branches. Though this is a straight cave-of-time story, you run into the same characters and events across multiple different branches. (For example: the confrontation between the carnies and trailer park happens regardless of which side you’re on.) These events play out in a logical way depending on your choices up until this point, and characters act consistent with their personality in different contexts. Of all of EndMaster’s works, I would say this game takes the best advantage of the branching format to create a truly unique and connected world.
These connectedness extends to the amount of references to EndMaster’s other games. This game follows up on the stories of many of EndMaster’s other games. These references are never allowed to overpower Suzy, it’s her story after all, but it’s a lot of fun to see all the characters and events followed up on from previous games, and learn which endings are canon. This really contributes to the immersive feel of the game. The universe here feels very expansive and complex, there’s the sense that there’s a complete world to be explored no matter which direction you turn in. The existence of 16 complete epilogues certainly helps.
The character of Suzy herself is also handled quite well. Suzy has her own distinct personality, but her personality is allowed to change and grow in different ways depending on the choices the player makes. This makes the player feel like their decisions really matter, as they affect more than just what happens externally. At the same time, the facets of her personality that do remain consistent tie together the different branches of the game.
Finally, I’d like to note how the game’s originality makes it hard to figure out what’s going to happen next while still respecting narrative structure. As someone who reads/watches a lot of fiction, I can usually predict many of the future plot events in stories. I can’t do that in this game; the story never takes an easy obvious way of resolving a situation. Yet it’s clear this game isn’t going out of it’s way to mislead the reader (as some works do, to their detriment). Events are appropriately foreshadowed, this unpredictability is just emerging naturally from its setting and characters. This game is guaranteed to be a fresh and different read, even to those who have difficulty finding media that can still surprise them.
Specific notes:
-The recap of how Suzy’s situation has changed since TFTB is presented in a quick way, which prevents it from being an infodump.
-I’m amused that the serial killer ending with Bobby is the canon one for TFTB.
-I’m not liking any of the options on the first page. Getting help from Peter sounds like a good way to get a part in his next movie. Moving in with Donna and Julie seems like it would not be condusive to getting a job. Relying on Bobby for help flits too close to the possibility of being ritually sacrificed. I guess I’m going to go with Donna and Julie as this option seems to have the least health hazards, but I’m not happy about it.
-I’m curious to see what effect (if any) the GZ references will have on the plot.
-Lol. “Who would be vaccuming?” “Donna?” “Nah.”
-Distracted the national guard by pretending (“pretending”) to be lesbian. Can’t believe that worked. Do people really get aroused that easily?
-For a story that doesn’t set itself up as a zombie apocalypse story, it somehow manages to be one of the better zombie apocalypse stories on the site. I think the mistake most zombie games make is they focus on the mechanics, while ignoring the emotional tension and stakes that are actually at the heart of the genre. This game focuses on those aspects, making it feel more like a true “zombie” story than many similar games.
-Lol Mel is in this. I find it amusing that he’s the leader of one of the surviving factions.
-With EndMaster’s two other giant stories (Rogues and eternal) covering decades of a character’s life, it’s interesting to see a story that just covers a single crazy week. It allows the plot and characters to be more detailed, and allows them to have a wider variety of possible outcomes (this story has 16 victory epilogues, which I believe is EndMaster’s record.)
-Julie is the kind of character who could very easily have become annoying, as she’s not as competent as Suzy, but she’s written in a way that prevents her from becoming dead weight and allows her to remain sympathetic.
-Johnny’s annoying even when he’s not murdering people. His initial holier-than-thou attitude towards the other partiers is a good signal for his future/alternate behavior while not immediately being a major danger sign.
-I like the contrast between Suzy’s competence in the arcs with Julie and Johnny. In the Julie arc, Suzy becomes strong and action-taking, making decisions and standing up for herself. In the Johnny arc, Suzy allows her life to be pulled out from under her by a stranger, and reacts to danger with fear rather than action. Additionally, her reaction to Peter’s phone call shows how unraveled she’s become.
-One thing I really like about this story is the consistensy across the branches. Many storygames have events that change depending on unrelated actions the player takes, or the branches are just so disconnected from each other that consistensy doesn’t matter. But in this game, events remain consistent, and you’re allowed to come across the same situation in a variety of different contexts.
-“Property of the Ground Zero Corporation”? Was Ben working with Ground Zero? Heck, they might even have been the government agents he was worried about seizing his stuff.
-Oh, is Johnny supposed to be the kid from repression? That would explain the mother/sister references, as well as the incest kink. I wonder which ending is the canon one for repression.
-The wide variety of different plotlines in this game fleshes out not just the characters, but the setting. As the branches weave around each other, you really get a full view of the town’s geography and nature.
-I like Mel’s inclusion in the arc with Donna. A familiar face makes his character and the trailer park setting automatically more rounded, and it’s fun to see him taking actions in a different context. I didn’t enjoy Trash as much as EndMaster’s other stories largely because Mel couldn’t seem to get up off his ass in any meaningful way, but in this game he’s taking initiative and controlling the situation, which makes him more likeable and more fun to read.
-The repeated refrain of GZS commercials is a nice way of tying the days and branches together.
-All of the references in this story are excellently done. Often times, references can go overboard if writers get too excited about them, but EndMaster refrains from hitting the reader over the head with these references, instead allowing them to fit in naturally with the story he’s constructing.
-I like the snapshot scene used for the Bandit Blondie epilogue. It does an excellent job of illustrating Suzy’s new situation, and the changes in her character.
-The pathes where you leave the trailer park do a good job at showing Suzy’s personality and morals changing slowly rather than all at once.
-I like that you’re able to have a positive relationship with Donna in one of the endings. That’s another strength of this game; Suzy is allowed to have very different relationships with all the characters depending on which branch you’re on. It allows these side characters to be fleshed out in ways they never could in a linear story, and adds weight to the player’s decisions.
-Bobby, practitioner of cult worship and human sacrifice, gets defensive about being compared to a mormon.
-I like that even though Bobby is a cultist, he’s self aware, and can raise legitimate poitns about Suzy’s odd standards.
-Hang on, are Leslie and Lillith supposed to be the couple from love sick? If so, that would explain a lot about the GZS shelters.
-I like that the chaos god is Tiamat, most readers will have a basic familiarity with who she is.
-Too bad Aiden’s spelled with an e, otherwise Aidan and Nadia would be the names reversed.
-Suzy and Helen are bonding. “It’s okay, everyone thinks about killing people sometimes.”
-The cult dynamics and debates over what is the best way to serve Tiamat are interesting. The arc I’m currently on doesn’t go into too much detail, so I hope to have more involvement in them in later arcs.
-Like Bobby, Bobby’s grandmother can call Suzy out on some of her strange priorities.
-The epilogue with Enki is oddly touching; Suzy has grown past her basement-dwelling tendencies, and is now trying to instill the lessons she’s learned in a new generation. Albiet she’s grown from a basement dweller into a cult member, but the point still stands.
-“Tiamat’s chaos can be as kind as it can be cruel” is a nice take on the cult.
-I like that Helen can be an antagonist or an ally depending on the arc. It fits with what we know of her personality, since she’s so easily dominated by whichever strong personality is around her. I also like that she’s more intelligent than Diana when it comes to plotting to kill Suzy.
-I like that the cult’s relationship with the trailer park is different depending on which epilogue you get.
-On the path to epilogue 13 (Matriarch of Madness) I thought the chocies got a little repetitive, the final 4-5 choices essentially amount to trust/don’t trust Helen.
-Well whaddaya know, the Ebay Escapist has a name.
-There’s a lot of J names in this game. Julie, Johnny, Jake, Jack.
-I like the inclusion of Jack’s character on this arc. He’s not being a jerk (yet), and is adding elements of mystery and unpredictability to the story.
-I’m not sure why there’s a detour where you leave Jack and then return; all it seems to do is provide two more opportunities to die.
-The adventure in the gray building so far is fun.
-I keep thinking this is Rask. EDIT: Oh, it IS Rask.
-If Suzy is the mother, that explains a damn lot.
-I’m quite intrigued by the parallel universe plotline.
-Gay alternate universe Suzy. Lol Suzy just needs to admit she’s bi at this point. On that point, I think Suzy’s sexuality has been handled pretty well. It never becomes too important, or is pushed aside at times when it should be important, and the two possible gay relationships in this game are either healthy (Julie) or at least no more messed up than other comparable male ones (Helen).
-Lol: “You’re a writer. Makes sense actually. You certainly procrastinate enough.”
-After seeing so many parallel universe plotlines where the protagonists are sent to a version of reality that is slightly worse than their own, it’s fun to visit one where the protagonist and world at large are actually better off. Makes me wonder if this timeline is closer to the “real life” timeline.
-I like the implication that the other arcs in this story are books written by Epilogue 15 Suzy.
-The mother character is used quite effectively. Though we never actually meet Suzy’s mother in other branches, from what Suzy has said of her to others, we know she loved her a lot and she had a big influence on her life. Having her play a major role in this branch works because of the details we already know about her, and it adds depth to the other branches, where Suzy’s mother never shows up in person, but her influence still drives many of her decisions.
-I’m torn on how to feel about Suzy’s mother knowing her identity. On the one hand, it makes for a good scene between the two, and is more realistic than Suzy successfully fooling everyone. On the other, it’s hard to believe that Suzy’s mother could overlook her daughter being replaced by a stranger.
-Every now and then, it feels like the narrator is talking directly to you. It’s intriguing, in a story like this it makes me wonder whether there’s something else going on.
-Ahh yes, Lillith, the GZS employee, and quite possibly incestuous serial killer. Maybe this is the branch where we’ll learn what’s causing the crazy cannibalism. EDIT: Yes, it is.
-“Humanitarian” lol.
-Claiming to be sick to avoid Jed and Hugo is quite clever here.
-Occasionally while playing these games, I’ll make a choice as a matter of principle, despite fully expecting it to kill me. Choosing not to go to the shelter with Lillith and Leslie was such a decision, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my gut instinct was correct.
-I find it amusing that in a numebr of the endings, you’re having sex when the bomb goes off.
-I’m surprised that Suzy and Bobby get back together in Epilogue 14, but I think it works well. Suzy didn’t want to marry him because she didn’t want to risk throwing herself into his power on his terms. Her adventures during the story allowed her to develop her own power and ability to take care of herself, allowing them to have a much more equal relationship.
-I like how the cannibalism thing was built up slowly over the course of the story, with plenty of foreshadowing surrounding the meat and Suzy’s capacity for violence, but never so much that it hit the reader over the head with it. This allows the epilogue to be logical without seeming obvious, and avoids it seeming like it’s just going for a shock factor.
-I find it amusing that the geek was too drunk to remember the details of his own plotline. I also like that he eventually ran the circus.
-I like that Roger appears in multiple branches, as alt Suzy’s husband, and as a national guard.
-The extent of the lust/hate Suzy is drawing from the male and female members of the carnival seems oddly high, I wouldn’t think people would react in such an extreme and unified way to a new face.
-I like that you can end up on both sides of the confrontation between the trailer park and the carnival, and that it is optimally resolved in an aggressive or peaceful way depending which side you’re on. The contrast shows well the difference between the two groups, and the differences in Suzy’s character on each of those pathes.
-I also like that while the clowns were clearly the main villains of Geek, they have a more heroic role in this story.
-It’s fitting that Suzy ends up with Shrimpy in two of the epilogues. He always seemed to respect her most as a human being, and they had a genuine friendship beyond his attraction.
-Lol, “Right, like arriving at a door with a group of clowns isn’t straight out of a horror movie.”
-I think the New Security ending is important for the balance of the story, in this ending, though Suzy survives, she never really grows past her basement-dwelling mentality. It serves well as a contrast to the other endings where she grows in power. It also serves as a more wholesome contrast to some of the darker endings. Interestingly, Suzy’s comptence and morality seem to be inversely proportional.
Generally good.
Mastery of Language:
There are sentence structure issues, notably a lack of commas. I noticed a typo here and there, though not many, considering the length of the story. A couple dialogue issues.
Quite good. For a story of this length to have sixteen unique epilogues is impressive.
Player Options/fair choice:
Eh. Not great. For a more story-oriented game like this one, it’s pretty much unavoidable, but many actions have consequences that could not possibly have been forseen by the player. Most notably, chosing not to have sex with Bobby in your living room means you later give him a blowjob while driving and cause a car accident.
As for the choices that lead to major splits in the branches, for the most part those were representative of the true choice they entailed. The one exception to this might be the extent to which choosing which job to work at the comic store affects the plot.
The only real confusion I have with this game is that sex is extremely important to everyone in a way that seems unrealistic. It’s well-written, it just seems odd that nearly every character views Suzy in some sort of sexual way. Granted, this could well be accurate and I just haven’t been exposed to the places where this behavior is frequent.
Got epilogue 7 on my first run (the bunker lesbians one), I think I did alright as far as not dying goes, though dying a few times is pretty much inevitable in EndMaster’s games.
After finishing the game, I think this is probably the best ending. Suzy develops skills and confidence, but she never turns evil, and ends up having a fairly good life. The other endings all have drawbacks to them. (Endings 1, 3 and 8-10 are a bit meh, 5 and 6 both suck, 11-13 are alright but involve being a human-sacrificng cult leader, for 2, 14, and 15 you have to make really unethical choices to get there, 16 you end up losing your entire family and world, coolness factor aside. 4 is probably second best as far as Suzy’s situation goes, with 10 being not too far behind.)
Amusingly, I found ending 1 last.
CONCLUSION: An impressively expansive, immersive, and original game that stands as one of the site’s most unique games, as well as one of its best explorations of the branching cave of time format.
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on 3/3/2022 10:17:52 AM with a score of 0
SSS is a heavyweight clocking in at over 300,000 words. All personalities have a depth I haven't seen prior to this story, and everything is consistent between branches. Actions you perform on Suzy's behalf are reflected in changes to her personality, and you get to see many sides to her character; the stunning depth shown in characters and their dialog really drew me in as it does in other Endmaster stories. I recommend at least playing to an epilogue for all 3 starting options.
Keep in mind SSS can be pretty dark, with sex and murder showing up variously throughout. The story is rich and detailed, with lots of space for dialog, spoken and internal.
The grammar was loose now and then, but it wasn't distracting to me. The narrative tone sometimes came off casually like character dialog, but fleetingly. I don't have much else to criticize; the storytelling aspect is incredible and that's exactly why this story gets an 8/8 from me.
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on 1/2/2021 3:48:42 AM with a score of 0
I've already played a few of your stories but this is the first one I leave a comment on (I don't know why).
I got Epilogue 16 and, as I imagine nobody wants spoilers, I'll just say that I began to notice some of the context clues in the last page and was really hoping it would end the way it did (who am I kidding, I can't not talk about the spoilers but I'll put them under a warning at the end of the comment).
There are some grammar errors but the thing is that if a story and its plot are compelling enough you barely notice the typos, and that's your case.
What stands out, as always, is the way your stories have of describing reality without any filter, save from a coat of dark humor. I don't care if this style is for pure shock value or if you really believe in the morals of your works, as long as it keeps producing these original twisted tales it's good enough for me. I don't mean that they are perfect, someone else may write better sentences or make less typos, but at the end of the day what keeps drawing readers in is the actual storyline, and few here have your ability to create interesting and alluring plots (and characters). Now then, to the
A thing that piqued my interest in the last page was when Suzy said that the only ways to behave over there were "Beg, Die or Struggle" and at first I associated it with the type of choices that you usually offer on your storiegames (yeah, I didn't catch the "Eternal" reference just then).
When I read the term "the Empire" I started to remember Eternal but I thought you could just have used that same title to remain generic. Then the svelk appeared and that's when I started to hope for the ending that eventually came. I just want to add that Mistress (Semra) was one of my favourite characters in Eternal so I was happy to read some words about her again (or at least I think it was her).
By the time there was the mention of combat training for orphans, I was practically sure/very hopeful of what was to come.
Then after the final reveal ("Francis" though? Lol) I went to re-read the beginning of Eternal and sure enough, as Suzy said, the first choice of that game was "Beg, Die or Struggle".
Also, Jack is too pure a soul to be one of your characters while I liked the idea of Suzy's surprising coldness in the face of murder.
8/8 for the splitten kitten.
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on 9/17/2018 10:15:40 PM with a score of 0
Ye have truly outdone yourself this time, My Friend! Without a doubt this is better than both Ground Zero & The Order of the Midnight Sun combined (that's saying quite a lot considering those are two of the best storygames on here as far as i'm concerned)!
To name a few of the good points (though there's far too many to name):
Descriptions & Background are very impressive & help the reader to relate to the characters & helps the reader fully feel like the they are the main character.
Storyline & Plot are greatly done & all while reading through, it became just like "a great book ye become captivated by & don't want to put down" & had me hungry for more with each page I read!
The Length was also very well done- not too long & progressed quickly enough to make it feel more like reality itself than just a story.
The ONLY bad point I saw (which is hilarious since it is so tiny):
Only one misspelled word in the entire storygame- ye spelled the word glorious as glourius (which most i'm sure either didn't catch or didn't worry about).
I rated it an 8 (I would rate higher if it were possible to do so).
Overall: Ye have a truly amazing & awe-inspiring storygame here that could easily become a legend! It is inconceivable how ye could ever make a storygame to be better than this one, if even just to rival its greatness! Keep up the incredible work, My Friend!
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on 4/29/2015 3:16:18 PM with a score of 0
Excellent work. I only wish it had a bit more game in it.
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on 2/26/2025 9:59:35 AM with a score of 0
In general, this author's storygames respond almost randomly to the player's choices. Making the protagonist do what the player wants is almost impossible. This serious flaw undermines what are otherwise entertaining storygames.
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on 2/8/2025 7:11:54 PM with a score of 0
so good
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on 9/27/2024 2:18:32 PM with a score of 0
This story was awesome. The branches were diverse, and I totally enjoyed how decisions affected not just the narrative but the personality of the characters. This made the story much more enjoyable since it made for a deeper understanding of the characters involved. The story kept me searching for new ways to sequence decisions to not just arrive at different endings, but also to see where those decisions brought the character.
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on 3/31/2022 12:32:49 PM with a score of 0
Sweet ep.16
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on 8/26/2021 2:37:29 PM with a score of 0
I could've sworn that I've finished this once before, but in any case, this was a very nice way to loop around to all of Endmaster's other stories.
Yes, even the one with Francis (which was my first ending).
It's a story that stands on its own two feet (however whacky and insane it is), though, so for the reader who hasn't gone perusing all the other works that this author did (some of which are buried in the Forums as short excerpts and stories), it makes for a fairly entertaining read. Granted, with none of the bravado and glory like Eternal or Necromancer, but not knee-deep in bad-vs-worse scenarios like Rogue.
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on 5/26/2021 12:55:44 AM with a score of 0
I remember loving this when it came out, and no surprise, I still love it. Easily the best MA game we have. Solid 8/8 without even having to think about it
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on 2/27/2021 9:17:26 PM with a score of 0
I've only gotten two endings so far (including the good one, wow was it was a shock to get) but so far, it's well written and definitely worth a read.
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— anon on 1/3/2021 11:28:40 PM with a score of 0
I love that ending with Johnny wandering. It’s so... creepy... and... twisted... but, good.
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on 10/7/2020 11:37:12 AM with a score of 0
I loved this story. I liked it so much that I plan to replay it a few times to see what other endings I can get. I got a couple really dark and morbid ones, which the depraved side of me really enjoyed, and then I got a really sweet one. I really want to see how many other ways the story can end, and I plan to come back to this story repeatedly to see what else might happen. I'm really starting to become a fan of Endmaster's work.
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on 8/8/2020 2:16:45 AM with a score of 0
EndMaster, you never cease to amaze! Loved it
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on 10/30/2019 10:22:30 AM with a score of 0
I've been a huge fan of your work for years, now, and this is just another stunning entry. All the different branching pathways can be complicated to pull off, but somehow, Suzy's Strange Saga does it effortlessly, and with other cameos and mentions from the Endverse thrown in to boot. 8/8.
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on 7/13/2019 8:46:43 PM with a score of 0
Holy shit that was good. I loved the way it connected all of the stories together, especially with epilogue 16. I’m not giving any spoilers, but that was an insane twist and I loved it. Amazing story EndMaster.
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on 5/2/2019 2:10:42 PM with a score of 0
Fantastic, its insane how the EndMaster creates his stories. It's also insane how he has made it so that this story does in-fact act as a sequel or a prequel depending on the path you take. Makes you wonder if he/she has all of his/her stories connected in some way. Anyways, fantastic reading.
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on 3/14/2019 4:16:18 PM with a score of 0
Plz make more like this one!!
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on 1/6/2019 5:15:12 PM with a score of 0
Fix the spelling plz!
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on 12/21/2018 9:25:29 PM with a score of 0
I loved the story so much I played it several times before leaving a comment.
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on 11/10/2018 6:00:40 PM with a score of 0
Finally a good ending :')
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on 10/14/2018 1:07:58 PM with a score of 0
Love SICK Too AND Eternal Mother? You're killing me with all these references. Hey, at least I know Eternal is related to GZ and all the other ones you have here
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on 10/2/2018 9:31:40 PM with a score of 0
Definitely an interesting read, much more licentious than most long stories that Endmaster actually puts some effort in, but as it's part of the lovesick universe, I shouldn't be surprised.
The level of detail that he put on this may be somewhat lacking on the description of the scenes, but the characters he placed on the story more than make up for it.
Overall I think the story was perfectly sized by not being a homerous tale or a pint-sized story, and nicely paced, the added replay factor was good, but not exactly encouraging like Eternal, but the best thing has to be Suzy's dichotomy in the bobby path was hilarious.
8/8 - Would fuck grandma Morningstar
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on 8/31/2018 10:00:06 AM with a score of 0
Pretty funny name for THE Eternal.
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— Nazhfa on 8/28/2018 5:51:24 AM with a score of 0
And as always, your work has given me chills. I have been impressed enough to actually leave a comment.8/8 just because of Epilogue 16. Great game though overall.
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on 7/19/2018 5:19:14 AM with a score of 0
Interesting to say the very least, surprising also, and as always well written. And I think I would still recommend it even if some would find the material, subject matter or the story progression/choices available objectionable. That doesn’t take away from how well developed it is as a story as an experience, even if it was quite shocking or oddly paced and outright absurd to begin with, it is more than makes up for any possible shortcomings in its progression by being radically engaging and deeply emotive by the end where all characters are beginning to draw you in no matter their affiliation and how you’ve felt about them in the earlier stages.
Also and oddly enough, it seems there’s a pattern developing, for me at least, that with the choices I seem to take as most common in my perception of things, I always seem to end up with the Epilogue 12 as my first outcome...
Thanks EM for all your work, glad to see you’re still in the bard’s business
Apologies for any run on sentences, it’s my all time crippling flaw...
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on 6/28/2018 10:31:19 AM with a score of 0
10/10 perfect amount of gay
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— Ellie on 6/20/2018 12:19:35 AM with a score of 0
Great. XD
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on 3/17/2018 9:48:39 AM with a score of 0
like this some much
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on 2/19/2018 5:54:44 PM with a score of 0
man thank you for this story and i hope you will make more stores.
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on 2/18/2018 9:25:03 AM with a score of 0
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on 2/13/2018 2:05:17 PM with a score of 0
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on 2/12/2018 4:21:16 PM with a score of 0
Awesome game. Got epilogue 1. Life as an apocalyptic general store manager
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on 2/8/2018 7:54:02 PM with a score of 0
well after playing more times I found an ending I liked good job
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on 2/2/2018 6:23:26 PM with a score of 0
I can see where this would be a sequel to many of those other storygames. I like it, very detailed, although I read the article about m-rated topics, and this puts in just a little more detail than what was in there, but it makes the story more real-sounding. I could actually imagine what a zombie apocalypse would be like if I lived in one, suffice it to say I'd be dead in a couple seconds. Mainly because I can't see what I'm doing.
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on 1/25/2018 4:42:21 PM with a score of 0
Really enjoayble story, good work man!
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on 11/20/2017 5:32:56 AM with a score of 0
Just read the following taken straight from the story and imagine the rest...
(warning strong graphic language)
I’m…sorry Suzy…I just thought…I dunno…you liked me…” Helen says looking down.
“I do like you, but…wait, so you don’t love Bobby anymore?” you ask.
“I do…but I feel like we’ve been so close these past two days, I think I’m starting to fall for you too. I mean when our lips were touching I felt a closer connection to you than I ever had before.”
“You were giving me mouth to mouth resuscitation!” you shout.
“But you embraced me in your arms! You even slipped your tongue in my mouth and when you opened your eyes you didn’t even let go immediately…” Helen points out.
“I…I… was out of it! I thought you were Bobby!” you exclaim.
“Bobby kisses like me?” Helen asks.
“No, you tasted sweeter…I mean…fuck…Gah! Look I thought you were Bobby okay?”
“Okay…I’m sorry Suzy. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“I’m not offended, this is just…weird though. I’m not a lesbian, not to mention I’m going to marry your brother. (Sigh) Look Helen, I’m a little tired to deal with this right now. I think we might have to address this in more detail tomorrow.”
“But the wedding is tomorrow.”
“Well, I guess that will be one more thing to deal with then, so until then good night. And before you even ask, no I won’t tell Bobby about this. I’m sure he’s got enough on his mind.” You say.
“Thank you Suzy.” Helen says and then slowly walks out of your room.
Got the ending: Epilogue 12: Parent of Sanity
Parent of Sanity
“I don’t want YOU to ever be that unprepared. Hence why you have to occasionally deal with the outside world no matter how shitty it is. Had I actually been prepared, maybe I could’ve made some better choices. Don’t get me wrong, I think I made the best of a potentially bad situation and I’m happy with your father, and my current life could be a hell of a lot worse, but still sometimes I think: What if?”
“Doesn’t Tiamat teach us all that life is chaos and that ultimately our choices don’t really matter anyway?” Enki asks.
“Do you really believe in all that stuff?”
“Not really.”
“Which is another example of how you stand out from the rest. You’re intelligent and you’re a potential leader, Enki. You’re not like your siblings…or rather your half siblings. Helen can have as many incest babies as she likes, She can have them in the double digits to match their IQ levels and your father can use them in whatever war he likes. Your life however is much more valuable. You’re MY son and there is only one of you.”
Maybe you made some concessions to get where you are and you even had some fun doing it, but at least your son knows that he doesn’t have to compromise and can be a master of his own destiny rather than being a slave to circumstance.
Even Grandma Morningstar would approve of that lesson.
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on 11/7/2017 9:54:12 PM with a score of 0
YES! I finally got all of the endings. I loved this game so MUCH.
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on 9/24/2017 12:36:17 AM with a score of 0
I fell like this story has given a lot more background on characters from the rest of your stories. Like the Love SICK brother(revealed as Leslie) and sister(Lillith) and Mel and Tina from Trash. Great story Endmaster, can't wait for your next one.
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on 7/9/2017 11:29:07 AM with a score of 0
I have gotten all of the endings! My fav was the one including Anu, and the one where you have chiddlers with Roger. Those two endings contained a fair amount of porn which was a bit disgusting... But it was interesting to read.
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— them love expert on 5/30/2017 9:27:24 PM with a score of 0
It actually tied in another story without seeming forced. If I hadn't played Eternal I'd still be impressed. Good job
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on 4/23/2017 12:17:04 AM with a score of 0
Hey, that's pretty good.
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on 4/4/2017 11:41:00 PM with a score of 0
Well I'll tell you one thing, I'm certainly not taking any life advice away from this. But it was certainly well constructed. And a lot of effort went into it.
My real issue is just that being a Satanist slut kind of detracted from the enjoyability of the story. Besides that my love interest is an idiot, and I'm a somewhat shallow character. Everyone is also an asshole... so there's that.
Still, I have a tendency to point out the flaws in a story without pointing out its strengths. And it was certainly not weak in any aspect. It's just not my cup of tea.
I'm giving this one a 6.
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on 3/8/2017 4:14:52 AM with a score of 0
That was an awesome story i have 2 epilogues and i plan to find them all, but no mater which part i take i'm thrown for an exciting loop, i would defiantly recommend this to an fan of EndMaster's work or even a new reader though it is recommended to have read some of his other works to find the cameos 8-p, but really it is one of my favorite stories i have read including published novels.
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on 3/7/2017 6:02:19 AM with a score of 0
I came to this one after playing Eternal as I saw you could discover the Eternal's true name from playing it, and I got the ending and I had this weird laugh and being full of nostalgia and this just seems like the best ending because everything is connected and GOSHHHHHH
You are the best writer ever. Thank you for the continued entertainment.
I also love the replay value because my meta knowledge gives me this powerful sense of how connected everything is, butterfly effect to the extreme, but also how much more there is in life that's just not understood, how much we have to learn about ourselves and each other... and I'm rambling and not really getting the point across like I'd hoped to.
But really, amazing stuff.
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— dovahquinoa on 3/6/2017 4:54:22 PM with a score of 0
After a few days of trying I finally found all epilogues :) I really enjoyed the story! It was the perfect combination of weird and exciting! I also really enjoyed the authors way of writing but I can't point out what I liked about it exactly. I would mosy certainly recommend it to others! :)
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— Sieka :) on 1/1/2017 12:11:20 PM with a score of 0
Yet another brilliant story from EndMaster!
I love how i got an ironic ending.
Keep it up, End!
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on 10/19/2016 11:05:30 PM with a score of 0
I really like this story, I have played through all of those paths. from the looking for a job one, to the one with Bobby, and I can see that you put a lot of hard work in to this story. Not to mention of course, that the graphic parts were considerably mild from what I have seen in stories in the past, which is always somewhat welcome, at least partially.
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on 10/7/2016 1:56:14 PM with a score of 0
Now I have a sense of closure. I finally figured out what the Eternal's name is, although he's always going to be "The Eternal." Aside from that gem...
I must say Suzy's Strange Saga certainly entertained me. Yet another of Endmaster's masterpieces.
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on 9/12/2016 2:12:36 PM with a score of 0
Really, really good. The link back to Eternal was well worth it.
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on 9/8/2016 7:34:52 PM with a score of 0
As good as Eternal. Makes me wanna read Ground Zero again!
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on 8/23/2016 3:30:56 AM with a score of 0
Took me a while but I finally read all the endings. Quiet a wild ride. as always great writing by Endmaster. My favorite 3 endings were Epilogue 16, 15, & 8.
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on 8/11/2016 4:14:23 PM with a score of 0
This is also a prequel to Eternal, If you go with Jacl
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on 8/6/2016 2:35:06 AM with a score of 0
Endmaster is an excellent writer! All of the branches of his stories are so different and nothing is predictable and obvious, I never know what is going to happen next which makes his stories so enjoyable every time.
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on 6/8/2016 11:31:44 AM with a score of 0
Awesome. Couldnt stop reading.
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on 5/6/2016 9:57:22 PM with a score of 0
I don't think I have words for this one, I played it around four times, and not a sibgle laythrough nor epilouge left me dissapointed or wanting them different, the only reason I went back was to get more of the great writing. All times were great, I plan on getting the other nine. 8/8
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on 4/23/2016 10:17:38 PM with a score of 0
End master always makes amazing stories! This is probably my favorite of his, there are so many surprises and interesting twists that go on through out his story, I also like how linear his stories are so that you can experience the same scenario from a different stand point. So far my favorite story arches are the ones that have Johnny in them, he is a very deep and interesting character and Endmaster did a great job in developing him in such different ways depending on which chooses you make.
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on 4/20/2016 5:06:29 PM with a score of 0
Dark, disturbing, Detailed. Always great writing from you. I tried going with unorthodox choices, hey its and Endmaster story, But I didnt stick around long. Will read more for sure. Well Done. Only nitpick would be I was disapointed in the 'Next day' links. But thats only cause I HAVE to find something lol Well done sir.
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on 3/30/2016 12:48:59 AM with a score of 0
EndMaster is an EXCELLENTLY writer! I haven't been disappointed with any of his stories so far. This one was definitely one of my favorites now. It is pretty dark and every time you make a decision it feels like something could go wrong, it is very entertaining how it keeps you in suspense. The only thing I don't understand is why this story has a maturity level of 7 out of 8, I mean your character basically masterbates on every single page! What qualifies as an 8 in these stories?!
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— Nick on 3/28/2016 11:44:39 PM with a score of 0
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on 3/22/2016 10:18:37 PM with a score of 0
The title of this story is spot on.
From weird and tragic happenings to humor, I enjoyed it!
Love the story (the one I had, anyway! :P)
A good story and a roller coaster of consequences (apparently reading these comments I'm not as daring hah) what more could you ask for :D
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on 2/12/2016 2:45:36 AM with a score of 0
Although it sure was a lot fun I have to ask: what in the seven hells deserves an 8/8 in maturity if not this? Seriously 7/8, wtf?
As Suzy I... raped in detail at least a dozen times murdered brutally at least as often
...took part in some very messed up incest
...literally bit off a penis entirely
...constantly whored out my sister to pedophiles
...murdered children, including by burning
...raped my own son and enjoyed it
...found close relatives dead in the most messed up conditions tortured very creatively
...became a serial murderer
Now I just want to know what exactly this is missing for the 8/8 rating? It drives me nuts.
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on 2/8/2016 12:32:01 PM with a score of 0
Solid story. As with most of this author's stories there were some pretty noticeable grammatical and spelling errors such as whole words missing at times. Still good though. Vivid and at times very descriptive. The author does well to paint a scene and the plot is always fluid. Still a hard game and a bit long. The only other problem I would have with it is the fact that the characters are a bit outrageous with their back stories, they're a bit unbelievable at times becuase so many bad things happen in their past, touching on almost every subject of trgedy. With that I will say that it was a very entertaining read.
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on 1/20/2016 2:05:47 AM with a score of 0
7/8 Not sure if I reviewed this when I 1st read it. I remember I hadn't been on the site very long and I was very disappointed in the quality of the games, then I found this story. My only complaint is that I wish things would have gone into more detail, but that is minor. Well written and fun to read even a second time. I had a different ending this time and want to go back now and read some of the writers other work
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on 1/16/2016 3:19:31 PM with a score of 0
A bery beautiful ending.
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on 1/13/2016 9:35:02 PM with a score of 0
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on 1/12/2016 7:45:53 PM with a score of 0
Very good.
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on 1/11/2016 6:17:00 PM with a score of 0
Very atmospheric. Great use of language (meaning Language). You very quickly get into the self-loathing mindset of your character. I've only played it once, though. I got killed. It seemed pretty random (a chance event that was hard to foresee played a crucial role). I can see, however, how I may have made a few bad choices that got me there. The starting situation was pretty screwed up, though, so it is hard to see how any good choices might have been available. It will be interesting to see if some coherent logic emerges after multiple plays.
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— Telantas on 1/8/2016 9:34:06 PM with a score of 0
Holy fuck. That ending 16. My mind is blown. I feel that the ending "title" kinda spoiled it a bit, but it was still amazing.
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on 1/6/2016 6:44:21 PM with a score of 0
This was a fantastic story!!! It was so entertaining, whether it was from humor or I actually felt to feels, especially with the stuff having to do with Johnny. I got the 6th Epilogue: Sheltered Princess ending, which I like a lot. You aren't wasting your time playing this, even if it takes a few tries to get right!
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— jellibean on 12/28/2015 11:01:35 PM with a score of 0
Another magnificent story. Don't know how you do it. Think I got through most of the endings and each one felt good and right based on the choices leading up to it. Keep up the great work.
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— Sup Im Jake on 11/28/2015 9:59:11 PM with a score of 0
Each one of your stories has been exelent in its own way, and now you connect like half of them into one massive one? Fucking brilliant, is all I can say. I give this an 8/8.
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on 11/27/2015 12:52:07 AM with a score of 0
Few people can take what would typically be considered over-the-top themes with the skill of EndMaster and splice them so harmoniously into a legitimate storyline.
Another fantastic story and the world is that much more blessed.
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on 10/16/2015 11:10:54 PM with a score of 0
Probably one of the best stories, also like that it has references to old storygames which I have previously played in the past.
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on 10/15/2015 4:58:20 AM with a score of 0
Great Game! I've played it a couple of times in the past but this is the first time I got a perfect ending! 7/8
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on 10/13/2015 1:13:36 AM with a score of 0
Games like this are why EndMaster's my favorite author. A gripping plot, characters whose personalities are so well done that you just automatically get some form of emotion for them, and I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy a lot of the messed up storylines and endings in his games.
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on 9/17/2015 12:39:49 PM with a score of 0
No, you should never be ashamed of who you are!
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on 8/30/2015 3:28:15 AM with a score of 0
I love the twisted aspects of my ending. should I be ashamed it turned me on?
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on 8/29/2015 4:35:04 PM with a score of 0
Just got the "Best Friends With Benefits Forever" ending. It was sweet.
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on 8/20/2015 8:38:27 PM with a score of 0
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— Gamepapa on 8/14/2015 2:32:10 AM with a score of 0
I fucking swear reading your stories make me question myself as a human. This uses most of the stories I've rad by you excluding Eternal. But I gotta say of all the epilogues only 13 made me go what the fuck the most. Didn't hate it though 10/10 you devious mothafucka.
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— Gamepapa on 8/12/2015 10:45:22 PM with a score of 0
Good, but should have had sexual tension. For example should have had Julie have sex in shower at end.
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on 8/7/2015 5:41:38 PM with a score of 0
My gosh, this really is a great story. I didn't expect the dwarf to be the husband of the main character, it's kind of like a show I used to watch called We're alive, at least, that's how it's written. The way the story is written is simply superb, and this story, if it hasn't yet, deserves to be featured. I loved it so much, the plot was great and the way it was written was humorous and all-around satisfying.
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— steven cantos on 7/23/2015 4:13:55 AM with a score of 0
EndMaster, ya got some good stories, but damn do I worry about you sometimes... Awesome story though.
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on 7/17/2015 4:27:30 PM with a score of 0
absolutely amazing. That ending, eternal mother was a fucking fastball I'll give you that. You just keep knocking 'em out the park.
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— Casdian on 6/20/2015 12:49:20 PM with a score of 0
Eternal refrence was amazing
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— Nuclearwarfareaw10 on 6/13/2015 3:40:33 PM with a score of 0
I liked it.Good story and game.
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on 6/12/2015 9:02:41 AM with a score of 0
Plenty of the dark humor and adult themes we all are familiar with and love. This right here is classic EndMaster, ladies and gentlemen -- untamed and uncut. Perhaps one of the, if not the greatest, works on this site.
There's absolutely nothing for me to criticize here. There's just so many contrasting branches, yet I love how they are all somehow tied to former EndMastarian works, like it kind of gives each story a place in the same universe. Epic concept.
8/8. Ever consider publishing your work?
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on 6/9/2015 1:19:21 AM with a score of 0
Why do I always die in this game?
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on 5/31/2015 10:32:03 PM with a score of 0
You've got issues man! But damnation you write good...
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— Johndoe Number9 on 5/22/2015 2:47:58 AM with a score of 0
I just... I....You sure are messed up!!!...but nicely done...
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— Johndoe number9 on 5/21/2015 8:58:55 AM with a score of 0
Gj,was half-expecting to get a trap choice(the ones that continue forwarding the story making you believe that you picked the right choice and suddenly all subsequent choices lead to your death ;D)
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— mary on 5/13/2015 7:35:00 AM with a score of 0
awesome story,Endmaster.. i heard you tried to kill serveral characters with a big rock? Well i sorta figure the parrallel dimension or epilogue 15 must have all characters i guess its kinda a loophole for more sequels if you want to produce more. Lets just say its like reviving several dead birds with a single defib unit..haha
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— Tom on 5/13/2015 3:09:31 AM with a score of 0
Very welldone end...but i noticed a couple of mistakes,not major though
1, during joining the carni,the owner ask wbo are you
2.during the struggle with diana, you call helen as diana
And other grammatical errors i cant recall cuz of reading huge amount of text.
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— Jason on 5/12/2015 12:18:11 PM with a score of 0
Well, what can you expect from EndMaster? Well, it was the perfect mix of everything everyone is ever asking for in a CYS story. Great story, grammar, and choices are rich and amazingly branching story.
This is the site's best writer at work right here.
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on 5/11/2015 10:26:33 PM with a score of 0
Holy shitaki this story is a sequel/prequel to almost every Endmaster game and connects all the stories!!!! This is my favorite on this site now. ;D
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on 5/11/2015 6:20:49 PM with a score of 0
Great Read!, though I was hoping to see the original casts of GEEK in action. I understand they are probably dead, maybe the Original Ringmaster could make an appearance since he/she's undead.
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on 5/10/2015 5:37:16 PM with a score of 0
Ending #4 > Ending #1.
Time to collect them all.
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on 5/7/2015 7:56:19 AM with a score of 0
Nice and safe? Hm. Not exactly what I was expecting... But a brilliant story, as always. There is the occasional spelling error and the grammar isn't perfect, but the story is engaging and ties in wonderfully with a few old favourites.
Part of me is actually sad that my first play through hasn't found any particularly horrific scenes... But it's a very small part. There's sure to be some untimely deaths concerning the murder and/or sexual abuse of the main character, so there's plenty to look forward to.
Man... And I thought some freaky clown stuff was going to happen. Guess I'll go back to the circus and see where the other lines play out... If I have the guts.
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on 5/7/2015 6:08:28 AM with a score of 0
OMG I did not expect that last sentence on the greatest show on scorched earth ending. Gj Endmaster, best one yet since it connected so many of your stories!
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on 5/5/2015 11:17:36 PM with a score of 0
Wow! Good story
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on 4/30/2015 10:06:03 PM with a score of 0
Lesbian? Um, I'd prefer a wolf like me
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on 4/30/2015 9:43:33 PM with a score of 0
This was fucking epic. Epilogue 16 just left me feeling completely baffled - but I can't state why without revealing spoilers. I'm normally not really into these kind of 'wacky' stories but this was definitely an exception. I managed to spot a few grammatical errors but that ultimately didn't detract from the story. My only complaint is that in some instances, instead of organised paragraphs, I had to read through giant walls of text which wasn't really pleasant on the eyes - but again, that wasn't really a major issue. I also loved the references to many of your other stories and how smartly integrated they were.
I gave this a 7/8. Great work.
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on 4/30/2015 8:48:25 AM with a score of 0
Appalling, and delightful. I found myself with epilogue #13. There are quite a few more to find, but as the first #13 will have a special spot in my, now slightly blacker, heart.
Well done Endmaster. Your stories never fail to entertain. Keep up the good work.
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on 4/30/2015 7:15:42 AM with a score of 0
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— martin on 4/29/2015 1:40:20 AM with a score of 0
Another amazing Endmaster story! This was interesting and unique, truly a strange saga.
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on 4/28/2015 12:21:32 PM with a score of 0
This was brilliantly written. Gripping storyline, multiple paths, and almost infallable grammar and spelling. As always, Endmaster, you have delivered an absolutely brilliant storygame, that has kept me hooked during this incredibly boring History class. Bravo, sir.
8/8. Great story.
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on 4/27/2015 8:33:12 PM with a score of 0
Another great example on how to write from the site's most prolific and consistently popular author. Dark, other worldly and occasionally shocking but what better way to escape from reality for an hour or two by reading an expertly-crafted and imaginative story like this? 8/8.
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on 4/27/2015 8:25:45 AM with a score of 0
Once again, another spectacular piece by EndMaster. A multitude of divergent paths, references to other stories that make it feel like there's a full-blown universe behind this one story. Well, these 14 stories, really. Tons of choices, loads of options. Epilogue 4 is my favorite so far, but I still haven't found them all. Keep up the great work, EndMaster! This site gets better every time you post a storygame!
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on 4/26/2015 8:22:52 PM with a score of 0
Oh my fuck! epilogue 16 blew my mind, i can't believe it, suzy is...she is...i can't even...fuck!!! that was awesome, but epilogue 7 is still my favorite.
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on 4/26/2015 3:27:07 PM with a score of 0
Another masterpiece by Endmaster! This is great! 8/8
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on 4/26/2015 9:21:25 AM with a score of 0
UM... I'm thinking of something. Anyone else? PROSTITUTE
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on 4/25/2015 10:35:39 PM with a score of 0
Leafnose, check your spelling. If you say this is bad, look at yourself. Buh0bye, five-year-old WC fan. I'm DONE.
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on 4/25/2015 5:16:56 PM with a score of 0
omg, this is bad. serously, ur spoused to make this like a vidio game.
this also too long. ur a bad writer. u should read some Erin Hunter too learn how to write, LOL. EPIC FAIL.
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— Leafnose on 4/25/2015 2:43:37 PM with a score of 0
Loved it!
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on 4/25/2015 11:23:16 AM with a score of 0
This is a good.
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on 4/25/2015 1:12:12 AM with a score of 0
Another EndMaster victory. Just skimmed the pages. Good content.
Well, for me
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on 4/24/2015 9:01:33 PM with a score of 0
Nothing to say, except that it's another EndMasterpiece.
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on 4/24/2015 8:47:43 PM with a score of 0
Holy fuck... This is going to take me YEARS to find every page.
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on 4/24/2015 6:03:56 PM with a score of 0
Like Aman said, what really makes this story is the character development... Heck, the characters overall, each with their own schemes and plans on how to deal with surviving the apocalypse. It's a funny story, possibly your most explicit work yet on here I think, with a lot of stuff to read through. Were I into the subject matter ('the low-life life') I'd probably be enlightened by this or something. As it is though, I thought this was really excellent.
It may just be the path I went through, but Suzy's change from an antisocial though kinda moral girl (in relation to the other characters) to a really disgusting monster seemed to just happen too quickly in the narrative for me to realize when the change happened. I thought the dream sequences were really hilarious, though, and did a good job depicting the change.
Got the Matriarch of Madness epilogue. Looking forward to reading through some more. You rock, man.
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on 4/24/2015 3:10:18 PM with a score of 0
Wow. Just finished the ringmaster path, and I'm already super impressed. The writing is superb, as always, but what I think really makes this story shine is that Suzy grows immensly in a very short while. Ground Zero had a similair style, in that the MC started off anti-social and then became a leader, but this story did it even better. Suzy starts off as a loser from the basement, but grows into a leader. Not an epic, badass leader, but someone who manages to lead a bunch of fuckups into surviving.
My only gripe with the Ringmaster path is that it ends too quickly, and we didnt really get to see enough of Suzy running the circus, but with so many seperate endings, it may not be such a flaw. 13+ short (in Endmaster standards) and "sweet" stories can be much more enjoyable then one giant epic.
Can't wait to read every single path. ^_^
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on 4/24/2015 2:56:59 PM with a score of 0
Frigin Christ, EndMaster, I haven't read so much since Necromancer.
I have to say, i'm still reading it, and haven't gotten all the endings. This is AMAZING. I feel like it really ties in all your modern stories, as well with some of the more odder ones. I really liked how everything just feels really interconnected.
Its really good, glad it was made in fact, it gives me more to read in my spare time, and your writing is always fantastic.
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on 4/24/2015 2:31:02 PM with a score of 0
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