Player Comments on Behemoth
General Recommendation: If you’re looking for a simple point-and-click combat you’ll enjoy this game, but if you’re looking for something more complex or engaging, it won’t be for you.
Preview: Can you defeat the behemoth and save the village?
General notes:
This game has a simple premise, surrounded by just enough story and context to give the combat, the main purpose of the game, a narrative structure. It doesn’t claim to be anything more complex than what it is. The author’s tone is light and entertaining.
Playing as a warrior is pretty much just clicking random links until you win. You only have two attack options, and your special attack can only be used twice. There’s no real option for the player to develop a strategy. I killed the behemoth before my overdrive ever activated.
Playing as a mage requires a bit more thinking due to the increased amount of options, but not by much. It’s obvious after clicking each of the links once that the blizzard is always going to be the best option. In a more complex game, it would be nice to see different options be useful in different situations, such as being able to respond differently to the behemoth’s actions, and having some spells be more or less useful in some cases.
The thief path was a bit more interesting, due to the “scan” ability, which allows the player to put some thought into their actions.
The health potion/ether potion doesn’t do much, it just gives the player another set of resources partway through the combat. It breaks up the monotony, I suppose, but it doesn’t really have a point.
All good!
Mastery of Language:
Though simple, the writing is engaging and flavorful.
Mechanics & Coding:
They’re pretty simple, but they work.
-The health potion doesn’t work on the result of the fight page, which seems like an oversight.
-Having two seperate pages for the combat sequence seems unnecessary given that they’re both so short. It’d be easy to combine these into a single page and reduce the amount of link-clicking the player has to get through.
-Bug: I stole a mega blaster, but nothing appeared in my inventory.
Player Options/fair choice:
Pretty good, the consequences of actions are foreshadowed.
CONCLUSION: An interesting exercise in coding and combat mechanics, but not really a complete game on its own.
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on 3/21/2022 3:10:02 PM with a score of 0
I'm not reviewing this game in the hopes that some author who was last seen on the site around 2007 is going to reappear and see it. But regardless of how unlikely it is that I think the writer of this will see my comment and improve on their work as a result, I feel that it's still worth it for anyone who may use this game as an example of how to manage a combat system in their own storygame- because this is exactly that, an example, an experiment with the variables, it seems.
So, the whole plot is that you need to defeat the Behemoth, of course. Nothing more, nothing less, and while that would be fine, I can't help but notice that even this basic, one-battle storygame is lacking in some places. It's extremely simple, regardless of which class you choose. No matter what, it's the same thing, just clicking the same link over and over and watching the variables change by around 30 each time. This got extremely boring extremely fast, and I can't say I had any fun with this, there's just not enough here for it to be an enjoyable storygame or even just an enjoyable game.
And so, it is with a heavy heart that I say I would not recommend this game to others, nor would I hope anyone uses it as a reference to try and build their own battle simulator. They would be much better off playing something like Delve, where the combat system is more complex, but it makes the gameplay so much more satisfying and rewarding.
But I don't want to judge this too harshly, as it is over a decade old, and I'm sure times were different at the time of its creation. I think that back in 2006 this would be regarded as a cool experiment and battle simulator, but I don't think it really holds any more value today.
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on 4/11/2021 2:38:43 PM with a score of 0
Well, this was certainly more game than story by a rather large margin to say the least. There's really not much to say here, but I feel that the scripting is done rather well, making for an interesting battle simulation.
Since there isn't much in terms of story, would it be more fair for me to go about this comment in a more game-orientated manner? Because I think I'll do just that.
Difficulty wise, this really wasn't that challenging. I know this game is supposed to be rather simple and bare bones (as stated in the description) but I feel that maybe another harder enemy could have been added for players that finished the first battle. It's obvious that the creator of this game know his way around well enough in using scripting and variables to craft a decent battle. I found myself simply pressing one action repeatedly when my character was out of mana, and doing just that with the occasional different action was enough for me to topple the behemoth with much energy to spare.
Options, I feel that having more options in terms of attack would have made things more enjoyable. There seems to be a definite room for depth in selection here to make for a more dramatic battle, and I'm not saying by any means that this game required something like ten or twenty actions. I feel that even just five would have been enough to make this plenty of more fun.
I must say that despite its lack of depth, the fact that there's at least different classes to choose from was something that I found to be a welcome addition. And despite the repetition, this is something that shows that CYS games can be remarkable behold when the right variables and the like are put into place correctly.
I feel there's missed potential, but for a simple game and test of variables, this is okay.
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on 2/15/2018 9:50:56 PM with a score of 0
The story for this one is pretty simple: you are fighting a Behemoth and that is pretty much it. It feels like a demo story made to test how variables work and probably shouldn’t have been published in this form. It kills a few minutes but there isn’t really much point playing this story except as an example of how variables can be used to design a combat system.
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on 1/6/2025 9:58:33 PM with a score of 0
5/8 - I enjoyed it
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on 10/6/2024 5:09:20 PM with a score of 0
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on 2/7/2024 10:09:20 AM with a score of 0
It was a good fighting game, there are some fun parts.
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on 9/15/2022 8:20:58 PM with a score of 0
very simple. I wish there was more of an adventure included, rather than just a combat game. oh well.
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on 5/2/2022 11:05:51 AM with a score of 0
I would say it’s good, I mean
If your going for the classic RPG boss fight idea then I would say you mastered it, I’m very bad at it and haven’t beaten it though
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on 2/17/2022 9:02:51 PM with a score of 0
Ok, but I can see why this was just a play around with variables. It'd be a good vidogame, though.
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on 9/21/2021 5:11:54 AM with a score of 0
the game is very repetitive it is just attack, attack, attack there is no plan or strategy and one thing that could make the game more interesting is add a ranged attack and add different classes other than the three main classes
you could instead of having one tough creature you could have multiple weaker creatures and create a stronger connection with the character
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on 2/4/2021 9:52:35 PM with a score of 0
I like the humor, but there is a dead end when you steal successfully with the ether in hand, as the thief.
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on 12/10/2020 8:43:03 AM with a score of 0
Meh game. The PC and Enemies have way too much helath so it takes forever to kill them.
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on 11/23/2020 2:41:47 PM with a score of 0
There was a glitch where after successfully stealing from the monster, no other links were present on the page. Also, the monster's health suddenly went from two hundred something to two. Other than that though (and the obvious imbalance between the three classes) the writing was humorous and it was fun to play.
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on 9/29/2020 12:02:23 PM with a score of 0
... I liked it! I mean granted, it wasn't any kind of literary masterpiece, and wasn't intended to be, but for a game that's just intended to be an experiment on learning how to use variables, you at least made it fun. ^_^
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on 7/13/2020 9:41:59 AM with a score of 0
The battle was just too complex for my comprehension.
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on 3/15/2020 12:51:20 PM with a score of 0
Cool fight simulator and probably some good practice with scripting.
There's no story here, but I'm guessing there wasn't intended to be.
The scripting was pretty good overall, but the randomness of the attack damage led to a less strategy based combat and more just random chance. I found that the warrior is the best class since his attacks deal the most damage and he has the highest health. The classes could use some balancing and the randomness could be brought down to make the combat more skill and strategy based.
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on 2/10/2020 9:49:03 PM with a score of 0
I enjoyed it; it was pretty fun. I only attempted to play through the 'wizard' class, since I typically play as a mage in RPGs. I found that the battle system was a bit difficult. The antagonist would usually deal such powerful attacks that the only spells I could really cast, if I wanted to last long (given the limited mana) were heal spells. I wasn't able to succeed using this class type.
The game could be improved if you offered more opportunities for this class to regain mana or started with more mana.
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on 1/13/2020 10:57:30 PM with a score of 0
There were some slight mishaps there I'm afraid.
The warrior path works great I even managed to kill the beast.
The wizard path also works perfectly I wasn't able to kill it but it seemed to work just fine.
The thief way on the other hand did not seem to work properly.
Fighting the beast with attacks did not enough damage to come close to killing it so you basically had to resort to steal. That worked just fine in the beginning but in the later stages it told me you have found an item but there was no item i could collect to use later. Probably something about the repeating did not work properly.
Thats also the reason this gets just a 4/8.
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on 12/5/2019 4:13:20 AM with a score of 0
This wasn't necessarily a bad game. But it really wasn't a story. It is pretty much just a dice roll. You click to attack and it does a seemingly random amount of damage. One attack did 7 damage, another did almost 30. But you did say that that this was a very simple game that was just testing variables, so I can't really be that upset. You provided what you said you would. But I still can't rate this game exceptionally well. After all, it was neither a story nor a CYOA. It was just a dece roll really.
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on 9/6/2019 8:12:06 PM with a score of 0
I found a bug where the theirs steal just links to a blank page with no links or items
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— Loren upsum on 6/29/2019 11:59:16 PM with a score of 0
Well, some of the items sadly dont register (i was a thief and just stole stuff til i died). Strategy was to steal as much stuff until im down by 50 points then use a potion i stole. sometimes, the items dont show up so i ended up stealing 4 pots but only had 1 in my inv :/
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— Elkenah on 1/5/2019 10:05:06 PM with a score of 0
dang, that's a hard behemoth to beat!
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on 7/9/2018 1:59:47 AM with a score of 0
Meh. It was kinda boring, but still. Would rather play this than do homework.
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on 4/19/2018 9:24:07 PM with a score of 0
It was a pretty good battle simulator!
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on 1/4/2018 1:59:07 PM with a score of 0
A little easier now then when I tried a couple years ago...that behemoth ate my shit lol...too bad I won't be getting any discounts
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on 10/8/2017 8:34:55 PM with a score of 0
Fun but hard to be their or wizard
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— RPGs on 6/13/2017 10:45:12 AM with a score of 0
When fighting as the wizard, using thunder is ironically the most POWERFUL attack you can do!
This is because thunder still deals like 30 damage, AND the behemoth doesn't get to counter! Thus I just cast Thunder 7 times, used the ether, and then cast thunder a few more times, and bam! down goes the behemoth.
In fact this was the only way I could beat him as the wizard!
Also, you can't really win as the thief unless you cheat, to always get your steal. Also, there is no point for the thief to scan more than once.
I think this could be an EXCELLENT game if you threw in some more monsters, and added a plot.
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on 5/24/2017 2:58:48 PM with a score of 0
This was fun enough, but I'm not sure why the Behemoth got damaged when I drank a potion. (It's probably the only reason I beat him, actually.) I've only played the Warrior and I didn't see how the drivemeter did anything.
Either way, it just felt like a slog of a Level 1 character against a final boss. Slash, slash, heal.
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on 3/30/2017 5:44:06 AM with a score of 0
The thief is really difficult to use, but it was still somewhat fun.
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on 12/11/2016 11:45:21 AM with a score of 0
Well, it was a nice fight but there was really no story... And it was short and easy. 3/8
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on 12/2/2016 2:12:41 AM with a score of 0
The thief is very weak and if you have stolen an item before you don't get more than one. This is very broken while the warrior was really easy.
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— Mr. Satan on 11/18/2016 12:41:13 PM with a score of 0
I beat the game as all the characters except the thief can anybody help
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on 11/1/2016 6:22:37 PM with a score of 0
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on 10/24/2016 9:23:02 AM with a score of 0
Ok so I get the complaints of how possible this is i think i need to use that potion
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on 10/24/2016 9:21:00 AM with a score of 0
I'm pretty sure this game is impossible to win...
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on 9/25/2016 8:31:09 PM with a score of 0
it's cool
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on 9/10/2016 12:48:09 PM with a score of 0
The wizard is most difficult to win... ><
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on 8/30/2016 11:35:27 PM with a score of 0
Its boring and no story
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on 8/8/2016 12:36:30 AM with a score of 0
Found it nice at first... but got boring really quickly.
Good try though.
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on 7/25/2016 4:32:40 AM with a score of 0
Why does waiting for a Phoenix Down take you back to You have Fallne?
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on 7/22/2016 5:07:47 PM with a score of 0
okay... is it impossible?
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on 7/2/2016 3:02:11 PM with a score of 0
Alright, I dont really understand the purpose of this game other than to stop the meanie from killing you all. K mean, great purpose, but more detail on what happened, instead of just "oh, I did this and it did this." Otherwise, nice work in general with the variables. I wish that there's more wiggle room with the choices and killing the beast. I end up dying unless I use a certain move everytime, which is plain boring.
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on 6/28/2016 2:54:36 AM with a score of 0
A Very great game. I fact this is a one of the best Type of Fighting sim games. But i gave it a seven becuase, when i was the theft, And i stole, I didn't get the item. But other then that, This was a great game! Good job :)
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on 5/29/2016 5:27:22 AM with a score of 0
Pretty fun. Managed to beat Behemoth with the Warrior class. Onto the other classes.
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on 4/7/2016 5:53:59 PM with a score of 0
Cool, but needs a better story. How ever, I think a story with fights like this would be cool.
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on 4/4/2016 8:05:01 PM with a score of 0
Sometimes, when you steal something with the thief, you don't get anything.
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on 3/31/2016 3:38:43 PM with a score of 0
It's broken. I don't know if it's only with the thief character, but whenever I attempted to steal something and was successful, it said "congratulations you got -insert item here-"!... And there would be nothing for me to pick up. So there was nothing that I could use in battle. No matter how have many times I tried, my "successful" attempts were always a bust this is literally game breaking!
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— Sophia on 3/1/2016 5:39:00 PM with a score of 0
It's broken. I don't know if it's only with the thief character, but whenever I attempted to steal something and was successful, it said "congratulations you got -insert item here-"!... And there would be nothing for me to pick up. So there was nothing that I could use in battle. No matter how have many times I tried, my "successful" attempts were always a bust this is literally game breaking!
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— Sophia on 3/1/2016 5:32:41 PM with a score of 0
Should be longer
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— Condog on 2/24/2016 5:36:35 AM with a score of 0
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on 1/30/2016 6:09:14 PM with a score of 0
That was cool, but the battle got a little repetitive.
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on 12/7/2015 3:09:36 PM with a score of 0
Playing as a warrior, I only had to keep directly attacking the behemoth. I beat him before I even got to use an overdrive attack. Still, it was a fun distraction.
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on 11/6/2015 10:30:24 AM with a score of 0
This game was fun and well thought out but it was repetetive and boring.
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on 10/10/2015 5:52:02 AM with a score of 0
That was surprisingly fun, except it was a but simple. I understand it was just a test but yeah.
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on 7/8/2015 10:50:05 AM with a score of 0
Cheeky and fun. It seems that you get variables- I think you could make this a decent adventure. Oh, and by the way, this game is ridiculously hard as a Warlock!
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on 7/7/2015 11:13:37 AM with a score of 0
I beat ........the Behemoth( That is such a strange name)
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on 5/20/2015 5:44:29 PM with a score of 0
It was a nice fight but you have limited options available. I played as the warrior and all I had to do was slash and do a special move here and there and use the one item i'm given. More items would have made it a little better.
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on 5/1/2015 11:27:55 AM with a score of 0
It was really fun. But make it more adventurous.
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on 2/5/2015 6:58:48 AM with a score of 0
Very Short. There was only a few different choices and was short.
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on 12/30/2014 2:01:36 PM with a score of 0
Pretty Awesome.
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on 11/27/2014 11:58:58 PM with a score of 0
Decent but needs better storyline.
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— Shania on 8/24/2014 12:56:29 AM with a score of 0
Simple & fun. Makes me want to play final fantasy 7 again.
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— Frank on 8/7/2014 11:03:32 PM with a score of 0
Mechanics suck!
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on 8/7/2014 6:25:13 PM with a score of 0
i'm a bit annoyed that you can only steal the mega blaster once
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on 6/5/2014 9:38:55 PM with a score of 0
This would've been better as part of a bigger adventure rather than being about one single fight.
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on 4/21/2014 7:22:18 AM with a score of 0
I defeated the behemoth!
My health was 4 when he died, O_O
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on 3/4/2014 4:55:57 AM with a score of 0
If only there were more rpg Storygames... :(
That huge Dungeon one is insanely hard. >_<
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— Bowsa on 11/17/2013 3:10:29 AM with a score of 0
Great job! :D
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on 10/21/2013 9:41:45 PM with a score of 0
Awesome Does NOT Approve!
Reason being, I chose the Wizard, and I used Lighting (or Thunder, whatever it's called) to beat the monster. The description says it HEALS him, but upon use, I actually beat it this way. I'd look in to that. Also, the length and lack of an actually RPG style really hurts the game. The idea itself is great, but the way you played it out hurt it. Try again?
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on 9/28/2013 5:05:58 PM with a score of 0
Not bad, maybe more variables and enemies.
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on 9/4/2013 12:36:55 PM with a score of 0
Ok, I died. now I can stop playing :)
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on 8/14/2013 9:45:59 PM with a score of 0
expecting a short simple fight that is just what I got, I do wonder if you can loose because it seems really easy.
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on 8/14/2013 9:16:42 PM with a score of 0
Fun game, from the comments it seems I was lucky to choose warrior though.
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on 8/6/2013 8:15:55 PM with a score of 0
I almost got the cute little bastard....
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on 8/5/2013 10:30:36 PM with a score of 0
Simple and interesting. I kept accidentally hitting the lightning button and healing the (I love this word) Behemouth. I only have my mouse clicking ineptitude to blame that on though. That's probably why i lost. Over and over and over.
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on 7/4/2013 7:51:09 PM with a score of 0
This game would have been nice, except it had several bugs. I tried each of the identities, and found that choosing to be a warrior provides a win much easier than any of the other two--in those two, I never even came close to defeating the behemoth.
Very repetitive.
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on 6/3/2013 8:10:45 AM with a score of 0
Wow! For something so simple, it was fun!
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on 5/17/2013 10:44:51 AM with a score of 0
terrible, just terrible. i stole the mega blaster at least 3 times and it only gave it to me once. it has potential, you just aren't using it correctly.
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on 5/11/2013 9:24:02 PM with a score of 0
I defeated the behemeth
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on 5/6/2013 9:39:22 AM with a score of 0
its a combat sequence, 'nuff said
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on 2/28/2013 10:18:52 AM with a score of 0
I liked the Final Fantasy theme this story has going for it! Unfortunately that means no points for creativity, but nonetheless it was nice to see it.
This is just a battle simulator in a storygame format. There's nothing really spectacular about it, but at the same time there's not much you did wrong either. I did notice a few bugs and problems though.
The range of values that can randomly be selected from for dealing and restoring hit points is too large. I used the Cure spell multiple times, and it healed as much as 86 health and as little as 4 health. The same thing goes for the Behemoth's attacks. This is unrealistic (both in general terms and in regards to the Final Fantasy games).
I couldn't steal the mega-blaster through regular stealing more than once while playing as the thief. The second time I successfully stole the mega-blaster, the item would not show up.
Finally, when you scan the Behemoth there is no text telling you that the Behemoth has hit you back, despite your health going down.
As this is more of a game than a story, there's no way it's going to get a high rating from me, but at the same time your spelling and grammar was spot on and there were only a few bugs with it.
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on 2/26/2013 11:27:51 AM with a score of 0
it was a little fun, but i wish it was longer
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on 2/19/2013 11:51:00 AM with a score of 0
This was actully alright. but healing doesn't damage you it heals you
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on 1/6/2013 2:47:43 PM with a score of 0
Loved it! Was cool that you could choose what you wanted to be (I was a thief 'cos stealing is fun!) Really liked stealing stuff from the big purple monster. I wanna call him Binkey ^_^
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on 11/20/2012 4:46:34 AM with a score of 0
I won atleast...
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on 11/16/2012 9:56:04 PM with a score of 0
This is a decent battle simulator with some nice, cheeky writing. Definitely way too shallow to be of any real fun but nonetheless, it's not a poor effort.
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on 11/15/2012 5:21:45 PM with a score of 0
i won as a thief! success!
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— thiefman on 10/27/2012 1:34:17 PM with a score of 0
This was okay, it felt kinda like grinding though. I won with all of them exept the Thief, and that's sad, because I love playing as the Thief in everything.
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on 10/21/2012 4:36:24 AM with a score of 0
stupid,you arent able to get any items after the first three,which,being as repititionous as it was,there was no other way to win unless you are a warrior
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on 7/7/2012 9:31:30 PM with a score of 0
Ya its entirely possible to kill him.
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on 6/22/2012 6:07:42 PM with a score of 0
kinda repetitive
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on 5/11/2012 9:12:28 PM with a score of 0
Is it possible to beat the behemoth?
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on 5/6/2012 4:15:45 AM with a score of 0
Good game And I'm playIng this On my iPod
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on 5/4/2012 1:26:22 AM with a score of 0
wizard mode certainly was dull
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on 11/7/2011 8:06:59 PM with a score of 0
the steal part for thief wouldn't give me an object the second time it was successful, so i lost by attackibg. In other words its a bad story. 1/8
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on 9/23/2011 11:46:23 AM with a score of 0
ok the first time i was a wizard this time a warrior! next comes thief!
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on 9/16/2011 6:58:09 AM with a score of 0
i like it. elaborate more and you could have a really good storygame at your hands!
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on 9/16/2011 6:55:48 AM with a score of 0
But when it said I healed his joints
His health went down fifty points
and the damage range
might need to change
Those are the bugs I'd appoint
I hope you turn this into a story,
perhaps with more inventory,
you'll get acclimation,
for your funny narrations,
And you'll find yourself with much glory
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on 8/17/2011 9:39:16 AM with a score of 0
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on 8/16/2011 9:37:07 PM with a score of 0
This would have worked better in an actual story, but I like it. Nice use of variables. 5/8
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on 7/4/2011 8:59:52 PM with a score of 0
Well you said that it was simple in the description, so I shouldn't talk about that. I liked your attempts at humor, they made me smile and good job on the battle simulator. Bo approves
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on 5/10/2011 6:01:27 PM with a score of 0
It's... interesting, but there isn't much to it.
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on 4/24/2011 5:22:20 PM with a score of 0
not very challenging, or exciting. but its pretty neat.
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on 3/27/2011 8:58:37 PM with a score of 0
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on 1/29/2011 5:10:21 PM with a score of 0
Four for effort. Nice idea, but not much to do in the fight. Also the phoenix down link is broken. I would like to see you do something similar to this, but add in a story along with the fights in the game. Like that Orphen game I have on ps2.
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on 9/26/2009 3:08:47 PM with a score of 0
up i mean
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on 9/2/2009 6:18:40 AM with a score of 0
make it bigger and add training to put ur stengh out
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on 9/2/2009 6:17:25 AM with a score of 0
One big problem- casting Thunder on the Behemoth doesn't heal him- in fact it hurts him without him being able to hurt you, which makes it the best attack in the game
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on 7/30/2009 11:34:25 PM with a score of 0
too short
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— demonstar31 on 10/5/2008 6:18:47 PM with a score of 0
oh god yes.
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on 9/30/2008 10:40:30 PM with a score of 0
good job. it was short but worth it. i like tekken and those versus games, and this was like that.
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on 11/23/2007 10:02:58 PM with a score of 0
Cool simulator!
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on 5/17/2007 10:06:57 AM with a score of 0
cool i won!
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on 4/13/2007 6:41:03 AM with a score of 0
6/8. The battle was good, but I was surprised it was just one battle.
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on 3/14/2007 4:34:41 AM with a score of 0
Cool concept. I would like to try it on a larger scale as well.
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on 11/30/2006 10:30:52 PM with a score of 0
Pretty neat game. I might play again to see about the wizard and thief choices. It was kind of monotonous, but I love electronic RPG's, so it kept me on the edge of my seat. Did you make this to get some feedback on your RPG system for your later games? And while I'm thinking about it, haven't I seen that same picture of a similar Behemoth before?
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on 11/30/2006 12:20:14 PM with a score of 0
that was different!
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on 10/13/2006 5:25:17 PM with a score of 0
Fun Turn-Based Battle! But I slayed the Behemoth before I could use my Overdrive. Make the basic attacks weaker and the Potions cure more, and it'd be longer and better. But still, great job!
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on 9/23/2006 8:51:18 AM with a score of 0
Well done. An interesting game.
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on 9/8/2006 2:41:26 AM with a score of 0
Not really a game or story... just a single battle. Fun once.
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on 8/23/2006 1:27:37 AM with a score of 0
Limited options, couldn't determine that the variable system was more complex than taking off a certain amount for each spell every time. Still, calculated overdrive. Liked the beast pic. Overall had fun, liked the writing. Phoenix link didn't reset game at end.
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on 7/30/2006 11:37:51 PM with a score of 0
A fun short little game. I loved the fight system.
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— weedy on 7/18/2006 1:17:54 PM with a score of 0
cool battle system, but too short and too easy to play
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— on 6/19/2006 1:06:15 AM with a score of 0
Pretty fun! Not a bad little game at all.
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— Spaggage on 6/12/2006 1:09:37 AM with a score of 0
It is very hard to use variables for the first time, and it is good to see you have grasped the concept. Good luck with your next one.
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— Miccy2000 on 6/1/2006 4:16:41 AM with a score of 0
wizard is cool.
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— on 5/25/2006 6:22:28 PM with a score of 0
I applaud you for the effort of making a battle system. This one is good.
More attacks would be nice like JJJ said.
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— havacoman on 5/25/2006 8:08:27 AM with a score of 0
Well wouldn't you know I kicked his ass. The thief makes it way easier.
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— JJJ on 5/24/2006 11:22:29 PM with a score of 0
Hey! Not bad! Though this was short and didn't have a lot of options, this was actually a nice game! Lookin' forward to your next one!
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— GodsSlayer on 5/24/2006 10:43:00 PM with a score of 0
Well, this was mostly just an experiment to see if I could do it, and how to do it. Now, with this experience, I might use a battle like this in a different game, keeping in mind your suggestions.
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— somrandomperson on 5/24/2006 10:04:43 PM with a score of 0
I agree with JJJ, if it had more choices in what to do when fighting and the like, then it would have been better. Oh well, that's why updates, sequel and such were invented. To improve upon your work.
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— leon101 on 5/24/2006 9:44:17 PM with a score of 0
OK I am a really loyal fan of yours but this is a "wee" bit below par. Now let me explain why. As the warrior I had two choices, one of which could be used twice. OoO fun. Your writing as always is impecable but I would realyl like to see some more options! Couldn't I fake attack him? Or make a ferocious down slash? Or fight defensively? Or distract him?
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— JJJ on 5/24/2006 6:32:21 PM with a score of 0
sweet fighting simulator. simple but sweet. this just shows that you dont need story to build entertainment. lol i didnt win though...
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— nateq on 5/24/2006 5:44:24 PM with a score of 0
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