Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) March 15th, 2023
Reward: More than the losers
Starting off the new year with another contest again. It's another prompt based one so you slugs can choose which topic to write about and then inevitably flake out on like half of you did last time.
So if you’re joining, obviously pick one of the following prompts provided below and lock your post.
Joining the contest but failing to pick a prompt (Like fucking around like a retard posting in the thread saying you're "thinking about" joining the contest) will result in a random one still available being picked for you that you might not like so you probably shouldn’t do this bad thing. (And if you do, definitely don't whine like a faggot about it.)
Finally, when you’re done with your story, post a link to it in this thread.
That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to add or change as needed.
Good luck.
1) A story that uses time travel or temporal mechanics as a game mechanic or major driving force. Darius_Conwright DONE
2) A story surrounding a violent championship sporting event. Paradox_4 (KAE Interloper) SHAME
3) A story where the narrator is a bond-esque villain. bucketofknives SHAME
4) A story starts with the discovery of the entrance to a hidden secret room. Mizal SHAME
5) A story about exploring and/or crashing onto an uncharted planet. WizzyCat DONE
6) A story involving a dangerous hunting competition. This can be any setting (fantasy, scifi, modern, etc) DBNB SHAME
7) A story about a wholesome romance. TrueParanormal DONE
8) A story about a society on the verge of a Golden Age experiencing a cataclysmic disaster. DingDongBells (KAE Interloper) SHAME
9) A story where you wake up one morning and everyone insists that you've been living for years with a certain family member, friend, or pet. Only you know for a fact you have no memory of them ever existing. What is going on here? Sherbet DONE
10) A story set in the ancient world. This means anytime before the fall of the Roman Empire. And yes, if you don't want to strictly be historical, you can fill it with Atlantean technology or whatever. Yummyfood DONE
11) A story involving inheriting something valuable from a dead relative. Ford SHAME
12) A story involving fairies in some way. Mystic_Warrior DONE
13) A story involving dinosaurs. imadgalaxy SHAME
14) A story where an abominable horror has come to a small town and that horror is YOU. Stormwind DONE
15) A story with a ghostly protagonist haunting an area. This can be a house, a forest, a ship, whatever. Morgan_R DONE
16) A story about an underwater adventure. mazdark SHAME
17) A story set in a lunatic asylum. Larry_Bombadil SHAME
18) A story involving a group of children having an adventure. Think The Goonies, Monster Squad, The Sandlot, Stranger Things, etc. as examples. TypewriterCat DONE
19) A story involving the dark web or anything seedy involving the internet really. You can even take it into cyberpunk territory if you want. Axxius DONE
20) Mystery Box. Pick this one and I’ll tell you what your prompt is. Petros DONE
21) A story where the protagonist has a dangerous addiction or obsession that drives the plot. betaband SHAME
22) A story with heavy themes of technology versus magic. enterpride SHAME
23) A story that features a complex, detailed, and consistent magic or alchemy system. crystalpenguin DONE
24) A story about returning to your childhood home and stumbling across a terrible secret. Heresy/SkorchedRat SHAMED AND BANNED
25) A story about a band of mercenaries. Zweihanderr SHAME
26) A story written in the epistolary style. (Told through journal entries or letters.) MintyRosedeer SHAME
27) A story heavily driven by a love/hate relationship with the antagonist. MrAce321 SHAME
meadowmellow (KAE Interloper and former 27) SHAME
28) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead. Nightwatch SHAME
29) A story about naval warfare, or submarines. hetero_malk SHAME
30) A story involving a floating city. RedOceans SHAME
31) A story where you're caught up in a historical revolution. DrowningWhale DONE
32) A story where your family is hit by a historical natural disaster. BenCrucifix SHAME
33) A story where your consciousness is uploaded into...something...as a way to cheat death. (Can be done using magic or tech.) Abgeofriends DONE
34) A story about rebuilding after a war. Chris113022 SHAME
35) A story where you must save someone close to you from a disastrous relationship. goodnight_a DONE
36) A story where one by one people in your little town are forsaking material wealth, moving to a communal farm on the outskirts, and becoming....odd. ugilick DONE
37) A story where cephalopods are the dominant species. (Examples include squids and octopus for the unenlightened) evilsoap SHAME
38) A story where In 72 hours, the sun will explode. PerforatedPenguin DONE
39) A story involving a fresh take on a fairy tale or fable...or come up with your own. elad771 SHAME
40) A story where dragons have invaded. EbonVasilis SHAME
41) A story about acquiring a harem through slave trading.
42) A story involving Arthurian mythos, but make it as grimdark as possible.
43) A story involving playing as a bigoted superhero. Voldy SHAMED AND BANNED
44) A story involving court intrigue while attempting to seduce one (or more!) of your relatives. OatmealShenanigans SHAME
45) A story revolving around carrying out a terrorist attack. (Yes, you can even do a mundane school shooter protagonist) Suranna SHAME
46) A story based around playing as Otto Skorzeny. (Up to you on how historical you want to stick to his life) krieginphern SHAME
47) A story about being an alphabet person and being depressed. (You could add to the series!) fresh_out_the_oven DONE
48) A story involving lesbian wrestlers and lots lesbian shenanigans. (Keep the maturity ratings in mind there folks, this still isn’t a place for pornorama degeneracy) TharaApples SHAME
49) A story based around carrying out genocide. Setting doesn’t matter. CLiF SHAME
50) A story done in the “CoG style.” This means including 3 billion romances and mental illnesses. Stuff like interesting characters or a good plot doesn’t matter. corgi213 SHAME