The Results
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the results of The Brainrot Thread Awards. In total, 28 people (some of them seem to have been non-Cystians, suspiciously enough!) have given their time, thoughts, and opinions. Without further ado, let’s look at some of the results!
Q: You see this dog, what do you do?

1. That is a cat (12 votes)
2. Adopt it and take it home (6 votes)
2. Try to reunite it with its owner (6 votes)
3. Leave it there (4 votes)
From the looks of it, the majority of Cystians are able to identify that that dog is, in fact, a cat- and therefore is independent and strong and don’t need no help. Nonetheless, it’s heartwarming that those who voted otherwise are for the most part willing to aid this magnificent creature in some way. I would never disclose the usernames of the individuals who voted to abandon this animal, not even if their usernames were AlienRun, PerforatedPenguin, Daji, and some random who was wearing Ford’s face as a mask.
Now, moving on…
Q: If Sherbet hypothetically were smoking meat for a large-ish gathering of people in the near future, what would be the best meat to smoke and bring?
1. Brisket (13 votes)
2. Pork Shoulder (5 votes)
2. Pork Ribs (5 votes)
2. Beef Ribs (5 votes)
A lot of ties went down on this voting form, I must say, including an unheard of triple tie right here on this question! From the looks of it, I’m going to be smoking up a brisket soon, hypothetically. For a while, beef ribs were REALLY lagging behind on this one while pork shoulder and pork ribs were tied for the second place spot throughout the entire journey. I was so ready to have a long lecture about how good smoked beef ribs are and that they should have AT LEAST tied with the pork ribs, but now I can’t. Anyway, I’m not hypothetically upset about working with the King of BBQ.
I think with that, it’s about time we went ahead and crowned one of the award winners for this beautiful ceremony where there is absolutely no vomit. It’s time to crown the winner of… the Most Confused Poster Award!
Could it be benholman44, who doesn’t know a riffle from a rifle or a pistal from a pistol?
Could it be AlienRun, the local ellipses-loving beachball (who called this gorgeous ceremony low-brow, btw, can we beat this guy with some champagne bottles or something?)
Or, could the most confused poster be mrcrimsonclean, a NON-THREADED VIEW USER?!
All three of these men(?) have a serious claim to the award, but only one can emerge victorious, and that one is…
mrcrimsonclean, with a massive 46.4% of the vote! He has received 13 of the 28 total votes, with AlienRun and benholman44 scooping up 8 and 7 votes, respectively.
As the first ever winner of this award, I think it’s only right to invite @mrcrimsonclean to give a speech on the matter, detailing his journey to get to this point. However, given the context of the award, he may get lost on his way to the stage.
Now with that, let’s see the results of some more questions!
Q: You see these for sale at your local WalMart. How many boxes do you buy?

1. 7 or more boxes (13 votes)
2. 0 boxes (5 votes)
2. 1-3 boxes (5 votes)
3. 4-6 boxes (1 vote)
An easy victory for all of my Triassic Triops lovers out there, and perhaps a win for enthusiasts of ancient creatures everywhere. Those little shrimp-lookin’ guys may only live for 20-90 days, but with this win, they will live forever in the hearts of all Cystians, figuratively.
Of course, you have to respect that some people want a few less Triassic Triops in their home, and that’s okay! It’s okay to have just one, or two, or three boxes of Triassic Triops, not everyone can handle seven! Heck, even if you buy none, that’s fine! But frankly, I’d like to single out the one and only person who voted to buy 4-6 boxes of Triassic Triops. Not because you did anything wrong, but because you are a minority, @PerforatedPenguin
Q: Gun to your head, you have to choose between two tasks.
1. Write one storygame (23 votes)
2. Watch every Marvel movie in one sitting (9 votes)
Now, these results had me relieved, for obvious reasons- but you may be wondering, ‘Sir Sherbet Ington, Master of the Awards Ceremony, that amount of votes does not add up to 28!’ And you would be right- there were more votes on this question than people who filled out the voting form. This is because this question actually had the option to select BOTH options at once, an oversight on my part, but I guess it worked out for the freaks who want to watch Eternals or something while writing their storygame.
So about half of the votes for the Marvel movies option actually came from people who also chose to write one storygame. Crisis averted, there are NOT nine Cystians who would rather watch every Marvel movie in one sitting! And as much as I want to shame the people who did only choose that option, it would be wrong, so instead I will just go ahead and ask for the opinions of ISentinelPenguinI, AlienRun, that same guy from earlier wearing Ford’s face as a mask, Smelvbert, and Avery_Moore on the matter.
Q: What does the giant brainrot thread mean to YOU, personally?
Now, I will share a carefully selected list of only the finest responses to this inquiry. I will not be including the gay CYS fanfiction that was submitted courtesy of who I assume was Ford before the whole face-stealing thing. I will also not be including the description of Ford’s penis that was submitted.
‘There is nothing wrong with posting in the forums. The fact that this thread in particular has been elevated above better, or at least more useful, threads is nothing short of a pure, condensed representation of the sickness at the core of the internet. What has been done here should weigh heavily on the souls of those who brought it so far. Kek.’
‘A fascinating example of a disease-riddled thread which has attempted to go die in a gutter several times, only for another post to shock it back into a reanimated, shambling husk of life, each reanimation downgrading the thread's content to a deeper level of 'garbled brain mush'. Oh, and entertainment, obviously.’
‘Shameless public displays of homophobic lesbianism from Ravenic and Alienrun. Thankfully, it's taken a more wholesome and forum-appropriate tone with all the Ogre appreciation going on lately.’
‘It means a lot of things all at once...but personally its the result of bored CYS members playing getting off to innuendos directed towards Ravenic followed by Ravenic feeding into that desire which causes and infinite downward spiral with the only extra step being CYS members reposting the same joke over and over again and thinking its funny because they codified it as a meme in their head. In other words...its really stupid...but without a cohesive narrative to tie it all together that doesn't revolve around Ravenic being all got stale pretty quickly. Though I suppose things could be the existence of such a thread convinced me not to make my own...which I'm worried that Cystia isn't prepared for. It also made me realize that the forums while everyone else runs the stories. So I guess my final answer is that it doesn't really mean anything...I think people are looking for a meaning simply because they want there to be a meaning...but one honest look would tell you otherwise. So I guess I could reply with a counter question of my own...what does Ravenic being gay/lesbian/a home mean to YOU personally?! :O’
‘Nothing, I haven't read more than like 4 posts of it. I'm just answering these questions at random.’
‘The sheer number of posts is frying my computer, yet I still continue to click on it.’
‘A bullying monstrosity.’
‘Please Almighty God strike me down so that my soul may be free’
‘Site activity and a good fuckin show.’
‘A place for normal person activities.’
‘I love you’
‘Proof that humans can adapt to any level of cringe.’
So many beautiful responses. Clearly, this thread has a deep meaning to all of us. It’s a place where we can come together and hurt our eyes and our computers. And be gay, I guess? The OP does state that this is an anti-homo thread, but it seems we’ve evolved past that.
It’s about time we gave out another award, don’t you think? This time around, we’ll be figuring out which post in this thread is the best one- it’s the Best Post of the Thread Award!
We had a lot of strong contenders for this one. Mizal’s master art piece, Daji’s elegant recap of a Ravenic post, a Ravenic post, TCat’s hatred of gay people- not to mention a fantastic Sent post and an entry involving bananas, fried chicken, and chimps, coming from potential dark horse Wildblue.
All more than deserving of the award, but only one can emerge victorious- and that one is…

The post of
Every option got at least a couple of votes, with Mizal’s art leading the charge for the majority of the voting period, before a few consecutive bouts of appreciation for the entries of Sentinel and Wildblue (the latter of which was just a single vote away from tying for the victory!) changed the tide.
I’d like to take this time to praise everyone involved for being funny- the posts of Mizal, TypewriterCat, Wildblue, Daji, Ravenic- all fantastic efforts. And this vote serves as a reminder that when it comes to being funny, Sent is, perhaps, the king. I’d like to invite him to give a speech on the matter if he isn’t too hungover.
Now, back to the results of the questions!

Yes (16 votes)
No (12 votes)
I’m actually not sure how that picture ended up in the voting form, I certainly didn’t put it in there. Regardless, the people of Cystia have spoken, and while a good amount of responses seem to indicate that they would prefer not to krill themselves- perhaps some voters just had too much on their plates after purchasing so many Triassic Triops- most people are open to the idea!
Q: ISentinelPenguinI, in a Diet-Pepsi-drunken state, breaks into your house with a giant bucket of deep fried goblin legs and begins messily eating them while sitting on your couch and screaming racial slurs that you've never even heard of at your TV. He's getting crumbs of breading and green skin all over the place. More of the food is going onto the floor than into his mouth. It's awful. Do you record the incident and post it to the CYS forums?
Yes (18 votes)
No (10 votes)
I would have to agree with the majority of Cystians here, it only seems fair to record and post the incident to the forums. I mean, think about it- you’re probably going to have to deep-shampoo the carpet, not to mention your couch, and even if you do there’s a good chance that the indescribable fried-goblin stench will linger for years to come. It’s similar to surströmming, in that way. If you’re going to go through all of that, not to mention having to deal with getting Sentinel Penguin to go to sleep after he finishes his meal, then don’t you at LEAST deserve the one commendation that would come along with posting the evidence? I really don’t get why you’d vote no here, are you scared of hurting Sent’s reputation? Because frankly we all already know that he does this on a regular basis.
Q: This jar contains 30 slices of pickle, one of which is laced with a magic spell that will turn you gay INSTANTLY. You have no way of determining which pickle is laced until you eat it. For every pickle you eat, you get $5000. How many of the pickles are you eating?
…now, the responses to this question tended to lean all the way in one direction or the other. Most people would prefer to just eat either zero or thirty pickles, and frankly, I understand. All or nothing makes sense- you either take your money and accept being gay, or you decide it’s not worth the risk, your straight life is too good to pass up. However, I think the problem here is that you people just don’t know what the optimal amount of pickles to eat is, so luckily, ChatGPT went ahead and filled out the voting form alongside you guys, and calculated the absolute perfect number of pickles to eat to maximize profit and minimize risk! Amazing!
And the verdict is, the best number of pickles to eat is… 1?!
I can’t believe people are so scared of these AI stealing our jobs and whatnot. Whatever, I’ll just share some of the interesting responses now.
‘30, obviously?? I'm not going to pass up a free 150,000$.’
‘None. Bollocks to that. Don't care about turning gay. Pickles are fucking gross. (Also, the best post in the thread is EndMaster's glorious bible manga of God's righteous massacre of the faggots.)’
‘ford is gay’
‘all of them. im already fruity.’
‘All 30. Whatever.’
‘Zero. There is no pickle that I am willing to risk reenacting Sodom for.’
‘I'm not Ravenic so all of them instantly without hesitation. I'll be gay and rich and not compelled to report either of these things to the IRS.’
‘None. I don't like pickles ;~)’
‘all 30, becoming gay is the motivation, the prize.’
‘It would be 1 but I'm very homophobic so probably 0. Unless I find some way to cheat/bypass the system and eat like 16% of it so I get $800 instead and only risk being 16% gay which I could probably live with well enough…’
No matter how many pickles you choose to eat, though, it’s important to remember that ChatGPT is so full of garbage oh my god I hate it so much how could you only choose to eat one pickle?? I can respect the people who hilariously pass up 150K because they don’t like pickles, but this AI stuff has just gone too far now. They’re telling you to only take ONE PICKLE! To take 1/30th of the prize sitting at your feet! Imagine what other poison these bots are feeding you. They want you to be weak and poor and alone. Stay vigilant. Trust no one.
…and finally, this is it. We come to the finale, the final award, and this is a big one, ladies and gentlemen. It’s the MVP of the Thread Award.
This is perhaps bigger than any Grammy, any Oscar, any Nobel, any award that has ever been given out. The voting process was an all-out war- almost every candidate was in the lead at some point. But who won, you may ask? Could it have been the highly appreciated Ogre11? Ravenic, who started this massive brainrot thread to begin with? The pillar of community that is Mizal? Perhaps the winner was Ford, who brought about some of the funniest bants in the whole thread??
As always so many great candidates, but there can be only one winner, and that winner is…
Now, whether you like her or dislike her, love her or hate her, the case that Ravenic is the most valuable factor in the longevity of this thread is a strong one. Not only did she start it, but she’s posted in it about four bazillion million thousand times, often replying to just about everything that doesn’t involve Thunderdome entries. Beating out the likes of Ford and Ogre11, who tied for second place, Ravenic takes the title of the thread MVP with 35.7% of the vote!
Though this award is NOT a voucher to get out of the shame pit. You still need to write your contest entry, n00b.
I’d like to invite @Ravenic_Virtue to go ahead and give a speech, alongside her fellow award winners. And thank you all, my fellow Cystians, for attending this awards ceremony.
To your left you can find the buffet, with towers of canned fish, hotdish, and some goblin jerky for Sent, because he eats that.