Player Comments on Love SICK
General Recommendation: Honestly I don’t think there’s any way to tell in advance whether or not you’ll like this game. The warnings are NOT exaggerating, but it’s got a surprising amount of humor and character mixed in with the debauchery. Consult with your doctor prior to reading if you have any heart conditions.
Preview: Can you make your anniversary with your sister extra special?
General notes:
Huh. Well, I enjoyed this more than I expected.
I was expecting something a bit like the more extreme parts of Trash or Basement Dwellers, but this story has a very different tone. It’s tough to say what exactly is different. I think it has to do with the perspective mostly. Rather than being narrated by a pathetic unmotivated character who gets beaten down, it’s narrated by a character who is pathetic in completely different ways and beats others down. This shifts the tone of the humor in a subtle, but important way.
I think the short length of this game really helps, it’s a simple concept, and trying to turn it into something longer would probably just result in it overstaying its welcome. As it is, the reader is quickly and violently thrust into an extreme situation, and thrust out of it just as quickly, before they really have a chance to orient themselves or decide how to feel about it. There’s no wallowing, no drawing out of the action. It’s all presented very quickly and neatly.
Gower put it best when he said this story is an experiment poking at the boundaries of what is acceptable. Just how many different forms of violence and degeneracy can be fit into a single game? Apparently, quite a lot.
Speaking of Gower’s comment, I also want to reiterate his assertion that this game can be seen as a CYS tolerance test. If you can read this game and laugh it off, then you’ve got the right attitude to prosper at CYS. This meta aspect of the game boosts its rating for me, since it feels like it’s got a wider purpose than simple shock.
This game does exactly what it set out to do, and it does it very efficiently. Like many of EndMaster’s games, I find this story stands alone, almost as its own unique genre. Any attempt to replicate it would be futile and pointless, as it perfectly occupies its own special niche on the site, and the world of storygames at large.
Specific notes:
-Well, as far as first lines go, this one’s certainly a grabber.
-“What rhymes with disembowel” lol
-Lol, “I thought you guys were against assisted suicide?” “That’s catholics!”
-Lol, “What? You think I do this for fun?”
-“Extrapolate” rhymes with “decapitate”.
Generally alright.
Mastery of Language:
Eh, could be better.
There’s a lot of different choices the player can make, but they all end up pretty much the same way.
Player Options/fair choice:
Each actions represents accurately its outcome. That said, there’s not a lot of variety.
I usually don’t like stories that exist for the violence and nothing else, but this one had a lot of additional humor thrown in, which made it an enjoyable read.
CONCLUSION: I really don’t know WHAT to conclude. Readers will have to make up their own minds about where this game fits into the world of storygames.
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on 3/2/2022 10:51:20 AM with a score of 0
My recommendation for before playing this game:
First -- Put on a Nordic Heavy Metal song on loop. I recommend If I had a Heart -- the Vikings theme song. You can most likely play a "Cyberpunk" wannabe song too ... those are soon to be the rage.
Second -- Read Gower's enlightened comments. They are a good primer to the game. He does get lost in his critique of comma usage... but that type of feedback is expected from tenured University professors, they love red-lining the details.
Third -- Click the gateway to start the game ... gotta start sometime don't ya?
Once I began the game and I read the first few paragraphs, my initial thought was: Holy shit! I found the inspiration Sam used to write his MMM story ... I mean a love for a sister, an appreciation of kidnapping and torture. It all makes sense now.
I think if this project was to be pursued, a bit of work on the brother-sister date at Lover's Point would really work... there is so much to the date left out, so many possibilities involved. It is a shame, the sister's PoV could not be seen as well as the brothers via choice.
That is it... a sequel is needed; all feelings and ideas should be explored, not just a few.
I'll agree with Gower that this story's purpose is one of exploration and fit.
It should be required reading for the site to judge a person's ability to provide actionable and relevant feedback. God knows we need people that can actually help a writer read the stories more, not just silent leeches.
The trigger warnings were quite a lot -- I suggest both a short version: "anything goes" All material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18 and a shorter version: Every story event is designed to offend someone -- Enjoy!
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on 2/22/2020 3:06:52 AM with a score of 0
This isn't one of my favorite Endmaster games, but it definitely generates the best comments and the most legendary memes.
I want to thank the Anonymous Mormon for the new material for the Interesting Comments thread. With so many trolls performance artists running around around it's hard to get genuine faggotry in such a pure and concentrated form anymore, but I'm looking right at a Utah IP and this just made my morning lol.
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on 12/2/2019 10:55:52 AM with a score of 0
Love SICK works because it's an experiment meant to explore what the outside boundary of high volume and bad taste is in this format; its goal is to plant a flag and say "I'm going to write this story exactly as foul as I want. Other sites would not be cool with this. Here it is. You can respond by laughing and saying "ew" -or- by getting offended and angry and feeling as if something should be done about it.
And that seems to be the real purpose of Love SICK. It's a winnower. If you respond the former way, CYS may be appropriate for you. If not, CYS is very much not for you.
Is it a good storygame as a storygame? No, I don't think so per se, especially compared to his other stories. I think it's much less interesting to read than his previous stories, by a long shot. But that's not the purpose of it.
This story is trying to do is shock. It's not about the prose or even the narrative (it's way too short for that) but about trying to figure out how to write this thing at the highest possible volume. That many of the choices actually end with exclamation points makes this literal. It wants to, as quickly as possible, show you incest, cannibalism, blasphemy, murder-porn, mutilation, molestation, etc. etc., very very fast, as if to say, how about THAT!? The choices offer you choices about whether you want a little story about torture or cannibalism, for example. There's no branching away from this grand guignol, regardless of how other reviewer note that amazing branching--it's just what theme you want your gore to be.
Do I *recommend* it? That's completely beside the point. I can read something gross and shake my head and read something else without getting all offended. Honestly, I am way more offended by (lack of) proper comma use. Does it serve an important role on the site? I think it probably does.
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on 9/29/2019 10:37:28 AM with a score of 0
I have read Love SICK in whole or in part a few times over the years, but never did I rate and review it. After all this time, I finally sit down and write a review for the best romance story I know.
Now, this is one of those stories that has me laughing throughout the entire thing. The combination of the narration and the absurdly brutal events in the story is absolutely perfect.
Take this line that I think is a very good representative, “You take the vagina off your face and begin to do the “Mexican Hat Dance” around the body (that’s surprisingly still standing) as the blood squirts all over you. You my friend are one sick fuck!”
The events are so over-the-top that it stops even feeling wrong to laugh at them, and the frequent dissonance of Leslie’s happy thoughts with the tormented screams of his victims is hilarious.
There is no re-branching, and every choice leads to a new and wonderful path. Every path is worth a read, but it shouldn’t take too long to go through them all if you don’t have a whole lot of time. My personal favorite path is probably the one in which he has them all sing (well, all but one.)
Not only is Love SICK entertaining, but there are a lot of lessons to be gleaned from it.
“Sometimes sacrificing one’s own pleasure is necessary to appease the ones we love,” is a wise lesson on love and one worth learning early. After all, do you truly LOVE someone if you can only insist on having your way all the time?
If you think this bit on moral lessons was annoying, think of how annoying it’ll be for the literature students of the future and rejoice that you are not them.
There were a few places where words got switched out of order or something, but that was not too noticeable and never made the story hard to read.
There. That was my one complaint about the whole story.
If you hate dark humor, maybe this story is not for you. If you are still in elementary school, maybe this story isn’t for you. If you don’t like horror, that doesn’t matter; Love SICK is not scary in the least, and this story still might be for you.
Pretty much, don’t freak out and be a faggot if you ignored the warning in the description.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: Love SICK is likely the greatest romance of the modern age and will be considered a classic of the twenty-first century, and you faggots reading this review best go read it now before the English professors get their hands on it and ruin the fun through excessive analyzation.
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on 6/16/2019 3:22:12 PM with a score of 0
A delightfully gruesome story. I'd give the maturity rating an 8/8, but the site doesn't allow that rating. This story goes overboard with the gore but it was pretty funny for me.
My only concern is that: why are some outcomes different, even though the setup is the same? For example, if you answer the door you get the girl scout. But if you ignore it they will knock again and you eventually open, this time being the mormons.
However, everything seems realistic and the 'tell' parts give a vivid image of the main character's life. This is a solid 7/8 for me.
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on 2/25/2025 9:56:00 PM with a score of 0
Kind of a random story. There was very little plot to it, and it felt constantly random. A lot of the content feels like it's only there to be explicit, and it serves no importance to the actual story line. I feel like this was designed merely to be explicit just for the sake of it. Wouldn't recommend, unless you're looking for a confusing incest story.
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— Skewer on 2/3/2025 9:04:24 PM with a score of 0 was certainly not what I expected
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— Rydia on 1/23/2025 3:40:07 PM with a score of 0
um wtf I mean its great but WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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on 12/6/2024 2:42:20 AM with a score of 0
its um uh.......unique?......
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on 12/6/2024 2:23:02 AM with a score of 0
Very...Interesting would not recommend for children very gross and graphic
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on 11/18/2024 11:24:08 AM with a score of 0
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on 11/15/2024 6:45:07 PM with a score of 0
Structurally speaking, the writing is well done. It flows quite well. But I really hated this story because it's just way too graphic for me. I know you need to have a strong stomach for end master stories, but it fits better in other categories, in the love and romance category it just feels kind of wrong. It's just too much. I can't really get invested in the story when the first page is so hard to read. To be fair though, Endmaster did clearly say that in the intro, if you are offended by ultra violence do not read. I guess I thought I could handle it, since I've read some of his other stories. But this time it wasn't really my thing.
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on 11/3/2024 3:58:30 PM with a score of 0
I can’t wait to play 🤪
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— Jhenéah on 10/26/2024 5:20:50 PM with a score of 0
Yuck, would not recommend this game even though it has some silly dark humor.
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on 9/3/2024 2:26:13 AM with a score of 0
Probably a bit too dark for my tastes, but the depth and precision in the branching was really something to witness. Every decision dramatically changed the story. Its very short, especially if you're only going through one path, but for those that are into this sort of genre its definitely a strong recommend.
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on 8/27/2024 1:03:17 PM with a score of 0
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— moomoo on 5/27/2024 1:11:54 AM with a score of 0
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— Isaac on 3/25/2024 4:22:16 AM with a score of 0
I do have a kink for sisters (and daughters) and an extreme disregard for human life, so it's like he wrote it for me!😊
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on 2/20/2024 9:09:19 AM with a score of 0
I feel like this is something Insane Clown Posse would write if they were literate.
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on 2/14/2024 3:17:57 PM with a score of 0
I didnt really get it but the dark humor was incredible so good that :)
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— The Searcher on 2/14/2024 11:04:08 AM with a score of 0
Two words to describe this story. God Damn. But its still, kinda morbidly hilarious.
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on 12/27/2023 1:33:24 PM with a score of 0
Why are you so good at writing lore and fantasy, and also really good at making me sick
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on 12/12/2023 8:27:10 PM with a score of 0
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— Emma Gertcher on 12/2/2023 7:09:35 PM with a score of 0
it's ight...
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on 11/17/2023 4:18:08 PM with a score of 0
This was disturbingly entertaining, and it made me laugh quite a bit for something so grotesque and gory.
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on 10/7/2023 9:24:32 PM with a score of 0
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— demon who sucks a lot of milk on 9/29/2023 3:29:49 AM with a score of 0
it too much writing
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— WilliamAfton on 5/23/2023 12:25:24 PM with a score of 0
Welp…and here I thought I had issues. o.O
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on 5/22/2023 12:14:17 AM with a score of 0
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— abdullah on 5/16/2023 10:27:28 AM with a score of 0
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on 5/15/2023 9:44:34 PM with a score of 0
I really liked reading this because its really bloody and interesting.
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— Liza Shchyerbakova on 5/10/2023 7:26:49 AM with a score of 0
Oh my goodness it’s messed up
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— Hi on 3/22/2023 7:46:04 AM with a score of 0
“Oh my beloved, how I adore your long blond hair and beautiful face as much as I adore the pleading of my patients when they beg for their pathetic lives.
Oh my beloved, how I love your luscious red lips, which reminds me of the blood that drains from a hitchhiker’s artery after I slash their throat open.
Oh my beloved, how I’m obsessed with your perfect body and the smooth feel of it, not unlike that of newly polished child’s skull. But also its softness like that of intestines when I pull them out of a cheerleader’s corpse.
You are everything to me; I only go on living because of you. If you were ever to depart from this world, I would soon follow, in a bloody shoot out with the police after I sniped as many people as I could from a bell tower.
I love you my dear sister, my lover, my life.”
Now THIS is what I call poetry. End Master has written a love story unlike any other I've read, a story of quality so unfathomable to the human mind that I can only fall to my knees and weep at his eternal brilliance. Of course, I give this an 8/8.
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on 1/28/2023 9:01:01 AM with a score of 0
Sick. Twisted. Depraved. Vile. Abhorrent. Detestable. Obscene.
Overall, Brilliant.
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on 11/30/2022 1:08:35 PM with a score of 0
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— x cksldhu on 8/11/2022 9:45:54 PM with a score of 0
beautiful, I love to see it
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— yes on 6/28/2022 10:04:27 PM with a score of 0
This is so fucking messed up, I love it!
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on 1/19/2022 1:55:46 PM with a score of 0
This piece was delightfully sick in every possible way. Maybe not a great read for the lighthearted snowflakes out there but if you have a sick mind and are unaffected by most horror or sexual aspects, then this is the one for you.
It is short and sweet. Each section is short and punchy to keep you involved in the plot, no wasting time.
Although dark in its humour, it is full of weird moments that will make you laugh and cringe.
I'd definitely enjoy a more detailed, story-focused version of this in the future if inspired to do so. Especially finding out more about the sister character and the main character himself and his past, what made him the way he was and so on.
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on 1/13/2022 6:54:13 AM with a score of 0
where the FUCK are the foot fetish scenes I wanted to sniff some TOES 0/10 go fuck yourself dumbass
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— bagingi on 11/27/2021 11:09:24 AM with a score of 0
Insect is hot
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— No one on 10/20/2021 10:12:28 PM with a score of 0
I enjoyed, a little exceeding my expectations. Wanting more
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— SHITHEAD 68 on 9/1/2021 12:38:11 PM with a score of 0
Rape scenes please, i am one sick fuck. Get me rape scenes
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on 8/31/2021 4:21:50 PM with a score of 0
Pretty good... nice and sexy
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— Corbin Zaugg on 5/18/2021 2:52:51 PM with a score of 0
wow sis is fun to play with
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on 5/12/2021 10:37:46 AM with a score of 0
This was disturbing. But incredibly worth the read.
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— Jim on 3/29/2021 10:49:18 AM with a score of 0
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on 2/5/2021 10:46:04 AM with a score of 0
A little too much LOVE in here.
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— JOHN WICK#7303 on 1/16/2021 9:07:02 AM with a score of 0
pReTty nAuGhTy aNd gUd
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on 11/29/2020 6:38:57 PM with a score of 0
Oh. My. Fuck. Holy shit this was good. I need a sequel.
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— Dakota on 11/4/2020 9:18:47 AM with a score of 0
oh wow
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on 6/8/2020 10:45:25 PM with a score of 0
Short,amazing,if you care you lose,if you laugh you lose.
A masterpiece.
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on 5/19/2020 7:08:40 AM with a score of 0
Like i need more erotic
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— alex on 3/7/2020 10:16:58 AM with a score of 0
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— Sam West on 1/27/2020 1:19:04 AM with a score of 0
There was no story, the only humor was shock humor. It wasn’t even good at that part.
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— Grace on 12/19/2019 11:59:53 AM with a score of 0
This is absolutely terrible. I HATE this story. First, it was downright creepy. Second, too much swearing. Third, too much weird sexual stuff. Fourth, and this is the biggest one, WHY THE CRAP DID YOU MAKE FUN OF A RELIGION?!?! IT'S ONE OF THE RUDEST THINGS A PERSON CAN DO! Fifth, it's The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Not Mormon. We don't worship Mormon. Some think that, so now everyone has to refer to its full name. Thank you for looking at this. Please don't do this in the future.
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— Anonymous on 12/2/2019 12:44:04 AM with a score of 0
Wow. I have no more word
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on 11/25/2019 8:56:42 PM with a score of 0
I achieved elightment through this game.
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on 10/2/2019 4:17:03 PM with a score of 0
what the fuck.
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— u r mental on 9/17/2019 9:27:03 PM with a score of 0
I have a review forum don't let me post
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on 9/17/2019 9:54:43 AM with a score of 0
This story is just masterful. It is a sick tale that is a perfect example of how you can take the most vile subject, revolting subjects, and turn them into a story that the people of cys can use to introduce noobies on the site to. There are many aspects that make this story special, way too many to list here, but let me go over the main ones.
Subject matter: This is something that will turn away a whole ton of people, and is why it has over 200 ones. Though this is also the biggest selling point of the story. The whole point is that it is supposed to be the most disgusting story you can imagine, and yet there are things that it does just to make sure it doesn’t cross the fine line it is so elegantly dancing one. This story has so much thought out into it that it astonishes me. This is how you write an edgy murder story. As mizal said it how are all these people failing when they have this as an example!
Branching: The branching of this story is amazing as well. In typical EndMaster fashion there is two choices on every page, and when there isn’t there is a end game link. Now why is this style ingenious? Because it makes every read through different from each other. There can be an overarching plot, but there is not going to be very many if any major plot points that every branch hits. An added bonus is that every read through is about the same length too.
Conclusion: This story is amazing for all the reason mentioned above, and then some. If you don’t mind the subject matter then it is then is definitely worth your time, as is any EndMaster story
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on 9/16/2019 8:39:44 PM with a score of 0
Do not take this storygame seriously. It was hilarious!
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on 9/13/2019 11:14:44 AM with a score of 0
I love this story. Out of every story I have read on this site, this one is by far the most family friendly. I mean it has murder but not in a graphic way. If you are a person who reads the reviews before the story go read it right now. Ignore all the warnings, just read it. You will love it trust me.
Now with those idiots gone let's review this gory story. This story is disgusting, horrifying and downright vile, and I love it for that. The main character is such a parody on an evil person it is basically a meme.
The sister is amazing and I love everything about her, I also love everything about the main character, and this story is just the best. I genuinely don't find like any fault with this story, so I don't know what to do for this review besides gush on how much I love the story.
The branching follows traditional EndMaster style where every page has to choices, no more and no less. I love this style and notice that most of his smaller projects stick to it. For cave of time structures it works wonders for creating tons of paths, and these paths when he writes them are around the same length, so with a story like this you know you reach the end when you are back on the first page.
As for the writing it is what you can expect from EndMaster. Amazing. That is all I have to say. Just read any of his work on this site and it is around the same quality, just some have a better plot and characters and the like. Out of the top writers on this site he is seen as the best by many and from what I've seen out of the top writers he is undisputedly the best at branching.
Recommend this to every noob ever, 6/8.
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on 8/12/2019 11:47:01 PM with a score of 0
What the $uck!? End's mind's is truly twisted. Which is pretty awesome! Okay, I was led to believe this was a love story. I guess it was, but to me it was more about mental illness and maybe some inbreeding. Bravo. I am very disgusted. It takes alot to accomplish that. I respect that quality in a person.
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on 5/25/2019 3:45:44 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/10/2019 3:19:50 AM with a score of 0
Oh my ... bit short though.
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on 2/21/2019 10:02:06 AM with a score of 0
Is it even legal to read or especially write something like this? I'm not offended, I'm just not okay with this. You couldn't do ghosts, or zombies, or literally anything else?
1/10. This is too messed up for me.
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— What the.. f*ck? on 2/16/2019 8:05:08 PM with a score of 0
I like how this story supports brotherly and sisterly love. However, your story does not fit hosted games marketing. Please try again. Better luck next time pal :)
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— Jason on 1/16/2019 9:23:39 PM with a score of 0
Certainly the best edgelord story I've read thus far.
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on 1/10/2019 6:22:30 PM with a score of 0
You know how to catch readers attention, that's for sure. I felt conflicted. Every time I picked a new option instead of not reading more. I told myself I'm going to hell for this. Each choice made feel bad to worse. But damn it if I wasn't curious. The content was super dark but I can see the talent you have as a writer. Thanks for sharing!
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on 1/4/2019 3:54:39 AM with a score of 0
Spoiler Alert:
I know you warned me, but the incest thing was a bit much.
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on 9/1/2018 4:46:13 PM with a score of 0
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on 7/2/2018 1:38:25 AM with a score of 0
This was very scary. it was a good story, i like how the guy is doing experiments and is completely crazy!
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— thanos'sson on 4/26/2018 2:37:59 PM with a score of 0
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on 2/21/2018 12:42:57 PM with a score of 0
Holy **** wow!!!! Sick and twisted all the way!
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on 2/8/2018 10:29:33 PM with a score of 0
So, this is quite the cool game. A little gory, but I'm sure that's what it's for. I like it very much.
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on 1/25/2018 3:49:31 PM with a score of 0
Really? Just really?
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— Noneya on 9/9/2017 5:23:56 PM with a score of 0
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on 9/5/2017 2:27:00 PM with a score of 0
What is up w/ your sick and twisted mind!?
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— Person on 8/3/2017 5:23:49 PM with a score of 0
Oh man, that was hilarious. I need to read more of your stories.
Love the poem, by the way. Inspirational.
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on 6/17/2017 11:44:39 AM with a score of 0
Finally got round to reading this.
Not gonna lie, reading this cracked me up. It was so over the top at points, it was hilarious. It is a bit short though.
I think my favourite ending is the one where you cook the Mormons and intend to eat them later. Cannibalism FTW!...Now all you need is necrophilia. (Or was that in there already? I may have missed it, amidst all the gore.)
Man, all the comments complain about how apparently horrific and offensive this is and I expected it to be much worse. It's graphic, but it's not *that* extreme. I enjoyed reading it.
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on 4/19/2017 2:17:34 PM with a score of 0
I stummbled on this one, but went back to see different way, any more short ..written games that is :) endmaster
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— keswicka20 on 4/15/2017 11:02:02 AM with a score of 0
Endmaster is seriously getting worse at this
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on 4/12/2017 1:17:46 PM with a score of 0
great story
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— Screener on 3/30/2017 10:07:51 AM with a score of 0
I LOVED THIS BOOK! I might do the same thing to Jeniffer next time I see her (the poem and stripping of course)
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— Jihad on 3/29/2017 11:24:39 AM with a score of 0
I love it sick but what did
i expect.
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— Kaiden McGady on 3/22/2017 5:09:19 PM with a score of 0
Sorry about my eariler comment it's not that bad.
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— Kaiden McGady on 3/22/2017 5:01:54 PM with a score of 0
What is wrong with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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— Kaiden McGady on 3/22/2017 4:49:40 PM with a score of 0
Why were all the edgelord stories so bad when the kids have had this one here for YEARS to model their writing and day to day lives after?
Anyway I'm torn between this and the Very Special CYS as the link to use to introduce someone to the site with...
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on 3/19/2017 1:34:37 PM with a score of 0
gross and gross
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— mioniop on 3/8/2017 1:32:39 AM with a score of 0
Was that the good ending?
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on 3/7/2017 11:19:31 AM with a score of 0
I feel like Dexter, great story shot but was fun either way 8-).
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on 3/3/2017 5:34:27 AM with a score of 0
My friend told me to not read this because of the nature of the story. Naturally i did anyway because why not. It was truly worth the read though. There are just some things you can never unread.
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on 3/3/2017 1:52:38 AM with a score of 0
Am I sick if I don't find this story all that... sick? I really don't find it disturbing at all. does that make me a bad person?
Anyway, I love this story just as much as I lover all your other stories. It's amazing.
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on 2/18/2017 12:24:37 PM with a score of 0
Farking Heck...
I suppose there IS something called "artistically sick". This story proves that. I don't mind so much the short length of each path, because there were so many of them and each page just burst with the artistically-twisted fark of a "protagonist" and his apparent psychopathy, necrophilia, racism to Mormons, cannibalism, fondness of Mexican Hat Dancing around a bloody corpse, appreciation of bloody dusgusting farkviolence, and his fondness of wearing female nether parts.
The violence and sickness makes this a good story. Worth my imaginary cents as well. 6/8.
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on 2/17/2017 7:54:46 PM with a score of 0
Wow kids stay far away
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on 1/4/2017 10:30:36 PM with a score of 0
IT WAS SUPER GOOD. Just. .far too short.
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— melanie blaine on 12/21/2016 11:45:00 AM with a score of 0
You should make alot more o these but next time put ball busting and cuntbusting in it hahaha. With girls screaming in pain and boys starting to cry but make sure thy are under the age of 16 it qill be fin to rwad and decidw either to have sex with them or to punish their little dicks and pussys so please make anothee one like this.
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— me on 12/4/2016 7:51:26 AM with a score of 0
Ok, I'm considered a phsycopath at my school, but this is just WOW MY GAWD
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on 12/1/2016 4:26:13 PM with a score of 0
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on 11/24/2016 2:05:01 AM with a score of 0
Too much gore for my taste but still a good overall read. 6/8
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on 10/20/2016 6:09:26 AM with a score of 0
Wow. Just wow. EndMaster, you're something else.
This story is hilarious, and I can barely imagine what a maturity rating of eight would be after reading this. Your sick mind makes this story so much more interesting and I want to play it over and over, so that I can find all of the endings. Loved it <3
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on 10/7/2016 11:23:53 PM with a score of 0
That was hideously amazing.
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on 10/5/2016 1:05:40 AM with a score of 0
What the f@@@ is this ?
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on 9/27/2016 7:51:35 PM with a score of 0
Lol he wasn't kidding with the 'SICK' part
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on 8/12/2016 7:15:07 AM with a score of 0
it´s very good and I loved it but short
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on 7/25/2016 5:26:56 PM with a score of 0
Hilarious!!!!!! I would buy that for a dollar moment. This made me laugh from the first choices. Thank you for making this.
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— Hunter Patterson on 5/17/2016 8:20:31 PM with a score of 0
Woah. This game is pretty brutal, even for you, Endmaster.
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on 4/25/2016 11:52:33 PM with a score of 0
Repression guy and the Doc are two different people and you can get a "semi-sequel" with both characters in Suzy's Strange Saga.
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on 3/22/2016 1:02:47 AM with a score of 0
He could have been the adult version of the guy in "Repression" If you had a path that got him to that point. Hmmm, interesting concept.
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— Walker. on 3/21/2016 8:12:47 PM with a score of 0
I wish it had a sequel. That would be, interesting.
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— Walker. on 3/21/2016 5:16:34 PM with a score of 0
Dissatisfied with the first three endings I got, I actually played this like 10 times already... :P
Awesome story! Love Sick is an apt title, I will give you that. This really helps me learn how graphic I can go with my own stories. Lol.
It was too short for my taste, but I really enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to reading more of your stories. I will definitely come back here sometime, just to see if there are any more endings...
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on 3/15/2016 1:04:26 AM with a score of 0
Someone's psycotic side at it's greatest.
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on 3/5/2016 7:01:25 PM with a score of 0
One word. . .disturbing.
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on 2/28/2016 1:53:47 PM with a score of 0
Whenever I think Mormon, I think of Brandon Flowers.
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on 1/23/2016 10:49:49 AM with a score of 0
Do you have something against mormons? i'm mormon. meanie.
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on 12/23/2015 11:14:03 PM with a score of 0
How were you feeling when you wrote this?
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— wtf on 11/11/2015 5:20:02 PM with a score of 0
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— ... on 9/19/2015 3:57:47 PM with a score of 0
What the fuck?!?!?!
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— Anoymous on 8/31/2015 6:49:58 PM with a score of 0
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— ... on 8/25/2015 2:15:14 AM with a score of 0
*never closes eyes*
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on 8/21/2015 9:16:24 PM with a score of 0
*is enlightened*
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on 8/21/2015 4:03:59 PM with a score of 0
ramsay and myranda but modern day and siblings
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— panos on 8/14/2015 9:31:08 PM with a score of 0
... What. The ACTUAL. F**K. Did I just read? I really don't know about you sometimes, EndMaster. I can't help giggling like an idiot on the first option every time I read it, and I'm okay with this.
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on 8/9/2015 3:26:48 AM with a score of 0
I enjoyed every gruesome detail, definitely something not for the faint of heart. Good thing my heart knows worse horrors than that, I would've liked to see a little more dark horror though, this is more real-life horror.
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on 7/25/2015 1:58:40 PM with a score of 0
It surprised me at first, but the more I read the more I smiled. The story was grotesque, messy, gory, a complete swear-fest.....and I couldn't have loved it more. Hat's off to you! ^_^
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on 7/13/2015 4:58:41 PM with a score of 0
This was epic. I feel like you and I would get on irl.
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— Random human on 7/7/2015 1:13:19 PM with a score of 0
like the incest!
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on 5/7/2015 3:58:15 PM with a score of 0
I kind of want to hide. I also kind of want to kiss the computer.
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on 4/25/2015 10:49:20 PM with a score of 0
Oh, EndMaster... Every time I finish one of your stories I don't know weather to run screaming or give you my number.
Nice job.
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on 4/17/2015 6:00:28 AM with a score of 0
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— Reader on 4/15/2015 6:07:55 AM with a score of 0
Every now and then I come back to this story. I am never disappointed.
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on 4/13/2015 12:23:45 PM with a score of 0
WTF but then again this story is good at shock factor if nothing else
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on 3/13/2015 9:55:51 PM with a score of 0
Describing that man as twisted is an understatement
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on 2/20/2015 11:59:58 PM with a score of 0
I didn't know Mormons typically went door to door.
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on 2/16/2015 6:18:54 PM with a score of 0
That..that is LOVE,Endmaster.
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— Jeff on 2/15/2015 5:02:02 PM with a score of 0
Amazing! You should do a detailed sex one like this!
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on 1/9/2015 10:23:13 PM with a score of 0
That story was perfect to send my already fugged up pre-teen mind into serial killer territory... Thanks End!
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on 12/27/2014 7:31:16 AM with a score of 0
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on 12/15/2014 10:33:34 PM with a score of 0
Yessssss we killed together and did it on the floor O.O
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on 12/5/2014 2:03:17 PM with a score of 0
The romance is just beautiful, i love incest, romance and this just couldn't be any better. I mean, cookies for his forbidden love? Just, wow, beautiful shit right there.
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on 12/3/2014 7:47:05 PM with a score of 0
Messed up, but lucky for you I don't care. Made me laugh at a few points.
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on 11/30/2014 12:27:48 AM with a score of 0
I really enjoyed some of your other works Ground Zero and Eternal, some sick things happened in those but I had no issue I even Liked some of it. THIS isn't ok even if you're joking. and that's all I've got to say about that
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— Doesn't Matter on 11/9/2014 10:41:20 PM with a score of 0
There is violance, and then there is too much violance. Nice game, and BTW, I am Mormon. Also, Nice job on the whole Joseph Smith Stuff. Although, I would not like to be tortured in that way, that was horrifying! Haha, keep making more games!
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on 11/9/2014 9:19:23 AM with a score of 0
A well written story. Rather twisted, but engaging and an entertaining reading. About the right length too.
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— Jordi P on 10/21/2014 12:59:10 PM with a score of 0
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on 10/14/2014 5:51:29 PM with a score of 0
Hell yeah I am.
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on 9/14/2014 11:53:35 AM with a score of 0
I LOVE You!!!!! AWESOME story!!
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on 9/10/2014 11:17:48 AM with a score of 0
That was so awesome! I LOVED it!
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on 9/9/2014 1:43:42 PM with a score of 0
A beautiful nightmare. Great work!
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on 9/8/2014 8:01:58 AM with a score of 0
Another great storygame, EndMaster. It's pretty SICK even out of all your stories. It's just hilarious in a disgusting way.
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on 8/17/2014 4:13:34 AM with a score of 0
Oh..... ok. Well that was disturbing and I guess... slightly satistfying. You've obvioulsly demenstrated to our community that you are great at writing epic fantasy stories that are no less (or maybe more) than googleplex pages long and totally ensnare readers with how complex they are, but also on your darker side you can write horrific short stories (or should I say nightmares in text format) where the reader steps into a world of pain and twistedness, to the point where they're so horrified but at the same time ensnared so they don't stop reading. For this reason (and many more) you are the most popular person on I rated this 8/8 because of how good it is considering its type. Keep up the good work!
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on 8/7/2014 10:17:41 PM with a score of 0
This brought me enlightenment. Another great story from Endmaster.
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on 8/4/2014 11:41:17 AM with a score of 0
That's way messed up.
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on 8/3/2014 11:48:10 AM with a score of 0
what. the. fuck.
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— notyourbusiness on 7/21/2014 6:26:02 PM with a score of 0
for me love is all.
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on 7/8/2014 7:41:18 PM with a score of 0
Sick,bloody twisted but very short.
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on 5/26/2014 6:33:37 AM with a score of 0
You were fully right to warn people about the protagonist being so...sick, psychopathic etc. It was well written and intriguing to pretend to be the character so screwed up. I kind of wished there was some background information or some way to feel maybe a momentary shred of sympathy for the protagonist. Otherwise wow, nice creativity.
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on 5/17/2014 2:14:49 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/10/2014 6:14:43 PM with a score of 0
8/8 gave me the cure to all diseases
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on 1/17/2014 9:02:19 PM with a score of 0
The star of this book is 1 sick fuck. Good book though, I was in a bad mood, but now not so much. ha ha .
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— walker on 12/29/2013 3:34:28 PM with a score of 0
I feel bad for finding some sort of twisted enjoyment from reading this...
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on 12/12/2013 10:19:52 PM with a score of 0
Extremely refreshing. Enjoyed it!
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— Guy on 11/3/2013 1:05:29 AM with a score of 0
Someone didn't read the warning again…
But the better question isn't why I decided to write a story about a fucked up surgeon, but why don't I do it more often!
Anyway, glad you enjoyed the story!
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on 9/9/2013 5:18:49 PM with a score of 0
by the way why did you decide to write a story some evil fucked up, inbred surgeon anyway,i would not be surprised if someone who was in the medical read this and verbally flipped you the bird. to finally sum how grossed out i am. incest is just fucking gross, whoever came of with that saying that says other wise is an evil sob
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on 9/9/2013 5:11:02 AM with a score of 0
your story was very fucked up and gross. incest is the most disgusting thing to hear about and it is also sick that you even had him killing innocent people that is so fucked up i can't even describe how fucked up this story is on so many levels i cant believe i even read this horrible story. i really hoped that story would with jail time or some kind of divine retribution at the end but yet he gets away with . why would even write this. i hated playing as violent diabolical unstable fucked psychopath i only played this damn story just to see if you as the protagonist get the punishment for such Evil deeds. this story is appalling.
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on 9/9/2013 4:59:27 AM with a score of 0
Wow. I just.... Hanibal? That you...?
Scary game.
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— Who really cares? on 9/4/2013 8:47:25 PM with a score of 0
Drink the blood to give me power? I'M WRENFIELD, MOTHERFUCKERS!
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on 8/10/2013 4:58:04 PM with a score of 0
O_o I ... Just ... o_O uh ... 8\8, please don't kill me
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on 7/25/2013 3:12:57 AM with a score of 0
Didn't enjoy it as much as TRASH but still...HELL YEAH!!!
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on 7/24/2013 5:08:14 AM with a score of 0
I.. love this.. This is my favorite story on here so far
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on 7/6/2013 7:05:02 PM with a score of 0
ahahahahaha, nothing like the thrill of torture to clear your mind.
I wish it was longer, good book though.
Are you writing any more game books? I red all of the ones here, good books, challenging, gory, fun. hahahahaha.
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— walker on 6/25/2013 9:18:30 PM with a score of 0
You sure human centipede wasn't your idea? Lol. Twisted, detailed and creative. You're either a mad man or a genius. I love the boundaries you push. And they aren't half assed either which makes it even better.
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on 6/6/2013 8:49:18 AM with a score of 0
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— paterson on 6/4/2013 6:50:25 AM with a score of 0
Well. You said it was going to be offensive.
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on 5/20/2013 8:08:13 PM with a score of 0
Demented, as expected of you, Endmaster!
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on 4/15/2013 6:03:26 PM with a score of 0
out of all of your games i think this is the best
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— The Demon God on 3/3/2013 1:01:57 AM with a score of 0
O.o wow... and he was calling his little helpers inbreds when hes fuckin in love with his sister.
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— Rebey on 2/16/2013 10:24:02 AM with a score of 0
This is f*cking sick, dude. hahaha.
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on 2/10/2013 9:21:30 PM with a score of 0
Dude... I always thought I was fucked in the head and no one could ever match my level of insanity. You not only disproved that idea, you strangled it and fucked it in the ass with your dick wrapped in barbwire. Well played EndMaster. Well played.
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on 2/9/2013 3:44:52 PM with a score of 0
First impressions: dick in ass....For anyone who likes to drill his own ass with his own dick, this is TheBeST story. It gave me some ideas on killing., anyway. A better way to rape someone is to poke out her eyes and skull fuck her, hahahah. Endmaster, seriously. Do you even have a relation with any female human? How come are you here writing for kiddies? You should be out their killing motherfuckers right now!! Bitch out. This story entertains like gangbang, and while it's fucking short you(the random asshole reading this) shouldn't consider it bad. L=Q. God pick me up!!? Hell, am i even alive. Is this story even real or is it just a pick of my imagination. Why should i believe that you aren't a tenticlatic alien, who fucks 100 whores a day? Are you even human? Review score:8/8.
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on 1/9/2013 11:08:51 AM with a score of 0
Level 7 Maturity rating was the highest at the time I posted the story and I don't think the new 8th level is fully implemented yet, but I suspect ALL my stories will be getting bumped up a level when it does. (Especially this one!)
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on 12/26/2012 10:19:05 AM with a score of 0
Jesus christ, rofl I am one of the few people who seem to really, really enjoy this kind of humor. I wouldn't call it a romantic lovestory, but it sure was fun. I think though, that the maturity level should be increased to 8. I give this story a number 8 rating, as it was enlightening to me, a bit short but it works.
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on 12/23/2012 1:26:20 PM with a score of 0
Total shit
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— vv on 12/22/2012 11:35:37 AM with a score of 0
Awww... What a cute story. This definitely brightened my day.
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— Demonas on 12/15/2012 12:12:47 AM with a score of 0
... Well, I can't say I wasn't warned :p
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on 11/19/2012 11:06:15 AM with a score of 0
WOW! It brought enlightenment.
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on 10/22/2012 3:45:34 AM with a score of 0
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on 9/9/2012 3:55:11 PM with a score of 0
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— jack on 9/2/2012 7:26:31 AM with a score of 0
. . . I don't even know what to say. I know that we were warned of the content of the story but.. I really don't know if the author is by any chance a serial killer of some sort. You're a good writer, just.. sick.
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on 7/30/2012 3:12:04 PM with a score of 0
....,da Freak!!? I don't know to laugh or flee.....
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— Divergos on 7/25/2012 11:30:52 AM with a score of 0
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on 7/25/2012 12:25:33 AM with a score of 0
... I'd call you sick yourself for writing this, which, you totally are, but... xD I read the whole thing, every option.
I'm apparently rather amused by the sick, twisted, and disturbing. (Which is something I've known for a very, very long time.) Dark humor FTW.
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on 7/22/2012 2:31:35 PM with a score of 0
A masterpiece.
That's all I have to say.
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on 7/16/2012 7:08:00 AM with a score of 0
It appealed to my sick twisted side.
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on 6/11/2012 3:04:38 AM with a score of 0
Sick real sick!
But I still laughed when you killed the Girl Scout!lol
This Game is "Fine"
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on 6/8/2012 11:58:35 AM with a score of 0
UMM... did I just hear... gotta go
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on 5/14/2012 7:48:18 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/14/2012 7:36:48 PM with a score of 0
it's kinda disturbing
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— bells23 on 4/16/2012 5:42:22 PM with a score of 0
That was fucked up
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— Lane heis on 3/23/2012 6:56:09 PM with a score of 0
I died laughing and now I feel horrible.
That was hilarious.
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on 2/23/2012 8:53:26 PM with a score of 0
What a well written story.
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on 2/12/2012 2:37:04 PM with a score of 0
Fuck up shit but good
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on 12/2/2011 1:11:16 AM with a score of 0
This game is sick, but FUNNY! I'd love to see a sequel.
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on 8/15/2011 5:34:23 PM with a score of 0
I laughed so hard when I read that page where you kill the girl scout that I fell out of my chair. I guess what you said is true "you are one sick fuck."
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on 8/2/2011 3:04:46 AM with a score of 0
Wow.... I LOVED that :) Excellent (though crazy and sick) Game.
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on 7/8/2011 8:37:28 AM with a score of 0
I have found the way :D Thank you thy prophet
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on 6/20/2011 7:21:14 PM with a score of 0
Sick... but cool.
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on 6/7/2011 8:28:14 AM with a score of 0
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on 5/20/2011 8:12:24 PM with a score of 0
Geez, that is SICK. I should have read it YEARS ago. It's really good. (But sick.)
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on 5/4/2011 7:58:37 PM with a score of 0
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— yo face on 11/23/2010 11:53:59 AM with a score of 0
It's so romantic.
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on 11/16/2010 4:11:25 PM with a score of 0
LOL @ Endmaster's most recent comment hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha
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on 9/29/2010 7:03:16 PM with a score of 0
You know, it wasn't really necessary to say "I'm a Mormon retard." The retard part was obvious when you said you were a Mormon. Lol.
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on 9/28/2010 11:15:30 AM with a score of 0
WTF I'm a Mormon retard. Usualy I like your stories but this one is all crazy and screwed up. I'm a little worried about your mental health...
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— Notorious streaker on 9/27/2010 11:33:37 PM with a score of 0
Very gruesome. You've got the taste for that sort of thing, but the quality of the descriptive writing could use a little work.
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— Brandon on 6/23/2010 10:33:06 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/18/2010 2:43:11 AM with a score of 0
sick and twisted fun for a sick and twisted guy, kinda short though.
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on 9/21/2009 11:19:54 PM with a score of 0
I just randomly clicked and got another ending where I either cooked or tortured somebody in the name "bobonmynob"....I mean Satan. You have got a great imagination and can put it to words like few can on this site. Try to write something a little more realistic or at least put some meaning into the main character's journey instead of hack and slash and acting like Ed Gein.
By the way, what do you have against Mormons, Girl Scouts, Mailmen...blah blah...oops! I probably opened a container of maggots and worms with that question.
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on 6/16/2009 4:08:58 PM with a score of 0
Brilliant, I love this story.
Some people may say it's sick and twisted, but I say is that a bad thing?
I love your style of writing. I only wish I could write this well. I always did like darker stories, and you do them so well.
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on 5/10/2009 6:13:48 AM with a score of 0
Am I a bad person for lovin' this game? >:D
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on 4/30/2009 4:26:34 AM with a score of 0
Fucking sick and twisted man!
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on 4/24/2009 3:11:48 PM with a score of 0
im one sick monkey wooooooooooo
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on 3/14/2009 9:23:00 PM with a score of 0
I think I'm gonna throw up. You are one sick puppy. I love reading your stories, but please don't move into my neighborhood.
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on 2/4/2009 10:41:56 PM with a score of 0
The name does say it all, it is very sick but in a good way!
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on 1/31/2009 7:56:21 PM with a score of 0
Best Game Ever.
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on 11/19/2008 11:57:38 PM with a score of 0
That was some funny shit! Do you by any chance like, "johnny the homicidal maniac"?
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on 11/5/2008 2:14:01 AM with a score of 0
After I read this... thing, Joe the Plumber grew a bit. Does that make me a bad person?
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on 10/26/2008 10:46:37 PM with a score of 0
Now i know why it's called love "SICK"
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on 8/24/2008 6:16:35 PM with a score of 0
rawrr made me happy and confused as to why I am married to my sister.
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— darren on 8/11/2008 2:50:43 AM with a score of 0
Nice job, I liked it. I laughed my ass off thru out most of the story, Hope you get some attention for this.
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on 8/5/2008 1:49:41 PM with a score of 0
... random... evil... sexual... dementedly funny... yea I went with a 7 xD
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on 7/30/2008 3:02:03 AM with a score of 0
7/8. I think Jigsaw and Marilyn Manson just shit themselves from being freaked out.
Awesome story! If we had a twisted BDSM category, our sweet EndMaster would dominate this was his sister?
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on 7/28/2008 8:36:39 PM with a score of 0
Oh, God... Is it wrong that I laughed throughout this man's day?
Great Job!
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on 7/27/2008 6:26:09 PM with a score of 0
Oh. My. God.
Okay, so you got incest, torture, the liking of torture, explicit crap.
Heebee jeebees!
EndMaster, you have made a maddeningly offensive and gruesome story and it is awesome!
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on 7/25/2008 1:23:14 AM with a score of 0
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on 7/24/2008 11:13:20 PM with a score of 0
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