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Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
You are going to lock yourself in an underground bunker along with five other people to wait out the apocalypse. By pure luck--good or bad, I won't say--they all happen to be CYStians.

You're allowed to choose in advance who will be assigned to your Vault. Who are you bringing with you and why? Keeping in mind that you'll need to live with them in close quarters for several years and then at some point reemerge to try and survive in wasteland together.

If you wish you may also detail who you are definitely NOT bringing and why.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Let it be said that Mizal forced me into posting by sticking a loaded gun to my head convinced me to post here.

Now obviously I bring along my best bro Tim because he's my best bro.

Next I'll bring along Sent, because he can keep us all entertained with stories about the war or whatever he goes on about. And also because I think he might bring along a can labeled "octopus?", never hurts to have more... Food I think?

For my third pick, I'll bring along End, because when we inevitably leave the bunker we have to have someone who can make the hard decisions like killing a puppy for food.

For my fourth pick, I'll bring along Wibn, because he does farming and maybe he can make us some food with those farming skillz.

For my fifth and final pick, I dunno, Corgi. We need a team pet.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm chosen, yay! You also chose only dudes. Idk how long we'd last...

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
He was wise not to start shipping site members in my thread.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines of "how long until this bunch of dudes become like that evil gang from The Road Warrior".

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Obviously my list is a prequel to Dusty Fist and we all become those raiders.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
People to bring:

1. IAP, I'm pretty sure he and I have the best survival chances in the post-apocalypse due to our "able to build shit" skills. Plus, I don't know much about cars and mechanics, so he wwould cover that set of knowedge.

2. Mizal, along with the "lives in Texas" skill, we need a leader. Since EM would kill someone for the lulz, Mizal is the only one with the "leader" skill. Plus, she's Mizal for Pete's sake. She and IAP were the only two who seem to be must-haves in this situation.

3. Cricket, we get along, she (Mizal and #4) are also fellow crusaders, aamd I think she has some skills dddue to being in North Dakota. At the very least, she has the "knows how to live in cold weather" skill.

4. Corgi, he can make sandwitches.

5. Nehal, she's smart and stuff. Plus, she likes my fanfiction. Lastly, she has the "immune to food poisoning" skill due to living in India.

Lastly, I get along quite well with all of these folks.

People not to take:
Pretty much everyone else. Sabley, Steve, AYT, and Ghost would all be contenders for being chosen, but there's drawbacks to all of them. Sabley's chickens die too much, Steve is Steve (only useful if the apocolapse requires boats), AYT has leg problems, and Ghost would kill herself due to being retarded (like getting her foot in a bear trap but sawing off the wrong leg to get out).

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Steve hasn't logged in in over a month, he's officially dead. He can be no further use in an apocalypse scenario unless his body happens to have been stored in a freezer. (And doesn't contain so many drugs that it's unsafe for consumption.)

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Lol, don't forget about all his STDs.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Let’s see in alphabetical order:


4 of them seem like they would have useful skills inside and out of the bunker. Cricket, I’m obviously taking so I know I’ll at least have one person on my side if all else fails.

Now Mizal said she probably couldn’t be in a bunker with Cricket, so if she’s rather die in a nuclear fire instead, I guess I’ll take Briar rather than Mizal.

Yes, it is very sad that I’m not taking OG Thara, but there’s not enough room and Cricket gets along with all of the above people so other than there potentially being friction with Mizal (assuming she comes), Cricket is a lot less likely to be lynched immediately by the others.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm chosen again, yay! This is a good list too. SURVIVORS!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Mizal, because having someone that's familiar with multiple forms of food prep can keep everyone else alive. We've talked about canning, and freezing food. I also wouldn't at all be surprised if you were familiar with several ways to jerk meat or how to make pemmican. I'm also half convinced that most of the CYSers have burned water, and I've also seen the food shots you post on the discord server, and they all look delicious.

EndMaster, because he seems socially flexible. I've seen him change how he conducts himself around various servers and forums. Having someone around who can carry on a conversation and maintain eye contact, and who is more or less on my side would be handy. Most CYSers seem to be hermits of some sort. After we leave the vault, having a face is a must if we don't come out into a friendly or open society.

IAP. I don't know if we're going to come out into civilization or how much of the population is going to have survived. Having someone for the post apocalyptic world that knows how to kill, clean, and skin an animal could potentially be life saving. He also knows other ways to survive in the wilderness because that's where the man lives.

Chan-bot. Yeah, he's abrasive, but he's still a fair engineer. Being stuck in a vault for years is going to suck no matter who you're in there with, and having someone that can produce solutions to various mechanical, or electrical problems can make the vault more survivable. He would also be able to produce those same solutions with whatever happened to still be around afterwards. I'm not saying it would be easy to convince him to make those solutions if he didn't feel like it, but he would be capable of it.

The fifth person is a bit iffy. I don't know of any CYSers that have a medical background. Modern agriculture wouldn't be able to be maintained in a post apocalyptic setting, so a gardener would be just as handy as a farmer. Most of the people I've chosen so far are a little bit older so I might just pick someone younger who could handle manual labor and not be broken by it. Wibn, Cricket or AYT maybe? Not certain who I would choose if I had time to talk to a few more people about it, but right now I would probabaly choose Wibn, because I know he'd get the job done and complain the least about it.


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm chosen again, my white nigger power knows no bounds!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Rub it in. You were wise to complain about how much work you do for free. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

"I also wouldn't at all be surprised if you were familiar with several ways to jerk meat"

Whoa, let's keep this post apocalyptic setting wholesome and not speculate on Mizal's meat jerking skills. (or lack thereof)

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Had to make it weird, didn't you? Of course you did. This is CYS. It's going to be a long couple of years.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

You already brought Ford with you in the bunker, it's going to get a whole lot weirder.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Yeah. I regretted that as I was typing that. I get the idea that he wouldn't be as bad in person, and he wouldn't have the internet, which would somewhat limit his depravity. Hopefully someone brings along an impressive set of board games.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Yeeeaaaah I don't think I want to be the only woman in this bunker. You guys can have Vain instead. Or Malk. Also, just a note, IAP hates Ford. I don't believe both will be surviving and it's just a matter of who makes the first move. Luckily, they have a similar skill set as far as machinery goes, and both can hunt, so we'll not be set too far back regardless of who wins.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Fair enough. I was only thinking about skill set the whole time. I'll swap out Ford for Cricky, that way End has a minion and there's less of a chance of shanking.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm 6 for 9 here now. (heh) Not bad for some accounting student from woodchipper land.
Then again, accountants always seem to prefer life after disaster and become badasses with the help of manic pixie dream girls in the movies.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Hmm...This is difficult.

I would take:

1. EndMaster. Because of obvious reasons. Also, because End’s got logic and some insight into apocalyptic settings.
2. Mizal. She also has a good logical sense as well as being pretty conversational, so we would never get bored in the bunker. Both End and Mizal’s logistical traits would help a lot with rationing food or interacting with the outside if need be.
3. IAP. IAP is pretty much a rugged mountain man who can lift a bunch of things, make a bunch of things, etc. 
4. Cricket. Because Cricket is just Cricket.
5. WIBN. He has a funny sense of humor, I guess, and he’s the #2 chicken person.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I do love how many bunkers I could get into just by way of being Cricket.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Yeah. You do seem to be the social butterfly of the site. Wibbons seems to make it into most of the bunkers too.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
All of them actually.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Yeah. The power team seems to be Mizal, Endmaster, IAP, Cricket and Wibbons.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
And I'm chosen again. Yipee!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

First off I'll bring EndMaster. He would make sure nobody else decides to eat me--probably, would be good company, would be great after we leave the bunker on account of having grown up in a post-apocalyptic environment himself. Plus has the +2 wisdom bonus for being over forty.

Now, I am obligated to bring Nehal and Corgi thanks to something said on the Discord without the knowledge this would actually happen. They, uh, they would be cool to hang around? I don't really know what skills they have. Corgi could do the landscaping and Nehal probably knows enough about hand looms to make clothes when the time comes? That unviolence princiole could become an issue later on though. And Corgi would probably chop his fingers off if he wasn't supervised at all times. Oh geez....

Next I would bring Mizal. With End around to keep her from eating me, things would probably be fine. We'd probably get along better IRL anyway, on account of me talking far, far less. Actually, wait. She's going to constantly complain about not having enough hot sauce or fresh vegetables or some shit like that, even though there is limited hot sauce and zero fresh vegetables in the bunker--just like North Dakota. Ugh, she can still come because blah blah she'll survive anyway and kill me later if she doesn't blah, and she can play mom to the others.

At this point, am I to be forgiven if I don't bring Wibbons? No, probably not. I guess he can come. Might end up being more useful than most of us here if he doesn't use his newfound freedom to slack off and doesn't complain about his now near certainty of dying single. At least if End ever gives him something, he can pretend it was his trophy.

Not bringing Digit because he probably started this in the first place.
IAP is out because, frankly, I don't think he would APPRECIATE my bunker and would probably go on about how great it would be the sleep outside under the no longer visible stars at night, bash zombies/raiders/furry heads in in tje morning, and swim in the irradiated pools in the afternoon. No, sir. I am NOT living with that.
Ghost would kill herself by drinking the contents of an aerosol can of window cleaner in an attempt to get high or just see what happens.
Sentinel has his own faction of furry homies that can have fun together, and we have no room for his girlfriend.
Ford would likely be shanked before he could do anything useful.
Sabley will probably be fine with her husband wherever they go, and she's a scary woman mean girl.
Anyone with kids isn't coming pretty much, because they can go find their own arrangements and be happy rather than be that one guy who dies a tragic death just before being reunited with his family for emotional impact.
Coins is a filthy commie.
I don't know who this STEVE some of you have mentioned is.
Tim and Chris will have cool adventures together and don't need me.
Everyone else is probably some sort of gay homo faggot and not worth bringing up anyway, or they are a kid.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 6/13/2019 4:23:32 PM

Alright, some of you guys think you know who to bring on your bunker adventure, but trust me, I am an expert at survival and living in small areas with too many people for years. Now, some of these choices are based on personal preference, so please, if you know someone equal in power and skills, feel free to substitute. Anyway, onto the list:


1. Chris. Now I know what you're thinking, "haha of course you'd choose him you're bffs do it for the Tim n Chris meme lol". Yes. But also, Chris is, like, a BIG guy. Like I think he might be bigger than me by a bit. Combined with his deep and manly voice, I feel very intimidated. And that's EXACTLY how the other wastelanders are gonna feel when they get a load of this guy. Chris has also beaten people stronger than him in a fight, so he definitely is a good choice for the big tough guy in our wasteland party. He is also experienced in living the nomadic spartan life, so the bunker phase and transition should be a breeze.


2. Mizal. Now I know what you're thinking, "Tim why are you even about to explain Mizal, everyone knows she's a top-tier choice". Stop interrupting my train of thought. Mizal has definitely hunted animals before, as evident of her tales of snake-beheading and also how boars are kinda hard to kill, naturally making her the hunter-gatherer Walker Texas Ranger of the group. She has also clearly handled a gun before, making her a definite spot on the Wasteland group, above me and Chris combat-wise because no doubt she could probably beat both of us into the dirt, but below both of us diplomatically, as she clearly has no desire to ever deal with people and probably hates having to deal with the group regularly. Lastly, judging by how the Discord Scullery was literally created by her, to show off food that she made, she's more than likely a pretty amazing cook. It's not a gender thing because she's a woman and women are good cooks or something. It's a Texas thing. She is from rural Texas. And rural Texas is pretty much already a wasteland.


3. Mayana. Now I know what you're thinking, "Tim, Maya is literally blind, how can she be of any help, are you just choosing people you like at this point and adding BS answers in post". No, let me finish. Sure, Maya may be blind. But here's something you probably didn't think about: It's pretty dark underground. Especially at nighttime, where the solar panels no longer work and we actually have to conserve electricity. Maya can work effectively in both scenarios. After the first week or two, she'll probably know the bunker better than the rest of us. Another thing you probably didn't think of, but Maya is on a completely different sleep schedule from the rest of us. So, while we're sleeping in the bunker, she'll be wide awake, continuing work during the night shift. Ironically, she'll also be able to hear if there's any bandits outside breaking in while we slumber, making her a perfect lookout. But her real task, her unique objective, will be to chronicle our lives. She'll record the events of the day in writing, and she can even do it in languages other than English, just in case the Russians decide to invade and find it in their looting.


4. IAP. Now I know what you're thinking, "Tim, IAP is one of the most obvious choices, how is he 4th on the list?". What did I just say in Mizal's explanation cut it out and leave me alone. Anyway, yes, IAP definitely has the construction skills and general life experience over everyone here, making him a vital figure in the Wasteland phase, but I think everyone is overlooking some pretty harsh downsides. First of all, he is pretty old. This comes with all the Old Guy downsides, like his withering old man body hurting in key areas and sometimes just not working right for no reason, taking old man naps all the time, and always going on old man rants about how his cable company always tried to screw him back before the apocalypse. And if he gets sick with his weak Old Man Immune System, which he likely will because getting sick is practically part of growing old, that's a pretty large medicine investment to cure him, and if that fails I might as well have started out with 4 people, because he's gonezo. That being said, he also comes equipped with the Old Man upsides, like old man level-headedness making him a strong mediator, old man strength from his constructive hobbies, and old man stories from back when coffee only cost a dollar. All in all, a very neutral, balanced choice.


5. Sent. Now I know what you're thinking, "duh duh duh sent is a bad choice duh duh duh". That's you. That's what your thoughts are like. Anyway, a controversial choice, yes. Sent himself even says that he'd be the worst choice in a world-ending scenario. But if I know Sent, a I know that he is really good at two things: Organizing stuff, and getting everyone to agree with what he says. Two of the most vital skills in an apocalypse setting. He is a very humble person, and was a extremely worthy candidate for CYS presidency. Had my ambition been weaker, I would have gladly accepted a position as his VP. So while he may be average during the Bunker Phase and pretty much useless during the Wasteland Phase, it's the Rebuild Phase where he really steals the show. He has the ability to rally the people under one group. His planning and strategy is among the highest levels. I think he'd actually be a worthy community leader, directing who does what and planning our next moves. As a bonus, he's from Wisconsin. And what's the one thing people from Wisconsin know best? Cheese. So not only will he be a pretty okay assistant to Mizal in the kitchen, he will both figuratively and literally cheese his way to victory.


And there's the list. If your list looks nothing like this, with nobody with these skills, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Some honorable mentions who didn't make the list include:


End. While he is possibly better at organizing things than Sent, I fear his Chaotic Neutral nature will shift to a Chaotic Evil one once he realizes he could do much better organizing the enemy raiding parties like Caeser.


Sabley. A good choice for farming and breeding livestock. Unfortunately, she tends to get very attached to her chickens, naming them even, and after she's done crying over her lost chickens and husband, I feel she'll shift into unhinged territory and play god with her chickens more than she already does.


Wibbons. An all-around better farming choice compared to Sabley, with pretty much an unfeeling calculation when it comes time to reap. However, as noted by plenty of members of the site, he tends to say stupid things that he thinks is funny, which can lead to some friction in the group and trouble with trade. Also, he keeps pushing the "Tim only says 'Tim'" agenda, so he can go live in a bombed-out house somewhere dying of dehydration with the other mongoloids.



And so concludes the Answer Sheet to the Vault CYS Poll. Just remember, if the worst does happen and the apocalypse does occur, nobody from a writing website will be able to save you.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Endmaster is of course Lawful Evil, not Chaotic Neutral.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Nah man, you barely know End. He's a mad lad who'll kill us all if given the chance.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

When it comes down to it, I’m pretty lawful evil.

Chaos is only good in the short term to keep the lower ranks from organizing properly or to bring down an undesirable order and restructure a more accommodating one.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I always somehow knew when this thread went up that I'd be someone's version of Piggy in Lord of the Flies!
I also always knew there would one day be a time when I didn't regret reading that book!
Two of my wishes came true in one day. I can only hope that all this longterm planning doesn't go to waste when Mayana kills me in my sleep for rambling about wizard books in Mizal's Very Serious Hypotheticals.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Going off the premise of some strange disease turning people into furries, and those furries going mad and trying to vore all non-furries. There must be a hidden, secret place to escape to. Aha! Im already far ahead. While there are many cool people. These cool people won out for various reasons.

Anyways, my list: miz, cricky, wibn, sent, and End

End: Our dark lord and savior, because that and we need someone who can at last raise us up into undeath should the worst occur. Although killing ourselves then being turned undead might be the best way to go. No food, no water, no bathrooms or anything would be needed.

Mizal: She can kill snakes and if we can setup internet she will have access to an abundance of video games. She could probably keep us all from doing something insanely retarded too. May be able to offer some communication with the furry hordes :D

Cricky: It wouldnt be surviving the apocalypse without Cricket around to shame us when we fall back on our word. Also she can breath hellfire and chirp the word of God upon the furry heathens and other foul survivors. Also she makes a mean stir fry.

Sent: Where would we be without our crippled war hero sitting in the corner with his wheelchair, rambling about past and future glories to himself? Sents indispensable wisdom will surely aid us in the days to come. Also between Miz and Crickets regular cooking skills, Sents knowledge of occult soups and salads will add variety to our days.

The Fifth Survivor: I am sorry to say it, but in a an epic contest of life and death, AYT punched my original last choice, Wibns, in the dick and took his place. She supposedly has indispensable martial arts, musical, and some medical skills. 

Honorable Mention: I was going to pick Wibn for his valauable construction skills and general personality. Fortunately AYT had mercy on Wibns, and finished him off with her cartoon sticker covered pipe before the furries could use him as a human body pillow.

The 1 week to 3 months we all last in here should be interesting.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Hey Mizal, how long do you think you could go without losing your shit with this line up in the bunker?






Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

That sounds less like a survival group and more like a knife fight.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Uh... it really would depend on whether I could get there before any of the rest of them. Simplest solution at that point would be to simply close and lock the vault door from the inside. It's pretty thick, probably sound proof and so I'd just read a book or something until they went away or died. Although I don't see any chance of Mynoris making it there at all, she hates herself and is fat and crippled and already has a basement to dwell in. Now, if the others made it inside...well, Morgan has previously stated a desire to choke me so a preemptive strike is justified there. Breezy would be easy to take out,e she'd be waiting for the bombs to drop so she could fall to her knees in a dramatic fashion and scream 'NOOOOOO!!!' at the ceiling and I could kill her then. Thara would be the most problematic, my hope is that she'll stand on the sidelines making catty remarks at the others as they die long enough for me to figure out how to deal with her. Maybe an opportunity would present itself or maybe we could arrange some kind of truce. A lot more room in the bunker at that point and plenty of supplies for two people, we could just divvy up the living space and avoid each other if nothing else. KKK I would just walk up to at any point and punch in the throat, she's pretty useless and not capable of much.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
IAP: Because he's IAP. Big strong man that's good at survival in the wilderness, fixing things and strangling bears.
Wibn: No stranger to extremely hard labor for no payment, good at math.
Mizal: Good with guns, even better in the kitchen, would make a great leader.
Sabley: She was a soldier, knows a lot about farmer stuff (chickens, bees, etc.), is a great cook.
Tim: Iirc he's strong and exercises regularly, so another pair of strong hands. And he's the nicest one on the list. Sure, Wibn's nice, but he can't compare to Tim. Tim's a huge teddy bear.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

As you can all tell, Maya followed the answer sheet. A++. Or, Y'know, 5. Because Slovenian grading systems.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I live in the great sahara thats apocalyptic enough for me. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm gonna take a guess that most of us would politely decline any invitations to your bunker.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

No bunker . we'll live as nomads in the great desert . 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Who would hit South Africa with WMD's?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

the area is very rich in natural resources such as oil . gas (second largest provider to europe after russian Gasprom) . very rich sea wildlife . diverse arable land that provides variety of fruit and vegetables and rich in precious minerals as well as being the gateway between europe and africa through spain and italy . the area would be highly contested by world powers in case of world war and post apocalyptic civilizations for resources. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

As you said, it might be contested. Probably not hit by any WMDs. I can't think of a nuclear power that would hit any part of Africa with anything Nuclear. Most of what I've been able to hear about the majority of Africa is that the nice parts are rife with corruption, nepotism, and the warriors of the local tribes are disciplined enough to not openly start fighting. It might get gassed if someone wanted to move their own population into the area without contest, but I don't see that as likely.

I could see fallout being an issue, but outside of that like you said it's pretty post apocalyptic already.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Depends on who's best for eating. There're only enough supplies for one person and it's gonna be ME.

Not Cricky 'cos not enough nutrition.

Not End 'cos I'd be eviscerated.

Probably a group of unsuspecting newbies that have no place else to go. If I'm feeling lonely I'll keep one around.

But when it's time to exit the bunker, I definitely don't want to be sharing food with anyone. Given it's a wasteland I'm expecting subsistence living to be the way things go till we all eventually cark it. And the natural extension of famine: everyone resorts to cannibalism. So there's a point against staying in a group - you show a bit of weakness and you could end up being dinner. In addition, having to take care of a wounded team member, or Mayana during day time, makes traversing the hellscape much harder than it needs to be. Unless you have a vehicle - which means you need to have lots of gas/petrol - more ground would be covered without a group. All the benefits of safety in numbers etc. are valid if you have a reliable source of food. That's a big if.

Also lol to rebuilding.

Anyways, if anyone wants to bunker down together just let me know beforehand.

@325boy ; @nocturne ; @ApricotMarshy ; @BluePony ; @oraclemache

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Okay, guess I better do mine. My bunker would be home to Wibbons, Tim & Chris, Corgi, and, uh.... @nocturne. I tossed around ideas for various party builds but ultimately choosing a group for the years in the Vault seemed the most important. Living in close quarters, there'd be no option for anyone to just go their separate ways if things weren't working out. Small annoyances would be magnified and any disagreements could eventually turn messy...and keep in mind we'll have no idea how long we'll be in there. It could be literal decades. Although once the immediate danger of nuclear bombs, giant radioactive scorpions and so on has passed, I don't think survival on the outside will be as difficult as fiction makes it out to be. There's an incredible amount of non perishable food and raw building material out there, and almost everyone it was made for will be dead. (Particularly the whiny and useless people such as all the college kids who rant on Tumblr all day.) So, less people, more stuff, it's win/win. This will be a great time for us. It's the Vault years we need to worry about. Now, to explain my choices. In the Vault: 1.) Wibbons is an incredibly hard worker with a lot of practical skills and construction knowledge, while also being a weak bitch that's easy to order around. He'll do any needed maintenance or renovations around the bunker without complaint, and being trapped for years shouldn't be too much of a morale hit for him considering that both the Vault and the future in the wasteland will be several steps up from his current living situation. Having seen a recent selfie, I have every reason to believe he'd be an excellent meatshield, and would do well on scavenging missions if we just handed him a crowbar and sent him on his way. Now it's true that there's been a bit of past friction between him and Tim, but I don't believe Wibbons would be an asshole to anyone IRL. And if he did, it wouldn't be allowed to go on for too long simply because he'd be ambushed one night by a faceless man who looks a lot like Chris with a pantyhose over his head, beating him with a bar of soap inside a sock. In his down time, he'll write anime fanfic in his room, look at pictures of flowers while crying, and not bother me when I want to be left alone. 2.) Tim is always positive and encouraging and gets along well with most people. He's mentioned he does tons of walking so he must be pretty physically fit, and he has a number of useful survival skills as well as familiarity with guns. His wholesomeness aura will increase morale, he'll adjust well to both life in the bunker and to life outside in the aftermath, what with California already being a post apocalypse in a lot of ways, full of Gayboy Berserkers and usually on fire. I think he'll have a pretty good time overall since his buddy Chris will be there too, they'll hang out together constantly and not bother me when I want to be left alone. 3.) Chris is part of a package deal with Tim. I'm sure he has lots of useful skills for the apocalypse such as... ...hmm. Well, he looks like he's thirty so he might be able to intimidate people on raids, he's used to sharing small spaces with others, and the important thing is he'll keep Tim in a good mood. In fact, he and Tim might want to move in together and share a bed (bunk bed; no homo) which would free up some space in the room they're not using. He loves video games so he'll stay in his room to play them and not bother me when I want to be left alone. 4.) Corgi can be a bit of a hyperactive idiot on the Discord sometimes and may have no worthwhile skills, but he's a hard worker IRL and would probably do fine in the bunker with a bit of direction. He's also admitted to having a lot of social anxiety, so even in a chill low pressure situation like riding out the collapse of civilization with a handful of friends, he'll probably spend a lot of time alone in his room and not bother me when I want to be left alone. 5.) nocturne is just some noob that happened to be online at the time of my posting this. The bunker comes with years of food for six people, so we kill this one immediately and that will stretch all the supplies that much further. (And even moreso if the body is properly preserved.) Their empty room will also provide a bit more space for the rest of us. Maybe we could have Wibbons knock out the wall between that and the extra Tim/Chris room and we can put some exercise equipment in there. 6.) Mizal - yes I'm evaluating myself. I can get along with most people and even enjoy their company but I will definitely spend most of time in my room reading books or writing or lamenting the loss of my Steam library now that I finally have time to start playing the games and whatnot. I know a few things about food handling, preservation and storage, have a few useful crafting skills which haven't completely atrophied yet, and some basic survival skills which I will use if I must, although I hate the outdoors. I'll be happy to do all the cooking and clean up from that, and I'll also bring along several guns, so none of you should bother me when I want to be left alone. Leaving the Vault: Wait...leave the Vault? Now why would I want to do a thing like that? As for those who didn't get picked: 1.) Endmaster. It would be very dangerous to be in an enclosed space with a bored Endmaster. And he'd probably want to bring Katie along and there's just no room. I also figure he'd do just fine out there, and if anything he'd be a threat we eventually have to contend with, having become Immortan Joe and started a death cult or else be coming by the Vault constantly trying to get us to agree to be visited by his "team of salesmen" for "renovations" without mentioning they're the fucking Suicide Squad. 2.) Cricket. WHAT MAD FOOL WOULD BRING A CRICKET WITH THEM INTO AN ENCLOSED SPACE WHERE THEY'LL BE LIVING AND SLEEPING FOR YEARS?? 3.) I adore Sentinel, but like Cricket he is just too damn hyperactive and never sleeps or shuts up. 4.) Digit I assume will be off doing Navy things and not given the option to hang out reading mangas underground while the world burns. (He'll be reading mangas under the ocean instead.) 5.) IAP would go stir crazy in the bunker, he needs to be wild and free among the eagles and bears. HHe'll run off to Canada or Alaska and do just fine in the wilderness on his own. In fact he might decide to do that before the apocalypse and never even notice it happens. Also...well, hate to say it but he's gettin a little up there and so what if he starts going senile at a really bad time. 6.) Sabley at first glance would be super useful with lots of relavant survival and combat skills, but like End she comes with an inconvenient spouse. I don't think she'd handle being cooped up in a bunker well either and can turn into a major grudge-holding bitch at times, for instance if you give her an oil change she didn't want or put tuna in her microwave. She'd be welcome to join any settlement that's built afterwards of course (as long as she doesn't spend too much time painting herself blue and dancing naked in the woods). 7.) I automatically disqualified anyone who would have to cross an ocean to get here. No one is a good or fast enough swimmer to make it here faster than the nukes. Also, you're disqualified if you're crippled in some way. I know that's several of you, but sorry, that's the brutal reality of the wasteland. Truthfully though I'd probably figure out some way to make room for Sentinel or Cricket or even Coins or...well maybe not Ford...if it ever came down to it or they were literally going to like, die in nuclear hellfire if I didn't let them in. We'd (by 'we' I mean, all of you guys) just have to leave the bunker sooner than planned when food or morale starts to bottom out. Which would mean scavenging/raiding for supplies while things are still pretty dangerous out there. If there's one CYS bunker, then I think there's a good chance to be others scattered around though, so anyone who didn't make the cut would have a good chance of being in one of those. This would help rebuilding efforts immensely if we could make contact. And in this strange reality that places such emphasis on the continued survival of people who use CYOA websites, there'd probably be CoG and intfiction bunkers too; I'm confident our average user is tougher than any dozen of them, and so if we hit them early and hard enough we could seize a lot of useful supplies. (Although if we wait for their anxiety meds to run out, chances are good a lot of CoGites will resort to belts and make it easy for us.) Oh, and as a bonus, here's Wibbons getting ready to go beat some mofos with a crowbar and take their stuff:

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Fuck yeah.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Your selfie looks like the pic you send your friends after getting laid. Just gonna assume that's what happened here.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Nah, just me after working 10 hours and in pain. My hair was dry as hell since it was full of drywall dust, so I did that with it.
I didn't have sex, what a travesty.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
>I didn't have sex, what a travesty

You misspelled "have never had".

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

The fact anyone would send a "just got laid selfie" is disturbing

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Well it's preferable to the "getting laid" selfie.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I genuinely hope that we don't run out of food while sharing a bunker, because I really would prefer not to get eaten, lol. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Nah nah we're not gonna wait till we start running out of food, we'll kill you right away so we don't have to worry about having another mouth to feed.

Sorry friendo, but in this new world, it's YEET or be YEETed.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Well then, I'm glad that my body and living quarters was used for a good cause- to help the rest of you survive. All I ask in return is for me to die a quick, painless death, or for me to taste my first sip of alcohol and then I can finally rest in peace. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Yeah lol we're not waiting for food to run out. The bunker has supplies for six people and that will last much longer if there's only five. This is called thinking ahead. Also I only just now realized your avatar isn't some kind of weird parakeet.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
It isn't? Dear Lord, what is it then!?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

While I kinda disagree with some of the choices, my Answer Sheet applied to all the phases, while you customized yours to maximize effectiveness in the bunker phase. Pretty great and unique idea. A-.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Damn you know, I actually forgot about Endmaster's extensive collection of fancy board games. Those will be invaluable. I think we're going to have to let him in after all and just get in on the ground floor of the authoritarian death cult to come.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

 Well, the fact that I’m halfway around the world from most of y’all would probably mean that this would likely never happen; but anyway here goes...

Most important part about living in a secluded spot with a group of people for years is not going mentally insane. As for life outside the vault, well as Mizal said, it really wouldn’t be that hard to rebuild so my choices are only going to be based with people who I get along(or like to think that I get along).

1) Undr- I know, I know she’s not been around here, but I really got along with her a lot. Being stuck in a vault for for decades with someone who I can brainstorm my sciency and nerdy stuff with would really help my mental health. Plus she’s Italian and is probably a good cook.

2) Derpussen- We get along well, I think. He’s one of the few people that I’ve chatted with in voice chat, and from what I know he’s a very hard worker. He also has experience in traveling around a lot and living in the country and those skills could come in value. Lastly, I think he has a feel of maturity which could make him a good leader of the group and keep the rest of us in line.’

3)Mayana- I think I get along with her too, since we’ve chatted a lot. Even though she has an obvious physical disadvantage, that could be easily made up with a little bit care from the others. Plus she has a very sharp mind and could be the team strategist and quartermaster who could effectively ration our supplies.

4) Mizal- I think we get along, since she was the first person here who I could properly chat with; and I think we could really be good friends IRL. She comes with the added advantage of being an adult and could kinda become like a motherly figure for our group of children, but well, if she gets annoyed she could easily decide to blow holes in all of us with her shotgun and keep all the supplies for herself, which I hope doesn’t happen so we’ll have to be careful...

 She and cricket would probably not get along, but I think overtime they will; since they don’t have any serious blood feud with each other(yet...)

5) Cricket- She’s pretty fun to be around with, and I like to think we get along; even though she thinks I’m some sort of ‘gay homo faggot’ and always has a general disdain for me. Most of all though, I think she has a very resilient mind and would probably not be one of those who go insane and begin killing everyone else due to long term confinement. She’s also extremely social, and her personality would probably help to reduce boredom, which is important since boredom could lead to a mental breakdown.

6) Me- My personality online and offline is of stark contrast. I like to think of myself as a somewhat social person, but I’m adaptable to wherever I go due to my family moving around a lot, I’ve lived in the country as well as a bustling city and managed to adapt. I’m friendly and most of my irl friends sometimes tell me I’m way to naïve for my own good, so that could be an issue I guess. I’ve done kickboxing for 1 and a half year so I have experience in hand to hand combat. I’ve also had a hobby of shooting for quite a while, so I’m fairly okay with most generic pistols and rifles. As for procurement of a gun in India, my mom always keeps one in the house, since it’s required in her line of work(and she taught me how to use one in the first place). 

Realistically speaking, this is almost impossible, unless any one of y’all are on vacation here on the day of Armageddon. The only person who could be with me is Nehal, since we’re in the same country; and I’ll probably shoot her in the face if she bothers me too much.

Seeing as none of y’all chose me, I’ll probably most likely be alone. 

Oh and honourable mention to Ninja, I’m not really sure about your abilities but you seem cool and calculated so o might replace you with cricket.


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Thanks for the afterthought lol. It'd be a shame if something mysteriously happened to Cricket and she didn't make the final cut... More realistically, I'd take Undr's spot since she's already dead. I didn't know you did kickboxing that long. That's cool. I, too, have a combat sport background so the group would be really safe (or easy to strong-arm, provided Maya doesn't stab out our eyes first).

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'd have assumed a ninja can get into any Vault they want.

Mizal’s Secret Hole and the End of Time?

5 years ago
1) IAP because he’s not an idiot.

2) End for entertainment.

3) Wibbins to kill the cats, lest any survive.

4) Briar because of course.

5) Mizal to determine if she can survive in close quarters with another woman.

Honorable Mentions:

BZ for similar reasons as IAP.

Corgi because he’s a dog.

Sabley because she is allegedly wholesome.

3J’s Ghost because he has to be useful for something.

Killa because we may need a backup toaster.

And NOT Steve because he would drink all the booze.

Also NOT Ogre because he would kill us with his gas.

Mizal’s Secret Hole and the End of Time?

5 years ago

Yey! I'm not going to die! ^_^

Mizal’s Secret Hole and the End of Time?

5 years ago

I'm not convinced that locking yourself in that bunker with those people means you aren't going to die.

Mizal’s Secret Hole and the End of Time?

5 years ago

We can survive eating the cats that Wibbons kills for us. ^_^?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

KitKatKaity - She's cool.

That's all I can think of atm as I've only really chatted with her. Boring, I know.


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
We didn't want to be in your vault anyway.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago


Sorry I didn't know this poll was for the clique only. I'll go back to my hole now.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Bumped for Cricket.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Thank you. This thread was fun, and I hope more people participate. :)

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Switching out Wibbons for Thara. 

Wibbons fucked up and isn’t in good standing with the rest of the Villains anymore and IAP can probably do all the stuff that Wibbons can anyway.

So new line up is:


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Where Am I to buy my own vault?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Mara, read the OP.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Why I have to choose people? Instead, be alone.  Okay, I will bring Gower to murder him most gruesome way possible, I will pick Corgi and pirate because they are nice with me.  Mizal because is practical and maintain control and Cricket because I have fun with her.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'm a little worried.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
It's nothing. :D

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Did wibbins kill another cat?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I dunno exactly what he did really, but he pissed off various Villains, so he's out.

Oh wait, now I remember. He got into it with Chris and Tim I think. Then that spiraled into pissing off Mizal and I think everyone else pretty much agreed at that point he was being a faggot about it all.

I wasn't really around for the major blow up, but that's about the size of it.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
lol fag

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
lol fag

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Chris was getting positive attention for doing a bunch of writing and sharing all these feelings about growing up with Meth Dad, which I guess made Wibn jealous enough to suddenly expose his weird lumpy year-long hate boner.

Then he whined. A lot. In messages and across a couple of different servers. Never a good idea.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Alright.... people who I'll take with me to a bunker and the apocalypse... ok!

I know little about these people so here goes:

1). EndMaster because he's probably got some demonic ritual shit going on and we need protection from cultists

2). Cricket because... cricket

3). Ogre11 because Ogres are fat and good for calories

4). 3J because we need someone who can rain down things from the sky or some shit (idk lol)

5). Avery_ Moore because she makes face emoticons on the forums

My reasons are absolutely sound and need no questioning. Move along.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I hope you packed gas masks.

And ear plugs.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Nah, I got a few hazmat suits in my closet(don't ask) and some noise-canceling headphones. I'm good.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
You did a surprisingly ok job. I mean, just the first two are great.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago


1) Endmaster cuz he can probably keep the others in line

2) Gower because he seems nice and can maybe entertain us

3) Cricket because talking crickets are sort of useful

4) C6H8O6 because I know him irl

5) venyanwarrior so that End and Cricket make fun of him instead of me, also possibly good calories for consuming if we get bored of him. 

Sounds great to me.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I'm skinny, I'm not good for calories.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

That's why I said that you might be good for calories, and you have other uses as well. 

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Yes, I am good at squeezing in tight spaces and driving fake cars fast. I'm the next Bear Grills!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Yes, crickets are useful! Wait...

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I'll probably replace that random noob I had in mine with Gower, and we can cannibalize WIBN instead.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I had two reply tabs open on my phone.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Wait then why didn't you just delete this one

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Because the thing I wrote here in the wrong thread by accident was up eleven minutes before I noticed and someone probably read it and was confused.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I was going to make fun of you, but got distracted by something shiny in Discord. Then it was too late.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Ok, granted, it has been a while since I've been on this website. But why are all of you choosing Endmaster? He's at the top of my "would be willing to eat human flesh if things go wrong" list. As for who I would bring, I'll have to think about that.

Mizal seems to know what's up and Gower seems to have some ingenuity that would help. But that's just spit balling. I'll need to go scour some forums to see if there are any hidden survival skills for others I suppose.

And if it gets me any points towards someone's list, I've done some long-term, long-distance backpacking, make some of my own gear, and have an odd quantity of knowledge about homesteading (candles, soap from ash, tanning hides via brain material, etc.).

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Gower is needed to calm everyone down when tensions arise, and teach the next generation about proper usage of semi colons; necessary knowledge for rebuilding civilization.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

GAHHH you did that on purpose.  The comma too!!!!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
What, comma I did not;

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Haha, I actually do editing work on the side so we probably share that aggravation. But grammar is for working and forums are for typing the way I talk.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Hes a, English professor so; undoubtedly, used too it's.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Oh god, I can only imagine then. At least I get paid more the worse the text is, haha.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

No! I was going to pick you for my vault, but I don't think I can now. You'd grammar prank me to death.

But then, dark and fiendish humor might be an asset through the oppressive years as our stalwart band of six awaits the reblooming of the Earth. It could toughen us up for the trials ahead, for when we finally exit our living tomb and rise to conquer a transformed world, only to find the flowers are fed by the dust of bones.


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I need my father there to protect me from Mizal and company if things get a little testy--or someone just gets hungry and thinks nobody will miss the cricket.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I've only been around about a month, so I don't know everyone, but I think I would pick:

1. mizal - she seems to have a wide variety of skills, including food prep, apparently, and could function as a team lead. She'd probably be the sort to press everyone's buttons, on purpose, after a while, but if we can survive that then zombie hordes and mutant orcs should be a breeze.

2. Gower - we need a lore  master, both for the days below ground when we must learn of history, and for the days above when we must write it. He seems disturbed enough to handle the apocalypse without cracking. There is the risk he might leave us one day to find where the sky touches the horizon, but in the meantime we have someone to spin tales for entertainment and tutor us in valuable knowledge.

3. Bill Ingersol - He looks to have some mountain climbing and all-weather survival skills, plus he is familiar with the various dangers alien worlds may present. And a post-apocalyptic Earth might as well be a new alien planet.

4. ninjapitka - Bodies everywhere? No problem; he'll just put on a kettle of tea. Assuming he doesn't kill us and turn us into his puppets while in the bunker, he should be a handy Mad Max sort once we venture above.

5. MadHattersDaughter - because we need someone to jumpstart human culture once above, and to keep our spirits up while underground. And because she can chronicle the rise and fall of civilization in drawings on the bunker walls.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Dibs on top bunk.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I hope everyone's OK if I bring my dog. Otherwise, it looks like fun times. Who's bringing the beer?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
On it. Hope you all like Guinness.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I guess that would make you and Bill roommates. And the dog, of course. We need the drama of what happens when he sheds on Gower's decliner, or when the food gets low and we need protein, or when the dog is bitten by a radioactive cockroach and turns rabid.

But hey, if he survives until we reach the surface, we'll have a guard dog and a tracker. Assuming its not a daschund or some little dog - in which case the dog is definitely getting eaten.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Bella is definitely not a daschund. Her specialties are snuggling on the couch and giving unsolicited kisses. Getting bit by a radioactive cockroach is a distinct possibility, though. I'll make sure her rabies vaccine is up to date before the zombies strike.















Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

That dog looks like a survivor.  Excellent.  I like the heroic pose, gazing off into the middle distance.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Lol, Bill's an old man who doesn't know how to embed images correctly.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

It's not as bad as my first couple of attempts to post my Boris pic, which ended up a little psychedelic.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I think he's just upset that we're going to be partying inside the bunker while he's left outside as zombie bait.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Please, I'll be having fun buddy adventures with Tim while you all are being boring inside your bunkers.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
So glad I'm not in THAT bunker.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 10/16/2019 5:09:11 PM

Best lineup yet! I imagine Bill is terrified by the fact there will be no one to read his stories. ;~)


Here's the full size version!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
The depth of the drawing is the depth of the madness.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

That's quite the dance I'm doing back there! Awesome drawing as usual.

(Oh, and my mommy says all of my stories are terrific!)

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
MHD will be painting fake doorways for us to walk in Wile E Coyote style the ENTIRE time I see...

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 10/26/2019 9:33:44 AM

That's a fun thought!



Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Haha! I love this so much. Your art is so expressive.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
I need to kick someone out of my bunker so I can have MHD and infinite doorways now, or, I know. She can make herself a room that way.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Well. I now regret not being a significant member of the site. I'll need to start writing again. Then I'll need to figure out how to write well.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

This is incredible! You even threw in Boris. And Gower managed to get a recliner into the bunker before the end, of course.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
This is mesmerizing.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

I'm just really amused by how Mizal looks.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

You're an entertaining person. This kind of style fits CYS perfectly. Wait, are those.....spoils from the strawberry pudding spork war?!

PS: Your illustrations make me smile hehe :))

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Definitely another great piece of art, MHD.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

MHD is certainly a way better artist than that overrated fucktard Quiller that's for sure.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Had hesitated to join this one, since I know next to nothing about anyone here, but I'll give it a go.

1. Mizal- Mizal seems nice, yet sarcastic, with a bunch of practical skills while still being generally personable. I feel she would be able to help with leadership--especially since she knows everyone on the site better than I do. I also feel that she could keep things chill so I do not snap and kill off humanity. It will be fun times.

2. Gower- Gower is positive and helpful. I feel like his writing could amuse everyone for years with just 16 words--a true talent. He also would be solely responsible for the preservation of the English language and grammar in the future. No Natalie will not be on the list Gower.

3. TheChef- Dear lord I hope you can actually cook with a name like that; otherwise, we will all starve. Kidding I can cook a bit as well. I have had some good conversations and enjoyed TheChef's writing/comments. Plus the assumption really is he knows how to cook at some level...

4. Bill_Ingersoll- Bill is an amazing writer and I agree with the logic that his sci-fi knowledge will be valuable after the end of the world. Plus he comes with a cute dog that likes to cuddle, what kind of monster leaves a dog to the zombies?

5. This one is tough. I am between MadHattersDaughter and Endmaster. 

MadHattersDaughter- let's face it, I am not bringing art back into the is lost forever if she doesn't come (unless thechef is really an artist?). I feel a cultural responsibility for the future here. She also wrote a great love story (which I am a sucker for) and balances out the whole male-female thing so the zombies do not sue me for being a sexist...I don't see why else that would be important.

Endmaster- I know his writing is amazing, and every story needs a villain...but I'll be honest. I am debating bringing him for one reason: he threw me in the pit of SHAME and I am not sure if anyone but him can let me out. I am unwilling to enter the new world in SHAME and if we are locked in a bunker I have plenty of time to meet the requirements to get out. Not that I will ever win a contest based on choices 2. And 4. 


Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

See, folks? This one of the main reasons why you should adopt a dog: you get invited into more bunkers that way.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

It was a clever ploy

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

In no particular order:

1. Mizal - Relatively chill person who seems like she'd be great to hang around irl. She kills snakes.
Role: Hunter - Kills snakes.

2. End - What the other person said: hard decisions.
Role: Leader - Oldest, I think? Also a practical guy.

3. WIBN - I don't know about what happened with the villains, but WIBN also seems nice. I like his stories. And was there something about farming...?
Role: Gatherer/Farmer? - Background knowledge in this?

4. Will - Seems like someone who I could have interesting conversations with (keeps me sane) for a few years. Also, history is fun to ponder.
Role: Cartographer, Record Keeper - The thinker, but who knows what's hiding behind that smile. Maybe he'll take all the maps and stuff and exploit it for himself. Or sabotage the rest of the team.

5. Briar - Sweet person who adds another type of personality to the group. Just the right balance of humor and kindness.
Role: Advisor - Nice balance to End.

My Role: I guess I'll help everyone else?

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Hm, well, this is an interesting one. I had to actually spend over fifteen minutes thinking who would I like to bring in my vault because there are a lot of candidates. My top picks would be: 

1. Cricket: now, to be frank, no time was spent on debating over her. Cricket was picked because, well, as everyone has said, she's Cricket. More than being the social butterfly she's also smart and spontaneous, which is always a must. She's also sort of the "integrator," keeping everyone together and all that cheesy shizz. So, the best team mate one can have. 

Now starts the real difficulty, hm.. 

2. Dark: I'd like to bring in Dark because I reckon he can somehow make and use his Mexican contacts with the filthy rich cartels and such. Considering he's also highly knowledgeable about drugs, he can get us money and shit after we're let out, or maybe while we're in, too. Who knows. But yeah, overall a strong candidate and one that easily gets along with everyone. 

3. Wibbons: his survival skills and ability to deal with the worst of the people and situations are a necessary skill set. Though I reckon he might develop some beef with Dark, but that's okay. That should be manageable. And some entertainment for the rest of us. 

4. Corgi: I'd pick Corgi because he's pretty perceptive. So if tensions start bubbling, he's the guy I'd rely upon along with Cricket to calm things down. And maybe his strong olfactory sense--being a dog and all that--would help us be a step ahead of our rivals in the apocalypse. 

5. Well, you see, Ozone and Ghost come in a package. Although there are high chances of ghost hurting herself all the time, but ozone's the guy to prevent her from doing that. Plus, the vault will give enough time for her knees to rest; and by the time we're out, her pro athletic skills are going to be advantageous. Ozone is both smart and physically fit. A good asset and entertainer. Though, I'd really be worried for the rest of us because of his foot fetish, but survival needs are greater, so oh well. 


People I'm not bringing:

Although I was really tempted to have Mizal and IAP too because they're two of the best people I've had the fortune to know and talk to, but living with them for so long is going to make me die for sure. The intimidation is just too much, man. Plus I feel like Mizal wouldn't be able to live in peace with the rest of us degenerates, especially Cricket. Not choosing End because, again, obviously, I'm deathly afraid of him. Plus, why would he come in the vault of a noob like me, anyway? Would have chosen Sabley, but the choice was really tough. That and she keeps chickens around and I can't stand the smell. :( Luciel was also a candidate but she's just way too sweet. For a moment I also considered Killa for the lols. Would've been an epic fail because he'd always complain, especially about the koala. Pfft. 


To sum up, I'm just a noob and want to be with my bestest buds, gah!

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Yes, I'm very responsible :)

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Yay! Thanks, Nehal! I think I'd get along with Dark. He seems like a dandy person.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
A dandy person?

He is gonna cut you wide open with a homemade shiv. I don't think I can watch this.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Compared to who I've known, Dark is a bowl of peaches.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Meanwhile Dark would be doing that smugpepe emoji if and when he reads this

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago
Dark isn't that bad. I've known pedophiles, rapists, murderers, child molesters, and child abusers. Not one I actually wanted to know btw.

When I come across the ravaging marauders in this post-apoctilipic wasteland, I can look them in the eye and call em all pussies without lying.

Poll: Vault CYS

5 years ago

Dark is awesome, yes

Also, F.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Well, this seems like a potentially fun thread to resurrect and see new members' input on this. And perhaps some of the old members' decisions have changed, with the updated roster of CYStians?

#1: Cricket, because she's usually nice (when she doesn't betray and dox me 😠) and I don't want her to die in a nuclear fallout. Also, as far as I know, she's a good cook.

#2: EndMaster, because he is our malevolent overlord, and I also don't want him to die in a nuclear fallout.

#3: Ninja, because I need somebody fit and strong to cart me around in my wheelchair.

#4: Mizal, because also good with food. Other members in the thread have also given various other reasons.

#5: AYT, because I want a 3:3 split. And she's also the youngest afaik, so she'll be able to lead the future generations after the rest of us die.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
Based purely on Utility.

Yummyfood: emergency rations
Ogre11: Methane production for heat and renewable energy
WizzyCat: If he’s as wizzy as advertised and all the urine is distilled into drinking water, we will never go thirsty.
Darius_Conwright: If we ever run short of ipecac or need a stomach pump, a sequel to “It’s a Boy!” would make me vomit fairly promptly
Celicni: As a makeshift roadblock

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

always proud to serve as rations

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I piss more than I shit, and boy do I shit.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Again, what is it with you and shitting? Are you actually a 40 year old methhead?

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
If so, I really struck gold

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
Thx bb why u need a 3:3 split tho

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I'm afraid to explain my reasoning, lest I get helled here as well.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
Oh well, I'm sure it will work out!

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Bunker Buddies:

Mizal: Because we can dress up emoly and make vampire noises.

Sent: He can bring some blue feathers and make bird noises

Chef: He can make cat and bird noises

Canary: Can also make vampire noises. 

And....we need another woman so Mizal doesn't feel intimidated by being the only one there.....

Eh, I will pick Cel. He is paralyzed from the waist down. And can make retard noises. 

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Well definitely updating mine now.

1. Thara

2. Cricket

3. Green

4. Mizal

5. Sabley

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I figured most people would be a bit more subtle with the harem they're creating...

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Well just to clarify publically and to dispell any nasty rumors relating to the above (yet amusing) post...

Mizal and Sabley were picked to be in there for survivalist skill purposes. Plus they were originally in there to begin with.

Cricket was also in there to begin with, so she stays and she needs someone to interact with, so Green's being added. Plus Green would be all into boardgames.

Finally Thara would have been in there the first time around, but that was during the time she took a break from the site. So she's in obviously. Can't very well include two of the daughters and not the original.

As for why I don't have any guys, well I don't trust any of them enough to not try to kill me and RAEP all the wimmins. There's always a power struggle to be the "alpha" in these conditions, and I can't be bothered with that shit. I'd end up just killing one of the guys ahead of time if they didn't get me first.

Granted I don't trust women either, and all these ladies could just decide they want a complete apocalyptic tacofest and get rid of me in the middle of the night, but I'm confident enough that Thara wouldn't turn on me so I'd have at least one ally.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

How have you not adopted MHD yet?

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

She's already the Mad hatter's daughter.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Nothing wrong with having two dads. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Oh this looks fun. I enjoy that they either come with me into my bunker or face the fallout, makes me free to pick whoever I want.

1. AL because it'd be really sad if they died in the fallout, plus they're easy to get along with.
2. MHD, with reason that we'll need entertainment and maybe she can help me figure out how to draw things that aren't blobby kappas/cartoon animals/shitty replicas of anime characters.
3. Avery, because she's an animal whisperer so maybe the ones that get mutated by the fallout may not kill us as soon as we get out. Plus, maybe she'll bring her animal friends.
4. Mizal, to babysit
5. I was gonna say Cel, but then realized that these are all girls (not entirely sure about AL but I think so) and that's a terrible idea. Maybe Thara.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Did you just assume my gender?

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Are you not a dude
**the REST of these are all girls (if I didn't get the meaning across the first time)

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

You never know who's male and who's not on CYS. We're the most diverse and welcoming interactive fiction community, after all.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

...are you just saying this so I don't leave you to die in the nuclear fallout out of pure sexism

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

No, sexism is based 😎

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Great food for thought. I'll join in. Most of them are placed due to petty reasons.

1. Mizal: just because so she cannot procrastinate anymore on that children's story from the prompt contest. I'm still waiting for its release date.

2. Thara, because she has the best profile pictures and probably a great taste for shows.

3. Ebon, so that he cannot wuss out writing his Mormon "magnum opus" that will dethrone Eternal. Still waiting Ebon, still waiting.

4. Gryphon: so that she can make a 1 million word count review about life on earth so far.

5. Will11: Because someone has to retell the world's history after everyone has died out or write himself into every historic event and ascend to godhood.

For the people who I'm grouping together, because they would be a menace to society: Ford and Celicni. Yup, these two will become the best degenerate/comedic duo during the apocalypse. They'll probably start a sex cult or die in some ditch during their attempt. 50% for either outcome. Fluxion can be their babysitter as the king of shitty dragon stories. Fresh_put_of_the_oven can act as the human sacrifice.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Really proud of my role here, guys. Thank you for thinking so much of me

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I even got a cute group shot of the triumvirate.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I love it! What can go wrong with me being tied to Ford's back?

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Wheelchairs are overrated, you deserve the best of the best.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
I'll definitely start writing again if the apocalypse leaves the electricity untouched.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

This post was clinically retarded and has been removed for the betterment of the forum.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I will valiantly add myself as 4 since:

1: I am named appropriately for said purpose 

2: I am still a noob

3: I would not put up much of a fight

4: I equal about 910,000 kcals. If everyone needs about 2500 to maintain a healthy body weight, I would provide 364 days for one person or 91 days for all 4 of you. 

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Yes! And might I say, you look absolutely delicious. Your sacrifice it most appreciated. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago


I have maybe slightly way overestimated my weight. I am a much different person than when I last weighed myself lol.

700,000 kcals is about 280 days or 70 for 4 people.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

See, the problem with End sacrificing noobs is that four out of the six people in that vault are, by definition, noobs. Except MAYBE Paradox, I'm not sure how long he's been here or if he's still considered noob status

But I do appreciate the offer to be in a vault instead of a human sacrifice. Moving up in the world!

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
1. End
2. Green
3. Miz
4. Sent
5. Ford

Bringing End because filial piety.
Green is my sister, and she and End can be nerd buddies together, and I can bully her.
I need Miz so I can be catty and have someone who understands me when I hate men.
Sent makes everything better.
I need Ford to be an annoying little shithead with.
I would have brought Thara, but I figured any ensuing catfights would stop being hot around day 2.
Dark's luck would probably doom us all.
Europeans wouldn't make it all the way here soz.
I don't need Digit's gf breaking the door down.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
1. End
2. Sent
3. Corgi
4. Cricket

My priorities have changed immensely, I now want only people who can appreciate board games and canned food.

5th slot is a tossup between Tony and Sherb, whoever gets there first to increase our wholesomeness levels. (Cricket is like an inch high, maybe we can fit them both.)

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

"I now want only people who can appreciate board games and canned food."

Well I can see why I'd definitely be number one on that list.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I like board games! Can I be in reserve? I actually joined a board game club a few months ago, so I have access to many many games. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

You know, if you ever want a young person to order around and make do all the work you could always take me. I come with knowledge of how to use multiple weapons, being able to be quiet and disappear, lots of board games, and the ability to entertain myself for hours without electronics or anything else. I do have a small case of a deathly allergy to nuts and being a child though, but I think the pros outweigh the cons. If you do find me as too much dead weight, you could also sacrifice me or eat me. Whichever floats your boat! :)

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Oh, damn. Might have to kick one of the other girls out of my bunker to make room for you. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Well, since I am still new around here, and only have vague impressions of y'all, this is who I would bring into my vault.

1. EndMaster - of course, he is our leader and I figure it might be good to have the grim reaper on my side in the apocalypse. 

In a situation like the apocalypse, I think that the strong would have a better chance of survival than just all the nice folks. For slots 2-5, I would throw the rest of you in a pit and let you fight it out for survival.  I might be nice and drop a weapon or 2 just to make it fun.  My estimation of those results would be as follows.

2 & 3. Ninja and Sent seem like they would be good in a fight and would most likely survive (and even thrive).  

4. Mizal - well Texas - and although many times she is a voice of reason, seems like she can bring the hammer down when she needs to.

5. Thara - she doesnt take crap from anyone.  She would make it out.



Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

The number of times WIBN used to occur on these lists is distressing.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Probably because he did have the redneck builder knowledge and slave mentality that would have made him an excellent minion with a weak will and strong back.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
1. Celicni because he's literally the closest you get to doordashed, wheeled in fresh meat
2. Jerry
3. Ogre because Ogres are really nicely thickened up. In the meantime his gasses are capable of lighting up my stove
4. Ford because he's a fatso too
5. Ninja because you never see him

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
Hello Peng

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Your new pfp is creepy.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I'm liking the idea of a girls only apocalypse.

1. Mizal

2. Thara

3. MadHattersDaughter

4. Cricket

5. Mystic_Warrior

We shall stay up all night playing board games, drinking hot cocoa, telling scary stories and having pillow fights in our pajamas going "tehehehehe". Then, once the apocalypse is over, we shall go up to find EndMaster (who shall undoubtably be the only remaining survivor) and invite him in for a game of Exploding Kittens. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
I'm down

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
Best one

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
  1. Abgeofriends because she lives on a farm, is a pretty decent cook, and it would be nice to have someone to practice kung fu with. It also helps that I’ve been friends with her since I was a baby. 

  2. Olivesalid10 because she also lives on a farm and I also know her in real life. 

  3. Mizal because of obvious reasons. 

  4. Endmaster because he seems like a good leader, and the whole grim reaper thing is a plus. 

  5. I was thinking about this one for a little bit, and after some consideration I remembered that someone as awesome as MHD existed, so of course I would bring her along. What would a bunker be without her drawings and false doorways?

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago
1) Mizal is nice, has knowledge of food and various other life skills (like owning a shotgun)
2) Sent needs to be there for his unrivaled humor and wit.
3) Cricket to help maintain the wholesomeness quota, and because she will take up very little space (due to being a cricket)
4) Gower, so we can have someone to proofread the CYOA stories we'll write (surely, with all that free time, lots of writing will get done...)
5) Enter, because we'll inevitably need someone to blame everything on and he'd make it easy by starting an underground rat cult.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

I want Sent and Dark. Sent because I need his long ramblings to stay sane and I want him to decorate our shelter, Dark because I would get bored without someone to smoke weed with. We would probably also ideally want a woman to barter sex for ammunition and medicine with local survivors, but I would feel bad making a CYStian do that, so I might keep it fellas only with Chris and probably Ninja because he seems like he knows about outdoor survival shit and would be reasonably intimidating. 

EDIT: I only picked four other people. Tim is the no brainer here because him and Chris together lower each other's stress levels and are less likely to cause a Rimworld style meltdown, and he can rock a gas mask 

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Seeing as my previous answer sheet is now defunct due to irreconcilable issues, I will now update it. Please keep in mind that, while the skillsets of these people are optimal for post-apocalypse survival, I am not sure about the overall compatibility between them. Therefore, this ranking takes the liberty of believing everyone in the bunker will be cool and good to each other and we will all be friends.


I will still be keeping around Chris, miz, and Sent, for the same reasons as before. There's been some patch changes, but things have mostly stayed the same. Still pretty top-tier picks.


The first new pick for the vault will be Dark. From his extensive experience surviving the mean streets of Mexico, he will be a great help adapting to the hellscape that is the outside world. He's pretty much already living in a post-apocalypse environment without the apocalypse. Likewise, from the injuries he's survived and told tales of, his constitution would be a great asset as well. It would also help to have someone that can speak spanish besides my own gringo-level knowledge. All in all, he's much like miz, only on the other side of the border. A possible downside is that he will not be able to bring his sister, but if he's resorted to bunking here, that's probably no longer an issue.


My other new pick is Malk. While we may disagree on some cultural aspects from time to time, Malk is definitely the pinnacle of warrior scholars. His vast knowledge of both the Islamic faith and various tactical maneuvers make him an excellent choice for both the Wasteland and Rebuild phases, especially when paired with Sent. He'd also pair well with Dark during the Bunker phase, since they'll both be partaking in some spiritual THC-assisted sessions of enlightenment.


Now, I know what you're thinking.

Keep thoughts like that to yourself.


Anyway, here's a quick review of other good choices that I will not be taking, personally, but I understand if you do:

End. Great scholar, excellent leader, still not entirely convinced he won't just organize a hostile takeover when the time is right and go on to lead a Mad Max-esque raider nation.

Sabley. Great farmer, optimal for the rebuild phase, but now not only has a husband but also a child. Heck, they probably have their own bunker. Do not separate.

Corgi. Great for the Bunker phase and other general morale-boosting activities, but unfortunately has a designated naptime of which NONE may wake him. Not so great in an emergency situation.

MHD. Amazing artist, great for the Bunker phase morale and Rebuild phase propaganda, but due to the severe lack of both fancy hats and cool tea sets in the apocalypse, she might really go the "M" in "MHD".

Finally, I have come to realize that bringing ANY one of the three sisters without the other two as well as End would be a fatal mistake. They probably have their own happy little vault, anyway. DO NOT SEPARATE.


This is the new answer sheet. Again, keep in mind that my own assuredness in this list has been shattered, and I am no longer confident in my ability to pick optimal writing site members to survive the apocalypse with, even casting aside the fact that, hypothetically, I would probably be the last person anyone should pick in this scenario and nobody would want to be paired with an absolute clown such as myself.

You wouldn't think 3 years is enough to change things, but man...

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 11/11/2022 3:41:46 AM

Alright, so, I've never exactly been decisive in picking people out during apocalypses, but I do have something remotely on topic to post here. Lots of discussion has been had about who you could take to the CYS bunker, but little has been said about the bunker itself. What, I wonder, would a bunker capable of supporting only 5 people look like? Well, I was able to build a pretty good bunker some months ago during a very secretive Let's Play I did in like January, and I dunno why, probably because it was just on-topic at the time, but I only posted it in a discord channel of like three people.

Here is the full tour, editted and revised, in accurate color, rendered for the Cystian Public.

This is my base of operations in House Flipper.

Uh, I can explain

This is a perfectly rational thing. The surf boards serve a very important purpose!

The Goblins fear them. It keeps the goblins in their yard-village and OUT of my house. But they dug this fish pond by themselves and I'm still pissed.

Every once in a while I give them a fruit offering to invade someone else's lawn and annex their land or belongings for myself. One day I will defeat the tyrannical housing association and rule the neighborhood with an even, righteous hand! And acquire the building permits to expand my bunker, probably.

Every time one scrub dies in battle, it seems like another goblin appears in their house. And they're still building new ones! It's a little concerning honestly. I'm glad I managed to oust them all from my house using surfboards.

The Goblin Grove, where they grow peaches in the summer and harvest pumpkins in the fall.

This is the Goblin Lord's manor. I beat him up so he answers to me now, according to Goblin Law. You really have to be proactive about controlling the goblins in your area if you want to get the most out of them. He's very possessive of his pool, it looks like. I think I technically have permission to swim there, as his liege, but I wouldn't want to mess with those guards of his.

This appears to be a Goblin Temple of some description... They barbecue their prisoners of war here and offer them to whatever spirit lives in that birdhouse. That whole process freaks me the fuck out, but hey, it's outside the surfboards so it's not my business.


I was able to save money on two surfboards by installing this outdoor gym machine, because they seem equally afraid of this.

My home gym is positioned in such a way that I can keep a watchful eye on them while I hone my ability to beat up the Boss Goblin.

Ah, yes, the house of the Goblin Shaman. He's the one in charge of the horticulture of this village, growing pumpkins and such in my yard. And he's probably also the one organizing the village-wide ritual that causes live fish to rain into the pond on Saturdays. I can't complain, it's pretty benign as far as goblin mischief goes.

Some goblins rarely make purely liquid potions, and instead make extremely powerful brines whose herbal effects are diffused into small portions of food. If you ever see suspicious pickle jars in your garden, don't eat them. There's no telling what effects they might have.

This is my lazy chair, where I can barbecue, keep an eye on the goblins, and threaten the neighbors all from under the same umbrella, which is just the zenith of American Outdoor Living in the pre-apocalypse stage.

This is also where a guest would presumably sit while I'm sitting on my barbecue yard throne, but the seating in my yard is a lot more sparse, because I don't know what to do when there's no walls. There's no feng shui to work off of.

This table in particular is where you can tell I got too excited to work on the inside of the house, and figured I would just design the rest of the outside space later. I know this would also look much nicer with some ground panels and stuff, but I hate laying brick/flagstone surfaces and planting trees and shit because it feels like actual jobs I've done for work, which is something I instinctively veer away from when playing games

But while the picnic table is a bit haphazard, this pizza oven is actually placed in one of the most tactical spots on the property. I've calculated its angle and placement precisely. You'll see why later on as we go.

For one thing, it's right next to the big pool!

There wasn't a diving board, nor did I really have any room for one, so the only way to throw yourself into the water at high speeds is to fling around on this swingy rope thing.

I really shouldn't have swung from the swingy thing while my buoyancy was this... Compromised. But luckily the stairs were built that way just in case I forgot I was wearing a 1500s full plate harness and did exactly that. That's the key to good interior and exterior design: Know yourself.

You'll see now one of the major strategic points about the oven's position. It's very convenient to eat pizza while sitting in the hot tub! And no, I'm not gonna talk about the vault hatch yet. That's a whole other thing to get into.

I know I haven't gone on that much about the general apocalypse preparedness of the house, but this is an important feature. I hung up these bat houses, and when shit hits the fan, I plan on putting up even bigger ones, so that when I'm ready to leave the bunker, I'll have giant mutant bat buddies who fondly remember my generosity and are also willing to keep the property clear of Cazadores. Some of them might be fruit bats, and I receive a tax of 54% of all the peaches they grow in the Goblin Grove, so they also have regular offerings to remember me by.

The astute will have noticed there's lots of security cams around the house- And that the door appears to be inside a very thick wall where the panelling goes all the way in. This is no mistake. The house is made of a very heavy tungsten structure and the "panelling" just happens to be a protective shell that's linked together like the rings of a rattlesnake tail, letting it flex and bend in the face of extreme forces. This building will undoubtedly stand a nuclear blast on any of the nearest dense population centers. Or an earthquake, because I think that happens most everywhere you can grow peaches.

But anyway, without further adieauxooue, The LIVINGROOM, right as we come in.

The flag of Cystia warms our walls as the most patriotic of tapestries.

It has a good strong table for stacking cinderblocks, playing board games, and apparently counting bullets and drinking tequila out of a pokemon. I suppose I also have a Big Spoon right there. In case I need it. I don't actually know how the pokemon got in here or who put it there, but buying a liquor bottle shaped like a creature in order to find out what it tastes like does seem like something I would do.

Now, I don't live in such a high-security house just because I'm preparing for an apocalypse. I have built this panic house for perfectly valid general safety reasons too. House Flipping is an intense business, and I have many dangerous rivals who would like to see me dead due to my based interior design decisions. But on the bright side, having enough enemies to necessitate a well-protected house with cameras, vault doors, bulletproof windows, and a goblin levy army, has allowed me to indulge the finer things in life, like collecting priceless artwork. This picture is just a replica, though. I keep the real one downstairs so that I can admire it for a few hundred years and preserve it after the apocalypse hits. But that's skipping way ahead, there's so much upstairs things to do first.

This is the main living area, which I designed primarily around its cool rug. I guess that ringy ball is also there because I like those things. They are the source of an entertaining and acceptable amount of injury to myself and others.

I am going to use my imagination to supercede the limitations of House Flipper, and just pretend that the floor is like a hexagonal-pattern wall to wall carpet, because the concrete poolside tiles they're supposed to be would surely be the death of me if I started doing anything stupid on a ringy ball.

I don't know why I went for this creepy crouch-behind-the-couch angle with the camera. Maybe it was to give a more immersive view of the tv and speakers, but I think it was to put more focus on the ringy ball.

I really like this couch and would probably sleep here a lot, using my room mostly to keep up appearances. I don't know why the dinner tray has the big rambo knife. I think the implication was that it was a really gopnik way to open a can of meatballs, but that can clearly has a pull tab on it. Meaning the knife is for eating meatballs with. Seems like a precarious affair, tbh.

Too many balls in this room. I'm going to go to the bathroom. It's hard to get a good angle on the whole room, because it's a small, very functional space. It's not needlessly ostentatious, like some kind of degenerate rich bathroom. This is a tasteful, just-the-right-amount-of-class, pleasantly fancy normal bathroom, with just the bare necessities! Well fuck, bare necessities was right. I forgot to put a mirror in here. It's alright though because if I polish the marble walls right, I'll be able to see my face above the sink anyway.

This is the shower and towel corner.

And THIS is the Toilet Zone. Now, I know, it's kind of a weird sight. But I'll be sure to put an appropriate mirror over the sink later. Nothing all that weird about this image otherwise

Of course I also keep the scoped AR15 rifle here for easy access while I'm shitting. As is my right. Mizal made the helpful comment that it'll be useful to protect myself if Wibn should ever find a way to seep his way up through my plumbing, but I may need to keep an additional pistol here for such close-quarters encounters. My REAL thinking here with the rifle was this:

If I'm ever out making pizza in my yard and I get an attack of the mad shits, (no doubt because I've been poisoned by some kind of dastardly degenerate pizza burglar) I can make a show of being like, "Oh no, I have to shit, I better go inside my house and leave my pizza unguarded"


I told you the positioning of my oven was extremely tactical, though you might not have believed me at the time.

This was supposed to be a picture of the door to the kitchen, but it was at this point that I took another picture of the alcoholic pokemon. I think it moved when I wasn't looking, so I had to make sure.

This is my Frank Frazetta-themed kitchen, featuring another priceless artwork. Well, actually, I guess the lighting would be way darker, warmer, and more moody if this were a Frank Frazetta kitchen. So it might have been a different orange-loving barbarian painter. Like, uhh... Maybe Earl Norem? I think he had a painting of Conan fighting a sandstorm that looked like these walls. Or maybe it was the guy who did the original cover of Heroquest. Actually, shit, this is my Heroquest kitchen.


The goblins first stole the tureen for me last christmas, and through their looting and pillaging have been bringing me a complete set since then, piece by piece. I have an illogical love of tureens. When a young lad saw a tureen for the first time, you know what he said? He said "What the hell purpose does this object serve?" and he was wrong to even wonder.


At least two of these jars are mislabeled. That's how you keep the ingredients secret.


THE BEST THING ABOUT HEROQUEST KITCHEN IS... Still the blemmye woodcut. I can't even pretend for the sake of the heroquest gag. That was objectively the best part of this kitchen. Some might be persuaded by the serene painting of a lobster in a shirt, but it's half the size of the Pointing Blemmye and by far the cheaper item on the illicitly obtained art market.

This is my bedroom, it's still a work in progress. I know the first time I redecorated this house on my old save, it had a lot more cool stuff on the walls. Also the first time I redecorated this house, I wasn't single. But now that I am, I only have to be concerned with one side of this bed being used, and can occupy the other side with this elliptical machine shaped like a guy with his arms in the air going, "AAAAA!" When the raiders come after this house, I'll be able to put clothes on this elliptical and a picture of my face to distract them.

You see, this would be a good angle to jumpscare anybody opening the door.

This is my corner of the bed, where I ponder the secrets of the purple trianguloid every evening. And yes, that is indeed the famous shotgun I grab every time I think I've detected WIBN.

In another example of my brilliant forethought, it also has a sightline on my pizza oven. This is the window directly beneath the bat houses, too. So if I'm cooking pizza at night and I have to go to my room to get something, I can command them from this window like the monkeys in wizard of oz.

And this is my office, which did magically appear as I was taking pictures. This room is magical like that.

The wall next to it looks inappropriately bare. Well, more inappropriately bare than most of the other portions of wall in here.

There. Now I can keep track of all the hidden mysteries of CYS while I'm on the internet. I know the computer looks like a dinosaur, but it's the only way I can still use the site on the top secret unfinished Fancy Mode from the times before the big site update.

Truly something, isn't it? It was the product of an age undreamed of. The liminal times, back when Mizal's name was un-capitalized, the world was young, and death was but a dream.

I also installed this TV sideways so that it's easier to watch while I'm laying down, and it'll give the elliptical thing some ominous backlighting to boot.

And now, at long last, we're ready to enter the bunker. You may have noticed some helvetica signs in the background. This is important if the apocalypse strikes while Cystians are visitting, because I know not all of us read things. there might not be time to explain. And also, it's important that visitors know that there's security cameras watching the outside, and especially important that certain members, *ahem*CORGI*ahem* know where the bathroom is.

But yes, let us finally go into The Bunker. It might be difficult to see because the room-by-room lighting system of this game is fucked, and these lights will not actually turn on because, since you're on a staircase as soon as you enter the room, you're never actually on the floor that the engine considers part of the "room" that the stairwell is on, so these lights will never actually turn on. But rest assured, the paneling I used is meant to expose the layered segments of solid steel alloy insulated with heat-resistant rubber, to ensure that more than just unreliable things like the ground are protecting it from nukes and ballistic weapons. This bunker is like a submarine that can sail through dirt. It will survive any natural disaster!... Even if it's no longer in the same county by the time it's over.

Don't let the concrete and industrial panelling color your expectations though, it's much more homey downstairs.

This is the "real" front door of the house. Or, it would be, assuming the top part manages to get really fucked up during the apocalypse. I built it to be easy to clean, as it is the designated laundry and supplies area, but also to uphold the general appearance and values of civilized living to all visitors, as this waiting room may well be one of the last public bastions of such things come the great SHTF'ing. As you can see, I couldn't afford (nor did I have the space for) full renaissance paintings, so I settled for hanging souvenir dinner plates over the door. They may become the last surviving copies of the works one day.

Normally that drying rack is folded up and put somewhere else, but there's no option to hang a folded drying rack anywhere, so right now it just serves as a deathtrap to get somebody coming down here unawares to trip and fall off concrete stairs. I made sure to put an extra beautiful painting there so that it can be looked at and pondered. Imagery of what the outside world once was and could look like is a key factor of not going insane after years of subterranean living. And also if people get past the first blast door, they might stop and get distracted by the beauty of the painting, and the security camera can put them down with its built-in 9mm.

This is where the laundry stuff would normally be kept, it's the general supply area full of crates and jerry cans and other useful stuff. The space behind the stairs is also empty, leaving room for probably months' worth of food and shit. Potentially years, if I'm willing to hoarder-house this particular space with crates and barrels and gradually throw out the empty containers, but I'm not quite there yet, because it just doesn't look natural to fully stack and stock up the entire cubby in this game.

Maybe the rest of my supplies will be under the totally hidden trapdoor area that leads to the rest of my power generator. because clearly this little easily attackable greenie thing wouldn't actually cut it. This is probably just the small emergency generator.


The door itself is virtually everything-proof, and of course the motion-detecting camera also has that gun in it. So you have to ring the doorbell politely if you intend to be let inside by the occupants. In the meantime we've set out some tea and communist literature for those waiting for their evaluation. Their response to Mao's Little Red Book will be carefully measured by an expert me.

Of course, a primary fixture of the living room is our Siege Gun, in case anyone tries forcing us to open the door by holding our lobby supplies hostage.

But the living room is much more inviting when that's folded up and put away next to the arcade machine (unfortunately also not doable in-engine.) I carefully agonized over the color of the room. Because while I generally find dark and cold colors more comforting and nice to look at when I have the freedom to go outside, I knew I needed an alternative when inside was the only option and I may not experience sunlight for years on end. So I went for bright orange walls so that it would feel warm and homely, and also added the yellow corners so that the room would look brighter and more open, but the main part of the wall itself could feel a cozy amount of dark and not have to be oppressively bright. Using my extremely rudimentary knowledge of interior design theory, that's the best recipe I know to keep this space from getting too claustrophobic, which is good because I might be spending a really long time here. Of course there's also all the amenities of home, like TV, and a kitchen, and two mini-fridges that can be deactivated individually, because I might not always have the power to maintain one full-sized refrigerator.

There's also the prized bourbon and three tumblers (and three gas masks) down here, because I figure from a bedding standpoint, the maximum occupancy here would be me, someone in a fucked up enough situation to wind up on the other side of the bed, and a couch-sleeping Cystian lucky enough to find this place shortly before the apocalypse. More Cystians might be able to stay depending on who's okay using a sleeping bag or something- Or if the nature of the apocalypse means the upper part of the house is still intact. But just in case this bunker is really all we have, there's also the filing cabinet full of supplies like clothes and miscellaneous outside things.

And also the Second Peacock. (Very important.)

The surveillance cameras are all routed to the TVs on the shelves there, so that we can watch for outside movements and intruders while we watch movies and wait for news stations to come back on.

And of course, all the supplies we need if we're for some reason (lord forbid) going to go... Outside... during the Dark Times. A gas mask, a crowbar, a deagle, and the remains of a 6-pack of BANG may be all I have for the journey to Wal-Mart. I've built my survival strategy around that.

And of course all the necessary things for a kitchen. I'm not actually sure all the coffee would do me any good in the sanity department, but I am cognizant of the fact that many people will go insane without coffee. So, if I intend to survive the apocalypse with other people, it's a wise investment.

Also this fabulous still-life painting from the Dutch Golden Age, to keep us reminded of the delicious fruit that potentially awaits on the surface. And also to provide lots of detailed little things to ponder, which is important. People will have to do a lot of painting-pondering to pass the time sometimes.

There's also a nice painting next to the arcade machine. Particularly more Outside Imagery to keep stir-craziness down, but also, importantly, Naval imagery, to remind people of the nobility, courage, and adventurous nature of living on or in confinement. If such a thing were an option, it would be a framed image of a Napoleonic battle, or the deck of a mighty galleon, but no such paintings are available in House Flipper.

Of course, in addition to the auspicious imagery of my black market art collection, there's also the cultural imagery to remind us of our loyalties and heritage. History will remember Cystia by their artifacts, and they will know we stood strong against the tyrannical Cogite tribes when the dark times came.

And of course, if all else fails, there is but one image we have left to maintain or perhaps restore our sanity in a potentially challenging environment. No one could go insane looking at this. It is psychologically impossible. The door to the right of the puppy is the bathroom. I figured that was a good feng-shui move, as it may be critically important to restore one's sanity before or after using the bathroom. Long have I had emotionally devastating rage-shits when I eat too much beef chili and then remember Wibn breathes the same air that these cows, beans, and tomatoes once did.

The door to the left of the puppy leads to my bedroom, which bears the only acceptable pride flag of ahrm, 'my people'. Which I had to partially hide behind the bedframe because the game did something really fucked to the transparent png I uploaded, but otherwise it would hang much higher. Also, yes, that is the original 'Sentinel The Conqueror'. Valued at $500, it is the top 185th most valuable and coveted full-size Frazetta painting. Truly the jewel of my collection.

This is my sick Secret PC Setup, which I can use to play games with all the settings. And the Fez I wear for the totally-not-a-secret-fraternity that I'm definitely not in, that doesn't discuss pictures of dog turds and do hermetic rituals.

There's also radio and communication equipment I can use to get in contact with any cystians around the country (or, unfortunate souls they may be, the land that was once Canada) who may have survived the apocalypse, and from that point, coordinate future survival and political schemes to further the Cystian Agenda as our people rise from the ashes of this world.

Of course, at the time I built this place I was unexpectely single, but I figured that the apocalypse is definitely something to plan ahead for. So while my side of the bed has all the stuff I think I'll need at my bedside, (Including an assault rifle. Because if Wibn STILL manages to come for us in the end times, then I'm DONE FUCKING AROUND) the other side of the bed has all the stuff I think a malnourished wastelander woman might need.

Well, shit, that's kind of a weird joke to end on. How about we take a tour of the bathroom, since that's really the crown jewel of this bunker.

So this is the bathroom. It's another one of those open-shower type deals, partially because those smooth slabs of marble and these linoleum sheets made to look like tile are especially easy to clean. And it's of hyperbolic importance that the bathroom is clean and does not become gross in any way during my stay here, because, in a truly nuclear apocalypse, I will be trapped down here with it. And also it's good to have entirely waterproof surfaces lining the whole inside of the bathroom, so that people can have therapeutic steamy showers and not shorten the life of the only bathroom we might have for a long time.

Some extra medical supplies and a safe full of treasure are also kept here because, whether you're coming in from that vault entrance out in the yard, or you're coming in through the big door attached to the rest of the house, this place requires you get through the most blast doors to get to, and is effectively the final panic room if the worst should occur.

I hadn't yet fully kitted out the medicine cabinet, but it has some of the bare essentials. And an hourglass so you can time yourself to save water/brush your teeth and shit.

There's also the Toilet Corner, next to the shower, in the unfortunate case that we either run out of toilet paper or you really really fuck up using the bathroom. I may be down here for decades, and accidents happen to the best of us. Don't pretend that they never do!

Of course, the shower is extremely cool and one of my finer achievements in designing a space. I think this may be one of the places that saves my mind during long protracted periods underground.

What you see here is a waterproof vinyl replica of the Great Wave Off Kanagawa. I put it here specifically so that while I'm taking a shower early in the morning, I can pretend I'm looking out the window of some kind of futuristic ship on a stormy sea. There's also a cup so I can drink my morning drink of choice, and a bowl so I can eat Shower Fruit. An experience I dubiously recommend.

I can also turn on the shower and be like, "WE'VE BEEN HIT! MAN THE CANNONS!" making myself the alarm clock for everyone in the bunker, so nobody goes insane by losing their sense of time and place. There's no way that could have dubious effects on anybody for any reason.

As far as who I'd take with me to this place in the event of dire circumstances- I think this place would house 5 people relatively comfortably in the event of a non-nuclear apocalypse, so I will be able to pick the people I think would make the strongest team from this base.

Tim and Chris are a package deal, you can't pick one without the other. Tim's commitment to wholesomeness and friendship is critical for the morale of the Cystian cause, and Chris's raw fortitude (he's seen and been through some shit) will be critical in finding and rescuing other survivors. I think both of them have guns, so this will be helpful. I think it might also be possible to power the generators with Infinite Dew, if it comes to such a thing.

Cricket would probably be the best person for abstract logistics and stock-taking of supplies as a mostly-trained accountant and math-doer. She may or may not have access to a gun, I don't remember, but she can pierce people with misused farming tools as well as anyone, and also pierce souls with her glare, so she can still help us through a dire and violent situation. She also has a boyfriend who could also prove a helpful +1 if he stays outside in the goblin village where he fucking belongs.

Mizal's stalwart level-headedness and sense of humor in the face of the worst news will carry our sanity through the worst of it.

Endmaster has the highest streetwise stat out of all of us as a Detroit Survivor, and his knowledge might be more conducive to our safety in a decaying neighborhood than a fortified compound alone.

Dark and Malk I wouldn't bring with. Not because they didn't make the cut, but because it's critical to my plan. Most of the Cystians on the North American continent are between them, and it would be immensely valuable to the survival of our people to have two bowmen out there coordinating, reporting back to us from the downstairs communications center on the state of the outside world, and bringing together the remaining Cystians in the latitudes between when borders fall to shit. Malk's task when the apocalypse comes is critical, but also perhaps the most dangerous, as he will have to Jihad Fury-Road-Style through the accursed French Lands in order to reach the far northwest and usher Anthony to safety, to ensure the survival of CYS itself.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago


This is exactly why Sent is an obvious pick for the rebuild phase of the apocalypse.

Nobody can match his planning and detail when it comes to building safe environments. The pizza oven is in SUCH a strategic location, I thought it would just be covered by one vantage. Clearly I lack the sheer brainpower to come up with such a blueprint.

The man even changed the meta entirely by bringing to light a PRE-BUNKER phase.

I'm glad that you exist, my friend.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago

Yeah, I didn’t get any of that. I'm just going to commend it because it looks like some effort was put into it.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago

Pizza oven sniping spots.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago

Damn and I thought Ford was autistic.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago

We're all a little autistic here.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago
"She may or may not have access to a gun, I don't remember, but she can pierce people with misused farming tools as well as anyone, and also pierce souls with her glare, so she can still help us through a dire and violent situation. She also has a boyfriend who could also prove a helpful +1 if he stays outside in the goblin village where he fucking belongs."

I lost it here. The glare bit almost made me choke on my mouthguard, Sent.

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago

I can't believe I just read five thousand words of Sent talking about a fictional bunker, and didn't get bored. I also still can't believe that Sent doesn't have any storygames. He could make a whole point and click adventure out of this one house!

Honestly, if I got to live in this place, I would hope for an apocalypse!

Let's Play: Vault CYS Remastered

2 years ago
The Great Wave painting in the bathroom was what really sold me. Other than the tactically placed pizza oven, of course.

Poll: Vault CYS

2 years ago

Definitely wouldn’t pick anyone that didn't pick me. Fuck you. I don't like you either.

I hate this thread!

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Hate to necro a dead thread but this one's really cool that I have to give my opinion. 

For one I wouldn't take EndMaster, he's too mysterious and hard to get a read on, judging by his own self report that he's evil lawful in this thread too, that'd be a cause for worry if things go South. 

I quite like the idea of either Milton man or dire. I know dire is military trained so I'm assuming he can shoot a gun. I'm unsure about Milton man's capabilities in that regard but he seems so laid back that I'd feel pretty comfortable occupying space with him. He also seems pretty smart so he'd pick things up quick (presumeably). I'll go with Milton. 

I'd like mizal too I think. From what I know she can cook, hunts? Or at least has done, so can shoot, therefore she could teach me how to do both, since I'm no good in both of those things. Shed be fine to live with too, I don't feel like she'd murder me in my sleep to eat me or anything. I could rest easy. 

Third I'd probably actually pick mystic, which might seem like a weird one but, mystic is smart, so probably useless at first but I think she'd adapt quick, and I just think mystic is a nice person, so I wouldn't (once again) be in fear of being backstabbed. She's also young which is probably going be really helpful in terms of her physical fitness if we wanted to scavenge and stuff (assuming she's not obese or asthmatic, but the former would be resolved quickly anyways in a wasteland environment). 

Will11, same reasons as for mystic really, just for the overall social cohesion and cooperation among the team, which is the most important thing, once people start fighting it's done, we're all dead. 

Direryze will be my 4th, he's presumeably also on the younger side which is once again an advantage. 

There's so many to pick for last spot. Fluttershy seems pretty well out together but she's just not active enough to know her personally enough. Thara is hard to read, similar to EndMaster, and once again dead. Darius and Ben are options but I'll have to pass (sorry guys, love you both). Celcini seems way too unstable to share a vault with. Granola goth, last pick is granola goth. I've spoken to her a bit in dms, we'd get along and she's chill. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
When you say you're neither good at shooting nor hunting, do you mean you've never tried it before or you've tried once or twice without being given advice on how to do so?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Nice new name, Cosmo - lol (On my screen it cuts off the Iris under the pfp)  I believe he's British so I'm fairly certain it is the never tried it before option.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Oh yeah, that's where they do that fox hunting stuff, isn't it? I wouldn't be able to hunt if I had to terrorize animals like that either.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I've never done it. I'm from the UK like NB said. I've shot a crossbow before when I was a kid and it didn't go too well, I had my thumb where the wire was so my nail came clean off with extremely severe bruising and a smell I cant even describe. Stunk the whole house out, and I've never went hunting. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Self-correcting problem.  lol

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Lol, you probably shouldn't have been holding that crossbow without someone showing you how to. General gun safety: Treat all guns as if they're loaded. Before you start cleaning a gun, eject the clip and make sure the chamber is empty. When shooting a pistol, make sure your hands are away from the slide or anything that could potentially pinch something. Also keep your arms extended and your elbows locked. When shooting a rifle, make sure you're holding the butt firmly against your shoulder. Don't put faith in the safety on the gun; it is mechanical and it can fail. General hunting advice: Be patient. If you'd rather keep moving over patiently waiting for something to come along, be as stealthy as possible and try to mimic natural movement of wildlife. Squirrels exist to piss you off. If something like a deer looks at you, don't move, wait for it to start eating or look at something else. Bring extra ammo and an extra clip. Bring a pistol too. Wherever you go, you have to get back out, and everything looks different after dark. Aim for the heart (the area just behind the shoulder blade facing away from you; try to avoid taking any shot that could hit the guts). Know what you're shooting, before you squeeze the trigger. Squeeze the trigger, don't pull it (when people pull the trigger they usually pull the gun with it, causing you to miss the target). In case you ever get the opportunity to shoot a gun or hunt, y'know?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Well i was about 7 - 8, and my dad was watching over me, for some reason he just didnt notice my hand position. He was probably just too happy and excited to watch me shoot it that he overlooked that aspect lol

Pretty useful advice with the gun stuff, especially the squeezing the trigger and not pulling it. I didn't know that! I've never had the opportunity to shoot a real gun unfortunately, i would love too one day though.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Thanks man. I don't have military experience, but I have some survival knowledge as an Eagle Scout and some firearm knowledge. If I was put in a scenario like this, I'm not sure how I would handle it specifically; I would just hope that I'm not already dead, becoming one of the victims of the ensuing chaos.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Reviewed my answers and would like to change a little


Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Woo! I do like not dying! ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I like the theme you've got going here, but Avery and Mystic aren't going to be able to ride their motorcycles across the ocean, they'll have to found their own girl power gang. I suggest Cricket and Lux.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Oh yeah, Lux changed her name. I suggest Cricket and Iris.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Mystic and Avery could pick up Green and slap a dress on Crimson I guess.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Will could use a vault too, so maybe they could just lose the girl power theme and be your typical tea drinkers preserving knowledge of history and having knife fights.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I can rent a paddle boat. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

TCat is also an ocean away, right?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
1.) Madglee
2.) End
3.) Sabley
4.) Suranna
5.) Not sure for 5. Probably Cel if he's still around.

Why did I pick these 5? I have a lifelong dream to test my skills as a detective in a murder mystery scenario, so I grouped the people I think would have terrible, terrible chemistry in hopes of a murder

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Nah, I get along with all those people. Even Suranna now. I don't even think Mad and Sabley have ever even had any major fights with anyone on here.

I think if you were looking for a vault war situation, go with this line up:

1. Cel (Hell, you could put Cel with a lot of folks)

2. Canary (Cel doesn't like him)

3. Iris (Cel doesn't like her)

4. Darius (He naturally annoys Malk)

5. Malk (Werecappy could explode at Cel or Darius at anytime)

The only thing potentially messing up your plans is Cel just opening the vault and risking the wasteland rather than living with women, homos, and non-whites.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I wonder which the most peaceful or wholesome vault would be now.  People might say a full female vault but I'm not too sure. Have you ever watched big brother? But maybe idk. 

A full male vault would probably be more peaceful than a male dominated vault with a few women in it tbh. It only takes one dude to be a weirdo

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

If we're going for peaceful, wholesome vault, then MHD and Will11 are a must have. Not sure who to give the other 3 spaces to. Thoughts?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

If we can count dead members, AestheticLlama was about as wholesome as they come. Cricket's not a bad pick

Sherb for sure

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

AL is very wholesome but since we're trying to save lives here, saving a space for a corpse seems pretty counterproductive.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Will, Sherbet, Gower, MHD, and Mystic?

Peng also seems like a safe addition to most vaults. (If it was my vault I'd probably pick Peng over Mystic, he's very lazy and chill while she could potentially be having a workaholic meltdown and writing on all the walls by the end of the first week.)

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Perfect line up. BZ is pretty wholesome too but not sure who I'd kick out to make room for him.

And yeah, Mystic's writing on the walls will quickly start encroaching on MHD's drawings, so that could cause some tension.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

You could probably pick Milton or Thomas as well.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Man I dunno, that's a lot of autism packed in a small space, even if it's scrupulously formal and polite.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
A couple of 60 point QI plays and Sherb might tear my head off, lol. It's funny how being perceived as lazy gets me a ticket into the vault.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

It takes a lot of energy to tear off someones head.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Interesting that you have tried this.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Nah, no way would I have the energy or the physical strength needed to tear someone's head off. That implies using your hands. I mean, just cutting someone's head of is way more of a struggle than it looks. The outer layer is nice and soft, but then you've got to carve your way through all that muscle, that's pretty tough. And then you get to the bone! I tell you, it is not easy to cut your way through bone. I don't know how those medieval executioners did it.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Persistence from what I hear

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Sent actually made a visual aid explaining how this would work ages ago:

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Very accurate ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Isn't that mystics best quality though? 

 You Could gaslight and manipulate her into doing more for the vault than is reasonable Muahaha 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Very little needs to be done for the vault, the vault is already set up. The most peaceful vault will be the one where everyone is able to entertain themselves quietly without any mental breakdowns or murders until it's safe to emerge.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Well in that case, I feel like BZ needs to be in the line up. He can create the most awesome board/card/campaign games to keep everybody entertained.

MHD will of course cheer everybody up with all the drawings.

Will can host competitions to keep everybody entertained.

I'm now leaning more towards keeping Mystic as the other vault dwellers will never be short of new, high quality storygames to read. So long as the vault is very well stocked with paper, MHDs walls should be safe.

Now, who to give the last space to... Gower, Sherb, Cricket, Peng, Thomas or Milton?

Also not sure why I haven't included Mizal in this line up. Mizal's pretty wholesome! Though Mizal's role in a vault would probably be "peace keeper" and I don't think we need a peace keeper in the wholesome vault.

Question is, what do we need in the wholesome vault that we don't have already? ... Who can sing?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I probably wouldn't consider mizal wholesome in the sense id consider will or mystic wholesome. Her humour can be too dark for that sometimes. I'd say youre like mizal in that regard. Good people but not bleeding with an aura of innocence. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I sing, but should not be allowed in the vault

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Berka's not really around much anymore unfortunately.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
He's definitely building an apocalypse bunker in Tennessee right now though, he'll be fine.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Gower and Will would be necessary in any vault where we care about the preservation of history. So it's a good thing there's one on both sides of the ocean.

Malk could do a lot in that direction too, but I think he couldn't resist running off to start a gang of raiders and would be killed prematurely.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I like to think that my inclusion in a vault would be greatly grumbled about until the day comes that some wall, carved with Anglo-Saxon runes and Latin whatnot, is discovered, and (hear me out) it says something crucial to the recovery of civilization and culture.  I'm struggling to think what it might be.  I assume some sort of incantation or formula.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

It would be cool if we did a massive cystian vote on who we think is what one day. I. E.  Who is the most innocent? who is the most autistic. Who seems the most likely to get murdered. Who seems nost likely to murder someone. Who seems most likely to be homeless one day or become a crackhead, etc. Would love to see the results of something like that (not with that question set specifically, but you get the point). 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I mean Ben's going to win all those you mentioned other than most innocent.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I feel like hed be up there on most easily manipulated for some reason.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Depends on the leader.

He'd probably listen to me for example.

Which would be good if I was collecting a raider group since he's definitely dark enough to travel down a ruthless path.

But of course I would never do such a thing.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

We could do a CYS award ceremony! ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

And the award for most retarded goes to...

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
So yearbook superlatives for CYS?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Yes, this. No idea how I forgot the Darius/Malk dynamics

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
The dislike goes both ways, though, I could coexist with him as long as I can pretty much ignore his existence. Otherwise, I'd prefer convincing him the wasteland is a better option.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I'm always around. Just not as active.

I (obviously) adore End, had few interactions with Madglee, like Sabley, don't know much about Suranna, and don't hate you as much as I should given your heritage.

End's suggestion is a lot more like it. Imagine having to live with a homo, a tranny, and DARIUS.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Get out of your wheelchair more often, faggot, and get active!

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Just because you can't imagine anything doesn't mean it's okay to make others do the work for you. What did Gryphon even do to you anyway?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I keep forgetting you're sorta white

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

The more Cel talks, the more the internalized homophobia flows out of his frothing mouth. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Since it's already necroed, might as well.
1. First, I would probably take Fluttershy. Now I know this may be controversial, but going off of my knowledge of bronies it's about a 50-50 chance that they're a jacked 6'2 dude. My reasoning to believe she's the 6'2 dude though, is the fact she enjoys Tolkien and the Elder Scrolls along with being a Bronie. They probably would have died in high school if they didn't have something going for them.
2. Then I would probably take EndMaster, as we would need some sort of Archivist to document findings, events, etc. And he used to live in Detroit right? That speaks for itself.
3. Ford can code right? So I think I would take Ford just incase we need to fix any sort of computers or create programs or something like that.
4. Then I would take Milton. Just seems like an overall chill dude, and he's American so he can probably shoot.
5. Lastly, I think Suranna. Someone needs to taste the red berries, and it's not gonna be me.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Well.. End master would probably kill the 6'2 jacked guy if he wasn't super subservient to him. You also probably wouldn't stay jacked for very long in a post apcolyptic fallout world, trust me I know (and I'm not even body builder jacked more so somewhat athletic looking) . It's hard to hit my necessary protein intake even in a completely normal world. If anything assuming the fall out lasted hundreds of years humans would get shorter due to how being taller and bigger necessitates higher calories. They call it the isolated island phenomenon or something. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Well it is a bronie, so I'm not sure how aggressive it would be. And even if they don't keep their weight they'll still be strong. Also, Abby Anderson did it somehow, so why not in this scenario?

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Welcome back to Crimson's humble brag of the day! Previously on Crimson's humble brag of the day... "At one of my old jobs there was a girl that had a crush on me, that got exposed, she was 16 and it's like bruh."

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I'll try and find another for tomorrow. I'll have to stop using myself as an example for these things lol forgive me, truly

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Why do people always think there will be a shortage of resources post most of the world dying off? There are billions of people that suddenly don't exist anymore, the handful left who happened to be spread out past the fringes of whatever destruction there was wouldn't have any reason to fight over territory or taking their stuff.

Even now the only shortages are caused by the way the distribution works, the US just casually throws away 40% of the food it produces.

And in this scenario, anyone who can afford a vault can presumably afford a trip to Walmart to stock it.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Yeah, you bring up a good point with the supply chain issue. In a post apocalyptic world though there would be no restocking of the store shelves and most of that food out side for tinned stuff will exprie after a few months. So unless you predicted it happening and bought a shelter alread fully stocked up, eventually after a few years (max) the stores will have been fully emptied of all tinned stuff and they won't be getting restocked due to said supply issues. I guess the big question is how would the nuclear fallout affect wildlife and vegetation? Since if you raided a store and your seeds don't even fuckin work now you're fucked, and the food chain would be too. You're definitely right though that it just depends where you are when the blast hits  that will decide your fate, unless it's like a worldwide fall out. In our scenario where it's only five years though it's fine. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
After a few years of eating only canned food, you'll want some fresh juicy berries too. Presumably not filled with cyanide.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Good thing I already know what the safe ones look like because I pick them every year.

Suranna can try the mushrooms though.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Nah the mushrooms are mine.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
It's not about being jacked. There's just a huge gap in physical ability when you just look at balance, coordination, explosiveness and strength between those who stayed active from childhood and those who eventually became a couch potato, nevermind the muscle size.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
He can probably fight too, surviving middle and highschool as a bronie and a fantasy nerd. And he seems like he works out and stuff. And size definitely matters, coming from a trained fighter.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Yeah let's not glaze the brony too much man

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I might need a favor later.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

You probably already know this if you're a trained fighter but it's always fun to add nuance and to also maybe give some knowledge to other cystians on this. Weight matters a great deal in a fight since with weight also generally comes strength. That's why weight classes exist. At the same time though some people can have freaky strength relative to their Weight. If you're a 150lb male but have remarkable relative strength (say being able to bench over 220lb) you can be pretty confident fighting most men who might even outweigh you by 40lb, especially if they're untrained, since you're strong enough to control their weight, and the average 200lb man can't bench anywhere to his own bodyweight, and only like half can bench more than 135lb (supposedly).

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
To add on also, people who weigh more, mostly fatter people, can take a lot of punches, to the head or body or whatever. While they do hit slower they only need to land one good hit just from the momentum of their heavy arms. So they don't really even have to be jacked or even strong, they just have to get lucky and grab you or hit you once. So even if the supposed 6'2 jacked guy was just really fat, he still has a decent chance against most people.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Yeah, assuming both men are sedentary, but one weighs 200lb (the average fat American man) and the other is a 120lb rake I'd definitely put my money on the fat one. 

A perfect example to how much weight matters is Mike Tyson. He's the same height as Ryan Garcia, but a young Mike Tyson would obviously send him to the shadow realm. Mike Tyson weighed way more because he was way more muscular, which allowed him to fight men like 5 - 6 inches taller than him (the best tall guys too) and knock them out.  Ryan Garcia would obviously not last 10 seconds if you made him fight a heavy weight, just doesn't have enough muscle 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Good job using examples that aren't you. I can tell it took some effort 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Lol, you're sinister smh

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

The original point of this comment was to lock you from being able to fix the typos, but I was too slow

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Yeah, I'd much rather have a guy or girl with great relative strength  on my team as opposed to one with great absolute force production, but poorer relative strength, just more well rounded. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago


Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Never responded to this, so this is my take. The three obvious choices are Endmaster, mizal, and Enter. Endmaster and mizal are from Detriot and Texas respectufully, so the gun skill alone is a no brainer. Enter is a doctor, so come on that's obvious. Plus, mizal strikes me as decent at adulting and having the random knowledge you'd need in this senerio, and I'm sure End does too. For the last two spots, well I just need to pick two Cystians that won't murder me on sight (otherwise I'd pick Ford), so I think I'd pick Darius and Mystic since they're both generally pleasent and Darius is Dutch, so maybe he has some hidden Dutch skills I don't know about E: Really surpised Sherb is the only other person who said Enter. I don't know if he was around when this thread was created, but he actually seems like the most useful Cystian here.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Most probably are taking location into consideration for this little scenario. Enter's way over in the Netherlands so despite having medical skills, the American members won't have access to him.

Of course everyone is also free to just magically teleport whoever they want in this vault.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Darius is also a medical student, but yeah, I think a lot are discounting anyone who would have to swim the ocean before the vault door closes.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

If that's the case I can basically only pick Avery of the active users it seems. Not that I'm complaining, Avery is very personable and bubbly, at least I'd have fun company. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Yey! Go team Bri'ain! ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Iirc Will, Goodnight_a and Green (if she's still around) are all in the UK too, so at least we'll have a full vault. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Woo! ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Cat2002116 is also from Britannia.

Also Thomas.

Actually everyone in the Brit group are fairly peaceful, if anything the one you'd have to keep an eye on is Avery.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Lol true, but at the same time she does like healing neglected, distressed or hurt animals so I have faith in her goodness. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Her goodness might not be in question, but given the high mortality rate of all those animals under her care there may be a jinxed perk in play.

Good luck!

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Oh Crimson, you're looking a bit peaky... I think its time for the leeches! ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I think we'll be fine so long as none of those damn Frenchies try to get in!

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I wouldn't pick me. I bet the wasteland is more fun than the vault if you survive the first blast anyway

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

You're gonna get irradiated to shit. I know you're dutch, so already kind of a mutant, but surely you're not radioactive.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Tell that to my posse of three titted beauties

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
I mean yeah, that's actually the tradeoff. Both of you have medical knowledge, but you'd be a much better option for rebuilding the wasteland. While Darius as an introvert with all these quiet nerd hobbies, and as a physically weak Asian male who can be easily cowed into submission in any group dispute is the clear choice for the vault.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
The thing is Darius' knowledge is based on diagnosing what kind of retard someone could be based on phrenology whereas I am specced into surgery and anesthesia.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

And that knowledge of mine is perfectly suited for bunker life :), I can also calculate the likelihood for Suranna's mom to be as braindead as Suranna.

Enter will just perform hip surgeries without anesthetics like a champ. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Why are you screaming? I am bringing your body into its next stage of evolution

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Damn. You label one dutchman as a gay merman as he hates you for life. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Darius sounds very endearing from this description of him. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
This looks fun. I’d pick:

1: End because his stories would keep everyone entertained, he’s funny and I’m pretty sure he’d help keep us all on edge and on peak alertness / paranoia.

2: Mizal because I think she’d be a good team leader and organizer. Plus, she’s from Texas so she’d probably do well in an apocalypse.

3: Ogre because he’s pretty much me but bigger and greener.

4: Avery / Briar because she’s always come across as a funny and nice person.

5: Thara, for End.

Other choices I’d have in mind are Crimson (nice guy), Gower (smart guy), Malk (funny guy), Sent (very funny guy) and MHD (because I think she could create drawings of the apocalypse and turn them into a story).

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Awhh! See, this is why you're guaranteed a space in the wholesome vault. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Also just realised... Will11... Orgre11... Are you guys related? 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Funnily enough no :D We're just two guys who joined at roughly the same time with roughly the same names and both write similarly large amounts of stories...

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
And we totally NOT the same person

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

And you both joined when you were 11.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
This sounds correct

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 11/1/2024 1:19:09 PM

You all keep putting me in your wholesome vaults, but as soon as I’m out of here. . .


Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Mad Maxine: Gory Road ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

You have such a unique style that it's refreshing to see. It reminds me a bit of old 2D Disney days with the types of expressions you can do, I don't know why

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I hate these popularity contest threads. Which is why I didn't and won't make a gay list.

Also, you faggots that necro threads should be shot off into space without a space helmet.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

I would invite TharaApples to my vault because she's probably the only CYStian who could create fruit via witchcraft

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Hmm, j get what you're saying but I think everyone here seems to add their own flair and have their own place in the community which makes the place more lively and dynamic. It's good to have both a mix of wholesome personalities and more edgy or dark ones even if I didn't include the More edgy ones in my vault. I enjoy them and their dynamic on the site all the same, you too! It'd be pretty boring if everyone was the same personality archetype. 

But, wholesome that you refuse to compare people in this manner. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

The fact that she doesn't want to choose between all her lovely friends is extremely wholesome indeed.

Booting Sherb out of the wholesome vault to make room for Thara. ^_^

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
If you do make a gay list, Crimson wants to be your #1 orbiter.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Wtf does that mean lol

Edit: I googled it, you'd never see me succumbing to such high levels of faggotry. Only for you Mizal, only for you. 

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

Christ I didnt even realize I bothered with a list let alone some of the choices I picked. Need to redo this shit.

New set up and fuck locations along with vaultie shit. Building a raider gang.






All of them based on their personalities here would be willing to do the ruthless things that need doing with minimal effort and they'd all stay together well enough that they wouldn't kill each other during the downtime.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
So much engine-grilled dog meat

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
If you post your Halloween picture here, I'll rule that you're granted access to EVERY vault, via the nightmares of the hapless residents.

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago
As much as I love doxing myself, I think CYStians shall remain clown-nightmare free

Poll: Vault CYS

4 months ago

1. YourArmyCompanion

2. DyingoftheLight

3. The_One

4. DemonsAreBetter

5. NotJor

I have sealed the vault. The world is now saved from the apocalypse. See you all once I'm done.