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End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

                       END MASTER’S PROMPT CONTEST 3


Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) April 1st, 2024

Reward: Both barrels if you fuck up.

It’s another new year and another contest for all of you to fail spectacularly at. The last prompt contest we had was pretty fucking miserable with a lot of you getting SHAMED even with 3 extensions. This is on top of those that managed to get double, triple, sent to Detroit or outright banned.

But enough about your past failures, time to focus on your future ones.

Now you may see that the deadline is quite a long time off, which means you figure you’ll have tons of time to slack off and then not turn in anything at the last second. Well, you can still do that and who knows, maybe there will be an extension again. 

However, to prevent last minute slap and dash half assed stories when there really shouldn’t be given the generous amount of time you have, I’ll be a little more specific on what I’m looking for so it’s a simple enough task even for you.

My shortest story is around 9000 words. 31 separate pages with 30 choices. Each path goes 4 pages deep. This is a length 3 size story, it was written in a few days and it still has a respectable rating despite being over a decade old.

I’m pointing this out, because THIS is what I’m going to compare it to as far as the minimum quality level is concerned.

So if you ARE going to wait until the last minute (or just want to write something short) it is entirely possible to make something good that doesn’t need to be long. Now obviously you don’t need to match this exactly, but what I don’t want to see is twenty pages each with one fucking choice especially since about the only one who can usually pull that off successfully is fucking Ninja and last I checked none of you fuckers were in second place around here. (Let alone first)

Now on the other end of the spectrum and if you’re ambitious enough to spend your time wisely to use the entire two months you have, there are plenty examples of stories under 100,000 words that still have a sufficient amount of pages and branching. (I won’t point out more of mine for that would be too vulgar a display of power)

This is a CYS contest not an IFaggot Thing run by fucktard Mormons where you win the top spot by writing some linear bullshit that’s going on about exploring your fee fees due to your confused gender because your uncle bad touched you as a child. 

This also isn’t perpetually unfinished CoG faggotry where you focus on 100 types of furry chicks with dicks just to cater to every degenerate’s tastes instead of actually focusing on something like plot, story, good writing, etc.

If I see a lack of effort, you’re getting SHAMED with the rest of the losers who didn’t turn in shit. 

Quality folks. If you can’t produce it then don’t even bother fucking entering.

Speaking of losers this is a chance for you lot in the triple SHAMED level to participate. Here’s your shot at redemption and it’s more than you deserve, you scum.

In any case, if you’re joining the contest pick a prompt from the list below. When you’re done writing your story be sure to post a link to it in this thread.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to change as needed.

Good luck and surprise me with competence for a change. (Like most of you did for the first prompt contest)

1) A story surrounding a violent championship sporting event. WizzyCat DONE

2) A story involving a peaceful day in the park. StoryTurtle DONE

3) A story starting with the discovery of the entrance to a hidden secret room. DireRyse DONE

4) A story involving a dangerous hunting competition. This can be any setting. EbonVasilis SHAME

5) A story about a society on the verge of a Golden Age experiencing a cataclysmic disaster. Darius_Conwright DONE

6) A story involving inheriting something valuable from a dead relative. MrAce321 SHAME

7) A story involving dinosaurs. Alienrun SHAME

8) A story about an underwater adventure. snowfall SHAME

9) A story set in a lunatic asylum. AssessYourAsses SHAME

10) A story where the protagonist has a dangerous addiction or obsession that drives the plot. TheChef SHAME

11) A story about building a harem. Kezmark DONE

12) A story about returning to your childhood home and stumbling across a terrible secret. elad771 SHAME

13) A story about a band of mercenaries. corgi213 DONE

14) A story written in the epistolary style (Told through journal entries or letters). fresh_out_the_oven SHAME

15) A story heavily driven by a love/hate relationship with the antagonist. Suranna SHAME

16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead. Ford SHAME

17) A story about naval warfare. mazdark SHAME

18) A story involving a floating city. MadHattersDaughter DONE

19) A story involving trying to survive some sort of disaster while also protecting/saving at least one loved one. (This can be any type of setting) AllMight SHAME

20) A story about rebuilding after a war. Mizal DONE

21) A story about a pacifist protagonist. TheCanary SHAME

22) A story involving a war with giants (Can even be a war with giants fighting each other) enterpride DONE

23) A story about being a slave trader. Petros DONE

24) A story involving a major festival within the fairy world. granolagoth SHAME

25) A story involving playing as a bigoted superhero. prithvish SHAME

26) A story revolving around carrying out a terrorist attack (Yes, you can even do a mundane school shooting). benholman44 DONE

27) A story involving playing as any historical figure. (Up to you on how close you want to stick to their life) MiltonManThing DISQUALIFIED

28) A story based around carrying out genocide. Setting doesn’t matter. Mystery Contestant (Malk) DONE

29) A story involving court intrigue while attempting to seduce one (or more!) of your relatives. 4Sunny4 SHAME

30) A story about becoming a famous musician. Can be any type of music or setting. sunshineboi SHAME

31) A story where you are the survivor of a failed dungeon expedition. TypewriterCat SHAME

32) A story about a siege. This can be from the attackers or defenders (or both) point of view. frank2 SHAME

33) A story set on a planet with a harsh environment (Ice world, barren desert, toxic air, etc). DerPrussen SHAME

34) A story where you travel back in time to set wrong what once went right. DBNB SHAME

35) A story involving a literal retarded protagonist. BalthusGreene SHAME

36) A story where you’re the last of your kind (Doesn’t need to be human). Yummyfood SHAME

37) A story about being a cartographer hired to map out an unexplored area (Can be any setting). Lux_Inferni SHAME

38) A story about being a collector of exotic very rare or unique things. (Of any kind) SableFancy111 SHAME

39) A story about being the leader of a post apocalyptic gang SpartacustheGreat SHAME

40) A story involving a space station. AwritingHobo SHAME

41) A story about making a deal with a demon/devil. PerforatedPenguin DONE

42) A story set in an area ravaged by a plague or famine. goodnight_a DONE

43) A story involving body horror. Sherbet DONE

44) A story set in a town getting ready to make its yearly sacrifice. GeniusPancake DONE

45) A story involving an underground society. CoolGuy69 SHAME

46) A story about a homemaker protagonist while their significant other leaves for battle for extended periods of time (Soldier, raider, merc, etc) Wildblue SHAME

47) A story about founding a new religion. Cats_R_Us SHAME

48) A story about redemption of past misdeeds. (And as if it needs to be said, you can’t redeem a pedo) Bezro DISQUALIFED

49) A story involving a war between two galactic super powers fighting over planet Earth. (Humans are the “primitives” caught in the middle) CaptainFalcon SHAME

50) A story involving a retired villain. (Not looking for redemption, just trying to enjoy retirement or at least semi-retirement) CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond) SHAME

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take any prompt 41 for 250 points.

2024 will be my year.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Locked in.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take 23

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Locked (Not that it matters)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'm in, prompt 43.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Locked in

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Number 31 for me, please.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


I know you'll do well.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Ok, I'm in for 34.

34) A story where you travel back in time to set wrong what once went right.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Prompt 10, please.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Prompt 21 please

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take #33

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I have now read the OP and would like to change my pick to 16

for 500

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Locked (again)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

15 for 200 points. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'm full of bad and impulsive decisions... Prompt 37, please!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take 30.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take prompt 5

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Wait, do we bet on points?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Some people certainly do seem to believe this is the case.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
This made me realize that End forgot to append "and everyone is heterosexual, capable of doing a push up, and doesn't wear clogs" to the end of that prompt, but it's definitely meant to be there.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I feel like Darius MIGHT be able to accomplish those last two, but the first one is going to always be an impossibility for him.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll add all three just out of spite

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Sister attraction shouldn't count as straight in my opinion

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Just wanted to thank you. This comment is what inspired me to write the first part of my story. My original plan was 'tortured emo wants to slaughter the high school' until you gave me the idea to add brother-sister relations. Then I was thinking redneck till I finally settled on inbred blue blood.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Could I have prompt 24 please?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
No mystery box this year?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Yeah I don't feel like coming up with something, having to talk to someone secretly in a PM and then having to remember what the hell I assigned in the first place.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
46 is a bit ununusual, I'm interested.

Why do I keep coming back here and doing this to myself

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Number 28 has been locked in by "Mystery Contestant"

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
A Mystic-ry Contestant?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
That doesn't look like a prompt she'd pick.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Number 42, please.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
The answer to life, the universe, and everything.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Prompt 26, please 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

No.2 please!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take 36.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Locked in.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take 32


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Along with some fresh noob faces, I see some older CYStians rising from their dead slumber for this one. Wildblue, frank2 and everyone’s favorite background character from that infamous past Edgelord contest episode, benholman.

Half of the prompts taken already and its only day 2. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
The first week of a new year is the perfect time for these, everyone's resolved to write and won't slack off until the second week.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I think I am ahead of everyone else. I began slacking off yesterday.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I literally watch the Columbine basement tapes to soothe myself to sleep. This shouldn't be difficult. I do have a bad habit of writing stories and not finishing them (ADHD) but I've set myself a minimum limit of 300 words a day. That's 2100 a week. I got this. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

EDIT: Can I get some clarification before I dive in to anything actually? For Prompt 45, does underground society mean a literal underground society, or something like a resistance movement?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Prompts are usually open to interpretation, although End might be better at answering that question.

Also you're locked in.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I originally had a literal underground society in mind, but I figured someone might interpret it the other way too so either one is fine.

And locked like Mystic already said.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Both. Both is good.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I choose prompt 1

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

My ass is locked in

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
For Malk's bidet?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I didn't think he'd be willing to wager something so valuable, but I'd be happy to fight over it

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

44 if I'm allowed to sacrifice humans

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I mean that was sort of the point.

If anything I just made it more general just in case someone DIDN'T want to sacrifice humans for some weird reason.


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
The story of Cain having his cabbages rejected.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Avatar The Last Airbender My Cabbages GIF - Avatar The Last Airbender My  Cabbages Screaming - Discover & Share GIFs

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
#47 please

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

locked in, o' great prophet

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
hear our can only be loved as well as you love

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Wtf lol

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
This is why the pit will never go hungry.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take 12

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
This website seems fun, I have always loved choose your own adventure books, and read many as a kid and now it's cool to find a bunch of people that decided to make their own. Wish I'd thought to come earlier

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Commended by Ford on 1/7/2024 4:59:29 AM

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest, and that Endmaster seemed pretty serious about expecting quality output.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

LOCKED, good luck

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take nine.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Have fun.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Have you assessed any interesting asses recently?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Fuck it. I'd like to order one 22, please.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Can I get a 48 large?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Btw it's 2 months, not 3

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take a 50 for 50.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

LOCKED, good luck!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'm going to assume said villain doesn't have to be super nor does he have to be the protagonist. Might still make them one of those things, but throwing that out there to be sure.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Nah, can just be a plain old villain. Probably easier to write the story if you make him the protagonist though.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'll take a crack at 38:
38) A story about being a collector of exotic very rare or unique things. (Of any kind)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Hello, I'm choosing #17 (naval warfare), I hope I'll be able to make something readable.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Good luck!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take prompt #3!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Oh yeah, this exists

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Whoa, 38 entrants already. Is this the highest number of sign ups in history?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
The prompt contests always have a big turn out. Look at the last two, they were even more popular. It's very likely a few more will show up to join this one. Although iirc the previous one was helped along by fresh prompts being rolled out every so often.

Of course the number who actually show up with entries can vary a lot.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
From the completely unofficial records I have, the largest number of entrants was in EM's prompt contest #1, which had 50 official entrants. Second was EM's prompt contest #2, which had 49.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Even if we get just the 38 that joined to all turn in quality stories, that will still be a more successful contest than the first one which had 29 out of 50. (And definitely better than the second one which had 18 out of 49).

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
We have mutually as a community agreed never to discuss the second one.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Because it helps in the judging period and is useful for people coming across the stories later on: entrants should include the details of the prompt they picked in the game description.

Maybe this should be added to the rules, it's always fun to disqualify people who aren't paying attention on a technicality.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest and that End specified in the OP that he expects quality output this time.

The prompt you picked was "16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead.".

I know you've been really busy achievement hunting in Noita, but this might be a good weekend to think up a plot.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
thanks, I'm open to suggestions

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Commended by Darius_Conwright on 1/14/2024 11:58:22 AM

The subject line crackled like lightning across your screen: "Alive and kicking, old friend."

Your pulse echoed the jolt, each beat reverberating with a name you hadn't dared whisper in years: Amelia. Dead Amelia. Vanished Amelia, consumed by the icy depths of the Arctic five summers ago.

You clicked open the email, fingers shaking like leaves in a hurricane. The text was brief, devoid of emojis or flourishes, just stark words that punched you in the gut: "Iceland. Northern Lights. Midnight. Come alone."

Amelia's signature, a jagged mountain range scrawled with a familiar defiance, sat beneath.

The email crackled again, not on screen, but in the embers of your memory. Laughter etched in wind-chapped cheeks, shared mugs of cocoa under star-dusted skies, the whispered secrets under the aurora borealis' emerald glow. Amelia, your fearless partner in every adventure, your confidante, your soul sister.

Then, the ice. The creaking groan, the sickening lurch, the icy plunge that swallowed her whole. You'd clung to hope, trawled the frigid waters, your screams swallowed by the howling blizzard. But after weeks, the rescue teams abandoned their search, leaving you with a gnawing hollowness and a relentless echo of "what if."

Now, this. A lifeline from the abyss, or a cruel mirage spun by grief?

You reread the email, scrutinizing every pixel, searching for a hidden code, a digital ghost. Nothing. It was Amelia's voice, raw and unfiltered, pulling you towards the frozen north.

Fear battled with a desperate yearning. Could you bear the hope, only to have it shatter like ice beneath your feet? Yet, could you deny the chance, however slim, to see her alive?

Two paths forked before you, each shrouded in uncertainty.

Delete the email. Bury the embers of hope beneath the ashes of grief. Return to the carefully constructed normalcy of your life, the phantom limb of Amelia's absence a dull ache you'd learned to manage.

Pack a bag, book a flight, and face the midnight aurora in Iceland. Embrace the possibility, however terrifying, that Amelia might be waiting, a living, breathing testament against the odds.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Great first page. Very wholesome that you're helping a lost cause. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Ford isn't going to read this.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
this is cool, might go with it. all I had for initial ideas was a ghibli-esque world where a witch running a shop of some kind gets a letter from a school friend that died in some adventure post-graduation. The other idea was a more realistic setting where you recently attended the funeral of your twin sibling only to get a letter with a childhood secret code word in it and you go off to a weird culty town where people believe you're your twin who has cheated death but lost memories in the process.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
It feels so weird to be writing again.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Looking forward to mizal's masterpiece even if it's weird ٩( ᐛ )و

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
With this contest going, I hope and believe this is the year she ascends to her rightful place as the number 1 Sage.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
It is indeed ridiculous that Steve still holds the top spot after being dead for years.

I thought BZ was going to fix the problem once and for all with his vampire game, but alas.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'd like to go for Prompt #35.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Prompt no. 25 - Playing as a bigoted Hero. Thanks.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
This moment seven years in the making.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I hope you pull through. Hint: get started now

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

10 more prompts left.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Wasn't a fan of the prompts that were left when I discovered this contest like a week late, so I didn't want to join. However I think I have an idea, so count me in for 6. I'm busier than I was for the last contest I fucked up, and I actually don't know how I'll find the time to write. However, I'm going to make my new best story or submit nothing, no inbetween.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Same as with Ford, I'm just relieved it wasn't the harem.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I almost picked the court one, sounded cool but I don't write goofy enough for it and I'm not good enough to make seducing family members serious. That was my main problem with the fairy tale contest. Like all I read is sci-fi and fantasy, so I just don't know how to write in other tones, like fairy tale or comedy

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Seems like the intelligent thing to have done would have been to pick the space station prompt given that you're into scifi.

Though an even better idea would have been not joining at all if you were busy. However, it's all of your trouble and none of my own on that front.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'm starting Soon™

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest and that End specified in the OP that he expects quality output this time.

The prompt you picked was "16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead."

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Many thanks

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take 4.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
damn that's crazy

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
"bartender! ill have a #40 on the rocks." said the nervous wreck of an writer doing his darndest to seam as though there was a modicum of skill within there head, there wasn't.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Locked, good luck!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Surprised it took so long for someone to take that prompt.

(Psst. That would be "seem" and "their head".)

--your friendly neighborhood proofreader

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
seams like youn've do grate

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

The extension is nice but I think we already know who won...

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I thought petros was joking about the extension

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest and that End specified in the OP that he expects quality output this time.

The prompt you picked was "16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead."

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Just realized it would've been so much funnier if we'd told him a different prompt every week.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Only to us. There's no way he would have noticed.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Can I have 29? (I should have come earlier (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) )

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Good luck locked

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Are you sure you're old enough for that one?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Nothing the traumatizing horrors of Wattpad have not prepared me for.

Besides, who says I have to be explicit?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
number 7
I want number 7
The one with the dinosaurs
that one

Normally I'd leave the message at that but since I'm new here (first post) I might as well explain what my deal is (I've done a bit of lurking for a few months)

First seeing this place and how yall act triggered my ptsd to 10 years ago when I joined a different forum and made every mistake imaginable. (I'm 28) Ie I was very cringe. Thankfully that's behind me now.

Only concern I have/had about this contest (besides joining late) was that I'm currently in the middle of writing a much bigger novel (which I will then extend to a proper story game). But honestly there's no reason why I can't write two stories at once...seems like a good way to break off from my main project! lol :P

My main goal is to write something that feels authentic to myself...since I know I'm not going to win by going uber tryhard when I haven't developed the proper writing etiquette to pull that off properly yet (though I suppose someone will tell me to try anyways so I can see my shortcomings as clear as possible so I can learn more...whatevs tho. If I had to justify every decision I made I'd never get anything done!) (I sometimes wonder if me being math > writing as a kid is a mental block or not...I suppose it doesn't matter since mental blocks aren't actually real tho! ;) )

Look forward to flailing with yall! Godspeed/goodluck and all that! :D

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Welcome, and good luck! You don't seem like the kind of person that will annoy anyone here if you're worried about that.

It's definitely not too late to join or to get a full length story out. In the beginning we had two months, and now with the extension we still have two months. Lucky thing for all the people who haven't started yet.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

If you deliver something within the deadline, you're already better than statistically 60 percent of the participants. In such competitions there are most of the time 2 or 3 stand out works. (Being a try hard only gives you more brownie points here, so don't worry too much.)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Is this about writing a straight up story from start to finish, or a storygame with branching paths? If it's the former, I might try my hand at this. If the latter, then I'll pass this time and consider learning whatever system there is for creating storygames.

I know I'm also replying late so I apologize. I haven't been on here in a while to read.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
locked for the ensuing wave of mocking

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I genuinely don't know. I looked over the contest info and the most I could really determine was that he was going to be comparing stories to his shortest one, but he said that was about quality.

If it's a storygame, just let me know and I'll retract my potential entry. If it's a story I can write from start to end without being concerned about figuring out the storygame process this late, then I could join and give it a shot.

#8 if I can just write a complete story without choices or branching paths

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
locked in for 8, good luck.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Thank you, Ford

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Far as I know the task is to write an interactive, preferably branching story. Apparently the last time someone submitted a linear game he got laughed out of the contest.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Ford's implication is that I've been given the go ahead to write a non-interactive story. I asked and gave a condition that I'll enter if the contest is accepting linear stories. If some people feel the need to laugh at me for lacking knowledge and asking for that knowledge, then those people are weird. I feel I've been rather respectful to the contest and its contesters by asking before I picked a prompt.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


Of course we will all laugh at you because this site is an IF site.  Of course it's an interactive story. EVERY published story on this site is supposed to meet that criteria.  How can anyone not understand that???

I look forward to your entry at #8 or your more probable casting into the shame pit.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Do you not understand the idea that someone might not have that information and is therefore asking for that information? There is no reason for me to preemptively believe that a storygame site COULDN'T host a linear story event just for fun. That's why I asked before picking a prompt.

If I'm being purposefully misled into writing a linear story for this event, and then you all go "har har har it was supposed to be interactive all along!" then that's on you.

Perhaps next time people on this site should just tell others straight-up when they ask such questions instead of jerking their chain.

I already wrote up story notes for the entry and was about to draw something to go along with the story as a cover art.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

No, I don't understand that idea.  Every contest ever on this site is IF.

Nobody is saying a linear story is an acceptable contest entry.  You need to add choices and branches to your plan or you will be shamed.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Ok. If I figure out the process and make a plan to work it into my story, then I will.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
You did nothing wrong. Your only mistake was taking Ford's message as the go ahead instead of waiting for End whose contest this is to respond. His response will most likely be that it needs to be interactive though.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I assumed Ford was some sort of helper for EndMaster, seeing as I got put on the list for #8. I'm being deliberately misled but I don't care, I've already got a sick story planned and I'm gonna do my best regardless. I won't win, but I'll enjoy what I put out.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Someone publishing a story with no choices on a site that exists for choice based fiction might also be weird.

I don't laugh when these things happen though, I just sort of beat my head against the nearest wall a few minutes.

Whether or not linear fiction is possible on a case by case basis I suppose really depends on the ratings a game ends up with. I guess you may be able to pull it off if you're like ninjapitka. But he is a master of disguise.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I don't know how to write a storygame, but since I've already been dubiously locked in under false pretenses, I suppose I have to try. I've been planning the story out today so I'll try to think about how I can incorporate choices as well.

From your perspective, you already know everything on this site must be choice-based fiction, including these writing contests. From my perspective, I was not aware that it extended to the writing contests, hence why I asked.

Anyway, thank you to the individuals that have given me these warnings, I'll try my best.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
If you fail to make your game interactive, just blame it on Ford...

I'm sure everyone here will understand! ;)

(For the record, the OP post does call out people who write "linear bullshit" so I think everyone is expected to not just have like 2-4 choices but like...a decent number of them. Good luck! ;) )

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
It's alright, I've got a plan. It's probably going to be shit, as my first storygame, but I'll try regardless. I won't win, but if I get shamed for it I'm to blame.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Its my first story game too! As long as we're both shitting in the same pond, I think we'll be alright! :D

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Quick question: did you notice the name of the site? Or the URL?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
A common theme does not mean I should have known a writing event will always abide by said theme. To suggest I should have prior knowledge that this theme was enforced for all events is just using the division fallacy.

I already said I was going to do it, anyway, if you're able to read.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
You better write today at least as many words as you've farted and huffed in here.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
640 words, that's about 7% of a valid contest entry already!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

"but what I don’t want to see is twenty pages each with one fucking choice"

so I think they want branching stories

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Yeah I missed that part. It's been cleared up already, but I appreciate the assistance.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Glad to see this has all been settled. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
This is late into the contest, I suppose, and there are few prompts left, but we are nearing Valentine's Day, and I'm feeling inspired to build a harem. As such, give me 11 if it is still possible to join. Might as well start this year off with changing my lurker status, and actually giving this a go.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
So, 11:59 EST, is that AM or PM? Just so I know how long I have left.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I've been assuming PM since the deadlines are usually at midnight. But that's a good question.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Lots of lessons were learned from this. Like not being a dumb cunt, and keeping the scope of the story small when you know you're lazy and are on a time limit. Or how you can't always count on the time you have, cause you might lose 3 weeks for work.

Basic bullshit, that I should have known, and yet here we are. After giving up on it and not writing anything for over a week, content with my future place in the shame pit, I decided to "finish it". It's about 26k words, about 14k of which I wrote the past two days. So the writing is very rough as a result, it would need a lot of work and at least a second or third pass to make it decent. Although with all the content cut, I doubt it could be, as it would need at least 200k words to paint the picture in my head, maybe even more with all the extra variables and all the other garbage.

Suffice it to say that I hate it, and I'm still unsure of whether posting it or taking the shame is worse. I have to go to work though, so I can't put any more work on it, the endings especially are particularly rushed shit. I hope people get at least some enjoyment out of it, but I doubt it. Here's my master-piece-of-shit:

My objective for joining was to actually commit and finish a story, and in that I have failed, despite it technically being "finished".

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Alright 3 prompts left and still plenty of time to write a decent story on all of these.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Hello, I see you're online. You should join the contest.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Anyone that starts after me should be pre-shamed

edit: I have not started yet.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest and that End specified in the OP that he expects quality output this time.

The prompt you picked was "16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead."

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Alright, I'll take #27 please.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Doesn't surprise me too much that 49 is probably going to be picked last simply cause its both very specific and complex.

I considered it myself, but a war story is complex enough as it is...a war story where a third party is stuck in the middle though? Much more work and nuance I feel is required to pull that off in a satisfactory manner!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

The best part is that humans may not know even understand why the superpowers are warring. Maybe they don't even speak the same language. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Can I have 49 plz?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

One prompt left.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Well it seems that all the prompts have been taken.

Now we'll see who gets thrown in the SHAME pit and who produces something worthwhile for the site.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

This is your weekly reminder that you entered this contest and that End specified in the OP that he expects quality output this time.

The prompt you picked was "16) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead."

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
im disabled and will be in a wheelchair without surgery, im homeless, and life is falling apart very quickly

peace out cunts, im not finishing this fucking thing lmao

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Given the amount of bitching and whining he was doing earlier this result is hardly surprising.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

The funny thing is, the bitching and whining itself had enough of a word count that it could've been a story chapter.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Cel? @Celicni

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Yep.  Cel was literally run over by a car, and still turned in a good story.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Good thing the Pit of Shame is wheelchair accessible!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
And by "wheelchair accessible," you mean there's a pit and we can shove people into the pit even if they're in a wheelchair, right?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

lol, fag


Edit: next thing you know, Snowflake will be begging for us to give him $2000 for a new computer.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Didn’t he say he’d own slaves in that post End made a while ago? I’m getting mixed signals from this guy, honestly.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I mean if he was really in the situation described, that sure sucks for him. But prioritizing coming here to a place where he'd made only a handful of performative seeming posts and then tried to get in the discord as his only interaction, seems a little weird.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Oh no, I absolutely agree. Even trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, ‘cause I’d, you know, like to believe people wouldn’t lie about things like that… very odd. Feel like that wouldn’t ping on my to-do list, especially not coming out swinging like that!! There were about 30 different more graceful ways to handle telling everybody he’s dropping out, lol. Especially for what is supposed to be a ruthless fight to the death fun thing to do. Way to double down I guess? I was interested in seeing what he was going to put out though. :^(

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Considering he was sitting on a total of 269 words after two full months, I feel like it's safe to say he was never gonna submit a story either way.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'm sorry sir but we already have a guy in a wheelchair that nobody likes, the position is taken.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I take back what I said about shitting in the same pond as this guy...

This guy is out here going full diarrhea and I want absolutely none of it!

Of course if your being serious...I hope things get better for you...but if what you say is as dire as your making it out to be...your probably not going to read this post anyways...

(If anyone asks me why I took 6 days to reply to this...its cause I write best when I have ZERO distractions! I saw this when it was new...but didn't want the thought of a potential reply to cause my productivity to linger. The only way to keep hitting the grind consistently is to not have excuses for each day...well for me anyways lol :P)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I too am disabled and in a wheelchair and also the zionists deleted the story I was almost done with 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Month left folks, still plenty of time to do at least better than Snowflake's spectacular failure.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
And if you can't do at least that much, well I hear self immolation is all the rage these days.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Well, just had 3 weeks of no writing, since my coworker had a bit of a breakdown and I've been on double shifts. But I've started writing again today, and I'll have something by then. Might not be the longest thing, but it will be a thing at least.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I have no idea who you are. ...oh, you got the harem prompt. Well good luck lol. You've still got most of a month.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I mean yeah of course you don't. I've always just lurked on the site. Anyway, thanks I guess. Only reason I joined this contest is just to give myself a deadline and force myself to finish a story.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
that's why everybody joins

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Got about half a month left folks. If a crippled Serbian sex offender can write his very first story for a contest and almost capture first place in just 3 days of writing, you lot got no excuses.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Luckily for a lot of folks, they may have Good Friday off to start on.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

People who I’m expecting to turn something in


People who I’m less sure of but would like to see them turn something in so I don’t have to SHAME them


People who I’m neutral on if they bother or not


People who I have no idea since they’re basically noobs with either little or no prior deeds and they haven’t posted enough for me to give a shit about.


People who I don’t care at all if they turn something in, in fact I hope they don’t so I can SHAME them.


People who are already fucked



And yes, I know there’s the Mystery Contestant, but I’m not ranking that one lest it potentially give away who it may or may not be.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I do feel fairly confident in my ability to turn something in. Can't attest to its quality, but at least this time I was smart enough to create a game beforehand so that I can actually publish it after coding everything up in a day.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'd move Goodnight and Corgi up a category, but otherwise this pretty much matches my assessment.

And yes, I am going to turn something in. This is pretty much the only time I've ever been able to say that with confidence. Can't promise it won't be a shambling wreck though lol.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Where I'm at with my story: I'm at around 14k words, and I've almost written the "cannon" path. But this story is grandiose in scale, so it needs a lot more work. I could cut down the story, making it more linear and stuff. But I actually really like it, and want to finish it in its entirety. If that was all I wouldn't be struggling, but the biggest problem is while I have the big ideas down, the story isn't good. There are the big moments that I'd want to happen, but the rest of the plot I'm not happy with. A lot of details that don't make sense that I put to just move the story along. And that's without mentioning the writting quality itself, which is awful. I feel like I'd need 1000 years to make it readable and not some cringe fanfiction (it's not a fanfiction, I just mean in terms of quality.) But either way, that's where I'm at. I'm trying to finish it in it's entirety without cutting it down and at the same time trying to not cringe everytime I read something from it. This is the first thing I've worked on of this scale, which might be like 30k or so. I would just submitt it anyway and call it a day, I'm not afarid of bad stories, but I don't want to publish this story like this, because I think it has potential. Not really sure. My spring break is this upcoming week, hopefully I can get a lot done over that. Maybe I should abandon this story for this contest and write something else.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
It's "canon" btw. A cannon is a gun.

You must've really labored over this post, I was expecting fresh meme material but all you gave me to work with was cannon and a couple of typos.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
i wrote this like 20 minutes after waking up lol. It's better when I'm at my pc instead of my laptop. Though I did look up the spelling of "grandiose" lmao.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Yeah, I feel you a lot on the whole cutting down. Even the small window in to my story that was supposed to follow the events around the prompt is not going to be what I wanted, since there's just no time. Joining late and having 3 weeks of no writing cause of work, basically made me cut most of the branching and a bunch of the cast.

At this point, there's a few death endings and 2 major endings planned and the choices are also cut down a lot. I'm hoping I can finish in this state at around 30-40k words at most, otherwise it's going to be a problem, since even like this it's going to basically be a first draft, as I'm likely not going to have time to go through it even a second time.

I hope it's decent enough and finished. After that I'll maybe finish and flesh it out later after the contest, or just completely remake it around the core of what's there already. But then who knows, I'm a lazy prick, so...

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
You probably already figured this out by the time I replied to this but...

I wouldn't worry about people thinking your writing is cringe too much. I say this as someone who cringes at my own writing all the time. Point being it probably isn't as bad as you think it is. (Unless its like...deliberately bad on purpose...but that's so rare its kinda refreshing in its own unique way anyways)

Worst case scenario people are going to read your "cringe" section and just think "Oh...well that was kinda weird...whatever." and then just move on from it. They aren't going to fixate on it the way its written...because the audience doesn't know what you were thinking when you wrote the section. (Though people will fixate on what you were thinking when you wrote your whole story...but that's kinda inevitable...still I imagine that's more rare than I think it is also)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
come back to this after you read whatever ace shits out

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

So I've got about 5,500 words written. I don't know if I'm going to be able to turn in the complete story that I'm planning, but I should be able to turn in a short 9,000-10,000 word story by the time the contest is over.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Make that 6,200 words now.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Kind of curious how Thara's entry is coming along.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Oops, I mean, the Mystery Contestant's. Whoever they might be.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

My intuition is telling me TharaApples

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Seems unlikely...

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Is your intuition named Mizal?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Something like that lol

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

And we got the first story submitted. Way ahead of schedule too.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Finished my story! Do I just publish it to submit, or...?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Regardless of how this turns out, I enjoyed writing. Just like the last time I entered a contest, I've been going through personal shit. But the thing is, I'm ALWAYS going through personal shit, and I (with EndMaster's advice) decided it wouldn't stop me from writing. It made for a fun distraction, and I enjoyed myself immensely. Now that I'm done, I plan to work on another storygame I haven't touched since 2022 and get that published hopefully by the end of this year.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

You're suppose to put the link to the story in this thread.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago



one review so far and it's an 8



End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Polaris was a great story!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Well I suppose the responsible thing to do would be to read these two early entries so as to at least get them out of the way before the others flood in.

About a week left folks.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Revenge on the River Lord 

I actually finished this by the end of the first month and finished proofreading quite some time ago as well, but I guess I wanted to see if I would work on it more before submitting. Looks like I'm not going to, so here it is.


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I'm entering the penultimate stage which is scaling down the absolute mess of options planned. Hopefully will manage to get everything written up and if not I'll have no choice but to leave stumps in a few places. Good thing Easter is almost here so I'm mostly off work this week.

I even made myself a flowchart to make sure I get the "game" map correctly since I wanted to make something more gamey this time:

I hate myself sometimes...

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I guess it's not unreasonable for a house large enough to be divided into east and west wings to have two garages

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I used a real life plan which didn't refer to west and east sides as wings, so calling them wings is somewhat generous to be honest and done mostly to help with orientation. Far as two garages go it's quite common on larger properties since mansions usually average out at 4-5 car spaces.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Here's my entry, Reborn.

I was gonna sit on it until the deadline, but it's kinda long so I figured it'd be polite to get it in a little early.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I gotta say, this contest has turned out a bunch of incredible story games so far

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I see you've already been reading and commenting on each one. I should have just let you be the judge this year to save me the trouble.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

bro is dedicated

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Shit pick me as a judge for the next one if you don't feel like going through the slog of reading all the entries again.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Ok actually important question I almost forgot I wanted to ask...

When we post our stories...are we allowed to edit them after...or are they perma locked by the mods unitl the contest ends?

Cause I would be a lot less paranoia if it was the former so instead of being worried about getting everything right...I'd just be worried about getting most of it right. Then I can focus (totally not worry) on filling in the details at a rapid pace without the extra constraint of having to commit one way or the other at a very specific point in time.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Once you publish your story, you can't take it down and edit it. Get it right the first time.

(Do whatever you want with it after the contest judging is over with)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
I remember reading somewhere that you were allowed to edit a story while still keeping it public. Its the only reason I asked my question.

This post was originally double its current length. But I realized I could potentially solve my entire dilemna depending on how the following question is answered...

So we're supposed to post the link to our storygame on this thread right? If you edit the story afterwards...does the link not update? AKA a new link is made instead for your edited story game? (I'm assuming in this case "take it down" refers to your contest entry post and not the storygame itself)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Dude.  It's not that difficult, just ... nah, I can't - I wanted to help, but can't.  I don't think stupidity is fixable.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

When you publish your contest entry storygame, you are not permitted by the rules of the contest to unpublish the story itself until after the contest is completed. Unpublishing your story qhile the contest is ongoing is against the contest rules. Please make sure your storygame is the way you want it before publishing.

Also, the only way you can edit a storygame once it's published is by unpublishing it first.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Thank you citizen, but we'll handle the noob heckling, you just keep doing that you're doing. (Writing games and reading up a storm!)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

mizal is a decent human

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

All caught up on the early story entries. That'll certainly save time later.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

And now done with the newest one turned in early.

I actually do remember a few of the old Bucky contests having a couple early entries. I don't think we've had five this early though.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I ran out of time. Here ya go. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I can't sit here and re-read this forever, so I'm just going to submit it.

The Grand Pharaoh's Tomb

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago
Just skimmed the first page. It looks good so far.

Wish my story was as done as yours.

But yeah...It was enough to pull me in but don't have time to read it now... :/

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I'll take one ticket out of the shame pit, please

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

It's something all right

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I will not be turning in an entry

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Another one for the SHAME pit

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

All caught up with the latest batch of stories submitted. I'll expect the flood to start much later on today as people scramble to turn theirs in.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Well 9 stories down already and so far nobody has turned in complete shit to get SHAMED anyway, so those early 9 can at least rest easy on that front.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Eleven stories published. Little less than ten hours left. This is gonna be interesting. 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago's-home

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

I love you guys, but there was no way I was going to finish a story. Just take me out back and shoot me already. Yada yada, you win Endmaster, yada yada

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

one year ago

Oddly I figured you might turn something in just to annoy me.

Well I guess it's up to Ebon to rep the Bible Fanfic faction now. (He's most likely not coming through either)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
I forgot Ebon even entered. I think he did too. Soo, that's a complete sweep for Team Moron(i) then it seems.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

A Hill to Die on

Phew, there it is

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
I've decided to take the SHAME bullet as I was simply defeated by the editor and can't make what I've written playable. I won't go into the explanations excuses as to how and why that happened, but the whole thing is fucked beyond belief even after 3 days of working on it non stop.

I guess that's what I get for not actually learning the tool before starting the project. Better this way than wasting everybody's time on something that will get me shamed anyway. Good luck to those who are still scrambling.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

How do you mess up that badly. At a minimum words go in box and then click linky

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
I would like to hear your excuses in more detail.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Well basically the main part of the game was this "turn based" sequence where you navigated a house while looking for/avoiding armed intruders with some basic combat and other random shit which at first glance didn't look that hard to build, but my retarded ass forgot he barely knows how the editor works and as I kept trudging deeper and deeper into this swamp I kept stripping or reworking features which turned the whole thing into an absolute monstrosity that last I tested would require literally 10+ playthroughs to actually win at while at the same time providing a shit experience. At the moment there's like 90 something pages in that thing and most of them half work at best on top of being filled with copy paste paragraphs. I didn't even get to the final sequence that was supposed to wrap that section up because it wasn't possible to link it in a way that didn't require 2-3 hours of work.

TLDR: The whole thing is shit dipped in liquid shit and I would not subject anyone to going through it.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I have nothing to publish. Into the shame pit I go. 

I'm very sorry that I let you down, End. I did try. But it's exam season and I'm tired.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Well these things happen and real life stuff like that is always more important.

I'm sure you'll grace the site with another good story in the future.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Less than 30 minutes to go.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Fifteen minutes!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago I'm going to bed.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Bruh, I was working on this in word, then pasting it. The story isn't old enough. SHAME stupid me.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
If that were the only issue I'd have kicked it out the door for you at the last minute there, but I saw dead end pages so I guess it's not complete.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Yeah, I saw that too. Not sure why that was the case. I'll practice more in the future and get accustomed to how the manager works.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

And that's time!

LOT of SHAMINGS going on, can't say I'm surprised.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

So... 16 or 17 valid entries? Thats literally 33 or 34 SHAMED. Holy fuck, are you telling me I won a bet against Ogre?!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Published one minute before the deadline: DRIVE

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I published my game right before the deadline!

Its unfinished cause I SEVERLY underestimated how much time it actually takes to copypaste your text into the editor despite writing WELL OVER AT LEAST 100,000 WORDS! but whatever...

Enjoy my failure!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I only got shamed due to two reasons

1. What I already mentioned in my text

2. For some stupid reason I was solely focused on working on a secret path up to the last f**king hour! I hate this...

If I keep copypasting my text into editor right now and publish my game in a few hours...can I get just...half shamed?

Cause I do want people to see what I written. As I did spend over a month writing it...barely talked to anyone or did anything else that entire time...

Would be a waste if it couldn't be considered part of the contest at least in spirit due to a stupid fuck up on my part...

Basically what I'm asking is...does anyone care to see what I typed if I promise not to add any new text? Or would people rather I COMPLETELY finish what I have written more properly?

P.S. I'm at least glad I got an customize your stats screen to properly work in just a few hours after reading the help pages on you can check that out if you like!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Hate to say it bud, but proofreading, and copypasting text into the editor, that is all a part of contest writing. If it isn't complete, then your entry isn't either. Intelligent writers set aside a day or a week for end-of-contest proofreading and pasting. You can also paste as you go, to avoid a last minute scramble. This isn't a new problem, and you probably won't get any pity points for it.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I am a f**king retard then.

When you put it like that its such a common sense thing that I should have saw coming. If I started experimenting with the editor more actively instead of just the last few days...this would not have happened. I would have shortened my story appropiately instead of constantly writing like an insane person.

RIP me...

P.S. Also...from what you can read in my story (its not much) a lot of my prose in my story is...not as messy as it is there. Specifically the Pterodactyl route and deny text route...the accept text route (where you get teleported to an alien planet) is more so a half average representation of what most of my story actually reads critique on that part would be the most useful...

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

There's no such thing as a half-shame as far as I'm aware. But once the contest is done, it's perfectly fine to take it down, finish it up, and republish.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Petition to have Alienrun double SHAMED for being Xeno scum?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

He's already triple SHAMED.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago



Wow!  That's quite an accomplishment.  Triple shamed in one contest!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I do have it ready, but for some reason it says I don't have an endgame link for some reason. I'll take the shame if I have to, but I do want to get this thing published.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Figured it out:

Feel a little sheepish for submitting this late. Hope you all enjoy.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Damn, literally one minute late. Forgot about it for a few weeks, it's an awful rushed story.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Alright, looks like there was a last minute rush. Let's sort this out.

Sable already said to SHAME him, so that's what's going to happen. I've been told it isn't finished anyway.

Wizzy actually did submit something at 11:59 PM so he's in the clear.

Alienrun's story already has a dead link and honestly he's been annoying since the beginning of this thing, so he's getting SHAMED

Bezro I'm going to give a pass on SHAME depending on what little he did write at least manages a high enough rating to avoid it. Obviously he's not winning anything anyway.

Milton seems to be having the same issue as Sable...and I see that while writing this it has been published. So this will be another case of avoiding SHAME as long as it passes a good enough rating. Not winning obviously though.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Thanks, that's a lot more than I deserve

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Well you're in luck, I'm being uncharacteristically generous and giving it a 3 which is bare minimum to avoid SHAME, though I don't imagine the story will stay up too long anyway.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Three is really fucking generous, thank you so much.
Shit that sounds sarcastic, I swear I didn't mean it like that.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Actually you AND Milton can thank Alienrun for being a fucking annoying hatesink due to all his whining posts along with his submitted "story" that he actually allowed you two to get more leniency.

Truly a case of "I don't have to run faster than the zombies, I just have to run faster than you."

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

I cannot for the life of me imagine that if the dead links weren't there (which there are only 2 of them) that it would make any difference to be honest...

Everything else is fair though. (Though I hoped that I could off set my annoyance by not posting too much...but that's pretty subjective so I'll just leave that be... :/)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Nah, you've transcended being subjectively annoying. You, my friend, have achieved the Platonic ideal of annoying

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

So... at best, 18 valid entries out of 50 contestants?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Thank you, sir. I appreciate the grace.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

You got a pass too. I only skimmed it, but you look like you put in a bunch of work. (More than some of the actual entries on here)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

He is very gracious! I'm glad he's a little flexible with the rules. Helped me avoid SHAME back in 2018 or 2019. Whenever the Succubus contest was.

But seriously though...

I can't wait to see people TOSSED IN THE SHAME PIT!

This is the first time I get to be a spectator and not be thrown in myself.


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
@MrAce321 Well? What happened?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Phew, that means I'm not worse than ace. That's a huge relief

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

But he isn't getting his points back now >:)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
I wrote like 14k words, hated all of it, and couldn't bring myself to try and work it into something submittable since I knew I'd have to bastardize the story to do that, and what I written was linear anyway, didn't have much branching. I do plan to finish it though, and hopefully it'll be a good story. TLDR: typical shameful behavior

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

fuck you fatass 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
14k? One word doesn't count as ten just because it's typed by your fat greasy fingers. Fatass.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago I mean I have this. Pay no mind to the actual words, there's a reason I deemed this story beyond my ability to fix at the time

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Well, we are fresh out of tar, so luckily you'll only have to be buttered, peanut buttered, and feathered before being rolled into the SHAME pit.

Given your word count updates I'm really surprised you didn't make it. We had a few people disqualified, you'd have at least beat them. Just showing up is enough sometimes.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
Yeah but I spent so long on this story and the world is something I've had in the back of my mind for a long time now. If I was like Sherb I could've pulled it off, maybe if I'd put more time into it. But I might just need to write more first before revisting.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Okay the only two I have to read now are Mizal and Wizzy's and that'll be later.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Ok so I accepted my fate BUT...there's one small thing I want to correct...

There's one section of my "story" (After you deny the text and continue traversing the mall) where I made the stupid decision to copy the text to a word document and then replace the MC's name (Rebecca) with "you"...and nothing else! Case in point it makes that entire section completely unreadable.

Here's a link to the unedited Google Doc which keeps it in 3rd person.

It's not much...but it makes what I wrote actually half tolerable instead of literately unreadable!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Would it have been better if instead of submitting my crappy story...I instead a few hours before the deadline said something like "Hey guys! Unfortunately it looks like I won't be able to finish my story on time. Best of luck to everyone else though!"?

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Honest question...

Does anyone care to see my storygame?

Cause if not then I won't bother finishing it...

(not that it matters either way)

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Stop stream-of-consciousness-posting please! This is really just making it a worse look. Most of those SHAMED have crawled away to the pit, tail between their legs, yet you keep groveling here.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

Get a load of this guy 

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

The site could always use more storygames! I will say that if you're gonna use the Advanced Editor, you should probably figure out how it works first. You could also try writing a storygame without the editor if it's too complicated. Plenty of writers publish quality output without the use of the AE, including EndMaster himself.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
When I clicked around a little I just was greeted by these kinda cringily self conscious 4th wall breaking ramblings and rants directed at the reader, so honestly no, not really.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago

If he read some articles and paid attention to the prose in some of the more successful stories, he'd be fine. I learned how to write from reading storygames  from established authors and paying attention to similarities in their writing styles.

He also seems to have a confidence problem. That kills good stories.

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3

11 months ago
disregard, posted in the wrong thread like a dummy