Player Comments on Dungeon Stompage!
Yes. Yes yes yes. Easily the best single-player RPG on the site, and as far as I know, the internet.
Preview: Good old fashioned dungeon crawling. Face puzzles, monsters, succubi, and electric rats in your journey to defeat an evil sorcerer. The mechanics are excellent, and the plot and endings are quite clever too.
Basic Plot & Coherence: 5/5
In an RPG setting like this, the plot is theoretically unimportant, but here the detail given the the plot and setting really shines through. It’s a classic fantasy plot, big bad evil guy has evil magic book and evil magic fortress, must be stopped by intrepid young hero with the help of mysterious old wizard, and resisting the temptation of an evil succubus. But here, the interactive format allows these characters to flesh out and come to life, in a clever subversion of an ordinary fantasy plot.
Characters & Development: 5/5
Although largely the characters are vessels for the story, this category gets a 5 because they each serve their purpose. Kragan the wizard is simultaneously helpful and irritating, Lilianthea clearly has great and evil plans she’s trying to use you as a pawn in, even the dark elf lackey in his one scene makes a clear impression. Raven himself can go in vastly different directions depending on player choice. In the “normal” plot, he plays the “humble farm boy” trope straight, defeating the mad merodatch and saving the day, before proceeding to be successful in the rest of his life. But you can also play him as an arrogant aspiring dark mage, or an unwitting pawn in Lilianthea’s schemes. The flexibility the story provides is incredible.
Grammar: 5/5
I certainly didn’t notice any mistakes.
Mastery of Language: 3/3
Each of the character’s speaking style reveals lots of information about their personality. The narration has a colorful and entertaining way of presenting the various challenges and tests. In short, the tone contributes excellently to the story.
Mechanics & Coding: 5/5
I wish I could give this a higher score. Masterful. The battle mechanics provide meaningful choices to the player, and each puzzle has a logical and clever solution.
Branching: 3/3
Apparently there are eleven endings to this. I’ve only found seven, and as a compulsive completionist, this keeps me up at night. Anyways, the branching out of this story is almost ridiculous in its flexibility and coherence. Each of the endings (that I’ve found) comes about logically, and adds a new layer onto the character and the world. I’m impressed by just how much impact the player has over narrative outcome in a story that’s simultaniously clever with its puzzles and combat mechanics.
Player Options/Fair choice: 3/3
Each combat and puzzle provides the player with multiple approaches and ways to tackle the problem. Nothing ever feels forced. The use of items is also masterful.
Never does it feel like the consequences of a choice weren’t accurately foreshadowed.
Nitpicks: The “bone head death” puzzle at the end has multiple solutions and many of them (the ones I tried) don’t work. I eventually had to use the answer key Berka posted somewhere.
Endings: The endings I’ve found are noble, adventurer, betrayer, damned, insanity, destroyer, and fool’s ending. I’m aware that there are also an illicit lover, wolf in sheep’s clothing, mostly noble, and wanderer endings that I haven’t found yet. I must find out how to put the book down so I can dominate the succubus.
I really enjoyed this. I tend to prefer more narrative games over more mechanical ones, but this hit the sweet spot. Each page was engaging, the challenges were well constructed and fun, and the combat system managed to be entertaining as well, despite consisting of clicking repeated links. Unlike a lot of similar games, this has a lot of replay value, particularly for trying to find new endings. My only frustration is that I can’t find all the endings. I’ll get them eventually. Curse the clever coding and mechanics of this masterpiece!
EDIT: Man is it tough to find an endgame link in this! I wrote this review before posting it and it was tough to get to the comments screen!
CONCLUSION: 29/29 = 100%
There are very few compliments I can give that I haven’t already given. One of the best interactive fiction games out there.
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on 4/16/2021 1:13:59 PM with a score of 71770
If you think I'm above shaking down an old wizard for money after he made me do all his dirty work, you are sorely mistaken.
As much as I love CYS games that are packed o the brim with story/plot like 'Eternal' or whatever, I'm really happy to see a game that caters to the more game-like aspects.
The game leaned more heavily into the plot/story at the beginning and end (which makes sense since the middle of it was dedicated to dungeon crawling) and thus has more details to cover in those periods of the game. That being said, I appreciate the fact that this didn't cause a lack of detail during the dungeon-crawling sections. Every new room and enemy had an adequate description to go along with it that wasn't so long it drew attention away from the game aspect but also didn't make it feel like the author was just brushing past with a one-sentence description. The small changes to text based on item and/or choice interactions also didn't go unnoticed either.
In terms of story, the only thing I could think to add would be the means to find the dragon of serpent fang (Is that what it's called??? I can't remember). Finding clues to its whereabouts could've been what you used to add more overarching plot to the dungeon crawling segment. Unless that already is a part of the game and I just missed it like the nunce I am.
This just really feels like a classic-style dungeon-crawling quest, following the tried-and-tested "Oh no [Insert villain] has taken [insert item/person]! Stop them before it's too late!" kind-of formula. On the surface it seems generic, but god damn it, these structures are classics for a reason! They're FUN! If it's not fun then it's a shitty game. And it WAS fun.
Sometimes when we want fun what we need is something familiar, innovation be damned.
I think there was more I wanted to say but this will have to do for now, because I can't remember the rest. Good job
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on 4/16/2020 8:27:46 AM with a score of 133120
First timer to the site and a glutton for classical dungeon crawls...also, looking to find inspiration for my own stories and games... I decided to try this storygame first. Not disappointed in the least. There was a natural thrill in finding a new room or corridor in the dungeon and avoiding traps that were obvious. I also appreciate the quiet pauses of exploration between battle bouts.
The ability to go back to old areas at anytime is awesome; you really feel that you can take your time and use calculated moves. The navigation was well planed and intuitive.
The battles were simple and allowed for close calls no matter your character makeup, though I will have to play again to see how pumped and single-minded I can make Raven. That leads me into my next point, the customization in the character sheet is great! Should I go balanced or full brawn? On this playthrough I went more toward the brainy with a bit of stealth. So, of course I had to make a deal with the succubus!
The story did feel short, but that only encourages multiple playthrough. This then becomes a shining example for anyone new to storygames to make their own first short one. Greak work! Look forward to more of this type!
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on 1/11/2018 8:05:41 PM with a score of 15900
We had a lot of fun trying to get all the different endings. Well done!
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— Dan on 1/28/2025 6:34:50 AM with a score of 108260
So, I thought it was cool, and all. I had a lot of fun on it, but these are my two suggestions. Give us more HP. I would’ve been more confident to explore. I ended on 6 HP. And two, I wish you could’ve made it longer. I mean, the whole story.
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— Selah Rohde on 1/26/2025 10:20:26 AM with a score of 4490
This will probably be my favorite game so far and I am looking forward to dungeon stompage 2.
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on 1/14/2025 8:02:55 PM with a score of 330590
The chest ouzzle almost made me go crazy but aside from that this was such an amaizing experience!!! This was my first time playing since i just discovered the website. Totally worth the time
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— Rodrigo on 12/31/2024 2:34:52 AM with a score of 89630
Coming back to this after playing Delve!, I can definitely see how much BerkaZerka's scripting has improved since I found the scripting of this game a little tiresome at time, such as missing out on the automatic gold reward after killing the ghouls since I decided to drink a health potion immediately after. To avoid missing out on this reward, you have to click 'Continue' and not anything else after slaying those foul beasts.
Other than that, I enjoyed the game but felt it could've been a bit longer since some stats (such as Charm) were only useful in a few situations which I felt was a shame, as someone who likes to play smooth-talker characters in RPGs. Combat was fun, reminded me of the Fallout 1 critical hit moments (in a good way). Story was serviceable, it was there to add flavour to the game mechanics so I'm not bothered about the bare bones details it provided.
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on 12/18/2024 6:27:57 PM with a score of 10
Wonderful work!! 11 stars !
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— Lou on 12/18/2024 11:18:29 AM with a score of 70230
very good the puzzles got me thinking for a solid 15 mins each, and the villain is a big twist ;D
Go play it for yourself its worth the 2 hours of play time xDDD
atleast....I think i played 2 hours idk at this point :)
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— paladin slayer of zombies on 12/11/2024 1:31:32 AM with a score of 123860
Loved this so much
Thanks a ton for livening up the evening
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— L&D on 11/17/2024 2:50:02 AM with a score of 24250
I had a great time. Very good Story. I hope you expand on it.
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on 11/4/2024 12:00:31 PM with a score of 166250
This was definitely proving to be a 10 out of 10! or 8 I believe is the highest rating lol And with some more work it still can be. I absolutely love the mechanic of the story/game its the essence of why I got into these choice type stories however the story evolves far too abruptly leaving an entire books worth to be desired.
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on 10/7/2024 8:10:38 PM with a score of 18950
not finished, but so far its been great :)
My only problem is that frankly, i'm stuck. idk what to do next.
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on 9/23/2024 7:36:11 AM with a score of 13120
I rage
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on 9/4/2024 3:02:12 PM with a score of 75760
pretty dang good pally, had a ball and swore fealty to the quarter of pounders in the realm good day
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on 9/3/2024 10:27:57 AM with a score of 154600
I loved this story game. The RPG elements added a bit of unpredictability to each fight. I also appreciated the inclusion of a picture map, complete with a marker for where you currently where. I'm sure I would have been lost without it.
As for where it could improve.. I suppose the characters could have been more fleshed out. For example, I would have expected some reaction out of zorch when you found ember. I assume making the actual RPG elements enjoyable was the main focus but a good story can elevate games from being great to being timeless.
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on 8/15/2024 2:32:44 AM with a score of 79310
Very good game. Liked the part were you can upgrade one of your abilities to "God Like".
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on 8/12/2024 9:00:14 AM with a score of 110610
A truly fantastic dungeon game! The mechanics are very good and could be used for other projects like this one. Just wish the story or, heck, the monster ad enemies were a bit . . . MORE. Only complaint though honestly. again, TRULY Fantastic. BTW: first ending was "The Noble Ending"... Duh
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on 7/31/2024 11:45:04 PM with a score of 75610
That was a really fun and infuriating game lol. Thanks!
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on 7/31/2024 12:55:07 PM with a score of 89080
Can you make one positive ending for agreeing with the succubus (I chose it T-T)
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— a on 7/10/2024 1:44:06 PM with a score of 73480
Kinda wish you could find the dragon's bones (You can, but it's only a side point if you join the necromancer).
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— tdc on 7/5/2024 4:45:02 PM with a score of 161980
Super Fun! I got the Adventuring Hero ending. Even though I couldn't figure out the Private Treasure Room Riddle...
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— LizardKing on 6/20/2024 3:48:18 PM with a score of 123730
Only played once with a mostly straightforward combat build, but it was fun! Besides the number puzzle, I found a system bug at the end with the stat books. I think you trigger it by using a stat book, then selling an item, then going back or cancelling or something - it would trigger the stat gain each time.
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— zli on 6/9/2024 5:39:55 PM with a score of 126530
poopy poop fun
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on 5/31/2024 8:20:12 PM with a score of 283010
Hey, that was pretty good
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— Thileep on 5/23/2024 6:04:00 AM with a score of 126730
Really fun! Sequel, now! Great work!
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— Joe on 5/18/2024 8:08:31 AM with a score of 81400
Cracking zombie skulls never felt better!
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— Cdys on 4/6/2024 8:03:54 PM with a score of 88500
It's a good game, love the battles. I finally won this and I can't review this... Or can I?
Easily the best single-player RPG in here that I can't make.
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on 4/4/2024 11:12:40 PM with a score of 18260
thanks its interesting. Hope the story can be extended though.
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— a player of your story on 2/28/2024 6:16:19 AM with a score of 122720
Had a lot of fun completing this adventure. Will be playing it through once more.
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— Joet on 2/9/2024 6:50:01 PM with a score of 69820
A real blast to play, still trying to find out how I can find that damn dragon's bones
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— Johnny on 2/8/2024 3:59:50 PM with a score of 167550
i enjoyed, would have been 10/10 if i could beat up the wizard
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on 2/3/2024 5:53:52 PM with a score of 82990
1st game of this type….really enjoyed it. Just challenging enough to be enjoyable and not frustrating
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on 1/20/2024 2:43:48 PM with a score of 131800
A very fun read, the combat is an engaging mix of the classical gamebook combat style, and the descriptive blow-by-blow of other video games. Although I am slightly disappointed I can't master the book and the succubus lol, maybe I'm just doing something off. The entire thing is a very fun read. My thanks to the author for the experience!
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— Emerald on 12/23/2023 8:25:46 PM with a score of 121350
First game I've ever played and this sit, but it's good.
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— Eliru on 12/22/2023 11:43:06 AM with a score of 107980
"Congratulations, you have reached the ENDING OF THE BETRAYER"
Loved it. I went with the succubus, and destroyed myself and the world. The story is well written, interesting, and maybe a bit too dark for me, but still liked it.
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on 12/18/2023 12:42:35 PM with a score of 150840
It was good. The possible achievements can be listed in the beginning to make things visible. Thanks
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— Ihsan the Musluman on 12/10/2023 9:23:20 AM with a score of 82520
loved it, super simple yet it has lots of replayability. 10/10
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on 11/21/2023 2:23:18 PM with a score of 84760
A true chose your own adventure style book
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on 11/14/2023 10:20:42 PM with a score of 80790
Absolutely would love to play again.
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— Raven123 on 11/13/2023 11:42:16 PM with a score of 117700
A very fun game with logical responses to player actions. Highly recommended
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— Hobgoblinoid on 10/12/2023 2:40:09 AM with a score of 174960
very good
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— 23646878 on 9/20/2023 1:42:40 AM with a score of 10
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— Camry on 8/15/2023 3:17:12 AM with a score of 93300
This is still definitely the best story on the site. I got the NOBLE’S ENDING!
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on 8/13/2023 9:31:37 AM with a score of 132930
Super fun! My first choose your story play through and it was awesome! I’ll probably play it again!
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— Sam on 8/6/2023 9:03:49 PM with a score of 110160
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on 7/24/2023 9:40:59 AM with a score of 68410
It's quite good! Just not long enough =(
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— Math on 7/19/2023 12:00:37 PM with a score of 149410
It's a really good story
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on 5/19/2023 1:19:52 AM with a score of 148440
This was a good, solid fantasy story. I got Noble's Ending and thought it was satisfying, if bittersweet (I wonder if there was a way I could save Raven's mother and Ember?). I might not jump in right away but I'd be intrigued to see some of the alterative routes, such as going Full Dark Side or talking to the succubus lady more.
Still, damn good game.
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on 3/7/2023 8:37:44 PM with a score of 67760
Amazing Story!!!
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on 3/5/2023 8:03:27 AM with a score of 184720
Health: 37 (of 52); Gold: 2172; SCORE: 124240
Greatly increased my score LMAO. LOVE THIS.
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— bryce on 2/28/2023 4:54:48 PM with a score of 124250
Health: 49 (of 49); Gold: 33; SCORE: 19830
My score, I quite like this and will further try to push this score.
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— bryce on 2/28/2023 4:27:30 PM with a score of 19840
I got a score of 185,230. Not sure if that's good or not, but it's the journey that counts... and the journey was a blast. 10/10, This is one of the best games on the site.
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on 1/21/2023 11:58:49 AM with a score of 185240
It was a great game.
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on 11/19/2022 3:15:20 PM with a score of 152860
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on 10/24/2022 9:08:54 AM with a score of 123060
this was my very first CYOA. originally it was for an essay in my class, but i fell in love with the mechanics so quickly it will undoubtedly become a new favorite passtime for me. thank you for all the work you put into this great experience!
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on 10/15/2022 3:08:36 PM with a score of 67820
Fun game
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on 10/12/2022 4:51:06 PM with a score of 68120
This was a very fun Read!
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on 8/24/2022 12:45:35 AM with a score of 105860
HIGHEST SCORE ACHIEVED - If anyone gets a higher score than me in the future, could you let me know? My Discord is Sam Dragonborn1#0201 and my Reddit is u/Sam_Dragonborn1 thank you in-advance, Zerka you’re pog for making this Storygame, Sam P
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— Sam P on 7/26/2022 12:50:24 AM with a score of 10032020
Amazing! I like it! And most of all… please. please continue this!
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— ROM_Hacker on 7/18/2022 7:16:26 PM with a score of 130610
Good job dude
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— James Monroe on 5/9/2022 11:28:11 AM with a score of 92930
This game was really good, it had a cool story and detailed events. The endings where creative, including dying.
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— Kaycee on 4/4/2022 12:15:03 PM with a score of 79810
This was a very good game I would really love for you to make a second one. The story was intriguing and the characters were all interesting. I ended up getting the ending of the damned and let me just say... Damned Succubus.
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— James Monroe on 3/18/2022 2:54:19 PM with a score of 4590
Loved this! Nice dungeon crawl but has a nice narrative with it. Enjoyed the detail in the story, as well as the different paths to endings. Also, I liked the use of riddles/puzzles. Enough to be some challenge, but not too many to bog down story. Overall, very fun to play.
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on 3/15/2022 1:53:52 PM with a score of 193240
yes please make more
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— v71 on 1/27/2022 11:08:08 AM with a score of 4390
not bad also did you receive sponsorship from some major chocolate companies or are you just a fan?
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— moose on 1/2/2022 8:10:47 PM with a score of 144710
What a fun game! Very replayable. It’s basically a solo dungeons and dragons adventure. The game takes 2-4 hours the first time around, quicker on repeat but has plenty of hidden things to enjoy, and is different depending on what type of character and strategy you use.
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— Jason on 12/31/2021 9:50:52 PM with a score of 137380
I enjoyed the game, and it would be awesome if you made another.
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on 12/15/2021 11:29:20 AM with a score of 84810
A simple yet fun plot that was well made and short enough to finish in a single sitting.
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on 12/15/2021 3:45:09 AM with a score of 124490
It was really good theme it took to make this must have been worth it
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— Me on 12/13/2021 12:54:00 PM with a score of 162280
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— KYLE J HOOPES on 12/2/2021 2:33:35 PM with a score of 67290
This game was so well made, I'm going to try a few more times to see what other endings I can get. This playthrough I got the ending of the damned, and it was really interesting to see what happened even after I had died. There was obviously a lot of work put into this, I can't even begin imagine. 7/8 :)
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on 12/1/2021 10:20:27 PM with a score of 52810
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on 11/17/2021 4:30:36 AM with a score of 115420
I think it is hard to play because you aren’t aware at the beginning that you can fight monsters. It took me awhile and I was kind of bored while playing it. Overall, it was pretty good.
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on 11/17/2021 12:21:52 AM with a score of 53020
god like lol love it
good job
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on 11/10/2021 1:24:51 PM with a score of 126660
Lovely back to the basics dungeon crawl. Both the classic storytelling the slight comedic tone make this just a great easy to digest adventure. 10/10 great job
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— David on 10/28/2021 10:09:47 AM with a score of 75970
Great story, fun combat, really an amazing experience
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— Happy player :) on 10/27/2021 3:55:13 PM with a score of 59750
I found the dragon and defeated thormingul! You have to get to the crypt in the throne room,
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— HyperX on 10/5/2021 8:39:10 PM with a score of 116610
An innovative and fun game. We hope to see more like this in the future!
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on 10/2/2021 12:23:29 PM with a score of 68150
I used the Dominate Spell on Kragen.
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on 9/20/2021 10:37:02 PM with a score of 195400
Just found this. Absolutely loved it. 10/10 adventure.
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— LethalStinky on 9/20/2021 12:06:16 PM with a score of 117370
I enjoyed it but the interface was a bit sloppy at times. I don't know how it could be improved though. Of course, I wish it was longer but I did like the amount of choices I had compared to other stories.
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on 9/9/2021 5:22:25 PM with a score of 36670
It was fun but I wish it was a little longer
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— Cash on 9/6/2021 6:49:00 PM with a score of 12790
was really fun, like really
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— kaka on 8/7/2021 7:03:51 PM with a score of 71130
totally badass, felt like a sword and sorcery adventure, definitely play
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— STONE COLD on 8/2/2021 10:05:16 PM with a score of 121160
Play it and you'll learn why I think it's good Tip: Don't look in the eviil book and don't become Merodatch's servant
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on 6/9/2021 3:01:51 AM with a score of 115700
I love the story.
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on 6/3/2021 8:39:31 PM with a score of 19210
Hello, So, That was An Adventure, I Enjoyed it, This was my first time playing this adventure I’ll give you my thoughts, Warning though, POTENTIAL SPOILERS / MINOR SPOILERS SUCH AS A ENDING NAME.
;so, I felt the Story was Pretty short, though I did enjoy it, I got the Noble Ending, my End gold was 5,000 something.
And my End score was; 110270. This was fun but short. Good work!
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on 5/31/2021 11:15:41 PM with a score of 110280
The story is quite engaging with the fast pace of progression, the simple yet fulfilling puzzles and ever-reliable RPG power-fantasy formula. On the other hand, the low amount of decent character interactions, overall criminally short story and the low-end scope of the events take away from my enjoyment of it. It's not that writing is _bad_, mind you, quite the opposite. It's just... not enough.
Still, 7.5/10: would Dominate a succubus again.
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on 5/20/2021 3:48:22 PM with a score of 192380
great game, i found an infinite money glitch at the end of the game in the crypt
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— connor brennan on 5/5/2021 11:48:19 AM with a score of 91920
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— egg on 5/3/2021 3:43:22 PM with a score of 152150
Wow so many secrets and AMAZING GAME MECHANICS. I mean like seriously, the mechanics are awesome, it has a money system, a health system, inventory, dungeon map, and more! well written and to the point, no skimming through long boring descriptions and storylines.
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on 4/27/2021 6:29:21 PM with a score of 178090
I love all the possibilities this storygame offers and I've already replayed it for most of the endings. Great work! :)
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on 3/28/2021 10:39:34 PM with a score of 171010
Most awesome thing I have played ever, so fun
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— Stranger on 3/26/2021 8:46:23 AM with a score of 68200
Fun game, played with my 7 and 5 year old boys, they had a great time! (I omitted the succubus mentions)
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— Ian on 3/20/2021 10:27:23 PM with a score of 33330
Hello, it's me again, this time I have achieved NOBEL'S ENDING, the game is quite good with unique battle sequences and a solid story, I have explored what I can assume is everything this game has to offer
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— Unknown on 1/26/2021 11:57:02 AM with a score of 182220
Hello, so I beat the game getting BETRAYER, but to those who say you cant find the dragon, well, you can! Invest into spot and search around the throne room, you can figure out the rest, have fun :D
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— Unknown on 1/26/2021 10:03:18 AM with a score of 39610
fun but a little too short. Also, the BONE + DEAD + HEAD = DEATH puzzle has way more than 6 answers, it has probably over a hundred potential answers. Here are just a few in the order DEATHBON: 00000000 (yes, all zeros is a valid answer), 00010001, 00020002, 00030003, 00040004, 00050005, 00060006, 00070007, 00080008, 00090009, 00100008, 00200016, 00300024, 00400032, 00500040, 00600048, 00700056, 00800064, 00900072, etc.
Overall enjoyable.
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— David Fletcher on 1/13/2021 2:11:34 AM with a score of 101660
i truly enjoyed this game
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— Dan on 1/12/2021 8:17:53 AM with a score of 97700
Great dungeon crawler
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— Gameplayer on 1/11/2021 2:18:43 PM with a score of 153840
Some of the fighting is buggy, I couldn't initiate fights with either Kragan or the undead horde in the tunnel under the throne room by using my weapon. Also, the puzzle in the living quarters doesn't work either. I got the answer 6892 + 1231 + 4231 = 12354, which should work, as no numbers are two letters and everything checks out, but it didn't work. Other than that, it was an okay game.
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on 1/8/2021 4:30:29 PM with a score of 130670
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— C on 1/6/2021 4:12:30 AM with a score of 79610
Amazing. It took me TWO DAYS TO COMPLETE AND WAS COMPLETLY WORTH IT. I voted an 8 because that’s what is deserved. I got the wolf in sheep’s clothing ending
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— C on 12/21/2020 7:57:52 PM with a score of 110550
Not bad, I ran a thot build and maxed out body and charm, and then lots of melee. Had fun and became attached to my character (Raven, 14, I know...) and got the Betrayer ending. At the end I chose to become a wandering adventurer, I put one last point into brain.
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on 12/17/2020 1:43:41 PM with a score of 102070
Fun and simple.
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on 12/16/2020 6:59:39 AM with a score of 68800
It took me a long time but ending was very worth it
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— Mark on 12/7/2020 4:08:24 PM with a score of 112790
everyone already knows it, but this game owns. i'm not huge on gamey games in general, but I had a ton of fun with this one, even if BZ himself had to tell me how to get the good ending :)
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on 12/2/2020 10:24:53 PM with a score of 121230
I really enjoyed the game and would recommend it to all is nerds.
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— James Havestick on 11/30/2020 12:50:04 AM with a score of 80460
I thought this was quite a good adventure, it is my first so I have nothing to compare it to, but I did enjoy. I am lazy however and I would love to know all the endings even if I don't know how to achieve them.
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on 11/22/2020 1:13:23 PM with a score of 71950
that was fucking awesome.
keep up the good work!!!!!!!
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— orangatan on 11/21/2020 2:50:50 PM with a score of 176780
Pretty weak with a abrupt end, thought it would be in more detail since there was leveling an such. Very short experience. Not really worth anyone time investment for the experience
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— Simpai on 11/8/2020 12:32:11 PM with a score of 108020
Impressive programming (I think - this is the first I have played). It seems that the scenario was written to be completable from almost any position, which was nice. Very fast character progression - my fourteen year-old character became a mighty hero in a matter of a few hours! Thank goodness for healing potions!
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on 11/1/2020 9:10:54 PM with a score of 37440
this game was amazing,yes i cheated a little and had to go back every once in a while but it never took away the fun i had, i had the succubus ending
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— james wild on 10/15/2020 3:44:16 PM with a score of 113330
Look forward to expansion
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— J on 10/9/2020 3:13:12 PM with a score of 85390
Great work
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— Jd on 10/9/2020 12:46:41 PM with a score of 70100
Not bad just weird
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on 10/9/2020 10:38:12 AM with a score of 20770
Good job dude, the game was actually kind of fun and didn't suck balls
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— joe on 10/2/2020 10:46:28 AM with a score of 37340
loved it
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— james collins on 8/20/2020 6:18:08 PM with a score of 76560
The sheer amount of different endings and secrets is enough is impressive. It must have been a nightmare to implement so many complicated mechanics and keeping the gameplay relatively simple.
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— Claudio on 8/2/2020 1:44:09 PM with a score of 117310
Noble's Ending
Though I did cheat a bit to get there. Being honest, I died in the throne room at the final fight. I attempted to give the book to the wizard before the fight but couldn't. In my head canon, I did give the book to the wizard before trying my best to destroy the necromancer who took everything from me only to become another mindless thrall in his army. Without the book, I hope some other adventurers avenge me. I might go through a few more times to see all the endings. Thanks for this wonderful short RPG story. :)
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— Caleb on 7/6/2020 6:20:27 PM with a score of 172720
Best. Storygame. Ever.
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on 6/18/2020 10:50:21 PM with a score of 133730
Hey, great adventure. Good balance and hilarious descriptions and characters. A lot of fun. 3 of us played it in a group. We'd love to keep adventuring, perhaps another "story" in the future where we can bring our character along?
"Stompage Campaign Trilogy"??
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on 6/4/2020 11:12:17 PM with a score of 138040
first text based game ive tried 7/10 only lacking more choices
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— jason on 5/26/2020 9:17:30 PM with a score of 4500
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— CamoKid1215 on 5/22/2020 2:30:10 PM with a score of 92210
It was really good
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— a cool guy on 5/13/2020 4:19:58 PM with a score of 126310
well writen, good flow of action, good descriptions
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— john schroeder on 5/11/2020 12:49:43 AM with a score of 36330
I found it short
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on 5/3/2020 10:07:41 PM with a score of 87750
Very fun, original story
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— Dave C on 4/21/2020 1:51:27 PM with a score of 6980
Great narrative, brilliant items and character stat structure. Me and my sister really enjoyed this, the first online choose-your-own story we've done in a long time! Thank you so much. :-)
Shame the item specs could not be viewed before you buy the item.
Disappointed that the spiders in the introduction didn't feature at all.
I was quite disappointed when my field of vision was blocked by a wall (Gallery), that the X-ray vision potion didn't help with.
But lots of fun, thank you very much :-)
Anthony and Elise
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— Anthony on 4/16/2020 11:49:40 AM with a score of 123050
Dope. Chest in the personal area is whack, still wanna know whats in there, haha. message me if you know
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on 4/6/2020 4:23:55 PM with a score of 207610
Excellent text adventure game for a quick jaunt
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on 4/6/2020 3:34:07 PM with a score of 71370
The RNG combat was very engaging and also tempting the "go back" button. I cheated. I never lost and therefore never got attached to any of the characters. I'm really sorry.
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on 4/3/2020 6:57:50 AM with a score of 67460
great game I play it almost every day would recommend it to anyone that is interested in this kind of game
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— connor brennan on 3/11/2020 10:34:21 AM with a score of 134280
Still not better than the term Yeet,
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on 3/9/2020 1:02:17 PM with a score of 85930
The pin lock puzzle really had me stumped. Even with the creator giving me the answer, I wasn't sure what the rules for that puzzle were. That said, everything else in this game was fantastic. I think I'll have to give it a replay to see if I can make friends with my ex-rival's pet and maybe even find the dragon's body.
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— Ragnu on 3/9/2020 6:21:31 AM with a score of 72810
Excellent adventure! Loved it! More please!
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— John on 3/7/2020 1:28:29 AM with a score of 67850
Chuck Norris Approves
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on 3/6/2020 7:10:56 PM with a score of 90340
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on 3/6/2020 12:12:52 PM with a score of 93220
How do i get the expansion
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— Delta on 3/5/2020 3:16:21 PM with a score of 162690
I cant find the map
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— Delta on 3/5/2020 1:02:15 PM with a score of 122090
I LOVED this story. I never reached the 1 exception ending, unless that was dying, but I got the Noble’s ending and Adventurer’s ending!
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on 3/3/2020 3:51:51 PM with a score of 107780
It's soo good
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on 2/28/2020 6:46:58 PM with a score of 32780
Noble end
Spam charm
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— Yolo on 2/26/2020 1:18:25 PM with a score of 118820
I loved it! Though I wish it was a little longer, it was super fun. :3
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on 2/11/2020 1:28:55 PM with a score of 140410
cheesy as hell, but very enjoyable
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— Avery on 2/11/2020 11:30:47 AM with a score of 74890
Great game! I loved the map, which must have been so hard to make! Even though I completed the story, I still find myself wanting to play again and get another ending.
Great job overall, definitely a game worth featuring.
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on 2/7/2020 8:50:15 AM with a score of 112950
Welp, I went evil. xD Fantastic story, brilliant mechanics! 8/8, fantastic work. WOuld recommend!
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on 2/4/2020 7:05:34 PM with a score of 12090
This was a pretty good story plot overall! I like it a lot!
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— Wong on 2/3/2020 4:40:25 PM with a score of 67810
I loved it thanks for the opportunity to play it please come out with more fun games for me to play
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— Alex on 2/1/2020 11:21:13 AM with a score of 130760
I got the Noble ending.
This was a wonderful way to spend some time. Thanks!
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— DonToto on 1/22/2020 9:18:11 PM with a score of 133070
Got the Illicit Lover ending which was unexpected. The Story and the humor was great and I didn't find any bugs but I do have one complaint. How the hell do you solve the puzzle at the end where you have to open that chest? It's seemingly unsolvable with my little brain and nothing seems to work. Other than that though, amazing cyoa!
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on 1/19/2020 5:18:10 AM with a score of 129750
I want more
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— School on 1/15/2020 8:46:30 AM with a score of 165290
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on 1/14/2020 2:12:14 PM with a score of 76330
Fun. I got the bad ending of being stuck in a book. A bit more description on what exactly being stuck in a book MEANS would be nice, but I guess it's going for that unknown aspect. I guess somehow still conscious, but with no body?
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— Anzals on 1/7/2020 8:59:49 AM with a score of 4140
Combat mechanics are a bit unexplained and it feels a bit random as to how damage is taken or dealt. It felt like I was sometimes taking more or less points of damage when I used different weapons, and I'm not sure that ranged or melee combat made a difference overall.
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on 1/4/2020 9:15:09 AM with a score of 89500
Great dungeon crawling, just what I was looking for. Thank you and keep up the good work!
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— Bodenax on 12/27/2019 1:22:49 PM with a score of 3990
This was really nice and the storyline was well written. But in the middle I kinda got stuck in this loop
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— Bob the Builder on 12/21/2019 2:51:41 PM with a score of 109370
Best game ever
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— Zachary on 12/20/2019 3:57:57 PM with a score of 81230
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— Java on 12/16/2019 12:50:21 PM with a score of 12470
Pretty good. Too short.
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— BOBSTONE on 12/12/2019 12:16:49 PM with a score of 4110
I wish it was a little longer but it was good
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— Dylan on 12/11/2019 11:03:52 AM with a score of 4350
pretty good, was fun more sexual stuff with the hot wizard
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— VinnieBOb on 12/8/2019 9:06:53 PM with a score of 166980
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— Hi on 12/2/2019 7:02:20 PM with a score of 67040
A wonderful adventure, sadly it ended too short. You're a brilliant author and reading through all the endings was a blast. I was however able to fight all but the final battle by attacking once with the shortsword and then double attacking over and over to finish every enemy. Also it would have been cool to have a final battle with the succubus and maybe even the only way to defeat her is with the want she gives you. Either way it was a ton of fun and if you were to have any other adventures I'd love to play them!
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— Hunter on 11/26/2019 9:44:59 AM with a score of 114830
Really fun, creative dungeon crawl! Not too long either, which is nice! I'd like a sequel!!
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on 11/24/2019 5:17:51 PM with a score of 70430
engging nd awesome, challening enough.
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— Matty d on 11/23/2019 1:14:06 PM with a score of 71310
I want the sequel
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on 11/23/2019 2:01:59 AM with a score of 172580
This is really great!
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— Bryce Ortegae on 11/22/2019 9:31:06 AM with a score of 17680
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— yeet on 11/12/2019 9:16:09 AM with a score of 156220
I loved it. Just make sure to get the right ending and (spoilers) don't give the succubus the book.
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— Rowan on 11/11/2019 2:40:05 PM with a score of 161990
fun, cool
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on 11/11/2019 2:12:03 PM with a score of 107890
great game but there is a money duplication glitch in the evil sanctum
otherwise, I love the game and this was probably like my 50th playthrough of the game
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— connor brennan on 11/8/2019 10:29:03 AM with a score of 141350
Should of allowed you to kill the sucubess
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— Immortal112 on 11/7/2019 7:10:48 PM with a score of 96890
Sounded to classical first, but quickly grew on me. Like the sistem also.
What to do better?
> Bigger dungeon
> More funny reference like Ember's rat
Did every end and found only 2 mistakes:
- villagers* not vilages (Laboratory)
- Magic* not Magi (after the destruction of the tower)
Thks for making this game!
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— Morgor on 11/6/2019 6:29:43 AM with a score of 67770
it is a good story
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on 10/29/2019 2:09:38 PM with a score of 3930
this is a very good story.
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on 10/28/2019 12:16:37 PM with a score of 3920
All in all, this is the most fun I’ve had so far on CYS. The writing was a step above almost all the storygames I’ve played here. I found myself reading with more care, looking for comedic nuggets or immersive imagery, instead of skipping passages.
There was a solid balance of having just enough detail and varied structure without being wordy or dense. So it never once felt like a slog. Battle diversions helped with that as well.
I’ve read three of the endings and each of them were clearly defined, satisfying conclusions that individually worked within the story. It didn’t seem like one ending was neglected over another, which I really appreciated.
Wish there could have been more characters to parley, but I’m also just greedy for a bigger story when I find one I really like. This story was excellent to the point where I’m intimidated to write my own. I doubt it’d match up!
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on 10/25/2019 2:24:28 AM with a score of 122080
I got the noble ending
Spoiler alert!
I really liked the fact of how it was so much like dungeons and dragons ,in the way with stats and multiple endings
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— Crazypro1170 on 10/23/2019 6:33:20 AM with a score of 121400
rendben ?????, ?? Kissé zavarba ejto és furcsa, ?? összességében jó játék ??????
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— ?????? ???? on 10/10/2019 5:06:32 PM with a score of 7620
I loved it and when i found the cleaning flask i thought if i used it enough times i would get something special lol
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on 10/6/2019 2:47:41 PM with a score of 73400
I really liked all the mechanics in the game and the writing was pretty good. The reason I gave the game a 7/8 instead of 6 is because I didn't want to bring its overall score too far down. Other than that, what I consider the worst part of the game is that in every evil ending you end up as the succubus's slave. That's really... poopy writing, if you ask me. I am pretty sure that the outcome is the same for any stats so, yeah, that part sux. Great game as a whole!
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on 10/5/2019 5:23:10 PM with a score of 156110
Loved the game, little short but oh well
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— potato on 9/27/2019 1:04:27 AM with a score of 79270
nice story!
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— d dog on 9/23/2019 2:07:01 PM with a score of 60020
Noice game not better than Reeses' tho srry
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on 9/19/2019 1:04:06 PM with a score of 108380
The game was amazing but a little short i wish it could have been alot longer so i could get alot more out of it, even though it was short i had alot of fun and enjoyed it emensly.
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— fear on 9/18/2019 12:03:34 PM with a score of 4740
Great story! Little bit short but well worth playing
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on 9/15/2019 9:42:47 PM with a score of 67560
This storygame exceeded my high expectations. A tough, fun gem of interactive fiction. Some minor flaws in writing and coding but no gem is perfect. I highly recommend.
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on 9/13/2019 1:25:03 PM with a score of 165630
Wow I like legit went through every room and used the x Ray potion when you get stuck on a death puzzle use it the use it in the throne room afterwards
You will love it
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— The x ray on 9/12/2019 11:25:03 PM with a score of 83990
Nice gameplay, but story was a bit hard to follow.
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on 9/10/2019 2:03:07 PM with a score of 67490
So cool, yo.
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— Boofy on 9/7/2019 12:24:35 AM with a score of 181650
I love this game! I wish it was longer though.
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on 9/6/2019 1:50:13 PM with a score of 67460
This was an absolutely amazing story! I am hosting a dnd game and might use this story as an adventure. It is brilliant!
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— Not Important on 9/4/2019 1:32:43 PM with a score of 26720
This shit was top tear I swear. It was honestly the best text adventure ive ever played. I loved it and it had a great story but the rival thing was kinda weird and confusing but I figured it out.
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— James on 8/29/2019 7:49:23 PM with a score of 59920
Great story! Thanks for the adventure! I've been looking a long time for something just like this.
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on 8/18/2019 10:20:07 PM with a score of 174460
its fun definitely worth trying to get all the outcomes.
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— Molag White on 8/14/2019 8:49:27 PM with a score of 4380
it was a fairly enjoyable story
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on 8/14/2019 12:29:35 PM with a score of 15370
Fantastic game, really fun level ups and character options.
The chest drove me mad but got there in the end!
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on 7/31/2019 3:36:20 PM with a score of 231800
Fun Game. I can't find any kind of walkthrough's at all. I've achieved a multitude of endings, all entertaining. How do I know when i've got them all? Is there an ending where we can find the bones of the dragon and I just havnt found how to do that yet? Is there an ending where we can break back into the tower and take the book from Kragen? Is there an ending where we end up with the succubus, but not trapped in the book? Again, entertaining for sure. Cheers!
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— Andrew on 7/24/2019 3:24:21 PM with a score of 67450
Not so bad
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on 7/13/2019 12:43:36 PM with a score of 197100
Cool story love it
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on 7/11/2019 10:00:28 PM with a score of 113350
Regarding the treasure code
Bone + Dead + Head = Death
there are 16 solutions none of them seem to work for me
bone+head+dead=death (8 variables)
CPU time = 10 msec
16 solution(s)
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— Anony on 7/10/2019 1:25:56 PM with a score of 84260
Thank you so much for spending your time creating this superb dungeon crawl, it’s amazing what you’ve accomplished.
Only quibbles are a few minor spelling mistakes, not sure if I could change my age but a 14yo with a succubus might be a bit extreme, and I was able to cheat shamelessly (my own fault really!).
I’m now going to check for more great works by you, and if there aren’t any I’ll be disappointed.
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— Matt L on 7/4/2019 9:27:08 AM with a score of 124440
hey that's pretty gooed
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— human on 7/2/2019 4:29:46 PM with a score of 245340
This Storygame was truly phenomenal. I really love how the options all melded together, and really integrated the story based off of every little choice you make. This game really gives me that D&D feel. Even though I liked it, i am sad to report that i got "The Damned" ending, as i thought that me joining the "Evil" wizard would grant me the option to betray him later on and make a better ending, but instead of course, i just got some mighty fine succubus sex and trapped within the Book
TL:DR A great storygame, I Strongly recommend! Keep up the good work!
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on 7/2/2019 10:22:04 AM with a score of 3920
Terrible, not worth your time. I want a part two.
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on 7/1/2019 3:29:18 AM with a score of 111080
The storyline was absolutely amazing and engaging. I was a bit disturbed by the succubus though, given that the main character is only 14 (unless the age is randomized?). I wish there were more opportunities for battle and interaction, as I carefully plotted out stats and weapons, yet didn't use half the weapons I bought for various purposes and didn't use any brain and charm related skills. Perhaps there were locations where the skills came in handy; however, I did not come across any situations where they were necessary, and still achieved the nobility ending. This story has already created several plot bunnies for my DnD campaign. Thank you! :)
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— Random Person on 6/29/2019 6:16:10 PM with a score of 96190
I tried a different path and the succubus lets you hit it. 10/10
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— Tomato Head on 6/27/2019 1:20:45 AM with a score of 233090
Wish the succubus would let me hit that.
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— Tomato Head on 6/27/2019 12:35:33 AM with a score of 117850
Just wish it was longer and more detailed on what the Succubus was doing
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— Joshua E Southworth on 6/25/2019 4:36:18 PM with a score of 94920
really fun date night story (: <3
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— a&w on 6/14/2019 11:46:47 PM with a score of 4590
Really good fun
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— Simon Miles on 6/6/2019 3:29:25 PM with a score of 5080
Very intriguing, I think it was well worth playing, but could use a bit of balancing for combat.
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on 6/5/2019 9:59:25 PM with a score of 4800
7/8 will go back to visit my succubus
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on 5/27/2019 10:03:32 AM with a score of 33040
I absoloutely LOVED this AMAZING story. It was a quest unlike any I’ve played, and probably one of the best RPGs, honestly. My only problem is that it wasn’t longer, but it was overall a great journey. I played to get all endings, and I’m in love with it! I really hope us fans see a part two!
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on 5/16/2019 3:58:01 PM with a score of 107090
this is good for all
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on 5/10/2019 6:10:06 PM with a score of 81790
Excellent game. Can recommend it highly.
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— Bootboy on 5/5/2019 5:29:19 AM with a score of 223800
ayyy owlex i liked the game i joined the dark side in the end but it was fun i only got in one fight and my pikachu creature killed him but the game was fun man
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— ya boi prodigy on 5/5/2019 3:26:01 AM with a score of 4380
yo is good
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on 4/30/2019 10:06:50 AM with a score of 90630
super nice RPG, all i have to say
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on 4/26/2019 8:02:51 AM with a score of 77270
You get to have a succubus slave 10/10 IGN
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on 4/25/2019 4:46:46 PM with a score of 195480
This was a fantastic story. It may be the first one I've tried, but it definitely set a high bar for any other stories I try in the future.
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on 4/23/2019 11:34:29 AM with a score of 54730
How the heck did you do the variable stuff???
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on 4/17/2019 5:30:49 PM with a score of 7000
I really like this game but, it’s not better than Reese’s peanut butter cups. Sorry
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on 4/7/2019 2:46:12 PM with a score of 71280
This is the best story ever
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— Someone on 4/5/2019 11:35:04 AM with a score of 147160
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on 3/29/2019 1:41:28 PM with a score of 84510
It was really fun but it wasn't the best either.
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on 3/26/2019 2:44:59 PM with a score of 20720
Better if it went on for longer
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on 3/26/2019 10:47:26 AM with a score of 178310
Its kind of short, but still preety good.
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on 3/19/2019 8:58:21 PM with a score of 107410
Iv played twice and enjoy the game still, but its hard to get any endings involving the book i keep trying to get a dark rulerish ending without losing my characters mind but it never happens it was still a fun experience tho but i believe 2 times is enough for me 1 good guy one bad-ish
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on 3/15/2019 11:49:03 PM with a score of 141120
All i can honestly say is its good, iv only beat it once and think that its not enough, i plan to play again and again and maybe see something different it was a great experience
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on 3/15/2019 9:44:29 PM with a score of 84610
What a great story! It's like a combination of D&D and a point-and-click adventure, and I was surprised by the genuinely charming characters and challenging battles. Not to mention that it comes with a free Pikachu!
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on 3/7/2019 2:52:06 PM with a score of 28590
This was an excellent game book to play! I'd love to carry the character forward into new adventures!
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on 3/4/2019 10:18:30 PM with a score of 76760
Lots of fun to try out the various stat and skill combos at character creation. Good enough to play many times.
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— Robert Harrison on 2/23/2019 8:28:42 PM with a score of 170770
Fun little game! Challenging but not too difficult. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who likes a dungeon crawler.
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— Robert Harrison on 2/22/2019 1:53:06 AM with a score of 111730
good. I found everything possible.
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— terd on 2/20/2019 9:19:49 PM with a score of 110840
Eh, honestly, there's not much to do, and the parley/charm was useless
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on 2/19/2019 1:59:53 PM with a score of 237840
Hey! This is really old, so I'm not sure if you even use the same email, but I had a lot of fun. Gotta write scholarship essays right now, but hey, when did procrastination ever hurt anybody?
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— Tristan on 2/14/2019 5:49:29 PM with a score of 153170
I thought it was great fun and challenging but I have a great idea. it would be better if you had more monsters and more verity of weapons
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— Austin on 2/14/2019 3:03:51 PM with a score of 67790
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on 2/6/2019 9:55:37 AM with a score of 87120
I really enjoyed it as my first story that I got into it easily It felt good to find and search for stuff getting further and further into the game!
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on 2/1/2019 1:23:36 PM with a score of 120800
It was amaazing, It is planned out very well and will keep you glued to it until you finish it
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on 1/31/2019 9:05:26 PM with a score of 199160
the game was well thought out and caught my attention easily.
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— dylan on 1/31/2019 4:30:52 PM with a score of 210000
Very cool and fun little game! It seemed like it favored melee stats a lot, but that's the only complaint I can think of.
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— rrf5067 on 1/29/2019 8:17:42 PM with a score of 12850
Great story, i wish there was a way to use your skills a bit more, like trying to outwit the succubus or enemies. 10/10 will play again to get different endings.
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— GP on 1/28/2019 3:35:49 AM with a score of 28630
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on 1/24/2019 3:03:55 PM with a score of 92390
That was fun!
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on 1/19/2019 4:05:00 AM with a score of 4100
duuuuud soooo guuuud
just what i was looking for
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on 1/17/2019 9:43:11 AM with a score of 116110
The only flaw is that there is not more of it.
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on 1/7/2019 9:20:16 PM with a score of 149730
Good game.
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— Stephen on 12/22/2018 12:29:43 AM with a score of 183140
its good...
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on 12/14/2018 11:41:56 AM with a score of 75610
Fun game, if a bit brutal at times(FREAKING ZOMBIE HORDE). Also kinda easy if you reload scum using the back button and redoing the choice. Enjoyable, though.
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— Kendrick Nguyen on 12/11/2018 1:31:05 PM with a score of 117230
One of my absolute favorite stories to read, and try beating my high score this is the best i can seem to do though.
Health: 43 (of 52); Gold: 499920; SCORE: 249590
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on 12/7/2018 8:52:10 AM with a score of 249600
Thanks for the story, I had fun. I couldn't find a real good ending though; maybe I choose wrong.
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— VinnyUSMC on 12/6/2018 7:23:48 PM with a score of 13190
Yay Im now a noble man.
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on 12/4/2018 11:24:47 AM with a score of 151840
Apparently corruption suits me well, oh well time to try again.
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on 12/4/2018 9:29:18 AM with a score of 133810
me likey dungin game
see pretty demon dame
mad bad guy lame
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on 11/29/2018 1:28:33 PM with a score of 130480
Good work! I loved the dungeon feel that reminded me of D&D. Please make another!
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on 11/28/2018 9:15:50 AM with a score of 67550
Really fun adventure! I know there was a lot of love put into this and it was well worth my time!
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— Sirius on 11/27/2018 4:25:27 PM with a score of 37190
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— Julio on 11/26/2018 11:28:57 AM with a score of 156130
amazeing. just perfect.
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— caleb on 11/17/2018 7:38:13 PM with a score of 94690
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on 11/15/2018 2:48:40 PM with a score of 141900
This game was unforgettable. I have no words. The surprises around every corner in the story really adds up to all the karma I have experienced.
The reason I rated it 7/8 is because of a glitch.
--- S p o i l e r s b e l o w ---
You can fetch the gold amulet on the imp statue infinitely, therefore granting you unlimited gold. Other then that, Great!
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on 11/13/2018 5:41:33 PM with a score of 79080
Good game
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— Benjamin on 11/12/2018 3:33:15 AM with a score of 116520
Fun, Yeah thats it
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on 11/7/2018 9:00:29 PM with a score of 95480
Too sweet. I ended up trapped in book, but still cool. Thanks for writing this story.
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on 11/4/2018 12:12:59 AM with a score of 22450
I took the time to try and find a good ending and am so glad I did. In short, I became Head Woodsman and live happily ever after.
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— Szy on 10/31/2018 8:01:00 PM with a score of 63780
Good game. The combat was exciting and the open world concept made it feel more adventurous. My only criticism is that if you agree to help the succubus and give her the Book (forgot it's name), there's no option to betray her which is quite annoying because it means you have to spam the 'Go Back' button a thousand times or just start over from the beginning.
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— Szy on 10/31/2018 7:37:30 PM with a score of 68340
Kind of short. Can you even use zorch, it always says that it is too lazy?
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— Austinc on 10/30/2018 2:01:24 PM with a score of 129900
Finally got a great ending after many trial and error. The story itself are pretty short. Even thought so it keep me thrilled until the end of story. Love it :D
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on 10/27/2018 5:54:14 AM with a score of 225300
I've got a bad ending haha xD
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on 10/27/2018 1:38:14 AM with a score of 4310
It was a fantastic adventure. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer so that I could experience many more hours with the characters and maybe even find those darn dragon bones.
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— That Guy on 10/23/2018 10:04:33 AM with a score of 85930
Not bad at alll
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on 10/19/2018 4:48:53 AM with a score of 918790
very good
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— templar dunmcglass on 10/18/2018 5:02:11 AM with a score of 115790
very fun and a good ending
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on 10/16/2018 1:05:17 PM with a score of 7080
I cannot find the treasure map for the expansion pack. How do I get it?
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— Kaint on 10/15/2018 3:40:32 AM with a score of 137490
Good game love it you should make more like this
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on 10/9/2018 2:37:02 PM with a score of 44660
this is an awesome game and I hope to play more like this
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— connor on 10/9/2018 8:19:45 AM with a score of 160780
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— Ebrahim Moosa on 10/2/2018 6:31:39 PM with a score of 172140
I will be honest, this is a really good adventure. I am very happy with the needed I got, even though some would see it as bad I love it.
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on 10/2/2018 2:49:55 AM with a score of 95760
beautifully written and executed, rather fun and captivating
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— D.J. laffytaffy on 9/30/2018 12:22:52 PM with a score of 71050
Well written, got a crap ending, will play again
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on 9/27/2018 8:21:55 AM with a score of 76200
don't trust the succubi
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on 9/27/2018 3:29:45 AM with a score of 203000
wish It was longer!
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on 9/20/2018 5:53:31 PM with a score of 9810
Excellent old school crawler, thank you author!
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— Bobo on 9/19/2018 6:09:43 PM with a score of 102080
Raven's god like body, average brain, and monumental charm.
Me: Average body, excellent brain, and below average charm.
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— Person on 9/14/2018 5:40:07 PM with a score of 134250
Really sweet, can wait for any potential follow up stories
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— SIR Q. XXVII on 9/13/2018 3:45:04 PM with a score of 87250
I got all endings, :D. That was really fun, I went the intelligence path once, and I must admit, it was hard! I managed to get the ending with it though. The godlike melee, and charm is very op, and is like an easy path. That was cool, I didn't expect to be able to use domination and wither at the end though, making the wizard mad for no reason. Great story, I had a lot of fun with playing this game.
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— Person on 9/10/2018 10:11:55 PM with a score of 133030
I loved it, even though I might have gotten the worse ending, but I still enjoyed it.
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— Person on 9/10/2018 8:09:32 PM with a score of 52980
enjoyed to pass the time in work xD
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— Geraint on 9/9/2018 4:34:42 PM with a score of 68350
epic story, amazing game
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on 9/9/2018 4:00:22 PM with a score of 117680
so good, i loved it so much, i wish it was even longer!
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on 9/7/2018 9:46:05 PM with a score of 123100
amazing, i got every single outcome possible, this was fun cool and strategic with what you needed
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on 9/4/2018 10:33:01 AM with a score of 90340
very well made and the character system was pretty innovative (and it worked too!) nothing like a 14 year old boy with godlike marital abilities.
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on 8/15/2018 5:19:57 PM with a score of 178300
This is a great one! Many different options, going in circles just to discover you aren't doing it, excellently written!
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on 8/14/2018 6:34:11 PM with a score of 126550
A little hack for you guys. Need more gold? Go to the little alcove with the imp statue in the secret halls. Press search to avoid the trap and take the gold. Then go back to the secret hall and then the alcove again. Press search.
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on 7/15/2018 10:29:05 PM with a score of 68790
so it really is possible to have good D&D style encounters in a CYOA game.
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on 7/12/2018 5:48:49 PM with a score of 168570
I have been playing interactive games for quite some time....I have come across huge mind bogling plots..with larger than life characters... And there were short sophisticated titles which took few minutes to complete... Some of them were poopish and some enlightening....
But this one r8 here is a bit weird.... I got ending of the betrayer.....and I realized this game had its own share of flaws..There were a few characterisation flaws I felt.. Like the old kragan should hqve had a bit more role than a gatekeeper...
The game mechqnics were a bit inadequate... Even with a average+ climb I could perform all the climbs.... And a few OP items had really less price... The boss fight should have been more intriguing.... That wand just easily ended the fight....It would have been better to include a few more secrets into the gameplay...And a fourteen year old is a bit too young to be seduced by a sexy succubus...
But all in all I loved this game.... Its imagery and visualisation was top notch..
The attack mechanics were good....And the slwriting style was high tier yet easy to read...The gory details were well described.... And the succubus... Oh the succubus... It was hell of a character...
I also loved how the book ultimately corrupted everyone around it...
Thus, to conclude... It was a pretty good game....Hope to see more from the creator..
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on 7/12/2018 7:14:52 AM with a score of 70160
WOW! What a game, I cant wait for the sequel.
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on 7/4/2018 10:40:57 PM with a score of 116680
Would like to have known for sure that we had nothing else to do, otherwise a very enjoyable, albeit quite short, experience :)
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on 6/22/2018 12:17:33 PM with a score of 182170
It was a fun game, although I may have found an exploit. If you use search on the room with a gold amulet, you can get gold from it endlessly. I was able to cheese so much fights with duck and roll though.... Since I could just restart to get my enemies to do 0 damage. I was stuck at a couple parts but I found it an enjoyable experience nevertheless.
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— Xadniel on 6/21/2018 3:51:48 AM with a score of 183800
i really enjoyed it
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on 6/19/2018 8:55:10 PM with a score of 27840
I loved it, was a little confusing at first but once i figured it out i couldn't stop, keep making games like this and i will definitely keep playing them. THANK YOU.
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— Cameron S. on 6/11/2018 1:43:40 PM with a score of 84340
I got lost and wanted to scream. Well paced doh.
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— URMOM42 on 5/20/2018 10:00:03 PM with a score of 13870
My first choose your story on this site.
I thought it was a good introduction with enough flexibility and choices to make things interesting.
However, I found that the story didn't actually fit the character build I made. I certainly didn't know that overwhelmingly melee weaponry would be offered for equipment that all my fights would be essentially melee scenarios (yet the default character creation option gave me a character focused on ranged skills for someone from a town full of woodcutters).
Maybe more situations could be created where it seems realistic to be using ranged weapons and/or the default character creation could be changed to match something you would expect to see from the proposed setting.
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on 5/16/2018 5:55:15 PM with a score of 132470
never mind its actually a great game once u learn how to play
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— connor on 5/16/2018 9:40:10 AM with a score of 72350
I couldn't figure out how to get past the frog guy
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— connor on 5/15/2018 8:51:01 AM with a score of 4140
I got so many good endings!! (and I think maximum gold) Although I desperately needed more healing potions.
Hint: (for maximum gold) what's in the throne room?
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— Alexandra on 5/12/2018 9:56:48 AM with a score of 83530
Excellent job, I hope to see more.
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on 5/6/2018 9:25:44 PM with a score of 152490
really great game. entertained me with the story, graphics, and everything else.
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— clyde on 5/2/2018 2:38:55 PM with a score of 59090
had me thinking quite a bit XD, don't know what the chest code was. I tried the 12864, but didn't work.
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on 4/29/2018 3:38:22 PM with a score of 105300 I won't say much, except the story was insanely good. I understand that I haven't even begun to discover what this story has to offer, being my first time playing it, but it's not by any means the last. This time, I'll see what the highest rating for a stat is. Going for highest charm. Oh, and 8/8 rating, too.
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— Will not say on 4/26/2018 4:49:57 PM with a score of 87010
great story
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on 4/25/2018 9:35:43 AM with a score of 134140
This is a great rpg game love the strory and item elements.
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on 4/11/2018 12:01:51 AM with a score of 80280
Played it like 4 times and love it
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on 4/7/2018 9:24:33 AM with a score of 77030
This was an amazing thing to play please make another one
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on 4/5/2018 6:24:03 PM with a score of 885810
That was pretty good! I was really impressed!
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on 4/3/2018 7:44:03 AM with a score of 103290
Nice work!
This was a really fun adventure :)
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— Gavin on 3/30/2018 9:01:51 AM with a score of 145580
Pretty dang good
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on 3/22/2018 8:15:08 AM with a score of 68710
I found it extremely fun, with a choose your own adventure style and I've always been a fan of dungeon crawling and D&D. One thing I would like to mention is the fact that there is a glitch at the imp statue in which if you go between it and the secret halls then search the statue again, you'll find the amulet and the trap again and it allows you to get unlimited gold (haven't looked to see if anyone else found it yet). Still, I really liked the way this game was set up and I hope others like it as much as I do
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— Dalan on 3/13/2018 5:52:59 PM with a score of 73510
this is my first game here and id say it was really interesting. the riddles kinda killed off the vibe though.i couldnt solve a few so i ended up searching anyway. but overall it was fun
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— rhez on 3/10/2018 8:18:39 PM with a score of 70290
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on 3/8/2018 12:11:13 AM with a score of 96760
Not bad, really fun, but I chose the wrong ending because I was almost dead ;(
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— Ema Nekaf on 3/6/2018 12:59:45 PM with a score of 7280
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on 3/1/2018 5:33:05 PM with a score of 75320
it was okay but... just not interesting anough
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— Dakota Voisey on 3/1/2018 11:44:53 AM with a score of 14250
I loved this game, and it was a ton of fun. One thing that I found disappointing thought is that it seemed to go by pretty quickly
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on 2/28/2018 3:51:06 PM with a score of 162320
Awesome- though it would be even better if there was a way it save your family & the villagers...
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— (: on 2/24/2018 2:06:32 AM with a score of 116370
I loved it! Kept me busy through the day, slaying entrails and whatnot. I enjoyed exploring the game mechanics and conquering the map. Quite an inspiring little piece.
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on 2/20/2018 11:04:16 AM with a score of 112400
I don't think I fully beat everything, I may come back later when it isn't 2 AM in the morning and I can think straight. All I have to say is very well done! I am amazed at how well put together this is. I did figure out the number for the private office. All I have to say about that is, well.... How dare you? xD. Anyway, yes this is a very well put together advenutre and I'd reccomend it for anyone.
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on 2/11/2018 3:55:51 AM with a score of 252640
Well done; well done. I haven't gotten any ending other than The Destroyer yet, but I am looking forward to playing more of this entertaining and mysterious game. Props to you, game-maker!
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on 2/5/2018 10:37:59 AM with a score of 75610
This Was One Of Those Games That Could,Though It Was Just Like A Figure And Use Item Simulator,Still Made Me A Bit Emotional.(Probably Cause I Was To Dumb To Fight The Intestines For 1 Year,Yes 1 Year As A Guest)
Just Saying I Haven’t Ever Made A Storygame So Don’t Take These To Heart,I’m Kinda Bad.There Wasn’t Much Character Development,Though The Riddle Idea Was Very Interesting *ahem programming*,And The Massive Dungeon Map,Which Was Amazing And Probably Took Time.Same With All The Weapon Ideas And Items From Battle,The Shop,The Stats.*ahem more programming*With All The Effort You Obviously Put In It Would Be A 6/8,Not The Best Certainly Not The Worst.You Have A Imaginative Mindset,Everything Was Fantastic Fantasy,And The Ability To Search,Fight Necromancers,Fight Ghouls,Zombies,Elves.I Honestly Loved This A Storygame,Gripping Storyline,Programming.(Which Is Rare)Releasing And Increasing Tension As We Progressed With Our Choice Of Gender,(Another Good Idea)And Had A Choice To Become Good Or Evil,Along With Interesting Items*cough cough The brush*
I Hope You Read This,And If You Do,Just Know I’m A Big Fan Of Your Work On This Long Road Of Stories :)
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on 2/2/2018 8:20:54 PM with a score of 145690
Liked it, but also got pretty frustrated by the numbers puzzle. There are multiple solutions, and without further narrowing it down I don't know how one could pin point the 'correct' one.
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— sl on 1/28/2018 7:40:34 PM with a score of 107630
As a fan of D&D, this definitely captured the magic of the adventure! I really enjoyed playing through this, but I do wish that it was a bit longer.
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— Jack on 1/25/2018 11:58:34 PM with a score of 68310
Took me while to figure out the chest when I gave in and had to use the hint. Great story
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on 1/21/2018 3:23:35 AM with a score of 124320
It's ok. The character has some ridiculous plot development. Doesn't shed a tear when their parents die. Somehow knows how to wear heavy plate mail and wield a sword despite never having any training. Random old geezer that helps, but not really because you still have to pay for everything. Mad necromancer that is stopped by a 14 year old anime protagonist. Basically full of tropes.
I probably would have given it a higher score if the unsolvable chest puzzle didn't make me rage. It's literally unsolvable. Or rather, it's too solvable. There are too many solutions. If you pick E=5 and A=3, then H=7, but T could be anything. There needs to be more constant values. You can get solutions for A and E equal to anything. T could be anything as a result of 2A+N not having a required answer.
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— Yichen on 1/18/2018 2:55:33 PM with a score of 92540
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on 1/5/2018 4:45:26 PM with a score of 293740
A fine game, a little short for my taste but that would be my only complaint,
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on 12/25/2017 12:10:35 PM with a score of 82030
I liked the story. It was nice, but I think I got stuck on a few turns.
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— Parlor Amore on 12/22/2017 11:40:32 PM with a score of 5440
An interesting story for sure, my only complaint is that I couldn't figure out how to use the spell I learned from the book. (Dominance, I totally wanted to see what happened if I used it on that succubus, I'll admit it.)
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on 12/22/2017 12:02:22 AM with a score of 112490
The evil ending is best ending for me.
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on 12/17/2017 12:30:20 AM with a score of 12490
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on 12/15/2017 5:38:44 AM with a score of 61850
One word: GREAT
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— hunter on 12/10/2017 4:57:24 AM with a score of 84000
Fantastic game, had a great time playing it. I feel like there things that I missed though, might be worth me jumping back into it and finding out.
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on 12/2/2017 11:51:18 AM with a score of 79860
Great game dude
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on 12/1/2017 1:37:57 PM with a score of 224370
its the longest and the best game i even
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— ashu on 11/21/2017 5:56:42 AM with a score of 67630
Amazing story. I got a ridiculously high score by visiting HOME again and again to bash dead zombies and getting more XP.
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on 11/20/2017 3:42:11 PM with a score of 831250
I could easily find myself doing several read throughs of this CYOA. Absolutely fantastic, I can now see why BerkaZerka is so popular in the community.
Far better than Reeses' Cups®
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on 11/15/2017 7:17:37 PM with a score of 73710
Okay, kinda lame ending. Wanted to ditch the girl after I killed Merodatch
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on 11/13/2017 3:54:24 PM with a score of 4270
A lot of work obviously went into the game mechanics for this story.
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on 11/3/2017 10:09:07 PM with a score of 77010
I got the WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING ending once again (lol)
A truly excellent and enthralling game from start to finish. I have only one criticism: The combat dialogue repeats itself twice in a row on the same page for multiple different attack-descriptions of the Spectre's. Aside from that, I can't really see much else that could be improved upon at present. Brilliant work.
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— Sam on 10/23/2017 1:57:18 PM with a score of 168060
First game I stumbled upon on this wonderful site, and this game is definitely a brilliant introduction to chooseyourstory! Only got this score because I accidentally found out about the money cheat, but neverthelss I'll see if I can find all the endings by myself. Thank you BerkaZerka for such a great game!
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on 10/17/2017 10:12:56 AM with a score of 170360
awsome story quite awsome game mecanics pleanty of weapons. perfect
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— hello on 10/17/2017 2:55:10 AM with a score of 126450
what ending are there
also there is a secret in throne room
by attacking and going back if you get hit you can deal infinite damage
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on 10/15/2017 5:39:20 AM with a score of 165790
Just kill the book, it has 100 health.
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— Anymous on 10/10/2017 10:39:16 AM with a score of 135630
Insanely good
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— Average Guy on 10/4/2017 5:59:23 PM with a score of 151310
ending of the adventurer finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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— AurondragonTyr on 10/3/2017 7:25:52 PM with a score of 74970
Was our first time playing this game type. We liked it a lot.
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— Ryan Braun on 10/1/2017 6:41:21 PM with a score of 70880
Like dungeons and dragons
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— Brady on 9/30/2017 9:49:50 PM with a score of 68280
Wow that was a fun little dungeon romp and I definitively felt like I was Stomping the enemies in this game. As long as you did the right choices at character creation it seems things will go your way. Just like a real fantasy character.
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on 9/29/2017 4:16:53 AM with a score of 170980
very good if you like an RPG you will love this
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on 9/13/2017 11:10:17 AM with a score of 72690
Good story, it seemed short, but I'm beginning to understand that seemingly short stories like this, take a VERY long time to make, so my appreciation of a storygame like this has increased a great deal. AS a matter of fact I found this game much more enjoyable then many RPG dungeon crawlers I've played on PC. Thanks for the adventure, looking forward to playing again!
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on 8/31/2017 2:38:22 AM with a score of 153810
This was a good story. It was very well coded and the RPG element was incorporated well: making several interesting battles, stats that mattered, and interesting items.
If I had to nitpick, I did feel for all this coding and stats and items, that the story was a tad too short. If you're going to put so many elements, you should be at least sure to make a longer quest. And because of all the RPG elements, I felt a lot of the 'story' element was lost and while there was a plot, this story was very explore, very fight oriented, and while I don't have a problem with that I think the characters could have been more fleshed out and for there to be more 'story' instead of just pure game.
As for the writing, I found it descriptive and detailed, with little problems when it came to grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitilization. It did feel very 'You did this and you did that to me' and when your parents died all Raven said was 'oh well that was sad.'
I understand this was the style the story was intended for though I thought it took it a bit too far. Great story, though, clearly a lot of effort went into this.
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on 8/26/2017 7:04:44 PM with a score of 4180
So need help on the combo to the chest. Any hints or solutions plz help (message me) Thanks!
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on 8/17/2017 11:03:47 AM with a score of 153010
"At length you are completely lost to the power and don’t even realize when you are at last consumed by the Oblitterum Nomeno – your soul forever trapped within the bloody pages to wail and lament your cursed fate with the rest of the damned.
Corruption Suits You Well
Congratulations, you have reached the ENDING OF THE DAMNED
Health: 41 (of 46); Gold: 194; SCORE: 15690"
Well, I'll give your game an 8/8 even though I got a "bad ending" just because of the value of game play and the effort you put into this game. Well worth the time playing, thanks! :)
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on 8/17/2017 9:52:19 AM with a score of 15700
Damn, this story still gets me excited after 4 years...
Once again, thanks BerkaZerka
(though I know you probably wont see this)
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— Karod on 8/11/2017 7:05:18 AM with a score of 147280
A fun, clever, funny, and expertly-crafted contribution to this website. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.
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on 7/27/2017 8:36:51 PM with a score of 69150
really good i want more of this!
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on 7/24/2017 7:12:01 AM with a score of 129580
Great work, the game system is elaborate, the pacing and writing is great. Just great work bruv!
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— Ssighs on 7/21/2017 8:19:10 PM with a score of 67660
A tad short for my liking, but for what it was, it was incredibly written!
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on 7/21/2017 2:29:38 PM with a score of 4380
Oh this was just brilliant! I wished you could use more healing potions and had the book appear a little later but it had been a great journey anyways :)
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— Ssighs on 7/21/2017 11:00:24 AM with a score of 36690
I got the "WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING" ending with a (highest possible?) score of 216950. A game well worth anyone's time in my opinion. Well done to the author and everyone who chipped in to help the author out.
Notes: Found a bug on a different playthrough that allowed me to generate the maximum amount of gold possible (500000 lol) further on in the story. I won't say how so no one cheats. I also found that some of the combat dialogue in a certain area (no spoilers dw) repeated itself twice just before the damage number displays against Raven. In addition to that, when you use the overpowered enhanted bow (forgot its name) outside of combat, it says "their" when it should say "they're".
Willing to help out with rectifying those errors. Email me. Again, great story and good job.
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— Sam on 6/29/2017 7:47:34 AM with a score of 216600
I got "The Betrayer" lol. Managed to get my brains stat to "god like" which is interesting lol
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— Sam on 6/28/2017 4:11:30 AM with a score of 178700
As always, I begin by saying I am not a creator and have admiration and gratitude for all those who are. This particular story was a great concept, taking me back to the days of table-top gaming, and the mechanics were perfectly executed. On the downside, it was very cliche and far too short. I think it could have been amazing, but only with a lot more work.
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on 6/14/2017 7:34:18 AM with a score of 126120
This was my first visit to and I found this adventure excellently conceived and executed and a great deal of fun. I hope to see more like this.
Aside from a few minor typos, I only have one gripe: I found (working them all out by hand) a full dozen different solutions that should satisfy the combination lock puzzle (see below). Also, not sure if it's a bug, but I had unlimited double attacks with the standard short sword. Thanks
Combo Lock Solutions:
D1-E2-A3-T5-H4 (B6-O8-N9)
D1-E2-A8-T6-H4 (B7-O3-N0)
D1-E3-A4-T0-H5 (B6-O7-N2)
D1-E3-A8-T2-H5 (B7-O0-N6)
D1-E3-A9-T8-H5 (B7-O2-N0)
D1-E5-A3-T0-H7 (B6-O2-N4)
D1-E5-A3-T4-H7 (B6-O2-N8)
D1-E5-A4-T0-H7 (B6-O3-N2)
D1-E7-A2-T4-H9 (B5-O8-N0)
D1-E7-A3-T0-H9 (B5-O8-N4)
D1-E7-A3-T2-H9 (B5-O8-N6)
D1-E7-A8-T0-H9 (B6-O2-N4)
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on 6/5/2017 4:46:34 AM with a score of 115950
It's finished 10 minutes after i started the game.
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on 5/31/2017 5:49:09 PM with a score of 112440
really good havent seen anything like this a little short but it's good over all
ps it's good
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— that guy 123 on 5/21/2017 10:36:19 PM with a score of 159340
Grate game, a little short and shood be expanded on.
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on 5/19/2017 2:00:57 PM with a score of 211570
i used the magic map while talking to the girl as she was going to hand me fire balls or something because i planned on refusing her,and had no health potions. but when i returned to the stronghold i couldn't talk to her again :( which i guess is understandable
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— William Paterson on 5/19/2017 9:03:17 AM with a score of 4350
good game would be nice if you make another
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— tankanator9 on 5/15/2017 2:36:01 PM with a score of 67890
I loved playing through this game, it reminded me a bit of the Grognak the Barbarian choose your own story in fallout 3. Still, it was an interesting and unique fantasy story, with free will as to what you chose to make as a character build.
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— Alheadburst on 5/12/2017 6:21:56 PM with a score of 108100
Beat this game way back...but it was fun to play through it again. If you haven't played this, do it now.
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on 5/10/2017 4:53:36 PM with a score of 100120
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on 5/10/2017 3:10:01 AM with a score of 81020
It's pretty good, disappointed that the Ending of the Betrayer occurs in many different scenarios.
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on 5/9/2017 9:03:06 PM with a score of 113990
Much better than Reese's cups!
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on 5/9/2017 1:41:01 PM with a score of 79090
You can farm money from the statue with the amulet
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on 5/5/2017 1:12:54 PM with a score of 20670
Fantastic! I loved every minute of it. There were challenging enemies, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I only won the final boss battle by clicking "Go back" every time they hit me.
This story was incredible. It must have taken so much time and effort, but I say it really paid off!
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on 4/30/2017 6:39:34 PM with a score of 108060
i liked the game, but can you please make it longer? i was expecting an awesome adventure of excitement that is also long, but i got all of those things, but it was short, definitely please lengthen the game
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— cole steffes on 4/25/2017 10:01:27 AM with a score of 3880
A fun story and I am definately tempted to do another run or two to explore the other endings
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on 4/24/2017 6:27:56 AM with a score of 91770
great story/game
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— constantine on 4/23/2017 12:16:42 PM with a score of 141140
This was an excellent adventure though I was feeling a bit overpowered when I stomped the necromancer's face into the ground while I was at half health. all and all a great bit of short fun.
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on 4/18/2017 11:15:20 PM with a score of 36650
A ton of fun and some great customization, puzzles that lean towards the soft side of common sense, but are very realistic and capture old school gamine well. My only minor critism is that it is a tad short for my tastes and limited in locations. You are also given a load of sweet gear at the end of the game which you never get to use. I would like more exploration, more chances at combat, and a playable "epilogue" after the main quest. That said, take it with a grain of salt that my biggest complaint about this story game is there wasn't more to play!
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on 4/10/2017 2:30:11 PM with a score of 113240
A fun time slaying shit with my very own knock-off Pikachu.
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on 4/10/2017 2:50:06 AM with a score of 199390
awesome i love your games
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— carlos on 4/4/2017 3:08:35 PM with a score of 76670
I hope you got more of these games.. amazing and that high score woot
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— Johnathan Cervantes on 3/29/2017 8:06:29 PM with a score of 111540
I stumbled across this game on a slow day at work during my lunch break. Before I knew it was already time to go home. Just amazing how something made so many years ago is still a amazing games. Thank you for this treat.
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— PhilMcOxenbauls on 3/29/2017 4:12:15 PM with a score of 75890
This one's my favorite.
Really brought me back to the old text adventure days!
Excellent work!!
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on 3/25/2017 1:02:20 AM with a score of 150150
Great game, wish I had found this earlier. :)
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— DHarry on 3/23/2017 1:58:35 AM with a score of 251680
It's too short. i was hoping to go after the dark elf and at the end defeat the dead dragon or something...
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on 3/22/2017 11:42:43 AM with a score of 194910
it was ok but thought should be harder to slay the bad guys
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on 3/17/2017 5:06:27 PM with a score of 158300
Pretty good I think.
+ +
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on 3/12/2017 3:03:31 PM with a score of 54910
Fun title to read and explore. Most recommend for dungeon story lovers
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on 3/8/2017 9:37:38 PM with a score of 117920
This was by far the greatest thing I have ever done on the internet. Absolutely amazing!
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on 3/3/2017 1:34:59 PM with a score of 59080
good thou I would like to fight the wizard
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— jacob on 2/28/2017 5:50:36 PM with a score of 82250
good fun, only finished it once going togo straight back in
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— Jake on 2/19/2017 3:39:33 PM with a score of 6940
Great combat system!
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— Joepbwoy on 2/14/2017 1:33:04 PM with a score of 12250
Great game, I got the adventures ending but i kind of wish there was more to do after that, it seems like it just ended to early but great mechanics and a good story.
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on 2/13/2017 2:38:25 AM with a score of 233210
Great game
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— travis on 2/11/2017 7:33:49 PM with a score of 67530
Was there any way to get in the chest?
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— UndeadMan on 2/10/2017 9:14:29 PM with a score of 114810
Swole is the way to go, that shortsword is so op early on
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on 2/7/2017 11:34:35 AM with a score of 161920
Pretty Badass
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on 2/3/2017 9:50:50 PM with a score of 101460
Awesome! RPG strategy game! Got the Nobles ending.
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— Feliix on 2/3/2017 12:46:44 PM with a score of 108180
Many strange endings!
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— Admin on 2/2/2017 7:36:03 PM with a score of 4090
good game.
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on 2/1/2017 10:13:05 AM with a score of 151020
A fun game with interesting mechanics.
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on 1/30/2017 1:47:14 AM with a score of 143540
Really good! Definetly deserves the status of popularity it has. Good detail, fighting, and it makes you use your brain.
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on 1/28/2017 7:02:32 PM with a score of 91000
I'm pretty sure I did everything possible in the game, although when I feel like it I'm gonna spam the wisk.
Great game, 8/8,
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on 1/27/2017 1:52:28 PM with a score of 145780
Absolutely incredible.
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— Vega Rizza on 1/26/2017 3:00:47 PM with a score of 69680
Best game ive played ever.
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on 1/24/2017 12:11:10 PM with a score of 79880
It was fun
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on 1/21/2017 2:31:10 PM with a score of 116060
V good. 10/10. Would slay Merodatch again.
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— TrashQueensInc on 1/20/2017 6:05:18 PM with a score of 67520
sooooo good.
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on 1/13/2017 9:45:59 AM with a score of 72540
Great Compelling Story!
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— Anonymous on 1/12/2017 8:46:08 AM with a score of 90720
got to the noble ending... is there one where you can find the dragon bones? if not, another story would be awesome
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on 1/8/2017 5:33:44 PM with a score of 117960
Fun game and I enjoyed the multiple endings. Finally managed the Noble ending:)
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on 1/7/2017 11:12:44 AM with a score of 76830
I wish it was a little longer but it was pretty fun reading.
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— BigGorrack18 on 1/3/2017 5:21:33 AM with a score of 76640
I got the ending of the damned! It was fun. I recommend!
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— James on 12/27/2016 11:23:28 AM with a score of 4460
First try got the "Noble ending". Hard to beat but well worth it on the way. (Tip : search everywhere)
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— William on 12/20/2016 9:41:33 PM with a score of 105690
pure awesomeness.
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on 12/19/2016 2:01:51 PM with a score of 176980
Very impressive. Well-written, fun battles, and high-replay value. This is a fantastic game.
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on 12/13/2016 4:22:24 PM with a score of 146680
I got the NOBLE'S ENDING. I have to say, this was a fantastic map. I loved how you used items and enemies so well together. I ended up having God Like Body and Brains, and Below Average Charm. My only problem. It could have been longer.
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— CatLover366 on 12/13/2016 4:15:14 PM with a score of 124610
"Health: 49 (of 49); Gold: 127353; SCORE: 186320"
I ended up playing this 43 times before i finally found every secret in this story, and none of it was wasted. Great start to the stories and adventures to anyone just joining the website (like me).
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on 12/5/2016 10:34:20 AM with a score of 186330
I wish there could've been more, this was awesome. Once I got into it I couldn't stop playing
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— Jonathan on 12/5/2016 8:44:41 AM with a score of 133580
I gave it an 8/8.
It was fucking amazing.
Nice work, I didn't want it to end.
Nobles ending :)
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on 12/2/2016 12:33:13 AM with a score of 79460
This is a great game but i found myself stuck after i deafeated the boss in the throne
and what ever happened to the golblin
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on 11/28/2016 4:07:06 AM with a score of 82020
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on 11/22/2016 10:41:52 AM with a score of 59720
good dungeon delve. only done one ending so far but it is great. it looks like other paths might be interesting as well
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— ghostkeeper on 11/21/2016 9:48:08 AM with a score of 75770
Quite good. The scripting was spectacular, and the combat scenes were flawless. Whenever I imagine making a game this complex, my head hurts.
Oh, and I chuckled at the "Oddly compelling cleaning whisk". That was... strange.
Great game! 8/8
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on 11/14/2016 7:56:29 AM with a score of 134920
Simple yet very intriguing. I kind of felt emotional with the noble ending.
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on 11/9/2016 4:32:09 PM with a score of 67330
Absoulutley amazing! Tho there is a small bug that lets you max out your stats with the books you can but from the wizard :P
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on 11/8/2016 4:45:04 PM with a score of 136240
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— keith on 11/6/2016 7:21:02 AM with a score of 57840
Thanks you for this story ! It was a great an funny time :)
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— Kael on 11/3/2016 4:47:43 PM with a score of 171950
too short
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on 10/31/2016 4:40:14 AM with a score of 180550
Easily the most enjoyable story I've read in a while.
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— Anonymous on 10/26/2016 9:27:11 AM with a score of 93900
good game
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on 10/24/2016 8:17:01 AM with a score of 172700
Wow, much fun, but seriously, NO WAY TO MAGIC?!? (No, potions and a 3-shot wand don't count.) Side note: I thought the expansion pack idea was awesome, hope that actually happens someday. One other thing, it would be really cool if with a maxed brain (possibly + ____ protective item.) you could actually ENTER the big bad book and have additional areas to explore, or maybe make it an "endless area" where no matter where you go, random enemy, and you can leave anytime using_____. (probably the sun god amulet or a similar item.) anyway, that's just my thoughts.
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— Velocitas Eradico on 10/23/2016 4:50:27 AM with a score of 169060
Very enjoyable as a game, pretty enjoyable as a story. The big thing working against it is the constant, very easy save scumming you can do with the Go Back button. It's something you can ignore, play through just fine (if with plenty of difficulty), but the darkness of being cheap is an alluring one indeed. Not much you can do for that though, all things considered.
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on 10/22/2016 6:06:48 PM with a score of 68510
A lot of fun and just perfect for this medium!
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on 10/21/2016 4:30:45 PM with a score of 158170
No comment that I can make will sum up the gloriousness that is this game.
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on 10/20/2016 9:34:16 PM with a score of 110700
Hey that pretty good
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— ButtStuff on 10/19/2016 3:28:26 PM with a score of 76240
great fun but I hated the succubus
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on 10/18/2016 8:33:04 AM with a score of 79070
I thought it was a little short but otherwise exactly how I want an adventure game to play out. Excellent in all aspects. Definitely worth a playthrough.
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on 10/15/2016 11:37:30 AM with a score of 72690
I got the noble ending!!! that was awesome!!!
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on 10/10/2016 9:31:21 PM with a score of 74450
Well played
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on 10/7/2016 2:24:05 AM with a score of 69610
this was really good, played it about 5 times before i won :)
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— hmmm... nope on 10/5/2016 7:22:43 AM with a score of 147180
That was amazing. I don't know how BerkaZerka could make something as complex as this. I highly recommend this!
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on 10/1/2016 10:25:39 AM with a score of 7490
hey I LOVED this, it was very entertaining, challenging, and fun. Keep making more of these.
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— Hestan on 9/30/2016 9:51:26 PM with a score of 152270
MUHAUHUAHUAHUAHUA!!!!! I became a god, sort of
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— Zane on 9/27/2016 8:05:42 PM with a score of 173580
The alphametic puzzle has no solution
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on 9/24/2016 7:38:00 PM with a score of 32390
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on 9/23/2016 10:07:26 PM with a score of 73480
I did it on a school day with afterschool band practice starting at lunch. So roughly 3hrs of playtime if you think through your decisions. It's worth my time but it's only fun one time through
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— Gabe on 9/20/2016 8:42:54 PM with a score of 59230
Hey, author. Great story. For the ending of the damned lol.
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— Throwaway on 9/16/2016 4:18:53 PM with a score of 12390
I mean, come on, who could resist being evil? Great way to spend an evening.
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on 9/14/2016 11:48:27 PM with a score of 61160
wtf that was all? you just defeat the necromancer and return the book and that was it? I thought that was just chapter 1
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— asdf on 9/11/2016 3:46:21 PM with a score of 209680
very fun game nice job
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on 9/10/2016 1:21:14 AM with a score of 64070
This was an amazing game. I got the nobles ending.
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on 9/6/2016 11:04:21 PM with a score of 73270
I...I don't know what just happened. WELL ILL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED! I creamed that guy! That sorcerer had no chance! *flexs*
"Ahem!" *cough* "I..uh, um. I beat the uh, I beat the game. You know? So uh, is, is there another, uh, another game?" ???? (FML)
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on 9/6/2016 10:32:43 PM with a score of 75840
Literally killed a hoard of zombies with a dagger
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— Kriscom226 on 9/3/2016 6:38:26 PM with a score of 69890
Had a fun time. I beat myself up over the puzzles, but it's nice to see some that aren't so boringly easy.
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— Kerlander of Kerlandria on 9/3/2016 3:50:35 PM with a score of 205540
This was fun.
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on 9/2/2016 12:08:33 AM with a score of 46860
twas gud
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— Andrew on 9/1/2016 12:55:16 AM with a score of 72950
Wow. This is not only a story, but it's a game! A dungeon crawler that had a D&D feel to it, which makes the whole game fun! I'm just amazed at the puzzles and the game mechanics!
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on 8/30/2016 1:02:59 PM with a score of 132560
AMAZING. is there a second?
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— Hugo on 8/28/2016 7:11:03 AM with a score of 12800
Never could get that first puzzle right, but hey ended the game with godly abs, a savage greatsword and the ability to make anyone my slave for life!
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on 8/23/2016 2:05:43 PM with a score of 128880
I really like the systems at work and the story is very well written, however, the plot is quite classic-fantasy and very centered on one mission with a lack of side plots. I only completed a couple of endings and therefore may not know the full contents. Therefore, don't take my comment too seriously. It was still enjoyable.
P.S the riddles were an element I really like in the story, thought provoking.
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on 8/16/2016 11:49:56 PM with a score of 59770
I love it. You did good and made the puzzles too DANG hard!
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— Samoth Mallow on 8/16/2016 1:22:01 AM with a score of 32960
Fun little game, the puzzles were a bit confusing though.
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— AbsoulHero on 8/12/2016 8:05:15 PM with a score of 135380
Loved the interactivity and interesting story! Never had a choose your story like this, and now I want more.
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on 8/9/2016 11:43:06 AM with a score of 110710
Other than some minor issues regarding loot I thoroughly enjoyed reading and playing Dungeon Stompage!
(The "minor issues"): When you get armor it automatically replaces your old armor and you aren't able to sell the old armor for profit because it just disappears! The same thing goes with weapons: if you have a mace then receive an enchanted one the unenchanted one disappears.
So try Dungeon Stompage if you haven't and are reading through the comments. I hope you'll like it as much as I did!
(Don't cringe at my lack of proper punctuation please, and may Foxes walk with you.)
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— Fox Cultist on 8/6/2016 7:35:59 PM with a score of 221600
I've played this 8 times already, still awesome.
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on 8/5/2016 5:46:00 AM with a score of 263720
Wow, A great game and all but you can beat it super easily since melee upgrade is too OP, and also I enjoyed the puzzles, especially the last one since I had to write the numbers down and try to figure out the answer. this should be 10 out of 8. SIMPLY MAGNIFICENT
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on 8/3/2016 10:48:17 AM with a score of 46030
Great mechanics and smooth gameplay, no errors as far as I could tell. Really great adventure, sure to keep you excited and thinking. Only downside would be how fast it all ends.
***Spoilers*** Proceed with caution, you have been warned.
I stuck with the Brain route and got it to "God-Like" along with all the related skills being "Monumental," "Monumental +," and "God-Like" respectively. I did this, of course, not to be a master of the sling, but in hopes that using the necromantic book would have a different ending than insanity. No, it did not. I was still insane but with a more impressive score.
While that may not be a problem and instead more of a disappointed note, there is still a something I question. While I get the general theme of winning an encounter is equal to a level-up, the first one is something I was a bit... frustrated with. I find it hard to take that killing a horde of 40 zombies ( a total of 800 hp) with nothing but starter weapons, as a beginner, only leads to a single level up. I would think that the more difficult and fool-hardy the task, the greater the rewards. Frankly, it was easier to kill the final boss and all of his minions combined while still being less profitable. I mean, even if you take away the difficulties of surviving the zombie horde itself, there's still the fact you had to kill your own father...
*** End of Spoilers*** Proceed recklessly, you have been informed.
Oh well, those are but minor issues, nothing that should stop any potential player because this is an experience hard to find. Go for it and have fun.
Good luck to my fellow adventurers,
- Mundi
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— Mundi on 7/22/2016 11:35:36 PM with a score of 130050
Great, well developed and long story.
i applaud you, Sir.
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on 7/22/2016 1:35:54 AM with a score of 76670
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— Adventure on 7/19/2016 6:38:12 PM with a score of 64390
That was the best story game I've ever played. I had a lot of fun with that and will play it again soon.
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— annaisawesome on 7/13/2016 7:00:54 AM with a score of 3910
This is cool. I like the equipment use, the map, the illustrations, and the story. The individual who created this should make more like this. It was engrossing to me.
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on 7/12/2016 1:45:26 PM with a score of 124570
Even the bad endings are good!
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on 7/9/2016 3:49:43 PM with a score of 60240
great story line fun game good for killing bordom
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— kidito on 7/8/2016 12:03:57 AM with a score of 114770
The succubus part got me worried about how safe the content is...
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— Colin on 7/6/2016 5:41:33 PM with a score of 61680
Finished second play through to try and find all the hidden stuff, probably still haven't found it all.
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on 7/6/2016 10:48:08 AM with a score of 85500
Great story! I loved how everything was easy to use in combat. Great homage to all the wonderful text based RPGs!
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on 7/6/2016 8:21:01 AM with a score of 108200
I'm not experienced, but I've played many of the story games on this site, and this is by far the best I have played. It has a great statistic system, reminiscent of a tabletop RPG, and interesting characters. It also creates a lot of suspense the first time you play, wondering whether the Magi is really heroic, or wants the book for world domination purposes. I have now played this multiple times, and gotten different endings, however I still have not found the dragon's bones. I will always wonder whether they can even be found at all.
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— trisaiah on 6/25/2016 10:42:44 PM with a score of 72970
When I let me vote I was very desperate to click the better then homework option. It made me laugh. But I knew it deserved better. Overall I found the game a little easy. If you just constantly upgrade the melee/body option you can pretty much take out any enemy. I got the nobles ending and I think it was a very nice way to finish up the game. I was a bit annoyed by the pit traps and what happened when you looked inside the evil book, but the game is really well made and overall I think that it would easily be worth paying for if made a bit longer. Great game and my first of this sort of choose your own adventure category.
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— osman on 6/25/2016 2:35:49 PM with a score of 143160
defend + counter op
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— derp on 6/22/2016 12:33:51 AM with a score of 68670
Adventurer Ending. Well designed and written. Easily one of the best games here that I've played. a bit short.
secret in ghoul room glitched, doesn't give you the money.
final puzzle seems to be unsolvable unless you use the x-ray potion to get the first few numbers, which is not at all clear, wasted lots of time on that.
was charm useful for anything at all? Did I not get any opportunites to use it simply because I neglected the skill, or is it really only useful with that rival pet thing in the beginning?
seems like it would've been impossible if I hadn't had a high spot skill, virtually everything requires it.
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on 6/19/2016 7:01:47 PM with a score of 150300
This was fun. :3
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on 6/16/2016 4:16:11 PM with a score of 29630
I have but one complaint. The final puzzle, specifically the Cryptarithmetic one, has one degree of freedom left, and thus has 16 solutions, but the game only accepts one. Other than that, AMAZING!
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— Sara on 6/13/2016 10:55:41 AM with a score of 148960
Shit was gud, mah niggs.
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— Lollf on 6/11/2016 1:00:11 PM with a score of 211570
I stumbled onto this story by sheer luck, and it turned out to be a very engaging challenge. Verily I say unto thee, o wise author, I salute you!
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— SenorAntonio on 6/7/2016 10:46:43 AM with a score of 158360
great fights and story. Minor flaw was that the hints were too obvious sometimes.
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— Bas on 6/1/2016 4:15:03 PM with a score of 72770
Awesome RPG you made there! :) hope you make more!
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— Awesome sauce on 6/1/2016 4:43:48 AM with a score of 70090
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— bob on 5/25/2016 6:24:51 PM with a score of 148320
I got the noble ending and also on a scale 1 to 10 this would be 52
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on 5/24/2016 8:54:04 AM with a score of 72760
Ending of Damned, betrayer, adventurer, noble
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— Condog on 5/24/2016 4:40:40 AM with a score of 102540
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— hi on 5/23/2016 8:47:11 AM with a score of 117510
Overall, really awesome, and worth the time to read. Although, really disappointing that nothing was done with the succubus.
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on 5/22/2016 2:06:06 AM with a score of 172780
I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to playing it again! It was a lot of fun! 8/8
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on 5/16/2016 6:52:46 PM with a score of 11980
Awesome Game
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on 5/13/2016 2:30:37 PM with a score of 161630
cool game! i want to play so many more times, and wow! you have inspired me. it may take a while, but HEY, love your game.
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on 5/10/2016 4:03:36 PM with a score of 107900
Would have liked to see a longer storyline, and more interaction with the woman.
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on 5/5/2016 10:58:15 AM with a score of 103940
A worthy adventure and an amazing time killer
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— ZethTheCat on 5/5/2016 8:51:05 AM with a score of 75150
There's a slight bug that makes you able to fight the zombies over and over if you pull out your longbow in your home. They have 0 health and you hit once to level up indefinitely and get a crap load of gold. Just a fun little tid bit
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on 5/3/2016 1:16:46 PM with a score of 724650
The story was well written and creative, as well as being very fun to play! Usually I lose interest in a storygame after a while, but that was not the case for this one.The items allowed for many options and made the experience feel a lot less scripted, and the action scenes were classic. Everything worked well together.
I ended with what I assumed is a good score of 140090 :D
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on 5/1/2016 5:02:21 PM with a score of 140100
Got ending of the damned, I wanted to pretend I worked under necromancer, then betray him and destroy the book or banish it somewhere but instead the game went on autopilot the moment I accepted his offer
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— Kochukiru on 4/29/2016 11:29:34 AM with a score of 4080
This was really well written and I loved the combat style. It really felt like I was playing a game. I highly recommend this story 10/10
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on 4/29/2016 12:32:07 AM with a score of 94460
Health: 76 Gold: 7279; SCORE: 103750
really liked the game, got the adventure ending xD
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on 4/26/2016 7:07:53 PM with a score of 103800
Awesome. I will be sure to play this again.
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on 4/24/2016 3:15:35 PM with a score of 71170
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— Jackie on 4/22/2016 9:47:20 AM with a score of 59160
I liked it a lot, although (it is long) it could be longer. And it doesn't even matter what gender you choose, because it has it as the point of view of a boy anyway. Other than that, I liked it a lot.
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on 4/20/2016 2:45:00 PM with a score of 121490
Really good, I enjoyed it a lot!!! I gave it the highest rating possible.
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on 4/13/2016 8:24:13 PM with a score of 113700
I'm not sure I ended this game correctly. It was very good though.
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on 4/11/2016 9:20:06 AM with a score of 7030
This was a good experience and you should try it out
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— Arjan on 4/9/2016 6:08:28 AM with a score of 207000
I loved this, just as good as the old CYOA I read as a kid
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on 4/9/2016 2:28:28 AM with a score of 4470
Noble's Ending! Dungeon Stompage is sooooooo fun. I love this. I'm going to try to get every ending
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on 4/7/2016 12:09:58 PM with a score of 98970
its good
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on 4/3/2016 5:46:30 PM with a score of 24340
gores the best thou king
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on 3/31/2016 1:55:26 PM with a score of 12580
It's short but good
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on 3/30/2016 11:20:16 PM with a score of 73990
Twas a good adventure though short. I wish it had more than the single adventure
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on 3/30/2016 2:09:14 PM with a score of 78040
cant figure out the whole stone sarcophagus thingy
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on 3/29/2016 2:55:12 AM with a score of 68350
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— Dovaiikin on 3/26/2016 6:09:33 AM with a score of 158220
Very interesting. It seems the private room chest is bugged and would not open with the correct code though..
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on 3/22/2016 5:03:33 PM with a score of 184390
Wonderful RPG styled story!
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— RandomReader on 3/18/2016 12:59:22 PM with a score of 161260
Even better then Recess Cups
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on 3/17/2016 2:01:08 PM with a score of 90770
Wow !! This story had me on edge and engaged throughout. I have already shared this link on twitter and with some of my closest of friends. Thank you for such a wonderful experience !!
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— Methodical Gamer on 3/15/2016 12:26:01 PM with a score of 113670
Awesome game
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on 3/14/2016 11:24:37 PM with a score of 181300
Stupendous story!
Not only did I become more powerful, I have a demon lover.
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— Demon lover on 3/14/2016 6:08:12 PM with a score of 53050
I got the Noble's ending. Great storygame, really fun. Took me awhile to figure out how to get the book and to realize I had to get to Kragan, but overall, it was really fun. 8/8.
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on 3/12/2016 9:05:57 PM with a score of 148970
Absolutely amazing. I loved it. First I died, then I died, then I died, then I lived. IT WAS SO AMAZING!
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on 3/11/2016 7:33:43 PM with a score of 9300
I got the Illicit lover ending and finished doing the adventure option but I gave up on the chest you know when and I beat all three riddles and I got a score of 131,510. That's like my seventh play through now. Keep it up and I hope there's sequel or it is expanded on.
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— The Dreaderhack on 3/8/2016 6:16:12 AM with a score of 131520
Very good
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— Jack on 3/7/2016 6:43:46 PM with a score of 103940
very nice indeed
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on 3/7/2016 1:12:50 PM with a score of 19180
Very good
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on 3/5/2016 7:55:22 PM with a score of 137760
Very interesting play style
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on 3/5/2016 7:14:03 PM with a score of 121470
The hidden treasure in the ghoul tomb is glitched to where even if you discover it you never get the gold or health potion
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— Jared on 3/1/2016 10:19:41 AM with a score of 76260
Ranged weapons are extremely weak
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— Jared on 3/1/2016 9:29:12 AM with a score of 82510
I had one huge huge huge huge problem with this story...and that's that it wasn't longer
why the hell wasn't this longer
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on 2/29/2016 10:29:43 PM with a score of 72450
A few typos but all in all, Not a bad way to kill some time.
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on 2/28/2016 5:51:43 PM with a score of 198280
very fun and exciting game
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on 2/27/2016 11:37:27 AM with a score of 67650
I got ending of the dammed
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— Condog on 2/24/2016 5:25:27 AM with a score of 4020
This was very fun and entertaining! Took almost an hour but REALLY fun!!
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— Karen Salva on 2/23/2016 11:29:11 PM with a score of 68750
This was a very great story. I got the Noble's ending. This story is my favorite one to go back and play over and over again. The only problem I had was that it felt a little shorter that would have liked it to. Overall, great story.
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on 2/16/2016 10:19:27 AM with a score of 133220
i found the evil sanctum and killed thormugul, i also found multiple infinite money poinys in the game. i love this game so much, i pray that you make a part 2
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on 2/12/2016 8:39:45 AM with a score of 108600
Great game! Only a few typos, like how there were many "villages" in the laboratory. I loved it and hope you make more similar to this.
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on 2/11/2016 9:14:57 PM with a score of 32960
I LOVED IT! I especially liked the RPG style of the game. The battles were cool too, how'd you do that?
I got Noble's Ending. I also ended with all items, sweet!
SCORE: 127660
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on 2/10/2016 1:55:19 PM with a score of 127670
cool story bro, needs more dragons!
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on 2/9/2016 10:04:48 AM with a score of 68210
There was nothing about this I did not love. Buy X-Ray potions. Do it. Although, once I avoided a trap, it seemed I missed an exploration chance before the ghouls....
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on 2/5/2016 2:33:57 AM with a score of 133770
wish it had a little more depth in certain parts no Spoilers now
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on 1/27/2016 2:53:32 AM with a score of 70610
This was terrific. I've never seen a CYO with such in-depth batle and stat systems. There's a few flaws/imperfections keeping it from 8, but only just. You should play this.
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on 1/24/2016 11:44:58 AM with a score of 116630
Realy good story! I enjoyed it.
Might have been longer.
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— Giel on 1/23/2016 8:02:34 AM with a score of 12560
Extremely enjoyable!
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on 1/18/2016 5:42:25 PM with a score of 115050
I love this game. I wish though that it had some more content.
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on 1/15/2016 5:27:48 PM with a score of 116050
tons of fun! used this as a time-killer in between D&D campaigns and loved it! Can't wait to jump in on another one.
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on 1/15/2016 1:22:43 AM with a score of 142690
Truly an enjoyable experience! I would say that the adventure, plot, and storytelling is better than many AAA games. Well worth your time.
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— Briles on 1/12/2016 2:18:31 PM with a score of 123360
Excellent DND, You can get infinite gold via an exploit with the search option.
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— Dkoychev on 1/11/2016 3:01:56 AM with a score of 140350
It was really good! Great RPG elements, though I wish I didn't give the book to the lady... There probably would've been more content that way lol
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on 1/10/2016 8:11:11 PM with a score of 122920
This was a great game! Super fun to play, though I didn't get around to using many items. Got the Adventurer's Ending with
SCORE: 196670
There are minor typos, but it doesn't take away from the story.
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— Mari on 1/10/2016 11:42:01 AM with a score of 197100
This story makes good use of stats so that you feel the effects of every choice you make. Forget to inspect your surroundings once and you never make that mistake again!
Simple and short, the story successfully invokes the good old D&D feel. Revealing the dungeon map piece by piece is a nice feature move that makes your adventure seem all the more dangerous.
Combat felt good, after a while I found the defensive option to be slightly overpowered and mowed through every battle I faced (especially in combination with decent armour)! Likewise I stocked up on expensive gear right at the end of the game expecting to face a new challenge, only to find myself confronted with a "game over" screen. At least the endings felt satisfactory, I would enjoy replaying the story with a different character sheet for a different experience.
Good work, and thank you for this adventure! :-)
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on 1/9/2016 7:21:25 AM with a score of 218220
Pretty good game, I just kinda wish there was an ending where you took the book and used it for YOU, yknow?
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on 1/6/2016 12:31:29 PM with a score of 161890
Rather good... I liked the style. It's been a while since I've played a good old dungeon game, and this fit my expectations.
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on 1/4/2016 7:41:13 PM with a score of 116530
Thanks, that was great!
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— Matthias on 12/28/2015 7:10:19 PM with a score of 7080
Great game. Thank you.
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— HuskerFaithful on 12/28/2015 7:46:04 AM with a score of 107180
This was pretty awesome, I'm quite impressed. Simple, and relatively quick...I played it during my lunch break at work. Please keep it up!
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on 12/23/2015 1:05:59 PM with a score of 92370
Just awesome, I have no words
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on 12/20/2015 12:13:31 PM with a score of 194800
Loved It Very Interesting Only Three Thing's I Would Question 1) First All The Multiple Paths I Tried Most Of the Cool Gear In The Armory Remained Out Of My price Reach Then Once I Achieved Such Fortune You Game Ends For A DM Like Me That Was Disappointing Just When The Adventure Got Good Game-Over 2) Second As For A Continue On Point One I Would Suggest A Deeper Story Line That Continues Past The First Victory A Longer More Deeper Game 3)Third Loved The Game But Found Some Of The Choices Mandatory Like If You Embrace The Book It Is Forced That you Let The Demon Girl Rain Hell You Should Have The Option To Destroy Her ((My Apologies If My Third Point Is A Spoiler For Anyone)) Highly Recommend The Game Good To Kill Some Time And Enjoyed It Alot But Please Consider My Comments And Make A Part 2 Please And Thank You I Think It Was A Little Short And Ended Too Fast
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on 12/19/2015 3:44:35 AM with a score of 85200
I got the ending of the betrayer, I really enjoyed the game and found it to be very interesting and complex.
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on 12/18/2015 6:18:25 PM with a score of 18790
Ahh just like the games you want to see/read when you get here. Great writing and I got the betrayer ending. I may play through again but I usually like to keep things the way they landed. Maybe one day she will set me free! right? i know she will 8/8
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on 12/17/2015 3:33:08 PM with a score of 97660
I randomly decided to have a look online at choose your own adventure in the hopes of reading something to pass the time. This was a great read and was definitely fun to go through for my first time in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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— Ben on 12/15/2015 8:21:35 PM with a score of 67670
Awesome! I got to the wolf in sheep clothing ending and am satisfied with the game. Basically the more steps the better the ending. I'm assuming wolf and illicit ending are 2 with the most steps but I'm not sure as I haven't unlocked some of the other ones...
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on 12/13/2015 9:00:09 PM with a score of 200930
Lots of fun for a choose your own adventure.
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on 12/10/2015 11:03:55 AM with a score of 12410
I'm a big D&D fan, and this game was a delightful substitute for a college kid who finds it difficult to schedule a party regularly
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— Oliver on 12/8/2015 3:08:03 PM with a score of 151080
I played the story befor a while back, and I don't normaly replay games. But the way you build a characture in this game is so flexibal that I replayed it with differnt builds. Well charisma looks bad at first glance you learn you buy items with a 20% discount and sell items for full price with god like charisma. A body target build is also very powerful as soon as you get the longbow. My point is this game is made to be replayed. The puzzles can't be solved by every build so try making a new characture with differant skill and try new thing, trust me it's worth it. The game's story is also very nice. I found no grammical errors (unlike this comment, sorry I'm not a wizard,) and I always knew what was going on after reading the text. If I made a mistake it was easy to see where the mistake was (often having to low of a spot skill) and the items where clearly labbled with great discription. But what put this game compleatly over the top for me was the random number generator. Stats in the game just increes the odds in your favor. With a lot of luck you could make it through the game with realy low stats. But this isn't recomended, realy use your level ups. This is why the game can be played multibal times and still be fresh. An easy fight can easily be given to luck. So great game 8/8 all the way.
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on 12/4/2015 1:10:49 PM with a score of 117270
Best Ever. Please make a sequel where you get to tell what ending you chose last time to continue that story!
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— Fly on 11/25/2015 2:54:58 PM with a score of 183370
I achieved the Ending of the Illicit Lover. I am glad that I was finally able to have an ending in which the Succubus didn't trap me in the book. Yay!
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on 11/23/2015 10:06:21 AM with a score of 95070
Nice, I like the story :D
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on 11/23/2015 5:03:38 AM with a score of 108490
Thank you very much for this interesting story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. now, off to get the other endings
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— Anonymous on 11/20/2015 2:15:31 PM with a score of 12630
Still love i've played almost 12 times and still that much fun
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on 11/19/2015 7:20:07 PM with a score of 176600
OMG this was by far the absolute funnest choose your own adventure ever. The RPG factor is genius, all the endings are perfect because they correctly represent your choices. You have truly made a great adventure and I'll be waiting for your next one.
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— The pollinator on 11/19/2015 2:14:12 PM with a score of 152090
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on 11/18/2015 3:23:51 PM with a score of 129560
This was my second time playing the game through, and I had even more fun than the first. I went with the bow this time as my primary weapon, and discovered tons of treasures that I didn't find the first time, and managed to double-cross the succubus. It was a most excellent adventure! I got the "Adventurer" ending. Great job and I hope that you have some kind of expansion in the future!
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— Zaraki Kenpachi on 11/17/2015 4:15:58 AM with a score of 126380
This was awesome. I had no idea that the game platform was capable of doing so much! I enjoyed the story and the options that were available. I would play it again.
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— Zaraki Kenpachi on 11/16/2015 9:56:40 PM with a score of 172030
Lovely game
Made for those with a strong heart and strategic mind
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— madman on 11/16/2015 1:47:56 PM with a score of 4190
After feeling like I've found everything (and using the Cleaning Whisk over 100 times), I can say I enjoyed my last trip through the game.
I will say, however, to whoever authored this - there is a glitch between the crypt and the north room that if you keep exiting out to the crypt but search AGAIN, you can max out your GP (to 500K) in three turns.
Just thought you'd like to know that at least the gold counter for the search option needs a one-off limiter variable. :)
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on 11/16/2015 12:30:37 PM with a score of 68050
With a nicely thought-out and engaging narrative throughout, this dungeon-crawler was well written overall.
There are a few spelling/grammar errors that should have been tended to by now, and a few places in the story where the reactions to things seemed to have been without any character motivation... but those are the only things that keep it from a perfect score.
Good job! :)
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on 11/15/2015 2:58:48 PM with a score of 169270
This makes use of the features of the advanced editor so well I can't even imagine how much scripting and stuff you had to do, haha.
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on 11/15/2015 9:35:18 AM with a score of 107470
This was my first choose your own adventure type story and I have to say it's amazing. My ending wasn't the best but isn't that how all stories can end. I'm sure if I played through it again, I could end it in a better way and I probably will. It has tons of replayabiity and I highly recommend this great story. :)
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— Saul on 11/12/2015 4:46:51 PM with a score of 207610
Excellent plz more like it
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— Donovan Black on 11/12/2015 3:30:35 PM with a score of 158920
It was very fun.
Keep it up, I enjoyed it.
Was it inspired by Skyrim?
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— Anonymous on 11/11/2015 11:49:19 AM with a score of 109420
awesome game I had to find a way to get a good ending but I love it so keep making more their really fun
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— halomantis on 11/6/2015 1:58:35 PM with a score of 128890
it took too long and I suck
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— oscar on 11/3/2015 8:18:36 AM with a score of 62550
I Just loved your story, I want to know if you have more stories like this one
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— Emilio on 11/2/2015 7:47:49 PM with a score of 171900
I loved the game every step of the way! I was really looking forward to something like this. However, when I chose to become the apprentice of the necromancer, it just read me the story instead of letting me play it out! I would have loved to actually do all that in game myself rather than just let me play half the game then storytell me the other half. But the part that was playable was amazing.
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on 11/2/2015 7:56:26 AM with a score of 9250
I wish there was a part 2
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on 10/29/2015 8:50:40 PM with a score of 75110
OMG! This was one of the good stories out there! I kept dying... but it was SO worth it!
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on 10/27/2015 11:38:39 PM with a score of 85600
Lots of choices made it fun all the way through.
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on 10/25/2015 8:41:42 PM with a score of 134420
That was really fun, thank you
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— Joe on 10/25/2015 12:57:59 PM with a score of 107520
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on 10/24/2015 11:27:53 AM with a score of 52480
A very excellent RPG, wish it had a sequel though.
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on 10/23/2015 12:42:56 PM with a score of 188890
This game is amazing, really it is
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on 10/22/2015 2:22:52 PM with a score of 136900
This is the Best Game I've Ever Played on this site. Make a sequel
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on 10/22/2015 2:15:55 PM with a score of 131870
Loved every second of it!
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on 10/19/2015 6:36:32 PM with a score of 69110
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on 10/19/2015 12:52:38 PM with a score of 102990
Awesome story! Played through multiple times only to find more content! Good Work BerkaZerka!
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— Anonymous on 10/18/2015 12:33:04 AM with a score of 710600
found a glitch with the crypt, if you search it after beating the specter and claiming the loot once, u can get the money again
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on 10/17/2015 2:48:59 PM with a score of 145580
My very first experience with this type of gaming :)....I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanx
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on 10/16/2015 4:24:43 PM with a score of 4180
I found a glitch with the ghoul tomb cache, it gives me the potion but no gold
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on 10/14/2015 2:07:12 PM with a score of 221670
I really love this book!!! You should make it longer! I hope your having a great day!!
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— Ryan on 10/14/2015 12:32:33 PM with a score of 4080
This. Was. Amazing.
Dungeon Stompage is the best storygame I have played on this site. I love this game, so, so much.
The game is finely set up, and this is more of a storyGAME than a STORYgame. But at that, it is very fun, one that warrants the entirety of the userbase to play. I had a lot of fun in the stretch of two days- and I loved every minute.
Not to be nitpickish, but I did find a few grammatical errors but who cares? I'm having fun like that I can easily gloss over this.
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on 10/13/2015 11:09:12 AM with a score of 141220
Really nice game, though it would be nice if we could save the villagers...
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on 10/10/2015 1:42:21 PM with a score of 155480
Loved it make more like it
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on 10/6/2015 3:48:18 PM with a score of 142860
It was great play
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on 9/26/2015 11:45:51 PM with a score of 162310
That was a really fun story and I had a great time reading and being a part of it! I was really confused in the beginning when I had to fight fatman because he was so powerful and I wasn't used to the fight mechanics, but once I took him out the rest was easier. Another issue I had was the lack of health. I wish you could like rest or something and regain your health because only having 5 health potions were kind of troublesome. And also there was too many items in the shop for too high of a price, what I mean is there isn't enough ways to make gold to afford all the items so I could only get some of the cheapest things like potions and a bow throughout the whole game. Other than a few minor things I really enjoyed it, and thanks for creating such an awesome story for us!!
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— Richard Roman on 9/26/2015 2:50:53 PM with a score of 46060
That was my first Choose Your Story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done!
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— Daddy Big Draws on 9/20/2015 2:22:10 PM with a score of 4740
Perfect use of the format for a Game, with a good story. The minimal exposition is handled deftly, the characters are fairly well developed, and the gaming mechanics are superb. Challenging and entertaining, my only complaint was that it ended so soon. Top marks.
Cheers, BerkaZerka
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on 9/18/2015 8:04:47 PM with a score of 121740
the ending was unexpected. Wish you didn't have to submit to him..
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— lil on 9/15/2015 2:04:46 AM with a score of 25580
I still love this game.
My first few run through was a a guest but I like coming back to is to see if I can fins all of the different endings and secrets.
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on 9/9/2015 6:30:37 PM with a score of 167730
Very good game! I was really impressed by how this is a legit, well made rpg. The only thing I must say is that my first playthrough I tried to concentrate on ranged fighting, which was pointless. Melee is much better from the start, especially with the ring you get. Also, its an rng based game, so its really hard to resist saving during combat so that you always get a very lucky hit every time. Also there is a big glitch where you can get infinite money pretty quickly with the alcove. But nonetheless I was genuinely impressed.
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on 9/8/2015 12:04:01 AM with a score of 86600
This was da bomb
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on 9/3/2015 6:34:23 PM with a score of 70980
9/10. needs to be longer. chest puzzle too hard. great other than that.
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— emerald on 8/31/2015 3:03:17 PM with a score of 86760
It was so immersive and challenging i didn't notice two hours passed by me like nothing. A definite recommendation.
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— blackblur21 on 8/29/2015 4:40:39 AM with a score of 106820
Loads of fun, great story, simple but epic adventure. More please!
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on 8/27/2015 2:05:27 AM with a score of 118150
This game was fantastic. Been familiar with table top and video game RPGs i felt right at home. The story was simple but interesting and combined with the immersive combat and description made a truly intense experience.
Final Verdict: A game you just have to try at least once.
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on 8/17/2015 5:58:15 AM with a score of 96040
i really enjoyed the game but i wish it was longer
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on 8/13/2015 11:19:40 AM with a score of 94570
This story was my first on this site! It is really good! at points I felt my heart beating for good rolls and my mouth chewing on my nails when I had to make a tough decision! well written and really open! Probs to the author
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on 8/11/2015 9:32:27 PM with a score of 20310
Pretty easy i must say, but nonetheless, well written.
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on 8/1/2015 5:20:15 PM with a score of 162550
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on 7/29/2015 10:41:21 PM with a score of 207380
I got a pretty nice ending. Spoiler alert, it's depressing right away. It's long, immersive, and very creative. 10/10.
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— Jordan on 7/26/2015 2:38:46 AM with a score of 72590
This story is a celebration of classic RPG gameplay, combining an addictive battle system and an unforgettable story. As the determined protagonist Raven, the player is able to immediately step into the fantasy realm, and fulfill their dire thirst for pure adventure. For beginners, it is a beneficial gateway series to dungeon exploration titles, an entertaining fantasy treat for casual fans, and a welcome challenge of Stat building strategy for seasoned RPG fans.
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— Andre' Raven on 7/24/2015 6:48:34 PM with a score of 67600
Awesome but pretty short.
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on 7/19/2015 5:26:38 PM with a score of 181680
Lots of fun. I wish it was longer, I got a bunch of bad-ass weapons only to be told the game is over.
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on 7/17/2015 5:08:29 PM with a score of 239360
Look at my points. I took advantage of your glitch.
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on 7/16/2015 11:16:19 AM with a score of 1447320
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— Ukairi on 7/11/2015 4:41:15 AM with a score of 158640
This game was awesome! Author should consider making a longer version of this. Needs a bit of proofreading in some areas, but is by far the best choose your own adventure I have ever done. Better than pen and paper dnd :)
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— Just a guy on 6/29/2015 4:09:01 PM with a score of 77190
I got the noble ending beat the specter and found the treasure and all but could I have possibly brought my loved ones back or found the dwarves Axe?
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— darius on 6/27/2015 9:38:06 PM with a score of 207300
Boring, don't really like the story but it's ok
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— 3333 on 6/22/2015 3:41:12 PM with a score of 58810
It's like playing skyrim! or a real rpg game.
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— Rafel on 6/20/2015 8:18:59 AM with a score of 59380
Ending of the Damned? damn, restart
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on 6/11/2015 3:44:58 AM with a score of 4500
Awesomeness at its finest
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on 6/8/2015 11:21:22 AM with a score of 184590
Super fun! What a great little story with a lot of choices.
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on 6/6/2015 9:55:29 AM with a score of 18500
This was so fun and really entertaining. I found myself loving the puzzles and challenges that was thrown at me when dealing with this fun RPG. The thought process you put into this is to be commended. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to get away from every day stresses, although if you do not have a mind for puzzles or the patience to try out the different routes, enemies, ect., then.... Well, I would still recommend it, simply because this game will make you feel awesome in eventually figuring out the riddles and puzzles!
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— FunTimeGal on 6/5/2015 9:22:36 PM with a score of 74590
Fun and quite engaging, like a video game only with your imagination and your words to bring the scenes to like. Awesome game.
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— Red-Hood on 6/2/2015 8:00:17 PM with a score of 68300
Wow, lots of work with variables and items and scripting. Great job! Definitely more game than story. Few errors though, e.g. at the alcove with the imp statue and the search option you can repeatedly use there repeatedly for gold,l but maybe that's intentional. And a few places you do not get the gold that you found, happened to me at the ghoul tomb. But overall a lot of effort went into this. Great vocabulary and language used on some pages.
Stopped playing after unlocking that final chest, but maybe there is something else/more that can still be done? Anyways, one of the better CYOAs. Thanks
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on 6/1/2015 11:16:16 AM with a score of 102220
I just wish there was more to it
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on 5/31/2015 3:56:32 AM with a score of 121030
I got the ending of the Betrayer...
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on 5/28/2015 11:48:08 AM with a score of 112350
This was so much fun. I read the story on phone and had a blast. It kepted me busy!
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— blake on 5/28/2015 11:00:31 AM with a score of 83230
Extremely well done, the only flaw is that it is too short and leaves me wanting more! Bravo!
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— ABomb on 5/28/2015 12:53:54 AM with a score of 83170
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— Mylapqn on 5/27/2015 7:39:20 PM with a score of 80220
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on 5/27/2015 3:44:58 PM with a score of 15520
10/10 better than skyrim
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on 5/25/2015 7:33:54 PM with a score of 44410
Amazing game... I was bored and happened upon stumbled this site. Then I tried this story, wow, it was an amazing ride. The first ending I got was The Betrayer, just because I want to have the Fire Wand so I can cheese the Necromancer (just spam Pikachu and Fire Wand). Finally I was able to get my second and satisfying ending for me. The Adventurer. It was very amazing game once again. But, it is just me or Necromancer can be cheesed by using Fire potion and Pikachu (or Fire Wand). And the Zombies is basically spam the the fast shortsword . It will be amazing if it was longer but lol it was still good. Good Job.
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on 5/24/2015 11:01:15 AM with a score of 193620
Amazing work. Rated 8/8! It's a bit tough at first, but I love a challenge. I can tell you put a lot of work into this. Great job!
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— Ally on 5/17/2015 10:37:39 PM with a score of 59500
Great game! My 2 favorite endings (Only cause they are the hardest due to the requirements for them) are
1. Wolf in sheep's clothing
2. Illicit Lover
BTW the more you play this game the easier it gets. For example all I need is parley to finish the game. Get the zorch rat, fight the fat man, get the book, knock on lab door, and use zorch on the necro.
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on 5/17/2015 3:02:18 PM with a score of 254810
I started it at 11 pm, and I finished it at 4 am. I literally played straight for five hours.
Might have slight spoilers, but who the hell cares?
This game is fan-freaking-tastic. The battles, they were one of my favorites- they're perfectly Rpg-like. Turn-based, and based on stats, and... yeah. The riddles, thank God for the internet because if I didn't search I never would've figured out... That's probably only because of my stupidity, of course.
There was also the part where it makes you seriously think about the outcome and get frustrated with yourself because of not knowing to who you should give the book; the woman or the mage? I seriously got stuck there, thinking for two to three minutes which side I should take.
In the end, I chose the mage because, well, I remembered the mage's advice, that she's full of trouble. I still hesitated, but I chose the mage simply because of that.
I'm so happy I didn't think of them being actually enemies with the mage trying to lie so you don't trust her.
There's also the part where you're inside the stronghold already. I checked every hall, and you can't blame me for clicking back everytime I die xD even though it would seem slightly boring to check and explore so many things, I actually found it fun to explore. That's very rare for me, almost impossible, as I mostly find having to see everything boring.
All in all, it's an awesome game. I really felt like I was playing a true, animated, video game for free without any lag nor any needed plug-ins.
Again, it's an awesome game and i'm so freaking glad this is one of the first games I played. Though, I actually hesitated to play this because of the seemingly boring start... i'm an idiot for hesitating.
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on 5/16/2015 4:58:43 PM with a score of 71670
More of a game than an interactive fiction. Keep it up! Tons of replay ability!
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on 5/16/2015 3:30:24 PM with a score of 188020
very rewarding game, time well spent, good enough plot so that the story holds up, really liked the combat system and the dialog was good too.
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on 5/12/2015 4:56:32 AM with a score of 95520
Good time killer on a long drive. I had fun!
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on 5/11/2015 2:30:40 PM with a score of 88900
Super good
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on 5/11/2015 12:05:35 PM with a score of 51830
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— Ichane on 5/10/2015 7:09:12 PM with a score of 75680
Right, I am disheartened after seeing that someone has a score above 10 million. Great game, although I can't figure out how to do better.
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on 5/10/2015 8:41:55 AM with a score of 75400
Really fun
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on 5/6/2015 4:48:50 PM with a score of 110160
this was great but i found that it was a little too shot :( if you wan to win the game in seconds simply put everything into melee and climb
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— Force on 5/6/2015 10:38:31 AM with a score of 67220
An Awesome game! I could not beat merodatch by fighting him though, I guess if you can't beat 'em - you join them and then beat them so you have the element of surprise. lol.
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on 5/1/2015 6:52:48 PM with a score of 31190
Really well done. Will definitely be playing again for a different outcome! I am seriously in awe of the amount of effort that was put into this!
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on 4/30/2015 8:25:45 PM with a score of 76080
fantastic. i got the ending of the betrayer. too bad i couldn't just drop the book before travelling back to the tower... I had a, ah spell I wanted to try out on a specific character ;)
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on 4/29/2015 6:14:04 PM with a score of 183790
I find this a little baffling, to be honest. While it is admittedly a reasonable diversion for a few minutes, and I'm all for dungeon-romping, a lot of it doesn't add up. Without spoiling anything, you can go from being a 14 year old child to ridiculous heights of power in what for me was two combats, with little in between. If you've put your stat points into body, you can just "double attack" everything into oblivion. You have enough stat points at the start to make your character excellent at more than one of the few things needed. Now, the item system works well and there's a huge amount of potential, but t all felt a bit anticlimactic for me, despite the melodrama of the "ending of the damned". Also, what's with the woman?
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— Joe on 4/24/2015 4:10:59 PM with a score of 20190
Awesome just what a adventure should be
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— Flagrunner64 on 4/23/2015 8:20:40 PM with a score of 23130
Great battle simulator! But the story still had good plot and details 8/8
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on 4/17/2015 8:43:12 PM with a score of 79970
THIS is what people should aim for when creating advanced CYOA storygames! The battles were brilliantly constructed, the story was enjoyable and the characters were relatable. Not to mention the challenging puzzles and fun riddles along the way.
"10/10, would play again."
Just brilliant.
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on 4/16/2015 7:58:23 PM with a score of 117250
Great game. I wish there were options for honing your skills outside of what little battle there is. Maybe travel to another town? Not very long in my opinion, but a great game nonetheless.
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— Jacob on 4/13/2015 11:44:38 AM with a score of 154090
Very, very, very, very good. The endings I got were disappointing to me.
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on 4/11/2015 10:11:15 AM with a score of 142270
This is certainly one of the best games I have ever played on CYS. I say this because this had a comprehensive storyline, and a whole bunch of other stuff which I do not want to spoil for the visitors of the site that some how discover this game. It takes a long time, and I recommend saving because it will take a few hours, but really nice. I got the first and second ending, I don't remember how many endings there are besides the death endings, but I got to see two of the endings. Nice game!
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on 4/8/2015 9:48:54 PM with a score of 59050
It was really good! Also i found away to cheat and get heaps of gold!
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on 4/6/2015 4:49:00 AM with a score of 52030
Awesome game, I was amazed by the clever scripting
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on 4/3/2015 4:53:31 PM with a score of 384270
Very well made! Although I went through as many endings as I could find, I just think there could have been a few more "evil" endings. Otherwise, great story! And the mechanics are amazing.
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on 3/31/2015 1:04:17 AM with a score of 153100
Make add-ons con. the story
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— COOL on 3/29/2015 2:37:53 PM with a score of 70100
Good story with nice twists, solid mechanics and a little challenge, all in one package. I wouldn't mind it being a little longer and with a little more dungeon crawling + fighting, but it's still very satisfying. Well done.
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— Maciej Krok on 3/26/2015 12:49:10 PM with a score of 178090
I love it.You are a genius.
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— JustAGirl on 3/17/2015 5:54:27 AM with a score of 73030
Awesome game, thank for taking time to make it good
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— stid on 3/15/2015 6:09:22 PM with a score of 68590
My only complaint is how quickly you manage to get high melee, and the little options you get to use most of your skills. Not a true RPG, but otherwise an awesome experience worth every second, wish it was longer.
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— Anon on 3/11/2015 9:26:35 PM with a score of 83170
Pretty good, the two endings I found made very good sense.
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on 2/28/2015 4:26:05 PM with a score of 150110
Very nice !!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!
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— Wedgemaster on 2/28/2015 12:11:06 PM with a score of 12050
Ah the endings have the same wording and that upset me a little but in all it was good.
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— Jose Deze on 2/25/2015 11:26:31 AM with a score of 67030
Perfect! Great implimentation of battles, and great work on the game! Hope you make more games like this.
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on 2/19/2015 8:52:47 AM with a score of 4400
It was a excellent game and one of the best games I've ever played on this website.There was only one problem and that one problem was that I beat the game in only one hour.
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on 2/17/2015 7:07:02 PM with a score of 63530
I got Ending of The Destroyer. Fun story, a little easy and the names were sort of cheesy, but still fun. It felt a bit like being Ash in Army of Darkness...or maybe that nerdy kid who finds the Loc-Nar in Heavy Metal...
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on 2/9/2015 4:52:15 PM with a score of 109620
Its pretty cool, I went through it several times to get all the endings, I enjoyed the ending of the adventurer the most but if it were me I might have gone back to the village at the end after adventuring for a while
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on 2/3/2015 3:06:50 PM with a score of 139440
Had a lot of fun playing, everytime i had the chance to betray someone i took it, made this playthrough a little short but intresting.
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on 2/1/2015 3:05:21 PM with a score of 7370
How do you guys have such high scores? Did you spam the cleaning whisk?
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— Kim on 2/1/2015 12:43:13 PM with a score of 129050
Excellent, fun and exciting. Would play again.
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— waja on 2/1/2015 7:53:04 AM with a score of 185150
The ending of the adventurer....
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— Silverflame on 1/31/2015 5:24:16 PM with a score of 158060
Omg..... Bech make morrre please 9001/10
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— Qlend on 1/28/2015 12:17:41 AM with a score of 147580
Good stuff! I've played through twice, nice battle system and the story line is pretty good. If the dialogue and wording were tweaked a bit more to fit the period, this adventure could be great! But it's still very fun to go through, regardless. In fact, I'm going to try one more time...
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on 1/20/2015 9:09:10 AM with a score of 100620
Sweet Game! Best CYOA I've played in a while! Made this account just so I could thank you :3
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on 1/18/2015 10:06:12 PM with a score of 97330
On a whim I found this website and this was the first game I tried... Awesome! Taking on that zombie horde while only taking 15 points worth of damage was awesome, and the ending... Well, I guess I should have seen that coming. Good job.
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— That was nice! on 1/18/2015 8:00:01 PM with a score of 81880
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— Brandon on 1/16/2015 10:35:02 PM with a score of 82550
It's great I wish there were more.
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— Anton on 1/15/2015 2:50:36 PM with a score of 75170
Hey i just happened upon this game you apparantly made forever ago and this game was truly AMAZING the way that you had scripted this was genius i dont think ive come across a game that utilized that level of script using a fuckin story website! I actually got stuck on your chest and ended up readin all your comments and I noticed you dont like to give out any secrets.. but yeah dude your really good i hope something happens for whats really funny is that theres a liiitle icon after that compulsively tells EVERY single person to comment so youre probably swamped.. Have fun with the next one best wishes
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— Jeff on 1/12/2015 3:34:02 PM with a score of 146660
Great game, plays like a traditional dungeon crawler and the combat system is superb.
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— GAME> MAN on 1/7/2015 7:27:54 PM with a score of 76850
This is a great adventure. I had to try it a couple of times. Well-written with exciting endings if you can get to them by choosing your stats well.
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— Appriser Melody on 1/7/2015 4:08:06 AM with a score of 125190
I love the combat and the leveling system in this game,very customizable, very fun.
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on 1/5/2015 1:06:35 AM with a score of 12430
Nice game!
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on 1/4/2015 5:19:44 PM with a score of 140260
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— Chris on 1/3/2015 9:55:42 PM with a score of 109030
This is wondeful.
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on 1/3/2015 12:43:10 AM with a score of 132340
A fair bit higher than decent. Well written. 6\8
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on 1/1/2015 8:59:45 PM with a score of 4000
It will bring you enlightenment and all that cool shit, plus, You can be beating someone up and then just be like "lol, nah"
teleport out, get more stuff, and continue fighting with no missed opportunities. XD waaay better than a Reeses Cup
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— ImJustASeaweedbrain on 12/30/2014 7:13:34 PM with a score of 107920
I liked it, though I didn't want to reach the bad ending (I forgot what it was called). Can someone help me on how to win a good ending?
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on 12/30/2014 2:35:22 PM with a score of 151320
Gold: 258753; SCORE: 930440
I really liked it! The game had just the right measure of kicking ass, puzzles, more kicking ass, text and decisions. oh the decisions. I got like... Four different endings, the first one being the doomed one or something like that and the last one being the noble's ending.
Also, I loved the broom. It was just so hilarious being like "oh, there is a horde of zombies crawling towards me: better have clean floors!"
I liked the battle system, even though it felt a little repetitive at times.
Also the chest puzzle. It killed my brains. In a good way.
And in case you're wondering what's up with that score of mine... Let's just say that I played through quite some times.
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on 12/29/2014 5:52:15 PM with a score of 930450
The writing was great, I would love to know more about the game play behind the scene, like what else did I miss with the different characters.
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— Landon on 12/29/2014 12:49:21 AM with a score of 85030
Best story ever I think I got the highest score
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— Impulse on 12/27/2014 5:18:39 PM with a score of 822640
awesome but a bit short
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on 12/27/2014 8:37:28 AM with a score of 211100
Health: 43 (of 43); Gold: 381718; SCORE: 161280 (7/8)
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on 12/27/2014 12:31:28 AM with a score of 161290
It was amazing! I only got to the ending of the damned and was very impressed! Nice work!
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— Captianobvious11 on 12/25/2014 11:11:47 PM with a score of 7210
Loved it
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on 12/24/2014 5:52:12 PM with a score of 86830
I think i got a little carried away with all my buying in the shop, only to have the game end within the next 5 moves :( still a good game 7/8
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on 12/24/2014 1:50:27 AM with a score of 120250
I thought it was pretty good actually although it was short I did enjoy the many options it gave you. and the rating system it would have been a 7 but nothings better than recess cups sorry :). the only other thing was I thought the battles were to easy because I beat all of them and didn't even use the rat or fire staff. and the wither spell is to op but it was enjoyable.
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— anthony on 12/22/2014 9:54:15 PM with a score of 72920
I don't like the ending I got:(
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— Hungrykid11 on 12/22/2014 6:19:02 PM with a score of 13280
think I found all the endings.
Good game overall
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on 12/20/2014 8:10:36 AM with a score of 83230
This was literally so much fun. I am being 100% serious this is better than telltale or even call of dutyxD. I loved the way you combined different mythical creatures that don't normally mix; but yours did. I would buy this for 60$ if it was longer and had character customization, more choices, and scenes. You should really consider becoming a developer, you are very talented, and this was just....! so awesome! thanks your the best.
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— christian on 12/18/2014 2:04:01 PM with a score of 4130
I really liked the game but now I really want to continue playing in the expansion with my character. Did the expansion ever happen?
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on 12/17/2014 5:22:03 AM with a score of 314550
Okay, Noble's Ending this time. Woot! Back again to the save point to see what else I can do.
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on 12/17/2014 4:27:44 AM with a score of 284740
After trying and failing several times to unlock the puzzle chest I gave up and started over, reaching the ending of the damned. Well, that sucked. Luckily I saved before that last fateful decision; maybe I can go back and try for the chest again...
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on 12/17/2014 3:38:42 AM with a score of 47270
Stupendous. I really liked the story. Please do more of these stories. #Betrayer
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— RainbowJ on 12/16/2014 3:56:15 PM with a score of 117470
this game was awesome! got noble ending.
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on 12/15/2014 8:39:42 AM with a score of 177010
It was kinda short for me, and Zorch Rat is OP. That's everything I can complain about, finished up in one sentence, yet the comment doesn't end. Because the story, Dungeon Stompage! is something that I can safely call awesome. It's awesome. It's incredibly awesome and I advise anyone to play it. It mixes good things with other good things and achieves greatness. And the main boss has a head of a frog. That is just original and incredible. Everyone who wonders if they should play it: Do it. Right now.
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— Quilveor on 12/14/2014 10:25:18 AM with a score of 52880
Last time playing through it, I think. Topped my old score. This game brought me a great deal of entertainment, and I'd recommend it to RPG fans. (Endings I've unlocked: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Illicit Lover, Betrayer, Adventurer, Nobleman, Damned, Fool's Ending, Destroyer, Wanderer, and Mostly Noble.
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on 12/13/2014 1:39:51 PM with a score of 272250
Hurrah! I have, with a bit of help, finally experienced all of the endings: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Illicit Lover, Betrayer, Adventurer, Nobleman, Damned, Fool's Ending, Destroyer, and the elusive two: Wanderer and Mostly Noble.
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on 12/9/2014 12:39:44 AM with a score of 200260
Extremely enjoyable.
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on 12/6/2014 6:16:18 PM with a score of 99330
:D Noble's Ending. I'm rich! It was a great adventure, only wish that there was more to play. Feels like a Dungeons and Dragons adventure that needs to keep going until my Player Character ends up dead or a God.
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on 12/4/2014 3:46:19 AM with a score of 88080
It was a lovely adventure. I only wish it could go on forever.
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— OfficePony on 12/4/2014 2:49:59 AM with a score of 107460
Played through again, but I could not find the elusive two endings :-(
Although I was able to increase my score a bit.
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on 11/29/2014 3:53:00 PM with a score of 217970
Of the hook Dawg, also i cant read so that was ascrewup
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— 50 Cent on 11/28/2014 10:56:35 PM with a score of 58940
Entertaining for sure. I played through multiple times, but could not find two of the endings. So far I've unlocked Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Illicit Lover, Betrayer, Adventurer, Nobleman, Damned, Fool's Ending, and Destroyer.
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on 11/27/2014 12:29:55 PM with a score of 160830
It was awesome
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on 11/26/2014 11:35:12 AM with a score of 143560
Loved it, although I wish it was a bit longer. I want to keep adventuring as young Raven. ;)
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on 11/24/2014 1:28:57 AM with a score of 109830
OMG SWAG Got 111000 something! Great game!
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— KB on 11/18/2014 12:41:08 AM with a score of 115590
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— Taylor on 11/11/2014 4:55:47 AM with a score of 122850
it was great, you should totally make a sequel about the main characters son (I got the noble end) about him going of in search of adventure like his father
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— hayes on 11/10/2014 7:41:42 PM with a score of 59940
Great story, thanks for taking me on and adventure.
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on 11/9/2014 2:21:03 AM with a score of 102470
I loved it haha and I even got the ending I always wanted in those stories where the hero has something of great power f**k it MINE. haha great story but the eletric pet is kind of strong thats all :D
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on 10/31/2014 4:06:39 AM with a score of 67500
Pretty good. The chest puzzle beat me. :P
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on 10/30/2014 9:19:05 PM with a score of 196470
This story game is probably one of the best on this site. It had all the elements of a good RPG game - combat, puzzles, exploration, etc. All the battles were unique in their own way and finding those little treasures was immensely satisfying to me. The items were extremely well managed and using different items during combat led to many different ways of defeating a strong opponent. I really can't find anything bad about this story game, it was simply amazing.
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on 10/29/2014 11:56:49 PM with a score of 207210
Was quite fun. One thing that confuses me is that I chose the "i'll give it to you but on one condition..." and it didn't seem to let me pick that condition, or remember that I chose it (for later on when I encountered her again). Did I miss something?
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— Corbett on 10/21/2014 12:12:36 AM with a score of 88910
Great Game for my second adventure on this sight.
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— Zayne on 10/20/2014 2:27:31 PM with a score of 59460
Was really fun - until I managed to get trapped in a damned book :D keep up the good work! (I still doubt a 14 year old girl/boy is able to use a glaymore tough)
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on 10/18/2014 5:23:53 PM with a score of 173000
Ah, the power of the back button…I died about three times. It was a very well written story! I hit the back button to see what was in the story. I LOVED it!
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on 10/16/2014 5:39:20 PM with a score of 128860
Great game
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on 10/16/2014 5:29:21 PM with a score of 124970
Just plain amazing, one of the best storygames on this site
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on 10/10/2014 10:19:10 AM with a score of 161880
I finally beat this game. xD
This. Was. Awesome. 8/8
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on 10/10/2014 9:50:40 AM with a score of 83840
Very good story.
I rated it 7/8.
There was lots of fights and riddles which I loved.
I tried for all the endings though only got three (ending of the damned, ending of the adventuere and noble's ending.
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— Silverflame on 10/6/2014 3:23:57 PM with a score of 76560
Very good, well done. One little thing. In the laboratory Villages are chained to the wall instead of villagers.
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— Shauna on 9/26/2014 8:56:40 AM with a score of 75630
Well, it would be better than Reeces anyway because I don't like them at all, but I'd say it was really well done
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— Aliyahu on 9/24/2014 4:51:33 PM with a score of 132530
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on 9/22/2014 5:06:36 PM with a score of 113740
...just wow... you sir are VERY good at what you do... p l e a s e continue makeing more masterpieces
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— josh on 9/15/2014 4:38:47 PM with a score of 150940
Loved it!
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on 9/15/2014 12:50:22 AM with a score of 92300
Great game, loved it. This is my 3rd playthrough, 1st time leaving a comment. Excellent item system, with only a few bugs (the previously reported infinite gold from the statue in the alcove).
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— Dan on 9/13/2014 6:37:32 PM with a score of 107820
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— Pio on 9/13/2014 10:48:43 AM with a score of 112940
your's the best
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on 9/11/2014 2:24:00 PM with a score of 74110
Its k, I didn't get it. It was fun tho
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on 9/11/2014 1:17:44 AM with a score of 85560
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on 9/10/2014 5:25:22 PM with a score of 82740
It was the game of D&D I've always wanted but my friends were too impatient to have! Thoroughly enjoyed it and I really recommend it to others.
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on 9/5/2014 12:31:11 PM with a score of 122540
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on 9/3/2014 6:47:43 PM with a score of 75690
Illicit Lover. Zero shame.
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on 9/2/2014 9:53:06 AM with a score of 127920
amazing game i personly loved it i got the nobles ending
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— element on 8/27/2014 6:54:36 PM with a score of 111890
this is good but rather too short
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on 8/24/2014 4:22:31 AM with a score of 123650
Awesome game! It's a pity it's too short.
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on 8/17/2014 8:58:39 PM with a score of 107230
Well written and entertaining. My only complaint is that it's a bit short. Other than that, it was great. Thank you for writing this.
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— 745mario1841 on 8/17/2014 4:06:10 PM with a score of 42740
cool i guess so kinda boring and hard to get money
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— penton on 8/17/2014 3:52:26 PM with a score of 4310
Good adventure ;} only down side is...I wanted it to be longer!*Sobs* But i Guess you can't have everything =P thanks for the fun!
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— Raven on 8/14/2014 4:52:51 PM with a score of 60200
I played it again and I did so much better than last time. I got about 50 times more points. This, again, is one of the best CYOA games I've ever played. Too bad the game wasn't longer because I would have enjoyed playing it more, but a story has to end, and that story must have taken months or years to fully get finished! I might just have to play it again...
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on 8/10/2014 8:44:46 PM with a score of 254540
Excellent level of detail, great story telling and playability, truly the best of its kind I have come across online, for all those who enjoy 'Choose Your Own Adventure' style games and reading, I recommend 'Dungeon Stompage!' very highly. My regards to its creator!
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— Dovakiin on 8/9/2014 12:08:37 PM with a score of 80970
Must I say, I did not know what I was getting myself into! This story was one of epic proportions, a complete adventure through and through. Plunged into a nasty situation, you must seek out the guidance of an old wizard to purge the evil from your hometown and rebuild what was lost. This story arch is polished well, entirely interactive, including an inventory system that is user-friendly, a merchant system that makes you feel well supported, a fast-travel system that wastes no time, and a battle inter-face that includes strategic choices based upon your skill sets and items. A very compelling adventure that will leave anyone satisfied: I'll give it a 9.9/10 (Perhaps more detailed and visually appropriate artwork could be included for items and enemies)
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— Nick on 8/8/2014 7:40:01 PM with a score of 75930
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on 8/7/2014 6:13:37 PM with a score of 173840
This is definitely one of the best CYOA games I've played. This story must have taken a while to finish, but it was obviously worth it since your story was the first one I saw when I went on this sight. Overall great story and fun battles.
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on 8/6/2014 3:29:07 PM with a score of 5020
Lots of fun! Thanks.
My only gripe is that I wish there had been more opportunities to utilize my high Charm and Parley!
I figured that these wouldn't be so useful in a traditional dungeon crawl story, but their inclusion made them interesting to me so I maxed them out (hehe!).
Well-written, engaging, funny, this was worth my time ^_^
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on 8/2/2014 3:09:20 PM with a score of 88110
Wish there was more to didnt help much. It felt like there could have been more...otherwise great game!
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— Kat on 8/2/2014 2:03:25 PM with a score of 68160
I enjoyed it very much
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on 7/31/2014 12:38:46 AM with a score of 76200
Wow, I don't say this often, but this game is amazing! The writing is excellent and the scripting is fantastic and a great example of what can be accomplished with the editor.
Your game also has a high replayability factor, as I discovered new things on each playthrough (the easter eggs thingies are btw also funny :P )
I also like the balance of fighting, exploring, talking, etc. in that everything has its own place so your game keeps refreshing, instead of becoming for example an endless repetition of foe-slaying, which unfortunately tends to happen with games of this scale. I also like it, by the way, how each battle is written differently and each opponent is well fleshed out instead of being your generic, everyday villain.
The only thing that was really annoying/frustrating to me was the chest puzzle. I honestly wasn't able to solve it without hints, but I guess that it kinda is the purpose of a 'boss' puzzle to be hard and near-insolvable, so kudos for that!
I don't very often rate games an 8, but I've made a well deserved exception for this game. Keep up the good work!
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on 7/28/2014 6:06:52 PM with a score of 312560
that puzzle in the chest is so unsolvable i just gave up :I
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on 7/27/2014 5:03:32 PM with a score of 57620
This was fantastic in so many ways and was such a delight to play. I enjoyed all the little riddles (though I obviously needed help on the chest one...) and variety of items and weapons. After fiddling with the story a bit I ended up getting the Noble's Ending, which was great. Awesome job on this and I hope to see a second at some point in time.
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on 7/22/2014 6:38:43 PM with a score of 276130
This story makes me regret giving good ratings to other stories that were nothing compared to even half this story.
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— Anonymous on 7/19/2014 8:51:00 AM with a score of 136360
really good but i wish it was longer. hope you make add ons!!
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on 7/17/2014 1:07:04 PM with a score of 107270
nice game, worth to play. the ridle make my head hurt lol
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on 7/15/2014 4:24:30 PM with a score of 72210
This Story shows all people what is possible using resources on Loads upon loads of scripting must have been put into this. After playing it several times, with different stats, the gameplay changed phenomally. If there was anything that could possibly improve this game it would be to have more enemies and fighting within the game and a short description of what you are buying before it is bought, but this game puts the 'game' in a storygame - Good Work Berka Zerka!
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— Anonymous on 7/13/2014 7:30:40 AM with a score of 163430
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on 7/11/2014 6:38:51 AM with a score of 151710
Although it was shorter than expected, every moment of it was a ton of fun. This game really pushes the limits of how much can be done with a CYS style game. The puzzles were engaging, the encounters were well designed, and all in all, this was an amazing game that I'm going to replay until I get every single ending.
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on 7/11/2014 2:56:14 AM with a score of 121510
I got THE ENDING OF THE DESTROYER, what does that say about me exactly? XP
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on 7/10/2014 9:12:57 PM with a score of 35170
Got the Illicit Lover ending.
Spectacular story, with far more depth than the surface would suggest. 8/8 for sure.
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— Dewdled on 7/4/2014 7:01:18 PM with a score of 163840
omg it was amazing tho i wish it was longer plz make sequal
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— Jason on 6/24/2014 10:33:07 PM with a score of 197180
While it was a fun adventure, it's fairly short to me and a bit buggy- At the dragon throne there's a problem where continually searching the area grants continual payouts. Fair story nonetheless.
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— Clockwork on 6/23/2014 11:53:25 AM with a score of 82830
loved adventurers ending
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— n on 6/19/2014 2:18:11 PM with a score of 89350
Entertaining, not that long.
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on 6/18/2014 6:30:55 AM with a score of 45490
Got the Nobles ending. The game was brilliant. Personally I would like to see a game like this, but with companions as well. You know a party of adventurers and romance I guess. Just you know stuff to spice it up even more. Honestly, though really great read and the time just flew by. I can't wait for more of you work!
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— J on 6/15/2014 1:15:10 AM with a score of 83900
Hey, that was pretty fun. A bit shorter than I thought it was going to be though. But overall, good job.
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on 6/14/2014 3:22:18 AM with a score of 70230
This is a great story I got the adventurer ending after a couple of tries
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— Josh on 6/13/2014 10:53:02 AM with a score of 59600
so many traps!!!
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— lukez on 6/12/2014 10:16:04 PM with a score of 76160
This game kept me busy for an hour and a half and was extremely in-depth if someone made this into an mmorpg it would be like god created it.
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— Nick on 6/12/2014 9:20:59 PM with a score of 94910
Very detailed story line. I like it :)
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on 6/8/2014 10:24:59 PM with a score of 112140
I liked the plot and it's one of the best structured stories on this site.
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— Harmony on 6/7/2014 11:40:43 PM with a score of 67580
This game was so much fun! I loved seeing all of the different weapons and being able to use them in battle. Great work!
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— Viv on 6/1/2014 12:16:34 PM with a score of 67460
I really have no way to describe how amazing this is, and I hope there will be more from you in the future because this was the best thing I've read/played. And I haven't even seen what happened when you either sided with the lady or joined the evil wizard's forces (He's so evil, I didn't even bother to memorize his name :P) Maybe another day...
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— Graysongdl on 5/18/2014 9:33:17 PM with a score of 82580
One of the best story games on the internet, well done!I got the ending of the betrayer.
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on 5/14/2014 10:36:43 PM with a score of 64770
Very well done. I suspect there is quite a bit I didn't see on my playthrough (adventurer ending), for example I didn't mess around with the "dark side" stuff at all.
In a couple places there are bugs that allow you to get unlimited gold by searching over and over. (Statue and last room below.)
There are a lot of solutions to that chest puzzle, but they don't all work. Ten solutions for the case A=3 alone. I found that one of those worked so I didn't continue to A=8.
Especially liked the way you handled the map, very intuitive.
Would have liked to have gone back to the pits and tried to explore them, but didn't seem to be a way to try that once I discovered and bypassed them.
That's just nitpicking though, greatly enjoyed it, my compliments.
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— Unawares on 5/3/2014 3:20:17 AM with a score of 174890
Awesome job! I really liked it! 8/8!
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on 4/30/2014 7:35:12 PM with a score of 246470
That was totally awesome!!! I loved it! I liked the challenges, 8/8!!!
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on 4/25/2014 7:31:27 PM with a score of 178800
Got the nobles ending. Feels awesome
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— Ravenmaner on 4/20/2014 6:49:40 PM with a score of 67500
I am in awe at this game!! Excellent job! Left me wanting for more.
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on 4/19/2014 1:31:39 AM with a score of 86630
This was one of the best storygames on this site! With emphasis on the GAME rather than story, it definitely left me excited to come back for more! The author certainly delivered with many interesting puzzles and secret rooms filled with unique enemies and treasures. It was fun seeing how different attributes affected outcomes of battles or helped find secrets in rooms I had previously explored. The story element was the icing on this delicious cake. Overall, worth a look and a few playthroughs! Thanks for making such an engrossing and fantastic game!
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on 4/15/2014 3:13:58 PM with a score of 146430
Really fun. Got in way of studying but really fun.
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— Steven on 4/5/2014 9:54:06 PM with a score of 70630
Great game, it's definitely a storyGAME, but has a good story with great writing. It's well put together and flows well. Everything in it is fair and possible. (I did have to go through every number to get that chest though, but it was worth it). You want to read this one.
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on 4/1/2014 2:08:05 PM with a score of 98270
Was amazing.
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on 3/30/2014 7:00:50 PM with a score of 141910
Is there going to be a part two??? :D
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on 2/26/2014 2:33:19 PM with a score of 108910
very fun story. Had a great time going through it, and now ill do so again!
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on 2/12/2014 2:48:02 PM with a score of 130890
Love it! This brings back fond memories of sitting in my friends basement and rolling dice on a game board.
Would you consider making a sequel?
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— High Elf adventurer on 2/11/2014 12:33:43 PM with a score of 126790
Really good read, combat system and scripting is excellent. Nice Work.
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on 1/28/2014 4:37:36 AM with a score of 207230
Really, really good
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— Agornish on 1/26/2014 12:59:27 PM with a score of 129210
Is it possible to find the dragon's bones? Awesome game either way.
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— Bob on 1/20/2014 10:40:23 AM with a score of 132600
Really fun, and a good way to spend an afternoon. My only problem was with the blasted puzzles. They're a bit of a pain unless you pump your Brain stat (which gives you extra hints or easier puzzles). The endings were fine, but it would have been nice if it was a bit longer, showing the adventures of Raven as he tries to rebuild his village or go adventuring.
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on 1/19/2014 10:31:49 AM with a score of 150570
well i got the betrayer... what can i say, cant say no to a woman :D
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on 12/5/2013 1:55:24 PM with a score of 71460
I want to report a little bug, how can a girl being headsman? It should be Headwoman or atleast HeadMistress
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on 12/4/2013 5:23:43 AM with a score of 78580
Got the ending of the betrayer.
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on 11/23/2013 3:22:23 PM with a score of 165680
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on 11/18/2013 9:38:43 PM with a score of 61650
Kinda sucks how you cant do anything after you "win", but great game nonetheless! 8/8!
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— Tim on 11/5/2013 7:46:37 PM with a score of 125460
Great work!
Got the nobles ending :)
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— Rapid on 10/25/2013 11:06:21 AM with a score of 187910
Ending Of The Illicit Lover
My first ending and it was funny
about 170000 points i think i did good with no cheating
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on 10/23/2013 5:13:26 PM with a score of 170420
just did my second playthough, I think I managed to do everything except explore the west hall in the stronghold. I was at 1 health by the time I finished the game cause I couldn't buy anymore heeling potions from the armery, so di'dn't explore the west hall because I might've died with that low amount of health.
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on 10/20/2013 6:11:25 PM with a score of 103230
This is a really good game. Good writing. I like that it took me a few tries to get a good ending. a forum poste I read really helped me though. My rating is 8 out of 8.
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on 10/18/2013 9:15:35 PM with a score of 112890
It was even better this time around! I HAVE to get every ending now.
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on 10/13/2013 4:05:42 AM with a score of 169340
Health: 62 (of 68); Gold: 4170; SCORE: 142230
I wonder if I have the high score... That evil locked box puzzle was wicked. I had to manually try over and over to open it.
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on 10/13/2013 3:06:58 AM with a score of 142240
I loved it! 8/8! Very complex and enjoyable. Got the noble's ending.
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on 10/8/2013 10:29:18 PM with a score of 158290
I don't think there is anything I can say that hasn't already been said but i really enjoyed your story and hope to see more like it. Great job BZ!!!
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on 10/4/2013 1:57:41 PM with a score of 116070
I couldn't think ANY story game could get ANY better than this so I gave better than this so I gave it 8/8.
How did you do the stat sheet?
How did you do the map in the dungeon?
How did you do that item shop?
I just got the ending of the damned, but I'm determined to get the real ending.
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on 10/2/2013 4:36:46 PM with a score of 12680
A pleasure to play from the start to the end! An inspiring story too, as well as a small but comfortable map to explore. Barely finished by the skin of my teeth, though - with only one HP and a horde to destroy, I had already run out of potions even prior to the fight. If it wasn't for my out-worldly Barter skill, I'd've died for sure.
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— Cal on 9/30/2013 2:16:43 PM with a score of 68390
Epic. Best game on this site so far.
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on 9/21/2013 5:59:57 PM with a score of 213400
you will play this game right now or i the mighty mechtroarch the mad will sever thine head!
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on 9/11/2013 9:19:42 PM with a score of 155060
Best story ever noble ending the first ending is the one I accept the book to the woman ... boy such a bad ending ... also I am trying to find a way to use my new dark power
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on 8/21/2013 4:31:01 PM with a score of 156980
bwhahaha! :D i'm so glad that for once i was able to take an evil path in these games without it saying "youre dead and you should feel bad, try again and be good!" xDD awesome cyoa, love being able to level up and etc.
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on 8/20/2013 1:25:16 PM with a score of 12880
So far I have acheived ending of the adventurer, ending of the noble, and ending of the betrayer. I enjoyed it; it was like the old storygame books!
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on 8/15/2013 5:08:20 PM with a score of 124170
wonderful game. I like the fact that you can choose to be good or evil, but I don't like the fact that you can't somehow stay away from the succubus and be evil by yourself in some way
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on 8/3/2013 3:08:26 PM with a score of 79690
<------ _Jumper_ again, I made a highscore earlier, right??? :D
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— _Jumper_ on 7/29/2013 6:36:25 PM with a score of 259390
Very nice Game!
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— _Jumper_ on 7/29/2013 5:39:12 PM with a score of 672070
Excellent, Well Thought Out and Brilliant. Loved it The Whole way.
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— Jeremy on 7/29/2013 5:13:19 AM with a score of 150260
So far I have only achieved one of the less satisfying endings, but I have to say that this game, relative to other games on this site, rates very highly. It was well written, the inventory was well done and the movements well diagrammed. That being said, the game is frustratingly hard ;-). Rating: A
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on 7/28/2013 5:42:50 PM with a score of 29740
It was amazing, with all the fun and replay value of a real rpg game in half the time. But my inability to perform a flaming shield toss was EXTREMELY dissappointing.
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on 7/25/2013 8:03:51 PM with a score of 69810
Nice game, it would be nice if there is a new sequel where you continue your saga
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on 7/23/2013 1:34:40 PM with a score of 151070
I got the noble's ending, really like this game, the fights were superb. I like how you needed to level up wisely in order to use your skills to the max.. Lovely game...
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on 7/20/2013 8:56:47 AM with a score of 167570
My Favorite game on the site.
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on 7/14/2013 4:54:56 PM with a score of 121470
Great game! A few bugs but nothing that makes it unplayable. Fun, Fun!
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— BOB on 6/30/2013 8:49:06 PM with a score of 175400
Yeah! Noble's ending!
I really have no idea why this is not an 8. This is by far the most complex and advanced storygame I have seen yet. Thinking about how long it must have taken to make gives me a headache. It was fun to play and really challenging. I liked that you didn't just battle and you also had to think about what you were doing and be strategic.
Buying items felt a lot like I was being ripped off. Ten percent sales tax when the entire village is dead? Seriously?
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on 6/22/2013 5:35:54 PM with a score of 65110
A jollygood dungeon crawl, that horde of undead never stood a chance! to adventure!
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on 6/17/2013 5:17:16 AM with a score of 81710
* sorry if that last comment came off a bit dickish... But yeah, there are 6 working combos to the treasure chest, but only 2 of them currently plugged-in. Anyone that has trouble is free to PM me for one of the combos and a hint if they want to try solving it with the other one ^-^
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on 6/1/2013 11:51:30 PM with a score of 60920
@ Sean ---> Hmm, your math doesn't quite add up to the level of your indignation haha! No 4 digit combos will work at all, because D cannot equal H (two different numbers) – of the two of your 6 digit combos, one is junk and the other has already been pointed out by other users (10462). In fact, a real math savant (Del9fina), has proven that there are six combinations to the puzzle. I had originally accounted for 2 and plan to add the remaining 4 (including 10462) when I do an update on the game sometime in the next month or two.
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on 6/1/2013 11:20:13 PM with a score of 101060
the treasure chest needs improvement. there are several codes that are acceptable, but only one works. this made it overly hard.(9 codes total each taked about ten minutes to solve leaves an hour and a half. thats bs.) 7502 1291 4291 13984. 7380 1041 2041 10462. just to list off some that works. because of this, im giving this a lower score than i couldve given.
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— Sean on 6/1/2013 10:18:42 PM with a score of 117670
Pretty good, I liked the inventory and leveling up.
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— Mike on 5/28/2013 2:30:26 PM with a score of 107670
found the secret! super fun game
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on 5/18/2013 11:48:34 PM with a score of 105830
a very good game. i am about to replay it now ^.^
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on 5/18/2013 8:32:44 PM with a score of 93350
great story wish it was longer though
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— don't piss off the wizard on 5/13/2013 2:25:38 AM with a score of 76500
No one mentioned the serpant fang... but if any is interested, just keep the Spot stat high and look around in important spots.
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on 5/4/2013 1:40:40 AM with a score of 139580
Very nicely done, a well-written and descriptive adventure. I'm curious as to the other endings, are there better endings than the noble and adventurer's ones? Thanks for an excellent game, looking forward to more like this one!
Best regards,
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— Jordan on 5/2/2013 3:35:56 AM with a score of 107680
very well done
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on 4/30/2013 1:01:53 AM with a score of 160140
Very nice game.Is there any way to dominate 350 years old wizard?
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on 4/21/2013 6:45:05 PM with a score of 133080
I loved the mechanics yet I wish it were longer
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on 4/19/2013 10:37:28 PM with a score of 4020
Really fun game, I like how the text changes when you do an action in a certain area and if you revisit the area the text changes accordingly. Really nice!
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— Psionical on 4/18/2013 4:55:56 PM with a score of 82640
I like more please
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on 4/17/2013 4:57:47 PM with a score of 110600
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on 4/13/2013 1:50:39 PM with a score of 14390
Wolf in Sheep's Clothes :)
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on 4/2/2013 12:25:26 AM with a score of 130650
Had fun with your game and would love to see some kind of continuation. I found the puzzles to make me stop and think, and after a little thought solve it correctly. The chest was what made me stumble. Shouldn't the combination end in 75 ?
I systematically solved it and got the loot, but unsure how you came up with what opened it in game.
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— Rrrup on 3/29/2013 7:38:53 PM with a score of 120020
Truly a lovingly well thought out storygame! I enjoyed it very much. I must somewhat sheepishly admit, the puzzle of the chest in the private quarters demanded too much skill and patience for me to solve :P
There *is* a bug, which I am proud not to have exploited (although, hehe, technically I am a Betrayer). You can return to the stone mouth of the imp demon thingy in the alcove as many times as you like and repeatedly collect the same gold provided you leave the room then re-enter it. So technically you could in that way build up a limitless supply of money.
I would definitely look forward to a sequel. Gave it 8/8 just because I have not enjoyed another storygame on here more. The pacing was superb. There were a little few characters and they seemed rather one-dimensional but I loved the different nooks and crannies to search and attack :3
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on 3/29/2013 5:15:14 PM with a score of 128020
Very interesting, would like to see a sequel
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on 3/27/2013 4:00:08 PM with a score of 16500
Very addicting just want it a little longer but good game overall
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on 3/25/2013 6:42:03 PM with a score of 84200
Good game kinda interesting combat. Upgrade the melee and body to godlike = GOD MODE ACTIVATE lol. Good game overall
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— oldsm66 on 3/22/2013 1:56:24 PM with a score of 67450
I love your writing. You're consistently fun to read. The imagination is great and the inventory system is awesome! That said...I have to try again for more endings! Definitely worth more than one play through. =)
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on 3/15/2013 6:37:35 PM with a score of 51950
really enjoyed the story, using a stat sheet and weapons was a very nice touch
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on 3/15/2013 3:26:30 PM with a score of 70330
Rawr! stomp. stomp. stomp.
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on 3/11/2013 2:36:33 PM with a score of 147830
Very fun and challenging. I wish there was more especially because you can buy kragons armory and only use it on one battle. At least that was just my ending
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— Guy on 3/7/2013 8:20:05 PM with a score of 121510
Found a bug. :D
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on 3/5/2013 11:56:41 AM with a score of 90960
Immensely entertaining! The story gets better and better! After I got the ending of the adventurer/damned/betrayer/noble, I've managed to get illicit lover and wolf, yay! Nice work with THE secret room! Totally caught me by surprise after a few tries. This game has great replay value!
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on 3/4/2013 1:09:07 PM with a score of 135850
It was pretty entertaining.
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on 2/25/2013 11:00:40 PM with a score of 123570
This was a lot of fun! probably one of the most innovative storygames on the site! I commend BerkaZerka for his work he truly is a great novelist! I would suggest everyone giving this a try!
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on 2/23/2013 4:06:44 PM with a score of 99420
If I had more patience and/or a better memory, I would play this more often to try different things. :)
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on 2/23/2013 12:50:16 AM with a score of 185230
This was so much fun. I have not read a choose your own adventure type book in 25+ years and have not roll played in 20+. This game/story is just what the doctor ordered and insurance paid for it! Good job!
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— Chris on 2/21/2013 9:04:29 PM with a score of 147730
It would appear that my score is in excess of ten million. Fancy that!
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on 2/20/2013 3:19:55 PM with a score of 10060020
"Zombie Horde: 800" and I was like, "Shit just got real."
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on 2/15/2013 9:13:16 PM with a score of 81970
I like this, though I found the 'you' character was a bit 2 dimensional. Still, I like the way the endings are labeled as well as how the stats are set up. But, I have to know...what's up with the whisk?
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on 2/14/2013 2:53:47 AM with a score of 82330
Awesome Approves!
Just. Great. I got Noble ending and Adventurous (?) ending.
Loved the wordplay and battle system. Really interesting and fun, and I hope another one is made.
(No 8 simply for blocks of text and so much reading. Not that I mind)
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on 2/10/2013 7:07:23 PM with a score of 59820
That was really good. I got the ending of adventurer, noble, betrayer and another one to do with the book. I highly recommend it although it feels like there could bhe more to the came. I thought it was a bit short but very well done and i got my body to god mode
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on 2/6/2013 6:20:03 PM with a score of 117710
It was good with the options and the boss fights were interesting but I scored two endings in 20 mins. It felt to short and like im running around in circles.
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on 2/5/2013 1:24:55 PM with a score of 27580
I got the ending of the Adventurer. awesome story, and i'd highly reccommend it.
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on 2/2/2013 3:32:50 PM with a score of 469160
Very very good game, kept you on your toes and thinking about whats coming next. Loved it, keep up the good work
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on 1/28/2013 12:32:13 AM with a score of 61320
Health: 95 (of 95); Gold: 1164; SCORE: 67900
those where my sates great game
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on 1/28/2013 12:17:09 AM with a score of 67910
This was definitely a well-written game though, if I must repeat what some others have said, it would have been nicer had it been a bit longer. For having taken a long hiatus from this website and come back recently, this storygame was definitely a nice one to find and rather reminds me why I joined in the first place. On a more technical note, while I appreciate the Wizard Kragan's marcantalism, I kind of wish there was a bit more characterization for him. I wanted to appreciate the Wizard's stance on things more and really would have wanted to know more about him. He may have only been in the game for the Armory (because he didn't really do anything else for the main character), but I kind of wish he had played a bit more important of a role. I guess you never meant it that way, though, so it's alright. If you made another storygame be it a sequel or some sort of parallel or something from this one, I'd definitely pop by and try it out.
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on 1/21/2013 4:07:44 PM with a score of 68060
Very well done, i hope you do more like this(if not a little longer)
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on 1/17/2013 11:41:11 PM with a score of 12220
i liked it, but i want to see more ( i got nobles ending)
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on 1/15/2013 9:30:42 PM with a score of 73160
Guess who just got the high score?
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on 1/3/2013 11:10:34 PM with a score of 223110
Quite a nifty game here.
The scripting was almost rock solid. There was just one minor glitch - (spoiler alert) I didn't receive any gold when I found the stash in the ghoul room.
The best feature of the game, in my opinion, was the organization. The shop and stat pages were set up to be quite neat; the small item image sizes were easy on the eye; and the map was a brilliant touch that cemented the game's status as highly accessible and minimally frustrating.
I rated it a well-deserved 7. It could easily have merited an 8 from me if it had a bit more detail in the combat sequences, more weirdness, or if it was done on a larger scale.
Finally, shouldn't the book be called Oblitera Nomina?
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on 1/3/2013 7:36:13 PM with a score of 176890
Good game, but it feels like the adventure was just beginning as it ended. Is there a way to fight Kragan and the succubus?
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on 1/3/2013 1:15:28 AM with a score of 149750
A bit on the easy side, to be sure, but it was ALSO really fun! I enjoyed it!
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— Zeta on 1/1/2013 3:48:04 AM with a score of 67440
Terrific use of items - the battle system was amazing. I got the ending of the Betrayer - don't ask about my taste in girls. The puzzle chest was really...puzzling (having more Brain stats doesn't really help...) - any help on that?
This game is absolutely awesome (one of the best, in my opinion, on this site) - please make some more games like this! =)
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on 1/1/2013 2:28:44 AM with a score of 127230
Wow, what I can I say...its absolutely awesome&amazing. I'm really glad I played this RPG-like storygame - it has an amazing storyline, a genius battle system and the use of items was exactly what you would find in a RPG game, only better. I highly recommend this game to anyone. Thanks :D (I would've liked to see more, so yes I agree with the other commentors that you should make it longer, but otherwise this is definitely one of the best games on this site.)
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on 12/28/2012 4:13:16 AM with a score of 59100
It would be awesome if this story were expanded upon. I really liked what I played and I think it has a lot of potential, but it ends too soon. This should be on the same scale as Dead Man Walking, if not longer. I'd really like to see this book updated with more locations, quests for your character to do, expanding on the endings instead of just telling you what happened in the years to come, etc. Haha especially the adventurer ending if you charge the wizard a finder's fee, all that equipment you buy afterwords just goes to waste. I think this has potential to become one of the best stories on the site. A definite 8 of 8 from me.
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— bladestorm360 on 12/22/2012 6:29:46 PM with a score of 94450
I got ending of the Noble. It's a great game, either way you play it.
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— Silverangel on 12/15/2012 12:40:22 PM with a score of 116730
Awesome throwback to the old text based rpgs and d&d modules. Lots of fun and well written. Highly recommended!
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— Dan on 12/11/2012 10:14:06 PM with a score of 68200
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on 12/2/2012 5:29:55 PM with a score of 89710
this was great i agre with some of the other commenters that it could be longer or perhaps a sequel to further our adventuring withthis character or an offspring or something.
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on 12/1/2012 12:53:42 AM with a score of 131060
Definitely one of my favorite games on the site. It's just so fun. I liked everything about it, the story, the fight scenes, the use of items, I thought the map was awesome! Would love it if the game was even longer, 'cos I just had so much fun playing it. Can't wait till the next game comes out. ^_^
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on 11/27/2012 7:19:16 AM with a score of 118750
I got the ending of the damned, but I was a little annoyed about how it turned out.
*Spoiler alert*
I'm gay, so I really had zero interest in the woman as a sex slave, and although given the option, I was intending to overthrow the necromancer from the inside and rule the world, I would NOT want her to have anything to do with it. If anything, I'd tell the necromancer of her plot in order to build his faith in me so that I could later use that faith to my advantage, and bring his downfall. Even if I was straight, I knew for a fact that she couldn't be trusted from the beginning, so I'd likely attempt use my new-found magic to make her into a mindless sex slave, and at the very least, attempt to make it impossible for her to do anything about it.
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— Anon on 11/26/2012 2:49:26 PM with a score of 20320
shoulda been longer woulda been great
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on 11/21/2012 11:01:24 PM with a score of 87770
I found a small glitch. If you find the remains of Thorimgul, searching the area again will give you the money again. It's not particularly gamebreaking though.
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on 11/17/2012 8:04:39 PM with a score of 160500
Got the Ending of the betrayer.
Just can't resist the charms of a succubus. I'll have to try again so I don't wind up as her slave next time.
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on 11/15/2012 8:11:56 PM with a score of 77290
Pretty cool
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on 11/10/2012 12:03:45 PM with a score of 12880
the game is tons of fun if you use common sense
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— dj on 11/9/2012 9:12:58 PM with a score of 134790
Well… ending of the betrayer… Anyway, that was the best game I've read here for a long time! It's right up there with Necromancer!
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on 10/22/2012 1:12:59 AM with a score of 162750
yay i am a adventorer
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on 10/19/2012 8:05:57 AM with a score of 130880
Amazing storygame! I enjoyed collecting items, killing enemies and finding secrets. I would have liked more battles, more areas and generally a bigger story, but nothing can be perfect. 7/8!
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— Astounded Player. on 10/18/2012 7:01:27 PM with a score of 89840
Awesome game!!!
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— AnyMouse on 10/3/2012 2:02:13 PM with a score of 109920
Second time playing through and I have to say I was a bit disappointed that my ranged weapon was so much weaker than their melee counter-parts. Granted, I still enjoyed the story, and got a lot further into it due to having a high search stat,but I still felt that my characters progression could have been better. I went from being mildly weak, to very weak, to almost unstoppable compared to my enemies.
On the other hand I became rich and the mayor of a wealthy city, so it ended quite well. Gave it a 7/8 since last time I played (on no account), i gave it a 8/8, which should even out to an 7.5 which it deserves.
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on 10/3/2012 1:05:51 PM with a score of 121350
i wish it was longer
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on 9/22/2012 12:01:07 PM with a score of 47850
Yeah.. I think this story could use a continuation.
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on 9/20/2012 7:01:51 AM with a score of 81680
enjoyed this game took a few replys to get it all
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on 9/18/2012 3:58:39 PM with a score of 212180
I like it! I have always been into dungeon crawling whether it being D&D or Death Trap Dungeon I have always loved this kind of stuff. You did it justice, if I had one complaint it would be the length. I wished it was a little longer, but that is only a very minor problem because what was there was fantastic. Good job!
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on 9/16/2012 12:55:23 AM with a score of 121170
Great game, loved the various items, would be better if it was longer
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on 9/15/2012 2:58:24 AM with a score of 78710
This was very entertaining. It's very replayable (I've played through it multiple times) and the scripting is mostly seamless.
While the storyline isn't groundbreaking and there are a few errors here and there, it was extremely entertaining and so far the most thoroughly scripted storygame on the site. Well done!
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on 9/10/2012 9:42:16 PM with a score of 83300
Very fun and well written dungeon crawl. Reminiscent of the old Zork text-based games. Excellent use of scripting, variables, and items. I played through several times, attempting different tactics, and saw that even the text alters depending on what one tries. Using items is intuitive and even holds some surprises with experimentation. One puzzle was extremely frustrating as it doesn't make a lot of sense at all - unless my brain is becoming soft. Great descriptions and some nice character interaction. There's a lot more to this story than is immediately apparent. Once you've "won," you can still adventure about. I would like to see a follow-up. Thanks and great job.
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on 9/10/2012 3:26:51 PM with a score of 97550
I loved the game. It was a lot of fun, even though I didn't really do everything.
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on 9/9/2012 3:53:51 PM with a score of 36530
Wow, thid is amazing! 7/8 Awesome work!
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on 9/9/2012 9:29:51 AM with a score of 120890
I have discovered EVERYTHING. Try to match (or even possibly) beat my path! Thanks to BerkaZerka and a whole lot of brains stats!
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on 9/6/2012 12:24:38 AM with a score of 172980
best game ever
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— alex on 9/5/2012 8:08:41 PM with a score of 85870
I love the mechanics. although the cliche of starting with you being the only survivor in your villages destruction is kinda overplayed.
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on 9/5/2012 6:56:48 PM with a score of 22750
Hi Lothander -- I answered your questions via email, so as not to give away too may Spoilers =)
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on 9/5/2012 12:47:39 PM with a score of 3630
Great game, the dungeon altough short is quiet enjoyable and there is a good story. In 2 gameplays I've found the Insanity, Destroyer, Fool, Damned, Adventurer and Noble Endings.
A few things I can't still make sure:
1- Can you save your family or they always die?
2- In my first gameplay sometimes I could use the book fine (ended going back) and others not without consequences, in the second never. Do your stats/locatin influence this or is it random?
3 - No matter my brains stat the puzzle inside the dungeon is always the same. Does solving it grant the chance to find a different ending?
Overall a wonderful game 7.5/8
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— Lothander on 9/5/2012 10:26:02 AM with a score of 81710
When I normally read stories on this site I'm usually not that impressed. Even with the featured games I don't have the experience others do. It's kind of like, "It was ok I guess." In fact, this is my reaction to most games on this site.
But it was not like that for this game.
It had adventuring, puzzles, exploring, fighting dangerous foes, etc. This was just amazing. I cannot believe all the items you had in this game and how well everything worked. Everything had a place.
And don't even get me started on the battle scenes. Every fight was unique. Every foe formidable in their own way. I found myself completely engrossed and rooting for Raven like he was my favorite player in Football.
The ONLY thing that I wish this game had was that if it was a bit longer. Maybe just to explore a world like Skyrim would have been the icing on the cake.
Regardless though, I put this game with the best on the site, in my opinion. Now I'm not saying this just to butter you up or something. Trust me. Look at most of the comments I leave on games and you will see I rarely say this to anyone.
Well done.
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on 9/4/2012 7:48:29 PM with a score of 112330
I loved it! It had good use of items, a wonderful battle system, an interesting story, plenty of options, and keeps me coming back to see what else I can find with each play through! It has the whole package in my opinion and I give it a 7/8! :D
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on 9/4/2012 6:51:31 PM with a score of 45450
Enjoy =)
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on 9/3/2012 4:56:30 PM with a score of 127610
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