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EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 4:54:19 PM

                    ENDMASTER'S PROMPT CONTEST 2

Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) March 15th, 2023

Reward: More than the losers

Starting off the new year with another contest again. It's another prompt based one so you slugs can choose which topic to write about and then inevitably flake out on like half of you did last time.

So if you’re joining, obviously pick one of the following prompts provided below and lock your post.

Joining the contest but failing to pick a prompt (Like fucking around like a retard posting in the thread saying you're "thinking about" joining the contest) will result in a random one still available being picked for you that you might not like so you probably shouldn’t do this bad thing. (And if you do, definitely don't whine like a faggot about it.)

Finally, when you’re done with your story, post a link to it in this thread.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to add or change as needed.

Good luck.

1) A story that uses time travel or temporal mechanics as a game mechanic or major driving force. Darius_Conwright DONE

2) A story surrounding a violent championship sporting event. Paradox_4 (KAE Interloper) SHAME

3) A story where the narrator is a bond-esque villain.  bucketofknives SHAME

4) A story starts with the discovery of the entrance to a hidden secret room.  Mizal SHAME

5) A story about exploring and/or crashing onto an uncharted planet.  WizzyCat DONE

6) A story involving a dangerous hunting competition. This can be any setting (fantasy, scifi, modern, etc) DBNB SHAME

7) A story about a wholesome romance. TrueParanormal DONE

8) A story about a society on the verge of a Golden Age experiencing a cataclysmic disaster. DingDongBells (KAE Interloper) SHAME

9) A story where you wake up one morning and everyone insists that you've been living for years with a certain family member, friend, or pet. Only you know for a fact you have no memory of them ever existing. What is going on here? Sherbet DONE

10) A story set in the ancient world. This means anytime before the fall of the Roman Empire. And yes, if you don't want to strictly be historical, you can fill it with Atlantean technology or whatever. Yummyfood DONE

11) A story involving inheriting something valuable from a dead relative. Ford SHAME

12) A story involving fairies in some way. Mystic_Warrior DONE

13) A story involving dinosaurs.  imadgalaxy SHAME

14) A story where an abominable horror has come to a small town and that horror is YOU. Stormwind DONE

15) A story with a ghostly protagonist haunting an area. This can be a house, a forest, a ship, whatever. Morgan_R DONE

16) A story about an underwater adventure. mazdark SHAME

17) A story set in a lunatic asylum. Larry_Bombadil SHAME

18) A story involving a group of children having an adventure. Think The Goonies, Monster Squad, The Sandlot, Stranger Things, etc. as examples. TypewriterCat DONE

19) A story involving the dark web or anything seedy involving the internet really. You can even take it into cyberpunk territory if you want. Axxius DONE

20) Mystery Box. Pick this one and I’ll tell you what your prompt is. Petros DONE

21) A story where the protagonist has a dangerous addiction or obsession that drives the plot. betaband SHAME

22) A story with heavy themes of technology versus magic.  enterpride SHAME

23) A story that features a complex, detailed, and consistent magic or alchemy system. crystalpenguin DONE

24) A story about returning to your childhood home and stumbling across a terrible secret. Heresy/SkorchedRat SHAMED AND BANNED

25) A story about a band of mercenaries. Zweihanderr SHAME

26) A story written in the epistolary style. (Told through journal entries or letters.) MintyRosedeer SHAME

27) A story heavily driven by a love/hate relationship with the antagonist. MrAce321 SHAME

meadowmellow (KAE Interloper and former 27) SHAME

28) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead.  Nightwatch SHAME

29) A story about naval warfare, or submarines. hetero_malk SHAME

30) A story involving a floating city. RedOceans SHAME

31) A story where you're caught up in a historical revolution. DrowningWhale DONE

32) A story where your family is hit by a historical natural disaster. BenCrucifix SHAME

33) A story where your consciousness is uploaded a way to cheat death. (Can be done using magic or tech.) Abgeofriends DONE

34) A story about rebuilding after a war. Chris113022 SHAME

35) A story where you must save someone close to you from a disastrous relationship. goodnight_a DONE

36) A story where one by one people in your little town are forsaking material wealth, moving to a communal farm on the outskirts, and becoming....odd. ugilick DONE

37) A story where cephalopods are the dominant species. (Examples include squids and octopus for the unenlightened) evilsoap SHAME

38) A story where In 72 hours, the sun will explode. PerforatedPenguin DONE

39) A story involving a fresh take on a fairy tale or fable...or come up with your own. elad771 SHAME

40) A story where dragons have invaded. EbonVasilis SHAME

41) A story about acquiring a harem through slave trading.

42) A story involving Arthurian mythos, but make it as grimdark as possible.

43) A story involving playing as a bigoted superhero. Voldy SHAMED AND BANNED

44) A story involving court intrigue while attempting to seduce one (or more!) of your relatives. OatmealShenanigans SHAME

45) A story revolving around carrying out a terrorist attack. (Yes, you can even do a mundane school shooter protagonist) Suranna SHAME

46) A story based around playing as Otto Skorzeny. (Up to you on how historical you want to stick to his life) krieginphern SHAME

47) A story about being an alphabet person and being depressed. (You could add to the series!) fresh_out_the_oven DONE

48) A story involving lesbian wrestlers and lots lesbian shenanigans. (Keep the maturity ratings in mind there folks, this still isn’t a place for pornorama degeneracy) TharaApples SHAME

49) A story based around carrying out genocide. Setting doesn’t matter. CLiF SHAME

50) A story done in the “CoG style.” This means including 3 billion romances and mental illnesses. Stuff like interesting characters or a good plot doesn’t matter. corgi213 SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm in. Give me 18.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
4 for me.

2023 is a whole new year, I'm gonna finish some games, I can feel it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked even if your godly powers can circumvent such things.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm in for prompt 9.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked this one too

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Mystery box. I have no fear

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


Now I have to think of something since I didn't think anyone was going to pick it so quickly.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I have a lot of faith in you for no reason, so you better do this prompt justice.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I’ll do my best to live up to your unjustified expectations

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked in

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm in for 7

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


Writing a bunch of shit, since this anti-spam feature wouldn't post if I just put "locked"

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

7 people already. Honestly didn't expect that many in such a short period of time. Might need to add more prompts after all.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm taking 12.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Fuck off.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
hey neighbor :^)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

fuck off

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I take number one

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

8656 words baby. This time the story will be very heartwarming and cute, at least I think it's cute.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I’m genuinely terrified of you

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
fuck off

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'd like prompt 6 please. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
This picture becomes more cursed the longer that you look at it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

If we ever need to add more prompts, it would be interesting to have one based on the picture.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I choose 5: A story about exploring and/or crashing onto an uncharted planet. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm a bit slammed for time this around so I don't think I'll be able to slosh in this time around. Good luck to everyone participating. And remember, one path, one choice to lead them all.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked, you ought to suffer like the rest of us. Pick a prompt.



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Joining the contest but failing to pick a prompt (Like fucking around like a retard posting in the thread saying you're "thinking about" joining the contest) will result in a random one still available being picked for you that you might not like so you probably shouldn’t do this bad thing.

He doesn't even get a choice lol. Why, it's just like his first storygame!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm currently in the shame pit, and would very much like to crawl out of it. If I can have it, I'm thinking prompt 8. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked. Good luck!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
FUCK! 2, GIVE ME 2....

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Here we go again...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

The funny thing is he was actually safe since he didn't say he was "thinking about joining" and outright said he wasn't.

Basically Darius and Mystic trolled him into joining.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Best way to start the new year.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Gaslighting always works

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

hello, i'll take the 16, please

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take prompt 19 m'lord. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take 13

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

You know what... give me 10

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

He's gonna have to put some new prompts out at this rate.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
What the hell. I'll take 15.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I suspect the success of the contest is due to new year resolutions. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
We had like 50 entrants in the last one. The prompt grab bags always get people's attention.

Of course finishing them is another matter.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Decided to open a log about my thoughts on my storygame.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I think I'll do that too, if (when) I don't finish it I will know exactly where I went wrong! Yay...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Mizal speaks the truth, as always.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Taking prompt 28.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Well there's not really any point in locking yours.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

give 29

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Sign me up for #14

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This was the best prompt from the original 20 imo, I'm excited to read your entry to this contest I AM entering.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Hey, do you remember the second edgelord contest where people who said they weren't joining had their posts edited? Just a completely random, unrelated thought :) 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Nobody had their posts edited ever.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm not reading anything by Ace anyway.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
So you'll be judging this time?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Time to do something on this site.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked. Not sure how well red oceans relate to a floating city, but good luck.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I’m pretty sure oceans fit with the theme pretty well irrespective of color. You’re confusing me here.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
The floating city being literally just a boat would be pretty funny ngl.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

yeah like if it got super hyped up as "the first floating city!!" and then it ends up to just be this sad little fishing boat

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

21, thanks.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If I picked prompt 24, could I have my Heresy account unbanned to write it with?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Sure, done.

But consider yourself banned again if you fuck this up.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

So the Heresy account isn't banned, unless you unbanned it.

And is he doing his contest story on the Heresy one or the SkorchedRat one?

Well in any case, if he fails to turn anything in both are banned.

EDIT: Nevermind, I reread his post. Same rules apply about the whole banning thing though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I call 23 (the magic system one)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Locked. Good luck!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take the fabled 39

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
27 please!!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Finally got the account thing resolved I see.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Number 31 for me

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked in

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Sign me up for 38.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Honestly you picked one of the better prompts that would be pretty easy to make a story about.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I'll take 36, so help me God.
I'd been musing over number 23 after seeing it this morning, but someone nabbed it while I was at work.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

31 contestants so far. Definitely a sizable turn out, given there was only originally 20 prompts.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Number 33, sorry stargirl Im on my own this time. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked. Good luck!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Which is the one that used to drag the other into the contests anyway.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

That would be me, although stargirl says she's thinking about it. Someone please convince her.  @stargirl

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
wait so you posted that she's on her own this time, and then once she wished you good luck you dmed her to try and team up?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

No, I wanted her to do her own prompt I don't want to team up this time. Also shes on the fence so I'm trying to convince her so.....



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
@stargirl Do it if you’re cool.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
She's got some irl stuff she's been pretty distracted by, I'm not expecting her to enter this one although I hope she can rate the entries later on.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah, I'm going to sit this one out, but I'll definitely try to read the contest entries. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Solid choice. I respect it

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Y'know what, put me in for 26.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked, good choice

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Thank you

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
That one, 23, and 14 are the best prompts here imo. Good luck.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take 40. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Want to.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

He's back

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take 34.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Thanks babe

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm ready for some postwar beats bruv, good luck

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
can i get 37?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked, good luck

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

36 contestants so far.

Good thing Sherbet likes reading.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
The newest prompts are kinda cursed ngl.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

That was the point. Only the most despicable would attempt to make a story out of the recent prompts.

Fortunately such types already picked the wholesome prompts.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

TBH I should have waited for the bigoted superhero one, then I could make a Rorschach fan fic. Just for you, End.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It would be funny if a future contest contains only cursed prompts.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Mizal is of the mindset that the most cursed one is the grimdark Arthurian prompt. Not so much because it's grimdark, but more because no good can come from Arthurian mythos. She's not entirely wrong.

It is ridiculous how common Arthurian mythos is used in interactive fiction and I would like to see a CYStian create such a story to be the 1980s Excalibur oasis in the sea of faggotry that are the rest.

I added the grimdark bit since well let's be honest, that's what we excel at around here and if nothing else we'd get at least a Arthurian mythos filled with Warhammer level violence. (Among other grimdark things)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If you just add a dash of Mark Twain, it could be a double cursed Connecticut Yankee fanfic. The part where they mowed down knights with Gatling guns was fun, though

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I think the best grimdark Arthurian mythos creation I've seen is King Arthur: Knight's Tale on steam, but it's an overused story in general. I mean, it feels like every other fantasy/medieval story has roots stemming from the roundtable on some level. That's even outside of interactive fiction. Honestly, it's what has turned me away from the fantasy genre in general (with a few exceptions). I guess people just like to use what 'works' and not take any risks.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This is an unbased take that makes me doubt you've read it that much or even literally just watched Excalibur and let any of its poetry sink in for a second. Arthurian legend resembles most fantasy only in the sense that is medieval and takes place in a fantastical fascimile of England. In the actual telling of it, the world of King Arthur is one steeped in welsh mythology, old english culture, and the mindset of medieval catholicism intermingling with the magic of half-remebered pagan times, where bloodlines and fate are physical, albeit sometimes flexible forces, where chivalric honour tested by war and supernatural chaos is what draws the line between man and the barbarian who lives like a beast, and the fae sphere of influence is damn near like Silent Hill or The Zone from roadside picnic in the sense that forests take on this beautiful but dreamlike, liminal, and questionably interdimensional quality.


It's far from default and there's a lot to work with if you actually look at it, the issue here is that arthurian legend has been retold so many times, and is so public domain, that 90% of adaptations suck and only cover the broad strokes for an audience of mostly children.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Know what, that's fair. I haven't delved too deep when it comes to fantasy and most of my exposure has come from what my family has shown me. Excalibur was not a part of that, but after having been forced to sit through Merlin (the show) and read numerous adaptations may have given me a tad bit of a skewed view of the genre. Now you've peaked my curiosity though and I may have to check out Excalibur. Maybe. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Everything really was better in the 80s.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
The mind goblins compel you to enter.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Can't, he's judging.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Arthurian Folk Tales meets Brothers Grimm appeals to me. I hope someone takes the prompt and writes something good from it. Magic the Gathering had a set a few years back called Throne of Eldrain that had some of the aesthetic.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Over half of the new prompts are CoG favorites with a twist, for anyone who doesn't recognize them. (I think it's obvious what the twists are, and which prompts End just added on his own.) The new CoG base loves nothing else like superheros and court intrigue and arranged marriages, and especially Arthurian stuff. The only thing missing is werewolves. (Whatever you're writing, be sure to add arranged marriages with werewolves.)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Terrorism attacks, Nazi Otto's life and committing genocide were my own added prompts.

Just want to make that clear so as not to confuse them with the degenerate CoG prompt twists.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Now that you're mentioning it, I did recall playing a gay wrestling cog story once. It was actually very hard not to accidentally stumble on a very graphic 18+ scene while playing.

I was a bit disappointed in the plot.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yep, Mara was a big fan of it, along with a lot of other CoGites because it was basically just gay porn and they're all into that sort of shit over there.

Naturally some wanted a female version of that, so might as well add it to the cursed prompt list. Naturally it won't get as graphic as we have to keep it family friendly around here, however I think the secret contestant who requested the prompt will be able to do a good job balancing things.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Should add a school shooting prompt, or does terrorism cover that? Mathbrush used to be such a fan of that category.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah I figured school shooting was covered with that, but I guess I could clarify the prompt a bit.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll take 50 please 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


You mad bastard.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Fuck it bring me 22

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Secret Contestant locked in for 48

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Why not just say her name? It's obvious.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I wasn't going to enter this contest.

Then I saw the opportunity for Gay and Depressed: Return of the Gay Guy and... and... I'll admit, I want it, if only because I can actually make it suck on PURPOSE.

Give me 47.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked. Looking forward to reading this almost as much as Ford's story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
One of the KAE folk already flaked.

Not that we expected any better.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Guess it's up to Bells and Paradox now.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Would it be alright to make that prompt available again for any users that might want it?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah the KAE guy even suggested it. Lol.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'd like to reserve number 44. The one about the incest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


And with that sort of specific enthusiasm for the subject, I'll be expecting great things for you. Or at least something entertaining.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Glad to see Paradox is taking some real life inspiration for his story contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

That sounds like an intriguing story, can't wait to read it :D

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
incredibly late and ive never written before (excuses excuses) but gimme 3, lets do this

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Locked and loaded. I love your username

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Wow, didn't expect anyone to ever take that one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
thank you, and btw, is a more goofy eccentric bond esque villain ok? thinking closer to austin powers really, kinda interacting with the reader

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
actually scratch that, but i do have one more idea, i know the prompt is to be narrated by the villain, but can it kind of, switch off? between the main character, an unnamed narrator, and the villain? it will be primarily the villain but i would use the main character and an unnamed narrator to explain parts of the story the villain couldnt know of due to lack of cameras/goons, but like 90% the villain (sorry if this isnt the best way to contact you guys im fairly new to all of this)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Dude.  You can do whatever you need to within the confines of the prompt to write your story.  And try to make sure it doesn't suck.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Daaaang! One week in and already someone is in the SHAME pit!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Makes me wonder how many of the remaining 41 will end up there as well (though it's probably going to be at least one more KAE Interloper) 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


Fitting that an Ex-Cogite picks one of their favorite genres at that place. Can't do any worse than that Russian guy that everyone hates over there.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Excellent Choice. Excellent Prompt.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
49 please and thank you, the only question is who do I murder.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


And it's up to you, it's your story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Everyone, I thought that was the point.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Lock me in for 17. I'm new, so I don't know if I can even participate, but, whatever.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked in.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
35, please. Hope I can stick at this.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked in

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

The SHAME pit has plenty of room if you don't stick it out.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I feel bad for you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This is even more funny than the del Toro Pinocchio vs the Disney Pinocchio. Zweihanderr, I hope you would be the former, but the odds are not in your favour.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Lmao, just my luck. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well the upside is he didn't enter the contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I clicked that link and played the first part of that outloud while in a lecture. Fuck you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Lmao, it's the universe trying to get you to focus in class my guy.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Really.  Why did you have your volume on? That's just basic.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
It was on my laptop and I don't typically watch anything on my laptop, so I never thought to have it off.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked in for 27

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I was wondering if that was going to happen.

The people have forgotten to fear the contest threads.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Shanghai, nice!!!!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Huh, I was under the impression that I'd only be entered if I posted that I was considering joining the contest, but alright.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Apparently your impression was wrong.  You are locked in by EndMaster himself.  

there is an old saying about don't play around on the river bank if you are not prepared to fall in the water...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It took quite some impetus for me to even post in here once, knowing the danger of these things.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Locked, suffer the same fate as Ace

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

But for what prompt?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Sent could probably write an opus encompassing all the leftover prompts in one story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Far be it from me to slander Otto Skorzeny, but it's not out of the ordinary for nazi elites after the war to have been involved in terrorism and human trafficking. And anybody who's seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade knows how they feel about Arthurian Legend. Out of all the prompts that could've been left over, I think these have the most potentially interlocking pieces.


I will also never make this, though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Otto Skorzeny and the Sword of Legend

Take control of the infamous Otto in this latest action packed adventure of attempting to locate and retrieve the sword of myth and legend Excalibur!

Engage in human trafficking to fund your search!

Engage in acts of terrorism to weaken the decadent western powers!

Cause misdirection to blame it on the communist untermench!

Dodge Nazi hunters!

Regain some personal glory as the last action hero of the fallen Reich!

Finally gain a fortune for selling powerful artifacts or even sanctuary in the USA!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm not above deleting my post to avoid the indignity of Double-SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Fortunately for Sent he's counted among the CYStian gods to avoid such a fate.

Fortunately for Darius he's counted among the CYStian chosen to avoid repercussions.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

The more I contemplate what happened, the more personally upset I am that this foul Dutchman saw fit to attempt to condemn me to the same fate as that greasy Bing Chilling ball of toilet ham. But as much as it grieves me to do so, I will show Darius mercy only because this is the exact sort of mischief I would've enacted against myself if I weren't me.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your and Endmaster's mercy. Though it's hard for me to see my statement as a condemnation, but rather as a blessing in disguise. You would be joining the ragtag band of the three CYSketeers along with Ace and Paradox. I even have drawn a badge for this wonderful ensemble. Alas, t'was never meant to be.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It's very wholesome how you have such wide-reaching faith in humanity that you are able to assume being associated with Ace is an honor and distinguishment. Or, perhaps it's a blissful ignorance about site lore. Since, you see, I am not really a penguin, but rather a fantasy race that's too autistic to get into right now, and Ace is more sullen used-kitchen-oil soaking through a sack of laundry than tortoise. I simply can't help but approve of any penguin with a fancy hat, though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Between his studies and mocking dumbfuck whores which sort of got him in trouble with his KAE Komrades, Paradox might not even show up again.

I guess Bells is their last hope.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Are contest participants allowed to ask for proofreading from other site members? Was there ever any policy established for this?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Cel did it without asking, so there's already a precedent.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I mean it's never been an issue since the judges are going to rape what they want regardless.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well that was supposed to be "rate" but it's the same general idea.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

 The same meaning if you look it up on the oxford dictionary.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Why do I do the things that I do

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Do you REALLY want us to answer that?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Depends on your worldview.

Either you believe that there is a part of every human that can’t be reduced to simply biology like a soul or spirit, or you don’t and believe yourself to be a complex biological machine that acts the way it does due to electrical and chemical impulses.

In the first case, the reason you do the things you do lies in the fact that your soul is underdeveloped, corrupt, doesn’t conform to the ideal, etc., or you have a hard time putting the more correct impulses of the soul over the less correct biological impulses of the body.

In the second case, you have no free will, there is no reason, and nothing matters.

P.S. There are more views, but I don’t care.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well I could always just ban you now and be done with it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
No, no, if everyone else has to suffer the weight of the deadline another month, then so does he. No early releases allowed.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I'm not gonna lie. I had been operating as if the deadline was the LAST day of March. I'm going to have way less time for editing than I wanted.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Look at Mr. Fancypants "Already Started" Writer here.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Imagine my horror if I'd procrastinated.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yo, don't diss the procrastination. That's borderline treason there

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yep, he is skipping several steps in the creative process:

1. Procrastinate because you have more than enough time
2. Worry about your entry not getting done
3. Panic because there is no way you can get it done
4. Write in a panic fueled frenzy during the last couple days before the deadline.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
look at mr got his life together over here writing multiple days before the deadline instead of making a constipated push in the last few hours

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah, I got it all together and I have a "process".

But most likely I'm just slower and less talented than those that can do it in the last hour or two.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

look at mr organized over here who writes over multiple hours instead of screaming and slamming fists and shitting on the keyboard in the last 30 minutes then using an autocorrect to turn all the scrambled letters into words.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
This explains a lot about your writing.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If anybody was still pondering on joining, it seems #34, "rebuilding after a war" has suddenly opened up again.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I've never posted on this site before, I don't think I've even been here since last year, I've never written a story longer than 3 pages, there's a 97% chance that I'll be working overtime every day this month, and I have less than 20 days to start and finish this.

So lock me in for 46.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Sounds like you're over prepared.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I don't know about anyone else participating, but if this late coming birthday point collector places above me, it will feel worse than SHAME.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Then you know what you must do.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I always feared the day where I would have to put in real effort. I guess I should actually write more than the first page now.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

No pressure.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well if anyone wants to join at this late stage, 43 is open again.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Fuck it, I can probably whack out something semi-decent in two weeks. Gimme number 32.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Locked, and good luck. I bet lots of people haven't started yet.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I technically have a finished product and I'm still talking that way. Projects tend to expand and contract in proportion to available resources, in this case time.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

So far other than Uglick, I feel like most of you are going in the SHAME pit this time around.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Ah, a decree from the Edgelord himself. I guess I'm doomed then

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah, I'm throwing anyone in the SHAME pit this time around if I also feel a story was half assed to a point where it can barely be considered a proper CYOA.

Still plenty of time to produce something of quality though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
well that puts a wrench in my plans

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

oh no

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I don't know if Oro's dialogue will put me in the SHAME pit or not...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Bucky used to have a requirement that the story earn a 4.0 or higher. Is that roughly what you're considering, or something more lenient?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It'll be on a case by case basis.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
this implies whatever End believes you should be capable of will determine if you get shamed for an entry, meaning the permatards are already shamed as they are unable to produce anything not half-assed.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

My chances of winning the crystalpeng bet are higher

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

If you look at the fine print, you'll see that the bet states crystalpeng will submit a story for the contest. Not that she'll turn in something that meets End's standards, or even an actual storygame with choices.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If they submit a story and get shammed does that really count? I guess it's up to the admins, but I purpose that if they do that that the duel ends in a draw.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I didn't partake in betting partially because most people can manage a 10k word mound of detritus in a day or two.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Well if this is the case I guess I'd better try to get started today.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If we lose to Ace we'll be shammed and I'm going to vommit.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Eh, fuck it. Give me 43.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
It's Voldy with another alt.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah I figured. Picking 43 was the give away.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Really begs the question of why he didn't just write it to begin with.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
If he wrote anything offsite, the only way to write, then he need only bring it over.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Maybe he just shouldn't have gone through such lengths to get himself banned to avoid finishing a game for the same prompt to begin with.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
He was being an unentertaining pest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Arguably I probably wouldn't have checked had he not joined the contest to pick 43 again.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Seven days to shame.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Only need to write like 5k words a day. No biggie

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

@crystalpenguin please don't be dead...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

You seem to have a problem with making bets and then immediately regretting it.

I'm just glad the odds are becoming more in my favor every day she doesn't log in

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
They still aren't good. Since she could come back and vommit something in a day

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Shhhhhh y'all just keep crushing my hopes and dreams. Let me be optimistic. Maybe her parents grounded her until March 2

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I haven't even been paying attention to any of these little side bets you lot have been making. The only thing I'm going to be paying attention to is if any of the stories you lot turn in are entertaining me or not.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Do you do this on purpose?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I really don't know why I do it. I'm not normally this bad but the second I post on this forum I always make some awful mistake. It might have to do with typing into just a code editor and the monospace font that make me apparently unable to catch these things.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

@fresh_out_the_oven, I'm sorry for stealing your prompt. While I was working on it, I didn't know that my idea would end up as a prompt.

I don't really want to work on this story anymore. I'm done with it. As far as I see it, it's sorta done. So probably gotta publish it before I forget.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Shucks, now I've got that to contend with. Mine's probably like one tenth of the length (if even that), and nothing near the same quality

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Still need confirmation if this is Darius contest story, because if it isn't, it's not like it matters for the contest purpose.

EDIT: Oh I guess he mentioned it in the title.

In any case, after this story AND Fresh's, people can't complain we don't have alphabet people stories on here now.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
We have a werewolf story with gay incest, what else do these people want?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

And Thara's supposed to be turning in a lesbian wrestler story, so got everything covered hopefully

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well luckily for you slugs the deadline has been extended to March 8th 11:59 PM.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This is very kind of you, End.

Thank you so much for the extension!

I was getting worried for some people's health and well-being.

Not sure what the reasoning is for the extension, but I am very grateful. As is everyone.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This is a win for women everywhere (as are all of Endmaster's actions).

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Great! I was getting worried. Thanks

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Could I have 45, if it's not too late?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Oh no. The deadline is the eighth. What have you done


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It's been done in shorter time. Chris and Cel both submitted stories within a two day period and did pretty good in a contest. Cel nearly even won.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I think it's been well demonstrated that a technically passable story can be written in four hours. Although End has upped the standards a bit for this one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I cant believe I'll need to write a 4 hour 20 minute story just to get by now

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well that's one story down as far as judging is concerned.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm sorry that I made you read it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I said I judged it, I didn't say I actually read it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Just a reminder to anyone who hasn't started yet, or has a story they haven't started pasting, you'll need to create the game on the site at least 48 hours before you intend to publish it, or the site won't let you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

An extension, reminders... is there something in the water? 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Pre emptively consigning myself to SHAME here. Too much last minute bullshit ate up my writing time. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Very well. Your name will be written under the Double SHAME list.

Perhaps in time you will regain your lost honor.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Thanks, now I can put a whole new path in my storygame I was going to axe for time sake.  edit. (I replied to the wrong post, oops forgive me)



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
I'm gonna hold off on Malk's example, FOR NOW, on the slim chance that:

1) I am fueled by arcane energies to write a ridiculous amount tomorrow, or

2) Endmaster mysteriously and for no reason gives as a historic second extension out of the pure compassionate depths of his literal black hole of a heart.

Miracles DO happen.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

You slugs are REALLY lucky I'm in a generous mood this contest.

Deadline extended to March 12th.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Oh, thank the gods!

Thank mizal everyone!

And of course, End!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Thank you! I will put in more effort into this entry than I ever have. I'm not saying it will be a masterpiece or anything, but it won't be a trashy quiz.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Thank our father below. I could have published something unsatisfactory, but this should help, if only a little. I really appreciate it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Death Takes a Holiday 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Death waits in line at the DMV

I shall not waste this 2nd extension though I definitely wasn't going to waste the first... 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Wish I could make good use of that second deadline extension, but I'm not going to have much writing time this week, so I went ahead and published my entry.

A story where you wake up one morning and everyone insists that you've been living for years with a certain family member, friend, or pet. Only you know for a fact you have no memory of them ever existing. What is going on here?

did have to ask for the title valiantly wrestle the title away from a dead account, but I think it ended up being worth it. I really enjoyed writing this one, I think it's definitely more balanced than my last storygame. Admittedly, writing is pretty hard, I might go back to just reading for a while before maybe focusing on a bigger piece sometime in the future.
I look forward to the other entrants (all of which I expect to see flood the new games list six days from now). Best of luck avoiding the shame pits, fellow CYS-goers.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well that's two stories judged now.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It sure feels nice not having to do anything.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Same. Your lengthly review of Sherbet's story meant I didn't actually have to read much again.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Remember what I said about being basically done with my story?

Well, after the extension I axed a branch (the longest one) to rewrite it, thinking I had time.

I did not.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

You still have time.  

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Do I though?

3k is the minimum, right? Let's hope End didn't expect better things from me

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I don't expect better things out of any of you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Good, good

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Still 4 days.  

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

How the fuck did I miss the fact that the deadline was extended again?

Thank you for pointing that out for me

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Oh, and so far one of you is winning.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

It's probably sherbet, I have my suspicions.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well that's 3 stories judged.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

To absolutely nobody's surprise, Ford's already stated he's not turning shit in, and has been thrown in the SHAME pit.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
He's too busy having SEX, you see.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Although the sanctity and absoluteness of the SHAME pit is never in question.  Ford's reason this time is perhaps as close to being legitimate as one can get.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

And Enterpride has already admitted defeat and been thrown in the SHAME pit.

Lots of souls in the pit this contest looks like.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I will not finish by the deadline.

I accept my SHAME.

Throw me in the pit with the rest of the degenerates.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


Man, you lot are failing hard on this one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
14k story, ugh, we are all getting humiliated by a noob now on top of everything else.

This has been a good lesson for many of us. A lesson in what I don't know yet, but maybe we should be doing something differently, like writing or something?

If I don't manage to write a story today, I'm going to blame Corgi for running a Bloodborne oneshot on his DnD server yesterday. Because I'm not sure what else I'm realistically supposed to do in this situation, write a game BEFORE the day before the twice extended deadline?

So yeah, lots of deep soul searching may be required, but some things are just out of our hands

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

There's a DnD server? If new people are welcome, I might be interested...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Oh, just to clarify, it's not actually DnD, it's a rules light homebrew, and the server is a private one for a long running campaign. But there's a few other people because sometimes we do side things and one shots just to mix it up, or if there's scheduling issues with the main game. (Like right now while they have Chef working the same retarded 12 hour schedule ugilick was on.) But I'll Corgi if he's inviting any new people right now if you're still interested.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


I'm only at level 2 as a druid, though, so I'm not too experienced.

I am still interested, just to clarify.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
What rule set did Corgi use for the oneshot?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

4 judged.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Deadline has been extended to the 15th.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

You're my God!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Thank you so much

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Darn, I could've done more thorough editing lol I didn't think I'd have time to get back to writing 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Oh, cool. I did want to rework this one part...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Our lord and savior

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll make good use of this one, thanks End

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
The never-ending contest

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Apparently the person asking for the deadlines was told they were really pushing it now. So this is seemingly the last one. If the person doesn’t post their story, they'll just have to be shamed like everyone else.

Granted, I'm not sure how accurate this information is.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This person better at least have a better alphabet person story than everyone else that's doing one too since there seem to be quite a few this contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

My Entree, Digital Consciousness


Realizing after publishing theres an extention, whatever...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I feel your pain

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

My entry:

Congrats TypeCat, you were right

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Good job turning something in. Hopefully I will too.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


Good job though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I see the extension, but I'm rather busy for the next couple of days and have lost any love for this story.

I may not be able to have computer access again by the fifteenth, so submitting now just to avoid SHAME.

So here it is.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

3 more stories judged

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Published - in 3

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

And here I thought you'd be publishing tomorrow. Nice job Peng!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Another story judged.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Less than 24 hours to go before SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Less than 12 hours until SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well Corgi's told me to kick him into the SHAME pit earning himself triple SHAME which is appropriate since he had one of the easier prompts that he insisted he could do.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Fully expecting to at least SHAME the following:


A lot of these folks haven't showed up since they joined the contest. In the case of Maz and Nightwatch I know they're sort of busy with updating the site with coding voodoo, but they knew the risks when they joined.

There's a few others not listed on the iffy side, but they've been around in the past couple days, so they might turn something in.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Less than 6 hours until SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

This is my entry.

On to the next project!

P.S I don't know how to make a clickable link. Sorry.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
That should do it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

And Mizal has given into SHAME.

Not even the GODS are immune to the draw of the pit!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Yeah. My story won't be done before the deadline. Please put me and mizal in the same cell just like last time. It's romantic that way.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Another story judged

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I take no pleasure in this but Thara has said she is accepting SHAME.

This is a fucking slaughter.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I-I'll try posting the story... after the contest.. (I hate commitments, seriously) It will be even better.

I'm sorry, father.

Writing is so hard... I haven’t even finished the losing outcomes. 

It's too much work to do tonight. Fuck it. 

Even with multiple deadline extensions, I'm just a big fat loser and failure. 


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Less than 3 hours to go before SHAME

Though at this point half the people that joined have already been thrown in the pit. (Well not yet half, but it's heading that way)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well, I'm gonna try to turn something in before the deadline but it's not looking good at all. This ain't just a slaughter we're getting massacred out here. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

not quite sure how to properly do this, still kinda new here but here is a link maybe that works maybe it doesnt i do not know, hopefully its not too bad? (it probably is)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Oh, you fucked up. You really fucked up. Pray that the gods will find this amusing.

Edit: Seems the gods did not find it amusing, though the masses certainly did.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Even ignoring the co-author thing, the story is completely linear.

You're both SHAMED.

Congrats for being the first dual SHAMING for a story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Less than an hour to go before the rest of your losers get SHAMED.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
It isn't everything I hoped for, but it is something! I learned a lot about planning and pacing these things. It would have been much easier to write something fully linear, instead of mostly linear like it ended up being. Hopefully I'll salvage most of the writing currently sitting in my "cut content" folder.

The Painting of Red

EDIT: (a couple hours later) I just found a "choose destination" window open in my tabs. I'm terrified that some link or another is going to be broken.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Well If I'm going down I'll do it kicking and screaming. I Await The Council's Decision.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Link to my storygame:

Here's a fun trailer I created too:

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Man, talk about an overachiever.

Good job, Mystic.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'm not proud of this, but here it is. Underland.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Way to cut it close there Wizzy

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

That's time and the rest of you that haven't been SHAMED already are joining them like the pathetic slugs you are.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Prompt contest reading list

I'm doing this only because some of them were drowned out by a bunch of middle schoolers, so I compiled them all in a single post. Surprisingly a lot of heartthrobbing romances. Darn, still six stories to go and I'm already heavily anticipating some. So many 40k plus stories for me to read, yippee!!

49 people participated, 19 stories submitted! 18 people not shamed!! 38.8% turn out rate.

Planetshakers - Wizzy - 54k 

Underland - Typecat - 47.6k

Temporary Paradise - Stormwind - 3.9k

Spell of slumber - Mystic - 119.2k

G-H-O-S-T - Owl - 13.8k

Whose Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf - Axxius - 3.7k

Crime of Passion - Petros - 16.4k

Monster - Sherbet - 10.2k

The Siberian - Yummyfood - 9.1k

The Painting of Red - Ugilick - 43.5 k

Bames Nond - bucketofknives - 2.3k (got shamed)

When rock meets watermelon - goodnight_a - 24.8k

In 3 - PerforatedPenguin - 12.4k

Gay and DepressedER!!! - fresh_out_the_oven - 2.8k

Hazy - CP - 5.1k

Digital consciousness - Abgeofriends - 8.5k

Undermined - DrowningWhale - 14.5k

Meant To Be? - TrueParanormal - 20.1k

Gay and depressed (m) - Darius Conwright - 57.1k 



EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
Thanks for doing this.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago
The interesting stats for the numbers nerds:

At 49 entries, this was the second-most popular contest, second only to the last End prompt contest with 50 attempts.

With only 19 submissions, 38.8%, that's below average for a CYS contest, the average being 49.3% completions. That's in the lower third of completion rates. However, since there were such a large number of attempts, 19 is the second-largest group of submissions total from a contest. The most was also the last EM contest, with 29, and the next-largest was 18 from the year-end choose your prompt contest (2020). It would appear that prompt contests are more successful than other contests.

With 30 failures to submit, that is the largest number ever to sign up and not submit an entry.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

Still got about 4 stories left to go through.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

One more story to go. Pretty sure it's obvious which one is left.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2

2 years ago

I'll try to post the results either tonight or tomorrow.